2004 09 14 PC Minutes \ . MINUTES PLANNING COMM:ISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78.-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA September 14, 2004 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Ladner to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissìoners Rick Daniels, Kay Ladner, Paul Quill, and Chairman Tom Kirk. It was moVed and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to excuse Commissioner Krieger. C. Staff present: Oscar Orci, Interim Community Development Director, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Fred Baker, Associate Planners Wallace Nesbit, Martin Magaña, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Associate Planner Martin Magaña asked that Item IIF" be moved before Item liE". It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Daniels to move Iter"F" to Item "E" and Item "E" to Item "F". IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Ki k asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of the regular meet ng of August 10, 2004. There being no corrections, it was moved and econded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to approve the minutes as ubmitted. B. Department eport. Assistant City -Attorney Michael Houston reviewed the memora dum sent to the Commission concerning conflict of interest regarding p rsonal property and asked if there were any questions. Chairman Ki k asked if staff would give a report ontents at the next meeting. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9~ 14-04.doc , Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Environmental Assessment 2004-511 , Specific Plan 2004-073, and Tentative Tract Map 31874; a request of Stonefield Development, Inc. for consideration of establishing development principles', guidelines and programs to allow the subdivision of 40 acres into 102 residential lots for the property located at' the northwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 53. 1 . Planning Manager Oscar Orci informed the Commission this case still needed to complete its environmental review and staff was therefore requesting a continuance. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to continue the project to September 28, 2004. Unanimously approved. B. Tentative Tract Map 32371 ; a request of Ehline Company for consideration of the subdivision of 8.99 acres into 54 single-family lots and other miscellaneous lots for the property located south of Miles A venue, on the east side of Seeley Drive. 1 . Planning Manager Oscar Orci informed the Commission that the applicant had withdrawn the application and no further action was required. C. Environmental Assessment 2004-502 and Tentative Tract Map 32225; a request of Vince D' Ambra for consideration of adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact and the subdivision of 8.08 acres into 33 residential lots and other common lots for the property located at the northwest corner of Madison Street and A venue 58. 1 . Commissioner Daniels stated he had a potential for a conflict of interest and left the dais. 2. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. Chairman Kirk asked staff to explain condition 7.A. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer explained how the traffic model for Madison Street was set at six lanes. Due to the actual development of the G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 2 " Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 projects in this area there is a need to .downgrade the General Plan accordingly; therefore, the condition is to allow time for the change to be made. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any discretion regarding this condition. Staff stated they would apply whatever General Plan requirements are in place at the time of final map. Interim· Community Development Director Oscar Orci stated the General Plan Amendment is intended to be scheduled as· soon as possible. Should this not happen, staff will make a determination of whether or not this project should be redesigned. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated there w·as a project on Washington Street approved under a similar circumstance. In this case staff asked for the right of way and not the entire lane. 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Dan Lee, representing the applicant, stated they concur with the conditions as written. 5. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. Mr. Pierre LaTallia, 39-559 New Castle, Palm Desert, stated he has purchased a lot in the adjoining tract ånd believes this project is to dense for this area and even though he understands it meets the City's standards he would like to request a lowering of the density. 6. Mr. Robert Stowe, 80-581 Vista Lazo, stated he too agrees it is too dense for this area. His ·Iot will adjoin three of the lots for this tract. They are situated too close to the property line. No other tract in this area is designed with this density. It is not compatible with the surrounding developments. It will create too much traffic for the area as well. 7. Mr. David Brudvik, Santa Rosa Development, engineer for the project, stated it ~iII be designed with one story homes and it is half the density of the Puerta Azul project and across the street on Avenue 58, it is zoned for Medium Density. 8. There being no other public comment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation portion of the hearing. 9. Commissioner Quill asked ·staff to ensure the elevations were as stated on the map so they remain the same as the adjoining tracts. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 3 · Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 10. Chairman Kirk asked how much discretion the Commission could have in regard to density. If the Commission found the right findings they could change the density. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated the Commission could provide for less density. . Findings such as aesthetics, community design, community health and safety, etc., could be made. 11. . Commissioner Ladner thanked the applicant for restricting the units to one story. 1 2. Chairman Kirk asked the density of the adjoining projects. Staff stated Puerta Azul located immediately to the north, is zoned Medium Density. Chairman Kirk stated it seems that a slight reduction in density on Lots 11- 1"5 on the west side of the project would mitigate some of the issues regarding density. 