2004 03 02 RDAe4 4 449ha Redevelopment Agency Agendas are Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 2, 2004 - 2:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. RA 2004-004 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, and Chairperson Henderson PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the Redevelopment Agency Board may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when the Agency is considering acquisition of real property. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c), INITIATION OF LITIGATION (ONE MATTER). Redevelopment Agency Agenda March 2, Q04 2J 2. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, OSCAR ORCI, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND 650 FEET SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 111, WHICH INCLUDES OR IS A PORTION OF APN's 649-030-016, 017, AND 040, FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: ANNE J. MAZZELLA AND SKYLINE PACIFIC PROPERTIES, LLC. 3. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, OSCAR ORCI, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 78-990 MILES AVENUE APN 604-032-022. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR - SHEILA WELDON. RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Agency Board on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Agency Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed ,.request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Agency beginning consideration of that item. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 17, 2004 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1 . APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 2, 2004. 2. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SILVERROCK RANCH. Redevelopment Agency Agenda 2 March 2, 2004 BUSINESS SESSION 1 CONSIDERATION OF OPTIONS AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT A WALL FOR THE AREA BETWEEN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PRESBYTERIAN HOMES SENIOR PROJECT, HADLEY VILLAS, AND THE LAKE LA QUINTA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. APPLICANT: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PRESBYTERIAN HOMES. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 2. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES AMENDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NOS. 1 AND 2 PURSUANT TO SENATE BILLS 1045 AND 211 AS CODIFIED IN HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTIONS 33333.6(e) (2) (B) AND 33333.6(e) (2) (C), AND TO 1.) EXTEND THE DURATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR PROJECT AREAS NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR ONE YEAR AND EXTEND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S RECEIPT OF TAX INCREMENT WITH RESPECT TO PROJECT AREAS NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR ONE YEAR, DUE TO THE AGENCY'S REQUIRED PAYMENT UNDER STATE LAW TO THE EDUCATIONAL REVENUE AUGMENTATION FUND, AND 2.) ELIMINATE THE TIME LIMIT SET FORTH IN THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NO. 2 CONCERNING THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S INCURRENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS WITH RESPECT TO PROJECT AREA NO. 2. A. CALL UP ORDINANCES, READ BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING. B. INTRODUCE ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING. STUDY SESSION - NONE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to be held on March 16, 2004 commencing with closed session at 2:00 p.m. and open session at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, and CA 92253. Redevelopment Agency Agenda 3 March 2, 2004 DECLARATION OF POSTING 1, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of Tuesday, March 2, 2004, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce and at Stater Bros. 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, February 27, 2004. DATED: February 27, 2004 a�:� —jof- JUNE S. GREEK, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Redevelopment Agency Agenda 4 March 2, 2004 T4ht 4 4 Q" COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: MARCH 2,2004 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated March 2, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING Receive and File the Demand Register Dated March 2, 2004 of which $29,631.71 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures. PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER I ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 sep atimrai COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: March 2, 2004 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Professional Services Agreement Amendment for Civil Engineering Services CONSENT CALENDAR: for SilverRock Ranch STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve a professional services agreement (PSA) amendment in the amount of $30,000 with The Keith Companies to provide additional civil engineering services for the SilverRock Ranch project, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the Silver Rock Ranch project and has budgeted $5,184,200 for professional services. The contract with The Keith Companies (TKC) is for a fixed fee of $444,182 with an option to add $30,000 and $42,932 for water well and canal pump station design services. Adequate funds are available in Contract Services/Professional, Account No. 401- 1723-551.32-10 to cover this contract amendment. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Pursuant to the City's consultant selection process, staff negotiated a contract with The Keith Companies in an amount not to exceed $444,182 with an option of adding an additional $30,000 to design on -site water wells and $42,932 to design a canal pump station. Subsequent to approval of TKC's contract, the well and cahal pump stations were designed by Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering (PACE) as part of their water master plan. Additional staking is necessary to define the optional green location for the 15 th hole and mitigation area required for purchase and dedications to the Bureau of Reclamation in order to locate this green on the west side of the canal. Also, CVWD has required the City to stake the Canal right-of-way to prevent construction within their right-of- way which was not included in TKC's original PSA. These additional tasks, along with anticipated future additional tasks, will be paid by this amendment. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: Approve a professional services agreement amendment with The Keith Companies in the amount of $30,000 to provide additional civil engineering services for the SilverRock Ranch project, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract; or 2. Do not approve a professional services agreement amendment with The Keith Companies in the amount of $30,000 to provide additional civil engineering services for the SilverRock Ranch project, and do not authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, J R, JJon n, P. E. mothy R. mo u I ' c Woms D blic W r/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment: 1 . Professional Services Agreement Amendment 2 ATTACHMENT 1 4 etP Qumrory PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. I PROJECT: SilverRock Ranch Civil Engineering Services CONSULTANT: The Keith Companies Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Provide additional survey and civil engineering services as required in order to support Construction of Phase 1. Previous Contract Amount $444,182.00 Add this Amendment No. 1 $30,000.00 Revised Contract Total $474,182.00 Submitted By: Date: Approved By: Date: 4^ We, the undersigned Consultant, havegiven careful consideradon to the changeproposed and hereby agree, if thisproposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept asjullpayment the amount shown above. Accepted By: Title: Consultant: Date: PSA96041.doc 3 The Keith Companies I Enlrolllj= January 27, 2004 CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Mr. Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: SILVER ROCK RANCH Dear Mr. Jonasson: The Keith Companies (TKC) is pleased to re -submit the following proposal for the additional surveying and mapping services for the following: * Topographic surveying/field location and mapping of the areas of the two (2) proposed "Tum-Outs" on the CVWD canal. * The construction staking of both sides of the Right of Way, as it crosses the construction area of the above referenced project. TKC will survey the two "Turn -Out" areas and determine the horizontal and vertical data, prepare a drawing of the areas, based on the criteria as specified by PACE Engineering in their fax, dated 1/27/04. TKC will set points on the CVWD Right of Way lines as markers to prohibit grading within said Right of Way, as specified by CVWD. Our fee for the work as described above is $7,000.00. Please issue the necessary paper work as your authorization for us to complete this project. Sincerely, THE KEITH COMPANIES, INC. PALM ESERT DIVISION I R ss 11 J. Mul ins, P S 3712 r of Survey. DirectoK CC: file X440256.011a Quinta.SilverRock.EXTRA-doc Palm Desert Division 73-733 Fred Waring Drive Suite 100 Palm Desert California 92260-2590 T. 760.346.9844 F: 760.346.9368 www4tithco.com 9 The Keith Companies, Inc. Palm Desert California Division 1TXC FEE SCHEDULE - July 1, 2003 through March 31,2004 Compensation for work performed on a time and materials basis will be computed as follows: CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES and MAPPING SERVICES Hourly Rate President...................................................................................................................................................... $145.00 VicePresident ................................................................................................................................................. 142.00 Director' III Engineering ................................................................................................................................... 138.00 Sr. Project Manager, Director 11 Mapping ....................................................................................................... 130.00 ProcessingManager ...................................................................................................................................... 120.00 Mapping Supervisor, Project Manager ........................................................................................................... 116.00 AssistantProject Manager ............................................................................................................................. 112.00 Sr. Project Engineer, Sr. Project Surveyor ..................................................................................................... 110.00 Sr. Project Designer, Project Surveyor ........................................................................................................... 105.00 ProjectEngineer ............................................................................................................................................. 