9807-157 (AR)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License 11Lic. Class Exp. Date ..._ Itil% r .� D ! Signature of .Contractor4 ,� 4 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole . compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Prote§§i6hals Ubde). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively-, contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. S'! X1.`1`E .1440 12;9.93 -€tffG"3.^.�i 2 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date: L " Applicant t Y -� Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree.to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon theabove"-mentionedproperty for inspection purposes. Sigridiure (Owner/Agent) bate 7 t BUILDING PERMIT PERMITN 9807-157 DATE VALUATION 543,624 ()o LOT TRACT JOB SITE ADDRESS 55-906 RILf,�E. , R APN 769-411-043 OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER ,'.t�11.G GREEN FiC3:3 4ii74i't`„':: 5 ;,c�lva ;'i1. JC t 1U�3 ,1 '.S i RIVIERA 79-9212 FIESTA 11MW •I,A.QUlM'A CA 9.2253 LA QUIM',A CA 9225.`t (7F_+4)775>7931 CRUZ 3217 USE OF PERMIT AI)ON Y r t Pith'�'M x'0011ON'_ i S U iQQQ CUST rpt CON S'i'i:i1i":d'ioIN, 317 �I i F- t_Z'+ aUINT-, d 't 011AIIATED COSTOP'")MMt 07 43.624.00 PLAIN r:1111-'rIx 0% '62,447.415 r,'•t itdS'f ft } t�"t`}t'iN };'}4.31 l f l f -!?f i/)••�7.1;t.f Nlfl �3'iS 5t> Poli (Itilt 144:,1.1. C`l.t E (i l t?b0 411 I-9!)ti 34 IM i�,{ iicri'icdr'ME. i t:)? 1414-ff11-�2�1d)Ot1 534.60 4JL4 rt4 ;1 Ns't 1� 1: 1121-011U-4119 000 043 N1I['Q0N(1 M(q'YAN 1;T -V .4441.1101 If)1-fl!)h ?til-f4t?E? St z6 11 .1" 1144 ON) •:123-)00 :44�Fp=t'f";iT4!,.rilf�l;";'1 RUIC; INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms 8 Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Q-- — Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing za - /3 - Compressor Insulation p ../ Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath one —! Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL AP ROVALS POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: Notice: Document Cannot Be Duplicated r - Desert Sands Unified School District 47-950 Dune Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 760-771-8515 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Date 8/19/98APN #7769-411-043 No. 17554 Jurisdiction La Quinta Owner NameJerold P Green Permit # No. 55-900 Street Riviera Lag # City La Quinta Zip 92253 Study Area Tract # Lot # Square Footage 560 Type of Development Single Family Residence No: of Units 1 Comments At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on gara;es/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time -due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE' This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 in tyre amount of;r. 1.93 X 560%,or $ 1,080.80 the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may noA be issued Fees Paid By cc/First Bank/Bob Edwards Construction Telephone 760 775-7933 Name on the check . By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Olivia Aguirre Payment Received $1,080.80 Check No. 043645 Signatures'%/G( NOTICE: Pursuant of Assrembly Bill 3081 (CHAP 549, STATS. 1996) this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest he fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is sssued or on which they are paid to the District(s) or to acother public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s)(s') behalf, whichever is earlier. Collector: Attach a copy of county or city plan check application form to district copy for all waivers. Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting Sent by='PGA NEST PGA .WEST RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. pu9-65-98 63=1.8Pm from 76077 �5> PGA WEST RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Notice of Architectural Approval Page 2% 2 This shall serve as written notification to the City of La Quinta that Dr. and Mrs. Jewld Green of 55-900 Riviera have gained written approval from the PGA West Residential Association, inc:. Architectural Committee and from a Management Employee of the homeowner Association. Specifically, Dr. and Mrs. Green have the approval to proceed with a bedroom addition. This signed approval must precede the issuance of permits hom the City of La Quinta. g�fq Date a:K� Date P.O. Box 1060, La Quinta, California 92253, Telephone 760-771-1234 FAX 760-771-5125 'T 11'LE 24 REPORT FOR". Green Residence(Existing ) 55-900 Riviera La 6ui nta , CA 92253 PROJECT DESIGNER: Robert A. Pitchford 41-625 Eclectic Ste. A-2 Palm Desert, CA 92260' (/6U) 346-2856 REPORT PREPARED BY: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT., CA 922.60 ( 619) 346-0855 Job Number:, Date: 6/30/1998 1,he COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to perform =he,calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program'has approval and is authorized by.the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd/EnergySoft, llc-(4L5),883--5900. cable -Of Contents 'f or "title 24 Report-.- ----------------- eport- Cover Nage .. ........"..... ......... .... Table of Contents .. . .............. ...... ...... 2 Form.CF-1R.Certificate of Compliance .. ......... ..... .. 3 Form MF-1R Mandatory. measures, Checklist ....5 Form N-2R Point System.Summary ............... -.......... ....... 7 Form C-2R.Computer Method Summary (points) ... 8 Form.ENV-3 Construction Assemblies ......... ........ 11 HVAC System Loads.Summary......... .. .. .. .:........ 16 Zone Heating Loads Summary .... ... 17 Zone Cooling Loads Summary 18 • E 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Residential (part 1 of 2) CF -1R page 3 of 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Address: 55-900 Riviera La Quinta, CA 92253 ;Building Permit No Designer: Robert A. Pitchford Architect Checked by / Date Documentation: BREEZE AIR COND'I'TIONING ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION, Compliance Method:' Climate Zone: Conditioned Floor Area: Building Type: Occupancy Type: Building Front orientation: Number of Dwelling Units: Floor Construction Type: BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component R-21 Wail (W.21.2x6.16) Solid Wood Door R-38 Roof(R .38 .2x14 .16 ) Slab Perimeter w/R-0.0 Slab Perimeter w/R-0.0 COMPLY 24 version 5.10 15 4002 sqft New Single Fam Det 0 deg ( N ) 1 Slab on Grade U -Value Location/Comments 0.059 Existing Residence 0.387 Existing Residence 0.028 Existing Residence 0.9.00 Existing Residence 0.720 Existing Residence FENESTRATION Shading Devices Frame Orient. Area U -Val 'Type Interior Exterior OH SF Type Front (N) 30.0 0.72 Double Std Drape none N' N Metal Front (N) 16.9 0.72 Double Std Drape none Y N Metal Front (N) 24.0 0.77 Double nonenone N N Metal Front ( N ) 48-.0 0.87 Double Std Drape none Y N Metal Front (N) 67.S 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard 'Bug Scr N N Metal Front (NE) 16.9 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Left (E) 121.3 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Left (E) 136.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal Left (E) 80.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr Y N Metal Left (SE) 20.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal Back ( S ) 15.0 0.72 Double .Std Drape none - N N Metal Back (S) 128.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N' N Metal Right (W) 36.0 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Right (W) 80.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal Right (NW) 59.4 0.72 Double Std Drape none Y N Metal Right (NW) 48.0 0.77 Double none none Y N Metal THERMAL MASS Area 'Thick Type covering (sf) (in) Location/Description Concrete, Heavyweight Exposed 1961 3.50 Slab on Grade Concrete, Heavyweight Covered .2041 3.50 Slab on Grade CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Residential (part 2 of 2) CF -1R page 4 of 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR • CONDITIONING ----------------;COMPLY 24 User 3665 ----------------------------------------------- HVAC'SYSTEMS Minimum • Distrib Type Duct TStat System Type Efficiency and Location RVal Type Location/Comments ------------------------------------- ---- ------ ----------------------- Furnace 0.800 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck Existing Res Zone SpltAirCond1o.000 SEER Ducts in Attic. 4.2 SetBck Water No. Tank Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul System Name Distribution Type Type Sys -Factor (gal) R -Val Std Gas 50 gal or Less Recirc-•mime&T•emp StorGas 2 0.53 50.0 12.0 AF UE WATER HEATER EQUIPMENT DETAIL /Rec Rated Stdby Tank Pilot System Name System Type Eff Input Loss R -Val Light ----------------------- ----------- --'-- ----- ----- ----- ----- Std Gas 50 gal or.Less DomesticHW 0.780 40000 0.040 0.0 0 SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT • This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to -comply. with Title 24, Parts 1 & 6 of the Caiifor,- nia Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulatio`-is to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. when this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single Building plan to be built in multiple orientatiois, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the special Featuras/Remarks section DESIGNER or OWNER (fuer Business & Professions Code) Robert A. Pitchford 41-625 Eclectic Ste,. A-2 Palm Desert, CA "'60 (760 ) 346-" 6 (s gnatur ( ate) ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name: Title: Agency: Telephone: 9 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 ( 619) 346-0855 (signature) .(date) (signature/stamp) (date) NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringentcompliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated -into the permit documents, the features ncted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES Enforcement o Sec. 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. o Sec. 150(b): Loose fill insulation -manufacturers labeled,R-Value. o Sec. 150(c): Minimum p-13 wall insulation in framed walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). o Sec'. 150(d ): Minimum H-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors; Minimum H-8 in concrete raised floors. . o Sec. 