2004 10 19 RDARedevelopment Agency Agendas are Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org REDEVELOPMENT, AGENCY AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 2:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. RA 2004-15 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Agency Board Members: Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, and Chairperson Henderson PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting, the Redevelopment Agency Board may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when the Agency is considering acquisition of real property. 1. CONFERENCE WITH AGENCY'S LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION, LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, V KSL DESERT RESORTS, INC., ET. AL., RIVERSIDE SUPERIOR COURT, INDIO BRANCH CASE NO. INC 044676, AND RAMON GARCIA MARTINEZ, ET. AL., v. CITY OF LA QUINTA, ET. AL., UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT CASE NO. CV 04- 06373 DT (RZx), PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) Redevelopment Agency Agenda 1 October 19, &04 RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Agency Board on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Agency Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Agency beginning consideration of that item. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5, 2004. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED OCTOBER 19, 2004. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2004. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2004 AND INVESTMENT SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004. 4. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR RESORT HOTEL AND DEVELOPMENT INTERESTS AT SilverRock RESORT. 5. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE DAHLIN GROUP TO PROVIDE BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR SilverRock RESORT. Redevelopment Agency Agenda 2 October 19, 2004 2 BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF. RESOLUTIONS APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT AND AN AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("AGENCY") AND SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC. ("AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AHA"); AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE, ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS, AND AN AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND 48TH AND ADAMS, LLC ("AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO P&S AGREEMENT"), BOTH OF WHICH AMENDMENTS ARE RELATED TO PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 48 AND ADAMS STREET IN LA QUINTA PROJECT NO. 2. A. RESOLUTION ACTIONS. STUDY SESSION — NONE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to be held on November 2, 2004 commencing with closed session at 2:00 p.m. and open session at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting of Tuesday, October 19, 2004 , was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards. at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, October 15, 2004. DATED: October 15, 2004 JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Redevelopment Agency Agenda 3 October 19, 2004 . 3 COUNCHIRDA MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2004 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated October 19, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency Board: ' Receive and File the Demand Register Dated October 19, 2004 of which $515,089.79 represents Redevelopment Agency Expenditures. PLEASE SEE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NUMBER 1 ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA o`tC6 S 6 ;• Iaurwau OF COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 19, 2004 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE Transmittal of Treasurer's Report as of August 31, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: C;L STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Receive and File the Treasurer's Report dated August 31, 2004. PLEASE SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM ON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 19, 2004 ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditure Report dated August 31, 2004 and Investment Summary Report for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of the August 31, 2004 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Investment Summary Report for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2004. Resp ctfully submitted, John M. Falcone , Finance Director Approved for submission y: n Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1. Revenue and Expenditures Report, August 31, 2004 2. Investment Summary for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2004 DIJ ATTACHMENT 1 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO.1: LOW/MODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Home Sale Proceeds Non Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Miscellaneous revenue Non Allocated Interest LQRP-Rent Revenue Home Sales Proceeds Sale of Land Sewer Subsidy Reimbursements Rehabilitation Loan Repayments 2nd Trust Deed Repayment Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Interst - County Loan Interest Advance Proceeds Transfers In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - NON-TAXABLE Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Litigation Settlement Revenue Loan Proceeds Rental income Transfers In TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - TAXABLE Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Litigation Settlement Revenue Bond proceeds Rental Income Transfers In TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,246,300.00 58,935.80 6,187,364.20 20,800.00 0.00 20,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 341,000.00 29,474.00 311,526.00 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 165,000.00 0.00 165,000.00 0.00 15,862.34 (15,862.34) 0.00 83,314.92 (83,314.92) 0.00 42,500.00 (42,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,923,100.00 230,087.06 6,693,012.94 24,985,400.00 235,743.20 24,749,656.80 66,000.00 (16.82) 66,016.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,478,347.00 0.00 2,478,347.00 27,529,747.00 235,726.38 27,294,020.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,008.73 (80,008.73) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,008.73 (80,008.73) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,183.15 (16,183.15) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,183.15 (16,183.15) 7 2 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO. 1: LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND HOUSING PROJECTS TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 07/0112004.8/31/04 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: PERSONNEL 4,900.00 4,953.27 0.00 (53.27) SERVICES 253,157.00 17,070.70 0.00 236,086.30 BUILDING HORIZONS 210,000.00 0„00 0.00 210,000.00 LO RENTAL PROGRAM 150,000.00 26,884.49 0.00 123,115.51 LO HOUSING PROGRAM 3,118,240.00 0.00 0.00 3,118,240.00 LOWMOD VILLAGE APARTMENTS 400,000.00 0.00 0.00 400,000.00 LORP - REHABILITATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 APT REHABILITATION 276,411.00 0.00 0.00 276,411.00 LQ HOUSING PROJECTS 500,000.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 668,272.00 111,378.70 0.00 556,893.30 TRANSFERS OUT 2,478,347.00 0.00 0.00 2,478,347.00 TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 8,059,327.00 160,287.16 0.00 7,899,039.84 DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 496,585.00 8,512.29 0.00 488,072.71 BOND PRINCIPAL 2,395,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,395,000.00 BOND INTEREST 7,929,969.00 0.00 0.00 7,929,969.00 INTEREST CITY ADVANCE 952,764.00 158,794.00 0.00 793,970.00 PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS 11,903,406.00 359,462.25 0.00 11,543,943.75 ERAF SHIFT 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT 1,995,101.00 0.00 0.00 1,995,101.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 28,672,825.00 526,768.54 0.00 28,146,056.46 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL 4,900.00 4,408.12 0.00 491.88 SERVICES 116,393.00 28,490.35 0.00 87,902.65 LAND ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADVERTISING -ECONOMIC DEV 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 50,000.00 1,927.50 0.00 48,072.50 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL - BUILDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 396,013.00 66,002.48 0.00 330,010.52 TRANSFERS OUT 37,354,752.00 1,151,721.19 0.00 36,203,030.81 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 37,962,058.00 1,252,549.64 0.00 36,709,508.36 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDITAXABLE BOND BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 5,666,764.00 1,017,572.19 0.00 4,649,191.81 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5,66 ,764.00 1,017,572.19 0.00 4,649,191.81 K LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVENUE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO, 2: LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Bond proceeds (net) Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND LOWIMODERATE TAX FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Developer funding Vista Dunes MHP Rental Rev 2nd Trust Deed Repayment ERAF Shift - Interest Sale of Land Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 2004 LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND: Allocated Interest Home Sale Proceeds Non Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL LOWIMOD BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND: Tax Increment Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Interest Advance Proceeds Transfer In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest Developer Agreement Transfers In TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE GRAND TOTALS PER REPORT REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,115,000.00 47,228.16 3,067,771.84 24,100.00 0.00 24,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,054,074.00 0.00 7,054,074.00 0.00 69,873.13 (69,873.13) 0.00 86,503.33 (86,503.33) 0.00 0.00 0.00 801,358.00 801,359.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,994,532.00 1,004,963.62 9,989,568.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 162,790.93 (162,790.93) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 162,790.93 (162,790.93) 12,459,800.00 188,912.65 12,270,887.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5.35) 5.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,099,819.00 0.00 4,099,819.00 16,559,619.00 188,907.30 16,370,711.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 172, 611,126.00 10, 701, 569.00 161, 909, 557.00 4 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROJECT AREA NO.2: LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND LOW/MODERATE TAX FUND: 2004 LOWIMODERATE BOND FUND 07/01/2004 - 8131/04 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET 2nd TRUST DEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PERSONNEL 2,900.00 2,997.34 0.00 (97.34) SERVICES 192,088.00 21,715.40 0.00 170,372.60 2ND TRUST DEEDS 500,000.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 2ND TRUST DEEDS FROM CENTERPOINTE 2,520,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,520,000.00 48TH AND ADAMS - FROM CENTERPOINTE 1,423,203.00 7,058.20 0.00 1,416,144.80 WASH/MILES PROJECT 0.00 5,317.50 0.00 (5,317.50) VISTA DUNES MOBILE HOME PARK 0.00 48,301.68 0.00 (48,301.68) LOW MOD HOUSING PROJECT/47TH/ADAMS PROJ 776,239.00 0.00 0.00 776,239.00 48TH/ADAMS PLANNING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FORECLOSURE ACQUISITION 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 333,272.00 55,545.30 0.00 277,726.70 TRANSFERS OUT 7,350,044.00 1,001,421.11 0.00 6,348,622.89 TOTAL LOWIMOD TAX 13,247,746.00 1,142, .53 0.00 12,105, 9.47 2nd TRUST DEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 500,965.00 0.00 0.00 500,965.00 TOTAL LOW/MOD BOND 500,965.00 0.00 0.00 500,965.00 DEBT SERVICE FUND: SERVICES 179,013.00 3,025.00 0.00 175,988.00 BOND PRINCIPAL 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 BOND INTEREST 323,264.00 0.00 0.00 323,264.00 INTEREST CITY ADVANCE 1,053,580.00 243,262.00 0.00 810,318.00 INTEREST - ERAF L/MOD LOAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PASS THROUGH PAYMENTS 10,605,577.00 0.00 0.00 10,605,577.00 TRANSFERS OUT 994,948.00 0.00 0.00 994,948.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 38 13,251,2.00 246,287.00 0.00 13,005,095.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: PERSONNEL 2,900.00 2,996.52 0.00 (96.52) SERVICES 117,820.00 16,939.52 0.00 100,880.48 ADVERTISING -ECONOMIC DEV 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT TO GEN FUND 41,443.00 6,907.52 0.00 34,535.48 TRANSFERS OUT 1,634.00 91.48 0.00 1,542.52 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 204,047.00 26,935.04 0.00 177,111.96 10 s ATTACHMENT 2 m E A cn C N O Q O y N c > > cOM P CL C m p J E m O N Q UC�co co 0) LO� LO �� coti N e-MOCCt-0000000ir 0)0) m � ti � 1.:N nj� Efl t0 0 It f- 0 N d: O 0 ti O O O O O O O O M o 00 ~ t0 o ti 000�Cf�0000000Ln A 00 ti� e- N �. NN N60 �+ t0 l0 tC t0 l0 cp cQ cC W �A p 0 NNpppppppppp l�OG c�N'Y��C�C�C3t�C3"c�tS'c aaz.zzzzzzzzz �,�,mmmmmmmmmm m mmcacac�cac�cococvcvc� ma>i(1) 4�i®mm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U CO m �dp mac>naco c>l)c>n .. �V m MVZV n > >�� c �...�� xcncnpp m �Q XF�-Q�Q���e-N E p x p p p p N Qp��Q�ap�pd'tnpp > N0 p N0 C 0 0 c m 0 Q 0 N 0 ONpMNONO l l ow O N p N I N C C e- I m m Y M0N mY M-jeca Y�C r- mNYm am C�N mm Y C6 m� m== m m C6:j �m::iC6=iCi Vice m U) > N O LO co O M ti ti M r c m N m C p 0 H 11 s COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 19, 2004 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request for Qualifications for Resort Hotel and Development Interests at SilverRock Resort AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit hotel developers and operators for SilverRock Resort and authorize staff to circulate the RFQ to hotel developers and operators. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In addition to offering golf and other recreation venues for La Quinta residents, SilverRock Resort has been designed to accommodate a variety of resort hotel uses. The development activities related to constructing the tournament golf course have produced building sites that are designated in the SilverRock Resort Master Plan for hotel, boutique hotel and condominium hotel development. Now that these sites are physically defined, staff recommends that the Agency initiate a developer and operator solicitation process to introduce the hotel community to SilverRock Resort opportunities, and to initiate the hotel planning and development phase. The attached RFQ (Attachment 1) has been prepared for circulation to the hotel development and operator community. Staff is recommending using an RFQ versus a request for proposals (RFP) in order to assess the hotel market. Since SilverRock Resort's conception, a variety of hotel developers and operators have contacted the Agency expressing interest in developing a variety of hotel products. Since these discussions were preliminary in nature, staff recommends that the Agency solicit qualifications statements to determine who is really interested in moving forward with hotel planning and development activities at this time. Upon selecting the best qualified firm or firms, the Agency can then work to further define and design the hotel venues. 12 The RFQ will be included in the marketing packet that has been prepared by McMurry. It will be circulated to the list of developers and operators who are on file. It will also be presented to the major hotel chains including Ritz Carlton, Hyatt, Starwood, Hilton and Marriott. The RFQ provides information regarding the development sites, entitlements, utilities, roadways, and current use restrictions. It also presents the guiding principals, evaluation criteria and submittal requirements previously reviewed by the Agency Board. The anticipated schedule envisions transmitting the RFQ packages by November 1, 2004, receiving the qualification statements by December 10, 2004, staff interviews of the top candidates on January 6 and 7, 2005, and a selection recommendation to the Agency Board by February 15, 2005. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit hotel developers and operators for SilverRock Resort and authorize staff to circulate the RFQ to hotel developers and operators; or 2. Do not approve the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit hotel developers and operators for SilverRock Resort and do not authorize staff to circulate the RFQ to hotel developers and operators; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Mark Weiss, Assistant Executive Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachment: 1. Request for Qualifications 13 ATTACHMENT 1 [TO BE PRINTED ON SILVERROCK RESORT LETTERHEAD] HOTEL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES — SILVERROCK RESORT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Dear This package is designed to introduce your firm to resort hotel development opportunities at SilverRock Resort. The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency is completing the first of two tournament golf courses located at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains. Both within and adjacent to this and the planned second golf course, are development sites that will accommodate four- to five-star quality, full service resort hotels, boutique hotels, vacation condominium units and related commercial uses. The Agency is requesting qualification statements from a limited group of firms to assess interest in these development opportunities. A selected firm or firms will be invited to work in concert with the Agency to further design, and then subsequently develop, these sites. The Development Palette SilverRock Resort is located just thirty minutes from Palm Springs and is easily accessible by travelers from around the world. It's just 125 miles from San Diego, 120 miles from Los Angeles and a comfortable four-hour drive from Phoenix, Arizona. All said, a SilverRock Resort vacation is easy to take, whether one is traveling internationally or from just around the corner. In 2002 the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency purchased 525 acres of prime property nestled at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains to develop a destination golf oriented resort. Master planning activities concluded in 2003, with the approval of plans and specifications to develop a 7,570-yard tournament level golf course designed by Arnold Palmer. This course will open in 2005, and will be a home course for the 2006 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic. 3 14 Permitted Land Uses The master planning activities also designated sites for hotel, conference center and retail development; no residential uses are planned for this property. The five development sites range from 6 to 16 acres in size and are located within the Palmer Tournament Course, contiguous to the 12-acre village lake, or imbedded in the second golf course. The Agency has secured the required General Plan and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) entitlements for: • two 18-hole golf courses with a 25,000 square foot clubhouse • a 250-room hotel • a 10,000 square foot conference center • 300 timeshare, fractional or condominium hotel units 25,000 square feet of ancillary commercial uses. Subsequent requirements to develop these uses include a specific plan to further define and entitle the tourist commercial uses, a conditional use permit for the timeshare, fractional or condominium