102.00 ProjectDesigner, Sr. Survey Analyst ............................................................................................................. 100.00 Sr. Design Engineer, Sr. Designer, Survey Analyst .......................................................................................... 96.00 DesignEngineer, Designer .............................................................................................................................. 92.00 DesignTechnician ............................................................................................................................................ 86.00 Assistant Engineer, Sr. CADD Technician ....................................................................................................... 84.00 CADDTechnician ............................................................................................................................................. 80.00 Jr. Survey Analyst, Research/Processing Coordinator ................................................................................... ;.75.00 Jr. Engineer, Jr. CADD Technician .................................................................................................................. 73.00 ProjectCoordinator .......................................................................................................................................... 50.00 Engineering/Survey Aide .................................................................................................................................. 55.00 OfficeWork ...................................................................................................................................................... 40.00 CULTURAL RESOURCES Director I Cultural Resources .......................... $120.00 Project Manager/Archaeo & Paleo .................... 115.00 Archaeologist, Paleontologist .............................. 95.00 FieldtLab Supervisor ........................................... 80.00 Field/Lab Technician III ....................................... 70.00 Field/Lab Technician 11 ........................................ 65.00 Field/Lab Technician I ......................................... 55.00 FIELD SURVEY Director 11 Survey ............................................. $130.00 Supervisor ......................................................... 116.00 Field Coordinator ................................................. 97.00 Survey Technician ............................................... 84.00 Three Person Crew ........................................... 205.00 Two Person Crew .............................................. 185.00 One Person Crew .............................................. 155.00 PLANNING SERVICES Vice President of Planning ................ $142.00 Director 11 Planning .............................. 130.00 Principal Planner ................................. 115.00 Sr. Planner .......................................... 110.00 Project Planner ...................................... 96.00 Planner.................................................. 90.00 Assistant Planner .................................. 85.00 Graphic Designer .................................. 80.00 Planning Technician .............................. 70.00 Director I Construction ...................... $120.00 Sr. Construction Mgr ........................... 102.00 Construction Manager ........................... 86.00 Superintendent ...................................... 75.00 Laborer.................................................. 55.00 Project Coordinator ............................... 50.00 Office Work ........................................... 40.00 SPECIAL SERVICES ConsultationRe: Litigation ........................................................................................................................... $300.00 Directorof Computer Services ....................................................................................................................... 140.00 MISCELLANEOUS FEES The following services are billed at our cost plus 15%: • Subcontracted services. • Map check fees or filing fees advanced by us. • Transportation, meals and lodging for overnight travel and incidental travel expenses. • Commercial delivery services, including Federal Express, Express Mail, and Messenger Services. • Excessive long distance telephone calls, telegrams, and other costs directly applicable to the project. • Plotting and blueprint services and printing. (The client is encouraged to arrange for.printing, other than prints or plots on our blueprint machine and plotters, to be contracted directly with an outside blueprint company acceptable to us.) MILEAGE................................................................................................................................................ $ 0.36/mile NOTE: EEO obligations of Exec Order 11246 and 41 CFR Parts 60-1.4, 60-250.5 and 60-741.5 are incorporated in non-exempt us Government contracts/subcontracts. TKC Corporate R Division President .10 I evision 2 0A901050V=wAdoc\ME SCHEDULES\04 Pahn Dewn\2003 Standwd Fee Schedule.doc '28, 2004 4:22PM 1HP LASERJET-3900 The Keith Compant es MIM1110M November 12, 2003 MY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Mr. Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director/Citf Engineer R& SILVER ROCK RANCH Dear Nh Jonassm Ile Keith Companies (1XQ is pleased to submit dw following proposal for the additional surveying of the "IV' Grece parcel, lying on the wcs=iy side of'the canal, following some certain comtour elevation to be identified by you. TKC will re-su zvey ft area and dftm3ine the perWacter of the pa=l, based on your criteria, TKC will re- compute the boundary of the parcel, tying it to the boundary of the Silver Rock.Ranch property. TKCwfll use this survey to complau &a work on the legal descriptions and plM as begun on our od.ginal contract Our fee for the work -as described above is $1,500.00. Please issue the necessary paper worl. as yourauthorization for us to cozMlete this project Sincerely, THE KEITH CONTANIES, INC. iP I DESERT DIVISION ssell 1. M4Q* PLS 3712 or of Survey CC: file X:W5347.LaquintLSilverRock.#IS.Rcuwvcy.doc PWm Desert Division 73-733 Fred Vieft Driye SLAO 100 Palm Desert Califomia 92260-2590 T. 760.346.9844 F: 760346.9368 www.kefthco.com I . .6 11 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: March 2, 2004 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Options and Appropriation of Funds to Construct a Wall for the STUDY SESSION: Area Between the Southern California Presbyterian PUBLIC HEARING: Homes Senior Project, Hadley Villas, and the Lake La Quinta Residential Development. Applicant: Southern California Presbyterian Homes RECOMMENDATION: Approve Option 3 and authorize the Executive Director to make the necessary changes to the Affordable Housing Agreement, and appropriate $44,351 from the Unappropriated Fund balance from the Project Area No. 2 Housing Account . FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Should Council select one of the options which range in price from $44,351 to $55,133, funds needed to accomplish the construction would be appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance from Project Area No. 2 Housing Fund. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Site Background Resolution No. 2002-47 approved Site Development Permit 2002-732 for the construction of an 81 -unit senior apartment complex ("Project") with a multi -purpose room at the southwest corner of Avenue 47 and Adams Street. A total of nine buildings were approved, with heights varying from 18 feet to 24 feet. Condition No. 81 of the Resolution requires a six-foot high stucco wall along the southern perimeter of the site. The site has been graded and applicant is preparing to construct the improvements. 12 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\B4-SCPH.doc Project Request At the meeting of November 4, 2003, the Lake La Quinta Homeowners' Association and a resident requested the City and/or the applicant (Southern California Presbyterian Homes) incur the cost to increase the height of the block wall by an additional two feet, or construct a three-foot berm with a six-foot high block wall along the southern perimeter of the Project (between the two developments). The Lake La Quinta Homeowners' Association and resident expressed concerned with the visibility of the Project. Council referred the matter to staff. On November 18, 2003 (Attachment 1) the City Council reviewed several issues associated with the wall modifications, including visibility, engineering conditions, general cost associated with the additional construction, maintenance, and Code requirements. Council directed staff to obtain cost alternatives to increase the wall height and provide their related costs. Options and Costs A six-foot high stucco wall approximately 800 feet in length along the southern perimeter of the site was approved for this site. The initial cost of the wall is $157,217.40. The options listed below do not include this cost. This cost has already been funded and no additional funds are needed. The following is a list of alternative wall options and additional costs associated with increasing the height: Option 1 This option would involve the construction of a two -foot retaining wall under the budgeted six-foot high, six-inch block wall. The cost would be $55,133 and represents the construction of the earth work and retaining wall (Attachment 2). Option 2 This option would involve increasing the height of the wall to eight feet with an eight - inch block wall versus the approved six-inch block, at the existing grade. Again, the cost of the original wall is not included. The costs associated with the block wall and height increase is $53,636 (Attachment 3). This would include the architectural design, structural engineering (wind load increases by 33%) and the additional height and width. Option 3 This option would involve the construction of the original six-foot high wall (already budgeted) with a three-foot berm for the entire length of the Lake La Quinta side (800 feet). The additional cost is $44,351. The cost associated with the berm is for importing the dirt (Attachment 4). S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\B4-SCPH.doc 02 13 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: Approve Option 3 and authorize the Executive Director to make the necessary changes to the Affordable Housing Agreement, and appropriate $44,351 from the Unappropriated Fund balance from Project Area No. 2 Housing; 2. Choose an alternative option and authorize the Executive Director to execute the necessary changes to the Affordable Housing Agreement, and appropriate the funding from the Unappropriated Fund balance from Project Area No. 2 Housing Fund; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Oscar W. Orci,-fnterim Community Development Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1 . November 18, 2003 minutes (excerpt) 2. Option 1 costs 3. Option 2 costs 4. Option 3 costs 03 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\B4-SCPH.doc 14 eo**� ATTACHMENT #1 City Council Minutes 13 November 18, 2003 Mayor Adolph agreed it would be difficult to find an appropriate location in the Village. Council Member Sniff questioned a carwash being compatible with the image the Council would like to see in the Village and what- is currently being constructed there. . He agrees erosion of the asphalt would be a problem. Council Member Henderson referenced a large parcel near the park that Phe feels could accommodate a carwash. She believes it may be helpful to look at a larger map with more detail to determine if a potential location exists. She noted Ralph's Market has been successful and a lot of people questioned them locating in the Village. The consensus of the Council was not to pursue this matter any further and to take no action. 