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rade no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. o Sec. 118: insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission quality standards. Indicate 'Type & form. o Sec. a. b. C. 116-117: Fenestration -Products, Ext Doors & .Infil/Exfil Controls Doors and windows between conditioned and,uncondit_oned spaces designed_to limit air leakage. Manufactured fenestration products have label w/certified U -Value Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all jo=nts and penetrations caulked and sealed. o Sec. 150(8): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones !4 and 16 only. o Sec. 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets Commission quality standards. o Sec. 150(e): Installation of.Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST ( part 1 of L ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MF -1K page 5 of 18 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING -------------------------------------------------------I------------------- ,C,C;MPLY 24 User 3665 NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringentcompliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated -into the permit documents, the features ncted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES Enforcement o Sec. 150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. o Sec. 150(b): Loose fill insulation -manufacturers labeled,R-Value. o Sec. 150(c): Minimum p-13 wall insulation in framed walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). o Sec'. 150(d ): Minimum H-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors; Minimum H-8 in concrete raised floors. . o Sec. 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rade no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. o Sec. 118: insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission quality standards. Indicate 'Type & form. o Sec. a. b. C. 116-117: Fenestration -Products, Ext Doors & .Infil/Exfil Controls Doors and windows between conditioned and,uncondit_oned spaces designed_to limit air leakage. Manufactured fenestration products have label w/certified U -Value Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all jo=nts and penetrations caulked and sealed. o Sec. 150(8): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones !4 and 16 only. o Sec. 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets Commission quality standards. o Sec. 150(e): Installation of.Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. • • MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 2 of 2) MF -'1R page 6 of 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACE COND'I'TIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES o Sec. 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. o Sec. 150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. Enforcement o Sec. 150(j): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. indirect hot water tanks (eg unfired storage tanks�or backup solar hot water tanks) have insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater).. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water. heater tank, non -recirculation systems, insulated (R-4 or greater.. 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculation sections of hot water system. 4. Cooling system piping below 55 F insulated. 5. ,Piping insulated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. o Sec. 150(m) Ducts and Fans * 1. Ducts constructed, installed and sealed to comply with UMC Sections 1002 and 1004; ducts insulated to a minimum R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. 2.. Exhaust systems have backdraft or automatic damper:. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible manually operated' dampers. o Sec. 114:Pooi and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with /8% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover.for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation ,pump time switch. o Sec. 115: Gas-fired central furnace, pool heater, spa heater or household cooking appliance have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliance with pilot <.150 Btuh) LIGH'TI'NG MEASURES . o Sec. 150(k): Lighting - 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting. in kitchens and rooms with water closets; and recessed ceiling fixtures IC (insulation cover) approved. POINT SYSTEM, SUMMARY P -2R page 7 of 18 Project Name= Green.Residence(Existing) .;Daae- 6/30/1998 • Documen.tation__- BREEZE_AIR1• CUNDI'TIONNG -_ _w�V��.;,COMPLY-- - 24User 5366 .., BUILDING DATA ------------- Conditioned Floor Area 4002 sgft Number of Stories 1 Occupancy 'Type Single Fam Det SCORE CARD Measure !Points . 1. Roof Insulation 0.0283 .(U -Value) U 2. Wall Insulation 0:0592 (U -Value) -1 3. Raised. Floor Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) 3a. Controlled Vent Crawlspace 0.0 (R -Value) 4. -Slab Edge insulation 0.8067. {f2 factor)_; 5. infiltration Standard U 6. Glass Heat Los's 0.81.: 23.2% -11 Sum 1-6 -13 7.. Fenestration Heat Gain SC Orientation Area` o Glass Open Eff % SER • - - -- ------ North203 3 5=1` x U.78,_ 4.U� 0.88 -1 East 357.3 .8.9 x 0.75'= 6.7 0.84 -11 South 143.0 3.6 x 0.77 = 2.7 0.86 -1 West 223.4 5.6 x 0.65 = 3,.6 0.84 -4 Skylight 0.0 '0:0 x,. _:0.00 .= 0.0 0.00 0 8. Interior' Thermal Mass 3.17 3 ..9-. Exterior Wall Mass 0.00 U Sum 7-9 -14 10. Heating System 1 Zonal Control: No 11. Cooling System U 12. Water Heating - -3 Point Totai� �9 40 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY ('part --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 of 3) C -2R page 8 of 18 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ------------------------- -------------- -------------------------------- ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 POINT SYSTEM COMPLIANCE SUMMARY - Proposed Design Point Score -2` 9 Points *BUILDING DOES NUT"COMPLY* Budget Compliance.Point Goal points GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: COMPLY 24 version 5.1C Climate Lone: i5 ' Conditioned Floor Area: 4002 sqft Building Type: New Occupancy Type: Single Fam Det Building Front orientation: 0 deg (N) Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Stories: 1 Floor• Construction Type: Slab on Grade Total•Conditioned Volume: 36018 cuft Conditioned Footprint Area: 4002 sqft. Ground Floor Area: 4002 sqft ' BUILDING LONE INFORMATION Floor # of Vent • Zone 'Name--------------' Area Volume Units Zone 'Type T�,tat 'Type Hgt Area Existing Res Zone 4002 36018 1.00 Conditioned SE!tback 2 n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Act Sonar Type Area U-Val'Azm Tilt Gains ---- ---- ----- --- ---- ----- Form 3 Reference Location/Comments ZONE NAME =Existing Res Zone ----------------------- -------------------- Wall 460 .0.059 U 90 Yes R-21 Wall.(W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wail 55 0.059 45 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall 237 0.059 90 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wail 23 0.059 135 90 Yes R-21 Wail (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall .724 0.059 180 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W..21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Door 20 0.387 180 90 Yes Solid Wood.Door Existing Residence Wall 36 0 .059 225 90* Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall' 443 0.059 270 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Door 24 0.387 270 90 Yes Solid Wood Door Existing Residence Wall 30 0.059 315 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Roof 4002 0.028 0 22 Yes R-38'Roof(R.38.2x14.16) Existing Residence 40 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY (part 2 of 3) C -2R page 9 of 18 --i ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING---;COMPLY-24 User 3665 -------------------------------------------------------------- PERIMETER LOSSES F2 insulation hype Length Factor R -Val Depth Location/Ccmments --------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----------------------- ZONE NAME = Existing Res Zone Exposed 172.0 0.90 0.0 U in Existing Residence Covered 185.0 0.72 0.0 0 in Existing Residence FENESTRATION SURFACES SC Act Glass # 'Type Area Frame Div U -Val Azm *Tilt Only Location/Comments --------------- ----- ----- --- ----- --- ---- ----- --------------------- ZONE NAME = Existing Res Zone 1 wdw Front (N) 16.9 Metal No 0.72 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 2 Wdw Front (N) 48.0 Metal No 0.87 0 90 .0.88 Existing Residence 3 Wdw Front (N) 33.8 Metal No 0.87 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 4 Wdw Front (N) 33.8 Metal No 0.87 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 5 Wdw Front (N) 30.0 Metal No 0.72 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 6 Wdw Front (N) 24.0 Metal No 0.77 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 7 Wdw Front (NE) 16.9 Metal No 0.72 45 90 0.88 Existing Residence 8 Wdw Left (E) 36.0 Metal No 0.87 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 9 wdw Left (E) 50.0 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 10 Wdw Left (E) 100.0 Metal No 0.87 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence • 11 wdw Left (E) 23.8 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 12 wdw Left (E) 40.0 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 13 Wdw Left (E) 80.0 Metal No 0.87 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 14 Wdw Left (E) 7.5 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 15 Wdw Left (SE) 20.0 Metal No 0.87 135 90 0.88 Existing Residence 16 Wdw Back (S) 7.5 Metal No 0.72 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 17 wdw Back (S) 48.0 Metal No 0.87 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 18 wdw Back (S) 80.0 Metal No 0.87 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 19 wdw Back (S) 7.5 Metal No 0.72 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 20 Wdw Right (W) 36.0 Metal No 0.72 270 90 0.88 Existing Residence 21 wdw Right (W) 80.0 Metal No 0.87 270 90 0.88 Existing Residence 22 Wdw Right (NW) 16.9 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 23 Wdw Right (NW) 11.3 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Exiting Residence 24 Wdw Right (NW) 48.0 Metal No 0.77 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 25 Wdw Right (NW) 11.3 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 26 Wdw Right (NW) 20.0 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SHADING # Type .interior Shade hype SC Exterior Shade hype SC -- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---- 1 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 2 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 3 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 4 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 •5 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 6 wdw None 1.00 None 1.00 .7 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 8 wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 9 wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 10 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 11 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 12 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 12 W(1w ci t, Cl nY AmP. !'1 7Q C:tnni^I-A u...