2004 10 19 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL - , MINUTES OCTOBER 19, 2004 A regular. meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 2:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION . ".' '., . Conference with the City's real property negotiator, Mark WeissÎ pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms ,and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of 16.03 acres located near the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Jefferson· Street (APNs: 649-030- 086, -087, and -088). Property Owner/Negotiator: Mike Dobrota. - Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 3:00 p.m. 3:00 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session ·which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Dave Willmon, representing the League of California Cities, gave a brief update on Proposition 1 A. He also referenced a number of contributions they have received, including a significant contribution from the BIA-Desert Chapter. - Mayor Adolph expressed appreciation for the efforts being made to protect the cities' funds. \:- City Council Minutes 2 October 19, 2004 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stan Ford, Executive Director of Coach ell a . Valley Recreation & Park District, distributed copies of the District's Coachella Valley System-wide Park Plan, and commented on the importance of park planning to avoid duplication of facilities. He also spoke about the upcoming Fritz Burns Pool Operations and Maintenance Contract and stated they hope to continue working with the City on that issue. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Ford stated the park plan is a regional approach for the entire Valley. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA " City Manager Genovese noted additional correspondence has been received from : the .BrA in regard to two Consent Calendar items. He added staff feels the . ' ~ . -relatively mir.or issues can be dealt vllith' and recommends taking action on those items. Mayor Adotph indicated he would like to discuss the Planning Commission and gaming ordinances under Mayor and Council Members' Items. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS Marcia Poitras, of Chicago Title, and Sandy Beaky, of Windermere Realty, p;esented checks in the amount of $1 50 each to support· the Tiny Tot Halloween Carniv~l. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None APPROVAL OF MINUTES rJlOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Hender~on to approve the City Council '. Minutes of September 28, 2004, as submitted. Motion carried unaninlously. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the City Council Minutes of October 5, 2004, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. ---~~~- .\~- \, ~- \~ '.. City Council Minutes 3 October 1 9 I 2004 CONSENT CALENDAR ..~4Jfi. ,.-- , 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED OCTOBER 19, 2004. 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2004. 3.- TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2004, AND INVESTMENT SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004. 4. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATE ENGINEER TO ATTEND THE FEMA ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ,WORKSHOP IN SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFpRNIA, OCTOBER 27, 2004. , 5.: ADOPTION OF A RESO~UTION ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM ,: WINDERMERE REAL TY AND I CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY FOR THE ANNUAL -:.,'; .,.', TINY TOT CARNIVAL. (RESOLUTION NO. 20Ô4-11 0) 6. APPROVAL OF AN ART P~RCHASE AGREEMENT WITH TOM MCGRAW FOR OLD TOWN MURAL PRcþJECT. I ~ 7. . APPROVAL OF PARTICIPAtiON IN -THE SENIOR INSPIRATION AWARDS PROGRAM AND SELECTION IOF A CITY RECIPIENT. 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTI9N GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVI~ION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 31681-1, CORAL MqUNTAIN AT ANDALUSIA, CORAL OPTION 1, LLC. (RESOLUTION NO. 20Ô4-111) 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTIØN REGARDING BENEFITS CONTRIBUTION FOR . MANAGEMENT , CONTRACT MANAGEMENT, AND CONFIDENTIAL '. EMPLOYEES. (RESOLUTIONI NO. 2004-112) I I 10. ADOPTION OFARESOLUTION AND AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ·ASSOC,IATION REGARDING I BENEFITS CONTRIBUTION,. (RESOLUTION NO. 2004-113) , 11. ~" ADOPTION OF A RESOLqTION APPROVING THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL LOþAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN AS REQUIRED . ' BY,THE FEDERAL DISAST~R MITIGATION PLAN· AS REQUIRED BY THE - FEDERAL DISASTER MITIGATION AND COST REDUCTION ACT OF 2000. (RESOLUTION NO. 2004-114) "--- City Council Minutes 4 October 1 9, 2004' 12. APPROV AL OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 CITY OF LA QUINT A ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ANNUAL REPORT. 13. APPROVAL OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 CITY OF LA QUINTA DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FEE REPORT. 14. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 31310, SANTA ROSA DEVELOPMENT - MARKET RATE 48TH AND ADAMS, LLC. (RESOLUTION NO. 2004-115) 15. APPROVAL OF ATRI-PARTY AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 'FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF WASHINGTON STREET AND MILES AVENUE. . ' . , 16. ,ACCEPTANCE OF CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2001-14, . LA QUINTA FIRE STATION 93. 17.' AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY CLERK, AND DEPUTY CITY CLERK TO ATTEND 'THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL NEW LAW AND ELECTION SEMINAR TO BE HELD IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 8-11, 2004. 18. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE INTERIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE 2004 CRA CAL- ALHFA AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN COSTA MESA, OCTOBER 27-28, 2004. MOTION :- It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and with Item Nos. 5, 8-11, and: ·1-4 " being approved by·· RESOLUTION NOS. 2004-110 through 2004-115 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-122. BUSINESS SESSION , p' 1 . CQNSIDERATION OF GEOMETRIC LAYOUT FOR VILLAGE ROUNDABOUT RECONSTRUCTION. , Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report, and Assistant City Engineer Speer reviewed the proposed roundabout design. ------.--_ _,..._---_--n...- -- ",.- _._--",- - ~- ---~_._-~.- - City Council Minutes 5 October 19, 2004 6i';;;<.IJ!~ !¡':l~~~:~-;.h" ií¡:}(' - In response to Council Member 'Sniff " Mr. Speer indicated the truck apron will be similar to a rolled curb and raised four inches. The diameter of the roundabout as proposed in the new design is 48 feet. Contract Traffic Engineer Nazir Lalani indicate~ a Federal mandate requires signs with a black arrow and orange backgro nd or "One Way" signs to be used at roundabouts. He recommends a sign height of 24 inches. Mr. Speer stated the street will be 1 6 feet wid~ in addition to a 6-foot wide truck apron. The center median will be raised six inches and landscaped with plant material that will not obstruct the vis on of other vehicles. Mr. Jonasson noted the Council will have an opportu i~y to review the landscape plan before it goes out to bid. Mr. Speer state he anticipates the parking lot and pedestrian refuge islands coming before Council' in December for authorization to move forward. Council Member Sniff comm nted, on the need for the projects to be done at the same time. I I I I ... .. to Mr. Speer indicated the ropndabout construction is expected to follow shortly after the parking lot. I Council Member Henderso~ noted the construction may need to be ¡- postponed because the busi esses may have a problem with it being done during the season. Council Member Perkins sp ke in support of the roundabout design but indicated he doesn't want to see boulders or rocks in the center median. He added he doubts the City w II be obligated to use the existing "One Way" signs and suggested using " eep Right" signs or square-shaped "One Way" signs. He feels it's importan~ for the intersection to look good because it's a focal point in the Village, a~d stated he will not support using the current IIOne Way" signs. I I Mr ~ Lalani stated he will em hasize Mr. Perkins' concerns to the, company ,that will be doing the Sign nd Striping Plan to make sure the signs are as small as possible. It's his nderstanding that the mandate does not allow the IIKeep Rightl' signs but a mailer IIOne Way" sign is available. Council Member Perkins co mented he feels the current signs direct people to turn right instead of enco raging them to go around the roundabout. Mr. Lalani indicated that is why ~e prefers the Chevron sign, and assured Council the current type of signage ill not be used. I , '- I ' Council Member Osborne s~ated he supports the roundabout design, and agrees with trying to do the onstruction after the season is over. City Council Minutes 6 October 1 9, 2004 Council Member Sniff suggested the projects be done separately instead of delaying them, noting the roundabout construction will not have as much impact on the businesses as the parking lot and pedestrian refuge islands. Mr. Speer indicated the roundabout construction is scheduled to begin in March. Mayor Adolph spoke in support of the new roundabout design, stating he believes it will help to slow traffic. He indicated he also has concerns about the signage, and noted some people do not understand some of the signs used at the Jefferson Street roundabout. He also feels there are too many pedestrian signs at the Jefferson Street roundabout. He stated he realizes the City has to adhere to the Federal mandate but he doesn't want to over-do it. Council Member Perkins requested the signage be included in the roundabout design when it's brought back to Council for approval. ' MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to authorize staff to proceed with preparation of construction drawings for the revised Village roundabout layout, including the landscape component, and appropriate $25,000 from unallocated Gas Tax Reserves (201-000-290-000) to a new capital improvement budget account for design of the Village roundabout. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-123. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A LIBRARY MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND CITY OF LA GUINTA. . Management Analyst Casillas presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Casillas stated the recommendations for daily operations and policies will be done after moving into the new facility. Council Member Sniff stated he expects heavier evening use and anticipates those hours having to be increased. Council Member Henderson noted that latitude lies within the City's funding level, which appears to be more than sufficient. Council Member Sniff stated his concern is the ease of making changes as they are needed. ~_..m____._ City Council Minutes 7 October 19, 2004 r-- City Manager Genovese stated he anticipates the productive relationship with the County to continue, and believes the County will do whatever the Council wants. He added the Council will have an opportunity to discuss the