2004 04 12 CC Minutes
. APRIL 12, 2004
An adjourned meeting of the La Ouinta City Council was called to order at the hour
of 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph.
PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Manager Genovese presented the staff report.
Council Member Sniff noted the proposed legislation will not affect the C. V.
Mountains Conservancy because (h's not a JPA, and it will not apply to JPAs
unless their by-laws are amended to include the provision.
Council Member Henderson stated she basically supports the legislation but
is concerned about the potential for nine different interpretations of t~e
information when the nine representatives report back to their agencies.
Council Member Sniff suggested the use of written statements to provide
~ each jurisdiction with uniform clarity
. Council concurred to support the proposed legislation.
City Council Minutes 2 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to authorize
the Mayor to execute a letter on behalf of the City of La Quinta in support of
Assembly Bill 2782. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO.
Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report.
In response to Council Member Sniff, CIP Consultant Nickerson clarified the
auto mall improvements are part of a sales tax reimbursement agreement.
Assistant City Engineer Speer stated the Avenue 52 improvements will add
another through lane and. a bike lane from The Tradition to Jefferson Street.
Mr. Jonasson indicated the improvements are scheduled to be bid in August,
and that 50% of the traffic signal cost at Cetrino will be paid by KSL.
Regarding the museum, Community Services Director Horvitz stated staff is
looking for direction as .to whether or not to seek another architect to
complete the design plans.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Building & Safety Director Hartung
advised the City Hall expansion construction drawings are underway but
there is a $2.2 million shortfall in the funding at this time.
City Manager Genovese stated the redevelopment funds budgeted for the
museum cannot be used for capital improvements to City Hall.
In response to Council Member Osborne, Ms. Horvitz stated the Boys & Girls
Club improvements that include a weight room, additional office space, and
air conditioning, should be completed soon.
In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Nickerson stated CalTrans is
expected to issue an encroachment permit for the improvements between
Simon Drive and Adams Street within the next few weeks. He explained the
project has been held up due to completion of design plans from the
developer. The CIP project is for widening Highway 111 to its ultimate
configuration from Washington Street to Jefferson Street. An approval from
CalTrans is expected shortly for the area in front of LG's Restaurant. He
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City Council Minutes 3 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
stated the sound wall in front of Villas at La Quinta is listed as an unfunded
¡ project and can be considered to be added to the DI F.
. Mr. Speer stated the Darby Road and Palm Royale improvements are
developer-driven and currently in plan check. He confirmed a traffic signal at
Jefferson Street and Miles Avenue is part of the Jefferson Street widening
In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Nickerson confirmed grant
monies are reflected in the CIP for any projects currently identified to receive
grant funds. Mr. Jonasson noted additional projects are pulled from the
unfunded list as grant monies become available.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Jonasson explained the
Village lighting improvements for A venida Bermudas and Desert Club were
part of the Village master lighting plan.
Council Member Henderson referenced the possibility of using some
additional library grant funds for the museum.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Nickerson confirmed the
- sound wall at Lago La Ouinta is an unfunded project and can be considered
to be added to the DIF. She commented on the need for residents to
. recognize the procedure and timeframe involved with getting sound walls
listed in the DIF and the need for prioritization. Mr. Genovese noted the
sound studies help determine the order of priority by forecasting future
Council Member Henderson noted some of the projects, such as the
museum, have a significant impact to the operating budget. Although the
volunteers seem sure that they can operate the museum, she feels it's
necessary to have some staff. She would like to explore the possibility of
co-mingling other grant monies or library funds for the museum.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Nickerson clarified the
Highway 111 improvements consist of three projects: the area adjacent to
Point Happy, which has been delayed until the rock fall issues are resolved;
the area between Simon Drive and Adams Street; and widening Highway
111 to its 'ultimate width.
Mayor Adolph asked if the City of Indio plans to widen its section between
- the La Ouinta City Limits and Jefferson Street. Mr. Nickerson stated it's his
understanding that Indio has prioritized money for that project.
City Council Minutes 4 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese confirmed the
Eisenhower Drive bridge and drainage improvements are considered high-
priority because of increased traffic. Mr. Nickerson advised the project
design is underway and construction could begin by September once funding
is in place.
