9803-039 (CP)ikiCENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hec�RftSm under penalty oiperjury that I am licensed under provisions of --(,'hapter 9 (comment g with S(� tion 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals ;ode, and my License is in full force and effact. r' License # t Lic. Class 11E.4. Date ` ff bSfil2 CSat� I(1i11/98 /Date "' ���- , Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt,from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my'employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit: is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. SPATE _PVND W6-98-D006I63 ' (This section need not be completed if,the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of Califor is^, an - agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensationprovisi ns of Section 3700 of the Labor ,Cod" shall torthwit comp ly°with those r, v S. Date,zz- 1. Applicant f Warning: Failure to secure Workers ' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize " �reprsentatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property f0JA spe, tlo purposes. ` , Signature (Owner/Agent) I Date3nkk e,V4A W1iy 41P_a PERMITk CONTROL'#'; BUILDING PERMIT ; twq ® DATE VALUATION LOT 9303.039 TRACT q/ r JOB SITE 7PN ADDRESS Ra tlM RIVI.C1 RA OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER 1 KSL .L,A,N.17 It CALIFORNIA POOL$ & SPAS � 56-140.PGA 81..VD. 714-725 JONI DRIVE, #A LA QWWA CA 92253 PAI'm DESERT CA. 9<'260 (760)340-9000 C.BL# 355 USE OF PERMIT C0 POOL & SPA ONLY ALAt`2.n- BA`ItI' IM AIRM TO Bks OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO EN-CAPIPItE-PLASTER INSPECTION POOL AND/OR ,SPA '2.1,000.00 Ls t�.i1't'[nIATED CAST OF CONSTRUCTION 21,d)fiil. w PERMIT FEE SUMMARY PLAN CHECK. EEE 101.000-439-3.15 �IA0A0 CON STRUCTI.ONFI:E 101-010-418-000 ,10ECit ANllrAL FEE -- POOL 101.0 00-421-000 S24.00 ELECTRICAL F Is ... POOL, 10.1-000-420-000 $45.00 PL'UNIBING FEE - POOL 101-000-419.000 �4 C $27.00 3 x PAID MAR 6 1998 CITY® Lim QUINTA S1 IBu'!`t? AL CONIS 'R[ ICT 1'Lt!MCHEr,I; xi�2.110 a -10:N ,AINiD LEW..PkE-PAID FEES AUK" � TOTi-ILL, PERMIT FEES DUE N014T $4.52.40 RECEIPT DATE BY i DATE FINALED INSPECTOR r 3l� INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 'Se ,Backs ii Underground Ducts Forms & Footings'. Ducts Slab Grade !i Return Air £heel ;! Combustion Air koof Deck l; Exhaust Fans 0. K. to Wrap 1i F.A.U. Framing 1: Compressor '.nsulation ! Vents Fireplace P.L. I Grills Fireplace T.O. IN Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulaton Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewa I Exterior Lath ;` Drywall - Int. Lath' I; p I; Final Final 1' BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS -SPAS steel Set Backs I Electric Bond Footings I' Main Drain Bond Beam y Approval to Cover Equipment Location I; Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final �, Gas Piping ,Vj PLUMBING APPROVALS G: Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines 1; Heater Final Water Piping I` Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Opt Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans p O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral I° Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping 1; Gas Test 12 Appliances Ilaf. I Final �K Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Poe Underground Conduit Rough Wiring I" Low Vottage Wiring Fixtures 1! Main Service 1° Sub Panels 1a Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. 