13. Commissioner Ladner asked if they move to see a change in the density, would it' go to the City Council for their approval. Chairman Kirk stated yes. 14. Chairman Kirk reopened the public hearing. 15. Commissioner Quill asked the applicant if they intended to build the homes on the site. Mr. Srudvik stated he intends to build the h.omes. They originally envisioned the project to be designed similar to the La Quinta Hotel casitas units. Staff noted the site design and elevations will be before the Commission for approval of a Site Development Permit and public comment will be taken at that time. 16. Mr. Robert Stowe, owner of Lot 12, stated he is concerned with the entry to the project that will have a left turn lane across the median so close to Madison Street. He is also concerned about the safety of those exiting at this location. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated that Avenue 58 and Madison Street will be signalized' within two years. With respect to the full turn for the project it complies with the General Plan. 17. There being no further public comment the public hearing was again closed. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 4 · Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 18. Commissioner Quill asked about the setbacks. Staff stated the setbacks and discussion followed. Commissioner Quill stated he would prefer a90 foot dimension on the frontage to· allow the houses to have a 3,.000 square foot range. 19. Chairman Kirk stated the project to the north has a higher density. Lot 10 to the west is larg.er than Lots 37' - 40, so there isn't much impact. Lot 11 to the south end of Lot 1 5 is where the compatibility is impacted. A 90-footwidth could be required on Lots 4-1 6 to provide a buffer between the two tracts. 20. Commissioner Ladner asked that Lot 4 not be included. 21. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-061., recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2004-502, as recommended: ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Ladner, Quill, and C~airman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Daniels and Krieger. ABST AIN: None. 22. It was moved and seconded' by Commissioners Quill/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004:..062, recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 32225, as recommended by staff and amended: a. Condition added: The front lot dimension for Lots 5-1 6 shall be increased to a minimum of 90 feet. ROLL GALL: A YES: Commissioners Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Daniels and Krieger. ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Daniels rejoined the Commission. D. Conditional Use Permit 2004-085; a request of Nextel Communication for consideration of a 60 foot high telecommunications monopole and 230 square foot equipment shelter for the property.located at the southwest corner of A venue 54 and Madison Street, within Riverside' County Fire Department Station #70 property. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 1 . Chairn-:'an Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained inthe report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Daniels stated he is a resident of PGA West and the homeowners' association is within 500 feet of thi~ property, but he. does not feel there is any conflict of interest. 3. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Ladner asked the distance between the toP. of the live tree to the bottom of the monopalm. Staff stated the highest tree is 42 feet in height, so about a 15-22 foot difference. 4. There being no further questions of' staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. John Beke with Tetra Tech Wireless, representing the applicant, stated they have reviewed the conditions and hav.e no objections. With regard to the opposition letter submitted by Mr. Glen Hart, the FCC does not allowed them to interfere with any other electrical appliances; in terms of unsightliness, it is planted among live palms of the same species; in regard to lighting, they have not applied for any and none are requiréd; in regard to adjacency to his front yard it is over 200 feet away. To view this pole, Mr. Hart will have to view this through a grove of trees to even see this pole. They tried to locate at the PGA Clubhouse, but were unable to do so. In regård to staff's recommendation for plantings 8-10 feet tall between the perimeter wall and their shelter, they would prefer to use vines to gr.ow up onto the shelter. 5. Chairman Kirk stated the. monopalm dominates the view as it appears to be twice as tall and large, but in the photos contained in their packet, the palms were indistinguishable. Mr. Beke went over the process of how they produce' the photos and determine the height needed. . 6. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. Mr. John Bobbitt, 80-432 Pebble Beach stated he is the president of the homeowners' association that will be .affected by this pole. A number of residents are away and not available to speak to this project. They object to an object of this height. He appreciates their attempt' to disguise. it, but it will still be unsightly. . The potential to interfere with their equipment room that controls a lot G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 6 I Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 of their equipment is a great concern. He understands they have to conform to FCC rules and yet he knows these things do not operate perfectly. He reaffirmed his protest against the project. 7. Commissioner Daniels asked if their concern was that the tower may interfere with their communication equipment. Mr. Bobbitt stated yes as well as the aesthetics. They have had trouble with the Fire Department radio equipment interfering with their equipment, and Mr. Beke has already had problems even though they cannot prove it. Mr. Beke stated that in regard to the interference, they would be happy to have a condition added that they would remedy any interference within a time frame. They would begin a remedy within 48-hours of notice by the claimant to . resolve the problem. 8. There being no other public comment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation portion of the hearing. Commissioner Quill asked if the Riverside County Fire Department had reviewed this I request and found there were no issues. Mr. Beke stated yes. 9. Commissioner Daniels asked how they chose this site and what other sites were reviewed. 