2004 11 16 RDA Minutes LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - MINUTES , t NOVEMBER 16, 2004 . . A regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was .caned to order by Chairperson Henderson. . PRESENT: Board Members Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Chairperson Henderson ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None I . CLOSED SESSION . . 1. Conference with the Agençy's legal counsel regarding· pending. litigation, Ramon Garcia Martinez, et. al., v. City of La Quinta, et. :al.,- United States District Court, Central District Case No. CV04~06373 DT (RZx), pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). - ! . The Redevelopment Agency recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 700 p.m. 7:00 P. M. PUBLIC HEARINGS .f . ~ : The Redevelopment Agency meeting reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). The Redevelopment Agency recessed into joint session with the ,City Council. 1. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL . AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT' TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 52-195 AVENIDA MENDOZA· BY· AND - BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND MARGARITA SANCHEZ. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 November 1 6, 2004 Redevelopment Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Spevacek confirmed this property is one of the 50 houses acquired from C.V. Land Company. The Chairperson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:21 p.m. Margarita Sanchez, 78-990 Miles Avenue, expressed appreciation for being able to purchase a home but asked for the City's support in getting gas or propane to the residence which is all electric. . rv1r. Spevacek stated he understands a gas line is available in the street, and that the cost to install it at the residence would be $3,500. Chairperson Henderson noted other residents may want the City to install gas at their homes if it's done here. After a brief discussion regarding the availability of gas lines in that area, Executive Director Genovese stated the only way to deal with this would be to add the cost into the price of the unit but that has . not· been done before. He noted adding the cost to the relocation assistance could lead to other complex issues. There being no other requests to speak, the Chairperson declareçj the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:29 p.m. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph approve the sale of 52-195 Avenida Mendoza to nlaintain an affordable housing unit in Project Area No. 1 for a purchase price of $165,000, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to conlplete the property sale. Motion carried unanimously. '.'2.' . JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 52-965 AVENIDA CARRANZA BY ,AND BETWEEN THE LA GUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ANABEL SANCHEZ. f{edevelopment Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report. The Chairperson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:33 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Chairperson declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:33 p.m. _._-----~-_.- ----- - . Redevelopment Agency Minutes November 16, 2004 ,..--. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the sale of 52-965 Avenida Carranza to maintain an affordable housing unit in Project Area No. 1 for a purchase price of $165,000, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to complete the property sale. Motio'n carried unanimously. 3. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 51-805 AVENIDA CORTEZ BY AND ¡ ., BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ROBERT AND DELILAH GAETA. Redevelopment Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report. The Chairperson declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:34 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Chairperson declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:34 p.m. MOTION· - It was moved by Board Members Osborne/Sniff to approve - the sale of 51-805 A venida Cortez to maintain an affordable housing unit in Project Area No. 1 for a purchase price of $165,000, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to complete the property sale. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the . . Redevelopment Agency Minutes of November 2, 2004 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. . APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED NOVEMBER 16, 2004. - 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 November 1 6, 2004 3. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2004. 4. ACCEPT ANCE OF SilverRock RESORT GOLF CART BRIDGES, PROJECT NO. 2002-07E, AND APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.2. 