2004 07 13 PC Minutes
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A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
July 13, 2004 7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Quill to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Rick Daniels, Ken Krieger, Kay Ladner, Paul Quill,
and Chairman Tom Kirk.
C. Staff present: Planning Manager Oscar Orci¡ Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston, Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner
Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Executive Secretary
-- Betty Sawyer.
A. Mr. Rick Wilkerson, representative of Point Happy Ranch, spoke regarding
street names within the development. His concern was the requirement
to use the same street name for a street that extends into his
development. His development is a gated community and they were
conditioned to use historic names for their streets and' they have
proposed those names to staff. He went over the street' names they are
proposing. He asked for direction in regard to the street names. Planning
Manager Oscar Orci stated they would speak with the City Attorney and
report back to the applicant and the Commission. "
A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of the
regular meeting of June 22. 2004. There being no corrections, it was
moved and seconded by, Commissioners Quill/Daniels to approve the
---- minutes as submitted. Commissioners Krieger and, Ladner abstained.
B. Department Report: None.
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Planning Commission Minutes --
July 13, 2004
A. Chairman Kirk presented a Resolution of Recognition to Commissioner
Robert Tyler and thanked him for his years of service to the City.
A. Chairman Kirk opened nominations for Chair. ' It was moved and
seconded by Commissioner Daniels/Ladner to nominate Tom Kirk as
Chair. There being no further nol1linations, nominations were closed and
Tom Kirk was elected as Chair. Unanimously approved.
B. Chairman Kirk opened nominations for Vice Chair. It was moved and
seconded by Commi~sioners Daniels/Ladner to elect Paul Quill as Vice
Chair. There being no other nominations, Paul Quill was elected Vice
Chair. Unanimously approved.
A. Environmental Assessment 2003~480 and Tentative Tract Map 31087; a
request of Tahiti Partners V, LLC for Certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of environmental impact and consideration of a subdivision of
+ 5 acres into 10 single-family lots for the property located on the south
side of Darby Road, :t 1/4 mile east of Washington Street.
1 . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to
continue the project to, July 27, 2004, as requested by the
applicant. Unanimously approved.
B. Environmental Assessment 2004..495 and Tentative Tract Map 31852; a
request of Ehline Company for consideration of a Mitigated Negative
Declarationòf environmental impact and the subdivision of 8.5 acres into
14 single-family lots for the property located at the northwest corner of
Madison Street and Avenue 52.
1 . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to
continue the project to July 27, 2004, as requested by the
applicant. Unanimously approved.
C. Street Name Change 2004-017; a request of Larry Sherman for ----
consideration of a street name change from Simon Drive to Deputy Lee
Drive for the street located east of Washington Street, south of and
parallel to Highway 111.
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-- Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Planning Manager Oscar Orci presented the information
contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.-
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the
applicant would 'like to address the Commission. Mr. Larry
Sherman, the applicant, stated his reasons for requesting the name
3. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. Mr.
Neil Lingle, 74-075 Covered Wagon Trail, Assistant Sheriff of
Riverside County representing Sheriff Doyle, stated the Sheriff and
Assemblywoman Garcia are working ona joint venture to rename
a portion of Highway 111 to the Bruce Lee Memorial Highway.
This would be in addition to a_ny other honorariums. He went on to
give a history' of Deputy Lee. He asked the Commission's support
for this request.
4. Mr. Larry Allen, 73-484 Cottontail Court, Thousand Palms, stated
he objected to the, renaming of this street. He would prefer the
Commission changed the name of, one of the Avenues. He
believed in honoring Deputy Lee, butwoÍJld prefer a 'different
street. Mr. Simon was a great contributor to the City and he
would hate to see the City forget the support Fred Simon gave to
the City.
5. Mr. Rick Wilkerson, 78-370 Highway 111-, La Quinta, stated he
knew Deputy Lee and believes recognition should be given to him.
He also knew Fred Simon and would like to offer an alternative by
suggesting the entrance to the SilverRock Golf Resort. This street
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would be as appropriate as it will be a highly visible street.
6. Mr. Randy Vasques, 78-445 Via Sevilla, stated his reasons for
supporting the street name change. In adqition to the reasons
already stated, Highway 111 was one of Deputy Lee's primary
areas he patrolled ånd it is the gateway into La Quinta.