-- r% o-7 14 Wdw Std'Drape 0.78 None 1.00 •15 Wdw. Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 16 Wdw Std Drape 0.78. None 1.00 17 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 18 Wdw Std Drape. 6.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87• 19 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00. 20 Wdw Std Drape .0.78 None 1.00 „ 21 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen. 0.87 22 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.`00 23 Wdw Std Drape .0.78 None 1.00 24 Wdw None 1.UU None 11.00 25 Wdw y Std Drape U.78 None 1.00 26 Wdw Std, Drape 0.78 None 1.00 OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS ---Right Fin-- Cist Len Ht COMpU`TER METHOD SUMMARY ( part 3 of 3) C -2R page 10 of 118. # Project Name= Green Residence(Existing) ;Date''6/30/1998 Wd Len Documentation_BREEZEAIR -CONDITIONING - - --_-^------------, C,MPLY User3665 24- - OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS ---Right Fin-- Cist Len Ht THERMAL'MASS Area Thick. Heat inside Location 'Type (sf) (-in) cap Cond Form 3 Reference R -Val . Comments ZONE NAME = Existing Res Lone Exposed Slab 1961 3.50 28 .0.98 n/a 0 Covered Slab 2041 3.50 28 0.98 .n/a 2 HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Distrib Type Duct TStat • System_Type Efficiency and - -Location Y RVal Typey- Location/Comments -- Furnace 0.800 AFUE Ducts.in Attic 4.2 SetBck Existing Res Zone SpitAirCond10.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2.SetBck Water No, bank Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul System Name Distribution Type Type Sys Factor (gal) R -Val Std Gas 50 gal or Less Recirc-Time&Temp StorGas 2, 0.53 50.0 12.0 WATER HEATER EQUIPMEN'T DE`TAI'L System Name System 'Type Std Gas 50 gal or Less DomesticHW SPECIAL F'EA`TURES/REMARKS • AF UE /Rec Rated Stdby Tank Pilot Eff Input Loss R -Val Light 0.780 40000 '0.040 0:_0 0. --Window-- -----Over hang------ ---- Left Fin---., # 'Type Ht Wd Len Ht LExt RExt Dist Len Ht 1 Wdw 6.8 2.5 8.0 0.1 8 .0, . 8 .0' 2 Wdw 8.0 6.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 13 Wdw 8.0 10.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 .' 4.0 22 Wdw 6.8 2.5 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 23 Wdw 7.5 1.5 8.0 0.1 8 . CT 8.0 24 Wdw 8.0 6.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 25 Wdw 7.5 1.5 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 26 Wdw2.0 10.0 8.0 0.1 8.0 8.0 THERMAL'MASS Area Thick. Heat inside Location 'Type (sf) (-in) cap Cond Form 3 Reference R -Val . Comments ZONE NAME = Existing Res Lone Exposed Slab 1961 3.50 28 .0.98 n/a 0 Covered Slab 2041 3.50 28 0.98 .n/a 2 HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Distrib Type Duct TStat • System_Type Efficiency and - -Location Y RVal Typey- Location/Comments -- Furnace 0.800 AFUE Ducts.in Attic 4.2 SetBck Existing Res Zone SpitAirCond10.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2.SetBck Water No, bank Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul System Name Distribution Type Type Sys Factor (gal) R -Val Std Gas 50 gal or Less Recirc-Time&Temp StorGas 2, 0.53 50.0 12.0 WATER HEATER EQUIPMEN'T DE`TAI'L System Name System 'Type Std Gas 50 gal or Less DomesticHW SPECIAL F'EA`TURES/REMARKS • AF UE /Rec Rated Stdby Tank Pilot Eff Input Loss R -Val Light 0.780 40000 '0.040 0:_0 0. PROPOSED CONS•TRUC•T1'ON ASSEMBLY- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV -3 page 11 of 18 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDI'TTQNING --------------------------------------------------------------------------. ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: R-21 Wall,(W.21.2x6.16)* Assembly.'Type: Wall - Assembly Tilt:. 90 dee (vertical) Framing Material: Wooc Framing Spacing: U.C. Framing Percent: 15.0 ------------------------------- Absorptivity: 0.70 . Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Stucco, Woad Shingles ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -value Construction Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr (in:, Cavity Frame Outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Stucco 0.875 0.17 0.17 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt .0.010 0.06 0.06 3. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 * 5.500 21.00 5.45 4. Gypsum or.Plaster Board 0.50Co 0.45 0.45 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. Inside Air Film --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.68 0.68 Unadjusted R -Values 22.53 6.98 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 /22.53) x-(0.85) + (1 / 6.98) x (0.15) Weight: 13.2 lb/sqft Heat capacity: 3.23 0.059 1 U'1'AL U -VALUE _ TU'TAL, R -VALUE _ 0.059 16.89 PROPOSED CONSI'RUC'TION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 12 .of 18 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing), ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE. ATR CONDITIONING -- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ; C,C.MPLY. Z4 User 3665 ----- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- Assembly Name: R-38 Rcof(R.38.2x14.16) Assembly 'Type: Roof Assembly 'Tilt:'22 dee (Til ted up) Framing Material:' Wood Framing Spacing: `" U.C. Framing Percent: 10.O Absorptivity: 0.70 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph.,Shingles ASSEMBLY U -VALUE �.h R -value Construction Components. Fr (.in) Cavity Frame Outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Roofing, Asphalt Shingles 0.250 0.44 0.44 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 0.010 0.06 0.06 3. Plywood 0.500 0.62 0.62 4. Air Space * 1:750 0.77 1.73 5. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-38 * 11.500 38.00 11.39 6. Gypsum or Plaster Board. 0.509 0.45 6.45 7. 8. 9. inside Air Film 0.61 0.61 Unadjusted R -Values 41.13 15.47. ADJUS'TMEN'T FOR FRAMING (1 /41.13) x (0.90)"+ (1 /15.47) x (0.10) . = 0.028 TOTAL:U-Vr1LUE = 0.028 'TO'TAL R -VALUE _ 35.28 Weight: 9.4 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 3.00 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION.ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 13 of 18 Project Name: Green kesidence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR •.CONDITIONING ---------------------------------------------------�------------------------ :COMPLY24User,366.5 - T_ ----- COMPONENT-DESCRIPTION COMPONENT DESCRIPT ON -------------------- Assembly Name: Carpeted Slab On Grade Assembly Type: Floor Assembly Tilt: 18b deg (Horizontal Floor) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: _" O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 Absorptivity:, O.00. Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -value Construction Components, Fr (in; Cavity Frame Outside Air Film 0.17' 0.17 1. Earth 24.00C 4.00 4.00 2. Concrete, 140 ib, Not Dried 3.500 0.28 0..28 3. Flooring, Carpet.and Fibrous Pad 0.250 2.08 2.08 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. inside Air Film 0.92 0.92 Unadjusted R -Values 7.45 7.45 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING ( 1 / 7.45) `x (1.00) + ( 1 / 7.45) 'x (0;00) = 0.134 Weight Heat Capacity: • 210.9 lb/sgft 42.19 TOTAL .0 -VALUE _ TOTAL R -VALUE _ 0.134 7.45 ° - 'PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ` ___-_-_________-__-___________________-_-__-___-__-________________-___-___ . ^ ENV -3. page 14 of l8 Project- Name:,Green Residence(Existing) ' !Date: 6/30/1998 ' Documentation' BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ' . ____-___-________________-________________________________________�_______- . / CCMPLY 24 User 3665 ' / . ' COMpONEmT DESCRIpTION ____-_______-____--______-__-__ Assembly Name: Exposec Slab On Grade Asaembly Type: Floor ` / / | | Assembly ` Tilt: 180 deg (-Horizmntal Floor) | Framing . Material' None Framing Spacing: Framing Percent: 0'0 % ' ^ ------------------------------- _-_-__________________________5h Absorptivity:' . O'OO sketch th of construction Assembly . Roughness: Concrete, Aa' ph' Shingles ` ' ASSEMBLY U -VALUE . Th R -Value ConstruotionComponento ------------------------------------------------------ . -Fr (in-., Cavity Frame ' ` ^ Outside Air Film '� � . ------------- 0. 17 0.17 , 1' Earth ' ' 24'000 4'00 4'00 2' Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried ' � 3' S00 0.28 ' ' 0'''�8 ' ' ^ 3' 4' 6' 7. 