5. APPROV AL OF THE SEPARA TEL Y -ISSUED LA GUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANNUAL AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2004. '·6. APPROV AL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH OVERLAND PACIFIC AND CUTLER FOR RELOCATION SERVICES RELATED TO THE VISTA DUNES MOBILE HOME PARK. . , , . ) 7. . APPRO\4'AL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLIAfJl BOWER ASSOCIATES, INC./BOWER SECURITY FOR SECURrTY SERVICES RELATED TO THE VISTA DUNES MOBILE HOME PARK. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1 . CONSIDERATION OF AN APPROPRIA TION FOR SilverRock RESORT AND ' ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEAL TH & ..¡ 1,.", SAFETY CODE SECTION 33445. ., l Assistant Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report. '~.~. "; Board Member Osborne asked about a current budget for Phase 1 as ¡ currently defined, noting several changes have been made between \ Phases 1 and 2. He further noted several of the items .listed in the . . . . . r . staff report are over-runs for contractors. He also asked how many , '- :: ' ,> , times the Phase 1 budget has been increased. r .public \'\Iorks Director V\leiss stated this is the third request for an increase in the budget. ------....---.- --------"-------.,- ~- - ~--- Redevelopment Agency Minutes f'I~¡"" November 16, 2004 ",,¡,\t~..,"·, " tt "~',I .. ~,::"'",~,:_".,'t .<.',j ,,', ,':'í ;'j.~';' ;"\~ ,..--. In response to Chairperson Henderson, Board Member Osborne stated he defines over-runs as additional appropriations over the original budgeted contract amount for each contract. He stated it seems no one is keeping track of the over-runs. Mr. Weiss stated staff can go through a spread sheet showing the original allocations and change orders for each component. Board Member Osborne stated he understands some of the $ 2.3 million is for new items in Phase 1 and some are over-runs on budgeted items. His concern is not knowing how much the project is over budget. Mr. Weiss indicated staff can come back with that information. "- Board Member Osborne referenced staff's suggestion, under Item No. 8 in . the staff report, to allocate an additional contingency' of $476,018 from Project Area Nos. 1 and 2 reserves. He asked if anyone knows whether or not the remaining $216,000 will be enough to finish the project. r-- Mr. Weiss noted that depends what level of additional improvements I the Agency wants to authorize for the project. He referenced, as an example, options with different costs attached to transfer the property from the Redevelopment Agency to the City, with the recommended option costing $80,000 to $90,000. He stated it can be done for less through a different option but will not meet the final needs. Board Member Osborne asked if that cost was included in the original budget, to which Mr. Weiss responded that it .was intended to come out of the contingency accounts, which have ,been "exhausted for other improvements. He added staff will probably come back in the near future for an additional allocation to start some of the Phase 2 components. He noted there may still be some unknowns, such as the entry monument. He stated the project can be completed within the current budget allotment but it may not be·, at the ultimate level of improvement the Agency wants for a world-class resort. He noted some of the proposed block walls around utilities. can be replaced with landscaping. Board Member Osborne stated he has not seen a realistic budget for - the project for the last three months. He referenced the contractors coming before the Agency last summer and indicating the project was Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 November 1 6, 2004 on schedule and on budget. He asked if the subsequent over-runs were known at that time and if not, why not. Mr. Weiss stated staff didn't realize the amount would be as much as it is, and that part of the reason is unexpected delays in obtaining permit approvals. Board Member Osborne noted TKC was hired specifically to make sure the costs are in line, and asked why that has not worked. He voiced concern about how much off budget the project will be in two more months. Mr. Weiss stated the costs are monitored by the' project team on a weekly basis. He understands the frustration about the cost over-runs but noted it's difficult to address this issue without narrowing it down tò specifics so the problems that have caused the over-runs can be explained. Board Member Osborne noted the proposed appropriation includes an , additional $150,000 for the sign monuments, and asked what the budgeted total cost for the monuments would be. Mr. Weiss indicated there is no budget allocation for monument signage at this time. The original budget included perimeter improvements but that has since been exceeded with the costs of the wall, fencing, and perimeter landscaping. He noted the Agency was informed then that nO' additiO'nal monies were budgeted for monument signage. Board Member Osborne asked why it wasn't included as a line item, - and Mr. Weiss replied because it was not known what kind of mO'numents the Agency would want. He went on to say the perimete'r budget for infrastructure improvements prepared by MDS two years ago, took