7. Mr. Martin Brhel, 77-665 AvenidaMontezuma, s~ated he is retired
from the Riverside County' District Attorney's office and worked
with Deputy Lee on numerous occasions. He proceeded to give
his reasons to support the street name change in honor of Deputy
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Planning Commission Minutes ----
July 13, 2004
8. Ms. Mary Brhel, 77-665 Avenida Montezuma, stated her reasons
for supporting the street name change. She talked about the
importance of our police officers and the support they give to
9. Ms. Colleen Walker, 75-368 La Cresta, Palm Desert, stated her
reasons for supporting the street name change. She noted that
she had worked and trained with Deputy Lee for the last 25 years
10. There being no other public c()mment, Chairman Kirk closed the
public participation portion of the hearing.
11 . . Commissioner Ladner stated she ,appreciates the suggestion to
name the entrance to SilverRock for Deputy Lee. She does
recognize the importance of the Highway 111 recognition. She
asked for staff direction. Planning Manager Oscar Orci stated the
action before the Commission is to approve or deny this request.
If they believe the name change should be approved they will need
to adopt a resolution setting a date for a public hearing to --
recommend to the City Council the street name change. If they
wish to chose a different location, a new public hearing will be
12. Commissioner Daniels stated that, although he did not have the
privilege of knowing Deputy Lee, he honors his memory as those
present. The question before the Commission is how best to
honor him. This is a specific proposal and this Commission needs
to make a choice as to how best do this without dishonoring
someone who helped in the formation of this City. The two
suggestions, Highway 111 visibility and the entrance to SilverRock
Resort, are excellent choices. He would be inclined to support the
request as made.
13. Commissioner Krieger stated it appears those present would prefer
the request as submitted. The location appears to be of
importance to everyone.
14. Commissioner Quill stated he agrees Simon Drive has a connection
to two major streets in La Quinta and their logic in requesting this
street is compelling. In terms of people seeing this street,
SilverRock would not have as much exposure.
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- ' Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
1 5. Chairman Kirk stated the option before the Commission is a yes or
no vote and he does have some concern about removing a name
of someone who' has made a contribution to the City. Hewould
suggest staff look into a better process for determining a street
name change and bring this back to the Commission. He would
prefer to see options. This may be the best place for honoring this
person, but there, may be better ways that could b.e explored for
the future requests to give the Commission and Council options.
He expressed concern about removing the name of someone who
has contributed to the development of the City and believes there
, "
should be options available to the Commission so it is not just a
yes or no choic,e.
16. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004..042, recommending
approval of Street Name Change 2004~0 1 7, as recommended:
ROLL CALL: A YES:Commissioner~ Daniels, Krieger~ Ladner, Quill, and
- Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None~ ABSTAIN:
D. Environmental Assessment 2004-508 and Tentative Tract Map 32279; a
request of Doc Housing Partners, Inc. for certification of a Mitigated
Negative Declaration of environmental impact and consideration of the
subdivision of 9.71 acres into 31 single-family and other miscellaneous
lots for the property located on the north side of Avenue 58, 2,100:t
feet west of Madison Street.
1 . Commissioners Daniels and Krieger noted a potential conflict, of
interest due to the location of their residences and left the dias.
2. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa' presented the information
contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
3. Chairman Kirk, asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill. asked if the distance of 1320 was sufficient
B'- for the cul-de-sac. 'Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated
yes. Commissioner Quill asked about a modification to the
stackin'g at the entry as to whether an" alternative configuration
shoUld be considered. Staff- noted no, but there was a change in
the location of the driveway. Commissioner Quill asked if there
had been any study on the access should it have to be moved to
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Planning Commission Minutes . - '
July 13, 2004
the east. Planning Manager Oscar Orcistated the driveways on
both sides of the property are nonconforming. There is no way to
have this access comply with the General Plan without having a
shared access. If the applicant cannot obtain the access rights
from the adjacent property owner, the General Plan does allow the
City Engineer to create the safest possible mechanism to construct
the access.
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4. Cha'irman Kirk stated that with the change in the driveway to the
east or sharing the access to the west it will drastically change the
tract map and therefore, he is not sure what they are approving.
The whole orientation of the project may change drastically. Staff
noted they should be able to come up with the same number of
lots. The main change will be the street entrance along Avenue
58. The applicant can better address the question.
5. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Dan Lee, civil engineer representing the
applicant, gave a presentation on a shared access that would allow-
them to have the same number o,f lots. He stated they have
reviewed the conditions and have no objections. He went on to
describe the project.
