28573 Jefferson 99 Cent Store QUTST ANDING BOND REPORT Name: Jefferson 99 Cent Store Tract No. 28573 Date of Contract: NO SIA Required Bond Amounts: PM10 $ 10,275 Rough Grading $143,880 Dates of Bond Reductions: Outstanding Bonds and Bond Company: Safeco Insurance Company of America Amount: Bond No. Date Cancelled/Released: $ 10,275 6307437 $143,880 6307436 , I ~ - ; Bond No. 6307437 premìum: $206.00 ~ FAffHFULPERFOR~CEBOND (LOMe 8.1e) Fugitive Dust Control Bond MoorefielcJIHEREAS, Ih!l City at La QuintII. ~a. it prep.rad fa ~thoriza ~/ ~ ' .. PIinaIpIII.1D ..-n willi __irI _WI;tIan .diviti.. PUrsUMt Ia an_, or M '*'" Ilau 'I th8 City, far .8rioYI inhattuctute f,."nwemeAIS anellor stru~urø aft. or .Aoe"" wilft. priva\8ly-awn8d prGI*t'l gene"11'I known tQ lhe City and 0It'l8rs IS - Jeff'~r~n· Pl ~7.~ : Ind WHEREAS. eft SUCh CGn61ruction and demolition acthriVe. ",us, be performed in such mannar I.ID conform wlU'l La Qulnta Municipal Cod.. ChIp. 8. ,., ","UId F41giIÑI DU$' eonw, \0 reduC8 fugl\lve dUlt.,." conspandInQ PM10 emisslGns: and WHEAØ.s. Aid PMcIp81 II raqutr8d by LaMC 5. '1.05D(AX4) tD Maur. that ,.". Dust Conlrol Plan . . prepared Ipectf'lC8IIy far the aubJed COfta&r\ØiGn låI8, is IftlndaUy IlICUraby furnishing ...ritv for the faithful pertarrnaftCI or the dUSI contral acGvI'ltlel r.QUir8d in U\e FugIØVt Dust Mitigatioñ P..... t NOW. therefore. W8 &he PrinciPal eM g¡fSD IrBrën:e ~ of 1IÆ!iæ. sum tJI . IS Surety. aNi held lnet "rmly boUnd unto the City af La QLintll. - .IGH. in the penal 'l'en Thoùsand Two H . r · - - Don.,. ( ,2 5.00 I. mDl\ey of'" un d Slatal, for "e p.ymen . Of WhIch lum wel and tIUIy to be made, _ bind oursalva. auf h4*1, IUccelSOlS. uacute... and admi"ilt,rallDrs. jolftl1y and Mverally. """11 br"'- pre..... Th. condition of thll o~lgation II IU.ch thai if the IIboVI bOrØd Principal. his pr Ita heir.. e~ecUlOrs. adminIStrators, succel." or ...ignl. shaU in all thinQI stand to and abIde bV. and well and ttuly kMp and p8rform \tie aav.n.ntl, condiUClfts and provisions In Ih. &lid dust lCDI\'ral plan 'M any ".,.Uon ChIna' made as th.,.... pro"\ded. on hi. or Ih,it part. to b. kept and perfotmtd at thl time and in !he manner U.Min IPecir"d. and 1n III IIspect. ac:cardlnD klth.ir 'rv8 itlten' Ind. m..,.ing. .nd shall IndMlrifY and $ave harmless 1\8 Obligee, its DtIiGera. agenta and employeø, .. 1h.,8In ltipulaled, than this GbliQatron shall become null and vold¡ otherwl.e. It IhaI b8 and reMAIn in. 'ull force and .lfacl As . part of the obltgalbn HCUrwd hereby end in addition to ... flce amount apec1t18" th..for. there slid "lncIÙd.d ~ _tibia ..p.... ,lid ..... InCludin8 _on~1e a!lamer', r..a. ¡ncurNd by the Qli'tgH in , "ul», ",forcing .uch obligation, 8I11D a. taxed as ca,'- and Included in any JudGlment I'OncSlINd. Th. 11ft'" hereby sUpu..tes and agrels that no chlng-. atlrwan of time. aII.raISon Dr IIddliOn ta th. "rift. of thl dust..on~ plan Of fD the wark 10 bl perfarmed