2004 04 13 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA April 1 3, 2004 7:00P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called tQ order at 7 :00 p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Abels to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Rick Daniels, Paul Quill, Robert Tyler, and Chairman Tom Kirk. C. Staff present: Interim Community Development Director Oscar Oroi, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Assistant City Engineer Steve . Speer, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. - III. . CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: . A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of March.23, 2003. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 5, Item #4 corrected to state: lI.commissioner Tyler asked.... "; Page 6, Item #3 corrected to state: "Staff deferred to the applicant to determine the location."; and Item #5, 1I...asked if the existing house..."; Page 12, Item # 14 corrected to read, II... but conditions cannot be changed in ...." There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners AbelslTyler to approve. the minutes as corrected. B. Department Report: None. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. ·Site .. Development Permit 2004-802; a request of the City's Redevelopment Agency for .consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for the SilverRock Resort Maintenance Building to be located at the -- southwest corner of A venue 52 and Jefferson Street. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc Planning Commission Minutes -- April 13,2004 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked för the staff report. Interim Community Development Director Oscar Orêi presented the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staffasked that Conditions 5, 6, and 22 be deleted. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any' questions of' staff. Commissioner Daniels asked if the gate off Avenue 54 lined up . with the PGA West maintenance gate. Staff. stated it is west of their gate. 3. Commissioner Abels' asked if this was the existing construction entrance. Staff stated no. Building' and Safety DirectorT om Hartung stated the site is located west Of the Kennedy Ranch location. 4. Commissioner Quill asked if th~rewas any reason the, two entrances were not lined up. Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss stated they had tried, but in consideration ,of the master 'p.lan for _.--~ the entire site. Discussion followed regarding site orientations.. 5. Commissioner Paul Quill questioned why residential units were planned next to a maintenance facility due to the noise factor. Staff stated noise mitigation measures, were provided for in the plan. 6. Commissioner Daniels asked if the maintenanc~ equipment was big . ' enough to handle the golf course needs. Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss stated the plans have been reviewed by the City's consultant for the golf course maintenance, Landmark Golf, and it is sufficient in their estimation. 7. Commissioner Quill questioned the over/under lockers totaling only 32. He askåd if there was enough lockers and lunchroom area to operate a facility of this size. Mr. Jack Gallagher, Dahlin' Group, building architect, stated the size of the lockers and space was discussed with Landmark Golf and it was designed to their specifications. Commissioner Quill stated this is·' a, g,ood opportunity for training and an area needs to be provided that is air conditioned to allow this to happen. Mr. Gallagher stated this was envisioned to happen in the lounge. Commis~ioner Quill stated the room is not large enough. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc 2 PlanniDQ Commission Minutes April 13, 2004 8. Commissioner Tyler asked why the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee was recommending a more elaborate design. Staff explained their intent was to have a more unique. design being that it is a City structure. After further discuss,ion, it was determined that since it was Ibcated away from public v.iew, it was a good design. Commissioner Tyler questioned the size of the building and stated he did not believe it was sufficient. Mr. Gallagher stated they believe ,it is adequate based on ~andmark Golf's recommendation. 9. Commissioner Daniels asked staff to confirm there was a wall on the south side of the building and asked if the road on the east side would allow access off this road into the facility. People showing up for work at predawn taking access off this road rather than the maintenance access could be an issue. Mr. Gallagher stated the facility is designed to have access taken off Avenue 54. Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss gave a brief explanation of the project. 10. ,Commissioner Daniels stated he was informed that while his home is over a half mile from the the project site, the Homeowners' Assòciation, of which he belongs to, is closer than 500 feet; therefore he may be a potential conflict with the project and excused himself and left the dias. 11. Commissioner Quill asked the design of the washrack. Mr. Gallagher stated it was designed by the engineers to meet the requirements. . It does have an above-ground fuel tank. 12. There being no, further questions, and no other public co'mment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion. 13. Commissioner Quill stated he has issue with the space planning for the interior of the building. He questioned whether'the building would be housing the equipment and whether the equipment would be City-owned or owned by the managers of the golf r course. If City-owned, then he would want to see the equipment undercover . Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss stated it has not been determined, but it is important to the City to see that the equipment is maintained. Commissioner Quill asked' if anyone looked at how much equipment will be needed for this size of a G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes r! April 13, 2004 , facility and can this facility house all this equipment under. roof. Mr. Gallagher stated it is his understanding yes, but he would need to confirm this with Landmark Golf. 14. Chairman Kirk commended the applicant on, ·,the design, but requested staff look into these questions regarding the City's assets. 15. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners AbelslTyler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-027 approving Site Development Permit 2004-802, as amended: a. A memo shall be written by staff to the Planning Commission'regarding whether or not the facility would accommodate group staff meetings and whether the , equipment would be housed inside or outside of the f~cility. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Quill, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner" Daniels. r ABST AIN: None. Commissioner Daniels rejoined the Commission. B. Sign Application 2004-773; a request of Promotional Signs, Inc. for consideration of: 1) an amendment to the La Quinta Village Shopping Center Sign Program to allow a total of three internally illuminated Starbucks corporate building signs where only two signs are allowed; 2) optional sign measures for national tenants with registered trademarks; and 3) modification to the sign guidelines for other supplemental ~igns, for the property located at 50-921 Washington Street within the La Quinta Village Shopping Center. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate, Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked how many corporate tenants they have. r-, Staff stated three. Commissioner Tyler stated it appears to state that if it was a corporate logo they would be allowed a larger sign and he questioned whether they. could alter the size. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated the Commission can alter G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc 4 ,Planning Commission Minut~s April 1 3, 2004 -- sign size. Certain trade 'marks can be prohibited, but conversations so far have been regarding whether or not all signs are prohibited and it is CI good idea to force a tenant to meet the City's Code requirel)1ents. For "good will" it max be best to allow a corporation to keep its logo. . . 3. Chairman Kirk asked why we would allow larger size for corporate signs. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated that constitutional "equal protection" analysis would support a city's determination to treat trademark signs differently. The standard for equal protection vioiation is very low. The court ruling has been that a decision' making body must come up with a rational and that rational basis is any rE~ason given that does not violate the "laugh test". However, there are potential First Amendment issues here. What theCommissio,n's may want to consider is commercial speech violatio~ under the First Amendment. The Commission could probably permit trademark companies to have different type of signs,' but he would want to consider it more before making a decision. Commissioner Kirk asked why staff was recomme,nding larger signs for corporate tenants. Staff stated -- they were recommending the larger sign based on what was granted to existing tenants. 4. Commissioner Tyler aS,ked staff to clarify, the size requested in regard to locations'. Staff clarified this was similar to what was allowed at Sesame Restaurant, now Dyson and Dyson. Commissioner Tyler asked that the monument sign requirements be better defined. Staff reviewed other signs that had been approved by the Commission for the Center. 5. Chairman Kirk asked the size of the existing Ralphs sign. Staff st~ted it was approved under the original sign program. 6. There being no further questions of staff, and the applicant not having any comment, and no other public comment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation portion of the hearing. 7. Commissioners discussed with staff the size of t.he signs for all tenants in the Center. 8. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to ~ adopt Minute Motion 2004-007, approving Sign Application 2004- 773, as amended: G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes M___ April 13, 2004 a. Condition added: corporaté ,logos treated equally as all tenants and not be allowed any larger signs. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Dar:'iels" Quill, Tyler, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTALN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Sign Application2004-711; a request of Hoke Outdoor Advertising for Cameo Homes for consideration of a planned sign program for a mixed land use development for a freestanding monument and direct~rysign, commercial ter)ant signs, and other publiq safety signs to be located at 50-660 Eisenhower Drive, north of Calle Tampico 1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Associate, Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the report a 'copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. --- 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Planning Comh1ission~ Mr. Bob Hoke, representing the applicant, explained the purpose of their request. 3. There being no further questions, and no other pu.b~ic comm,ent, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation' anc:t. .' opened the matter for Commission discussion. 4. Chairman Kirk asked the reasoning for tiavingthe commercial monument sign so far north. Mr. Hoke stated it was determined that most of the traffic would be coming from that direction. He would have no objection to moving the"sign. 5. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abelsto adopt Minute Motion 2004-008 approving Sign ,Application 2004- 771, as amended: a. Condition added: 911 and fire lane signs shall have a red -- background and be highlighted. b. Condition added: two single-sided monument signs with both residential and commercial signage included on each sign facing the entry. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc 6 Planning.Commission ~inutes April 13, 2004 ---- Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. A report was given on the City Council of April 6, 2004. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abelsl/Daniels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a, regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on April 27, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:11 p.m., on March 23, 2004. tfully submitted, ~ é .ß' , / , · ßawk~secretary .. City of/La Quinta,California - G:\ WPDOCs\PC Minutes\4-13-04.doc 7