7. CONSIDERATION OF A WALL HEIGHT FOR THE AREA BETWEEN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PRESBYTERIAN HOMES SENIOR PROJECT, HADLEY VILLAS, AND THE LAKE LA 'QUINTA RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. * Community Development DirectoT Herman presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman stated the senior apartment pad elevations were elevated for drainage purposes. Council Member Henderson asked if the Lake La Quinta Homeowners Association requested the wall to be built and the oleanders removed, to which Mr. Herman responded, "Yes."' In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman stated the applicant has indicated it will cost approximately $45,000 to redesign the wall from six to eight feet high because of the footings and possible storm drainage modifications. The ' Building & Safety.'Department has indicated an eight -inch block can probably be placed on top of the six -foot -high wall without affecting the footing and engineering but it will not achieve the two feet the homeowners are requesting. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Herman stated the developer will replace the irrigation and grass in the landscaped parkway between the curb and wall. He stated canopy trees (Acacia, Palo Verde, and Mesquite) will be planted between the wall and carports but he's not sure what will be planted immediately on the other side of the wall. J 0 4 to 15 City Council Minutes 14 November 18, 2003 in response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Herman -confirmed only five feet of wall will be visible on the inside of the project because of elevation increases. In response to Council Member Sniff, City Attorney Jenson stated the conditions of approval for the Southern Presbyterian Homes project have been approved and can be modified only if the developer agrees. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Herman stated the building permit for the wall had not been issued as of -last week. Ben Beckler, 516 Burchett Street, Glendale, of Southern Presbyterian Homes, stated every dollar of the federally -funded project has been spent. They would also have to get approval from HUD to make any changes, and HUD would probably have a problem adding a berm because -it would move the wall further into the project. If additional engineering for the retention basin and other improvements is needed, it could result in a shut -down of the project. The wall permit has been approved but they have delayed pulling it until after this meeting. He stated the footing has been excavated and would require re -compacting if the wall is relocated., They are also conditioned to complete the wall prior to building construction and they are almost at that point. He stated they attended the public meeting held by the City with the homeowners association and discussed various solutions for the wall, including leaving the oleand - ers in place, which the homeowners opposed. He reca.11s the discussion being for a six -foot -high wall and that a berm was not mentioned. He noted the project was not conditioned to replant the oleanders. He feels the landscape plans show the project is sensitive to the sight lines in order to buffer, as much as possible, any negatives perceived by the community. Council Member Henderson noted everyone is moving away from oleander use because of water usage. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Beckler stated he doesn't have any solutions that will not have a financial impact on the project but they are willingto increase the height of the wall if the funding is provided. He feels the first option, as it relates to cost, would be to increase the planting, second to increase the height of the wall, and third to relocate the wall. He stated they will increase the wall height if the homeowners are willing to pay the additional cost, Dutch Dilsaver, 78-835 Dulce Del Mar, stated he un4dritood the Planning Commission requested the wall match the existing � *W-W , Wfith a three-foot berm. He indicated he talked to staff and the projedWA ,Wftftendent several 05 City Council Minutes 15 November 18, 2003 times in an attempt to resolve this matter before grading began. He doesn't think it would take much to add dirt and compact it for a berm. He also referenced a fax he sent to Council regarding several of the issues involved. Mr. Herman. read the condition of approval regarding the wall and noted it does not call for a berm. Mr. Dilsaver stated the homeowners agreed to have the oleanders removed so the wall could be on the property line. Mayor Adolph asked about the location of the property line and questioned how the City can allow a wall to be built without knowing where the property line is. Mr. Herman stated the. location for the wall is probably on Southern