into account what it might cost to build sidewalks and minimal landscaping. There was no indication at that time that the scope and magnitude of the entry monuments, walls, perimeter landscaping, and berming would be what the Agency ended up wanting. He confirmed the maintenance building improvements, under Item No. 2 in the staff report, were also intended to come out of the contingency. The soil stabilization included in the construction contract will last for only four to six months, and the intent under Item No.3 is to provide a plan for long-term stabilization: ------- -----. - - - ---~ Redevelopment Agency Minutes November 16, 2004 - Mr. Jonasson proceeded to explain some of the additional costs under Item No. 4 for golf course construction. He indicated the delays caused by Verizon were expected to be about $50,000 but resulted in additional costs of $281,000 for Weitz Golf. He referenced additional costs of $131 ,000 for storm damage, and noted delays in CVWD and . liD plan approvals has affected almost every contract for the site. He stated there were some omissions in the budget, such as the utility wiring costs of $110,000 charged by Verizon. He pointed out approximately $2.6 million of the contingency went toward higher bids, and that the immense growth in the Valley has resulted in fewer . bids being received and those bids have come in 30-40% higher than the estimates. . Board Member Osborne suggested maybe the City should look at who is preparing the estimates because a number of :bids for City projects have been off substantially. He continued to be concerned about not knowing how much the project is off budget. ". Mr. Weiss stated that information was not included in the staff report because he didn't realize it would be the focus of discussion. He - stated he can provide a detailed recap if the Agency desires. í Board Member Osborne stated he has not received a monthly update on the costs for the last four to six months. Mr. Weiss noted there are still unknowns in the project, such as the clubhouse kitchen addition, which staff is currently negotiating with the contractor for a change order. He cannot guarantee the $200,000 allocated for the kitchen will be sufficient to complete it but noted the Agency can decide not to do it if it can't. be done" within the allocated amount. He pointed out' this is a work in progress and negotiations .--'. - take place virtually every day, based on changes/additions to the p.roject. He stated if additional funds are needed after the $216,000 has been expended, staff will identify alternative funding. He ..~ confirmed sufficient funds exist to complete the project, including $13 million allocated for Phase 2 improvements but pointed out the amount budgeted two years ago for CVWD requirements in Phase 2 will not be sufficient to cover CVWD's increase in costs. Board Member Sniff stated he understands the concern but supports staff's request for additional funding. He believes the modifications - made to the project will enhance it, and that the prorated cost over a 50-year period is not that bad. He commented on the current market being significantly different than it was two years ago when the Redevelopment Agency Minutes 8 November 16, 2004 budget projections were made. He feels it's imperative to complete the project in first-class style, and on schedule. He also feels any additional costs that may come up with be relatively modest. Board Member Adolph stated it's his understanding that the proposed appropriation can be done without having any future negative effect on Project Area Nos. 1 and 2. Finance Director Falconer reviewed the additional appropriations that have been made as follows: $490,000 from Transportation DIF money to complete traffic signal improvements, $668,000 from Redevelopment Agency money for perimeter . landscaping, and $556,000 from Economic Development Reserves for the maintenance building. He noted this request will increase the additional appropriations to approximately $3.7 million on a $90.5 million budget. . Board Member Adolph stated he understands the need for extras and over-rides but also has some concerns about this. He asked if the contingency fund has been completely depleted. Mr. Weiss stated the Ph~se 1 contingency fund has been expended but there are still some contingency monies for Phase 2. Board Member Adolph stated he referenced his concerns the first time staff requested an additional appropriation, and stated he hopes it doesn't continue to happen. He stated he realizes the City is in good financial shape and wants a first-class project but noted several of the alternatives he suggested, to save money on the project, were not supported by the majority. Therefore, he feels the Agency is partly at fault by allowing the upper scale of some of the amenities. He commented on the need to "pull in the reins" some. He supports the request because he feels it's necessary but also feels it's important to watch the expenditures so as not to spend the premium cost. He agrees the Agency should know what is happening with the budget. 