2004 11 10 IAB Minutes
November 10, 2004
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairman Lewis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Board Members Lewis, Olander, Moulin, Mahfoud' and
OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia,
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on October 13, 2004 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to approve the
Minutes of October 13, 2004. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for October 2004
In response to Chairman Lewis, Mr.Falconer informed the Board that in
the month of October in addition to the bond debt payment, an additional
$ 3 million was paid out for SilverRock Resort and the Vista Dunes Mobile
Home Park. Mr. Falconer also informed the Board that the scheduled
date for the opening of SilverRock is the first part of January 2005.
Board Member Deniel asked the Board if the construction of SilverRock
Resort was on budget. Mr. Falconer replied that there have been some
Investment Advisory Board November 10, 2004
overruns in some of the construction and there have been additional
requested funds from reserves with Council approval.
Board Member Moulin commented to the Board on the rising interest
rates on U.S. Treasury Bills reflected on page 5 of the Treasurer's
Report. He also commented on the purchase of the $2 million and $10
million in the month of September and the impact of the yield from the
three month extension. Board Member Moulin also commented on the
six month bench mark on page 10 and whether or not the City is higher
or lower than the LAIF yield. Mr. Moulin advised Staff that the LAIF
amount for the month of September should read 1.771 %, which Staff
It was clarified by the Board that on page 11 of the Treasurer's Report,
the annualized earnings and LAIF rate was not an error in reporting.
Board Member Mahfoud advised Staff on page 3 of the Treasurer's
report, listed under the column II All Funds Over (under), Securities
amounts should also reflect a minus dollar amount, which Staff
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to
approve, receive and file the Treasury Report for October 2004.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Month End Cash Report - October 2004
Mr. Falconer commented to the Board that LAIF continues to rise with
the yield curve.
Mr. Falconer informed the Board included in this month's report is the
Treasury' Bill auction results for Boards review. Treasury Bills currently
stand at 2%.
Noted and Filed
B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - August 2004
Investment Advisory Board November 10, 2004
Mr. Falconer informed the Board that at the previous months meeting
and at the request of Board Member Olander, page 2 was included in
the Pooled Money Investment Report. The information was obtained at
the LAIF Conference.
Noted and Filed
C. LAIF Conference Materials
Mr. Falconer summarized the October 27, 2004, LAIF Conference
materials for the Board.
Mr. Falconer went over the economic reports given at the conference
which generally reflect interest rate increases, went over the future
State budgets which will continue to be running in a deficit and went
over the expanded use of asset backed commercial paper.
General discussion and comments were made by the Board regarding
some of the LAIF materials.
Noted and Filed
D. Meeting Minutes from September 28, 2004 Joint Meeting
Board Member Deniel stated to the Board that upon listening to the
taped minutes of the September 28, 2004 she didn't believe the
typed minutes reflected the actual discussion that took place and did
not feel there was any direction as to what step needs to be taken
next. Board Member Deniel felt that the Board needs to discuss what
steps should be taken next.
Chairman Lewis asked Staff if Council approved the Investment
Advisory Board's work plan. Mr. Falconer replied to the Board that
the work plan was taken back for Council' s app~oval. The work plan
was approved and now the Board is authorized to work up a request
for proposal and also the changes the ordinance.
Board Member Deniel requested the following be listed in detail:
1. Not recommending hiring a money manager now, just have the
Investment Advisory Board November 10, 2004
infrastructure in place, in case it is needed.
2. Money manager would not manage all of the funds of the city, just
a portion of the funds.
3. During some of the discussion the following seemed to be a
concern: The. City Attorney felt that the Treasurer was ultimately
responsible, and asked how the Treasurer could be completely and
totally responsible. The Board was in disagreement with what the
City Attorney had said.
Board Member Deniel stated that both are right; the intent is that a
City Treasurer does not abdicate his responsibilities completely. As an
example, if the City Manager hired a contractor, he is not responsible
for every thing he does, but he is responsible for exercising due
diligence, the selection of the contractor and the continuation of
overseeing the contractor to ensure that the contractor is pursuing the
ultimate goals of the City. In the same role, the Treasurer would be
directing and overseeing the outside money manager, overlooking
what the investments look like, the terms and so on; to ensure the
money manager is constantly operating within the frame work the City
has established. This does not mean that the Treasurer is responsible
if the market moves the wrong way, etc...
