2004 11 29 RDA Minutes LA QUINTAREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 29, 2004 A special meeting of the laQuinta Redevelopment Agency was 'called to order by Chairperson Henderson. PRESENT: Board Members: Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Chairperson Henderson ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION - None· CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None CONSENT CALENDAR - None BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE OF SPRUNG STRUCTURES.FROM : THE CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE FOR'SilverRock RESORT. . Assistant Executive ·Director Mark Weiss presented. the':'s~.aff >.report requesting the agency authorize the purchase of the two Sprung structures for cart storage in the amount of $111 ,860 and to· ex~cute an estimated '$70,000 sole source contract to erect the structures. . Agency Member Perkins requested an explanation . of· what .a Sprung structure is. Hedeve!opment Agency Special fJleeting Minutes 2 November 29, 2004 Randy Duncan, representing landmark Golf stated they are a tent-like structure of aluminum framing and fabric and the name Sprung represents the family name of the manufacturer. Agency Member Sniff asked how many golf carts these structures will accommodate. Mr. Duncan responded they will hold 45 golf carts each for a total of 90 carts. He also advised Agency Member Sniff that they have two doors on either side. Agency Member Sniff questioned ¡f wind factors were taken into consideration during the decision on where to place them. Mr. Johnny Pott of landmark Golf said the structures will withstand winds up to . -1.50 ·miles per hour. He stated the structure location was dic'tated by the placement of the staging area. He also stated the door size is approximately 16 feet and the doors slide up and down. Board Member Sniff expressed concern about the strength of the structures. Board Member Osborne asked about the cost of the $70,000 construction contract being funded from a surplus in the grow-in budget. He stated he is concerned that there will be enough money in the grown-in budget at the time of the course opening. Project Coordinator Roy Stevenson stated sufficient funds are available, since the December costs have already been set aside and a surplus balance of, $176,000 exists. He advised possibly three weeks in January would need to be funded from the balance. rJlr. Pott of L.andmark Golf stated there is some IIslack" in the grow-in . bur!get but stated they are concerned about IIgiving up that money" sine.a they are responsible for any budget shortfalls. Agency Member Perkins asked if the structure proposed is the same as the one used by a nearby casino. Mr. Pott replied he believes it is the same and that landmark Golf is presently using one at landmark Golf Course in Indio. Agency Member Sniff asked if these structures will be heated and air conditioned? Mr. Pott said they will be ventilated properly to meet code requirements. Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting Minutes November 29, 2004 Board Member Adolph questioned the statement contained in the staff ' report that Landmark was unable to· consummate a mutually acceptable lease agreement. Mr. Pott replied, lIit was decided to go in a different direction but we· had all of the arrangements made." He also stated that in either case, the City would own the structures if Landmark leased them or if the City purchases 'them. In response to Board Member Adolph he said the asphalt pad will be in place December 1 5th and the buildings will take 11 days to install. Mr. Pott advised the Council that landmark would like 'to delay the openirig "a little bit", because of the weather. Board Member Adolph asked if any restroom facilitieswill,be jnstaHed, for use by the maintenance crew, in the cart storage areas. Mr. Pott replied there .will be no facilities available to the workers; they will be, required to use the facilities at the Clubhouse. He responded¡ the only full-time mechanic will be located at the maintenance facility located off Ave. 52. He answered, in the event any major break-downs occur with the carts; Landmark will be utilizing the services of Electric Car to perform mechanical work on-site. Board Member Adolph asked staff about the information he received with regard to the golf carts that will be leased from E-Z Go. He asked if the lease is for the 36 months. Mr. Pott replied it is for 36 months. He questioned the total price of the lease. of ·.thecarts. .He stated he has found a discrepancy in the figures of about $52,000. Mr. Pott and Mr. Duncan felt it might be the result of. tax and/or' Interest. Assistant Executive Director Weiss advised the Agency that the golf cart lease agreements have not been reviewed by the' City Attorney. He also explained that the purchase of the Sprung Structures is on the agenda as a purchase because they were unable to get a lease or loan agreement approved by both party's attorneys and as of last week the City did not have an approved agreement. This placed. staff in the position of having to make a decision to purchase the structures, in order to have adequate time for installation, prior to the opening. Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting Minutes 4 November 29, 2004 . '.. Executive Director Tom Genovese stated the information Mayor Adolph referred to was provided by the operator and was submitted directly to the members of the Agency. He responded to a question from Mayor Adolph, that the members of the Agency are free to request information of the golf course operator at any time. Chairperson Henderson reminded the Agency Members that the golf cart lease is not on the agenda and the matter should not be discussed until it is on an agenda. Agency Member Perkins questioned if the building can be erected or disnlantled in sections. Mr. Pott stated it is in pieces. .'..... ' Agency Member Sniff questioned if it would be a better value to lease the structures and if there is tax on a lease. Mr. Pott responded that there is tax on a lease. He also explained most operators must lease . equiprnent in the beginning stages of a new golf course because the cost would be too great otherwise. : .' ~ . ~ , MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to ratify the Executive Director's decision to issue a purchase order in the amount of $111 ,860 to purchase two Sprung structures (cart storage) through the State of California's Multiple Award Schedule program, and authorize the Executive Director to execute an estimated $70,000 sole source contract with the lonestar Company to erect the structures and install cart charging equipment. Motion carried unanimously. SiUDY SESSION - None CHft.J~¡~-\>ND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS - None .._.._~-~- 1\ ,I. ": . "~ ... . ,,~~ ~: i ~ . PUBLIC HEARINGS - None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Board Members Sniff/Osborne to adjourn at 2:59 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~G~~ City of la Quinta, California _._._._-----_.~.~. ----- ---,----...-.- . "