1., Smoke Detector; Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Pe m) COMMENTS: FROM CALIFORNIA POOLS AND SPAS PHONE NO. 7603465407 Mar. 05 1998 05:52PM P2 D U 000 2UIC2A Q yro.rna CA •-----�. D—. / ice• ��''* •. I lvt�&19 /71 El I I I I .I ,;. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE` HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH POOL AND SPA PLAN CORRECTION DISTRICT # PLAN # DATE PROJECT NAME i" {� P � PROJECT LOCATION OWNER/CONTRACTOR r r l' 1 r t� The plans are now approved subject to the conditions listed below: I no fr t• t I %V(14 1 r7,,1 t 1 a -le or TJ :P,Alfk f(0 CC`r= rI1(+N, `v r CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS: Contact the Plan Checker for pre-gunite and pre -plaster inspections at least three (3) working days in advance. .4- A J.A FINAL INSPECTION MUST be made upon completion of all work including fencing, safety equipment and signs. APPROVAL to operate shall not be granted until the facility has passed the FINAL INSPECTION, and "APPLICATION TO OPERATE" has been completed and PERMIT fees have been paid. REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION SHOULD BE M DE AT LEAST FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE. PLAN CHECK BY '�-�� �` �` Phone I acknowledge the corrections noted herein and as indic ted 'h the plans and agree to incorporate them during construction: Signature ` n Company kl- Date DOH-SAN-181(Rev1/92) W -OFFICE — Y -APPLICANT — P -BLDG. DEPT. i�_` Type &tface Are&Pod ' .. Perimeter Depths Min. Max ._.�...: SPA SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Siva x ; S Ft. 8y Length Sm Dam Wall Width Time Clock Sub Panel - Y No. of Jets' No of Lights In Pool L1ghl Boolter Pump -Walde G.F,I. Lights GFI Ouret s 1 - ' 0ipwef 0^y Blank Plugs 3. R,esed 'Spe Spiliways _ Motor Booster i , .,a Blower Cleaner , Misc 1# ' Type 1. .- '.-. .. ...-. Etevetton COO" White ' Chep End Romp Coping Special , Fence Removed By Y , ' Force Type TIN TrRn Mask Trash Refnoval Loads 6" A 8, B. Concrete Aernoval Loads v z . < Tine Remowl By Sh rtnt Aemovaf By , r i By Up To Sq. Ft. a M 'u...6:.-' -.. a�t.al+W 'ar.a'.>, ewr...r...vi.�a+<s:a'i.+...W:.+aa«:w.. �r..>rarwa+:w'+wr.. ,,,:.'., Ya.+Y...rr .wm"d. .a1:s.,oraaLw•i.,..m ua:uW ..w+d>.rca .. • .+„11.� - ::.� ,. .,i.: .: .. ,. .,... .- F _ . Mastic Footing Steps Type } . Cantilever. at-++.twi.,r+1: Type &tface Are&Pod ' .. Perimeter Depths Min. Max ._.�...: SPA SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Siva x ; S Ft. 8y Length Sm Dam Wall Width Time Clock Sub Panel - Y No. of Jets' No of Lights In Pool L1ghl Boolter Pump -Walde G.F,I. Lights GFI Ouret s Calif ,Aqus Aif-Det Btower _ Erne Switch for Spa Light ' 0ipwef 0^y Blank Plugs 3. R,esed 'Spe Spiliways _ Motor Booster i St*ciM Notes _ Blower Cleaner , Misc 1# EXCAVATION Type ,recess From - COPING A TILE Etevetton COO" White ' Chep End Romp Coping Special , Fence Removed By TM Type Force Type TIN TrRn Mask Trash Refnoval Loads 6" A 8, B. Concrete Aernoval Loads mist, Tine Remowl By Sh rtnt Aemovaf By D"rtPad Fl. DECKING t 87RBB. ___.' t 2" A B.B. _..: 10" Ft. 8 B _ ' By Up To Sq. Ft. wafkouVMise. Finish Color flock Pack Expansion Joints Mastic Footing Steps Type STEEL Erpmsive Soil Cantilever. 