10. Chairman Kirk reopened the public hearing. Mr. Be~e stated their customer, KSL, requested they improve their service. They do not like to go with vacant land as it is unknown what will be there and this site was then chosen. 11 . Commissioner Daniels asked why the height had to be 60-feet. Mr. Beke stated this is the lowest functional height to give them the coverage they need. 12. Commissioner Daniels asked if the Verizon pole was approved at a lower height. Staff stated it was 60-feet. 13. Mr Bobbitt stated he would recommend KSL use a different company and reduce the need for the tower. 14. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to I a~opt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-063, approving Conditional Use Permit 2004-085, as recommended and amended: G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 7 - . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 a. Condition added: If any complaints regarding interference are received, the applicant will address them within 48 hours. b. Condition added: Vines shall be added to the equipment building between the perimeter wall and the building. ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Krieger. ABST AIN: None. E. Environmental Assessment 2004-516 and Site Development Permit 2004-811; a request of Rich Boureston for consideration of adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact and development plans to construct a 42,000 square foot medical office building on 3.44 acres for the property located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Lake La Quinta Drive. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the .staff report. Associate Planner Martin Magaña presented the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff clarified there will .be outpatient surgery, but no overnight stays. 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Richard Boureston, the applicant, stated they wer:e in agreement with the conditions, with the exception of the condition for the deceleration lane. Most of the deceleration lanes on Washington Str~et are for the projects with direct access to their site. There are other places along Washington Street that do not have a deceleration lane who have access off another street. Because of the distance off Lake La Quinta Drive they believe the requirement for a deceleration lane is not warranted. The other objection is for them to pay the 25% for the signal that will someday be installed. The 25% is a difficulty for them and they are the last to build at this location. Other developments wiH be constructed further south who should also contribute to the cost of the signal. 3. Chairman Kirk asked s~aff to address the concerns raised. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the City is in a state of growth and therefore there are a lot of differences in what has been required. This is true by virtue of changes to the General Plan. This condition arose from the City Council requesting G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 8 . . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 conditions be added to require deceleration lanes on major streets. Currently, the General Plan requires Washington Street to be an eight lane street. Staff has been requesting applicants to either install the deceleration låne or dedicate the easement necessary to meet this requirement should it become necessary. With respect to the traffic signal, staff has found that the developers impact fee -has been formed to help pay for Arterial. street signals. Typically the developers on each corner will pay for the signals. We have been changing the condition to require a fair share prorate share up to 25%. A sentence will be added to the condition to address this. Mr. BoÜreston stated the City does need deceleration lanes where there is' direct access from Washington Street. If Lake La Quinta Drive was heavily traveled it would need a deceleration lane, but it is not. 4. Chairman Kirk stated his concern was the City' s requirement to have the front of the building at one story. Mr. Ron Sakahara, architect for the project, stated this design was based on the City's height requirement for this area. Chairman Kirk stated there has been some relief on other projects if there are architectural features. He would I,ike to see the entire building at two stories even if it encroaches into the setback 2Q-feet. Mr. Sakahara stated they would like to work with staff if this was acceptable to the Commission as long as it did not affect their timeline. 5. Mr. Tim Bartlett, 73-382 Salt Cedar Street, Pc;¡lm Desert, gave a history on the development of the site. All four corners were develop~d at that time and received the final map. In his opinion, this pad is within that final map approval and should not be required to· pay for the signal as all. conditions had ·been met. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated a final map does not give a vested right to develop in a particular way. Vested rights only accrue upon the issuance of a building permit and substantial completion of construction pursuant to . a building permit. The concept of a final map does not allow a discretionary body to make further discretionary approvals and attach ·conditions, is not what the law is. Mr. Bartlett stated the streets have all been finished and the City has accepted them. 6. Mr. Sakahara stated they may have only one drop off on the Washington Street side instead of· the two and the mechanical equipment screen shows it should have a matching parapet and they would prefer to just match the color texture with only the G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 9 . . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 cornice showing. Lastly, they would like to eliminate the use of brick and use a stacked stone. 7. Mr. Ben Rosker, 47-675 Via Montesa, Lake La Quinta HOA, stated he was surprised that the developer of the homes being constructedacrosa from this site was never informed of this public hearing. On Caleo Bay there isa gated entry to Lake La Quinta. During the school year there are a number of children waiting to be picked up by buses. It is surprising to see'this medical office is going to enter off Caleo Bay. This is a narrow street with children present and he believes this project should have an entry off a different street.. He would recommend the building be reversed to have the one story on Caleo Bay .Caleo Bay has parking on both sides which will narrow the street for access of other cars. Assistant City Engineer stated those. who have been developing ~Iong Caleo Bay have been conditioned to participate in the cost of restripping Caleo Bay. Parking will be eliminated and there will be a two-way left turn lane with a single lane on both sides of the street. 