Council Member Henderson referenced 114 acres at the top of the Cove that
the City can utilize, and commented on the possibility of adding a future CIP
project to return the disturbed portion of the Cove Oasis to a natural setting
with walking paths.
Mayor Adolph noted the CIP projects total approximately $72 million, and
asked about available funding for Fiscal Year 2004/2005, including grant
monies. Mr. Nickerson confirmed the mid-year cash flow analysis shows
how much money is available, how much has been previously committed to
projects, and how much can be used for next year's project list.
Mayor Adolph .commented on the need to coordinate with the new
developments on Avenue 58 if the City plans any improvements there. Mr.
Jonasson confirmed KSL and The Quarry have posted bonds for
improvements to Avenue 58 but a shortfall exists for doing the ultimate
In response to Council Member Henderson, Finance Director Falconer advised
La Quinta lost approximately $800,000 in redevelopment monies last year,
and a $1.4 million ERAF payment for shifted redevelopment monies is due in
May. He confirmed those monies could have been used for eligible
redevelopment projects, and that the State Legislature is considering making
it a permanent shift of funds. She feels the report should reflect that the
shortage in funding is due to the shift of legitimate City funds to the State.
Council Member Sniff stated he agrees with considering natural
improvements south of Calle Tecate at some point in the future. He voiced
disappointment about the City taking on the funding for the Eisenhower
Drive bridge instead of KSL, and asked about the ultimate width of Highway
111. Mr. Speer stated the right-of-way width is 140 feet, the curb-to-curb
width is 11 6 feet, and the .50-foot landscape setback on each side brings the
total to 240 feet.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Horvitz stated the Boys & Girls
Club addition will be on the west side of the gymnasium between the
parking lot and the building, and will require an amendment to the lease
agreement. She confirmed the building is owned by the Boys & Girls Club
who has a 40-year lease agreement with the City for the property.
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City Council Minutes 5 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
¡ A brief discussion ensued regarding the terms of the lease agreement, which
¡ Mr. Genovese advised will be coming back to Council for consideration of
. the amendment.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Falcone~ advised funding for the
addition was designated from bond proceeds.
In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Genovese advised negotiations
for the traffic signal at Simon Drive and Washington Street have not been
completed, If the signal is installed, 50% of the cost will be paid by the
Point Happy development, 25 % by the City, and 25 % by Washington Park,
which has been appealed by the developer. Mr. Nickerson confirmed the
Highway 111 improvements include street and curb improvements between
Dune Palms Road and Jefferson Street. Council Member Osborne
commented on the need to complete the Highway 111 improvements before
traffic increases in November, and Mr. Nickerson explained it may not be
possible to complete the project over the summer months.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Nickerson stated the most cost-
effective way to expand the Eisenhower Drive bridge is to widen the east
r- side of the bridge and retain the existing structure.
I . ~
. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Nickerson stated CalTrans
has indicated in a letter that they do not believe an eminent rock-fall hazard
exists on Highway 111 at Point Happy and that the City can fix it if it does.
He added CalTrans may have removed some loose rocks but not to the
extent recommended in the engineering report.
In response to Council Member Henderson's question regarding funding for
the Washington Storm Drain Improvements, Mr. Speer advised the storm
drain and traffic signal improvements at La Quinta Drive will move forward
once the church project design is completed.
Council Member Perkins requested the revenue summary of major projects in
the future CIPs be simplified for easier reading.
Mayor Adolph commented on the number of planned traffic signals, and the
need for street maintenance.
Mr. Jonasson gave a brief overview of the City's recently-adopted street
~ maintenance program.
City Council Minutes 6 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
Mayor Adolph stated he views the slurry seal process as basically cosmetic,
and Mr. Nickerson explained it extends the pavement life by replenishing the
oils in the asphalt.
In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Speer stated the north side of
Fred Waring Drive will not be a part of the slurry seal program because it's in
the County. He added the County has not made a commitment on the
ultimate widening of Fred Waring Drive. In response to Council Member
Henderson, he confirmed the widening of Fred Waring Drive could require
eminent domain or would leave some properties with very small front yards.