8" R. B.B. _,' 12" R.811. r' f 8- R:8.8, .,_ Deck Drslns Curb Core Surcharge Deep End Ramp Decco DraM Divkng Board Jto Loveseat Inside �,.,____,._,,,' Outside Pito SVat» t Foohno No Spa Wsll•Wldth Other Slide Instaltotion Wall Dowet/Misc. MASONRY T Bars .a...__. _.__ Deck Dowels Coping Type Planter WaN Type ' r FLUMBING 'Fitter Sire Cap Back UR Wal Footings R.B:B. Facing Foot Pump Sire heater Sire .. Firapit Type Site - Boosrer.Pump Sire _ ECnnp. Wall Type Skimmer type _ Fencing Caretaker No of Heads Mlsc f i tither CleaAer , ,� ,_,_ _ _ Stub Only Fill Line Slide Line PLASTER P•Trap Back Wash to Lights Pod _. - Spa , Gas Line Stubs Rope Rings Eyeballs Required Fountains/Sprayheads Color Name Tile Lfohts M Pod- in Spa Caretaker Aqua Air Bar Hydrosts"c VL" StubSetEqulN ant SPECIAL EtOUIPMENT .war Aun. r; Diving Board Size ` Sawcut r At model , ,.. _ .-'Calor , • - - 1AIsc. Sfkde Sire Model Colo t Pool Cover ; Soler Healing Yes _ No . UNITE Gunife ane rn Apouired Yes No Mid By Rope Rim, - Grab Rads FENCING i)eep En .p 6-R 8 f �' 12" A 8:8. _..__' t b" R B B To Meet AN Local Code Pequirements By Buyer Prior to I.ovesv I Extended 2nd Step Prsptaster Inspection OTHER Notch I rho Beam Coph- CantNever Notched Spa Dem Wet _ • 'Spa 0" Wats Width OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES Owne+ To- (i 1 tJ+.Wmine the epprovimate.elevotbn of pool or spa at layout on Osy of Excsystlon, (2) Take mks that Pod and Equipment kncstk7n Is subject to acceptance of load 'BuNding Deport. Ment At Ems of htausnce of permfl. Mont (3) Wet dawn concrete shoe of least thrice deify for sovern.(7) days after day shot is installed ' I41 Take Notice that California Pools 1S NOT RESPONSIBLE fa` Underground conditions or ob?eeb, and any Damage to eurbt, oidewalka, drtveways, towns, or other items M access area 15) See that all ferieft, gates, and garage dons r7+eof local codes for a pod enclosure prior to prapisster inapec"on (81 Fin pool lmmedtstey offer planar. (Follow Instructkans, Do not use Rubber Hose) (1) Take Notice that this drewktg Is -ft Sola prppeify of California Pools and any use wOout written permission of California Pods, tre. Is prohibited by low, Ow*+er approves Plan; Pool, and Ewoment Locations and has read the Responsibilities and NOTICES above Signed Date SWIMMING POOL PLAN FOR:, NAME TGAWESTRYDERCOLLECTR ON' MPOOL STREET 0 JOB AIDDRESS PHONE 0 FICE Rfs LOT --t•_ , Al�_ TRACT PAGE BOOK MAP BOOK PAGE NO. _ MAfL ADtJRE3S CITY CONSTRUCTION OFFICE PHONE NO. SCALE DATE DRAWN ilY C�I=j� SOLO B CHECKED 9Y j •3a• TLS'(' �c:�-° hl r1� 1yyil Poo", utm1 ' t a ".:.i»_....�e..w ...i6.»«x...,..;.w.+.+.,w.a+...:.....:..a•..wr....s.�...r..,....aw..w....:.w_..»w•wa.><:.a.i� CALIFORNIA -CONTRACTOR'$ LIC NO. 185102 f LEGEND U.L. UNDERWATER LIGHT H.R. HANDRAIL 28"-36' ABOVE DECK AND STEPS M.D. MAIN DRAIN (TAMPER -PROOF GRATE. ALL GRATES TO BE AHTIVORTEX) O.M. SDEPTH MARKER TILE W/ 40 H LETTERS UP RESISTANT DECK MARKERS. R WATER 'RETURN INLET J.S. JET SUCTION (ANTIVORTEX, TAMPERPROOF GRATES) S.S. SURFACE SKIMMER WITH MVE:RED EQUAWER, t H.L. HANDICAP UFT ANCHOR 0 POOL AND SPA J.B. JUNCTION BOX —/-I w • lt'tEC..r-IAr1 t cA L` ?L.A'\ ral Cc,fJ� TtulJ ARCHITECTS A ENGINEERS SUPPLY CO INC (818) 8151980 lJl'CIV 1 C�CItiC,ri�rlt-'��"4.7Bc.1lVt `e � _ .. ..... , ._a.r .._._. __ _ ?e•. DEEPA SRT ,ftp} : Gt I ,°ti r� FI �( ta,� r - .. "� li a i��"�'' ,'a .,,'.;.15 T' iF=NT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH l A`Rrz--PLA _FIJ,R 6iS VALID FOP, O r Q'L""ATE V,r 6 � . AL 9 � / nS should be 1! F--!: F�. €�tC�"`r�; .y �-^A. �OI'9S. II'�Sp�� SQ Call fOr ialsp� woriin, � SIC CONTACT_ � 5J � 2 �', � -NOTICE- .