2004 04 27 PC Minutes
, -'" ' MINUTES
. '
A regular meeting held at the La' Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
April 27,' 2004 7:00 P.M.
, "
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was reconvened at 7:09 p.m.
by Vice Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Daniels to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Rick Daniels, Paul Quill, Robert Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Jacques.'Abels It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
. Daniels/Tyler to excuse Chairman Tom .Kirk. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Assistant
City Attorney Michael Houston, Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer,
Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes
of April ,13, 2003. Commissioner Daniels asked that Page 3, Item #10
be clarified to state while his home is over a half mile from the the HOA
at PGA' West of which he belongs to was closer than 500 feet; therefore
he declared a potential conflict with the project. There being no further
corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Daniels
to approve the minutes as corrected.
B. Department Report: None.
A. Site Development Permit 2004-806; a request of Perkowitz and Ruth
Architects for consideration of a remodel to an existing vacant building,
--, for occupancy by the Kohl's Department s,tore located at 78-960
Highway 111, on the west side of Adams Street, at the Whitewater
Channel, in the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center.
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Planning Commission Minutes
April 27 2004- --
1 . Vice Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Staff asked that the item be continued to May 1'1,
2004, to allow the applicant time to submit the materials needed
for the Commission's review. It was moved and seconded by'
Commissioners Tyler/Daniels to continue Site Development Permit ~
2004-806 to May 11, 2004, as requested. Unanimously
B. Street Name Change 2003-015; a request of La Quints Polo Partners for
, '
,consideration of a street name change from Beth Circle to Norris Drive for
the area west of Madison Street, south of Avenue 51.
1 . Vice Chairman Abels opened the publ.ic hearing and asked for thê
staff report. Commissioner Tyler stated the Commission reviewed
this request at their meeting of January 27, and he requests the.
staff report be waived.
2. There being no questions of staff and no other public comment, ---- -
Vice Chairman Abels closed the public participation portion.
3. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Daniels" to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-028; approving
Street Name Change 2003-015, as recommended
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Quill" Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk.
ABSTAIN: None. '
C. Sitø Development Permit 2004-803; a request of NO La Quinta Partners,
LLC for consideration of architectural and landscape plans for three
residential bungalow unit types for the property located on the south side
of Hideaway Club Drive, within The Hideaway.
1 . Vice Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Community Development Dir'ector Jerry Herman
presented the information ,contained in the report a copy of which
is on file in the Community Development Department.
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---- Planning èommission Minutes
April 27 2004
2. Vice Chairman Abels as,ked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler asked that page 3 of the staff report be
corrected to state, II...CVWD' water efficiency, requirement,
ensuring...". ,Pa.ge 8 Condition #6 he understood air conditioning
compressor pads were not permitted In the sideyard. Staff stated
the Code prohibits it but -staff wanted to be sure the applicant is
aware of the requirement. '
3. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Abels
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commiss'ion. Mr.
John Gamlin, representing ND La Quinta Partners stated, they
agreed with the conditions and are available for any questions.
4. Vice ~ Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of the
applicant. Commissioner Tyler asked if the clusterìng ~as
something the market was looking for. Mr. Gamlin stated jt has
been well received and there is a waiting list. Commissioner Tyler
._- stated he would be concerned about a detached garage that
. distance from the, kitchen.
5. There being no further questions and no other public comm,~nt,
Vice Chairman Abels closed the public' participation portion of the
, '
6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Quill to adopt
Planning Çommission Resolution 2004-029, approving Site
Development Permit 2004-803, as amended:
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Quill, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk.
D. Tentative Tract Map 30092, Extension #2; a request of Covenant
Development"Inc. for consideration of a one year time extension to file a
final map for a subdivision of :t 37 acres into 97 single-family lots for the
property located at the northwest corner of A venue 58 and, Monroe
1 . Vice Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the
information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
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Planning Commission Minutes .--'--
April 27 2004
2. ,Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Tyler asked if Avenue 58 and Monroe Street
adjacent to this property meet current road requirements.
Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated they are County roads
and 'it will have to be determined whether.""or not they are
structurally adequate to 'be convørted to arterial streets. Staff
would see that if the requirement was not in the conditions, they
would see that it is added.
3. Commissioner Daniels asked if the applicant had received a copy
of the changes. Staff stated they were not given a copy until this
4. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Abels
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr~
John Silver, representing Covenant Development, Inc., stated he
has no objection to the conditions and was available to answer
any questions. He asked staff to clarify the changes that were --
handed out at the meeting. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer
explained the changes. Mr. Silver stated he had no objections to
the changes.
5. There being no further questions ,and no other public comment,
Vice Chairman Abels closed the public participation portion of the
6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-030, approving a 'one
year time extension for Tentative Tract Map 30092, as
recommended and amended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Quill, Tyler, and Vice
Chairman Abels. NOES~ None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk.
A. Continued - Public Nuisance Case 9693; a request of Robert and Barbara
Valdivia for consideration of an appeal of a public nuisance determination
for the property located at 54-360 Avenida Juarez.