6. CommissionerQ~iII questioned the length of the cul-de-sac.
Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer explained why it was of
sufficient size for the City and Fire Department.
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7. Mr. Richard Baker, 80-600 Avenue 58, property owner to the
east, stated he had just finished working with the developer to the
east of his property that affected his property. He is not looking
forward to another development. He believes the proposed
alternative access is the best solution to the problem and' he would
be willing to share an entrance. He is willing to grant an easement
to allow the shared entrance. He will lose the privacy of his own
access as well as a large eucalyptus tree. He would request these
expenses be required of this developer.
8. Commissioner Quill asked, if he was willing to give the full
easement if it is at the developer's expense. Mr. Baker stated that
in principle yes, but he would like to see a better drawing showing ---
the relationship to his property. He requests the wall between the
properties that it be a minimum of six feet on his side, with his
grade. "
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
9. Mr. C. Cleeman, 54-420 Vallejo, consultant for the developer,
stated they have taken Mr. Baker's concern into consideration and
they are more than willing to accept all costs related to' the
entrance and agrees to the six foot height of the wall on his
property line.
1 O. There being no other pubHc' comment, Chairman Kirk closed the
public, participation portion of the hearing.
11 . Commissioner Quill asked that the conditions be reworded to state
the developer shall be required to pay for' all costs associated with
the easement and east entry for the full access. He further stated
he would like to see a more creative design of the retention basin
such as a park space or amenity to the property.
12. Commissioner Ladner stated she agrees with Commissioner Quill's
, "
comments on the retention basin.
13. Chairman Kirk complimented the developer on the design of the
tract map and asked staff if there was any opportunity to change
the design of the retention basin. Planning Manager Oscar Orci
noted there were opportunities to change the design, but not the
purpose of the retention basin.
14. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Ladner to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-043, recommending
certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental
impact for Environmental Assessment 2004-508, as
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Ladner, 'Quill, and Chair"1an Kirk.
NOES: None. ABSENT: ,Commissioners Daniels and
Krieger. ABSTAIN: None.
15. It was moved and seconded by. Commissioners Quill/Ladner,' to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-044, recommending
approval of Tentative Tract Map 32279, as amended:
a. Condition added: The applicant shall be responsible for
constructing a six foot high wall on the property line with
, the east property owner for the length of the project.
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Planning Commission Minutes ' ,-
July 1 3, 2004
b. Condition added; The applicant shall make every effortto
acquire the easement from the eastern property owner for
the construction of a shared entry and shall bear the sole
expense for the shared, entry.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Ladner, Quill, and Cha,irman Kirk.
NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Daniels and
Krieger. ABSTAIN: None.
Commissioners Daniels and Krieger rejoined the Commission.
E. Site Development Permit 2Ö04-81 0; a request of La Quinta Golf Estates
for consideration of architectural plans to remodel the existing La Quinta
Golf Estates guardhouse and driveway access improvements for the
property located on Coachella Drive between Eisenhower Drive and
AvenidaEI Nido.
1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the
information contained in the report a,copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department. . '
2. Chairman Kirk asked if the turning radius at Coachella Drive and
Eisenhower Drive, was being changed. Assistant City Engineer
Steve Speer noted the changes that were occurring at this
3. Commissioner Daniels asked if there was a way to accommodate
the concerns raised by Mr. Wales Staff noted the problems were
raised by the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee
(ALRC) , but the applicant had not completed the landscape
concept plans. The, ALRC therefore, 'requested the final details of,
the project be brought back to them for review. Therefore, staff
has added a condition requiring them to go back to the ALRC.
4. Commissioner Ladner asked, if the height of the trellis was
addressed. Staff noted it is the primary entrance, and the height
was required to be 13'6" as stipulated by the Fire Department.
Commissioner Ladner asked if the residents were supporting the '~
proposal. Staff stated the residents had been informed, but to
staff's knowledge, no presentation had been made to the residents
regarding the details.
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-,- Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
5. Commissioner Krieger asked if moving vans would be able to enter
at this, gate. Staff stated yes, but if the Commission had any
concerns, they could restrict the trellis to only one lane.
6. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Mose Troche stated the project had been
presented to the homeowners' . It is the intent to improve the
entrance and increase the number of lanes going in and out. He
went on to describe the proposal. The height of the trellis is 14
feet. As to maintenance, the beams will be glu-Iam and
maintenance should be minimal. They are concerned with the
, requirement for a sidewalk that it would decrease the amount of
landscaping they would like. There is no room and they would like
to have it deleted.
7. Commissioner Daniels asked if he had seen Mr. Wale's comments.
Mr. Trouch stated, no but the walls would be changed and the
structure is set back so as not to block any of his views.
Commissioner Daniels asked if there were sidewalks in other
places at the entrance. Mr. Trouche stated there are no other
sidewalks in the development.
8. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. Mr.
Ted Llewelly, 49-825 EI Nido, stated he heard about the project
from others and spoke with Mr. Wales. He noted the location of
his property and stated he was in favor of the project. Moving the
gate back will be a benefit and he understands the necessity, but
I what he is in objection to is the height of the wall. He would like
to see that the wall raised to attenuate ,the sound on the rear of
his yard and preserve his privacy. The height should be' at least
seven feet.
9. Mr. Larry Rogelway stated he lives at 44-465 Avenida EI Nido,
next to Mr. Wales,stated he was the civil engineer for the project.
Part of this improvement' will', include construction of the
improvements to, the entry, sewers, and fixing safety concerns.
He has spoken to Mr .W~les' and noted he does ,not live in the
house. Mr. Wales' concern is that he was not told several things
when he purchased his house. He had met with Mr. Wales to
discuss his concerns and when he left they had reached an
agreement on those concerns ~
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
10. Commissioner Quill asked if the wall on Lot 1 23 was Mr.
Llewellyns, or the HOA~ Mr. Rogelway stated they had a survey
completed and that survey shows the walls are on the property
line. Lot 106 has a projection and that owner has agreed to
having the wall pushed back to the property line. Each'
homeowner owns the wall.
11. Mr. Greg Holmes, 48-700 San Dimas, representing the HOA,
stated he cannot speak for the Board, but will address the issue
with the HOA. He noted there is another manned access on
Avenue 50 to accommodate deliveries.
1 2. There being no further discussion" Chairman Kirk closed the public
participation portion of the hearing. .
1 3. Commissioner Quill commended the design and safety features of
the gate design. In regard to the wall height, he would hope the
HOA would work with the adjacent property owners to achieve
the change. '-,
14. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Daniels to '
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-045, approving Site
Development Permit 2004-810, as recommended:
a. ' Condition added: HOA shall contact the adjacent property
owners to raise the wall height to seven feet.
ROLL CALL: AYES:, Commissioners Daniels, Krieger, Ladner, Quill, and
Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
F. Site Development Permit 2004-808, Conditional Use Permit 96-028
Amendment #1, and Sign Permit 2004...797; a request of Home Depot
U.S.A., Inc. for consideration of architectural plans for a 1,992 square
foot one story building addition and a 960 square foot outdoor equipment
storage area on the west side of the store within Specific Plan 96-027,
and consideration of a new building sign on the south facade for the
property located at 79-900 Highway 111, th~ northwest corner of i
Jefferson Street and Highway 111 . i
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-,~ Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
1 . Staff noted a request had been, received from the applicant to
continue this item to July 27,2004.
2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to
continue the item to July 27, 2004. Unanimously approved:
, '
G. Environmental Assessrreent2004-505 , General Plan Amendment 2004-
101, Zone Change 2004-120, Specific Plan 2004~070, Tentative Tract
~ 32070, and Site Development Permit 2004"" 799; a request of RJT
Homes, L.L.C.for consideration of 1) certification of a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of environmental impact; 2) & 3) Change the General Plan
land use and Zoning designation from Neighborhood Commercial to
Medium High, Density Residential; 4), "Codorniz" Specific Plan for
development standards and design guidelines; 5) The subdivision of
1 5 .16 acres into 145 residential lots; and 6) Five prototype plans for 145
residential units and a clubhouse facility for the property located south of
Avenue 52, east of Jefferson Street. '
1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information
contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Krieger asked about the access points on the
northbound section of Jefferson Street. He has a concern about
the lèft turn in crossing on-coming traffic. The other concern is
the access on Avenue 52 and the distance from the roundabout.
Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the driveway on
Avenue 52 is a restricted right in and right out only. Atthis
location there will be two lanes eastbound. A study has been
requested of the applicant to see if a deceleration lane should be
required. This study will also be required on Jefferson Street. The
Jefferson Street access is also a .right in and right out. It will have
a left turn pocket for a left turn in. The City has been using this
type of turn pocket on Arterial street throughout the City and it
has been successful.
3. Commissioner Daniels asked if the City was reserving the right to
close the left turn in. Staff noted that if accidents do occur, the
City will evaluate removing the left turn lane.
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Planning Commission Minutes -
July 13, 2004
4. Commissioner Krieger asked i,f a study was being required for the
turning movements. Staff noted only on the deceleration lane.
Commissioner Krieger asked if the height of the buildings in a view
Corridor exceeded the Code requirements. Assistant City Attorney
Michael Houston stated the General Plan provides that the height
limitation be set by the development Code. In this instance, the
Specific Plan trumps the Code to the extent the Commission
allows. Staff noted there is a 150-foot height limit and there is a
small portion of the roof on selected units that exceeds the height
limit. Commissioner Krieger asked if the trees exceeding .25 feet
will be along Jefferson Street. Staff stated the applicant will need
to submit landscaping plans for approval. Commissioner Krieger
asked if the retention basins were open. Chairman Kirk noted they
are open. Commissioner Krieger asked where the water goes
during a 100-year storm. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer
stated the developer is required to protect property in the event of
the 1 00 year storm ~ There are instances when the 1 00 year storm
is exceeded and property will be damaged. The emergency
overflow route for' the' most part, the water is passed on to a--,
lower elevation. The City is only required to protect property up to
the 1 OO-year flood.
5. Commissioner ladnerasked about the right turn out onto Avenue
52. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the "flyby" lane is
not a high speed, but designed for 22 mph. The purpose and the
use is to get the traffic over to allow the right turn in.
6. Commissioner Daniels asked if the Commission should look at
moving the access further to the east' and line it up with the
internal circulation of their driveway on,Avenue 52. Staff noted
that on this project and, the apartment complex to the east, there
was ä shared access. The General Plan has a minimum distance,
, ,
requirement that could be an issue if the two driveways are moved
closer to the east property line.
7. Commissioner Quill asked where the two access for this project
and the Mountain V:iew project line up. Planning Manager Oscar
Orci, stated there is a commercial development planned for the
property to the north.
8. Commissioner Daniels asked if there was an opportunity to move
this access further east. Staff stated the General Plan requirement
will still need to be maintained.
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-- Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
9. Commissioner Quill stated the shared access with the apartment
complex to the. east can be required. Assistant City Engineer
Steve Speer stated that when the applicant first acquired the
property, they wanted', to divorce themselves from the shared
access. It would work better if it were moved further east, but
there is a problem meeting the General Plan requirement.
Commissioner Quill asked if the main purpose of the second entry
was to keep themselves separated from the apartment complex.
Staff stated that is staff's. interpretation.
10. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Chad Myers, representing the applicant, stated
they have reviewed the conditions and have no objections and
went on to describe the project. In regard to some of the
questions raised' about the entrance, this is a secondary entrance
and their purpose was to create an architectural design. In regard
to the General Plan, they must have 250 feet from the shared
access to have a secondary entrance.
11 . Commissioner Quill asked the location of the retention basins. Mr.
Myers stated they have an above and underg,round retention basin.
1 2. Commission Daniels commended the applicant on their fiscal
analysis prepared for justification on the zone change and stated it
should become a model for aU future developments. Second, the
access is a concern. Mr. Myers noted they had worked on this
issue of the entries and this was the best resolve. Staff noted the
apartment complex to the east is, in plan check and they have an
alternative for the shared access and can omit it.
1 3. Chairman Kirk asked if this, project met the Water Efficiency
Ordinance. Mr. Myers stated yes.
14. Mr. Rick New, DJTArchitects,architect for the project, gave a
presentation on the architecture of the units with Mr. Shane
Lekwà, landscape architect for thé project.
1 5. Chairman Kirk asked how people use the pedestrian corridors. Mr.
-- Lekwa stated by development of the courtyards opening out to the
pedestrian spine providing access to the pools. Chairmån Kirk
asked what rooms face the corridor for thos~ homes facÎng it. Mr.
,New stated it is the living space. The ,front door is on the
pedestrian alley.
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Planning Commission Minutes
July 13~ 2004
16. Commissioner Quill asked where the visitor parking was located.
Mr. Lekwa gave a presentation on the parking locations. The
streets are 36-feet in width.