8. Commissioner Ladner asked the reasoning to have their access off CaleoBay. Mr. Boureston stated they were. told by staff this was the only access they could have. 9. Commissioner Daniels asked the implication of changing the building to make it two story and moving the building to Washington Street and putting the parking" on the Caleo Bay side. Mr. Boureston stated they would have to redesign the site plan and see how it works on the site. If they ·went to a two story building and were relieved of meeting the setback condition, they would be willing to move the building as suggested. 10. Commissioner Quill stated he is glad it is setback and only one story. He is emphatic that a deceleration lane be installed, but he is not certain whos'e responsibility it is. This would also apply to the signal in regard to who is responsible for the. construction. What concerns him is .that they were very strict with Walgreens for their architectural style as well as other developments along Washington Street. Yet this building is just a concrete. tilt-up building with some architectural features. 11 . Commissioner Ladner stated it is not an attractive building. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 10 . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 12. Chairman Kirk stated they are not as hard on the architecture style as they have been on other buildings that are different. There is a variety of architecture along Washington Street. This building does need some additional features, but not necessarily tile roofs. He also believes the building should be a two story and moved closer to Washington Street to move it away from the residents and sensitive to viewshed. In respect to access, he supports staff's recommendation in re~pect to location and design, but atso concerned as to who should pay the cost of the signal. Staff has made good suggestions making sure that those who benefit should contribute. He does support the deceleration lane. I n regard to compatibility, this has been a difficult street. He does support the use. 13. Commissioner Ladner asked what kind of input came from the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee (ALRC). Staff stated the ALRCstated they realized the building fit the design as it was an institutional use. They discussed the parapet being out of balance and the applicant agreed to reduce the height. The ALRC determined the style was reminiscent of something from Chicago and suggested the. brick to bring out the institutional look. Mr. Boureston stated the ALRC made the statement that when you think of a concrete tilt up building you think of an industrial style building. Mr. Bartlett noted the architectural features. Mr. Sakahara went over the design of the building. . 14. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. There being no other public comment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation portion of the hearing. 15. Commissioner Ladner stated she would rather have it set back and the number of stories is not an issue. She would not object to having two stories. She is not in favor of the architectural style. Staff stated that an increase in size would require more parking which would require the applicant to do another analysis. 16. Commissioner Daniels stated he has no problem making it all two story and if necessary move it closer to Washington Street. 17. Chairman Kirk stated that architecture is not a concern of his and if the Commission wants to continue this, direction 'needs to be provided. Staff stated deviations to the Code could be' allowed through a· specific plan. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 11 . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 18. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Kirk to adopt Planning ~ommission Resolution 2004-067, recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2004-516, as recommended. ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman . Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Krieger. ABSTAIN: None. 19. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to continue the SDP to September 28,2004, with the following instructions: a. Reducing the applicant's cost of the signal, based on staff's recommendation up to a 25 % contribution, pending an analyze of the relative benefit of this and on other projects; b. Requiring the deceleration lane; c. Respect the ALRC conditions regarding stone veneer; an alternative more formal stone may be more appropriate and more of it possibly in the entry area and not just the columns; and d. If architectural standards were enhanced, the150 foot setback off Washington Street and the parking standards could be relaxed if architecture enhancement were provided. Unanimously approved. F. Environment.al Assess'ment· 2004-513, Specific Plan 2004-072, and Tentative Tract Map' 32398; a request of Rob Schumacher for consideration of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact, establish design and development principles, and the subdivision of 110.9 acres ï"nto 392 single-family lots, a ten acre commercial lot and miscellaneous lots for the property located at the northeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Martin Magaña presented the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked about the' commercial setback requests. Staff stated the applicant was requesting a ten foot setback along the northern property line. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 12 . . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would ,like to address the Commission. Mr. Web Barton, representing the applicant, stated they had no objections to the conditions 'and were available to answer any questions. 4. Chairman Kirk asked about the ten foot setback and wall. Mr. Barton stated they designed it with the 10/30 setback which was a mistake in the Specific Plan and they are not requesting the deviation. Chairman Kirk stated it is an incredible'project and yet a poor Specific Plan with erroneous information. Chairman Kirk reviewed his concerns about the Plan. Mr. Frank Laulainen, apologized for the condition of the Specific Plan and stated they would correct it before going to the City Council. One of the problems they faced was to divorce themselves from the Coral Mountain Specific Plans. 