�5 COUNTY OF RIVER IDE A PERMIT KJt JST BE OBTAINS® FROM THE '" LTII� +e._: 1 ;;authorize the DE.PARTI��€E'�T OF E 3.II CNS EP t HEAI.T ! COUNTY OF RIVEI�Ss�E DEPAIT tIENT OF ENVIRC1�N ENT�",L Hr, viclab n Of any I���, c�rt11�1arl�e or PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OR U Other regulastion. NOTIFY THE PLAN C1120,1-7 Fn IN WRITING OF ANY CHP>NGES OR Ai-TEETRA I0.t°1S TO (ie: flooring, ally, Ce1,In.,wl OX f funk ITcerit) Tyve Su fiace Area Pool Pe•imeter SPECIFICATION —__ Size—x___ . Depths Min. Max SPA SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Size _—_ x __ Sq. Ft. By Length Spa Dam Wall Width Time Clock ---Sub Panel No of Jets .-_—_—___— _.— No of Lights in Pool Light ---_ Booster Pump _ Outside G.F.I. Lights GFI Outlet Calif. Aqua Air -Bar & Blower _._ Extra Switch for Spa Light Blower Only-----------_-�-- Blank Plugs ---------____-- Raised Spa Spillways MotorBooster Special Notes Blower __- Cleaner MI C. — EXCAVATION - — --- - ------------ Type Access From _—__ __.__-_ COPING & TILE Elevation Coping White Deep End Ramp _ _—_ Coping Special Fence Removed By _ _ _-_ Tile Type_________—_ —_— Tile Trim _ Mastic _ Fence Type _ _I Trash Removal Loads 6" R. B.8 —' 12" R &B 18'' R.8 B —' Concrete Removal Loads i Misc Tree Removal By_._ ----___-------_----- Stump Removal By DECKING Dili Pad -- Ft -- 6" R.B.B. __ 12" R.B.B. —.__' 18" R 8 B. Walkout/Misc . — --- — Rcck Pack — -- By _—_—..— Up To ___ Sq. Ft. FinishColor Expansion Joints ____ _- Mastic —__ Footing STEEL Steps ---------------.___-' Type -- Expansive Soil Cantilever 6" R.B.B. _' 12" R.B.B. _' 18" R.B.B _' Deck Drains _ _' Curb Core Surcharge Deep End Ramp Decco Drain Diving Board Jig Loveseat Inside Outside —_—' Patio Straps 8 Footing No Spa Wall Width Other _" Slide Installation Wan Dowel/Mlsc. MASONRY T -bars Deck Dowels Coping Type Planter Wall PLUMBING Typex —__--- Fitter Size Cap Back Up Wal _ Pool Pump Size Footings R B.B. Facing Heater Size Firepit Type __Size Booster Pump Size Equip. Wall Type ' x Skimmer Type Fencing Misc Caretaker — No. of Heads —._—_ _ - Other Cleaner —_ Stub Only_ PLASTER Fig Line ' Slide Line P -Trap Back Wash to Gas Line Stubs Fountains/Sprayheads Lights Pool Spa Rope Rings _ — Eyeballs Required Color Name Tile Lights In Pool _ in Spa Hydrostatic Valve—_—_._—_._______ Caretaker Aqua Air Bar SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Stub Set Equipment Solar Run Diving Board Size Sawcut Auger Model Color Misc: Slide Size Model Color Pool Cover Solar Heating Yes _ No - GUNITE Gunite Inspection Required Yes Rope Rings Grab Rails Deep End Ramp No Misc. By FENCING 6' 12"R.8.8.—' 18" R.B.B. _' To Meet All Local Code Requirements By Buyer Prior to Loveseat Extended 2nd Step Preplaster Inspection OTHER Notch Bond Beam Coping - _. _ Cantilever _-- Notched Spa Dam Wan ---- --- — —_-- Spa Dam Wan Width,— - OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES Owner To: (1) Determine the approximate elevation of pool or spa at layout on Day of Excavation. (2) Take notice that Pool and Equipment location is subject to acceptance of local Building Depart- ment at time of issuance of permit. (3) Wet down concrete shell at least twice daily for seven (7) days after day shell is installed. (4) Take Notice that California Pools IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for