8' ' 9' , inside Air Film . _________________________-__�-_____-_-___________---__-________-__-________ . O ' '2 0.92 . . ' ,Unadjusted R-Values5.37 5.37 - ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (I / 5.37))( (1.00) + (1 / 5.37) x /0-00l Weight: Heat Capacity: ' � . . ' 210'8 lb/oqft ' 42'17 = O'l86 TOTAL U -VALUE = . . ' TOTAL R -VALUE = O'l86 ===== 5'37 ===== ' � ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAM'I'NG (1 / 2.58) x (1.00) + (1- / 2.58) x (0.00) weight: HeatCapacity: 5.1 lb/sgft 1.99 0.387 TOTAL U -VALUE _ TOTAL R -VALUE 0.387 2.58 •PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY' ENV; -3 page 15 of 18 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR C,ONDI,TIONING ------ _------ _ _ ---------------- . ------------------------- ,COMPLY 24 User --------- 3665 COMNONEN.T DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- Assembly Name: Solid Wood.Door, Assembly "Type: Door Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (Vertical). Framing Material: None, Framing Spacing: �" O.C. Framing percent: 0.0 ------------------------------- Absorptivity: 0.70 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Glass, paint on pine ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -Value Construction Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr (in)' Cavity Frame outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch 1.750 1.73 1.73 • 3: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. inside Air Film --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.68 0.68 Unadjusted R -Values 2.58 2.58 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAM'I'NG (1 / 2.58) x (1.00) + (1- / 2.58) x (0.00) weight: HeatCapacity: 5.1 lb/sgft 1.99 0.387 TOTAL U -VALUE _ TOTAL R -VALUE 0.387 2.58 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LUAU SUMMARY page 16 of 18 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE,AIR CONDITIONING ;COMPLY Z4 User 3665 • -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION HVAC System Name: Existing.Res Zone Heating System. Name: BUN CO. 395CA1,060.111 Cooling System Name: BDP , CO. 561AJ060-* System Multiplier 3 Fan Schedule: CA Daytime Fans Peak Load Method: COINCIDENT Relative Humidity: 50 ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM PEAK HEATING PEAK Existing Residence (Jan 12am) 77434 (Aug 2pm) TOTAL ZONE LOAD 7.434 Duct Gains & Losses: Ventilation: ( 600 CFM) Return Air Lighting Gain Supply/Return Fan Gain: TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD • SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDIT'I'ONS 7743 24456 0 109633 600 CFM) COOLING. SENSIBLE LATENT •96622 10931 96622 10931 9662 21225 7040 0 U 127509 1797-1 MA'I'N HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 267000 119536 36221 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the -minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicat"ed. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to.account for variations, in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback. thermostat. Those respons=ble for final equipment selection should -note that Sensible and Latent cooling Loads are. indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. L� f RESIDENTIAL ZONE HEATING,LOAD SUMMARY page 17.of 18 ------------------------ ------ ---- -------------------- ------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;DE.te: 6/30/1998 • Documentation: BREEZE AIH CONDITIONING :COMPLY 24 User 3665 .-.. --------_.-. .---.----_.--.--------......._ - ------------------- I ------------.-.---... - Zone Name: Existing Residence Design Indoor DryBulb Temperature: 70 F Design outdoor Winter Dry Bulb 'temperature= 32 F Design Temperature Difference: 38 F Conduction Area U -Value TD Btu/hr R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 2006.9 x 0.0592 x 38.0 - 4515 Solid Wood Door 44.3 x 0.3872. x 38.0 = 651 Dual Clear 30.0 x 0.7200 x.38.0 = 821 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 462 Dual Clear 24.0 x 0.7700 x 38.0 = 702 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 = 1587 Dual Clear 67.5 x 0.8700 x 38.0 = 2232 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 462 D.ual Clear 121.3 x 0.7200 x 38.0 - 3317 Dual Clear 136.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 - 4496 Dual Clear 80.0 x.. 0.8700 x.38.0 = 2645 Dual Clear 20.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 = 661 Dual Clear 15.0 x 0.7200 x,38.0 = 410 Dual Clear 128.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 - 4232 • Dual Clear 36.0 x 0.7200 x 38.0- = 985 Dual Clear 80.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 = 2645 Dual .Clear 5.9.4 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 1625 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.7700 x 38.0 = 1404 R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 4002.0 .x 0.0283 x 38.0 = 4311 Slab on Grade Perim = 172.0 x 42 = 7138 Slab on Grade Perim = 185.0 x 42 = 7678 infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 4002 sf'x 9.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 38.0 = '24456 'ro"rAL HOURLY HEAT LUSS FOR ZONE 77434 Heating AirF'low: 77434 Btu/hr / [1.07 x 35 F Delta? -1] = 2064 cfm • RESIDENTIAL ZONE COOLING LUAU SUMMARY page 18 of 18 --------- ------------------------------------- - --------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 • Documentation: BREEZE Ails CONDITIONING;COMPLY24User3665 --------- -- - Zone Name: Existing Residence Design Indoor Dr.y Bulb Temperature: Design outdoor Summer Dry Bulb `Temperature: Design 'Temperature Difference: 78 F 112 F 34 F Conduction Area u -Value DETD Btu/hr R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 2006.9 x 0.0592 x 30.6 = 3636 Solid Wood Door 44.3 x 0.3872 x 30.6 = 524 Dual Clear 30.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 734 Dual clear 16.9 x 0.7200` x 34.0 = 413 Dual Clear 24.0 x 0.7700 x 34.0 = 628 Dual clear 48.0 x 0.8700- x 34.0 = 1420 Dual Clear 67.5 x 0.8700, x 34.0 = 1997 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 413 Dual clear 121.3 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 2968 Dual Clear 136.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 4023 Dual Clear 80.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 2366 Dual Clear 20.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0, = 592 Dual Clear 15.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 - 367 Dual Clear .128.0 x 0.8700; x 34.0 = 3786 Dual clear 36.0 x 0.720,0 x 34.0 - 881 • Dual clear 80.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 - 2366 Dual clear 59.4 x 0.7200 x 34.0 - 1454 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.7700. x 34.0 = 1257 R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 4002.0 x 0.0283: x 51.0 = 5786 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 4002 sf x 9.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 34.0 = 21881 Shaded unshaded Solar Gain Orient. Area SGF Area SGF Sc Dual clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 16.9 x 1.51 x 0.68 = 172 Dual clear North ( 0.0 x 15 + 48.0 x 15] x 0.68 = 490 Dual clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 33.8 x 1.5] x 0.66 = 334 Dual clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 33.8 x 151 x 0.66 = 334 Dual Clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 30.0 x 1.5] x 0.68 = 306 Dual clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 24.0 x 151 x 0.79 = 285 Dual Clear Northeast [ 0.0 x 15 +' 16.9 x 48] x 0,.68 = 552 .Dual clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 36.0 x _73] x 0.66 = 1731 Dual clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 50.0 x 731 x 0.68 = 2485 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 100.0 x 73] x 0.66 = 4809 Dual clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 23.8 x 73] x 0.68 = 1181 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 40.0 x 731' x 0.68 = 1988 Dual Clear East, [ 31.0 x 15 + 49.0 x 73] x 0.66 = 2663 Dual Clear East ( 0.0 x 15 + 7.5 x 73],x 0.68 = 373 Dual clear Southeast [ 0.0 x 15 + 20.0 x 621 x 0.66 = 817 •.Dual Dual clear clear South South [ 0.0 x 15 [ 0.0 x 15 + 7.5 x + 48.0 x 321 32] k 0.68 x 0.66.= = 163 1012 Dual clear South ( 0.0 x 15 + 80.0 x 32] x 0.66 = 1687 Dual clear South ( 0.0 x 15 + 7.5 x 321 x 0.68 = 163 Dual Clear West [ 0.0 x 15 + 36.0 x 731 x 0.68 = 1790 Dual clear West [ 0.0 x 15 + 80.0 x 731 x0.66 = 3847 Dual clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 + 16.9 x 43] x 0.68 = 552 Dual clear Northwest ( 0.0 x 15 + 11.3 x 43] x 0.68 = 368 {QUA 1 C i PAY N n r t' huir�ci- r (') fl v 1 V, + AQ n .. A:;�l .. rN •77o - 9 ca-Ic Dual Clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 +- 11.3 x 48] x 0.68 = 368 Dual Clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 + 2O .0 x 481 x 0.68 = 654 Internal Gain Op 'Frac., Area. Heat Gain Conv. Lighting 1.00 x 4002.0 x 0.2,00 x 3.413 = 2732 1.00 x 4002.0 x 0.100 x.' ' 3.413 1366 •Equipment Occupants "1 ..00 x 4002.0 x 255 i 250 = 4082 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR; ZONE '96622 Latent Gain Op. Frac.. Area Heat Gain Conv'. Btu/hr Equipment 1.00 x 4002.0 x 0.000 x 3.4113 - '0 Occupants 1,UU x 4002.0 x 255 250 -: 4082 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4002 sf x 9.0 ft., x 1:00 AC x 0.190 = 6849 - TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ZONE 10931 Cooling AirFlow: '.96622.Btu/hr / [1.07 x 23 F Deltal'A = 3919 cfm. sem. TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: Green Residence 55-900.Riviera La Chu i nta , CA 92253 PROJECT DESIGNER: Robert A. Pitchford 41-625"Eclectic Ste. A-2 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760),346-2856 REPORT PREPARED BY: BREEZE ATR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT,, CA 92260 ( 619) 346-0855 Job Number: Date: 6/30/1998- I 'he /30/1998• 1'he COMPLY 24 computerprogram has been used to perform the calculations'. - `'"' �`summarized in this compliance report. this program has a F°proval and is. authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by Gabel Dodd/EnergySoft, llc (415) 883-5900. TITLE 24 REPORT FOR Green Residence(Existing plus.Addition), 55-900 Riviera La Quinta,,CA +92253 PROJECT. DESIGNER: Robert A. Pitchford Architect 41-625 Eclectic Ste. A-2 Palm Desert, CA 92260 w ( 760) 346-2856 1 REPORT PREPARED BY: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING 75-145 ST -CHARLES PLACE ,. ,• PALM DESERT', CA 92260 ( 619) 346-0855 Job Number: Date: 6/30/1998 The COMPLY 24 computer prog'ram has been used to perform. the calculations summarized in this compliance report: This program has approval and is • authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential. and Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency. Standards.•.. This program developed by Gabel Dodd/Energy.Soft , 110 ( 415) 883-5900. 4 Table Of Contents for Title 24 Report ------------------------------------- Cover Nage .... .-•............................ 1. Table of Contents ............. ........ 2 Form CF-1R Certificate of Compliance 3 Form MF-1R Mandatory Measures Checklist ............................. 