expanded hours. In response to Council Member Sniff, City Attorney Jenson advised there are no significant risks to the City in the agreement. Council Member Sniff complimented staff for doing a great job with the negotiations. In response to Council Member Osborne, Ms. Casillas explained how the reconciliation amount is derived, which was approximately $77,000 this year. Council Member Osborne asked if it would be a problem should the City desire tol ~pend additional funds on the library. Nancy Johnson, County Librarian for the County of Riverside, responded the City may supplement the library services as it desires. ;0-- Council Member Henderson spoke in support of the agreement, and stated she is pleased with the way the library system has operated over the last four years. She indicated she is also anxious to move into the new facility. Council Member Perkins expressed support for the contract, and stated he anticipates having to expand the new facility to its ultimate size very soon because of its volume of use. "¥ Mayor Adolph expressed appreciation for the efforts by the City, County, and Friends of the La Quinta Library in helping to make this happen. Jim Calvin, 47-155 Via Florence, of Friends of the La Quinta Library, suggested modifying the c,?ntract to two-years. He indicated he believes the City wiU be able to operate the library without the County before too long. Gary Tomak, of Friends of the La Quinta Library, spoke in support of the contract, and suggested the video cam on the construction site be publicized so more people are aware of its existence. He also asked' if the City Library Committee would be separate from the Friends of the La Quinta Library. - Mr. Genovese advised the committee issue will be addressed' at a later date. City Council Minutes 8 October 1 9, 2004 Council Member Henderson stated she believes the Council's past discussions have been in support of remaining with the Friends of the La Ouinta Library. Council Member Sniff stated he fe,els that would be the logical thing to do. Mayor Adolph agreed. As for the suggestion to reduce the contract to two years, Council Member Henderson noted working with the County is the way to get the tax dollars back into the community. She feels the City would be looking at a loss otherwise. She noted the County has had six years to prove themselves,' and that the City can get ,out of the agreement after five years if there's a change in the County's philosophy. Council Member Sniff spoke in support of the five-year contract. Mayor Adolph noted it will be a few years before funding will be available to complete the other half of the new facility. He stated he supports the contract as proposed. Council Member Perkins concurred. Council Member Osborne agreed, and pointed out the benefit of having the County's resources. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for library services between the County of Riverside and City of La Ouinta effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2010 with an option to exercise a five-year extension. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-124. 3. CONSIDERA TION OF THE INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD 2004/2005 WORK PLAN. Finance Director Falconer presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson asked if the proposed work plan puts procedures in place for a future Portfolio Manager. ,. Mr. Falconer stated he doesn't feel there is a sufficient spread in investment rates at this time to justify the use of a Portfolio Manager. He stated the' work plan is silent on the issue but he understood the general consensus of ~-- .--- ~-~~- City Council Minutes 9 October 1 9, 2004 ' the Council at the joint meetingJN1Ias'for the Board to develop an RFP for - pòtential use in the future and have the City Attorney do a legal review of the issue In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Falconer stated he believes it would be difficult for a private investment firm to compete against LA IF for short term investments. He indicated the City's current portfolio is approximately $180 million - $90 million in bond proceeds and $90 million in cash. He doesn't believe the Board has quantified a potential increase in yield if a professional manager was used but the general feeling is that longer term investments will yield higher interests. He added one of the portfolio managers who spoke to the Board earlier this ye~r indicated it's necessary to do longer-term investments to pick up higher yields. Council Member Sniff stated it seems the items listed in the staff report lead up to the joint meeting held in September but he doesn't view it as a work ,·plan. He questioned discussing something being part of a work plan. Mr. Falconer explained investment environments change daily, therefore, the Board's, discussions change at their monthly meetings. - City Manager Genovese noted the Investment Advisory Board is different from other City commissions because it's more of an analytical board that discusses and analyzes things to make recommendations to the Council. Council Member Perkins spoke in support of the work plan, and indicated he would be willing to support having a Portfolio Manager when the Finance Director feels it's needed. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Falconer stated he feels Treasury Securities are the safest investment, and should the funds be needed, the City would get the best bid from its three brokers. He stated the investment is subject to market risk but there are no penalties involved. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the Investment Advisory Board 2004/2005 Work Plan. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-125. - City Council Minutes 10 October 1 9, 2004 4. CONSIDERA TION OF AN APPEAL BY W AL-MART STORES, INC., REGARDING MINOR USE PERMIT 2004-536 TO ALLOW 62 METAL CONTAINERS FOR THE TEMPORARY STORAGE OF HOLIDA Y MERCHANDISE FROM OCTOBER 1, 2004 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2004 ON THE SOUTH AND EAST SIDES OF THE EXISTING SUPER WAL-MART CENTER LOCATED AT 78-950 HIGHWAY 111 WITHIN THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA. APPELLANT: WAL-MART STORES, INC. (MICKEY ANDERSON). Interim Community Development Director Orci presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Orci stated the eight-foot high containers are about the same height as the back wall. Council Member Henderson asked Associate Planner Magaña to review how the containers would be placed along the back wall to provide some perspective on the 62 containers. In response to Council Member Perkins, Mr. Magaña confirmed this has been reviewed by the Fire Department, and they are requiring a 20-foot wide access to the building. Mr. Orci indicated there will be sufficient access for loading and unloading, and access will be enforced by the Fire Department and Code Enforcement Department. Council Member Perkins stated he doesn't want to see any of the exits blocked as they had been in the old building. Council Member Osborne asked if the use of storage containers was envisioned in Wal-Mart's original plans, and if screening would be needed in the future. Mr. Magaña confirmed the storage containers were part of the original planning, and they will be required to come back each year to the Planning Commission due to the potential need for screening on the south side. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Orci confirmed there are provisions in the City Code for the use of storage containers. Council Member Henderson stated she understands Target is using storage containers at their facility, and Mr. Orci confirmed Code Enforcement is working on that issue. Council Member Sniff stated he doesn't have a problem with the use of storage containers if they are placed in a safe manner and out of public view. He noted it's sometimes difficult for retail businesses to plan in advance, . --------------_..- -.- City Council Minutes 1 1 October 1 9, 2004 especially at Christmas time. He expressed disappointment with the r-- Planning Commission's decision on this, and indicated he feels the presence I of only four members at the meeting was a real problem. He stated he supports the appellant's request. Mickey Anderson, representing Wal-Mart Stores, thanked the Council for considering this matter. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve the appeal by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. for Minor Use Permit 2004-536. Council Member Henderson suggested modifying the motion to direct staff to start looking at the landscaping issue for next year. Mr. Orci noted option 3, under Findings & Alternatives, allows staff to work with the applicant as to what may be required in future years. Council Member Sniff indiqated he doesn't see a need to modify the motion. Council Member Henderson stated she hopes the applicant will consider the issue even though it's not part of the motion. ..-- ¡ Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-126. I Mayor Adolph stated he hopes the applicant will take the Council~ s concerns into consideration. He stated other things can be brought in as they are developing screening devices to protect' the ambiance of surrounding properties. Mr. Anderson requested the Council call him directly if they have any issues with the facility because he wants to cooperate with the City. 5. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 409 ORDINANCE NO. 409 ',AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2003-006 BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CP DEVELOPMENT LA QUINTA, LLC. - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Ordinance No. 409 on second reading. Motion carried by the following vote: City Council Minutes 12 October 1 9, 2004 A YES: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABST AIN: None ABSENT: None STUDY SESSION - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CV AG Energy & Environmental Resources Committee - Council Member Sniff indicated the Committee has proposed C. V. Mosquito and Abatement District deal with the red fire ant issue with some of their reserve monies instead of having the cities fund it. He noted the problem is mostly in the west end of the Valley. Council Member Henderson noted this is not just a problem in one city because the ants can move into other cities Council Member Sniff stated he feels the funding should come primarily from those cities with the greatest infestation problem. Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention & Visitors Authority - Council Member Henderson reported she and the City Manager attended the annual situation analysis meeting this morning. From the analysis, a marketing plan wiU be brought back, and the City Manager feels it wiU be good to see how CV A's delivery of the current situation compares with how the City's marketing consultant delivers it. She noted Phoenix and San Diego are the Valley's two main competitors, and Phoenix is putting an additional $2.5 miUion into their marketing to promote their desert area. Riverside County Transportation Commission - Council Member Henderson stated the Transit Policy Committee is working on providing more detailed reporting on the proper expenditure of funds. In response to Council Member Sniff's inquiry about a monorail system, she confirmed there is some interest but she doesn't expect it to happen. San Jacinto/Santa Rosa National Monument Advisory Committee - Council Member Henderson reminded everyone the Fourth Anniversary Celebration of the National Monument will be held October 23rd at the visitors center on Highway 74. SunUne Transit Agency - Mayor Adolph reported the November and December meetings have been combined to be held December 1 st . ------~_._._.....