Underground conditions or objects, and any Damage to curbs, sidewalks: driveways, lawns, or other items in access area (5) See that all fencing, gates, and garage doors meet local codes for a pool enclosure prior to preplester inspection. (6) Fill pool immediately after plastw. (Follow Instructions, Do not use Rubber Hose) (7) Take Notice that this drawing is the sole property of California Pools and any use without written permission of California Pools. Inc. is prohibited by law L`wner approves Plan, Pool, and Equipment Locations and has read the Responsibilities and NOTICES above Signed Date SWIMMING POOL PLAN FOR: "A" PGA WEST RYDER COLLECTION 'W"MMUN11Y POOL _ -STREET JOEL ADDRESS — CITY_G`� '�"� _1�,,f_i"--"— HO --- OFFI E RES LOT F TRACT PAGE BOOK MAP BOOK PAGE NO. MAIL ADDRESS CITY CONSTRUCTION OFFICE PHONE NO. SCALE DATE DRAWN BY SOLD BY , CHECKED BY its., _ ,' 4 J� J o - CAbl"Munfl,1A P80hS A SPAS CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR'S LIC NO. 185102 POOL SECTfON M lira r -r Q1� f eTi To C PA all Y Fizt,A x L. M D 15 P141 210 Ae-Nw��Y R.) i7t 6 R 1 21 TONt,D. V14 TD 5•s. 214 f 'TO Fto, EI,-CiRIcA1. PAIJEL 1;, 2 1 1 TV B \VAS 4 3 izl..C:EP'T:GL.E 99 t�� . ... X14"c�•-'-' ® C 1 I SCA►.E: 318' = I'-0' «r 1/ " .4 °OOL MECHANICAL EQUIPMEN1 A. CIRCULATION PUMP: AQUA FLOW A-20 2 H.P., 85 GPM ne 60' T.D.H. B. FI LTER: AMERICAN PRODUCTS- 459036000 60 SO. FT. D.E., RATED AT 120 GPM 0 2 GPM PER SO. FT. C. HEATER: LARS 6 325 -, 333,000 BTU 0. FLOWMETER: BLUEIWHITE - 2" SCH 40 PVC E. CHLORINATOR: WATERMATIC G-1300 POOL LIGHT- AMERICAN PRODUCTS 6784581 500 WATT W/ STAINLESS STEEL FACE 1 SPA MEGHANICAL EQUIPMENT 1. CIRCULATION PUMP: AQUA FLOW A-15 11/2 H.P.. 72 GPk1 0 60 • T D.H. 2. FILTEA: AMERICAN PRODUCTS 65903500048 SO..I'1. D.E., RATED AT 96 GPM 0 2 GPM PER SO. FT 3. HEATER: RAY PAK VERSA 6C-2658, 265.000 BTU 4. FLOWMETER: BLUEIWHITE - 2" SCH 40 PVC lL 5. CHLORINATOR: WATERMATIC- G-1300 .� 6. JET BOOSTER PUMPS: 2 - STA-RITE-CF6EGL, 2 H.P., 85 GPM 0 60 ' T D. H. SPA LIGHT: AMERICAN PRODUCTS .6784281 m300 WATT W/ STAINLESS STEEL FACE ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 1. PROVIDE. BACKWASH DRYWELL, 5' DIA. X 12' DEEP CONCRETE BY DESERT CONCRETE OR EQUAL. CONNECT BOTH POOL i SPA TO DRYWELL DRYWELL LOCATION TO BE FIELD LOCATED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 2. PROVIDE TIME CLOCKS FOR POOL, SPA AND UNDERWATER LIGHTS. POOL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND CONNECT A 15 MIN. TIMER TO SPA BOOSTER PUMPS. TIMER TO BE FIELD LOCATED BY LANDSCAPE. 3. PROVIDE AUTOFILL DEVICES, "POOLMISER- OR EQUAL FOR BOTH POOL AND SPA. CONNECT OVERFLOW PIPE FROM AUTOFILL TO DRYWELL 4. PROVIDE GFI'PROTECTED DUPLEX PLUG Q EQUIPMENT ROOM PER CODE. PLUG TO BE FIELD LOCATED. S. ALL CONNECTIONS TO DRYWELL SHALL HAVE AIR GAP. LE EN U U.L. UNDERWATER LIGHT H.R. HANDRAIL 2r-36"ABOVE DECK AND STEPS M.D. MAIN DRAIN (TAMPER -PROOF GRATE, ALL GRATES TO BE ANTIVORTEX) D.W. DEPTH MARKER TILE W1 4' HIGH LETTERS SUP RESISTANT DECK MARKERS: R WATER RETURN INLET J.S. JET SUCTION (ANTIVORTEX. TAMPER -PROOF GRATES) S.S. SURFACE SKIMMER WITH COVERED EQUALIZER H.L. HANDICAP LIFT ANCHOR 0 POOL AND SPA J.B. JUNCTION BOX ,,. SPECIFICATION Type Size x Surface Area Pool Perimeter Depths Min. _ _ Max SPA SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Size x Sq. Ft. By Length _ Saa Dam Wall Width Time Clock Sub Panel No. of Jets No of Lights in Pool Light Booster Pump Outside G.F.I Lights GFI Outlet _ Calif. Aqua Air -Bar & Blower _ Extra Switch for Spa Light Blower Only Blank Plugs Raised Spa _ Spillways Motor Booster Special Notes Blower Cleaner EXCAVATION Misc Type --- ---- — -- - ---- Access From —.