5 Form P-2R Point System Summary 7 Form C:-2R Computer .Method Summary (Points) ..............e....... 8 Form ENV-3 Construction Assemblies .. ...: ... 11 HVAC System Loads Summary ............ 16 Zone Heating Loads.Summary ............................................. 18 Zone Cooling Loads Summary ......... .. 20 Form CF-6H Installation Certificate... 22 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Residential (part 1 of 2) CF -IR page 3 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Daze: 6/30/1998 Address: 55-900 Riviera • La Quinta, CA 92253 ;Building Permit No Designer: Robert A. Pitchford Architect :Checked by / Date Documentation: BREEZE AIR COND'I'TIONING ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: COMPLY 24 version 5.10 Climate Zone: 15 Conditioned Floor Area: 4562 sqft Building Type: New Occupancy Type: Single Fam Det Building Front Orientation: 0 deg (N) Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Floor Construction Type: Slab on Grade BU'I'LDING SHELL INSULATION Component U -Value Location/Comments R-21 Wail (W.21.2x6.16) 0.059 Guest Room Addition R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 0.059 Existing Residence Solid Wood Door 0.387 Existing Residence R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 0.028 Guest Room Addition R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 0.028 Existing Residence Slab Perimeter w/R-0.0 0.900 Guest Room Addition •Slab Perimeter w/R-O.O 0.720 Guest Room Addition Slab Perimeter w/R-0.0 0.900 Existing Residence Slab Perimeter w/R--O.O 0.720 Existing Residence FENESTRATION Shading Devices Frame Orient. --------- Area U -Val ------ Type Interior Exterior OH SF Type Front ----- (N) 30.0 0.72 ------ Double --------------- Std Drape --------------- none. -- -- N N ----- Metal Front (N) 16.9 0.72 Double Std Drape none Y N Metal Front (N) 24.0 0.77 Double none none N N Metal Front ( N ) 48.0 0.87 Double Std Drape none Y N Metal Front (N) 67.5 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard 3ug Scr N N Metal Front (NE) 16.9 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Left (E) 121.3 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Left (E) 136.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal Left (E) 80.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr Y N.Metal Left (SE) 68.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal Back (S) 15.0 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Back (S) 128.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr.N N Metal Right (W) 16.0 0.72 Double none none N N None Right (W) 36.0 0.72 Double Std Drape none N N Metal Right (W) 80.0 0.87 Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal Right (NW) 2.0 0.72 Double none none N N None Right (NW) 59.4 0.72 Double Std Drape none Y N Metal Right (NW) 48.0 0.77 Double none none Y N Metal •Right Skylight (NW) 64.0 0.87 12.0 0.80 Double Double Std Drape Standard Bug Scr N N Metal none none N N Metal THERMAL MASS Area Thick Type --------------------- Covering -------- (sf) (in) ----- ----- Location/Description ------------------------------ Concrete, Heavyweight Exposed 147 3.50 Slab on Grade Concrete, Heavyweight Covered 413 3.50 Slab on Grace Concrete. HeavvwPi aht FFYonand 1 QA1 A Rn Wink ^- r_Y,a- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Residential (part 2 of 2) CF -1R page 4 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/.30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING________________:LO`1PLY 24 User 3665 -----�----------------- ---- ------------- - ------------- HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Distrib Type Duct TStat System Type Efficiency --------------------- and Location ---------------- Ext. RVal ---- Type Location/Comments Furnace 0.810 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 ------ ----------------------- SetBck Guest Room Addn Zone PackAirCond12.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck Furnace 0.800 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck Existing Res Zone SpltAirCondlo.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 SetBck • COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 & 6 of the Califor- nia Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single Building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section • DESIGNER or OWNER (Per Business & Professions Code) Robert A. Pitchford ' 41-625 Eclectic Ste. A-2 Palm Desert, CA Q60) ) 34 i /b Q4ignature ) ( date ) ENFORCEMENT Name: Title: Agency: Telephone:_ AGENCY DOCUMENTATION AU_HOR BREEZE AIR CONDI`IONING 75-145 SV CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92260• ( 619) 346-0855 (signature) '( date ) (signature/stamp) (date) Water No. Tank Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul System Name ----------------------- Distribution ------------------ Type Type Sys Factor (gal) R -Val RHEEM 44V50 Recirc-Time&Temp ------- StorGas --- 2 ------ 0.61 ----- 50.0 ----- 12.0 AFUE WATER HEATER EQUIPMENT DETAIL /Rec Rated Stdby Tank Pilot System Name ----------------------- System Type ----------- Eff .Input Loss R -Val Light RHEEM 44V50 DomesticHW ---- 0.800 ----- 40000 -- --- 0.000 ----- 0.0 ----- 0 SPECIAL F•EATURE5/REMARKS • COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This Certificate of Compliance lists the Building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 & 6 of the Califor- nia Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single Building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section • DESIGNER or OWNER (Per Business & Professions Code) Robert A. Pitchford ' 41-625 Eclectic Ste. A-2 Palm Desert, CA Q60) ) 34 i /b Q4ignature ) ( date ) ENFORCEMENT Name: Title: Agency: Telephone:_ AGENCY DOCUMENTATION AU_HOR BREEZE AIR CONDI`IONING 75-145 SV CHARLES PLACE PALM DESERT, CA 92260• ( 619) 346-0855 (signature) '( date ) (signature/stamp) (date) • MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (part 1 of 2) MF -1R page 5 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing). :Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ;CQMPLY 24 User 3665 NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain. these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this.checkiist.o'nly. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES o Sec. 150(a):, Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. * o Sec. 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturers labeled R -Value. o Sec. 150(c.): Minimum R-13 wail insulation in framed walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). * o Sec. 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors; Minimum R-8 in concrete raised floors. • o Sec. 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3o,�water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. Enforcement o Sec. 118: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission quality standards. Indicate Type & fcrm. o Sec. 116-117: Fenestration Products, Ext Doors & Infil/Exfil Controls a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. b. Manufactured fenestration products have label w/certified U -Value c. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. o Sec. 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 34 and 16 only. o Sec. 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Sec. 151 meets Commission quality standards. o Sec. 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable.metal or glass door b. outside air intake with damper and control • c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST ( part 2 of 2 ) MF -IR page 6 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Dat_e: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASJRES Enforcement. o Sec. 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. 'o Sec. 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. o Sec. 150(j). Pipe and lank Insulation 1. Indirect hot water tanks (eg unfired storage tanks or backup solar hot water tanks) have insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior insulation (R-16 or greater). 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculation systems, insulated (R-4 or greater. 3. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculation sections of hot water system. 4. Cooling system piping below 55 F insulated. 5. Piping'insuiated between heating source and indirect hot water tank. o sec. 150(m) Ducts and Fans * 1. Ducts constructed, installed and sealed to comply -With UMC Sections 1002 and 1004; ducts insulated to a minimum R-4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. 2. Exhaust systems have backdraft or automatic damper:. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers. o Sec. 114:Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is installed with: a. At least 36" pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. . b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor.spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation. pump time switch. o Sec. 115: Gas-fired central furnace, pool heater, spa heater or household cooking appliance have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliance with pilot < 150 Btuh) L'I'GHTING MEASURES o Sec. 15o(k): Lighting - 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and rooms with water close7-s; and recessed ceiling fixtures IC (insulation cover) approved. POINT SYSTEM SUMMARY P -2R page 7 of 22 Project Name: Green-Residence(Existing) ;Daae: 6/30/1998 • DocumentationsBREEZE_AIR CONDITIONING' - ------------ -;COIPLY-24_User �3665 BUILDING DATA ------------- Conditioned Floor Area .456"2 sqft Number of. Stories, 1 Occupancy Type Single"Fam Det SCORE CARD Measure Points 1. Roof Insulation 0.0283 (U -Value) U 2.