U.rlundll' ar the apeGificationa aa:Drn,anying th. 111M Ihallln .nywi'l effect Ita abUgatfana on "Is bond. and it daea herebY waive noÞe of any such chw198. ut8nSkaR of tlml, ahelalon 01' addition to the terms 01 the dust t.Gntrol pllft or ID 1M wOtk, 1M spae~. or VI. ~ndlllo". af apptOvaA of uld plan. . · ,age 1 of 2 "" -- - . - ; Bond No. 6307436 PœnI.un: $2,878.00 FAnNFULPEAFORMANCESOND . (LQMC 1.02.01& CBC ISt1) Grading Bond WHEpEAS. ". Cil)t of La Qulnta. CIIIIarr\II. II ......... IsSue ~ PennI ~7 ~ ~..... 1M U Qu1n18 ..... CDIIII.IÍIId" Callfomlll8ulldn1 Code WIsIdIIs Þr~~tD Moorefield Cons~iœ .\1 .PIItIcJpaI whINbr Princlp" wllìbe aulhaltZltl to perfonn ...... ;"n" idMlllled In the ....... and . furlher d.....d aft "* ~,.= .._need ....... ta priøIeIy-owMd ptO~ Ge"e..ly know" to 1ft. CAt end 0....... effe son Plaza : .. . . wH$EAS. Said Principii" requhd ,ÞCIer" "11ft. of 1M permit to furn'" . Itand for . Ihe tlllhful plllfarinlnie ."b.radlr1l work In acaaldaaa. wlIb 11. IIPPfDved ..... ....cØrcIItia... and permit fe,,"'.........: era H I1e walk it lbandaned (Rot campl.1ed ., raqulNld). Ptfn...Ih.. QNNCt or ellrnIna&a an, huanld'AI concItIonIlhat may uisl NOW; "'nataN. WI the Prlndøeland safeco In.an%; ~ of America . as $ul'ty,.,. Mid IIftd firmly bound unto the ~ DJ 4- ~ . .. ö· ... penal IUlftof-fte.8 '.. H - ',.. - - Dona,. 43,8f.D. , . UI mGMY o. . I., I m I b\dllCJ be ",acta. .. blñcl ÖÜr,elVes. our has. succeuOI'l. ...cutors Iftd admiftlattalðtl. jointly and l.ve,allY. .' firmly by Iftase "..nJs. . The canditlOII afllis :tion ;. such "at if the .bawI bonded Princi~. his Ot Its h.n, 8OCulora. &dntiallltora. aucca . 1"1 or aSlgna. &hatlln .. Ihlngs ecand tø and eo". by. and weU M1d tNI)' IUIIIp .net p8Ifanw .. covert.n., 'candi\iatil and pravlalans In the .1Id pennJt end any....1Ion .....ar mad. a thnfn provided. OR h1s ar their Pitt. to bl k~t and performed .t the 'IM and 1ft the manner U\efeIn spedled. IIftCIIn all ";"cts according to thalt tN8 fft-.nt and munIng. .ftd Sblllndlmnlfy and ..ve hMnIe.. ... Obllg...,1ta afrara. agents and empr._. .5 therein IIJpulatld. then thiS Ob(igatlon shall blCCtl'Ml n.... and voId;:otharwl..," wU be an4 remain In full fOlClland elf HI. AI. palt oft'" obllaato" leancI hltebr end In addllJon Ia u.. fac:II amaullt lpecll.d ",_rafcw. thete . ..... _Included co'- and ,.a"WI .ens.. III\CI ,.... "'dudlng r_MabIe aIoMey'. f.... fneLlrred by IhI Obl_'n aucdl..full~ enlorcir\a ILlch abIIgatlan. aUlD be ,_ . coati ancIlncluded in any judgement ,.,.,.d. : The ...., ~ ,........ ..... ..t 1\0 dwnll., ........ at limit, .....1IIon or adlllIIan ID 1M terms of IhI ØltmIt or a Ihe walk to b. p.rformed "'It.under Of ""Il*ilallkø acaompal\yinsJ the . ..... aha. " ."rwl.. .lect ill abliglllarw Dn Ihl. band. and It daM MIlby waive naUae of MY IUGh ah..... "'nalan rI 1M. .lœallen Dr addiUon to "'. ,."'" of" parmi Of to Ihe work Dr to the ud...· Pall 1 of2 . . I .... ...