__.._~-- _.. .__..~ .~._.._--_._.__._- City Council Minutes 13 October 1 9, 2004 r-- Mayor Adolph also referenced the installation of an earthquake pre-warning system ì ¡ at Fire Station No. 93. t * * * * * * ** * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS 3-B. SELECTION OF CO,MMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONER. Council directed the City Clerk to place this matter on the next agenda. 8. ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT. Public Works Director Jonasson referenced a memorandum contained in the department report regarding the Jefferson Street roundabout. r-- Council Member Henderson stated she feels having two lanes striped in the roundabout would be more confusing. She questioned anyone driving at 25 mph in the roundabout. Mr. Jonasson noted the proposed signage includes both the Chevron and IIOne Wayl' signs to make the roundabout more apparent to oncoming vehicles, and he recommends retaining the advance warning 25 mph signs. Council Member Perkins referenced· the need to repair a rough area in the pavement on Washington Street just south of Avenue 48. Mr. Jonasson explained the problem is due to the clay soil being difficult to compact when repaved a few years ago, and is similar to a problem area on Washington Street south of Fred Waring Drive. Assistant City Engineer Speer stated CVWD is working on the problem near A venue 48. Council Member Osborne commented on the number of traffic problems and difficulty in dealing with CalTrans on Highway 111 and asked at what point the City could take control of the section of Highway 111 within La Quinta. Mr. Jonasson noted the main concern would be maintenance costs. He - added there has been some discussion at CV AG. $750,000 in Measure 8 monies would be the proposed amount to fund cities to take over Highway 111 . City Council Minutes 14 October 1 9, 2004 City Manager Genovese indicated staff can report back on the necessary steps. He added if CV AG moves forward with a maintenance program, that may be a sensible time for transition. Council Member Henderson noted it would please CalTrans if the cities took over Highway 111. However, with La Ouinta being almost at build-out with the improvements, she views maintenance as a big concern and isn't sure, it would improve traffic flow on Highway 111. Council Member Osborne noted there are signal synchronization issues involved as well as other improvements along Highway 111. He would like to know what funding may be available for the maintenance costs. Council Member Henderson stated she would agree if there is a source of funding. Mr. Genovese stated staff will report back on the process, and keep Council updated on CV AG's efforts on the potential funding. Council Member Sniff noted taking control of La Quinta's section of Highway 111 does not guarantee what will happen with the adjoining sections. Council Member Osborne stated he would still like to have more control within La Ouinta. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Mayor Adolph noted one of the Planning Commissioners has missed several Planning Commission meetings, and understands a Commissioner is not allowed to be absent for more than three meetings in a row. He has recommended Chairman Kirk find out what is going on when the Commissioner returns from Europe. Council Member Sniff commented he understood the Commissioner was given advanced approval for the absences. City Attorney Jenson advised Commissioners must have advance permission if they are going to miss three consecutive meetings or else they are removed. She doesn't believe any action was taken but is not sure the policy was explained to the Commissioner. It's her understanding that he notified the Planning Commission but she isn't sure he had received written permission for the absences. -..---------...--- _._....._~_.- -.-..-.---,--.--- --- -- - --" -.-- - City Council Minutes 15 October 1 9, 2004 Council Member Perkins noted the Planning Commission meets twice a month - whereas the other City Commissions meet only once a month. Ms. Jenson noted the policy is for three consecutive meetings or 25% of all physi.cal meetings in a year. Council Member Henderson stated she understood the Commissioner requested approval to be absent from the three meetings and that the Planning Commission excused him. She isn't sure whether the technical difference between not approving the leave of three meetings is good enough to then go back and override the Planning Commission's motion to excuse him. She recalled seeing a report in the Items of Interest that one of the Planning Commissioners would be in Europe. Interim Community Development Director Orci stated he will research that but recalls the Commissioner advising the Planning Commission at one of their meetings that he would be in Europe for one and a half months. Council Member Henderson stated she agrees the absence has created a burden on the Planning Commission's actions, and asked how many meetings he attended before going to Europe. ,-- Mr. Orci stated the Commissioner has attended two meetings and missed four meetings, including the special joint meeting. Council Member Henderson stated she doesn't like it but feels the Commissioner was not aware this would be such a problem. Mayor Adolph stated his main concern is that it's not an ongoing occurrence every summer. Council Member Sniff suggested having the City Manager, or his designee, express the Council's concerns to the Commissioner and find out what he anticipates his future attendance being. Mr. Orci stated he understands thf Commissioner will return in time for the next Planning Commission meeting. City Manager Genovese stated he ill discuss the issue with the Commissioner. Counci'l Member Henderson reco mended the Planning Commission not excuse him if he is not at the next meeting. ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Council Minutes 16 October 1 9, 2004 Mayor Adolph stated he and the City Manager met with the new director of the Torres Martinez Indian Band who seems to believe a tribe can take over land in the city and build whatever they want there. They also seem to believe there are other ways to acquire land without purchasing it. He has asked the City Attorney to research this issue, and come back with a report to Council, and suggested staff be directed to look into a gaming ordinance to protect the City from the gambling issue. Council Member Perkins stated he feels one of the fastest ways to lose the "small community" concept is to have a gambling casino in the City. City Attorney Jenson advised gambling is prohibited in the City Code, and that she will provide a report at the next Council meeting on the current regulations. She added there is a process whereby tribes can make a request to the Department of the Interior for property to be augmented into tribal land, however, 'it's an entirely different process for them to have gaming. Council Member Osborne commented on the Torres Martinez Indian Tribe having the flexibility to purchase land outside of their tribal lands because of properties lost at the Salton Sea. Council Member Henderson noted the tribe is restricted to land purchases within a defined zone, which does not include property in La Quinta. Mayor Adolph stated he believes it's timely to take a look at the regulations. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7 :00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT Pamela Jandt, 78-010 Main Street, speaking on behalf of a majority of the tenants of Old Town La Quinta, referenced a letter they wrote to the City asking to be placed on the agenda. Mayor Adolph acknowledged receiving the correspondence but indicated it was received too late to make this agenda and would be placed on the next agenda. _.~~._..~- .--- _._-~.- -- , City Council Minutes 17 October 1 9, 2004 Ms. Jandt summarized their concerns as' follows: the City parking lot on Avenida ,....- Bermudas needs to be mowed on a regular basis and the nails removed; additional i lighting is needed in the parking lot and the signage should be larger; a crosswalk is needed on Avenida Bermudas; more frequent police patrols are needed in the area; the parking spaces in the parking lot are not clearly- marked; and construction of the new parking lot should be after the season is over. Council Member Sniff noted the general direction given to staff earlier today was to do the roundabout in the Village at an early date and delay the parking lot construction until about May. Ms. Jandt referenced a second letter requesting Avenida La Fonda be designated as three-hour parking because some of the employees and construction workers park there all day. She asked what the tenants could do to move these issues forward. In response to Mayor Adolph, City Manager Genovese stated staff will come back with a department report addressing these issues at the next Council meeting. Council Member Sniff recommended the tenants attend the Council meetings to keep a finger on the "pulse" of the City, and noted City Council agendas are available through the City Clerk's Office. - ¡ Council Member Henderson noted efforts are already being made to address most ,of these concerns. PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2004-502 AND SUBDIVIDING 8.08 ACRES INTO 33 RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 32225 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MADISON STREET AND AVENUE 58. APPLICANT: VINCE D'AMBRA. I nterim Community Development Director Orci presented the staff report, and Principal Planner Baker gave a brief overview of the project. - In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Baker confirmed the following: parking will be allowed on both sides' of the interior streets, which are 36 feet wide; Madison Street will be the same width that currently exists at City Council Minutes 18 October 1 9, 2004 PGA West; and the sidewalks along Madison Street and Avenue 58 will connect with sidewalks at adjoining developments. Assistant City Engineer Speer stated the future traffic signal at Madison Street and Avenue 58 will be funded through the Development Impact Fee. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Baker stated the applicant has agreed to the conditions of approval added by the Planning Commission, as well as a request by the neighbors for a 25-foot rear yard setback. Council Member Perkins asked what the area at the south end of the project between Lots 1 3 and 14 would be used for. Mr. Baker indicated the area will be a retention basin. Mayor Adolph asked if the retention basin will be grass or gravel, and Mr. Baker responded that will be dealt with in the Site Development Plan. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at ,7:21 p.m. David Brudvik, 52-050 Industrial Way, Coachella, of Santa Rosa Development, stated they are in agreement with the conditions of approval. Michael Keebler, 45-849 Meadow Lake, Indio, representing the Coachella Valley Unified School District, commented on the need for a master plan for school bus stops, and indicated they have tried to coordinate with SunUne to use the same bus turnouts. He asked that a bus turnout be considered on Madison Street on either side of the entrance even if SunUne does not require it. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Keebler confirmed the request is based on the potential for students in the development to keep students from having to walk a long distance to another bus turnout. Council Member Henderson asked staff if the project is conditioned to provide a bus turnout if required by SunUne, to which Mr. Orci responded, IIYes. " There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:27 p.m. Council Member Sniff suggested the School District be added in Condition No. 51 (A)( 1 )(a) should there be a demonstrated need for a bus turnout. -- .~..__..~ ~.-..- City Council Minutes 19 October 1 9, 2004 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-116 - i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITy:,',COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREPARED FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 32225 (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2004-502 - VINCE D'AMBRA). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2004-116 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OF APPROXIMATELY 8.08 ACRES INTO A 29-LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 32225 - VINCE D'AMBRA). It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2004-11 7 as amended (modifying Condition No. 51 (A)( 1 )(a) to read, II.. ...if required by Sun Line Transit and/or the Coachella Valley Unified School - District~ "). Motion carried unanimously. ¡ I 2. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS: 1) CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2004-513; 2) ESTABLISHING DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2004-072; AND 3) SUBDIVIDING 110.9 ACRES INTO 392 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, A 10-ACRE COMMERCIAL LOT AND MISCELLANEOUS LOTS FOR TENTATIVE· TRACT , MAP 32398 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 60. APPLICANT: ROBERT SCHUMACHER. Mayor Adolph noted there has been a request for a continuance. Interim Community Development Director Orci recommended continuing the item to November 16, 2004. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to continue the public hearing for Specific Plan 2004-513 and Tentative Tract Map 32398 to November 16, 2004, to allow the applicant more time to revise the project. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2004-127. - City Council Minutes 20 October 1 9, 2004 3. PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS: 1) CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGA TIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2004-511; 2) SPECIFIC PLAN 2004-073 ESTABLISHING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, PRINCIPLES, AND GUIDELINES; AND 3) TENT A TIVE TRACT MAP 31874 FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF 40 ACRES INTO 101 RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MONROE STREET AND AVENUE 53. APPLICANT: STONEFIELD DEVELOPMENT, INC. Interim Community Development Director Orci presented the staff report, and Principal Planner Sawa provided a brief overview of the project. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Sawa stated there are no provisions in the conditions of approval that would require the homebuyers to be notified about the equestrian property to the north. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:35 p.m. Mike Peroni, of The Keith Companies representing the applicant, commented on the project, and stated they are available to answer questions. Mayor Adolph stated he was glad to see a recreation area included for children, and commented on the absence of a wet bar in any of the floor plans. Art McCall, 78-401 Highway 111, of Stonefield Development, stated a wet bar would be an option. Council Member Osborne asked the applicant's thought about notification to homebuyers of the equestrian property to the north. Mr. McCall indicated he wasn't sure about the location of the equestrian lots but wouldn't have a problem disclosing that information. Mr. Orci confirmed equestrian lots exist directly across from a portion of the lots on the north end of the project. In response to Mayor Adolph, Doug Franklin, of The Keith Companies, explained the offset portion in the retention basin will be a trail stop with a water trough for horses. They are also considering adding a stagecoach as an art feature. -_..~.~ --_.. ,.- .-~--_..__...__..._...__.. - -~- ..--------------.-- - City Council Minutes 21 October 19, 2004 Mayor Adolph rèferenced the potential for a mosquito problem if the water - trough is not changed periodically. Mr. Peroni indicated it will constructed to empty automatically. .. Michael Keebler, of Coachella Valley Unified School District, thanked staff and the developer for agreeing that the deceleration lane could be used for a bus stop a few times a day to avoid cutting into the trail or architectural features of the project. In response to Council Member H.enderson, Mr. Orci confirmed' the agreement. There being no further I requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:41 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA GUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREPARED FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 31874 AND SPECIFIC PLAN 2004-073 (STONEFIELD DEVELOPMENT, INC.). - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2004-118 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-119 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA GUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, PRINCIPLES, GUIDELINES, AND PROGRAMS FOR 101 RESIDENTIAL LOTS (SPECIFIC PLAN 2004-073 - STONEFIELD DEVELOPMENT, INC.)