5. Mr. Michael Keebler, representing Coachella Valley Unified School District, stated that in the document in two places Page 63 and 91 there is discussion about a bus turnout. In most projects they try to coordinate bus turn'outs withSunline and in this case they would request conditions be placed on the project that they coordinate with both agencies. 6. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. There being no other public comment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation portion of the hearing. 7. Commissioners Ladner, Daniels, and Quill commended the architect on the project and Chairman Kirk agreed. 8. It was moved and s,econded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-065, recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2004-513 , as recommended: ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT:, Commissioner Krieger. ABSTAIN: None. ' 9. It was moved and seconded by. Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-066, recommending approval of Specific' Plan 2004-072, as recommended/amended: G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 13 · Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 a. Condition added: The applicant shall work with staff to upgrade the quality of the Specific Plan formatting ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: CÒmmissioner Krieger. ABSTAIN: None. 10. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-066, recommending approval of Tentative Tract Map 32398, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Krieger. ABST AIN:None. G. Environmental Assessment 2004-51 5, Zone Change 2004-121, and Tentative Tract Map 32742; a request of Village Builders 98" LP for consideration of adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact, a zone change to remove the Equestrian Overlay and the subdivision of 14.54 acres into 40 single-family lots and miscellaneous lots for the property located at 55-101 Monroe Street, approximately 150 feet south of Avenue 55. 1 . Chairman Kirk excused himself due to a possible conflict of interestand left the dais. 2. Vice Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Martin Magaña presented the information contained in the report a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. Vice Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Daniels noted the Greg Norman course is within the PGA development and as a homeowner within PGA West with common area interest; he believes in this instance, he has no conflict of interest. 4. Vice Chairman Quill asked staff to explain Lot B. Staff stated it contains easements for the one sinQle-family home. Staff has conditioned that Lot 1 5 honor the easement to this house and that all future homeowners of this lot be made aware o'f this easement. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 14 . Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 5. There being no further questions of staff, Vice Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Margo Thibeault, MSA Consulting,. representing the applicant, stated they are in agreement with all conditions except Condition #54.A.e. It was their understanding the equestrian trail would be on the east side of the street and as it would not make any connection to any other trail and would like to be relieved of this condition. In regard to the property to the north, they did try to purchase it but was unsuccessful. 6. Commissioner Daniels asked for an explanation of the cross-hatch area on the street. Ms. Thibeault stated it is decorative section for traffic calming. 7. Vice Chairman Quill asked if there was a multi-purpose trail or if this condition was an error. Staff stated there is a mixture in this area and staff is unable to' place the trail on the east side as· it is not within the City's limits. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the CVWD easements would be abandoned before the Final Map. Ms. Thibeault stated they have started the abandonment procedure, but it is not a fast process. Vice Chairman Quill noted they would - - not be able to build until the easements were abandoned. Staff noted the condition was written prior to building permits being issued. 8. Mr. John Pedalino, the applicant, stated Bureau of Reclamation (BOA) can take as long as a year to abandon the easements, but CVWD has given them a letter noting they would be abandoned. The final map will show the easements and when BOR approved the abandonment, the title company will note on the deed. 9. There being no other public comment, Vice Chairman Quill closed the public participation portion of the hearing. 10. . . Commissioner Daniels asked if the trail was required. Staff noted they could take whateve~ åction they chose to in regard to the trail. Staff noted there are trails along this area and there are breaks in the trail that will not be closed until all developments are completed. It is the City's goal to have a City~wide trail system. Discussion followed. G:\ WPDOCS\PC· Minutes\9-14-04.doc 15 . .. Planning Commission Minutes September 14, 2004 11 . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Daniels to 'adopt Planning Commission Resolution 200'4-068, recommending certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2004-51 S, as recommended: ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Krieger Ladner, and Vice Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Krieger and Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 12. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Daniels to ~dopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-069, recommending approval Tentative Träct Map 32742, as recommended and amended: a. Condition #54.A.e. deleted. ROLL CALL: A YES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladne~,and Vice Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Krieger and -"-- Kirk. ABST AIN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Interim Community Development Director Oscar Orci discussed potential , issues for the joint meeting with the City Council. Commissioner Quill asked that annexations be discussed. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on September 28, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:54 p.m., on September 14, 2004. __ RespecttuIIY)l:ted. ~ r· . . e y:J awyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\9-14-04.doc 16