'Healso commented on the need to control runaway costs in Phase 2. Board Member Perkins noted this is a different experience for the City and the biggest project it will do for some time. He feels the questions is "do we want a Ford or a Céjldillac," and he believes the City wants a Cadillac. He is not dissatisfied with what staff is doing, and believes some of the problems are the result of not getting the top contractors in some of the bids and them coming back asking for more money. He is in favor of moving forward with this but encouraged "- . Redevelopment Agency Minutes November 16, 2004 - staff to keep the Agency informed so they will not be caught off ! guard. Chairperson Henderson noted several of the City's projects have been more expensive than the estimated cost because of the desire to have a "Cadillac and not a Ford," and she believes the enhancements in those projects have benefited the community. She realizes the City is bound by regulations in awarding bids but noted it's the Agency that interviews and hires the consultants. She feels the things that have happened are the result of a wild industry, and noted the next item on the agenda is the scope it is because the Agency requested it. Development Coordinator Roy Stephenson pointed out the accelerated schedule has played a large part in the increased costs. He referenced the following issues related to that accelerated schedule: high penalty clauses of $5,000/day; increased cost of materials; higher costs from some contractors because of delays in approvals from other agencies, such as CVWD; and a January opening for the golf course. He stated he believes it would be more expensive to build the golf course a year .from now because of the increase in prices, and doesn't believe there will be too many other opportunities for changes because the project - is nearing completion. Chairperson Henderson stated she supports the requested appropriation, and believes the second golf course will cost substantially less because of the amount of work being accomplished in Phase 1. . , Board Member Osborne stated he agrees with the need to approve the appropriation, and indicated some of his frustration is due to the vertical constructi.on budget being off 90% ,which he. feels was the ,'" ! '; result of a major mistake by someone. He also feels some of the items, such as monument signage, should have. been included as line . . items in the budget. ...,. RESOLUTION NO. RA 2004-017 . . A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF . ' LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING AND UPDATING CERT AIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION . 33445(a), RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SilverRock - RESORT PROJECT. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 10 November. 1 6, 2004 It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. RA 2004-01 7 as submitted. Board Member Adolph referenced Mr. Stephenson's comments about the project being close to completion, and noted Avenue 52 and the perimeter work are still not done. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to appropriate $2,297,018 from Economic Development Reserves toward SilverRock Resort Capital Projects. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERA TION OF MONUMENT SIGNAGE FOR SilverRock RESORT. Assistant Executive Director Weiss presented the staff report, and Steve Garcia, of GMA International, reviewed the proposed signage. Board Member Osborne noted the Agency has blown the budget with this item because it prefers being more IICadillac-ish." As for the Avenue 52 sign, he prefers brushed aluminum letters on dark stone, the length as proposed, and flood lighting from the front. Board Member Sniff questioned needing the two pilasters, and suggested they be eliminated along with the three trailing stone pieces next to the main sign. He suggested the sign be increased to 30 feet long to be proportionate and visible at some distance, and stated he cannot support anything that doesn't include IILa Ouinta." He feels IISilverRock" should be large enough to be visible from at least 500 feet with Jlat La Ouinta" underneath in smaller letters. Board ~J1ember Perkins agreed with increasing the length and eliminating the three trailing stone pieces. In regard to the sign at the roundabout, Board Member Sniff suggested it read, IISilverRock at La Ouinta" and that the three trailing stone pieces on each side be eliminated. He suggested the length be increased from 34 to 40 feet but without the three trailing cOlllponents. He believes eliminating those will reduce the cost. Chairperson Henderson stated she believes increasing the length will increase the footing and the cost. ~---_..