2004 09 28 CC Minutes SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE ¡- LA QUINT A CITY COUNCIL I f PLANNING COMMISSION ( ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION CUL TURAL ARTS COMMISSION HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 2004 A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Boards,. Commissions, and Committees was called to order at the hour of 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members - Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. I ! PUBLIC COMMENT - None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM COACHELLA V ALLEY ARTS ALLIANCE REGARDING SPONSORSHIP OF A ROSE PARADE- FLOAT. Assistant Gity Manager Weiss presented the staff report and introduced Darlene Dolan and Elsa Loudon, representing the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance, present for the purpose of answering Council's questions. Darlene Dolan in response to a question from Council Member Sniff stated she will be presenting this request to each City in the Valley. She said she has been invited to make a presentation to the Coachella City Council next week. Council Member Sniff. stated he has not found a. public purpose that would - benefit each citizen of La Quinta. Mrs. Loudon responded that this is a wonderful opportunity for La Quinta: and the whole Coachella Valley to be recognized on one of the most-watched programs on television every year. Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 2 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Council Member Henderson asked about the participation of the school districts and if the participating cities in the Coachella Valley will be recognized on the float. Ms. Dolan responded both districts will be covering the costs involved for the students in the steel drum band, who will be featured on the float. She also reported the committee has met with the float de~igners and the names of the participating cities can be worked into the design. Council Member Osborne questioned if the names of the Native American tribes who have made contributions will also be present on the float. Ms. Dolan responded that they do not have an expectation of having their names on the float. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to pledge the sum of $ 5 ,000 to be paid when assured the committee is able to raise: the ' . total $200,000 required. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Adolph and Council Member Perkins asked that the record indicate they voted yes, however, they favored a pledge of $10,000. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-115 STUDY SESSION 1-A. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCil, PLANNING COMMISSION, AND ARCHITECTURAL AND lANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE. PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Daniels, Ladner,· Quill, and Chairman Kirk and Committee Members Bobbitt, Christopher, and Thoms ABSENT: Commissioner Krieger Interim Community Development Director Orci presented the staff report outlining three points the Planning Commission would like to address. .He . listed Annexations, Fiscal Analysis Standards, and Street Name Change policies. ANNEXA TIONS Mayor Adolph asked the Planning Commission to takê the lead on the discussion. Chairman Kirk inquired about the discus'sions the City Council has had with the City of Coachella. ~r--~--: ~- ~~~- . Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting\":"'~":"J¡':'. . " September 28,2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and CommittJêj\~Ôi~~1i',.~:-~.}:. - Commissioner Quill stated he has had discussions with Council Member Henderson and felt a summary, regarding the status of annexations, from her would be very helpful. Council Member Henderson advised that in order to take an annexation request to LAFCQ, a fiscal analysis must be prepared and submitted with the annexation application. The analysis must show the area in question can be financially solvent. She explained that the settlement reached in Proposition 1 A, will take two-thirds of the Vehicle in Lieu Fees, (VLF) from the Cities for a period of two years. At the end of that period the amount of the funds taken away will be returned to the cities, but not by way of the VLF. It will be returned in the form of increased property tax revenues. She further explained areas wishing to annex into existing cities have currently not been receiving VLF and therefore would be unable to include them as a revenue source in their fiscal analysis to LAFCO. She said . the cost of providing infrastructure and services not adequately funded by income generated in those areas, places an unfair burden on existing city residents. Council Metnber Sniff stated he and Council Member Henderson have been . serving 'on ·a City Council Sub-committee meeting with staff and Council Members from the City of Coachella to discuss annexations. He said the City - of Coachella has indicated a willingness to reduce their Sphere of Influence basically to! Jackson S~reet. He reported activity generated by the County Redevelopment Agency and the Enterprise Zone creates problems because developments in these areas will require infrastructure .such as streets, sewers, etc. He referenced two attempts by Bermuda Dunes residents to annex into the City of La Quinta, reporting that studies showed this would not be a viable proposal. Commissiof1'er Quill asked what the north/south and east/west boundaries for the Coachella Sphere C?f Influence would be. Council Member Sniff advised the boundary running north/south would be at Jackson Street and the east/west boundaries have not been discussed to date. , Mayor Adollph reported he has been approached by the Torres Martinez Band' of Indians and they are interested in discussing the subject of the City boundaries .: STREET N~ME CHANGES Interim Director Orci advised the matter of the process for street name· - changes came up recently and suggested the need for a possible change in policy to allow better input from the Planning Commission. Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 4 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Council Member Sniff stated he would like the street name change process made more difficult for an individual citizen to bring forward. Council Member Henderson felt street name change requests should go before the Planning Commission as a business item. She said she feels the present process does not allow them to have input other than a "yes or no" decision to be forwarded to the City Council. ACTION: Council Member Osborne suggested staff work up some proposals for changing the process and submit them to be considered by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT ANAL YSIS Interim Director Orci briefly outlined the reasons for placing this item on the agenda for consideration. Council Member Sniff suggested the City Attorney address the staff report. Mr. Brose, a member of the audience, stated his firm is in the process of a General Plan Amendment with a rezoning. He wondered which process they will be required to follow. City Manager Genovese said the applicants who are currently in the process will continue in the established process. City Attorney Jenson advised that there are ways to change the process but changes need to be presented as a model for the Planning Commission to work on and forward to the City Council. ACTION: Consensus of the City Council and the Planning Commission was to refer this matter to staff to develop a fiscal impact' model. Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) member David Thoms said he would like to know how the Planning Commission views the comments they receive from the ALRC. Commissioner Daniels replied the commission members always review the comments from the committee thoroughly and the recommendations are often incorporated into the conditions of approval by staff whenever applicable. He cited a recent example was the design of a medical building. The ALRC comment was that it looked "too institutional". The Planning -"- _.._._....,--~_._---~_.~.._- ~_._._...__. . --.- - - .._.._.~--_._- " M~nute.s öf Joint City Co~n~i~ Meeting ..s,li ,l~,,,!j~;.tft1~h,, September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees ,,' " ,,<, .,,' - Commission both read and valued that input and agreed much stricter controls on the design were needed. Commissioner Ladner said she felt it looked like a "tilt-up" building but as a newly appointed member of the Planning Commission was unsure if that was a permitted use in the proposed area. She was happy when the other Planning Commissioners took action to require firmer design standards. Council Member Osborne commented on the need to look at the commercial building guidelines. He stated this was established as a goal at last year's joint meeting. Council Member Henderson inquired as to why the planning staff allowed that project to go forward to the ALRC and Planning Commission. Interim Director Orci replied the staff is trying to balance the requirements to be a user-friendly department as well as trying to have developments that meet the high standards for the City. He related at times developers are . adamant about their designs and will not listen to staff's suggestions. When that occurs, they (staff) simply need to let the projects go forward to have the legislative bodies of the City re-enforce the standards they have - establish.ed. ¡ I f . Council Member Perkins encouraged the ALRC mem,bers to be extremely vocal about the recommendations they make to the Planning Commission. Com.mittee Member Frank Christopher felt staff has the ability to put a developer on notice even without adopting formal standards and guidelines. He said this would, however, be a very helpful tool. Council Member Henderson asked if it should be a guideline or a standard. City Attorney Jenson stated the. Municipal Code already provides the guidelines contained within Chapter 9.10 and she read some of the applicable sections (9.210.010 and 9.200.060 E). Commissioner Ladner thanked the City Council for the opportunity to have this joint discussion. She felt it was very helpful. Mayor Adolph thanked the Commission and Committee members and declared a recess at 6:38 p.m. -- I f ¡ Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 6 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees 1-8. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. PRESENT: Commissioners Hackney and Leidner, ABSENT: Commissioners St. John (Excused) and Vaughn (Excused) Mayor Adolph opened the joint session and suggested the Community Services Commission take the lead ìn the discussions. Commissioner Leidner said he has attended a number of events and has been informally appointed as the Community Liaison by the Commission. He said he has not received any bad comments to relay but he does get a number of questions about progress of various projects in the City. Council Member Henderson asked how he responds when he gets' these questions. Mr. Leidner replied he relates as a member of the community not as an official, since he doesn't always have the answers. Council Member Sniff asked if he felt he has enough information to answer such questions. Commissioner Leidner stated he feels he has quite a bit of information but he does not try to answer all of the questions and would rather do some research and get back to the person who poses the question. Com'missioner Hackney said he also hears many positive responses but he has heard a few problems he would like to bring up. The Mayor encouraged him to do so and he said they were as follows: 1 . The sports facilities are wonderful but more are needed. 2. The maintenance of the facilities needs to be better. 3. Traffic issues are very difficult. Mayor Adolph responded maintenance of the fields is a problem because of the sports leagues who do not want to lose a day or a game because of field renovation. In response to Mayor Adolph, Community Services Director Horvitz said the soccer season will begin in the next week or so. . Council Member Henderson asked if other cities and in particular Palm Desert, close their fields for two weeks each year for maintenance. ~~-.-----;---~ ____________..H._ ---- --'----- Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting ".".. .