• Wall insulation 0.0592 '(U -Value) -1 3. Raised Floor Insulation 0.0000 (U -Value) 3a. Controlled Vent.Crawlspace 0.0 (R -Value) 4. Slab Edge insulation 0.8020 (f2 factor)_; 5. Infiltration Standard 0 6. Glass Heat Loss 0.82 23.4% -11 Sum 1-6 -13 7. Fenestration Heat Gain SC Orientation Area % Glass, Open Eff % SER -- 4.5- _-3.5 North------ 203.3. x 0.78 = 0.88 0 East. 405.3 8.9 x 0.76 =1 6.7 0.84 -11 South 143.0 3.1 x 0.77 = 2.4 0.86 -1 West 305.4 6.7 x 0.69 = 4:6 0.'86 -7 Skylight 12.0 0.3 x 0,53 = 0.1 1.00 -1 8. Interior 'Thermal Mass 3.09_ 3 9. Exterior Wall Mass 0.00 0 Sum 7-9 -17 10. Heating System 1 Zonal Control: No 11. Cooling System 1 12. Water Heating = 0 Point -Total: -Z8 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY ( part 1 of 3 ) C -2R page 8 of 22 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) :Date: 6/30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ---;COMPLY 24 User 3665 ----------------------------------------------------------------- POINT SYSTEM COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Proposed Design Point Score Budget Compliance Point Goal GENERAL INFORMATION Compliance Method: Climate Lone: Conditioned Floor Area: Building Type: Occupancy Type: Building Front Orientation: Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Stories: Floor Construction Type: Total Conditioned Volume: Conditioned Footprint Area: Ground Floor Area: -28 Points *BUILDING DOES NOT COMPLY* 0 Points COMPLY 24 version 5.10 15 4562 sqft New Single Fam Det o deg ( N ) 1 1 Slab. on Grade 41618 cuf t 4562 sqf t 4562 sqf t BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Vent • Zone Name --------- Area Volume Units Zone Type TStat Type Hgt Area Guest Room Addn Zone 560 5600 0.12 Conditioned Setback 2 n/a Existing Res Zone 4002 36018 0.88 Conditioned Setback 2 n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Act Solar 'T'ype Area U -Val Azm Tilt Gains Form 3 Reference Location/Comments ---- ---- ----- --- ---- ---------------------------- --- ---------------- ZONE NAME = Guest Room Addn Zone Wall 154 0.059 315 90 Yes R-21 Wail (W.21.2x6.16) Guest Room Addition Wall 285 0.059 45 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Guest Room Addition Wail 68 0.059 90 90' Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Guest Room Addition Wall 75 0.059 135 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Guest Room Addition Wail 16 0.059 270 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Guest Room Addition Roof 548 0.028 0 22 Yes R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) Guest Room Addition ZONE NAME = Existing Res Zone Wall 460 0.059 0 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall 55 0.059 45 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall 237 0.059 90 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall 23 0.059 135 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wall 724 0.059 180 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.06.16) Existing Residence Door 20 0.387 180 90 Yes Solid Wood Door Existing Residence Wall 36 0.059 225 90 Yes R-21 Will (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Wail 443 0.059 270 90 Yes R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence •Door 24 0.387 270 90 Yes Solid Wood Door Existing Residence Wali 30 0.059 315 90 Yes R-21 Will (W.21.2x6.16) Existing Residence Roof 4002 0.028 0 22 Yes R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) Existing Residence COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY (part 2 of 3) C -2R page 9 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Da --e: 6/30/1998 • Documentation: BREEZE ATR CONDITIONING --------------- - ;CO"IPLY24-User-3665 ---------------------------------------- PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val- Depth Location/Comments ZONE NAME = Guest Room Addn Lone Exposed 37.0 0.90 0.0 0 in Guest Room Addition Covered 65.0 0.72 0.0 0 in Guest Room Addition ZONE NAME = Existing Res Zone Exposed 172.0 0.90 0.0 0 in Existing Residence Covered 185.0 0.72 0.0 0 in Existing Residence FENESTRATION SURFACES SC Act Glass # Type Area Frame Div U -Val Azm Tilt Only Location/Comments --------------- ----- ----- --- ----- --- ---- ----- --------------------- ZONE NAME= Guest Room Addn Zone 1 Wdw Right (NW) 2.0 None No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Guest Room Addition 2 Wdw,Right (NW) 64.0 Metal No 0.87 315 90 0.88 Guest Room Addition 3 Wdw Left (SE) 48.0 Metal No 0.87 135 90 0.88 Guest Room Addition 4 Wdw Right (W) 16.0 None No 0.72 270 90 0.88 Guest Room Addition 5 Sky Front (N) 12.0 Metal No 0.80 0 0 0.59 Guest Room Addition ZONE NAME = Existing Res Zone 6 Wdw Front (N) 16.9 Metal No 0.72 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence •7 Wdw Front (N) 48.0 Metal No 0.87 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 8 Wdw Front (N) 33.8 Metal No 0.87 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 9 Wdw Front (N) 33.8 Metal No 0.87 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 10 Wdw Front (N) 30.0 Metal No 0.72 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 11 Wdw Front (N) 24.0 Metal No 0.77 0 90 0.88 Existing Residence 12 Wdw Front (NE) 16.9 Metal No 0.72 45 90 0.88 Existing Residence 13 Wdw Left (E) 36.0 Metal No 0.87 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 14 Wdw Left (E) 50.0 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 15 Wdw Left (E) 100.0 Metal. No 0.87 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 16 Wdw Left (E) 23.8 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing,Residence 17 Wdw Left (E) 40.0 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 18 Wdw Left (E) 80.0 Metal No 0.87 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 19 wdw Left (E) 7.5 Metal No 0.72 90 90 0.88 Existing Residence 20 Wdw Left (SE) 20.0 Metal No 0.87 135 90 0.88 Existing Residence 21 Wdw Back (S) 7.5 Metal No 0.72 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 22 Wdw.Back (S) 48.0 Metal No 0.87 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 23 Wdw Back (S) 80.0 Metal No 0.87 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 24 wdw Back (S) 7.5 Metal No 0.72 180 90 0.88 Existing Residence 25 Wdw Right (W) 36.0 Metal No 0.72 270 90 0.88 Existing Residence 26 Wdw Right (W)- 80.0 Metal No 0.87 270 90 0.88 Existing Residence 27 Wdw Right (NW) 16.9 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 28 Wdw Right (NW) 11.3 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 29 Wdw Right (NW) 48.0 Metal No 0.77 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 30 Wdw Right (NW) 11.3 Metal No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence 31 Wdw Right (NW) 20.0 Metal. No 0.72 315 90 0.88 Existing Residence • INFERIOR & EXTERIOR SHADING # Type Interior Shade Type SC Exterior Shade 1'y -pe SC -- --------------------------- ---------------------------- ---- 1 Wdw None 1.00 None 1.00 2 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 3 Wdw Std Drape' 0.78 Standard Bug,Screen 0.87 4 Wdw None 1 C) C) Nnna 9 nCN 5 Sky None 1.00 None 1.(YO '6 Wdw Std.Urape 0.78 None 1.00 7 Wdw Std,Drape 0.,78 None 1.UU 8 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard fug Screen' U..87 y wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen. 0.37" 10 Wdw Std Grape 0.78 None 1.00 •. 11 12 Wdw. Wdw None Std Drape 1.UU 0.78 None, None 1.•0U` 1.00 13 Wdw Std Drape- 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87. . 14. Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 15 Wdw Std Drape:- 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 16 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 17 Wdw Std Drape.. 0.78 None 1.00 18 wdw Std Drape 0,.78 Standard Bug Screen 0-87, 19 Wdw Std Drape 0. 8 None 1.00 20 Wdw Std Drape U . 78. ~ Standard Bug Screen 0.87 21 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 .22 'Wdw Std ,Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 23 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 Standard Bug Screen 0.87 24 Wdw Std Drape 0:78 None 1.00 25 Wdw' Std Drape 0.78 None 1.00 26 Wdw Std Drape 0.78' Standard Bug 'Screen 0.87 27 Wdw Std Drape 0:78 None 1:00 28 Wdw Std Drape U . 78 ' :.None' 1.00 29 Wdw None. 1.00 'None 1.00 30 Wdw Std Drape 0.78 _ None 1.00 31 Wdw Std Drape" 0.78 None 1.00 ` COMPUTER MET |OD SUMMARY (part 3 of 3)' C -2:R page lO of 22 � ___-_______-___�-_____-_-_-___-__________-____-_____________________-______ Project Name; Green Residence(Existing) /Date: 6/30/1998 ' Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING /CO1PLY 24 User 3665 _-____________________________________________-_________-________-______-__ s 9 OVERHANGS/SIDE FINS --kii ddw-- �----- Overhang------ ---Left Fin--- --- Right Fin-- # # ' Typm Mt Wd Len H� LEx� REw� Dist Len H� Dist L�n H� __ ___- ____ __-- ____ ____ ____ ____ _-__ ____ -___ ____ ____ ---- 5 Wdw 6'8 2'5 8'0 O'l 8'0 8'0 6 Wdw 8.0 6'0 4^0 O'l 4'0 4.0 17 Wdw 8'0 10.0 4.0 0.1 4'0 4.0 26 Wdw 6.8 2'5 8.0 O'l 8.0 8.0 � 27 Wdw 7'5 1.5 8.0 0'1 8'0 8.0 ' 28 Wdw 8'0 6.0 8.0 O'I 8'0 29 Wdw 7'5 1'5 8'0 0'I 8.0 8'0 30 Wdw 2'0 IO -O 8'0 0.1 8'0 8,0 ' THERMAL MASS Area 'Thick Heat inside Location T'pe (af) (in) Cap Cond Form 3 Reference R -Val' Comments ------------ ____ ----- _____ -___ ----------------------- ______ -------- ZONE NAME = Guest Room Addn Zone ' Exposed Slab 147 3`50 ', 28 0'98 n/a ' � O Covered Slab 413 3'50 28 0.98 n/a 2 ZONE NAME = E'xisti'ng Res Zone Exposed Slab 1961 3'50 28 0'98 n/a O ' Covered Slab 204I 3'50' 28 0'98 n/a 2 ` HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum .Diatrib 'Type Duct T5tat System Type Efficiency and Location RVal Type Location/Comme'nts ----------- _--------- ________________ ____ ______ ______ __-____-_________ Furnace 0,810 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4'2 SetBoh Guest Room Addn Zone. PaokAirCondI2'0OO SEER Ducts, in Attic 4'2 5etBck Furnace 0-800 AFUE Ducts in Attic 4'2 5et8ch Existing Res Zone SpltAirCondIO,000`5EER Ducts in Attic 4'2 SetBck Water No. ' Tank Ext' WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Inoul System Name Distribution 'Type Type Sys Factor (gal) R -Val ----------------------- ____�_____________ ______-~ ___ _�-___ _____ _____ . RHEEM 44V50 Reoirc-Time&Temp 6torGas 2 0'61 50'0 12'0 ` AFUE ' WATER HEATER EQUIPMENT DETAIL /Rec Rated 5tdby 'Tank Pilot System Name System Type Eff Input Loss R -Val Light ----------------------- ----------- ____ ------ ----- _____ _____ RHEEM 44V50 DomeotioHW 0.800 40000 O.0OO 0'0 O . 