Board Member Deniel stated to the Board that she felt there was a
perceived disagreement between what the City Attorney was saying
and what was understood by the Board. The Treasurer is in deed
responsible, no different when a consultant is hired, just do not
advocate your responsibilities, delegating part of it and retaining the
ultimate responsibility.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that diligence is done with LAI F, by
attending the conference, if Staff returns from the conference not in
agreement on how things are being handled, than the portfolio is
adjusted accordingly. Mr. Falconer commented that in essence LAIF is
a money manager.
Board Member Deniel stated to the Board that if an outside money
manager is hired to manage part of the City's funds, the Treasurer is
still responsible on what the money manager is doing, the composition
of the portfolio and the reporting from the money manager.
Investment Advisory Board November 10, 2004
4. Board Member Deniel believes that there is no longer a risk of what
happened to the City in the past. A money manager has control of
the assets and has limited power of attorney to invest in the way
they see fit. So, in essence a money manger can incur a market
loss; but, not misappropriate the funds, having a third party
custodian eliminates this risk of misappropriation.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that there could be several different
criteria and/or guidelines set in conjunction with the money manager;
such as getting the Treasurer's consent before a trade is made or may
have total discretion, these are items that would have to be worked
out during the development of the Request for Proposal (RFP).
Chairman Lewis stated to the Board that there are a number of issues
that need to be looked at and addressed, for example; will the money
manager follow the same buy and hold description that is currently in
place with City funds or will they be allowed a more active style of
management. There also needs to be recommendations to change the
City Code allowing the hiring of a money manager. Mr. Falconer
advised that this step needs to be in conjunction with the City
Attorney. In response to Board Member Deniel, Mr. Falconer
suggested that the Board begin to work on the RFP and working
through the course of the RFP will give the Boar~ an idea of what
direction they are headed and once the direction is set a draft of the
RFP can be given to the City Attorney. At that time, the Board can
advise her that these are the items being looked at and how does the
Board tailor these to fit within the City Ordinances and State Codes as
she interprets them to be. Chairman Lewis asked if this was a
hypothetical RFP for hiring a money manager. Mr. Falconer replied yes
and that the RFP would be ready if the City decided to move forward
with the hiring of a money manager. The RFP would have to be
tailored to the City Ordinances so they are parallel with each other.
Board Member Deniel asked the Board if the RFP was drafted before
building into the policy of the City. Chairman Lewis clarified to the
Board that the RFP of hiring a money manager will be created
hypothetically, once the criteria is set than it can be compared against
the city code and than any necessary changes to the city code will be
made, once this is complete than the necessary changes to the
Investment Policy will be completed. The goal of creating an RFP is to
figure out what exactly the Board would require of a money manager.
Investment Advisory Board November 10, 2004
Board Member Moulin stated to the Board that he felt the title of RFP
should be avoided at this time, it was agreed upon to be included in
the work plan to enable it to happen. Chairman Lewis advised the
Board again that the RFP would a hypothetical RFP.
Board Member Deniel concurred with Board Member Moulin and felt at
this time the Board should not refer to the RFP as such, at this time
should be referred as a work plan.
Board Member Moulin concurred 'with the comment made earlier by
Board Member Deniel regarding the September 28, 2004 minutes,
they felt the minutes did not reflect the tape and the substance of
what occurred. Chairman Lewis advised the Board that the minutes
received from the September 28th were more of a summary style
versus a narrative style. Board Member Moulin advised the Board that
he was misquoted on page 11, sixth paragraph. Board Member Moulin
felt that the meeting minutes supported Council's position. General
comments continued amongst the Board regarding the meeting
minutes of September 28, 2004.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that if the City Council goes a step
further and issues an RFP, the recommendation from Staff would be
that a subcommittee is formed, members from the I.A.B. could serve
on this subcommittee. Discussion ensued by the Board on some of
the suggested criteria regarding the hiring of a money manager.
Chairman Lewis suggested to the Board that this item be placed on
next month's agenda as a business session item for discussion.
Mr. Falconer advised the Board that Mike Harrsion of Conrad and
Associates will be at the next scheduled meeting. The Financials were
received by Staff and will be presented to Council on November 16th.
Chairman Lewis suggested to the Board that due to the scheduled visit
by the auditor at the next scheduled meeting, the Board would have a
brief business session item to review the work plan and draft a schedule
for the items on the work plan and how the Board will approach them.
Noted and Filed.
Investment Advisory Board November 10, 2004
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to adjourn the
meeting at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Vianka Orrantia