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Planning Commission Minutes
April 27 2004
1 . Vice Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the
staff report. Community Safety Manager Debra Conrad presented
the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in
the Community Development Department. Nohm Duzman, City
Prosecutor, indicated the property owner will state that their
attorney is unable to attend as he i's sick. There is nothing in the
Municipal Code or State Code that requires the City to grant the
appellant the right to have an attorney present, so the Commission
can move forward with their review and decision. '
, 2. Vice Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff.'
Commissioner Tyler noted they had resolved some of the minor
, .
issues, but there were still some remaining and this has been
going on for a long time.
3. There being no further questi,ons óf staff, Vice Chairman Abels
asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mrs.
--.- ' Barbara Valdivia, 54.-360 Avenida Juarez, stated she had received
a call from her attorney and asked, her to appear to ask for a
continuance as he was ilL ' '
, . '
4. Vice' Chairman Abels noted this had been continued numerous
times and asked the Commissioners if they had any opinions.
5. Commissioner Tyler asked if the report was accurate. Mrs.
Valdivia stated yes.
7. Commiss,ioner Daniels asked if they had been provided a list of
things that needed to be done and was she willing to do them.
Mrs. Valdivia stated she was advised to do nothing with the
garage conversion until the other items had been completed and
they have been unable to get someone out to the house to help
, '
8. Commissioner Quill a'sked how long they had lived in this house
and if they did the garage conversions. Mrs. Valdivia stated they.
have lived there 30 years. The perimeter wall was built with a
-_._-. permit issued by Riverside county, but the County says they have
no record of it.
9. There being no further questions and no other public comment,
Vice Chairman Abels closed the public participation.
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Planning Commission Minutes
April 27 2004
10. Commissioner Tyler asked what the next process would be.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated, the Planning
Commission appeal is a matter of right of the Valdivias. If the
Commission decides to uphold the prosecutor case, Mr. and Mrs. '
Valdivia has the right to appeal this decision to -the City Council, '
by submitting a written notice to the City Clerk within: ten days of
the action taken at this meeting. The City Council is the final'
authority. If no appeal"the decision of the Planning Commission is
11 . Commissioner Quill asked what the City's options were. ' Mr.
Duzman stated that upon a final decision without an appeal, or
upon the City Council denying the appeal, the City can: abate the:
nuisance, file a civil or criminal matter which normally is not done
but it is up to the City, or file a civil action and have a court of law
order them to remove or obtain a permit for the structure. The
goal is to have voluntary compliance and in this instance due'to
the length of time, it'does not seem favorable this will ha'ppen. -_. -
Commissioner Quill asked if the City has lien rights. Mr.l;)uzman
stated yes, the City would have to sustain the costs initially, but it
would, gain it back in the end. Commissioner Quill asked if the
City could foreclose. Mr. Duzman stated yes, but it is very dra'stic
movement and the City's goal is to achieve compliance on the'part
of the appellant.
12. Commissioner Daniels stated it has taken a very IQn'g time getting
to this point.
13. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Tyler to
adopt Minute Motion 2004-010, denying an appeal of Public
Nuisance Case 9693, as recommended. Unanimously approved
with Chairman Kirk being absent.
B. Site Development.Permit 2004-805; a request of Forrest Haag, ASLC,
Inc. for consideration of five single-family home prototypes, each With'
two façade treatments and landscape design plans for the property
located, within Tract 31123, on the north side of Avenue 52, west of
Vista Bonita'TraiL
C:\Documents and Settings\cwalker\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK7\4-27;.O4.DOC 6
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27 2004 ~
1 . Vice Chairman Abels asked for the staff report. Associate Planner
, ,
Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained ,in the report a
,copy of which is on file in the Community Development
2. Commissioner Daniels asked why the Architecture and Landscape
Review Committee was recommending the elimination of the
Queen Palm trees. Staff stated the applicant could answer.
3. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Abels
asked if the applicant would like to 'address the Planning'
Commission. Mr. Forrest Haag stated the' trees were deleted, '
, ..
because of a current problem with the trees here in the desert. '
They have no objection to the condition deleting them.
4. Vice Chairman A~els asked, if, there were any questions of the
applicant. Commissioner Tyler asked if the casitas units were
, included in the totalsquare footage of the units. Mr. Haag stated
casitas is a loosely used term for smaller thanmill,ion dollar homes.
. This form of architecture is extremely popular. Commissioner
Tyler asked how many plans would be available in the model home
complex. Mr. Haag stated there will be five models.
5. There being no further questions, and no other public comment,
Vice Chairman Abels closed the public participation and opened
the matter for Commission discussion.
6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Daniels to
adopt Minute, Motion 2004-010 approving Site Development
Permit 2004-805, as recommended. Unanimously approved.
A. A report was given on the City Council of April 20, 2004 by
Commissioner Tyler.
. B. Commissioner Daniels requested staff provide them with data on the
commercial and residential land in the City and where there is vacant
land, what is proposed for that site. I
C:\Documents and Settings\cwalker\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK7\4-27-04.DOC 7
Planning Commission Minutes
April 27 2004 - ",
There being no further business., it was. moved and seconded by Commissioners
Abelsl/Daniels. to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a reg'ular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on May 11, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:51 p.m., on March 23¡ 2004. '
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City of La ~:n;~,1 California
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