2004 01 06 RDA Minutes LA QUINT A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ MINUTES JANUARY 6, 2004 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairperson Henderson. PRESENT: Board Members.Adolph, Osborne, Sniff, Chairperson Henderson ABSENT: Board Member Perkins MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to excuse Board Member Perkins. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Agency's real property negotiator, Jerry Herman, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential r-- terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located east of Dune Palms Road and 650 feet south of Highway 111, including or is a portion of APN 649-030-016, 017, and 040 for an Affordable Housing Agreement. Property Owner/Negotiator: Anne J. Mazzella and Skyline Pacific Properties, LLC. Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The Redevelopment Agency meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session that requires reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). PUBLIC COMMENT - None ,...-- CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 January 6, 2004 APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of December 16, 2003 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Perkins ABSENT. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JANUARY 6,2004. 2. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MCKENNA ET AL. FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. 3. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT REGARDING THE SILVERROCK RANCH TREE RELOCATION PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 2002-07A. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Perkins ABSENT. BUSINESS SESSION 1. SELECTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2004. There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. Chairperson Henderson declared the Chair vacant and nominations were opened by Acting Chairman Sniff. Board Member Adolph nominated Board Member Henderson. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Adolph/Osborne to close nominations and elect Board Member Henderson as Chairperson for Calendar Year 2004. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Perkins ABSENT. Nominations were opened for Vice Chair, and Board Member Sniff nominated Board Member Perkins. -.-- -- Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 January 6, 2004 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to close r- nominations and elect Board Member Perkins as Vice Chair for I Calendar Year 2004. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Perkins ABSENT. 2. CONSIDERATION OF REUSE OF THE AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE AT SILVERROCK RANCH. Assistant Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report. Jack Gallagher, of The Dahlin Group, reviewed the existing site plan, floor plan, and elevations. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Gallagher stated the Ahmanson ranch house was built in 1 961 . An unidentified member of the audience indicated the house was built by a company named Langton & Wilson. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Gallagher stated the house ,....- is approximately 2,650 square feet. He then proceeded to review Options A, B, and C. Board Member Adolph suggested eliminating Option A because it doesn't have sufficient restroom area. . Agency concurred. Board Member Adolph questioned why the restrooms in the office area were moved because that location is more accessible than having to go through the utility room. Mr. Gallagher indicated the facilities off of the utility room provide restrooms for kitchen employees. Board Member Adolph suggested abutting the new restrooms to the existing building to reduce costs. Mr. Gallagher pointed out separating the two buildings provides a vestibule area, and that connecting the two buildings would not save money because of the seismic issues involved. ,....- Board Member Adolph noted eliminating the roof over a vestibule area would save money, as would utilizing the existing plumbing. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 January 6, 2004 Mr. Gallagher stated it's less expensive to bring in new utilities than it would be to use the existing plumbing under the slab. He added it's his understanding that the new restrooms would be permanent and used for a future conference center. He indicated he will come back with the rationale as to why a separate restroom building is more cost effective. Board Member Adolph voiced concern about the costs, and noted future use of the ranch house has not been determined. He noted the separate building would also block the view of surrounding elevations. Mr. Gallagher stated handicap accessibility was one of the main concerns, and the restrooms inside the building would not be sufficient to meet that need in a future conference center. He then reviewed the handicap-accessible entry and parking area. He feels access to the building is the most challenging aspect of the project, and will have to be creative in directing people to the building. Board Member Adolph noted the ranch house is isolated from the first tee and the 18th hole, and asked where golf carts would be parked. Mr. Weiss stated Palmer Design Group has suggested different possibilities for temporary routing changes until the permanent clubhouse is built. Under the current routing, he estimated the clubhouse is 400-500 yards from the first tee. He added that staff feels the .additional restrooms would provide more flexibility in both the temporary and future uses of the building. By locating the restrooms on the north side of the building, they would be accessible not only to the clubhouse but also to golfers at the 8th hole. It would also require less grading at the entrance for handicap access. Staff has asked GMA to look at the entire layout for the temporary clubhouse to include parking, as well as handicap issues. He indicated the special use areas are being considered for golf cart parking. The golf carts can be parked close to the temporary clubhouse or in a staging area that is less obtrusive aesthetically. He noted an alternative to using the ranch house would be to utilize a modular building at a lower cost. Board Member Adolph voiced concern about how everything will be tied together, and commented on the need to consider the overall costs since this is only a temporary clubhouse. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Gallagher confirmed the electricity in the ranch house will be brought up to Code. - --- ----- Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 January 6, 2004 Development Coordinator Roy Stephenson stated a natural gas line - will be extended from Avenue 52, and he reviewed two sewer connection options. Mr. Gallagher noted historical buildings are not required to be brought up to current Code but it has been determined that one of the walls needs replacing. Board Member Sniff asked how long the building has been vacant, and Chairperson Henderson noted it was recently used by the Pelz Golf School. Mr. Gallagher noted future use of the building should be considered when looking at the costs. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Weiss stated the building is expected to be used as a temporary clubhouse for three years, depending on use of the golf course and how soon the second course will be constructed. He indicated funding for a permanent clubhouse has been identified in Phase 1 B, as well as rehabilitation of this building. He stated the $1.2 million includes site preparation costs but - not costs to create a future conference center. He noted the City has other funds that can be aillocated toward a community center as part of a permanent clubhouse. Board Member Osborne agreed $1.2 million is a lot of money for a temporary clubhouse, and wants to make sure it's spent cautiously. Mr. Weiss reviewed how the temporary clubhouse and potential golf cart storage areas fit into the comprehensive site plan, and confirmed the new restrooms would be permanent. Board Member Adolph asked if a parking structure for the golf carts is part of the $1.2 million cost, to which Mr. Gallagher responded, "No." In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Gallagher stated a schematic design will be developed once an option is selected. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Gallagher stated the ability to use the kitchen for catering services will be taken into consideration as the process moves forward. ,....- Chairperson Henderson stated she feels the ranch house has historical value and supports retaining it. She understands the concerns about Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 January 6, 2004 the costs and feels that should be anticipated as much as possible. She spoke in support of Option C. Board Member Sniff concurred. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Gallagher indicated there may be some modifications as the process moves forward, such as moving the restroom building toward the lounge. Board Member Adolph stated the restrooms seem to be the right size for the clubhouse uses but are larger than necessary for a halfway house. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the Ahmanson Ranch House as a temporary clubhouse and select Option C as the preferred floor plan layout. Board Member Osborne commented on the need to keep the costs down as much as possible. Mr. Gallagher stated the rehabilitation costs for the ranch house will be approximately $400,000 to $650,000, and the remainder of the $1.2 million is for the new restrooms and site improvements. Board Member Adolph stated he supports using the ranch house but feels the restroom building is too large. Motion carried unanimously with Board Member Perkins ABSENT. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF A LOGO FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. Assistant Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report. Steven Williams, of McMurry Inc., reviewed potential logos for the SilverRock Ranch project. Board Member Osborne voiced concern that the mission style logo on Page 21 may not be understood by people in other areas. He feels the rock logo on Page 1 9 is somewhat plain but the similar logo presented as a hole marker is too rough. -.--- Redevelopment Agency Minutes 7 January 6, 2004 - Mr. Williams indicated the logo on Page 19 is his personal favorite. Board Member Sniff prefers a logo with a sense of the desert, mountains, silver, and sun, and doesn't feel that is reflected in these proposals. He presented.a rough sketch of the logo he envisioned. Chairperson Henderson suggested Mr. Williams work with the rough sketch and bring it back with the other logos. Mr. Williams commented on the need to consider how the logo will embroider onto merchandise. Board Member Sniff stated he feels the mission style logo on Page 21 has potential but the windows should be closer together. He feels the . logo. should be unique to La Quinta and much more appropriate to the desert. Board Member Adolph stated he feels the logo should be simple and easy to identify. He is not enamored with any of the proposals but would select the logo on Page 14 if he had to choose. r-- Chairperson Henderson stated the logo on Page 21 initially made her think of the La Quinta Hotel and then of tombstones. She has a problem with the colors and suggested looking at the lavender or purple color of the Valley sky. She feels the logo on Page 14 is classy and suggested the possibility of using it with the rock (Page 1 9) on some things. She also .Iikes the logo on Page 17. Board Member Adolph stated he feels the proportions of the logo and lettering are off. Mr. Williams indicated he will try to come back in two weeks with revisions based on the Agency's comments, along with some new logos. Board Member Osborne requested their originally-designed logo with a mountain be brought back. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - None ,....- PUBLIC HEARINGS - None Redevelopment Agency Minutes 8 January 6, 2004 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Board Members Adolph/Osborne to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ,~-d.~ JUNE S. GREEK, Secretary City of La Quinta, California --- --- --- ---- -- -.