5PECIAL'FEATURE5/REMARKS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV -3, page 11 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existin,g) ; Da -.e: '.6/30/1998 Docume,ntatio.n: BREEZE ATR CONDITIONING • --------------------------------------------------_- ; CO.1PLY24 User ---------- 3665 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- Assembly Name: R-21 Wall (W.21,2x6.16) Assembly "type: Wall Assembly "tilt: 90 deg: ( Vertical ) Framing Material: Wood Framing Spacing: T" U.C. Framing Percent: 15:0 "a Absorptivity:. 0.70 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Stucco, Wood'Shingies ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -Value Construction Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr (in) Cavity Frame outside-Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Stucco 0.875 0.17 0.17 •2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt ,0.010 0.06 0.06 3. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, R-21 * 5.500 21.00 5.45 4. Gypsum or.Plaster.Board 0.500 0.45 0.45 5. 6. E3 . 9. inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 Unadjusted R -Values 22.53 6.98 AD.JUSTMEN'r FOR FRAMING ( 1 /22.53 x ( 0'.85) + ( 1 -/ 6.98 x ( 0. 15 ) Weight: Heat Capacity: 0 13.2 lb/sgft 3.23 = 0.059 TOTAL U-VaLUE.= 0.059 TOTAL R -VALUE = 16.89 PROPOSED .CONS*T'HUC'T'TUN ASSEMBLY ENV -3 -page 12 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Da -e.. 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR •CONDITIONI-NG ----------------------------------------------------- -;COMPLY24 User 3665 --------------------- COMPONEN'f DESCRIPTION Assembly Name:, R-38 Ro:)f(R .38 .2x14 .16 ) r Assembly. Type: Roof . Assembly Tilt" 22 deg ('Tilted Up) Framing Material: Wood Framing.Spacing: O.C. r . ; Framing Percent: '10.0 Absorptivity: 0.70 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Cavity Frame outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Hoofing, Asphalt Shingles 0.250 0.44 0.44 • 2. Membrane, Vapor -Permeable Felt 0.010 0.06 0.06 3'. Plywood 0.500 0.62, 0.62 4. Air Space * 1.750 0..7 1.73 5. Insulation, Mineral Fiber, -R-38 *,11.500 38.00 11.39 6. Gypsum or Plaster Board 0.500 0.45 0.45 7. 8. . 9. Inside Air Film 0.61 0.61 Unadjusted R -Values 41.13 15.47 ADJUSiMEN'f FUR FR M' ' A INV (1 /41.13) x (0.90) + (1 /15.47), x (0.10) = 0.028 TOTAL U -VALUE _ TOTAL R -VALUE _ Weight: 9.4 lb/sgft Heat.Capacity: 3.00 0.028 3.5 .28 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 13 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Ua-e:'6/30/1998 :- Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDI'TI'ONING :COMPLY 24 User 3665 •-------------- ----------- ------------ ---------------------------.-- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------- Assembly, Name: Carpeted Slab on Grade Assembly -type = .floor Assembly 1'ilt: 180 deg (Horizontal Floor) ;Framing'Material: None Framing Spacing: U.C. . Framing Percent: 0.0'%' Absorptivity: 0.00 Sketch of Construction Assembly Roughness: -Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY U -VALUE I..h .. R -Value Construction Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr (in -1 Cavity, Frame outside Air Film 0.1/ 0.17 1. Earth 24.000 4.00 4.00 •2. Concrete, 140.1b, Not Dried 3.500 0.28 0.28 3. Flooring, Carpet and Fibrous Pad U.250 2.08 2.08 . 4 .' .5. 6. 8. 9. Inside Air Film 0,92 0,92 Unadjusted R -Values 7.45 7.45 ADJUS,rMEN'r FOR FRAMING (1 / 7.45) x:(l -00) + (1 / 7_4S u fC) nn1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV --3 page 14.of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existi.ng) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation_ - - ..BREEZEATR CONDITIONING -------` -- - - ;CU^1PLY24User.3665 COMPONENT DESCRip'rION Assembly Name: Exposed:Slab On Grade --------------------------- b1 - Sketch of Construction Assembly Assem y Type. Floor Assembly l*iit: 180 deg.(.Horizontal Floor) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: �" O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 Absorptivity: 0.00 Roughness: Concrete, Asph. Shingles ASSEMBLY'U-VALUE Th R -Value Construction Components Fr (in) Cavity Frame Outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Earth 24.000 4.00 4.00 •2. Concrete, 140 lb, Not Dried 3.500 0.28 0.28 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. y. Inside Air Film 0.92, 0.92 Unadjusted R -Values 5.37 5..37 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1, / 5.37) x (11.00) + (1 / 5.37) x (0.00) = 0.186 TOTAL U-1oALUE = 0.186 To'f ALR-VALUE = 5.37 Weight: 210.8 lb/sgft Heat Capacity: 42.17 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTI.ON'ASSEMBLY ENV -3 page 15 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30%1998 • Documentation: BREEZE ATH CONDI'f ZONING :COMPLY 24 User 3665. --------------------- --------.-------------------------------------------- COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Assembly Name: Solid wood Door Assembly 'hype: Door Assembly Tilt: 90 deg (vertical) Framing Material: None Framing Spacing: O.C. Framing Percent: 0.0 ----------------------------- Absorptivity: 0.70 Sketch of construction Assembly Roughness': Glass, Paint on Pine ASSEMBLY U -VALUE Th R -value Construction. Components Fr (in), Cavity Frame Outside Air Film 0.17 0.17 1. Softwood, Douglas Fir -Larch 1.750 1.73 1.73 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. S. 9. inside Air Film 0.68 0.68 Unadjusted R -Values 2.58 2.58 ADJUSTMENT FOR FRAMING (1 / 2.58) x (1.00) + (1 / 2.58) x (0.00) - 0.387 TOTAL U-vAL•UE = 0.387 fUfAL.R-4°ALUE _ 2.58 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY page 16 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ;C.O"IPLY Z4 User 3665 ---------------------------------------------- 7 ----------- -- ------------- HVAC SYSTEM DESCR1'P'Ti'ON HVAC System Name:' Guest Room Addn'Zone Heating System Name: Bryant 589ANWCY30 Cooling System Name.: Bryant 589ANW030 System'Muitiplier: 1 Fan Schedule: CA Daytime Fans Peak Load method: COINCIDENT Relative Humidity:' - 50 COOLING ZONES ON THIS SYSTEM PEAK HEATING PEAK SENSIBLE LA'TEN*T Guest Room Addition (Jan 12am) 14531 (Aug• 2pm)- 16568 1636 TOTAL ZONE LOAD 14531 •16568 1636 Duct Gains & Losses: 1453 1657 Ventilation: ( 0 CFM) O ( 0 CFM) U O Return -Air Lighting Gain 0 Supply/Return Fan'Gain: O O TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 15984 18225 1636 SYSTEM OUTPUT AT DESIGN CONDITIONS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 32400 21637 4396 TOTAL SYSTEM oUTpU'T 32400 21637 4396 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which will heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. l'hese numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor.should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in -weather conditions and the pick-up cap.acity'required to bring the.zone to temper- ature as a result of,a setback thermostat. Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that sensible and:Latent Cooling'Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufactL.rer's output data. SYSTEM OUI'PUT AT DESIGN COND11"10NS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 267000 119536 36221 'TOTAL SYSTEM OU'rPU'T 267000 119536 36221 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which wiil•heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. 'Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent vooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. 0 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING & COOLING LOAD SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ page 17 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Bate: 6/30/1993 • Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ------------------------------------------------------------------------�- ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 HVAC SYSTEM DESCRIP'T ION HVAC System Name: Existing Res Zone Heating System Name: BDP CO. 395CAV060111 Cooling System. Name: BDP CO. 561AJ060-* System Multiplier:. 3 Fan Schedule: CA Daytime fans Peak Load Method: COINCIDENT Relative Humidity: 50' COOLING ZONES ON 'THIS SYSTEM PEAK HEATING PEAK SENSIBLE LA'TEN'T Existing Residence (Jan 12am) 774.34 (Aug 2pm) 96622 10931 'r0'rAL ZONE LOAD 77434 96622 10931 Duct Gains & Losses: 7743 9662 Ventilation: ( 600 CFM) 24456 ( 600 CFM) 21225 7040 Return Air Lighting Gain 0. Supply/Return Fan Gain: 0 0 rO'rAL SYSTEM LOAD 109633 127509 17971 SYSTEM OUI'PUT AT DESIGN COND11"10NS MAIN HEATING & COOLING SYSTEM 267000 119536 36221 'TOTAL SYSTEM OU'rPU'T 267000 119536 36221 NOTE: The TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD shown represents the minimum size equipment which wiil•heat or cool this zone during the design conditions indicated. These numbers include no safety factor, and the HVAC contractor should oversize by a reasonable margin to account for variations in weather conditions and the pick-up capacity required to bring the zone to temper- ature as a result of a setback thermostat. 'Those responsible for final equipment selection should note that Sensible and Latent vooling Loads are indicated to allow for accurate comparison with manufacturer's output data. 0 RESIDENTIAL LUNE: HEATING LUAU SUMMARY page 18 of 22 Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 •------------ Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING ------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------Zone ;cbmPLY 24 -User 3665 ZoneName: Guest Room Addition Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 70 F Design outdoor Winter .Dry Bulb.'Temperature,: 32 F 'Design Temperature Difference: 38 F Conduction Area U -value TU Btu/hr R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 598.0 x 0.0592 x 38.0 - 1345 Dual Clear. 48.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 _ 1587 Glass Block Default (R) 16.0 x 0.7.200 x 38.0 - 438 Glass Block Default (R) 2.0 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 55 Dual clear 64.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 - 2116 Dual Bronze Skylight 12.0 x 0.8000_ x 38.0 _ 365 R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 548.0 x 0.0283 x 38.0. = 590 Slab on Grade Perim 37.0 x 42'. = 1536 Slab on Grade Perim = 65:0 x 42 - 2698 Infiltration: 1.00 x,0.018 x 560 sf -x 10.