hotel units, and site development permits. The Agency is open to consider other non-residential resort and commercial land use options provided that they enhance SilverRock's golf resort standing. Access/Utility Infrastructure Included with the Palmer Tournament Golf Course construction program are site access, drainage, utility infrastructure, and building pad rough grading improvements. All adjoining arterial roadways will be improved to their ultimate design requirements. The internal roadway system to the tournament course, future permanent clubhouse, and one of the hotel sites will be fully improved. All required backbone utility infrastructure (water, sewer, electric, telephone and cable TV) will be fully installed with locations contiguous to all of the resort, conference center and retail development sites. Finally, the Agency is securing a master agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) to provide the required water and sewer service for all site uses. Development Restrictions The Agency purchased the SilverRock Resort property from KSL Recreation; KSL operates the legendary La Quinta Resort and Club. When purchasing the property, the Agency agreed to accept certain use restrictions that expire in June 2009. These restrictions encompass the following: 4 15 • The maximum number of hotel rooms that may be constructed on -site prior to June 2009 is 250. • The maximum number of condominium -hotel units that may be constructed prior to June 2009 is 300 with a maximum of 500 keys. • The maximum amount of hotel -associated conference space that may be constructed prior to June 2009 is 10,000 square feet. • The maximum room rate that may be charged for the hotel and condominium -hotel units prior to June 2009 is 70% of the advertised rate of the La Quinta Resort and Club for rooms of like kind. However, the permitted room rate shall in no event be less than $125.00 per night. The Agency is currently working to reduce or eliminate these restrictions. Qualifications Selection Criteria Prior to circulating this request for qualifications, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Board adopted the following guiding principals for the development of resort uses at SilverRock Resort: • Secure an exclusive, four- to five-star, luxury resort that anchors the golf and resort experience; locate this facility at the major hotel site in the resort village. • Secure smaller boutique hotel and/or vacation condominium complexes for the non -resort village parcels that adjoin the golf courses that uphold and complement the four- to five-star luxury experiences. • Pursue land sale or long-term lease options that attract the desired resort hotel development and operators, generate a reasonable return on the Agency's land investment, and afford the Agency some degree of control over design and operations standards. • Do not entertain offers that provide immediate land investment returns but limit the possibilities of obtaining a four- to five-star luxury resort experience. 5 16 In addition, the Agency Board established the following brand promise: Discover the mystique of SilverRock Resort, the crown jewel of La Quinta's golf legacy. Rich in both history and legend, the majestic Santa Rosa Mountains frame an unwavering commitment to an exceptional SilverRock experience. Our promise: Exceptional In All, For All, Always. Evaluation Criteria The aforementioned items generated the following criteria that will be used to evaluate the Qualifications Statements: • The proposed development program should align with or enhance the Brand Promise for SilverRock Resort. • The proposed development program should align with or enhance the land use and planning criteria presented in the adopted conceptual master plan. • The proposed development program should feature a full service, whole ownership, four- or five-star quality hotel with restaurants/lounges, meeting facilities, and recreation and spa facilities. • Fractional and investor owned hotel rooms (condominium ownership units) may be included in the proposed development program but only in association with a full service four- to five-star quality, whole ownership hotel. • The hotel operations must include a reservation system so that national and international leisure and commercial travelers may easily access these properties. • The development entity must demonstrate extensive experience with designing, building and operating four- and five-star resorts. Extensive experience entails at least five or more properties. • The development entity must demonstrate that it has access to at least $50,000,000 of equity and financing to underwrite construction and operating capital requirements. 6 17 • The development entity must demonstrate that it is ready to initiate site and development program planning activities upon signing an exclusive negotiation agreement, and that it can commit to initiating construction activities within 12 months after executing a disposition and development agreement. Qualification Statements The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency is requesting that your firm submit materials that express your entity's interest, vision and capability to develop and operate hospitality uses at SilverRock Resort. We are specifically seeking the following materials: Firm Specialty. Provide a narrative that details whether your firm develops, or develops and operates, resort hotel venues. Please identify the firm's specialization: full service hotels, boutique hotels, condominium hotels or the entire spectrum of hotel operations. If teams are proposed that would separately undertake the development and operating responsibilities, please provide this information for each team member. Vision and Development Program Summary. Identify your vision for one or more of the hospitality venues your firm would develop and describe how a SilverRock property would fit in your firm's overall business strategy. Please discuss how your vision would achieve the Brand Promise and align with the SilverRock master plan. Further, translate your vision into a development program that identifies the SilverRock site or sites your firm would develop, including the type of development and the anticipated lodging market these facilities would access. Also, please detail ancillary (restaurant, spa, retail, and other resort) uses your firm, or another entity, would develop in conjunction with your development program. The proposed vision and development program should embrace the points detailed in the Guiding Principals and Evaluation Criteria. Operations Franchises. Identify anticipated hotel operators for each proposed hospitality venue. Also identify other proposed operators for all ancillary uses. Describe the brand promise, marketing program and reservation system that is unique to each operator. Experience. Please provide a detailed resume of the firm's (or if a team, each participating firm) experience with four- and five-star hospitality venues. Identify other projects your firm has developed and/or operates including their location, size, resort uses, and quality level. Also provide information regarding your firm (if a development team, then for each firm included in the team) that identifies length of time in business, ownership structure, operating structure, principal offices, and the office that would service SilverRock Resort. Further, identify the project manager and personnel that would be assigned to this project including their responsibility and experience. Financial Capability. Identify the firm's or team's capacity to secure the equity and financing required to implement the proposed development program. The development entity must demonstrate that it has access to at least $ 50,000,000 of equity and financing to underwrite construction and operating capital requirements. Confidential information should be submitted to the Agency's Economic Development consultant. Please disclose if your firm has ever defaulted on its financial obligations, has had projects that were foreclosed upon, or if bankruptcy has ever been filed. Implementation Time Frame. Outline the time period your firm would propose to initiate site and development program planning activities upon signing an exclusive negotiation agreement. Discuss your firm's ability to initiate construction activities within 12 months after executing a disposition and development agreement. Submittal Requirements Please submit ten (10) qualification statement packages by 1:00 p.m., Friday, December 10, 2004, delivering them to: Mark Weiss, Assistant Executive Director/Project Manager La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (P. 0. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92247) Contact Person All questions regarding SilverRock Resort and this Request for Qualifications should be directed to Mark Weiss via e-mail at mweiss@la-auinta.org. Additional information regarding SilverRock Resort is available at www.silverrock.org. 8 19 Selection Process A Selection Committee comprised of Agency staff and advisors will review the submittals and evaluate how they achieve the Guiding Principals and meet the Evaluation Criteria detailed herein. Interviews will be held with the top four teams. From this information, the Selection Committee will then recommend that one or more firms be considered by the Agency Board for an exclusive negotiation agreement. The anticipated schedule is as follows: Issue Request for Qualifications November 1, 2004 Qualification Statements due December 10, 2004 Interviews January 6 - 7, 2005 Agency Board consideration February 15, 2005 This solicitation does not commit the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred with the preparation of a qualifications statement, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The Agency reserves the right to accept or reject any submittals received in response to this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or cancel in whole or part this process if it is in the best interest of the Agency to do so. Prior to negotiations, prospective entities may be required to submit revisions to their qualifications statements. All proposers should note that any contract pursuant to this solicitation is dependent upon the recommendation of the Agency staff and the approval of the Agency Board. Thank you for your interest in SilverRock Resort development opportunities. Again, please contact me with any questions or further information needs. Sincerely, Mark Weiss Assistant Executive Director 9 20 .A Alp Tar 44alb(Z COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 19, 2004 ITEM TITLE: Approval of an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with the Dahlin Group to Provide Building Architectural Services for SilverRock Resort RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: J STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with the Dahlin Group in an amount not -to -exceed $44,900 to provide building architectural services for the SilverRock Resort project, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Of the total contract amendment (Attachment 1), $42,900 is for design of the commercial kitchen adjacent to the temporary clubhouse, and will be funded from the $200,000 approved by the Agency Board on September 7, 2004. The remaining $2,000 is for design services associated with the shade structures at the maintenance building, which will, be funded from the SilverRock Resort Professional Services account. There is $71 1,739 in professional services funds available. Of this amount, $640,000 has been designated for permanent clubhouse architectural services. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On November 18, 2003, the Agency Board approved a Professional Services Agreement with the Dahlin Group to provide building architectural services for the golf course maintenance building, restrooms, pump house, and temporary clubhouse. The designs are complete and the buildings are under construction. On September 7, 2004, the Agency Board approved an amount not -to -exceed $200,000 to design and construct a kitchen facility adjacent to the temporary clubhouse that would enhance the meal menu and allow the operator to obtain a full liquor license. 21 Attachment 2 outlines the Dahlin Group's request for additional compensation for services associated with the kitchen and shade structure design at the maintenance building. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with the Dahlin Group in an amount not -to -exceed $44,900 to provide building architectural services for the SilverRock Resort project, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment; or 2. Do not approve an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with the Dahlin Group in an amount not -to -exceed $44,900 to provide building architectural services for the SilverRock Resort project, and do not authorize the Executive Director to execute the amendment; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, k'I", .Q -- — Mark Weiss, Assistant Executive Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director Attachments: 1. Contract Amendment 2. Outline of Requested Additional Services 22 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Iry 4 aCP QuArrA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT PROJECT: SilverRock Resort Architectural Services CONSULTANT: Dahlin Group ****************************************************************************************** Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Provide architectural services related to the temporary clubhouse kitchen and maintenance facility shade structures.. Submitted By: Approved By: Contract Amount $212,000.00 Add this Amendment $44 900.00 Total $256 900.00 Date: Date: We, the undersigned Consultant, havegiven careful consideration to the changeproposed and hereby agree, if thisproposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above. PSA96041.doc 3 23 Accepted By: Consultant: Title: Date: PSA96041.dm 24 4 ATTACHMENT 2 EXHIBIT 1-A OUTLINE OF REQUESTED ADDITIONAL SERVICES SILVERROCK RESORT GOLF CLUBHOUSE AND SUPPLEMENTARY FACILITIES September 23, 2004 (revised) A. REQUESTED ADDITIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2004 The following services were provided by Dahlin Group and our consultants, despite being excluded from the Scope of Work outlined in our Agreement. ITEM DESCRIPTION FEE A.1. Designed new restroom building adjacent to clubhouse. This increased the project scope from 2,500 s.f. (per our Agreement) to 3,200 s.f., and required many custom details and conditions separate from the remodel..................No Charge A.2. Provided conceptual site designs and exhibits..................................No Charge A.3. Attended (6) public presentations beyond those (2) listed in our Agreement. Most required a considerable commitment of time. Attended - various other meetings excluded from our Agreement......................................................No Charge A.4. Provided architectural revisions after RDA -approved designs due to revisions by Agency's consultants (e.g. Pump Station) ........................................ No Charge A.5. Provided design for Arbor at request of Landscape Architect................ No Charge A.6. Provided pre -design and conceptual design services for proposed kitchen expansion. See breakdown, Exhibit 1 - B.............................................. $ 4, 82 0 . A.7. Provided pre -design services for Maintenance yard remote equipment and wash -down shade structures. See breakdown., Exhibit 1 - B................ B. REQUESTED ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED AFTER AUGUST 31, 2004 The following additional services have been requested. 25 5 ITEM DESCRIPTION FEE B.I. Provide design services for an approximately 365 s.f. kitchen addition to the ranch house to include Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents and Construction Administration. Consultant services to include Structural Engineering, Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical Engineering, Title-24 calcs, and Food Service Consultant. See breakdown, Exhibit 1-B............ $29,830. B.2. Provide services to assist the City in procuring approximately 4,000 s.f. of remote shade structures for equipment parking and equipment wash - down in the Maintenance yard. The shade structures will be design -build by others......$2,000. B.3. Attend additional meetings or presentations as required by Ag e n cy...........$2,000. B.4. Estimated additional reimbursable expenses due to fast -track construction schedule and associated requests for overnight deliveries in order for immediate return of all submittals....................................................................... $500. B.S. Estimated additional Construction Administration hourly services due to fast -track construction schedule and frequency and intensity of requested services thus far (the original fund for hourly services has been exhausted) .....................$5,000. Total Additional Fees........................................................................................$44,900. End of Exhibit 1-A 6 26 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 19, 2004 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Resolutions Approving BUSINESS SESSION: / Amendment No. 2 to Affordable Housing Agreement CONSENT CALENDAR: and an Amended and Restated Option Agreement By and Between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency STUDY SESSION: ("Agency") and Santa Rosa Development, Inc. PUBLIC HEARING: ("Amendment No. 2 to AHA"); and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Purchase and Sale, Escrow Instructions, and an Amended and Restated Option Agreement by and between the Agency and 48" and Adams, LLC ("Amendment No. 2 to P&S Agreement"), Both of Which Amendments are Related to Property Located Northeast of the Intersection of Avenue 48 and Adams Street in La Quinta Project Area No. 2 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolutions approving (1) Amendment No. 2 to Affordable Housing Agreement, and (2) Amendment No. 2 to Purchase & Sale Agreement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Implementing the Affordable Housing Agreement (AHA), either as currently in effect or after approval of Amendment No. 2 to AHA, will result in expenditure of $7,800,000 in housing funds ($800,000 has been expended for costs related to securing development entitlements). These expenditures were made from funds the Agency currently had on hand. The additional $7,000,000 required to fund homebuyer second trust deed loans (anticipated to be needed approximately 10 months from now) will be derived from the 2004 Housing Bond proceeds. Staff will be requesting appropriation of those funds when they are needed. These funds are being reserved for this project. 