~ It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2004-119 as submitted., Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-120 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA GUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION OF 40± ACRES INTO 101 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND MISCELLANEOUS LOTS (TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 31874 - STONEFIELD DEVELOPMENT, INC.). - It was moved by Council Members Osborne/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2004-120 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 22 October 1 9, 2004 4. PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARA TION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENT AL ASSESSMENT 2004-521 AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN, HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE. Interim Community Development Director Orci advised of the receipt of additional correspondence from the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC) and California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA). He also introduced Colin Drukker, of The Planning Center, who gave a brief overview of the housing element update. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Drukker confirmed after adoption of this update by the State, an additional minor update will be about 80% complete, with the City needing to respond to the new RHNA allocation. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:02 p~m. Arturo Rodriguez, 1460 Sixth Street, Coachella, Attorney with California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), referenced written comments submitted by them and included in the staff report, and asked if the Council received the letter they sent today. " Mayor Adolph acknowledged the Council just received the letter and has not had the opportunity to review it. Mr. Rodriguez asked for clarification on the following statement included in the document: IIhigher density does not necessarily equate to projects becoming more affordable." Mr. Drukker explained, as an example, a standard project of 25 dwelling . units per acre does not define whether or not it's an affordable project because they could be luxury units or single resident occupancy units. He noted many times as densities increase, the construction costs also increase. Therefore, increasing the density doesn't necessarily mean there will be more units on the land and a decrease in the per unit cost. He noted as you get above certain densities, structured parking or special building materials are sometimes needed, wt1ich can increase the cost of the units and make it harder for them to be affordable. Mr. Rodriguez stated they feel their inquiry about State requirements for minimum density was not addressed in the response to public comment. He ~- ..~ - - -----. - - - City Council Minutes 23 October 1 9, 2004 had an additional question about the completion dates of some of the very- - low and low-income units shown in a chart in the Powerpoint presentation. Mr. Orci advised the Joe Hammer and ASL Apartment projects are tentatively scheduled to be completed in 2005/2006. Mr. Rodriguez then asked if the Miraflores, Hadley Village, and Aventine projects are available to low-income residents in general or restricted to senior housing. Mr. Orci indicated the Hadley Village and Miraflores units are for seniors but the Aventine units are not age restricted. City Manager Genovese noted the Miraflores project includes a single-family component that is also not age restricted. Mr. Rodriguez inquired as to when the City expects to' receive its new RHNA numbers from the State, to which Mr. Orci responded that he does not know at this time. Council Member Osborne asked Mr. Rodriguez to summarize the CRLA's ;--- concerns. ¡ Mr. Rodriguez stated their August letter explains why they feel the housing element needs additional explanation of some of the conclusions. They feel the public participation process has improved but still don't believe a development of dialogue, among all the segments of the community, has been accomplished. He indicated the response they had hoped to receive from the City by appearing at the Planning Commission meetings didn't happen until the last Planning Commission meeting but they still don't feel their concerns were address~d.As an example, it appears the' City relied on a single survey done in 2003 and did not seek information from other agencies to determine that there are no homeless in the City. He feels CVHC is a significant resource regarding low-income housing needs but understands they were not included in the housing element process until recently. Mayor Adolph spoke regarding the City's support of CVHC. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:20 p.m. ¡o-- City Council Minutes 24 October 1 9, 2004 City Attorney Jenson recommended a response be prepared for the two letters received today, and noted this item can be brought back at the next meeting as a business -item with the responses. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to continue the Housing Element Update, as a business item, to November 2, 2004. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, E3Y-~ ~ JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California - -~...~._-.._..__.~- - --- -_.~ -