—_ COPING & TILE Elevation Coping White___-___._�__ Deep End Ramp Coping Special Fence Removed By _ Tile Type _ Fence Type Tile Trim Mastic Trash Removal Loads 6" R.B.B __' 12" R.B.B. _' 18"RBB Concrete Removal Loads I Misc. Tree Removal By Stump Removal By Dirt Pad__. FI. DECKING --___-- 6" R.B.B. _' 12" R.B.B. _' 18" R.B.B —' f By — _ Up To _ Sq. Ft. WalkouVMisc. Finish Color Rock Pack Expansion Joints — Mastic Footing STEEL Steps Type Expansive Soil _ Cantilever 6" R.B.B. —' 12" R.B.B. _' 18" R.B.B. _' Deck Drains —' Curb Core Surcharge Deep End Ramp Decco Drain _ Diving Board Jig Loveseat Inside Outside Patio Straps & Footing _ No. Spa Wall Width Other Slide Installation Wall Dowel/Misc. MASONRY T -Bars _ Deck Dowels Coping Type Planter Wall PLUMBING Type —_' x Filter Size Cap Back Up Wall Pool Pump Size Footings R.B.B Facing Heater Size Firepit Type Size Booster Pump Size Equip. Wall Type x Skimmer Type Fencing _ Caretaker No. of Heads _ Misc._— Other Cleaner _ Stub Only _ Flit Line —' Slide Line PLASTER P -Trap — Back Wash to Lights Pool Spa Gas Line Stubs Rope Rings Eyeballs Required Fountains/Sprayheads Color Name Tile Lights in Pool in Spa -- Caretaker Aqua Air Bar Hydrostatic Valve Stub Set Equipment SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Solar Run Diving Board Size Sawcut Auger Model Color Misc. Slide Size --' Model - Color GUNITE Pool Cover Solar Heating Yes _ No _ Gunite Inspection Required Yes No Misc. By Rope Rings (arab Rails FENCING Creep End Ramp 6" R.B.B. _' 12" R.B.B. —' 18" R.B.B. _' To Meet All Local Code Requirements By Buyer Prior to Loveseat Extended 2nd Step _ Preplaster Inspection Notch Bond Beam OTHER Coping Cantilever Notched Spa Dam Watt Spa Dam Wall Width —— OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES Owner To: (1) Determine the approximate elevation of pool or spa at layout on Day of Excavation (2) Take notice that Pool and Equipment location is subject to acceptance of local Building Depart- ment at time of issuance of permit. (3) Wet down concrete shell at least twice daily for seven (7) days after day shell is installed (4) Take Notice that California Pools IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for: Underground conditions or objects, and any Damage to curbs, sidewalks, driveways, fawns, or other items in access area. (5) See that all fencing, gates, and garage doors meet local codes for a pool enclosure prior to preplaster inspection. (6) F!6 pool immediately after plantar. (Follow Instructions, Do not use Rubber Hose) (7) Take Notice that this drawing is the sole property of California Pools and any use without written permission of California Pools, Inc. Is prohibited by law. Owner approves Plan, Pool, and Equipment Locations and has read the Responsibilities and NOTICES above Signed Date 'NAMESWIMMING POOL PLAN FOR: PGA '"WEST RYDER COLLECTION COMMUN" POOL STREET— JOB ADDRESS �G*A PHONE OFFICE RES LOT TRACT PAGE BOOK MAP BO K PAGE NO. MAIL ADDRESS _ CITY CONSTRUCTION OFFICE PHONE NO. _ SCALE DATE DRAWN BY j ----J-SOLD BY:�� CHECKED BY 11e'• 1 I �'7`O� _,aHt! J CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR'S LIC NO. 185102