27 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In January 2003 the Agency approved two agreements with Santa Rosa Development, Inc. ("Santa Rosa") which facilitated the sale of 32.3 acres of Agency property ("Property"): (1) an Affordable Housing Agreement (the "Original AHA") which provided for the development of 149 one- and two -bedroom single - story court homes to be restricted to moderate -income homebuyers aged 55 years and older (the "Affordable Homes") (defined as households earning from 81 % to 120% of the Riverside County median income); and (2) an Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions (the "Original P&S Agreement") for the development of 36 market rate homes (the "Market Homes"). Per the Original AHA and the Original P&S Agreement, Santa Rosa was required to prepare and process the entitlements and tract map required for both the Market Homes and Affordable Homes. Upon receiving the entitlements, the Original AHA provided that Santa Rosa would purchase the 20.9 acre Affordable Homes site for $1.00, and the 1 1.9-acre Market Homes site for $801,358. Prior to the closing of these transactions, the Agency and Santa Rosa negotiated an amendment to the Original AHA ("Amendment No. 1 to AHA") and an amendment to the Original P&S Agreement ("Amendment No. 1 to P&S Agreement") to change the timing for certain project entitlements from "pre - closing" to "post -closing." Specifically, the requirements for (i) recording the tract map; (ii) obtaining City approval and recording covenants, conditions, and restrictions ("CC&Rs"); and (iii) obtaining building permits, were changed from pre - closing to post -closing obligations. The Option Agreements attached to each original document were also amended to reflect these changes. The transactions closed on July 21, 2004. At the closing, Santa Rosa assigned all of its interests and obligations in the Original P&S Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to P&S Agreement, to 48th and Adams, LLC, an entity related to Santa Rosa ("481h and Adams"). Santa Rosa and 481h and Adams (collectively, the "Developers") have requested additional changes to the timing of some of the "post -closing" project entitlement obligations and to the Option Agreements to enable the Developers to close their construction loans and obtain funding to commence the two projects. The requested modifications are as follows: • The agreements provided that the Developers would secure all 185 building permits soon after closing. In order to manage their cash flow, they are requesting that building permits be obtained initially to construct the model K homes, and then for each subsequent phase of the development. This change is embodied in the proposed amendment. • The Agreement provided that the Developers obtain City approval of, and record, the CC&RS for the subdivisions within a short time frame after the closing. The proposed amendment modifies this requirement. to obtaining City approval prior to the issuance of any building permits and to recording the approved CC&Rs prior to the City's issuance of any certificate of occupancy. • The Schedule of Performance contained in the Agreement has been modified to reflect current time frames and the above modifications. • The Amended AHA and the Amended P&S Agreement each contain, as an exhibit, an Option Agreement that grants certain property repurchase rights to the Agency in the event of a default by one of the Developers. The Developers' lenders will not agree to some of the provisions contained in the Option Agreements, which limit the Developers' ability to secure financing to develop both the Market Homes and the Affordable Homes. The proposed amendment modifies these provisions as follows: o Change "Repurchase Option I" (which the Agency will not subordinate to the construction lenders' deed of trust) to replace the requirement that the tract map be recorded with a requirement that a subdivision improvement agreement be secured and executed. The amendment addresses this request and moves the tract map recordation requirement to "Repurchase Option II" (which the Agency will subordinate to the construction lenders' deed of trust). o Change "Repurchase Option I" to define the requirement that the Developers commence construction as a requirement that the Developers complete at least 15 days of mass grading activities on each site. o Change "Repurchase Option I" to move the requirement that the Developers obtain building permits to "Repurchase Option II" (which will be subordinated to the construction lenders' deed of trust), and modify this requirement to require that the Developers obtain building permits within the schedule set forth in Amendment No. 2 to P&S Agreement and Amendment No. 2 to AHA. o Change "Repurchase Option I" to move the requirement that the Developers obtain the City's approval of and record the CC&Rs to 2 9- 3 "Repurchase Option II, ' and modify this requirement to require that the Developers obtain City's approval of the CC&Rs prior to pulling the first building permit for each project, and to record the CC&Rs prior to obtaining the first certificate of occupancy for each project. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Agency Board include: 1. Adopt Resolutions approving Amendment No. 2 to Affordable Housing Agreement and the Amended and Restated Option Agreement by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Santa Rosa Development, Inc., and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions and the Amended and Restated Option Agreement by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and 48th and Adams, LLC, both of which amendments are related to property located northeast of the Intersection of Avenue 48 and Adams Street in La Quinta Project Area No. 2; or 2. Do not adopt Resolutions approving Amendment No. 2 to Affordable Housing Agreement and the Amended and Restated Option Agreement by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Santa Rosa Development, Inc., and Amendment No. 2 to Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions and the Amended and Restated Option Agreement by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and 48th and Adams, LLC, both of which amendments are related to property located northeast of the Intersection of Avenue 48 and Adams Street in La Quinta Project Area No. 2; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Oscar Orci, Interim Community Development Director 30 4 Approved for submission by: C/ y4r� Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 31 RESOLUTION NO. RA 2004- A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 48 AND ADAMS STREET WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is a public body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law ("Health & Safety Code § 33000 et seq.) ("CRL"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the CRL, the City Council of the City of La Quinta ("City" or "City Council," as applicable) approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan) for Project Area No. 2 (Project Area"), on May 16, 1989, by Ordinance No. 139; and WHEREAS, a fundamental purpose of the CRL is to expand the supply of low- and moderate -income housing (Health & Saf. Code, § 33071); and WHEREAS, on or about January 22, 2003, the Agency and Santa Rosa Development, Inc., a California corporation ("Developer") entered into that certain Affordable Housing Agreement (the Original AHA ),pursuant to which (i) the Agency agreed to convey to the Developer certain real property located within the Project Area ("Property") for One Dollar ($1.00) for the Developer's subsequent development thereon of One Hundred Forty -Nine (149) single family homes for sale to senior citizens who are at least 55 years of age and who are also persons and families of moderate income" (i.e., persons and families whose income does not exceed 120% of the median income for Riverside County, adjusted for family size) (the "Project"); (ii) the Agency is to reimburse the Developer, in an amount up to but not exceeding Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000), from the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Tax Increment Fund ("Housing Fund"), for engineering, architectural and planning costs and building permit fees incurred in planning and developing the Project (the "Development Assistance"); and (iii) the Agency is to provide second trust deed assistance to qualified buyers of units in the Project in an amount not to exceed, collectively, Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000), from the Agency's Housing Fund (the "Homebuyer Assistance"), all as more particular described in the Original AHA; and WHEREAS, on or about June 22, 2004, the Agency and Developer amended the Original AHA and the Option Agreement attached as Attachment No. 7 to the Original AHA (the "Original Option Agreement") by that certain Waiver and Replacement of Conditions for Closing for the Affordable Housing Agreement and 32 882/015610-0043 r 550138.01 a10/15/04 r .` Resolution No. RA 2004- Amendment No. 2 to 481h & Adams Affordable Housing Agreement Adopted: October 19, 2004 Page 2 for the Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 1 ") to revise, among other terms, various provisions related to the "Project Entitlements,(as that term is defined in the Original AHA); and WHEREAS, the Original AHA, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended AHA," and the Original Option Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the Amended Option Agreement"; and WHEREAS, Agency and Developer have negotiated an amendment to the Amended AHA and to the Amended Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 2"), to� further revise the provisions related to the Project Entitlements, and to revise the subordination provisions set forth in the Amended Option Agreement, all as more particularly set forth in Amendment No. 2. WHEREAS, the Agreement. is in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and is of benefit to the Project Area and the City of La Quinta; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. 2. That the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency hereby finds and determines that Amendment No. 2 effectuates the purposes of the Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code § 33000 et seq.) and of the Redevelopment Plan and is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of La Quinta. 3. Amendment No. 21 a copy of which is on file with the Agency Secretary, is hereby approved. The Agency Executive Director and Agency Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to make final modifications to Amendment No. 2 that are consistent with the substantive terms of Amendment No. 2 approved hereby, and the Agency Executive Director is authorized to thereafter sign Amendment No. 2 on behalf of the Agency. 4. The Agency Executive Director is authorized and directed, on behalf of the Agency, to (i) sign such other. and further documents, including but not limited to subordination agreements and escrow instructions that require the Agency's signature, and (ii) take such other and further actions, as may be necessary and proper to carry out the terms of Amendment No. 2. ,.: 882/015610-0043 33 550138.01 a10/15/04 Resolution No. RA 2004- Amendment No. 2 to 48`h & Adams Affordable Housing Agreement Adopted: October 19, 2004 Page 3 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held this 19th day of October, 2004, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: TERRY HENDERSON, Agency Chair City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, Agency Secretary City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, Agency Counsel City of La Quinta, California 34 882/015610-0043 �. 550138.01 a10/15/04 AMENDMENT NO.2 TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT ("Amendment No.2") is made and entered into as of , 2004 (the "Effective Date") by and between the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Agency"), and SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California corporation ("Developer"). RECITALS: A. On or about January 22, 2003, the Agency and Developer entered into that certain Affordable Housing Agreement (the "Original AHA"), pursuant to which Agency agreed to sell to Developer, and Developer agreed to purchase from Agency, that certain real property located at the corner of Avenue 48th and Adams Street, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California (the "Site"), and to construct thereon a "senior citizen housing development," as defined in Civil Code Section 51.3(b)(4), consisting of not less than one hundred forty-nine (149) single-family detached homes and related improvements (the "Project") to be sold to "Eligible Buyers" at an "Affordable Housing Cost" (at those terms are defined in the Original AHA). B. On or about June 22, 2004, the Agency and Developer amended the Original AHA and the Option Agreement attached as Attachment No. 7 to the Original AHA (the "Original Option Agreement") by that certain Waiver and Replacement of Conditions for Closing for the Affordable Housing Agreement and for the Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 1") to revise, among other terms, various provisions related to the "Project Entitlements" (as that term is defined in the Original AHA). The Original AHA, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended AHA" and the Original Option Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Option Agreement"). C. Agency and Developer now wish to amend the Amended AHA and the Amended Option Agreement to further revise the provisions related to the Project Entitlements, and to revise the subordination provisions set forth in the Amended Option Agreement. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are incorporated herein by this reference, and for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Amended AHA is hereby amended as follows: 1.1 To replace Section 305(b) with the following: (b) Within one hundred twenty (120) days following the Closing Date, Developer shall (i) prepare and record in the Official Records a tract map 35 882/014122-0001 i 549555.01 a10/13/04 subdividing the Site from the adjacent real property (the "Tract Map"); and (ii) furnish to the City of La Quinta a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIA") in the form currently used by the City guaranteeing the construction of all on and off -site improvements required in connection with the Project, in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 31311, which was approved by the City pursuant to City Council Resolution 2003-112, adopted on November 18, 2003 1.2 To replace Section 305(c) with the following: (c) Within the times set forth in the Schedule of Performance, Developer shall have obtained from the City the building permits necessary for the construction of the model homes and each phase of the Project. 1.3 To replace Section 305(d) with the following: (d) Prior to, and as a condition of, City's issuance of the first building permit for the Project, Developer shall obtain approval from the City of covenants, conditions, and restrictions providing for maintenance of. all commonly -owned property within the Project by a homeowners' association ("CC&Rs"), which CC&Rs shall provide that the City and Agency are third party beneficiaries with the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the terms thereof. Prior to, and as a condition of, City's issuance .of a certificate of occupancy for the first Unit, Developer shall record the CC&Rs in the Official Records. 1.4 To replace Section 305(e) with the following: (e) Agency agrees to fully cooperate with, and assist, at no cost to Agency, Developer in its pursuit of the Tract Map, building permits, and the CC&Rs ("Post Closing Entitlements"), subject to Agency's exercise of its legislative discretion and without any representation, warranty, or guaranty by Agency that the City will issue or approve, or will issue or approve the same with conditions, any of the Post Closing Entitlements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, where required, Agency shall review all submittals by Developer in a timely manner and shall provide Developer with all information, in Agency's possession or control, that Developer may reasonably request in writing in connection with the Post Closing Entitlements. 2. The Schedule of Performance attached to the Amended AHA is hereby replaced, in its entirety, with the Schedule of Performance attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit «A„ 3. The Amended Option Agreement is hereby replaced, in its entirety, with the Amended and Restated Option Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit `B" (the "Amended and Restated Option Agreement"). Agency's approval of this Amendment No. 2 is conditioned upon Developer's execution, concurrently with the execution hereof, of the Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 882/014122-0001 10 549555.01 a10/13/04 2 C 4. Nothing herein or in the Amended AHA constitutes a representation or warranty by Agency that the construction of the Project is not subject to California Health and Safety Code Sections 33423 through 33426, or Chapter 1 of Part 7 of the California Labor Code (commencing with section 1720), and all applicable statutory and regulatory provisions related thereto, and Developer expressly waives any right of reimbursement for any "increased costs" under California Labor Code Section 1781 or otherwise with respect to. the Project or Site. Developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Agency harmless, including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, from and against any and all claims pertaining to the payment of wages for the Project. 5. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Amendment No. 2, all of the terms and conditions of the Amended AHA shall remain in full force and effect. 6. In the event of any action between Agency and Developer seeking enforcement of any of the terms and conditions to this Amendment No. 2, the prevailing party in such action shall be awarded, in addition to damages, injunctive or other relief, its reasonable costs and expenses, including without limitation its expert witness fees and reasonable attorney's fees. 7. This Amendment No. 2 shall be construed according to its fair meaning and as if prepared by both parties hereto. 8. This Amendment No. 2 shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of California and any question arising hereunder shall be construed or determined according to such law. The Municipal and Superior Courts of the State of California in and for the County of Riverside, or such other appropriate court in such county, shall have exclusive jurisdiction of any litigation between the parties concerning this Amendment No. 2. Service of process on Agency shall be made in accordance with California law. Service of process on Developer shall be made in any manner permitted by California law and shall be effective whether served inside or outside California. 9. Time is of the essence of this Amendment No. 2 and of each and every term and provision hereof. 10. A waiver of a provision hereof, or modification of any provision herein contained, shall be effective only if said waiver or modification is in writing, and signed by both Agency and Developer. No waiver of any breach or default by any party hereto shall be considered to be a waiver of any breach or default unless expressly provided herein or in the waiver. 11. Signatures of the parties transmitted by facsimile shall be deemed binding. However, each party agrees to submit their original signature to the other party within five (5) business days after execution hereof. 12. This Amendment No. 2 may be executed in counterparts, each of which, when this Amendment No. 2 has been signed by all the parties hereto, shall be deemed an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 13. The person(s) executing this Amendment No. 2 on behalf of each of the parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 -3- t, 37 authorized to execute and deliver this Amendment No. 2 on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Amendment No. 2 such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Amendment No. 2, and (iv) the entering into this Amendment No. 2 does not violate any provision of any other agreement to which such party is bound. - [End — Signature Page Follows] ty- 1 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Agency and Developer each hereby represents that it has read this Amendment No. 2, understands it, and hereby executes this Amendment No. 2 to be effective as of the day and year first written above. Date: Date: "Developer" SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., 2004 a California corporation By: Michael Shovlin Its: President "Agency" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic 2004 . By: Executive Director ATTEST: June Greek, Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP By: M. Katherine Jenson, Agency Counsel 13 882/014122-0001 3 9 549555.01 a10/13/04 -5- EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE [See Following Pages] 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 40- 14 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY TIME FRAME 1. Agency approves this Agreement. Completed. 