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 38.0 - 3802 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LUSS FOR ZONE 14531 • Heating AirFiow: 14531 Btu/hr / [1.07 x 35 F Deltal")] _ 387 cfm RESIDENTIAL ZONE HEATING LUAU SUMMARY page 19 of 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 Documentation: BREEZE ATR CONDITIONING ;CO`1PLY."24 User 3665 •--------------------------------------------------- _--- ----- --------- Zone Name: Existing Residence Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: 70 F Desi,gn:Outdoor Winter Dry Bulb Temperature: 32 F Design Temperature Difference: 38 F" Conduction Area U -Value TD Btu/hr R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) 2006.9 x 0.0592 x 38.0 _ 4515 Solid Wood Door. 44.3 x 0.3872 x 38.0 = 651 Dual Clear 30.0 x 0.7200 x 38.0 _ 821 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 462 Dual 'Clear 24.0 x 0.7700 x 38.0 = 702 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 - 1587 Dual Clear 67.5 x 0.8700 x "38.•O = 2232 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 462 Dual Clear 121.3 x 0.7200 x 38.0 =. 3317 Dual Clear 136.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 = 4496 Dual Clear 80.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 - '2645 Dual,Clear 20.0 x 0'.8700 x 38.0 - 661. Dual Clear 15.0 x 0.7200 x 38.0 = 410 Dual Clear 128.0 x 0.8700 x :38.0 - 4232 • Dual Clear 36.1,0 x 0.7200 x 38.0 - 985 Dual Clear 80.0 x 0.8700 x 38.0 = 2645 Dual Clear 59.4 x 0.7200, x 38.0 = 1625 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.7700 x 38.0" - 1404 R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 4002.0 x 0.0283 x 38.0 _ 4311 Slab on Grade Perim = 172:0 x 42' = 7138 Slab on Grade Perim 185.0 x 42 - 7678 Infiltration: 1.00 x.0.018 x 4002 sf x 9.0 ft x-1.00.AC x 38.0 = 24456 fUTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FCR ZONE 77434 Heating AirFlow: 0 77434 Btu/hr / [1 .o7 x 35 F Deltal )] _ 2064 cfm RESIDENTIAL ZONE COOLING LOAD SUMMARY, page 20 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;D.a:e:.6/30/199£3 Documentation BREEZE AIR C;ONDI'rIONING :COMPLY 24 User 3665 •------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- Zone ------------------ --- ----------- Zone Name: Guest Room addition Design Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature: Op Frac. Area 78 F Conv. Design Outdoor Summer Dry Bulb 'Temperature: Area SGF 112 F Equipment Design 1'emperature Difference: SbF x 0.100 "x SC 34 F 0.0 Conduction Area U -value 2.0 DETD Btu/hr. ----------------------- R-21 Wall (W.21.2x6.16) ___=-- 598.0 ------- x 0.0592 x ---- 30.6 - ------ 1083 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 - 1420 Glass E3iock Default ( R ) 16.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 392 Glass Block Default (R) 2.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 49 Dual Clear 64 .0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 1893 Dual Bronze Skylight 12.0 x 0.8000 x 34.0 = 326 R-38 Roof(R.38.2x14.16) 548.0 x 0.0283 x 51.0 = 792 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 560 sf x 10.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 34.0 = 3402 Solar Gain Orient. ----------------------- --------- Glass Block Default (R) Northwest [ Dual Clear Northwest [ •Dual Clear southeast [ Glass Block Default ( R ) West [ Dual Bronze Skylight Skylight [ 0 Shaded Op Frac. Area Unshaded Conv. Lighting 1.00 x Area SGF 3.413 = Equipment Area SbF x 0.100 "x SC Occupants 0.0 x 15 + 2.0 x 48] x 0.88 = 84 0.0 x 15 + 614.0 x 48] "x 0.66 = 2024 0.0 x 15 + 48.0 x S21 x 0.66 = 1961 0.0 x 15 + 16.0 x 73] x 0.88 = 1028 0.0 x 15 + 12.0 x152] x 0.53 = 969 Internal Gain Op Frac. Area Heat'Gain Conv. Lighting 1.00 x 560.0 x 0:200 x 3.413 = Equipment 1.00 x 560.0 x 0.100 "x 3.413 = Occupants 1.00 x 560.0 x 255 / 250 Latent Gain ----------------------- Equipment Occupants Infiltration: 1.00 Cooling AirFlow: TOTAL HOURLY SENS'I'BLE HEAT GAIN FGR ZONE Op Frac.- Area Heat Gair Conv. 1.00 x 560:.0 x 0.000 x 3.413 1:00 x 560.0 x 255 / 250 x 560 sf x 10.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 0.190 TU'TAL HOURLY LA'TEN'T HEAT GAIN FOR ZONE 382 191 571 16568 Btu/hr 0 571 1065 1636 16568 Btu/hr ,/ [1_07 x 23 F Delta-)] = 672 cfm RESIDENTIAL ZONE COOLING LUAU SUMMARY page 21 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6%30/1998 •Documentation: BREEZE AIR CONDITIONING -----;COMPLY-24 User 3665 ------------------------------------------------------------ Zone Name: Existing Residence Design Indoor Dry Bulb 'Temperature: 78 F Design outdoor Summer Dry Bulb Temperature: 1.12 F Design 'Temperature Difference: 34 F Conduction Area U -value- DETD Btu/hr ----------------------- R-21 Wail (W.21.2x6.16) ------ 2006.9 ------- x 0.0592 x ---- 30.6 = ------ 3636 Solid Wood Door 44.3 x 0.3872 x 30.6 = 524 Dual Clear 30.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 734 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 413 Dual Clear 24.0 x 0.7700 x 34.0 = 628 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.8700. x 34.0 = 1420 Dual Clear 67.5 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 1997 Dual Clear 16.9 x 0.7200 x 34.0 - 413 Dual Clear 121.3 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 2968 Dual Clear 136.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 4023 Dual Clear 80.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 2366 Dual Clear 20.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 592 Dual Clear 15.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 367 Dual Clear 128.0 x 0.8700 x 34.0 = 3786 Dual Clear 36.0 x 0.7200 x 34.0 = 881 •Dual Clear 80.0 x 0.8700- x 34.0 = 2366 Dual Clear 59.4 x 0.7200 x 34.0 - 1454 Dual Clear 48.0 x 0.7700 x 34.0 = 1257 R-38 Roof(R .38 .2x1'4 .16 ) 4002.0 x 0.0283 x 51.0 = 5786 Infiltration: 1.00 x 0.018 x 4002 sf x 9.0 ft x 1.00 A;; x 34.0 - 21881 Shaded Unshaded Solar ----------------------- Gain orient. Area SGF Area SGF SC Dual Clear --------- North ---- --- [ 0.0'x 15 ---- + 16.9 x-15] -- ---- x 0.68 = 172 Dual Clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 48.0 x 151 x 0.68 = 490 Dual Clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 33.8 x 15] x 0.66 = 334 Dual Clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 33.8 x 15] x 0.66 = 334 Dual Clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 30.0 x 15] x 0.68 = 306 ,Dual Clear North [ 0.0 x 15 + 24.0 x 151 x 0.79 = 285 Dual Clear Northeast [ 0.0 x 15 + 16.9 x 481 x 0.68 = 552 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 36.0 x 731 x 0.66 = 1731 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 50.0 x 731 x 0.68 = 2485 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 100.0 x 73] x 0.66 = 4809 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 23.8 x 731 x 0.68 = 1181 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 40.0 x 731 x 0.68 = 1988 Dual Clear East [ 31.0 x 15 + 49.0 x 731 x 0.66 = 2663 Dual Clear East [ 0.0 x 15 + 7.5 x 731 x 0.68 = 373 Dual Clear Southeast [ 0.0 x 15 + 20.0 x 62] x 0.66 = 817 Dual Clear South [ 0.0 x 15 + 7.5 x 32] x 0.68 = 163 • Dual Clear South [ 0.0 x 15 + 48.0 x 321 x 0.66 = 1012 Dual Clear South [ 0.0 x 15 + 80.0 x 321 x 0.66 = 1687 Dual Clear South [ 0.0 x 15 + 7.5 x 32] x 0.68 = 163 Dual. Clear West [ 0.0 x 15 + 36.0 x 73] x 0.68 = 1790 Dual Clear West [ 0.0 x 15 + 80.0 x 73] x 0.66 = 3847 Dual Clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 + 16.9 x 481 x 0.68 = 552 Dual Clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 + 11.3 x 48] x 0.68 = 368 Dual Clear NnrthwrzGt ( () (') v 1 (, + AA n v API v n • "70 - 912-)-cz Dual. Clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 + 11.3 x 431 x 0.68 = 368 Dual Clear Northwest [ 0.0 x 15 + 20.0 x 43] x 0.68 = 654 Internal Gain Op,Frac. Area Heat- Gain Conv. Lighting 1.00 x 4002.0 x 0.200 x 3.413 = 2732; 1.00 x 4002.0 x,-0.100 x3.413• = 1366 •Equipment Occupants 1.00 x 4002..0 x 255 / 250 4082 TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ZONE 96622 Latent Gain Op Frac. Area Heat•Gain Conv. Btu/hr Equipment 1.00 x 4002.0 x 0.000 x 3.413 - 0 Occupants 1:UU x 40.02.0 x 255 250 - 4082 Infiltration: 1.00 x 4002 sf x 9.0 ft x 1.00 AC x 0.190 - 6849 •TO'TAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOP LONE 10931 Cooling AirFlow: 96622 btu/hr,/ [1.07 x 23 F Deltal• )] = 3919 cfm • INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF -5R page 22 of 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: Green Residence(Existing) ;Date: 6/30/1998 • Documentation= BREEZE AIR CONDi•T1.ON1'NG ;COMPLY 24 User 3665 1, the undersigned, verify that the equipment,listed in the category.above my signature is the actual equipment installed and that the equipment meets or exceeds the requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Standards. in addition, 1 have verified that'the equipment is equivalent to or more efficient than the equipment specified on the Certificate of Compliance submitted to demonstrate compl.iance with the Energy Efficiency standards for Residential Buildings. HVAC SYSTEMS Heat. Equip CEC Certified Manuf. Actual Distrib type Duct Heat Heat System 'Type ----------- Make &•Model Number ----------------------- Eff. and Location ------------------- RVal Load ---- ------ Output ------ Furnace Bryant 589ANW030 0.810 Ducts in Attic 4.2 15984 .32400 Furnace BDP CO. 395CAV060111 0.800 Ducts in Attic 4.2 109633 267000 Cool. Equip CEC Certified Manuf. Actual Distrib 'Type Duct System Type ----.----------------------- Make & Model Number Efficiency and Location RVal PackAirCond Bryant 589ANW030 ---------- ---------- 12.000 SEER ------------------- Ducts in Attic ---- 4.2 SpltAirCond BDP CO. 561AJ060-* 10.000 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2 • Signature Date Name Water No.' Tank Ext. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Heater in Energy Size Insul CEC Cert. Make & Model Distribution Type Type Sys Factor (gal) R -Val RHEEM 44V50 Recirc-lime&Temp StorGas 2 0.61 50.0 12.0 AFUE WATER HEATER EQUIPMENT* DETAIL /Rec Rated Stdby 'Tank' Pilot System Name System Type Eff Input Loss R -Val Light RHEEM 44V50 DomesticHW 0.800 40000 0.000 0.0 0 FAUCETS & SHOWER HEADS: All faucets and showerheads are listed in the Commissions Directory Of, Certified Faucets And Showerheads, pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 2, Section 111. Signature Date Name