Mr. Genovese advised staff is looking for direction regarding funding for the
museum expansion and Eisenhower Drive bridge.
Council Member Sniff recommended staff be directed to use redevelopment
funds for the Eisenhower Drive bridge since the museum expansion has been
Council concurred.
Mr. Genovese advised staff will come back with options to fund the shortfall
on the Eisenhower Drive bridge, and will continue looking at options to fund
the museum expanSion, including the suggestion by Council Member
Henderson regarding library funds.
Council Member Henderso'n commented on the need to have the museum
expansion plans completed as soon as possible. Mr. Genovese noted
usability of the plans could depend on how soon funding becomes available.
In response to Mayor Adolph, he stated the RFP would have to go out again
if the amount exceeds the City Manager's authorization.
Council Member Henderson suggested the City Manager be authorized to
approve the amount. Mr. Genovese stated that can be part of the
consideration when the museum is brought back for consideration.
Assistant City Manager Weiss presented the staff report.
Council Member Henderson asked for an explanation of the 1 5 % to 18%
cash-an-cash return. Mr. Weiss explained it's the expected return on
investment each year, and projects generally exceed that amount. She
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City Council Minutes 7 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
questioned the terminology "cash-on-cash return" and suggested changing it
~ in the future. Mr. Weiss advised future references can be changed to
: "annualized return on investment."
Council Member Osborne commented on the importance of having updated
demographic information in the EDP. Mr. Weiss stated some community
profile information is provided on Page 9, and beyond that, staff has relied
on the Economic Market Analysis that was updated about two years ago.
Council Member Henderson spoke about the importance of the EDP, and
noted it references the property at the top of the Cove as being an asset to
the community. She also suggested the following modifications: change the
reference of 'IV ill age" for the retail area in SilverRock Resort so as not to be
confused with the existing Village; eliminate "La Ouinta Arts Foundation
campus on Washington Street" as it relates to the live/work program on
Page 16; modify the last sentence in Annexation Opportunities by adding,'
"and look at ways to mitigate the impacts if they exist."; and include the trail
system between La Ouinta and Palm Desert under Recreation Opportunities.
Council Member Sniff spoke In support of infomercials that promote
"Iive, visit, shop, and invest in La Ouinta." He also made the following
~ comments/suggestions: need to update the Community Profile information;
questioned the accuracy of the seasonal growth percentage; need to delete
. all references to the "ranch;" need to include references to the Embassy
'Suites and Hampton Hotel and update the live/work housing material;
questioned the Chamber of Commerce' sability to meaningfully "identify and
facilitate business development and expansion opportunities involving
existing La Ouinta businesses" (under Business Retention/Expansion);
questioned whether "Iight manufacturing" should continue to be included
under Economic Base Diversification and if so, where; and need to make sure
shopping is readily accessible because he feels. La Ouinta will be the
shopping center for the eastern part of the Valley. He supports providing an
open door, but not solicitation, for annexation opportunities, and commented
. .
on the need to work with the County for possible pass-thru agreements for
areas in the County that want to be annexed.
City Manager Genovese noted the City has a section on the north side of
Highway 111 that is zoned for "Iight manufacturing."
Mayor Adolph, stated he believes the EDP is a great tool in helping to plan
the dramatic growth of the City, and expressed appreciation to staff for their
,...-. efforts in implementing the plan.
City Council Minutes 8 April 1 2, 2004
of Adjourned Meeting
Council Member Henderson noted just as the EDP states IIthis plan embraces
a long-term vision rather than a short-term perspective," SilverRock Resort is
a long-term project and should not be approached too anxiously.
Mr. Genovese advised the EDP will be revised and brought back for approval
on May 18, 2004.
Council Member Osborne commented on the number of children who showed up
for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the La Quinta Park, and the need to be better
prepared with a sufficient number of eggs for the participants.
* * * * * * * * *
Council Member Osborne stated he feels the City should support Senator
Ducheny's bill to extend the Enterprise Zone for five more years.
Council Member Henderson suggested placing the correspondence on the next
There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members
Sniff/Henderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
&r- A. ~
JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California
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