2. Agency and Developer execute Completed. Agreement and open Escrow. 3. Developer provides evidence of insurance Completed. to Agency. 4. Developer submits initial set of Completed. documents to City as necessary to prepare and process Specific Plan, tentative tract map and Site Development Plan for the Project and thereafter diligently takes all necessary actions to obtain City approval of the same. 5. Agency and Developer close Escrow on Completed. Agency's transfer of title to Site to Developer. 6. Developer (i) processes through the City Within one hundred twenty (120) days after and causes to be recorded a final Tract the close of Escrow. Map for the Project; and (ii) submits to the City the executed SIA. 7. Developer processes through the City and Within thirty (30) days following recordation obtains all of the remaining Project of the Tract Map. Entitlements, except for building permits. 8. Developer obtains approval from Agency Prior to City's issuance of the first building of covenants, conditions, and restrictions permit for the Project. providing for maintenance of all commonly owned -property within the "Project" (as that term is defined in Section 302) by a homeowners' association ("CC&Rs"), which CC&Rs provide that the City and Agency are third party beneficiaries with the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the terms thereof. 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 1 9. Developer obtains from the City building By January 8, 2005. permits for the three (3) model homes Developer anticipates will be constructed on the Site. 10. Developer obtains from the City building By January 24, 2005. permits for the first phase of the Project, which consists of thirty-seven (37) Units. 11. Developer obtains from the City building By May 1, 2005. permits for the second phase of the Project, which consists of forty-six (46) Units. 12. Developer obtains from the City building By (see note below). permits for the third phase of the Project, which consists of thirty-seven (37) Units. 13. Developer obtains from the City building By (see note below). permits for the fourth phase of the Project, which consists of twenty-six (26) Units. 14. Developer commences construction of the Within sixty (60) days after recordation of the Project. Tract Map. 15. Developer records in the Official Records Prior to City's issuance of the first certificate the CC&Rs. of occupancy for a Unit in the Project. 16. Developer completes construction of pool On or before the date Developer receives and restroom facilities. certificate of occupancy for thirtieth (30th) house. 17. Developer receives certificate of On or before January 31, 2007 (see note occupancy for final house. below). 18. Agency issues a Certificate of Completion Within ten (10) days after Agency receipt of for the improvements or provides written request from Developer for Certificate Developer with a written explanation of of Completion pursuant to Section 315 of the reasons why such a Certificate shall not be Agreement. issued. It is understood that the foregoing Schedule is subject to all of the terms and conditions of the text of the Agreement. The summary of items of performance in the Schedule is not intended to supercede or modify any more complete description in the text; in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Schedule and text of the Agreement, the text of the Agreement shall govern. 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 -2- 42 Notwithstanding the times set forth in the foregoing Schedule for Developer to (i) obtain building permits for the third and fourth phases of the Project (Items 12 and 13), or obtain the certificate of occupancy for the final Unit (Item 18), in the event Developer submits evidence satisfactory to Agency, in Agency's reasonable discretion, demonstrating that home sales in the Coachella Valley are currently declining, due to market -driven factors beyond the reasonable control of Developer, Agency agrees to meet and confer with Developer to discuss extending the time for Developer's performance of this item. 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 -3- 17 43 EXHIBIT "B" AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT [See Following Pages] M], 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 44 FREE RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Executive Director (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING USE) (EXEMPT FROM RECORDING FEE PER GOV. CODE § 27383) AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT SUBORDINATED NOTICE: This AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT contains a subordination clause which may result in your security interest in the property becoming subject to and of lower priority than the lien of some other or later security instrument. THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT ("Amended and Restated Option Agreement") is made this day of (the "Effective Date"), by SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California corporation ("Developer"), and the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic ("Agency"). RECITALS A. On or about January 22, 2003, Developer and the Agency entered into an Affordable Housing Agreement ("Original Affordable Housing Agreement"), pursuant to which (i) Agency conveyed to Developer that certain real property located at the corner of Avenue 48th and Adams Street, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California (the "Site"); and (ii) Developer agreed to construct on the Site a "senior citizen housing development," as defined in Civil Code Section 51.3(b)(4), consisting of not less than one hundred forty-nine (149) single-family detached homes and related improvements (the "Project"), all as more particularly described in the Original Affordable Housing Agreement. The Site is legally described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. B. The Original Affordable Housing Agreement requires, among other terms, that Developer grant to Agency an option to repurchase the Site from Developer if Developer fails to commence, continuously proceed with, or complete construction within certain specified time frames, or if Developer transfers the Site in violation of the terms of the Original Affordable Housing Agreement, all as more particularly described therein. Developer's grant to Agency of the aforementioned option was to be effected pursuant to an Option Agreement substantially in the form attached to the Original Affordable Housing Agreement as Attachment No. 7 (the "Original Option Agreement"). 882/014122-0001 -1- 19 549555.01 a10/13/04 45 C. On or about June 22, 2004, and prior to Agency's conveyance of the Site to Developer, the Agency and Developer amended the Original Affordable Housing Agreement and the Original Option Agreement by that certain Waiver and Replacement of Conditions for Closing for the Affordable Housing Agreement and for the Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 1") to revise, among other terms, various provisions related to the "Project Entitlements" (as that term is defined in the Original Affordable Housing Agreement). The Original Affordable Housing Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Affordable Housing Agreement" and the Original Option Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Option Agreement". D. On or about July 21, 2004 (the "Closing Date"), Agency conveyed to Developer the Site and Developer and Agency executed and recorded against the Site, in the Official Records of the County of Riverside, as Instrument No. 2004-0565213, the Amended Option Agreement. E. Agency and Developer have, concurrently with the execution hereof, entered into that certain Amendment No. 2 to Affordable Housing Agreement ("Amendment No. 2") to further revise the provisions related to the Project Entitlements, and to revise the subordination provisions set forth in the Amended Option Agreement. The Amended Affordable Housing Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 2, is hereinafter referred to as the "Affordable Housing Agreement". To effect the revisions set forth in Amendment No. 2, Developer and Agency now desire to replace the Amended Option Agreement, in its entirety, with this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. All defined terms used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Affordable Housing Agreement unless otherwise stated. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and incorporating the above recitals and all of the terms and conditions contained in the Affordable Housing Agreement, (i) Agency and Developer hrereby agree that the Amended Option Agreement is replaced, in its entirety, by this Amended and Restated Option Agreement; and (ii) Developer hereby grants to Agency the following repurchase options: 1. Repurchase Option I - Failure to Commence Construction Developer hereby grants to Agency an exclusive option to repurchase the Site ("Repurchase Option I") if Developer fails to (i) commence construction of the Project within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Closing Date, subject to Sections 4(b) and 4(h) below; or (ii) furnish to the City of La Quinta, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the Closing Date, a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIA") in the form currently used by the City guaranteeing the construction of all on and off -site improvements required in connection with the Project, in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 31311, which was approved by the City pursuant to City Council Resolution 2003-112, adopted on November 18, 2003. For the purposes of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, Developer shall have "commenced construction of the Project" at the time Developer has completed all of the following: (1) obtained all necessary bonds and permits to complete the mass grading of the 882/014122-0001 _ w, 549555.01 a10/13/04 -2- 46 Site; (2) completed all necessary pre -grading activities, including, but not limited to, fencing and watering the Site; and (3) conducted mass grading activities on the Site for a minimum of fifteen (15) days (with only those days where actual and continuous mass grading activities are conducted counting towards this requirement); or In the event of Developer's failure to commence construction within the one hundred eighty (180) day time period referenced above, or to furnish to the City an SIA within the one hundred twenty (120) day time period referenced above, Agency shall be entitled to exercise, but is not obligated to exercise, the foregoing .option for a period of ninety (90) days following the expiration of the one hundred eighty (180) day period or one hundred twenty (120) day period (as applicable) described above ("Repurchase Option I Period"). (a) Exercise of Option Agency shall exercise the Repurchase Option I by giving written notice to Developer ("Agency's Notice of Option 1 Exercise"), in accordance with Section 5 of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, prior to the expiration of the Repurchase Option I Period. Failure of Agency to exercise the Repurchase Option I shall constitute a waiver by Agency of its exercise of this Repurchase Option I only, and shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of any remedies it may have under the terms of the Affordable Housing Agreement or of any other agreement for Developer's failure to timely commence construction (as defined herein or as such term may be defined in any other agreement). Any Agency waiver as described in the preceding sentence shall not be deemed a waiver of any other Developer breach of the terms or conditions of the Affordable Housing Agreement. (b) Repurchase Price and Escrow - Repurchase Option I Agency's repurchase price for the Site ("Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price") shall be Developer's Purchase Price for the Site ($1.00). Within five (5) business days after Agency has exercised Repurchase Option I, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable, an escrow shall be opened with an escrow company selected by Agency for the reconveyance of the Site to Agency. Agency shall deposit the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price in escrow not later than one (1) business day prior to the anticipated close of escrow date. The escrow shall be subject to Agency's approval of a then -current preliminary title report and, at Agency's option, environmental and other site testing. Any monetary lien(s) or encumbrance(s) shown on such preliminary title report that is (are) created concurrent with or after the Close of Escrow that conveyed the Site from Agency to Developer shall be removed by Developer at its sole expense prior to the close of escrow pursuant to this Section l (b) unless such exception(s) is (are) accepted by Agency in its sole discretion; provided, however, that Agency shall accept the following exceptions to title: (i) current taxes not yet delinquent, (ii) matters affecting title existing on the date of recordation of the Grant Deed to the Site (Attachment No. 5 to the Affordable Housing Agreement); and (iii) matters shown as printed exceptions in the standard form ALTA policy of title insurance. In the event the Site is encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust, Agency shall be permitted to unilaterally instruct the escrow agent to satisfy the indebtedness secured thereby out of the proceeds payable to Developer through the foregoing escrow. Any additional amount necessary to satisfy such 882/014122-0001 1 549555.01 a10/13/04 3 47 indebtedness shall be paid by Developer. Agency and Developer shall each pay one-half (1/2) of the escrow fees. Developer shall pay for documentary tax stamps, recording fees, and for an ALTA standard form owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price showing title vested in Agency free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except those permitted by this paragraph. (Agency shall pay the portion of the title insurance premium attributable to any extra or extended coverages or if the amount of insurance requested by Agency is higher than the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price.) Any other costs and expenses shall be allocated between the parties in the manner customary for a commercial property conveyance in Riverside County. Agency shall have thirty (30) days after exercise of the Repurchase Option I to enter upon the Site to conduct any tests, inspections, investigations, or studies of the condition of Site. Developer shall permit Agency access to the Site for such purposes. Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Developer and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, and representatives from and against all claims, liabilities, or damages, and including expert witness fees and reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of any such testing, inspection, or investigatory activity on the Site. Escrow shall close promptly after acceptance by Agency of the condition of title and the physical and environmental condition of the Site. 2. Repurchase Option II - Failure to Continuously Proceed With or Complete Construction Developer hereby grants to Agency an exclusive option to repurchase the Site ("Repurchase Option II") if, (i) after commencement of construction, Developer fails to continuously proceed with, and complete, construction of the Project on the Site (for purposes of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, "continuously proceed with construction" shall be defined as construction that is interrupted, if at all, for periods of no longer than ninety (90) days, and "completion of construction of the Project" shall be defined as the issuance by the City of La Quinta ("City") to Developer of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Project) by January 31, 2007, subject to Sections 4(b) and 4(h) below (the "Completion Deadline"); or (ii) Developer fails to comply with the provisions of Section 305(b), (c) or (d) of the Affordable Housing Agreement within the time periods specified in said subsections. In the event of Developer's failure to continuously proceed with, or to complete, construction of the Project by the Completion Deadline, or to timely comply with the provisions of Section 305(b), (c), or (d) of the Affordable Housing Agreement, Agency shall be entitled to exercise, but is not obligated to exercise, the foregoing option for a period of ninety (90) days following the Completion Deadline or the deadline for completing the obligations in Section 305(b), (c), or (d) (as applicable) ("Repurchase Option II Period"). (a) Exercise of Option Agency shall exercise the Repurchase Option II by giving written notice to Developer, in accordance with Section 5 of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, prior to the expiration of the Repurchase Option II Period. Failure of Agency to exercise the Repurchase Option H shall constitute a waiver by Agency of Developer's breach of its obligation to timely complete construction. Any Agency waiver as described in the preceding sentence shall not be 882/014122-0001 48 22 549555.01 a10/13/04 4- deemed a waiver of any other Developer breach of the terms or conditions of the Affordable Housing Agreement. (b) Determination of Repurchase Price - Repurchase Option II Agency and Developer shall comply with the following terms and provisions to determine Agency's repurchase price for the Site ("Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price"), the escrow for the reconveyance, and other matters therein discussed: (1) Within ten (10) days after Agency's exercise of Repurchase Option II, Developer shall deliver to Agency a list of improvements, if any, constructed by Developer on the Site that are usable for the purposes for which the Site was conveyed to Developer ("Site Improvements"). (2) Developer, within fifteen (15) days after submission of the list of Site Improvements to Agency, shall deliver to Agency a statement of Developer's costs for each of the Site Improvements ("Statement of Costs"). (3) After Agency's receipt of the Site Improvements list and the Statement of Costs, Agency and Developer shall consult with each other in good faith the purpose of arriving at an agreement concerning the Site Improvements that are usable to Agency ("Usable Improvements") and the costs for those Usable Improvements. Developer agrees that the final determination of which of the Site Improvements are Usable Improvements shall be made by Agency in its sole discretion. The Site Improvements that are not included within the list of Usable Improvements shall be deemed "Unusable Improvements." The "Cost of the Usable Improvements" shall be the lesser of: (a) an amount equal to Developer's construction costs actually incurred as of the date of Agency's exercise of Repurchase Option II ("Construction Cost Percentage"), as verified by Developer's provision of all information pertaining to its cost of construction for the Project on the Site up to the date of Agency's exercise of Repurchase Option II, including construction contracts, invoices, and such other