1 7 . Commissioner Ladner stated she was concerned there would not
be enough parking for guests and especially around the community
areas. Mr. Lekwastated they would look into this, but they have
met the overall requirement for parking.
1 8. Commissioner Quill asked about the parking for the maintenance
1 9. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment.
20. Mr. Robert CroweII-, a homeowner in the Citrus Country Club
stated his concern of the left turn lane off Jefferson Street and
how this would affect the SilverRock project. Assistant' City
Engineer Steve Speer stated the southwest cor"ner will need
parking for the Bob Hope' Classic. There probably will be a full
turn opening. "
21 . There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed.
22. Commissioner Ladner stated parking is a big issue for this type of
development. She would prefer the access on Avenue 52 be
moved to the shared access.
23. Commissioner Daniels stated he is pleased with the way they have
addressed the zoning issues. 'In regard to the height issues, it is
minimal and only a portion of the roof; he has no issue. The only
issue he has is the accesses. He would prefer a shared access
with the apartment complex or extend the internal driveway with
the pavers to move the driveway further east. Lastly, he shares
the concern of a left turn off Jefferson Street. If this will create a
need for a signal' it defeats the purpose of the roundabout. These
are product risks the developer must consider. This is a unique
project. He would like them to find some additional parking and
they will have problems down the road.
24. Commissioner' Krieger stated he agrees with Commissioner
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--- Planning Commission Minutes
July 13, 2004
25. Chairman Kirk stated this is an outstanding product and
presentation. He believes it will add to the mix in the community.
He would disagree with the parking issues raised. They meet the
Code, but when he saW the parking exhibit and on-street parking,
he did not think they met the requirement and yet they have met
the Code. He does agree that parking for a community facility will
be the biggest challenge. He would recommend additional parking
spaces be created for these areas. It is nice to see a lot of
undergrounding of the flood control facilities. He asked if there
would be a commercial project with a market for the commercial
site to the north. Staff stated the uses are not known yet.
Commissioner Kirk asked if the applicant was concerned with
having covered p,arking to the east. Mr. Myers stated no.
Chairman Kirk stated he too would like to see a shared access on
, '
Avenue 52 to provide a buffer between the two properties.
26. Commissioner Quill asked that the project be approved with the
, I
requirement for a shared access.
27. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-046, recommending
certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental
impact for Environmental Assessment 2004-505, as
ROLL GALL: AYES,: CommissionersD'aniels, Kirk, Krieger, Ladner, Quill,
and Chairman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
28. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniel,s to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-047 ,recommending
approval of General Plan Amendment 2004-101, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Kirk, Krieger, Ladner, Quill,
and Chairman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
29. It was moved and seconded, by Commissioners Quill/Krieger to
adopt Planning, Commission Resolution 2004-048, r'ecommending
- approval of Zone Change 2004-120, as recommended.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Kirk" Krieger, Ladner, Quill,
and Chairman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
None. '
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. .
Planning Commission Minutes -
July 13, 2004
30. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners QuililDanielsto
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-049, recommending
approval of Specific Plan 2004-070, as amended:
a. Condition added: An amendment to the circulation element'
to reflect the desired change in the access points on the
tract map.
ROLL CALL: ,AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Kirk, Krieger, Ladner ,Quill,
and Chairman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
31 . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 2004-050, recommending approval of
Tentative Tract Map 32070 as amended:
a. Condition added: The applicant shall work with staff to
move the Avenue 52 access further east and develop the-
shared access.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, K,trk, Krieg~r, Ladner, Quill..;.
and Chairman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None.' ABSTAIN:
32. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners to adopt Planning
Commission Resolution 2004-051, recommending approval of Site
Development Permit 2004-799, as amended:
a. Condition added: The applicant shall work with staff. to
move the Avenue 52 access further east and develop the
shared access. '
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Kirk, Krieger, Ladner, Quill,
and Chairman. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
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Planning Commission Minutes
."-. July 13, 2004
A. Discussion regarding Commission meeting dates to be possibly cancelled.
Following discussion, it was determined the Commission would cancel
the meeting of August 10, 2004 unless staff determined there was a
need for a meeting.
B. ' Review' of City Council meeting.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Ladner to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on July 27, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned 9:46 p.m., on July 13, 2004.
Respectfully submitted, .
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