>..:ir, ,'.... September 28,2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and CommittØE:~i""j'C: . '/f - Director Horvitz answered they do close down completely bùt La Quinta is trying some experimental methods for over-seeding and turf maintenance. She also reported the nêw Recreation Supervisor is attending the user group meetings and trying to let them know what is needed to keep the fields in top condition. She outlined some of the outside sources of funding the Community Services Department will be utilizing this year. Council Member Sniff said the City needs to be on the lookout for additional property to use for park sites. Commissioner Hackney said he feels interaction with the people is very valuable. He spoke to the traffic complaints he hears, saying he would like to be able to give a positive answer. Council M,ember Henderson suggested it would be good to point out such things as Miles Avenue is about to reopen which will take traffic pressure off of the intersection of Washington Street and Highway111. She also advised the widening of Jefferson A venue is . about to start and will take a good deal of traffic from Highway 111 to the 1- 1 0 freeway when it is completed. : Council M,ember Sniff stated he could also reply to traffic comments that' the ,~ City is planning ahead to address traffic problems. Mayor Adolph added the City's planning has included adding entrances to businesses located on Highway 111 from streets like Avenue 47, Avenue 48, and Adams Street. Commissioner Hackney asked about the bus routes. She feels a need to install bus s,helters as soon as possible at locations on Highway 111. City Manager Genovese responded and explained the reason for the lag time on Highway 111 and the steps being taken to plan ahead for when the necessary approvals from Cal Trans are received to erect these bus shelters_ Mayor Adolph recessed the meeting at 7: 18 p.m. COUNCIL MEMB~R OSBORNE left the meeting at 7:20 p.m. r- Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 8 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees 1-C. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCil AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION. PRESENT: Commissioners Brodsky, Gassman, Lane, Reynolds, and Chairperson Loudon ABSENT: None The meeting was reconvened by the Mayor as a joint meeting with the Cultural Arts Commission. He invited the members of the Commission to take the lead in discussing their questions or concerns. Chairperson Else Loudon thanked the Council for their support and she discussed a communications problem that had arisen relative to the Artist's Partnership program. She felt it was unfortunate that the Commission got confused about what they were being asked to do. Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky stated sometimes it becomes frustrating for the commission to have their recommendations overturned and not be allowed to participate more in the cultural events planning. Commissioner Charlene Lane thanked the Council for appointing her as the newest Cultural Arts Commission member. She also expressed her gratitude to the Chairperson of the Commission for being so helpful and gracious to her. She said she has some ideas she would like to explore with the Council. 1 ) She would like to have the Council consider a Menorah lighting ceremony to celebrate Hanukah along with the annual holiday tree lighting. 2) She also would like to see a concept adopted that the Cultural Arts Commission put on an event-each month. Commissioner Andrea Gassman said she feels the Commission is trying to be all-inclusive in the events they plan but she thinks one event each year should be planned to be held in North La Quinta. She also agreed that one event a month is very important. She suggested reintroducing something like the street fairs in the Village which she felt were much loved and looked forward to. Commissioner Elaine Reynolds, stated she recently drove past the IIFelicia" sculpture in the Point Happy Center and believes there is not proper lighting to showcase it. She said the John Kennedy piece is being blocked from view because of the plantings near it. Lastly she reported she noticed that some of the lights at the Gem of the Desert art piece were out. --~- --- -.--- - ï- -~~------- ~-_.- --- Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting ,,' " ' " 9 September 28,2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committeés'" - Commissioner Reynolds announced that local author Joyce Spicer will have one of her works performed at the McCallum Theater, October 8th, and 9th, 2004. She also distributed flyers for the Lake Arrowhead Little Theater and encouraged the Council to visit it. She felt it is a beautiful addition to that community and stated it is even used as a place for the City Council to meet. Mayor Adolph asked staff if the maintenance program the Council put in place a year ago is still being followed. City Manager Genovese confirmed the program is still in effect and when lights go out at that art work location a regular inspection program assures they are replaced in a prompt manner.' Council Member Handerson said she would like to reply,to the "How are we doing" question. She stated the Commission is a difficult one because it is hard to harness the talents, enthusiasm and energies the five members possess. She said she feels at this time funding is not available to do the scale: of events the Commission would like to undertake. Chairperson Loudon responded the Commission is not thinking about spending a lot of money. She said they would like to use local talent for these events. - I . Council Member Sniff said he feels the Commission can do more but their programs need to be tailored to the community with emphasis on seniors and young children. I Council Member Perkins stated this is a young city with a young population. He feels it will be very hard to compete with other cities who have established cultural events and facilities. Commissioner Lane said she believes the Commission can find a venue to make La Quinta as well-known as some of the other cities in the valley. Mayor Adolph recessed the meeting at 8:08 p.m. 1-D. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY,COUNCIL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. PRESENT: Commissioners Sharp, Wright, and Chairperson Wilbur ABSENT: Puente (excused) and Mouriquand (excused) r--- Mayor Adolph opened the meeting at 8: 12 p.m. and turned it over to Chairperson Wilbur to begin the Commission comments. Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 10 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Chairperson Allan Wilbur reported the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is actively developing a number of sites for historical research. He reported on a seminar that was put on by Commissioner Leslie Mouriquand dealing with how to read a paleontalogical report. Commissioner Archie Smart said he has been most interested in watching the progress of the City and the Native American Tribes growing closer to each others boundaries. He reported the Torres Martinez Band have a new map that shows their traditional boundaries. Mayor Adolph advised he has just been approached by the Torres Martinez Band to meet and discuss their respective spheres of influence. Commission Bob Wright thanked the City Council for reappointing him ,and for all of their support. To illustrate the help the commission has received he cited the case of demolition permits. He said when it was discovered a building on the HPC historical list was to be demolished, a policy was quickly put in place requiring demolition permits be held up until the Historic Preservation Commission can be notified. He stated this insures no historic sites can be inadvertently destroyed. Council Member Sniff questioned how many historic plaques are in place in the City and asked if the Commission favors· this practice. Commissioner Wright replied there are several sites where plaques have been placed and the Commission is in favor or having a list of all the sites that qualify as that information becomes available from staff. Commissioner Sharp stated the developers have been very cooperative about putting up historic location plaques. Chairperson Wilber asked staff to prepare a staff report regarding the request from the Native American Heritage Commission that the City of La Guinta notify the Commission and the local tribes about development of areas that may have historic significance. ACTION: The Council by consensus directed staff to bring this matter to the Council for formal action. Mayor Adolph recessed the meeting at 8:45 p.m. -- ------- _.. ._~-_.- - ..- -..- Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting , 11 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and CommitteeS 1-E. DISCUSSION OF MATTERS OF JOINT INTEREST TO THE MEMBERS OF THE - CITY COUNCIL AND INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD. PRESENT: Board Members, Moulin, Olander, Mahfoud and Chairperson Lewis ABSENT: Deniel (excused) Mayor Adolph called the meeting back to order at 8:48 p.m. He asked that the Board address any issues they would like to discuss. Chairperson Lewis asked about the status of the Investment Advisory Board (lAB)' work plan. Council Member Henderson stated she felt it was on-hold pending this meeting and a discussion of the Board's position regarding a money manager. Board Member 'Olander stated the lAB has spent a good deal of time during the past year investigating whether or not to recommend the City retain a money manager. He also addressed the Fanny Mae "situation" and stated the Board has been watching it for some time. Chairperson Lewis stated he felt the Board is not suggesting the City go out - and hire a money manager but feels it is prudent to look into this and understand the pros and cons. He explained the City's portfolio is growing and becoming more complex. Council Member Perkins questioned if a money manager would be someone who would be employed by the City. Board Member Moulin stated that on advice from the City Attorney, recommendations regarding a money manager were eliminated from the work plan because, pursuant to the Municipal Code, such a position would repo'rt to the City Treasurer. He felt since the City Treasurer is presently performing the money management of the City's portfolio, having an outside money manager reporting to him would be redundant. Chairperson Lewis said, in response to a question from Council Member Henderson, using a money manager would not represent a loosening of the safeguards that the Board has put in place. He explained his discussion with City Treasurer John Falconer has been that only a portion of the City's portfolio would be turned over to a money manager. He felt that portion would only include the very long term funds. - Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 12 September 28, 2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Mayor Adolph asked, if a money manager were considered, did the lAB feel the position would have to pay for itself to be viable. Chairman Lewis stated ' that would definitely have to be the case. Board Member Moulin related that when the Board considered putting a recommendation in the Investment Plan, it was to require the Money Manager to operate under the same rules as the Investment Advisory Board. Board Member Olander stated the Board is somewhat limited as to the uses they can invest in. Money Managers, however, are permitted to use IIhedge funds", so the lAB would need to watch this very carefully. Council Member Perkins said the policy of the City Council has been to invest very conservatively even if the yield is somewhat lower. Council Member Henderson stated she has no problem with the Board preparing a report that would outline the necessary steps to put such a position in place. , Council Member Perkins asked about the safety of LAIF at this time. Chairman Lewis replied the Board has been looking closely at the LAIF organization and feels the checks and balances seem to show that they are very careful during this volatile market. Board Member Moulin reported the audit of LAIF is done by a State Auditor which does not make him feel too comfortable with the process. City Finance Director/Treasurer John Falconer detailed the City's recent debt service has required substantial withdrawals from the LAI F account, which has put it at the lowest level in years. City Attorney Jenson gave a brief summary of the provisions contained in the Municipal and State Codes, which would need to be addressed regarding where responsibility for the actions of a money manager would fall. Minutes of Joint City Council Meeting 13 September 28,2004 with City Boards, Commissions, and Committees r--- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Perkins to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. , Respectfully submitted, ~-Rb. ~ JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California - I ~ r-