information and documents reasonably required by Agency to verify the Construction Cost Percentage; or (b) a cost mutually determined by Agency or Developer, or in the event Agency and Developer cannot arrive at a mutually agreeable determination of costs for the Usable Improvements, the cost shall be defined as the costs as listed in Developer's Statement of Costs unless Agency, in its sole discretion and at Agency's cost, obtains a written appraisal of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements from an independent and qualified MAI appraiser ("Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal"). If Agency, in its sole discretion, decides to use Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal as a basis for a portion of the Repurchase Price as described below, Agency shall provide a copy of 882/014122-0001 23 549555.01 a10/13/04 -5 49 the Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Developer and the following shall apply: (i) If Developer does not agree with Agency's Usable Improvement Appraisal, Developer shall notify Agency in writing within five (5) business days of receipt thereof. Within thirty (30) days thereafter, Developer, at its cost, shall deliver to Agency a written appraisal of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements prepared by an independent and qualified MAI appraiser ("Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal"). (ii) If Developer fails to deliver Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. (iii) If Developer delivers Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, and such Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal is lower than Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal, then Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. (iv) If Developer delivers Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, and such Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal is higher than Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal, but less than or equal to five percent (5%) higher, the average of Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal and Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. (v) If Developer delivers Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, and such Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal is higher than Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal, and is more than five percent (5%) higher, Agency and Developer shall appoint, and shall share the cost of, a third independent and qualified MAI appraiser who shall perform a review appraisal and shall render a determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements, which value cannot be higher than the amount of Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal. If Agency and Developer cannot agree on a third appraiser, then an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the difference between Agency's and Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisals shall be added 882/014122-0001 �� O 24 549555.01 a10/13/04 -6- to Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal and that sum shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. Agency's Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price for the Site shall be the sum of (i) and (ii): (i) the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price; and (ii) the lesser of (A) the Cost of Usable Improvements (if any) or (B) the fair market value of Usable Improvements (if any) determined as set forth hereinabove. Within five (5) days after Agency has exercised Repurchase Option II, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable, an escrow shall be opened with an escrow company selected by Agency for the reconveyance of the Site to Agency. Agency shall deposit the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price in escrow not later than one (1) business day prior to the anticipated close of escrow date. The escrow shall be subject to approval of a then -current preliminary title report and, at Agency's option, environmental and other site testing. Any monetary lien(s) or encumbrance(s) shown on such preliminary title report that is (are) created concurrent with or after the Close of Escrow that conveyed the Site from Agency to Developer shall be removed by Developer at its sole expense prior to the close of escrow pursuant to this Section 2(c) unless such exception(s) is (are) accepted by Agency in its sole discretion; provided, however, that Agency shall accept the following exceptions to title: (i) current taxes not yet delinquent, (ii) matters affecting title existing on the date of recordation of the Grant Deed to the Site (Attachment No. 5 to the Affordable Housing Agreement); and (iii) matters shown as printed exceptions in the standard form ALTA owner's policy of title insurance. In the event the Site or any portion thereof is encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust, Agency shall be permitted to unilaterally ' instruct the escrow agent to satisfy the indebtedness secured thereby out of the proceeds payable to Developer through the foregoing escrow. Any additional amount necessary to satisfy such indebtedness shall be paid by Developer. Agency and Developer shall each pay one-half (1 /2) of the escrow fees; provided, however, that Agency shall deduct its share from the price paid to Developer to repurchase the Site, as described above. Developer shall pay for documentary tax stamps, recording fees, and for a ALTA standard form owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price showing title vested in Agency free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except those permitted by this paragraph. Any other costs and expenses shall be allocated between the parties in the manner customary for a commercial property conveyance in Riverside County. Agency shall have thirty (30) days after exercise of the Repurchase Option II, to enter upon the Site to conduct any tests, inspections, investigations, or studies of the condition of Site. Developer shall permit Agency access to the Site for such purposes. Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Developer and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, and representatives from and against all claims, liabilities, or damages, and including expert witness fees and reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of any such testing, inspection, or investigatory activity on the Site. Escrow shall close promptly after acceptance by Agency of the condition of title and the physical and environmental condition of the Site. 3. Repurchase Option III - Transfer of the Site Developer hereby grants to Agency an exclusive option to repurchase the Site (Repurchase Option III) if, prior to the time Agency issues a Certificate of Completion for the 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 -7- v Project, Developer transfers or suffers an involuntary transfer of the Site in violation of the terms of the Affordable Housing Agreement. In the event of Developer's transfer of the Site in violation of the Affordable Housing Agreement, Agency shall be entitled to exercise, but is not obligated to exercise, the foregoing option for a period of ninety (90) days following the transfer that gives rise to Agency's option under this Section ("Repurchase Option III Period"). (a) Exercise of Option Agency shall exercise the Repurchase Option III by giving written notice to Developer ("Agency's Notice of Option III Exercise"), in accordance with Section 5 of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, prior to the expiration of the Repurchase Option III Period. Failure of Agency to exercise the Repurchase Option III shall constitute a waiver by Agency of its exercise of this Repurchase Option III only, and shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of any remedies it may have under the terms of the Affordable Housing Agreement or of any other agreement for Developer's failure to timely commence construction (as defined herein or as such term may be defined in any other agreement). Any Agency waiver as described in the preceding sentence shall not be deemed a waiver of any other Developer breach of the terms or conditions of the Affordable Housing Agreement. (b) Repurchase Price and Escrow - Repurchase Option III Agency's repurchase price for the Site ("Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price") shall be as follows: (i) In the event Developer has not yet commenced construction of the Project at the time Agency exercises its Repurchase Option III, Agency's Repurchase Option III Price shall be the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price, as set forth in Section l (b) of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. (ii) In the event Developer has commenced construction of the Project at the time Agency exercises its Repurchase Option III, Agency's Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price shall be the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price, as set forth in Section 2(b) of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 4. Additional Terms Applicable to the Repurchase Options The following additional terms shall apply to Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, and Repurchase Option III, as applicable: (a) The Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, and Repurchase Option III created hereby shall be irrevocable by Developer and, subject to any subordination by Agency in accordance with paragraph (i) below, shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of Developer. (b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Agency shall not be entitled to exercise Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III until Agency has provided a written notice to Developer regarding (i) Developer's failure to commence, continuously 882/014122-0001 y 26 549555.01 a10/13/04 -8- 52 proceed with, or complete, construction of the Project, or (ii) Developer's transfer of the Site in violation of the Affordable Housing Agreement, as applicable (with each of (i) and (ii) above referred to hereinafter as an "Option Triggering Event"), and Developer has not, within sixty (60) days after receipt of such notice, cured, corrected, or remedied such Option Triggering Event, or, for those Option Triggering Events that cannot reasonably be cured, corrected, or remedied within sixty (60) days, commenced to cure, correct or remedy such Option Triggering Event within said sixty (60) day period, and diligently prosecute the same to completion. (c) Agency shall have sixty (60) days after exercising Repurchase Option I (or Repurchase Option III if Agency exercises Repurchase Option III and the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price is the applicable repurchase price for the Site) to deliver to Developer a written commitment to close escrow, and escrow shall close no later than ninety (90) days after Agency's notice of commitment to close escrow, unless an extension to any of the foregoing time periods is/are required due to a delay not the fault of Agency, or the parties, each in its sole discretion, mutually agree to extend one or both of such periods (d) Agency shall have until the later of (i) sixty (60) days after exercising Repurchase Option II (or Repurchase Option III if Agency exercises Repurchase Option III and the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price is the applicable repurchase price for the Site), or (ii) thirty (30) days after the determination of the purchase price pursuant to Section 2(b) of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement (whether said purchase price is the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price or the Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price), to deliver to Developer a written commitment to close escrow, and escrow shall close no later than ninety (90) days after Agency's notice of commitment, unless an extension to any of the foregoing time periods is/are required due to a delay not the fault of Agency, or the parties, each in its sole discretion, mutually agree to extend one or both of such periods (e) In the event that, at the time Agency exercises Repurchase Option II or Repurchase Option III Developer has obtained a Certificate of Completion from the City for one or more of the lots that comprise the Site, (i) the provisions of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall apply only to that portion of the Site for which Certificates of Completion have not been issued ("Uncompleted Portion of the Site") and any calculations for determining the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price or the Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price shall be based solely upon the Uncompleted Portion of the Site, and (ii) Developer agrees to cooperate with Agency to effect the subdivision of the Uncompleted Portion of the Site from the completed portions of the Site (those portions of the Site for which Certificates of Completion have been issued). r 882/014122-0001 - - 549555.01 a10/13/04 9 (f) Notwithstanding any covenant, term, or provision in this Section 4 to the contrary, Agency shall not be. obligated to exercise Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III, or once exercised, to close escrow. Agency shall not be liable to Developer for any costs incurred by Developer occasioned by Agency's decision not to close escrow. (g) In the event Developer commences and completes construction of the Project and Agency has not exercised Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III, Agency shall execute and record a termination of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement within fifteen (15) business days after the final and permanent Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City. (h) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in addition to specific provisions of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, performance by either party hereunder shall not be deemed to be in default where delays or defaults are due to war; insurrection; strikes; lock -outs; riots; floods; earthquakes; fires; casualties; supernatural causes; acts of the public enemy; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; freight embargoes; lack of transportation; governmental restrictions or priority litigation; unusually severe weather; inability to secure necessary labor, materials or tools; acts of the other party; acts or the failure to act of a public or governmental agency or entity (except that acts or the failure to act of Agency shall not excuse performance by Agency unless the act or failure is caused by the acts or omissions of Developer); or any other causes beyond the reasonable control or without the fault of the party claiming an extension of time to perform. In the event of such a delay .(herein "Enforced Delay"), the party delayed shall continue to exercise commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the period of the delay. An extension of time for any such cause shall be limited to the period of the Enforced Delay, and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, provided notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party within thirty (30) days following the commencement of the cause. The following shall not be considered as events or causes beyond the control of Developer, and shall not entitle Developer to an extension of time to perform: (i) Developer's failure to obtain financing for the Project, (ii) Developer's failure to negotiate agreements with prospective tenants or users for the Project, (iii) interest rates or (iv) economic or market conditions. Times of performance under this Amended and Restated Option Agreement may also be extended by mutual written agreement by Agency and Developer. Agency's Executive Director shall also have the authority on behalf of Agency to administratively approve extensions of time not to exceed a cumulative total of one (1) year. (i) Subordination. The Agency agrees to subordinate Repurchase Option II and Repurchase Option III to Developer's construction loan, provided that el a 882/014122-0001 t' V 549555.01 a10/13/04 -10- `J (i) the maximum cumulative principal amount of the construction loan shall not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the lender's appraised value of the Site upon completion of the Project, which amount shall be verified in writing to Agency Executive Director's reasonable satisfaction; (ii) the loan(s) shall obligate Developer to expend loan proceeds for no other purpose than the Project; and (iii) the loan(s) shall provide that any notice of a Developer breach or default shall also be sent to the Agency at the address listed in Section 5 and that upon receipt of such notice, Agency shall have the right to (A) cure the noticed breach or default, (B) negotiate with the lender regarding the noticed breach or default, and (C) purchase the. Site from Developer subject to the construction lender's deed of trust, without the consent of Developer or the holder of the construction lender's deed of trust, and that Agency's exercise of the foregoing rights shall not, in and of itself, give rise to any right on the part of the lender to accelerate the amounts due under the loan. 5. Notices. Demands and Communications Between the Parties Formal notices, demands, and communications between Agency and Developer shall be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by reputable document delivery service such as Federal Express that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) or by mailing in the United States mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to: To Agency: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Executive Director With a copy to: Rutan & Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Blvd., Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, California 92626 Attn: M. Katherine Jenson, Esq. To Developer: Santa Rosa Development, Inc. 71084 Tamerisk Lane Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Attn: Michael Shovlin With a copy to: Best Best & Krieger, LLP 74-760 Highway 111, Suite 200 Indian Wells, California 92210 Attn: Daniel E. Olivier, Esq. Notices personally delivered or delivered by document delivery service shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Notices mailed in the manner provided above shall be deemed effective on the second business day following deposit in the United States mail. Such written notices, 882/014122-0001 g 549555.01 a10/13/04 -11- 55 demands, and communications shall be sent in the same manner to such other addresses as either party may from time to time designate by mail. 6. Agency's Option to Acquire Plans If Agency exercises Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III in accordance with this Agreement, at the option of the Agency, which may be exercised in the Agency's sole and absolute discretion, the Developer shall deliver to the Agency an executed assignment in a form reasonably acceptable to the Agency of the Developer's right to use all plans, blueprints, drawings, sketches, specifications, tentative or final subdivision maps, landscape plans, utilities plans, soils reports, noise studies, environmental assessment ' reports, grading plans and any other materials relating to the construction of the Project on the Site (the "Plans"), together with copies of all of the Plans, as have been prepared for the development of the Site to date of the termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, Developer does not covenant to convey to the Agency the copyright or other ownership rights of third parties. Agency understands and agrees that the assignment to Agency under this Section 6 is subject and subordinate to any assignment which Developer may make to a lender providing financing for the Project, and Agency agrees to execute any documents required by such lender acknowledging and effectuating such subordination of Agency's rights in and to the assignment. Agency's acquisition or use of the Plans or any of them shall be without any representation or warranty by Developer as to the accuracy or completeness of any such Plans, and Agency shall assume all risks in the use of the Plans. 