Presbyterian Homes' property and will not be built on Lake La Quinta's property. Council Member Sniff noted the condition is for a six -foot -high wall "matching" the existing wall, which should include a berm -to conform to the height of the existing wall. Mr. Dilsaver commented on the difference of opinions of staff and the - project superintendent as to the location of the property line. He feels the simple solution would be to build a six -foot -high wall on a two400t-high berm. Mr. Herman stated the intent was to match the color and texture of the existing wall but not to elevate the new wall to the height of the existing wall. Counc.il Member Sniff stated that may have been the intent but it's not what the condition states, and he feels "matching is matching." In response to Council Member Osborne, Ms. Jenson stated the condition of approval calls for the block wall to match the existing blo ck wall and the ' question is whether or not the berm is part of the wall. She stated it may be open to interpretation but she assumed it meant the material of the block wall as opposed to the ground.under the wall. Council Member Sniff stated he views the footing as part of the wall. 4ts 17 City Council Minutes 16 November 18, 2003 In response to Mayor Adolph Mr. Herman explained the transition between the two walls will be with an eight -foot wrought -iron gate over the stormwater drainage area, which will tie the two walls together. Council Member Sniff stated it doesn' t make sense to have an eight -foot - high gate next to a six -foot -high wall. Mr. Herman stated the eight feet may reference the width and not height. Council Member Osborne noted if "matching" includes the height, then the berm would have to be three feet, not two feet. He asked if that could be a legal issue, and Ms. Jenson responded it could be. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Herman stated the City is no longer involved with the property because it was purchased by the developer. Council Member Sniff suggested the City assume the estimated cost of $10,000 to construct the wall on a berm. Mr. Beckler noted putting the wall on a berm would move the wall further north and impact the engineering for the site. He feels it would be more cost efficient to re -compact the footing and build a higher wall. He stated it will' cost approximately $45,000 to extend the wall to eight feet, including larger footings and block. - Mayor Adolph questioned the engineering cost since it will not be a retaining wall. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Beckler confirmed. the property has been surveyed and they are confident the wall will be within their property - Council Member Sniff suggested this item be continued for two weeks to allow staff and the developer time to come up with some solid f igures. Mr. Beckler stated they don't have a problem delaying construction of the wall as long as the City frees them from the condition of approval requiring construction of the wall before other portions of their construction begins. He stated they are ready to construct forms for the building foundations. Council Member Sniff suggested the developer be allowed to proceed with the building construction and staff directed to work with the developer to work out the situation with either a berm or an eight -foot -high wall. Mr. Beckler stated they would look to do whatever is least costly. City Council Minutes 17 November 18, 2003 MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to authorize the Southern Presbyterian Homes to proceed with the building construction and direct staff to work with the developer on the situation of the wall with either a berm or an eight -foot -high wall. Motion carried unanimously with Council Member Perkins ABSENT. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-113. Council recessed to and until 7:00 P.M. 1� 7:00 P.M, PUBLIC COMMENT Ramon Fernandez, 83-360 Rosa Avenue, Thermal, spoke in reference to Business Item No. 5 and stated he is in favor of being annexed into La Quinta. Emma Fernandez, 83-280 Rosa Avenue, Thermal, stated she also supports annexation to La Quinta. Council informed them of the actions taken during consideration of that matter. PRESENTATIONS The Mayor and Council Members presented art awards to the following students of La Quinta Middle School whose artwork has been displayed at City Hall: Omar Aguilera Gabriella Barajas- Luis Becerra Michael Flaherty Colton Freeland Octavio Guzman Steven Hayden Chris Legg PUBLIC HEARINGS Lidia Luna Anthony Mascorro Og Mojica Amanda Mowery Ruben Argenis Mujica Philip Pleming Louie Rangel Adrian Reyes Janette Rodriguez Jared Rogers Yvonne Rosas Zasha Rubal Leighann Stone Jonathan Wolkowicz 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE FOR ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2003-077, AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 8.13 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. 0 8 19 . ATTACHMENT #2 Additional cost for Site wall at the Lake La Quinta, Hadley Villas Property Un ........... Architectural: 2,500.00 Engineering: 0.00 use current city standard Roel Construction: 52,633.00 Total Cost 55,133.00 09 FEE BREAKDOWN SITE WALL @ HADLEY VILLAS MAP #01013.04 M (ASSUMES USE OF CITY STANDARD DETAIL) --1101,011111 I'll - M M �mea i �A, rMl�ngCon��w�iion Administration 8 FOOT WALL MATALON ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING $2,500.00 Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration R.L. BIGGERS Structural Engineering $2,000.00 TOTAL $4,500.00 6 FOOT MLL ON 2 FOOT BERM MATALON ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING $3,500.00 Coordination, Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration DC! ENGINEERING Civil, Engineering $5,000,00 TOTAL $8,500.00 10 M oFEB.18-2004 2:43PM 7r.03481jr74 JACUBSSM ENS CONSTR JACw4ii SON JAC 74A § 11 N 0 3 N 0 1 MWT,1990N, V4C Plot. IOX 14AM. FAULM40% , C^LIFMIMIA 9 Dow, CA na" REQUEST FOR CHANGE ORDER 3m KUM$TPMT 9M 11 0 3' CA W22 CA NO. 2019 P: .. 