~ -, ---- ~ Redevelopment Agency Minutes November 16, 2004. . - Board Member Sniff stated he wasn't suggesting the footings be i enlarged but rather that the sign be curvilinear on that corner. Board Member Adolph questioned there being any savings if the length is increased. Mr. Garcia indicated there would be some reduction in the cost. Board Member Sniff asked that some consideration be given to using either black letters on a relatively light stone or light-colored letters on a relatively dark stone. Board Member Adolph questioned the purpose in increasing the length of the sign on Avenue 52 because the landscaping will keep it from being seen until you get closer to the entrance. Board Member Sniff stated he feels the landscaping can be kept low and still be attractive. He feels the sign is absolutely essential to advertise the project. -- Board Member Adolph stated he feels the landscaping has to have some element of height to look good, and that building a bigger and longer sign is not going to do the job. As .for the sign at the roundabout, he doesn't feel it's necessary to make it longer, and noted people should be watching the road and not the sign as they go through the roundabout. Board Member Perkins stated he believes making the sign bigger will ' . make it more visible without requiring drivers to look directly at it. l. . . . Board Member Adolph agreed with eliminating the three trailing parts on each side, and the pilaster behind the sign. ,He supports staying with a SilverRock theme by using brushed aluminum letters on a dark '. t.~ stone. Chairperson Henderson agreed with removing the two pilasters on Avenue 52 and the center pilaster at the roundabout. She referenced previous discussions about the possibility of changing Avenue 52 to SilverRock, which would let people know they are on their way to . SilverRock Resort. She asked if increasing the· length of the sign - would increase the size of the letters, to which Mr. Garcia responded, "No. " She questioned the purpose in lengthening the sign if it's just going to add a greater mass of concrete. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 12 November 1 6, 2004 Board Member Sniff noted it would help with the second line, "the Resort at La Guinta," which would be somewhat more elongated. Board Member Perkins stated he doesn't believe the Avenue 52 entrance sign needs to be longer. Mr. Garcia stated a larger sign would be okay if "SilverRock Resort" is all large letters. He noted one of the options is "SilverRock Resort" with "La Guinta" at the end, and that could accommodate a little longer sign. He added the other two options don't need a longer sign. Board Member Perkins stated he prefers "at La Guinta" being under "SilverRock. " Chairperson Henderson noted the "S" and the "R" could be a little bit larger letters. She likes the option with the black stripe down the middle but questions the need to increase the length, especially when looking at a potential budget of $150,000 and the footing cost is significant. She feels this may be the time to choose a '/Ford," because a "Cadillac" may not be needed with such a spectacular entrance. Mr. Garcia noted deleting the pilasters at the Avenue 52 entrance and the spire with the logo at the roundabout would provide enough funds to use the back-lit channel letters with the stainless steel. Chairperson Henderson noted that would increase the cost back up to $240,000 and the idea is to get it down to $150,000. She asked what significant difference there is between the two types of lighting, to which Mr. Garcia replied it's the craftsmanship of the letters. Board Member Sniff suggested using IISilverRock Resort" in large letters and I'La Quinta" in slightly smaller letters. He stated he is beginning to like the top option because it carries the message, looks " gøod, and can be easily seen at 475 feet. , , Board Member Adolph reminded him the landscaping will have to be taken into consideration. Chairperson Henderson stated she is not concerned about the word "Resort" because the place is going to be called "SilverRock." ~~--_._......__._..._.- -..-- -.--- Redevelopment Agency Minutes ;""!):f¡~t~,~~ ¡,' ';,¡ November 16, 2004 - Mr. Garcia noted keeping it at two words and increasing the letter size a bit would allow it to be read further down the road as you approach the sign. Putting more money into the larger letters to read "SilverRock" would provide a different impression than using smaller letters to read "SilverRock Resort." Board Member Osborne asked if larger letters' could be used if the length of the sign is increased to 30 feet. Mr. Garcia noted from 500 feet away, people will only have about eight seconds to appreciate the recognition of the sign. He feels keeping it simple makes a stronger impact. Chairperson Henderson noted the bubble at the top of the sign will allow for enlarging the "S" and the "R. II She asked if there is consensus to remove the pilasters at the Avenue 52 entrance, to , . which the Agency agreed. Board Members Perkins, Sniff, and Osborne stated they support, ,':: ,~ ; \ increasing the length to 30 feet. :- Chairperson Hende[son and Board Member Adolph stated they fee 1-· 24 % feet is sufficient. . Board Member Sniff stated he likes "SilverRock Resort - La Quinta." Board Member Osborne agreed with including "Resort" in the name. Chairperson Henderson noted the other option includes "Resort at La Quinta" under SilverRock. , . -.: ~", Board Member perkins stated he would go along with that but doesn't like the large ~ISilverRock Resort" and the tiny "La Quinta." He suggested just putting "La Quinta" underneath. ; Chairperson Hertderson noted putting "La Quinta" under "SilverRock Resort" eliminates the ability to make the "S" and the "R" larger, and ends up with a block of cement that will block the view of the waterfalls. Board Member Perkins stated he would go along with the top option at - 24 % feet and "at La Quinta" underneath. Chairperson Henderson and Board Member Adolph agreed. Redevelopment Agency Minutes 14 November 1 6, 2004 Board Member Sniff stated he would support putting lIat La Ouinta" underneath but feels going less than 30 feet is a huge mistake. He stated he likes the top one, IISilverRock Resort - La Ouinta," and is not going to change his mind. In response to Board Member Osborne, Mr. Garcia stated 28 feet may be the right proportional length. Board Member Osborne suggested compromising at 28 feet. The Agency concurred. Chairperson Henderson suggested putting IILa Ouinta" in the script used for the City instead of block letters. . - Mr. Garcia stated they could probably put IISilverRock Resort" on the ." top line and I'La Ouinta" underneath the bar but would have to lower the entire veneered wall to accommodate the additional lettering. Board Member Sniff suggested the possibility of making a slight change in the contour of the top. Board Member Osborne stated he would support putting IILa Ouinta" in the City script at the end. MOTION - It was moved by Board Member Perkins to select the top option at 28 feet long with IILa Ouinta" underneath in smaller letters. Motion failed for lack of a second. rJlOT'ON - It vvas moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to approve a 28-foot sign (at the Avenue 52 entrance) with IISilverRock Resort" across the top in equal size letters with I'La Ouinta" in script at the extreme right side and eliminating the three trailing stones. Board Member Perkins voiced concern about the sign being costly, and Mr. Garcia stated the cost should be less. M.otion carried with Board Member Perkins voting NO. . In response to Chairperson Henderson, Mr. Garcia confirmed the roundabout sign is 34 feet long. -~ ~- --- -'---"- ------.- ---.--.-- -- ..-...-.--------- -- . Redevelopment Agency Minutes f,; 15 November 16, 2004 .. ,I - Board Member Perkins suggested moving the sign back and extending ¡ it to 40 feet. I , i Chairperson Henderson noted that would just add more concrete. She doesn't see any need to lengthen the sign if. the appropriate size letters will fit in a 34-foot sign. Board Member Perkins stated he feels the letters would be larger with a 40-foot sign. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Garcia confirmed the letters in the option are proportionate to the 34-foot length. Board Member Adolph noted extending the length will just give more blank space and more stone underneath. He suggested the possibility of putting the logo at each end. Chairperson Henderson stated she doesn't feel the logo is needed at the corner. Board Member Adolph agreed but asked what else is going to be used r-- to fill up the space on the lengthened sign. I I Board Member Sniff suggested eliminating the pilaster, increasing the sign length to 40 feet, and putting "SilverRock Resort" in bold and appropriate size letters. He wished to include "La Quinta" in script to be comparable with the other sign. Chairperson Henderson noted if "La Quinta" is not underneath it will throw "SilverRock Resort" off center. Board Member Osborne agreed with putting "La Quinta" underneath. Board Member Adolph noted extending it on the same line will balance it out so the proportions are right on both sides. Chairperson Henderson stated she feels the lettering should be in the center at the roundabout. Board Member Perkins suggested leaving "La Quinta" off of the roundabout sign because everyone will know they are in La Quinta. r-- Board Member Sniff agreed with leaving "La Quinta" off and just using "SilverRock Resort." Redevelopment Agency Minutes 16 November 1 6, 2004 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to approve a 40-foot sign (at the roundabout corner) with the words, IISilverRock Resort" and eliminating the pilaster. Board Member Adolph voiced opposition to increasing the length of the sign to have more blank space. Chairperson Henderson agreed, and stated she would not support the motion. Board Member Sniff stated he believes it will be very attractive and provide a kaleidoscopic view as people drive by. Motion carried with Board Member Adolph and Chairperson Henderson voting NO. STUDY SESSION - None CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Board Members Adolph/Osborne to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~--d~ JUNE S. GREEK, Secretary City of La Quinta, California ~-- -----._- ---- ._-- ~~.- ---- -