7. Applicable Law and Forum; Attorne s Fees The Municipal and Superior Courts of the State of California in the County of Riverside shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of any litigation between the parties arising out of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. This Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall be governed by, and construed under, the laws of the State of California. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct, or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. The rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. Service of process on Agency shall be made in the manner required by law for service on a public entity. Service of process on Developer shall be made in any manner permitted by law and shall be effective whether served within or outside of California. If either party to this Amended and Restated Option Agreement is required to initiate or defend, or is made a party to, any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, the party prevailing in the final judgment in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. Attorney's fees shall include reasonable costs for investigating such action, conducting discovery, retaining expert witnesses, and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. 30 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 -12- �s 8. Nonliability of Agency Officials and Employees No officer, official, employee, agent, or representative of Agency shall be personally liable to Developer or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by Agency, or for any amount which may become due to Developer or its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 9. Nondiscrimination Developer covenants for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against any person on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry with respect to this Amended and Restated Option Agreement or use of the Site. 10. Interpretation The terms of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. The Section headings are for purposes of convenience only, and shall not be construed to limit or extend the meaning of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 11. Entire Agreement This Amended and Restated Option Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein, or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. All waivers of the provisions of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of the party to be charged, and all amendments and modifications hereto must be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of Agency and Developer. 12. Counterparts This Amended and Restated Option Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which, after all the parties hereto have signed this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 13. Severability In the event any section or portion of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall be held, found, or determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect, and the parties hereto shall take further actions as may be reasonably necessary and available to them to effectuate the intent of the parties as to all provisions set forth in this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. `F 882/014122-0001 5 7 31 549555.01 a10/13/04 -13- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amended and Restated Option Agreement as of the date first above written. "DEVELOPER" SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California corporation By: Michael Shovlin Its: President "AGENCY" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic LE ATTEST: Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Attorneys for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Executive Director 882/01412M001 32 549555.01 a10/13/04 -14- ;j Q STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS COUNTY OF ) On , before me, , personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) On , before me, , personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public [SEAL] 882/014122-0001 I- 33 549555.01 a10/13/04 -IS- �9 EXHIBIT "A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE [See Following Page] 34 882/014122-0001 549555.01 a10/13/04 60 RESOLUTION NO. RA 2004- A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND 48T" AND ADAMS, LLC, FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 48 AND ADAMS STREET ' WHEREAS, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is a public body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law ("Health & Safety Code § 33000 et seq.) ( CRL ), and WHEREAS, pursuant to the CRL, the City Council of the City of La Quinta ("City" or "City Council," as applicable) approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for Project Area No. 2 ("Project Area"), on May 16, 1989, by Ordinance No. 139; and WHEREAS, on or about January 22, 2003, the Agency and Santa Rosa Development, Inc., a California corporation (the "Original Developer") entered into that certain Agreement for Purchase and -Sale and Escrow Instructions (the "Original P&S Agreement"), pursuant to which Agency agreed to sell to the Original Developer, and the Original Developer agreed to purchase from Agency, for the purchase price of Eight Hundred One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty -Eight Dollars ($801,358.00), that certain real property located at the corner of Avenue 48th and Adams Street, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California (the "Site"), and to construct thereon a residential development containing thirty-six (36) single family homes and related landscaping and other improvements (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, on or about June 22, 2004, the Agency and the Original Developer amended the Original P&S Agreement and the Option Agreement attached as Exhibit "E" to the Original P&S Agreement (the "Original Option Agreement") by that certain Waiver and Replacement of Conditions for Closing for the Purchase and Sale Agreement and for the Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 1") to revise, among other terms, various provisions related to the Project Entitlements" (as that term is defined in the Original P&S Agreement). The Original P&S Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended P&S Agreement" and the Original Option Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Option Agreement"; and 882/015610-0043 550105.01 a10/15/04 35 61 Resolution No. RA 2004- Amendment No. 2 to 481h & Adams Purchase & Sale Agreement Adopted: October 19, 2004 Page 2 WHEREAS, on or about , 2004, the Original Developer assigned all of its right, title and interest in and to the Amended P&S Agreement to 48t' and Adams, LLC, a California limited partnership; and WHEREAS, Agency staff has negotiated a second amendment to the Amended P&S Agreement and the Amended Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 2") to further revise the provisions related to the Project Entitlements, and to revise the subordination provisions set forth in the Amended Option Agreement.; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 2 is In accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and is of benefit to the Project Area and the City of La Quinta; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. 2. That the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency hereby finds and determines that Amendment No. 2 effectuates the purposes of the Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code § 33000 et seq.) and of the Redevelopment Plan and is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of La Quinta. 3.. Amendment No. 2, a copy of which is on file with the Agency Secretary, is hereby approved. The Agency Executive Director and Agency Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to make final modifications to Amendment No. 2 that are consistent with the substantive terms of Amendment No. 2 approved hereby, and the Agency Executive Director is authorized to thereafter sign Amendment No. 2 on behalf of the Agency. 4. The Agency Executive Director is authorized and directed, on behalf of the Agency, to (i) sign such other and further documents, including but not limited to subordination agreements and escrow instructions that require the Agency's signature, and (ii) take such other and further actions, as may be necessary and proper to carry out the terms of Amendment No. 2. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held this 19th day of October, 2004, by the following vote: AYES: 882/015610-0043 550105.01 a10/15/04 j� 36 62 Resolution No. RA 2004- Amendment No. 2 to 4811 & Adams Purchase & Sale Agreement Adopted: October 19, 2004 Page 3 NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, Agency Secretary City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, Agency Counsel City of La Quinta, California 882/015610-0043 550105.01 a10/15/04 TERRY HENDERSON, Agency Chair City of La Quinta, California 37 63 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS THIS AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS ("Amendment No. 2") is made and entered into as of , 2004 (the "Effective Date") by and between the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Agency"), and 48th & ADAMS, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Developer"). RECITALS: A. On or about January 22, 2003, the Agency and Santa Rosa Development, Inc., a California corporation (the "Original Developer") entered into that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instructions (the "Original P&S Agreement"), pursuant to which Agency agreed to sell to Developer, and Developer agreed to purchase from Agency, that certain real property located at the corner of Avenue 48th and Adams Street, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California (the "Site"), and to construct thereon a residential development containing thirty-six (36) single family homes and related landscaping and other improvements (the "Project"). B. On or about June 22, 2004, the Agency and Developer amended the Original P&S Agreement and the Option Agreement attached as Exhibit "B" to the Original P&S Agreement (the "Original Option Agreement") by that certain Waiver and Replacement of Conditions for Closing for the Purchase and Sale Agreement and for the Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 1 ") to revise, among other terms, various provisions related to the "Project. Entitlements" (as that term is defined in the Original P&S Agreement). The Original P&S Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended P&S Agreement" and the Original Option Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Option Agreement". C. On or about , 2004, the Original Developer assigned all of its right, title and interest in and to the Amended P&S Agreement to the Developer. D. Agency and Developer now wish to amend the Amended P&S Agreement and the Amended Option Agreement to further revise the provisions related to the Project Entitlements, and to revise the subordination provisions set forth in the Amended Option Agreement. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are incorporated herein by this reference, and for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows- 1 . The Amended P&S Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1.1 To replace Section 8(b) with the following: 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 ' 1- (b) Within one hundred twenty (120) days following the Closing Date, Buyer shall (i) prepare and record in the Official Records a tract map subdividing the Property from the adjacent real property (the "Tract Map"); and (ii) furnish to the City of La Quinta a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIA") in the form currently used by the City guaranteeing the construction of all on and off -site improvements required in connection with the Project, in accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 31310, which was approved by the City pursuant to City Council Resolution 2003-113, adopted on November 18, 2003. 1.2 To replace Section 8(c) with the following: (c) Within the times set forth below, Buyer shall have obtained from the City the building permits necessary for the construction of the model homes and each phase of the Project: (i) On or before January 8, 2005, Buyer shall have obtained the building permits necessary to construct the two (2) model homes Buyer anticipates constructing on the Property; (ii) On or before January 24, 2005, Buyer shall have obtained the building permits necessary to construct the first phase of the Project, which consists of sixteen (16) homes; and (iii) On or before May 1, 2005, Buyer shall have obtained the building permits necessary to construct the second phase of the Project, which consists of eighteen (18) homes. Notwithstanding the times set forth in this Section 8(c), in the event Buyer submits evidence satisfactory to Agency, in Agency's reasonable discretion, demonstrating that home sales in the Coachella Valley are currently declining, due to market -driven factors beyond the reasonable control of Buyer, Agency agrees to meet and confer with Buyer to discuss extending one or more of the timeframes set forth herein. To replace Section 8(d) with the following: (d) Prior to, and as a condition of, City's issuance of the first building permit for the Project, Buyer shall obtain approval from the City of covenants, conditions, and restrictions providing for maintenance of all commonly -owned property within the Project by a homeowners' association ("CC&Rs"), which CC&Rs shall provide that the City and Agency are third party beneficiaries with the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the terms thereof. Prior to, and as a condition of, City's issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the first home, Buyer shall record the CC&Rs in the Official Records of Riverside County. 882/015610-0043 3 547845.02 a10/13/04 -2- F5 1.3 To replace Section 8(e) with the following: (e) Agency agrees to fully cooperate with, and assist, at no cost to Agency, Buyer in its pursuit of the Tract Map, building permits, and the CC&Rs ("Post Closing Entitlements"), subject to Agency's exercise of its legislative discretion and without any, representation, warranty, or guaranty by Agency that the City will issue or approve, or will issue or approve the same with conditions, any of the Post Closing Entitlements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, where required, Agency shall review all submittals by Buyer in a timely manner and shall provide Buyer with all information, in Agency's possession or control, that Buyer may reasonably request in writing in connection with the Post Closing Entitlements. 2. The Amended Option Agreement is hereby replaced, in its entirety, with the Amended and Restated Option Agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment No. 1 (the "Amended and Restated Option Agreement"). Agency's approval of this Amendment No. 2. is conditioned upon Developer's execution, concurrently with the execution hereof, of the Option Agreement. 3. Nothing herein or in the Amended P&S Agreement constitutes a representation or warranty by Agency that the construction of the Project is not subject to California Health and Safety Code Sections 33423 through 33426, or Chapter 1 of Part 7 of the California Labor Code (commencing with section 1720), and all applicable statutory and regulatory provisions related thereto, and Developer expressly waives any right of reimbursement for any "increased costs" under California Labor Code Section 1781 or otherwise with respect to the Project or Site. Developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Agency harmless, including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, from and against any and all claims pertaining to the payment of wages for the Project. 4. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Amendment No. 2, all of the terms and conditions of the Amended P&S Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 5. In the event of any action between Agency and Developer seeking enforcement of any of the terms and conditions to this Amendment No. 2, the prevailing party in such action shall be awarded, in addition to damages, injunctive or other relief, its reasonable costs and expenses, including without limitation its expert witness fees and reasonable attorney's fees. 6. This Amendment No. 2 shall be construed according to its fair meaning and as if prepared by both parties hereto. 7. This Amendment No. 2 shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of California and any question arising hereunder shall be construed or determined according to such law. The Municipal and Superior Courts of the State of California in and for the County of Riverside, or such other appropriate court in such county, shall have exclusive jurisdiction of any litigation between the parties concerning this Amendment No. 2. Service of process on Agency shall be made in accordance with California law. Service of process on Developer shall be made in any 882/015610-0043 40 547845.02 a10/13/04 -3- 66 manner permitted by California law and shall be effective whether served inside or outside California. 8. Time is of the essence of this Amendment No. 2 and of each and every term and provision hereof. 9. A waiver of a provision hereof, or modification of any provision herein contained, shall be effective only if said waiver or modification is in writing, and signed by both Agency and Developer. No waiver of any breach or default by any party hereto shall be considered to be a waiver of any breach or default unless expressly provided herein or in the waiver. 10. Signatures of the parties transmitted by facsimile shall be deemed binding. However, each party agrees to submit their original signature to the other party within five (5) business days after execution hereof. 