7F 04 cj� A % jec"o. 0 "Gum"o. 3 ML=m Mza Ip 7"m 77-7 7:71L -7 E, 0 so(KIN Fwv,-�-a .3 nffz-�� till ":ALL-1 Zil FEB. 18. 2004 2:42PM NO, 2019 P. 5 CHANGE REQUEST AND OWNER APPROVAL Dippow to Foc"d with wo* and approval of chanp ardw M=nL PROJECTHME: 105iS -Hadley VPWs CR NUMBER. a APPROVAL Affordable Housing Cft $3 DATE: 01/21104 REQUESIED FROM: $16 Sur0aft St. JOB NUMBER. 10515 GlerIdele. CA 91203 please approve ttw followin duuVe In= by your sign" below This proposal is void urd Your profnpt approvW 16 knportant to the progre" of the job. Thf* ww* is notprocesifflng peficift wall heIgN by am" Iwo4bot mb**V was whh six-foot go0en was above. 2750 Immoved ft*v sin for relaining wag 9,05.001 2100 JrVort addillonal NO and place beW 100 rG wall 10,41M.00 2100 Fwm graft arn 4.61M.00 4010 AddftW two-W of S. DIM Was 20,000.00 proposal does not irckide any osts, or law Rw *enginesving or POMMM Of 10 MV410d in of the wag. nm ComboatComplollon DEW SMN be MM Oft): Gen. Condftns 119CRISAM a DRIPS. Fbod Inswance OW. Ovadvad & Fee NO Affeavc! at aS by this o"go. Sam Pnxwum jV —T—TbIs c6anp may~ Me Gonkm;K0990490 DaftbW TUTALU061 aft UFLUGNIMM we to wW Impact carAot be dolmrmliwd stilik Gm. Addifsols! IfflIaMom Wm W Ismilmm US %0-190 Is ovAtMe. This Choup Request Lm to cat 9*. oft AG—*= AND ACCEPM Upon signalsim by Owner. We document wul som as wrlftn authorkeflon to proceed with the abm work at #w amounts shown, A w4wt charq* ordor shell be pftpred to flnelize #0 charmt. 4,501.00 371.00 ;�404.09 By ArcMlscm By Owner. By Conlractor: Mabdon Archftolvre & Planing !!2LdLW NqAffl Corp. #3 ROF.L CONSTRUCTION C9., INC. 91QCqqdA;ve..Suft2Q3 GIs imiftj St. 2WO MICHELSON DR., STE. 250 son On*' Cs Glendale. CA 91203 — IRVINE, CA OM12 DATE: QATE- DATE: A=gslf - Wwwrvantmw R4W1W4R I -XV.- fihl� RcW" 12 23 ,FEB.18.2004 2:43PM NO. 2019 P. 6 TO: FROM. �a4 ROEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ATTN: DON MALOY 9492210363 949 260 3970 FAX PAUL BEIROLI)f JORGE ROSALES THE BEIROLD COMPANY 23236 LYONS AVE. SUITE 220 SANTA CLARITA, CA 91321 CONTRACTI?RS LICENSE #221783, C29 & C54 (061) 2W3311 (601) 2MS322 FAX HADLEY VILLAS, LA QUINTA, CA isnuary 14D, MW Don, The folimft is our proposal for the above mentioned project. This proposal is per plans by Matalon ArchkaMve and includes vM labor and material 1br a compleo IrmUlledon. —4, Additional two -feet of height and change block size from 60 to a,. % 2. --8-- Transition in block wall from top of berm to eAsting grade. Sincerely, Paul Behold & Jorge Rosales The Beirold Company 13 12 4 ATTACHMENT 3 Additional cost for Site wall at the Lake La Quinta, Hadley Villas Property Une Architectural: 2,500.00 Structural Engineering: 2,000.00 Roel Construction: 49,136.W Total Cost 53,638.W 14 25 FEE BREAKDOWN SITE WALL @ HADLEY VILLAS MAP #01013.04 6.FOOT WALL ON, 2 FOOT RMINING WALL (ASSUMES USE OF CITY STANDARD DETAIL) MATALON ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING $2,500.00 Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration TOTAL $2,500.00 8 FOOT WALL MOWN - Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration Structural Engineering 6 FOOT W&L ON 2 FOOT BERM MATALON ' ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING $3,500.00 Coordination, Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration DCI ENGINEERING Civil Engineering $5,000.00 TOTAL $8,500.00 15 26 FEB.18,2004 2 :41 PM NO. 2019 P. 2 CHANGE REQUEST AND OWNER APPROVAL Direction to proceed with work and approy of Chang 0"Wr amunL PROJECT NAME: 10515 - Hadley Was CR NUMBER: 2 APPROVAL Afford" Housing Corp 03 DATE: 01 ROQUE$ D JOB NUMBER: 10515 FROM: 516 Burd*tt St Glendale, CA 91203 is bebw. T pmposal is valid untR please approw the fOlItIlift change issue by your sii—natu your prornpt gWq"l W important to #0 pmgress of the job. This WW* is not PrOC99cring Pf"Ifing 2100 row masonryo"*" jr OW vag and V in heW to F block wall and 5'im 1191ght Addftnat ow exc@vgbM co"Vgetion and fiMgnKbrjg to 0WOnSete for larger WN 1 2.750.00 2750 1 Addibgral coric" arid reinforcirIg AW for enlafW ft" 1 14,570.00 4010 1 Coo for addhioniii heVd and kW*"*d mf$OmY block size 1 28,700.00 propla, does not IWWS aq costs or fees for reiinqlnee4rig or Permitting of the revised r of the won. TM CoMmet co-Wo- Dab Aall be gftk 0-): Gin Condffions INCWS90 0 MIMI. F"d Insurance DR"- Owrh"d Fee NO AMON St frt—'YTFW--IV- Bond Premium is avemoft. Tbft C1180P "06t ft" Ow cost only. Mer AUMV WP —ACCEP"ID upon signature by 0w"9r, this document will serve as wr*tgn authorketim 10 proceed with the above Work at the amounts shown. A contract Change orft Mall be prepared to finalizi this change. 