11. This Amendment No. 2 may be executed in counterparts, each of which, when this Amendment No. 2 has been signed by all the parties hereto, shall be deemed an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 12. The person(s) executing this Amendment No. 2 on behalf of each of the parties hereto represent and warrant that (i) such party is duly organized and existing, (ii) they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Amendment No. 2 on behalf of said party, (iii) by so executing this Amendment No. 2 such party is formally bound to the provisions of this Amendment No. 2, and (iv) the entering into this Amendment No. 2 does not violate any provision of any other agreement to which such party is bound. [End — Signature Page Follows] 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -4- 8, 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Agency and Developer each hereby represents that it has read this Amendment No. 2, understands it, and hereby executes this Amendment No. 2 to be effective as of the day and year first written above. "Developer" 48th & ADAMS, LLC, a California limited liability company By: SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California corporation Date: , 2004 Its: By: Michael Shovlin Its: President "Agency" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic Date: , 2004 By: ATTEST: June Greek, Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP By: M. Katherine Jenson, Agency Counsel Executive Director 882/015610-0043 68 42 547845.02 a10/13/04 -5- ATTACHMENT NO. 1 AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT [See Following Pages] 882/015610-0043 C 43 547845.02 a10/13/04 6 EXHIBIT "E" AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT [See Following Pages] 94 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 O FREE RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Executive Director (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING USE) (EXEMPT FROM RECORDING FEE PER GOV. CODE § 27383) AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT SUBORDINATED NOTICE: This AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT contains a subordination clause which may result in your security interest in the property becoming subject to and of lower priority than the lien of some other or later security instrument. THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED OPTION AGREEMENT ("Amended and Restated Option Agreement") is made this day of (the "Effective Date"), by 48th & ADAMS, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Developer"), and the LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic ("Agency"). RECITALS A. On or about January 22, 2003, Santa Rosa Development, Inc., a California corporation (the "Original Developer") and the Agency entered into an Agreement for Purchase and Sale and Escrow Instruction ("Original P&S Agreement"), pursuant to which (i) Agency conveyed to Developer that certain real property located at the corner of Avenue 48th and Adams Street, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California (the "Site"); and (ii) the Original Developer agreed to construct on the Site a single family residential development (the "Project"), all as more particularly described in the Original P&S Agreement. The Site is legally described in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. B. The Original P&S Agreement requires, among other terms, that the Original Developer grant to Agency an option to repurchase the Site from the Original Developer if the Original Developer fails to commence, continuously proceed with, or complete construction within certain specified time frames, or if the Original Developer transfers the Site in violation of the terms of the Original P&S Agreement, all as more particularly described therein. The Original Developer's grant to Agency of the aforementioned option was to be effected pursuant to an Option Agreement substantially in the form attached to the Original P&S Agreement as Exhibit "E" (the "Original Option Agreement"). 45 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 71 C. On or about June 22, 2004, and prior to Agency's conveyance of the Site to the Original Developer, the Agency and the Original Developer amended the Original P&S Agreement and the Original Option Agreement by that certain Waiver and Replacement of Conditions for Closing for the Purchase and Sale. Agreement and for the Option Agreement ("Amendment No. 1") to revise, among other terms, various provisions related to the "Project Entitlements" (as that term is defined in the Original P&S Agreement). The Original P&S Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended P&S Agreement" and the Original Option Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Option Agreement". D. On or about July 21, 2004 (the "Closing Date"), Agency conveyed to the Original Developer the Site and the Original Developer and Agency executed and recorded against the Site, in the Official Records of the County of Riverside, as Instrument No. 2004-0565216, the Amended Option Agreement. E. On or about , 2004, the Original Developer assigned all of its right, title and interest in and to the Amended P&S Agreement to the Developer. F. Agency and Developer have, concurrently with the execution hereof, entered into that certain Amendment No. 2 to Disposition and Development Agreement ("Amendment No. 2") to further revise the provisions related to the Project Entitlements, and to revise the subordination provisions set forth in the Amended Option Agreement. The Amended P&S Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 2, is hereinafter referred to as the "P&S Agreement". To effect the revisions set forth in Amendment No. 2, Developer and Agency now desire to replace the Amended Option Agreement, in its entirety, with this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. All defined terms used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the P&S Agreement unless otherwise stated. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and incorporating the above recitals and all of the terms and conditions contained in the P&S Agreement, (i) Developer and Agency hereby agree that this Amended and Restated Option Agreement replaces, in its entirety, the Amended Option Agreement; and (ii) Developer hereby grants to Agency the following repurchase options: 1. Repurchase Option I - Failure to Commence Construction Developer hereby grants to Agency an exclusive option to repurchase the Site ("Repurchase Option I") if Developer fails to (i) commence construction of the Project within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Closing Date, subject to Sections 4(b) and 4(h) below; or (ii) furnish to the City of La Quinta, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the Closing Date, a fully secured and executed Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("SIA") in the form currently used by the City guaranteeing the construction of all on an off -site improvements required in connection with the Project, in accordance with the Con itions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 31310, which was approved by the City pur uant to City Council Resolution 2003-113, adopted on November 18, 2003. In 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -2- 72 For the purposes of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, Developer shall have "commenced construction of the Project" at the time Developer has completed all of the following: (1) obtained all necessary bonds and permits to complete the mass grading of the Site; (2) completed all necessary pre -grading activities, including, but not limited to, fencing and watering the Site; and (3) conducted mass grading activities on the Site for a minimum of fifteen (15) days (with only those days where actual and continuous mass grading activities are conducted counting towards this requirement); or In the event of Developer's failure to commence construction within the one hundred eighty (180) day time period referenced above, or to furnish to the City an SIA within the one hundred twenty (120) day time period referenced above, Agency shall be entitled to exercise, but is not obligated to exercise, the foregoing option for a period of ninety (90) days following the expiration of the one hundred eighty (180) day period or one hundred twenty (120) day period (as applicable) described above ("Repurchase Option I Period"). (a) Exercise of Option Agency shall exercise the Repurchase Option I by giving written notice to Developer ("Agency's Notice of Option 1 Exercise"), in accordance with Section 5 of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, prior to the expiration of the Repurchase Option I Period. Failure of Agency to exercise the Repurchase Option I shall constitute a waiver by Agency of its exercise of this Repurchase Option I only, and shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of any remedies it may have under the terms of the P&S Agreement or of any other agreement for Developer's failure to timely commence construction (as defined herein or as such term may be defined in any other agreement). Any Agency waiver as described in the preceding sentence shall not be deemed a waiver of any other Developer breach of the terms or conditions of the P&S Agreement. (b) Repurchase Price and Escrow - Repurchase Option I Agency's repurchase price for the Site ("Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price") shall be Developer's Purchase Price for the Site ($801,358.00) less the sum of (i) Agency's costs of sale, including but not limited to Agency's escrow costs, real estate commissions, attorney fees incurred to negotiate and draft the P&S Agreement, and other costs under Section 12.2 of the P&S Agreement; and (ii) Agency's escrow costs and transaction fees to repurchase the Site in accordance with this Option Agreement. Within five (5) business days after Agency has exercised Repurchase Option I, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable, an escrow shall be opened with an escrow company selected by Agency for the reconveyance of the Site to Agency. Agency shall deposit the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price in escrow not later than one (1) business day prior to the anticipated close of escrow date. The escrow shall be subject to Agency's approval of a then -current preliminary title report and, at Agency's option, environmental and other site testing. Any monetary lien(s) or encumbrance(s) shown on such preliminary title report that is (are) created concurrent with or after the Close of Escrow that conveyed the Site from Agency to Developer shall be removed by Developer at its sole expense prior to the close of escrow pursuant to this Section 1(b) unless such exception(s) is (are) accepted by Agency in its sole discretion; provided, 882/015610-0043 47 547845.02 a10/13/04 -3- 73 however, that Agency shall accept the following exceptions to title: (i) current taxes not yet delinquent, (ii) matters affecting title existing on the date of recordation of the Grant Deed to the Site (Attachment No. 5 to the P&S Agreement); and (iii) matters shown as printed exceptions in the standard form ALTA policy of title insurance. In the event the Site is encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust, Agency shall be permitted to unilaterally instruct the escrow agent to satisfy the indebtedness secured thereby out of the proceeds payable to Developer through the foregoing escrow. Any additional amount necessary to satisfy such indebtedness shall be paid by Developer. Agency and Developer shall each pay one-half (1/2) of the escrow fees. Developer shall pay for documentary tax stamps, recording fees, and for an ALTA standard form owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price showing title vested in Agency free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except those permitted by this paragraph. (Agency shall pay the portion of the title insurance premium attributable to any extra or extended coverages or if the amount of insurance requested by Agency is higher than the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price.) Any other costs and expenses shall be allocated between the parties in the manner customary for a commercial property conveyance in Riverside County. Agency shall have thirty (30) days after exercise of the Repurchase Option I to enter upon the Site to conduct any tests, inspections, investigations, or studies of the condition of Site. Developer shall permit Agency access to the Site for such purposes. Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Developer and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, and representatives from and against all claims, liabilities, or damages, and including expert witness fees and reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of any such testing, inspection, or investigatory activity on the Site. Escrow shall close promptly after acceptance by Agency of the condition of title and the physical and environmental condition of the Site. 2. Repurchase Option II - Failure to Continuously Proceed With or Complete Construction Developer hereby grants to Agency an exclusive option to repurchase the Site ("Repurchase Option II") if, (i) after commencement of construction, Developer fails to continuously proceed with, and complete, construction of the Project on the Site (for purposes of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, "continuously proceed with construction" shall be defined as construction that is interrupted, if at all, for periods of no longer than ninety (90) days, and "completion of construction of the Project" shall be defined as the issuance by the City of La Quinta ("City") to Developer of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Project) by January 31, 2007, subject to Sections 4(b) and 4(h) below (the "Completion Deadline"); or (ii) Developer fails to comply with the provisions of Section 8(b), (c) or (d) of the P&S Agreement within the time periods specified in said subsections. In the event of Developer's failure to continuously proceed with, or to complete, construction of the Project by the Completion Deadline, or to timely comply with the provisions of Section 8(b), (c), or (d) of the P&S Agreement, Agency shall be entitled to exercise, but is not obligated to exercise, the foregoing option for a period of ninety (90) days following the Completion Deadline or the deadline for completing the obligations in Section 8(b), (c), or (d) (as applicable) ("Repurchase Option II Period"). 882/015610-0043 48 547845.02 a10/13/04 -4- 74 (a) Exercise of Option Agency shall exercise the Repurchase Option II by giving written notice to Developer, in accordance with Section 5 of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, prior to the expiration of the Repurchase Option II Period. Failure of Agency to exercise the Repurchase Option II shall constitute a waiver by Agency of Developer's breach of its obligation to timely complete construction. Any Agency waiver as described in the preceding sentence shall not be deemed a waiver of any other Developer breach of the terms or conditions of the P&S Agreement. (b) Determination of Repurchase Price - Repurchase Option II Agency and Developer shall comply with the following terms and provisions to determine Agency's repurchase price for the Site ("Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price"), the escrow for the reconveyance, and other matters therein discussed: (1) Within ten (10) days after Agency's exercise of Repurchase Option II, Developer shall deliver to Agency a list of improvements, if any, constructed by Developer on the Site that are usable for the purposes for which the Site was conveyed to Developer ("Site Improvements"). (2) Developer, within fifteen (15) days after submission of the list of Site Improvements to Agency, shall deliver to Agency a statement of Developer's costs for each of the Site Improvements ("Statement of Costs"). (3) After Agency's receipt of the Site Improvements list and the Statement of Costs, Agency and Developer shall consult with each other in good faith the purpose of arriving at an agreement concerning the Site Improvements that are usable to Agency ("Usable Improvements") and the costs for those Usable Improvements. Developer agrees that the final determination of which of the Site Improvements are Usable Improvements shall be made by Agency in its sole discretion. The Site Improvements that are not included within the list of Usable Improvements shall be deemed "Unusable Improvements." The "Cost of the Usable Improvements" shall be the lesser of: (a) an amount equal to Developer's construction costs actually incurred as of the date of Agency's exercise of Repurchase Option II ("Construction Cost Percentage"), as verified by Developer's provision of all information pertaining to its cost of construction for the Project on the Site up to the date of Agency's exercise of Repurchase Option II, including construction contracts, invoices, and such other information and documents reasonably required by Agency to verify the Construction Cost Percentage; or (b) a cost mutually determined by Agency or Developer, or in the event Agency and Developer cannot arrive at a mutually agreeable determination of costs for the Usable Improvements, the cost shall be defined as the costs as listed in Developer's Statement of Costs unless 882/015610-0043 49 547845.02 a10/13/04 -5- 75 Agency, in its sole discretion and at Agency's cost, obtains a written appraisal of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements from an independent and qualified MAI appraiser ("Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal"). If Agency, in its sole discretion, decides to use Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal as a basis for a portion of the Repurchase Price as described below, Agency shall provide a copy of the Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Developer and the following shall apply: (i) If Developer does not agree with Agency's Usable Improvement Appraisal, Developer shall notify Agency in writing within five (5) business days of receipt thereof. Within thirty (30) days thereafter, Developer, at its cost, shall deliver to Agency a written appraisal of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements prepared by an independent and qualified MAI appraiser ("Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal"). (ii) If Developer fails to deliver Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. (iii) If Developer delivers Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, and such Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal is lower than Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal, then Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. (iv) If Developer delivers Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, and such Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal is higher than Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal, but less than or equal to five percent (5%) higher, the average of Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal and Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. (v) If Developer delivers Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal to Agency within the time provided, and such Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal is higher than Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal, and is more than five percent (5%) higher, Agency and Developer shall appoint, and shall share the cost of, a third independent and qualified MAI appraiser who shall perform a review appraisal and shall render a 882/015610-0043 7 r O 547845.02 a10/13/04 -6- determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements, which value cannot be higher than the amount of Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisal. If Agency and Developer cannot agree on a third appraiser, then an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the difference between Agency's and Developer's Usable Improvements Appraisals shall be added to Agency's Usable Improvements Appraisal and that sum shall constitute the final and binding determination of the fair market value of the Usable Improvements. Agency's Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price for the Site shall be the sum of (i) and (ii): (i) the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price; and (ii) the lesser of (A) the Cost of Usable Improvements (if any) or (B) the fair market value of Usable Improvements (if any) determined as set forth hereinabove. Within five (5) days after Agency has exercised Repurchase Option II, or as soon thereafter as reasonably practicable, an escrow shall be opened with an escrow company selected by Agency for the reconveyance of the Site to Agency. Agency shall deposit the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price in escrow not later than one (1) business day prior to the anticipated close of escrow date. The escrow shall be subject to approval of a then -current preliminary title report and, at Agency's option, environmental and other site testing. Any monetary lien(s) or encumbrance(s) shown on such preliminary title report that is (are) created concurrent with or after the Close of Escrow that conveyed the Site from Agency to Developer shall be removed by Developer at its sole expense prior to the close of escrow pursuant to this Section 2(c) unless such exception(s) is (are) accepted by Agency in its sole discretion; provided, however, that Agency shall accept the following exceptions to title: (i) current taxes not yet delinquent, (ii) matters affecting title existing on the date of recordation of the Grant Deed to the Site (Attachment No. 5 to the P&S Agreement); and (iii) matters shown as printed exceptions in the standard form ALTA owner's policy of title insurance. In the event the Site or any portion thereof is encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust, Agency shall be permitted to unilaterally instruct the escrow agent to satisfy the indebtedness secured thereby out of the proceeds payable to Developer through the foregoing escrow. Any additional amount necessary to satisfy such indebtedness shall be paid by Developer. Agency and Developer shall each pay one-half (1/2) of the escrow fees; provided, however, that Agency shall deduct its share from the price paid to Developer to repurchase the Site, as described above. Developer shall pay for documentary tax stamps, recording fees, and for a ALTA standard form owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price showing title vested in Agency free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except those permitted by this paragraph. Any other costs and expenses shall be allocated between the parties in the manner customary for a commercial property conveyance in Riverside County. Agency shall have thirty (30) days after exercise of the Repurchase Option II, to enter upon the Site to conduct any tests, inspections, investigations, or studies of the condition of Site. Developer shall permit Agency access to the Site for such purposes. Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Developer and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, and representatives from and against all claims, liabilities, or 'damages, and including expertwitness fees and reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of any such testing, inspection, or investigatory activity on the Site. Escrow 51 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -7- 77 shall close promptly after acceptance by Agency of the condition of title and the physical and environmental condition of the Site. 3. Repurchase Option III - Transfer of the Site Developer hereby grants to Agency an exclusive option to repurchase the Site (Repurchase Option III) if, prior to the time Agency issues a Certificate of Completion for the Project, Developer transfers or suffers an involuntary transfer of the Site in violation of the terms of the P&S Agreement. In the event of Developer's transfer of the Site in violation of the P&S Agreement, Agency shall be entitled to exercise, but is not obligated to exercise, the foregoing option for a period of ninety (90) days following the transfer that gives rise to Agency's option under this Section ("Repurchase Option III Period"). (a) Exercise of Option Agency shall exercise the Repurchase Option III by giving written notice to Developer ("Agency's Notice of Option III Exercise"), in accordance with Section 5 of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, prior to the expiration of the Repurchase Option III Period. Failure of Agency to exercise the Repurchase Option III shall constitute a waiver by Agency of its exercise of this Repurchase Option III only, and shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of any remedies it may have under the terms of the P&S Agreement or of any other agreement for Developer's failure to timely commence construction (as defined herein or as such term may be defined in any other agreement). Any Agency waiver as described in the preceding sentence shall not be deemed a waiver of any other Developer breach of the terms or conditions of the P&S Agreement. (b) Repurchase Price and Escrow - Repurchase Option III Agency's repurchase price for the Site ("Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price") shall be as follows: (i) In the event Developer has not yet commenced construction of the Project at the time Agency exercises its Repurchase Option III, Agency's Repurchase Option III Price shall be the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price, as set forth in Section 1(b) of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. (ii) In the event Developer has commenced construction of the Project at the time Agency exercises its Repurchase Option III, Agency's Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price shall be the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price, as set forth in Section 2(b) of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 4. Additional Terms Applicable to the Repurchase Options The following additional terms shall apply to Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, and Repurchase Option III, as applicable: (a) The Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, and Repurchase Option III created hereby shall be irrevocable by Developer and, subject to any 52 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -878 - subordination by Agency in accordance with paragraph (i) below, shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of Developer. (b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Agency shall not be entitled to exercise Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III until Agency has provided a written notice to Developer regarding (i) Developer's failure to commence, continuously proceed with, or complete, construction of the Project, or (ii) Developer's transfer of the Site in violation of the P&S Agreement, as applicable (with each of (i) and (ii) above referred to hereinafter as an "Option Triggering Event"), and Developer has not, within sixty (60) days after receipt of such notice, cured, corrected, or remedied such Option Triggering Event, or, for those Option Triggering Events that cannot reasonably be cured, corrected, or remedied within sixty (60) days, commenced to cure, correct or remedy such Option Triggering Event within said sixty (60) day period, and diligently prosecute the same to completion. (c) Agency shall have sixty (60) days after exercising Repurchase Option I (or Repurchase Option III if Agency exercises Repurchase Option III and the Repurchase Option I Repurchase Price is the applicable repurchase price for the Site) to deliver to Developer a written commitment to close escrow, and escrow shall close no later than ninety (90) days after Agency's notice of commitment to close escrow, unless an extension to any of the foregoing time periods is/are required due to a delay not the fault of Agency, or the parties, each in its sole discretion, mutually agree to extend one or both of such periods (d) Agency shall have until the later of (i) sixty (60) days after exercising Repurchase Option II (or Repurchase Option III if Agency exercises Repurchase Option III and the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price is the applicable repurchase price for the Site), or (ii) , thirty (30) days after the determination of the purchase price pursuant to Section 2(b) of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement (whether said purchase price is the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price or the Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price), to deliver to Developer a written commitment to close escrow, and escrow shall close no later than ninety (90) days after Agency's notice of commitment, unless an extension to any of the foregoing time periods is/are required due to a delay not the fault of Agency, or the parties, each in its sole discretion, mutually agree to extend one or both of such periods (e) In the event that, at the time Agency exercises Repurchase Option II or Repurchase Option III Developer has obtained a Certificate of Completion from the City for one or more of the lots that comprise the Site, (i) the provisions of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall apply only to that portion of the Site for which Certificates of Completion have not been issued ("Uncompleted Portion of the Site") and any calculations 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -9- 79 5 for determining the Repurchase Option II Repurchase Price or the Repurchase Option III Repurchase Price shall be based solely upon the Uncompleted Portion of the Site, and (ii) Developer agrees to cooperate with Agency to effect the subdivision of the Uncompleted Portion of the Site from the completed portions of the Site (those portions of the Site for which Certificates of Completion have been issued). (f) Notwithstanding any covenant, term, or provision in this Section 4 to the contrary, Agency shall not be obligated to exercise Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III, or once exercised, to close escrow. Agency shall not be liable to Developer for any costs incurred by Developer occasioned by Agency's decision not to close escrow. (g) In the event Developer commences and completes construction of the Project and Agency has not exercised Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III, Agency shall execute and record a termination of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement within fifteen (15) business days after the final and permanent Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City. (h) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in addition to specific provisions of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, performance by either party hereunder shall not be deemed to be in default where delays or defaults are due to war; insurrection; strikes; lock -outs; riots; floods; earthquakes; fires; casualties; supernatural causes; acts of the public enemy; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; freight embargoes; lack of transportation; governmental restrictions or priority litigation; unusually severe weather; inability to secure necessary labor, materials or tools; acts of the other party; acts or the failure to act of a public or governmental agency or entity (except that acts or the failure to act of Agency shall not excuse performance by Agency unless the act or failure is caused by the acts or omissions of Developer); or any other causes beyond the reasonable control or without the fault of the party claiming an extension' of time to perform. In the event of such a delay (herein "Enforced Delay"), the party delayed shall continue to exercise commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the period of the delay. An extension of time for any such cause shall be limited to the period of the Enforced Delay, and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, provided notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party within thirty (30) days following the commencement of the cause. The following shall not be considered as events or causes beyond the control of Developer, and shall not entitle Developer to an extension of time to perform: (i) Developer's failure to obtain financing for the Project, (ii) Developer's failure to negotiate agreements with prospective tenants or users for the Project, (iii) interest rates or (iv) economic or market conditions. Times of performance under this Amended and Restated 882/015610-0043 54 547845.02 a10/13/04 -10- 80 Option Agreement may also be extended by mutual written agreement by Agency and Developer. Agency's Executive Director shall also have the authority on behalf of Agency to administratively approve extensions of time not to exceed a cumulative total of one (1) year. (i) Subordination. The Agency agrees to subordinate this Amended and Restated Option Agreement to Developer's construction loan, provided that (i) the loan(s) shall obligate Developer to expend loan proceeds for no other purpose than the Project; and (ii) the loan(s) shall provide that any notice of a Developer breach or default shall also be sent to the Agency at the address listed in Section 5 and that upon receipt of such notice, Agency shall have the right to (A) cure the noticed breach or default, and (B) communicate with the lender regarding the noticed breach or default. 5. Notices. Demands and Communications Between the Parties Formal notices, demands, and communications between Agency and Developer shall be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by reputable document delivery service such as Federal Express that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) or by mailing in the United States mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to: To Agency: La Quinta Redevelopment Agency 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Executive Director With a copy to: Rutan & Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Blvd., Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, California 92626 Attn: M. Katherine Jenson, Esq. To Developer: Santa Rosa Development, Inc. 71084 Tamerisk Lane Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Attn: Michael Shovlin With a copy to: Best Best & Krieger, LLP 74-760 Highway 111, Suite 200 Indian Wells, California 92210 Attn: Daniel E. Olivier, Esq. Notices personally delivered or delivered by document delivery service shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Notices mailed in the manner provided above shall be deemed effective on the second business day following deposit in the United States mail. Such written notices, demands, and communications shall be sent in the same manner to such other addresses as either party may from time to time designate by mail. 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 55 6.. Agency's Option to Acquire Plans If Agency exercises Repurchase Option I, Repurchase Option II, or Repurchase Option III in accordance with this Agreement, at the option of the Agency, which may be exercised in the Agency's sole and absolute discretion, the Developer shall deliver to the Agency an executed assignment in a form reasonably acceptable to the Agency of the Developer's right to use all plans, blueprints, drawings, sketches, specifications, tentative or final subdivision maps, landscape plans, utilities plans, soils * reports, noise studies, environmental assessment reports, grading plans and any other materials relating to the construction of the Project on the Site (the "Plans"), together with copies of all of the Plans, as have been prepared for the development of the Site to date of the termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, Developer does not covenant to convey to the Agency the copyright or other ownership rights of third parties. Agency understands and agrees that the assignment to Agency under this Section 6 is subject and subordinate to any assignment which Developer may make to a lender providing financing for the Project, and Agency agrees to execute any documents required by such lender acknowledging and effectuating such subordination of Agency's rights in and to the assignment. Agency's acquisition or use of the Plans or any of them shall be without any representation or warranty by Developer as to the accuracy or completeness of any such Plans, and Agency shall assume all risks in the use of the Plans. 7. Applicable Law and Forum; Attorneys Fees The Municipal and Superior Courts of the State of California in the County of Riverside shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of any litigation between the parties arising out of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. This Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall be governed by, and construed under, the laws of the State of California. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct, or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. The rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall ,not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. Service of process on Agency shall be made in the manner required by law for service on a public entity. Service of process on Developer shall be made in any manner permitted by law and shall be effective whether served within or outside of California. If either party to this Amended and Restated Option Agreement is required to initiate or defend, or is made a party to, any action or proceeding in any way connected with this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, the party prevailing in the final judgment in such action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief which may be granted, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. Attorney's fees shall include reasonable costs for investigating such action, conducting discovery, retaining expert witnesses, and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -12- 8256 8. Nonliability of Agency Officials and Employees No officer, official, employee, agent, or representative of Agency shall be personally liable to Developer or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by Agency, or for any amount which may become due to Developer or its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 9. Nondiscrimination Developer covenants for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against any person on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry with respect to this Amended and Restated Option Agreement or use of the Site. 10. Interpretation The terms of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. The Section headings are for purposes of convenience only, and shall not be construed to limit or extend the meaning of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 11. Entire Agreement This Amended and Restated Option Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein, or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. All waivers of the provisions of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of the party to be charged, and all amendments and modifications hereto must be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of Agency and Developer. 12. CounterMarts This Amended and Restated Option Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which, after all the parties hereto have signed this Amended and Restated Option Agreement, shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 13. Severability In the event any section or portion of this Amended and Restated Option Agreement shall be held, found, or determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect, and the parties hereto shall take further actions as may be reasonably necessary and available to them to effectuate the intent of the parties as to all provisions set forth in this Amended and Restated Option Agreement. 57 882/015610-0043 547845.02 a10/13/04 -13- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amended and Restated Option Agreement as of the date first above written. "DEVELOPER" 48th & ADAMS, LLC, a California limited liability company By: SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California corporation Its: Date: , 2004 Bv: Michael Shovlin Its: President "AGENCY" LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic By: ATTEST: Agency Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Attorneys for the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Executive Director t$ 882/015610-0043 84 547845.02 a10/13/04 -14- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS COUNTY OF ) On , before me, 31 personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) On , before me, , personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public [SEAL] 882/015610-0043 719 547845.02 a10/13/04 '15- EXHIBIT "A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE [See Following Page] 882/015610-0043 0 547845.02 a10/13/04 v