0.99 460.00 2,324.00 By Archftect By Owner: By conu*ctor M*IgWhEE���� Affordable HOUS�R CorP. #3 ROEL CotlSTRI&TION CO.. INC. 910 Grand Avg.. "It 703 5169urch"St. ZWO MICHELSON DR., STE, 250 San N000, Ca Gjerjd9le.CA912Q3 IRVINE, CA 02612 DMIN&Y DATE7 DATE; 16 407 FEB.18-2004 2:42PM NO-2019 F. 3 TO. ROEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY January 10, 2004 ATTN: DON MALOY 9492210363 W9 250 3270 FAX FROM; PAUL BEIROLD/ JORGE ROSALES THE BEIROLD COMPANY 23236 LYONS AVE. SUITE 220 SANTA CLARITA, CA 01321 CONTRACTORS UCENSE #221783, C29 C54 (661) 2604311 (661) 260-3322 FAX RE: HADLEY \A LLAS, LA QUINTA. CA Don, The following is our proposal for the above mentioned project. This proposal Is per plans by Matalon Architecture and includes all labor and material for a complete 1. Additional two -feet of height and change block size from 6" to 8". --2,. Build two -foot retaining wall length of south property line. --3—. Transition in block wall from top of berm to e)dstng grade. Sincerely, Paul Beirold & Jorge Rosales The Belrold Company 28i,700.00 17 W eFEB. 18. 2004 2:42PM 7603401674 JACONSW ENS CONSTJR JACOIDSSON Z N C3 1 ;4 ]a 8 R I N 0 cc)lqilkucnoN. INC p.o. *oX I "SO, FIALM DoWr, CALIFClt**" 9223"420 .%,_GZS WU L-1. pmA CNIff, CA NM ~90 ox vgo 140-15y's REQUEST FOR CHANOE ORDER NO. 2019 P.- . .4-. 02 mm; FWM %.%Nvw a �. — IA WA. CA 3 3 0 MAL �Mxm sm W&W. CA 0122 REQUUT AcW-6 DAM 64M04 MOT Is Wilby - ----- Pampw Come cow* bi MOTM I OUANTMES FOR BIWNG To BE MTLVAHM OY FMID LWAKOWMff 2 no EWAMEBUft I69TM, STAKW^ OR GURVEVM WACLUDW 3 ALL POMS MOM PREMA PROPOWLS TO APPLY 5 18 29 ATTACHMENT 4 Additional cost for Site wall at the Lake La Quinta, Hadley Villas Property Unc Architectural: 3,500.00 DCl Civil Engineering: 5,000.00 Roel Construction: 35,851.00 Total Cost 44,351.00 I %_; 19 30 FEE BREAKDOWN SITE WALL @ HADLEY VILLAS MAP #01013.04 6 FOOT WALL ON, 2 FOOT RVAINING WALL (ASSUMES USE OF CITY STANDARD DETAIL) MATALON ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING $2,500.00 Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration TOTAL $2,500.00 8 FOOT WALL MATALON ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING $2,500.00 Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration R.L. BIGGERS Structural Engineering $2,000.00 TOTAL $4,500.00 1111FAK &A la� Coordination, Documentation, Processing, Construction Administration Civil Engineering 20 31 FEB-18-2004 2:43PM NO. 2019 P. 8 CHANGE REQUEST AND OWNER APPROVAL Direction to proceed wKh wod arid apooval of chium order amoint PROJECT NAME: 10616 - Hadey Was CR NUMBEFL 9 APPROVAL Affordabler Housing Corp 03 DATFE: OZ/1 3W REOUESTED FROM: $16 Byrchett St JOB NUMBER: 10515 GlenMe, CA 91203 pleass M*we the follgowing change issue by your signature below- This proposal is volid unfil Your prompt approval is knportant to the progress of the job. This wark Is notproceedmi; peading Increase wall height by cresling two and 0 half W Wm under well to MIK lop Of 11601ing. 2100 IMW am P1,11*0 add0onsl soft to pmvide %( an introfted low-ft" he" Mn 19,200.00 to 00.5 2100 Fire grad a ares 8'"s-00 2010 Survey arW tayoul of slope and wall (Tdw t*J ujpl '14 OLA -to* - P41J. 11750.00 4010 TW4WW Of MOMW WON t0 0694* GOV800n CJP4WA hk "ll") 1,500.00 pmp"M OM not kviuds any cosix or feet for wsriginim" or pamON of ft revind in of On well. TM Coninict Gooplebw Dsb AM be fPkk Off); 16". Cw4itions —10.00% 3.0011.00 INCIRS"91) 0 0479- IFIxed Insurarm u.,r5ya 253.00 mWAMED 0. Pap, 10"ftad & Pat L=WWML 5 Ile".00 rm Ave"M wall Or VW5 chwoc Isond Premium U. 178.00 --r—Ynb dWW a" aftettive Commut Compiwden Daft a* Wail lopeacoaM be WernilMd KUM* Wn. Addldoml WrIonssWo wH1 be PrWM86 n so" b &v&N&Ift TM* ChaW R9quest Mass I* cost only. Odwr AGREED AND ACCEPTED Upon signs= by Owner, this doement will serve n written suthortuidlon to proceed with the above work at Ow amounts shown. A contract change order shell be prepared to finalize this change. By Arch By Owner By Contractor. Mobiftm ArMilecturO & P4nW@ Aftrglslge Ho4ging Corp. 03 ROEL CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC. qjoGrandAva..Sufte203 516 Burcheft St. 26M MICHELSQN Oft, 0E. 260 San Diego. Ca 0190819, CA 01208 IRVINE. CA 926112 — 13r. By, N6 - fA~M04ft% e im , meow DATE: DATE. DATE: 'I W FEB.18.2004 2:44PM NO. 2019 P. 10 TO; ROEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ATTN.'DON MALOY %92210363 940 250 3270 FAX FROM: PAUL BETROLDI JORGE ROSALES THE BEIROLD COMPANY 23236 LYONS AVE. SUITE 220 SANTA CLARITA. CA 91321 06NTRACTORS LICENSE =1783, 029 & C54 (661)260-3311 (661) 260-3= FAX RE: HADLEY VI.LLAS, LA QUINT& 9A Jawaly 10, 2M Don, The fdlovft is our proposal ibrthe above mentioned project. This Proposal Is per plans by Mablon Architaftre ard Includes all labor and material ibr a oompleta Installation. -it- Addltional two -feet of height and change block SIZO from 6" to 8. -e&'"9.QQ -4, Build two -foot reialning wall length of south property line. 3. Sincerely, Paul Belrold & Jorge Rosales The Beirold Company 23 33 BUSINE.SS ITEM NO.2 WAS PULLED FROM THE RDA AGENDA I AND PLACED ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SEE THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PACKET FOR THE STAFF REPORT OF Memorandum TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND.MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: THOMAS P. GENOVESE, CITY MANAGE DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 2004 F4 E: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ADDENDUM The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you of an addendum to the March 2, 2004 City Council Agenda. Staff is requesting the City Council consider the Adoption of Ordinances Amending the Redevelopment Plans for Redevelopment ProJect Areas No. 1 and No. 2 pursuant to Senate Bills 1045 and 211. The Addendum is attached for your review. Business Session Item No. 2 of the March 2, 2004 La Quinta Redevelopment Agenda report can be used to discus's this matter. As always, should you have any questions or would like additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. 15