2004 12 08 IAB Minutes
December 8, 2004
Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the
hour of 5:30 P.M. by Vice Chairman Mahfoud, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Mahfoud, Olander, Moulin, Deniel and Lewis (5:40)
John Falconer, Finance Director, Vianka Orrantia, Secretary,
Louise West, Accounting Manager and Mike Harrison of
Conrad & Associates
Mr. Falconer introduced to the Board the new Accounting Manager, Louise West
and Mr. Mike Harrison of Conrad and Associates, LLP.
Board Member Moulin suggested to the Board that the first item up for
discussion would be Item A under Correspondence and Written Material. Board
A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on November 10, 2004 for the Investment
Advisory Board.
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members/Olander to approve the Minutes of
November 10, 2004. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for October 2004
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Moulin to
approve, receive and file the Treasury Report for October 2004.
Motion carried unanimously.
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
B. Timeline for Work Plan
Mr. Falconer informed the Board that the booklet distributed was
information obtained from the GFOA.
In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer informed the
Board that the City Council approved the lAB's work plan.
Chairman Lewis stated that the Board will need to come up with a
timeline for the approved work plan. Chairman Lewis also stated to
the Board that bullet point four could be incorporated with the
investment policy and bullet point one was completed during the
annual meeting with the City Council. Board Member Deniel stated to
the Board that her understanding was that the City Council was not
opposed to the Board building the infrastructure with the
understanding the Board would not go out and hire an Investment
Advisor. The building of the infrastructure would n:-'ean working on
changing the City Ordinance and placing it into the investment policy
as appropriate.
Board Member Moulin commented that his understanding from the
statement made by the City Attorney that if the Board adhered to the
general attorney's opinion that a change to the City Ordinance would
not be needed, the Treasurer would remain responsible. Board
Member Moulin stated that he suggested an ordinance change so the
responsibility does not remain fully on the Treasurer. Chairman Lewis
and Mr. Falconer both stated that their understanding was that the
ordinance did need to be modified.
In response to Board Member Deniel, Mr. Falconer stated that the
Board would need to decide exactly what they wanted the portfolio
manager to do, than draft an RFP and change the investment policy
and the City Ordinance. Chairman Lewis commented to the Board
that the drafting of a hypothetical RFP would be a good starting point,
prior to changing the investment policy and ordinance. Chairman
Lewis suggested to the Board that this item be placed on the next"
month's agenda. Mr. Falconer will request sample RFP's from other
cities and will bring them to the next scheduled meeting.
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
It was suggested by Board Member Deniel that Mr. Falconer provide a
draft RFP for the next scheduled meeting.
It was suggested by Chairman Lewis that the consideration of the
investment policy be moved up to the month of February. The Board
The Board agreed to the timeline of the work plan.
A. City of La Quinta FY 04/05 Audited Financial Statements
Mr. Mike Harrison of Conrad & Associates, LLP introduced himself to the
Board and informed the Board of his position and his reporting of the
City's annual audit, specifically the Investment Advisory function of the
City and the investment portfolio. As a part of the investment policy,
there is a provision within the policy referring to the independent auditors
and the functions of internal controls and investment compliance.
Mr. Harrison informed the Board that the auditors have reviewed the
internal controls over investments and believe they are adequate and can
be relied upon to ensure safeguarding of the City's investments. Mr.
Harrison also informed the Board that the City has a third party custodian
agreement with Bank of New York. All investments have been confirmed
including those held with the third party custodian, there was 100%
confirmation of approximately $187 million worth of investments.
Investment compliance was thoroughly evaluated with the investment
policy within the City and the provisions of the Government Code. The
City investment policy is more restrictive than the Government Code.
The calculations are computed monthly by the City Finance Department
and the computations are tested and evaluated as part of the audit
process and as a result the City is in compliance with the investment
policy. Mr. Harrison also informed the Board that even though there was
a turn over in the Finance Department, the functions of the Accounting
Manager were segregated and adequate. Some of the functions of the
Accounting Manager were performed by Diane Martin.
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
Mr. Harrison advised the Board of the new Governmental Accounting
Standard Board's statement, GASB Statement #40. Upon reviewing the
City's investment policy, the policy already addresses each of the areas
covered by GASB 40. Mr. Harrison advised the Board that the handout
were sample footnotes of some disclosures under GASB 40. Mr.
Harrison also advised the Board that there are different methods that can
be used to disclose the methodology. The best suited method for the
City of La Quinta would be the weighted average maturity method. Mr.
Harrison informed the Board of the principal areas addressed by GASB
40, such as credit risk, interest rate risk, custodial risk and
concentrations of credit risk, these areas are adequately covered
throughout the City's investment policy.
Mr. Harrison advised the Board that the investments carried on the
general ledger , a statement is made that they are carried at market value
under GASB Statement 31. The investments carried under the general
ledger are approximately $287,000 greater than market. Market is
computed and if this was material in relationship to the portfolio, the
market value technically is $287,000 less than the financial statements.
The City's policy states that it is marked to market and carried at market
value. Board Member Moulin stated that he was surprised \his was high
due to short maturities. Mr. Harrison replied to the Board that this
includes everything, including the fiscal agent investments. Mr. Falconer
informed the Board that for the first six months, the City will be below
the six month bench mark and begin to increase at the end of January.
Mr. Harrison advised the Board that there were no investments sold prior
to maturity at a loss and there were no management letter comments
affecting cash and investments. Mr. Harrison commented that the
auditors were satisfied with the internal controls in the cash and
investment areas.
Board Member Deniel asked Mr. Harrison what the Board could do to
enhance or make better to what is currently being done to support the
Treasurer and what is being done for the City by the Board. Mr. Harrison
replied to the Board that this is a City by City decision as to how much
risk they are willing to take and how far out does the City want to be in
the yield curve. Mr. Harrison stated that the City of La Quinta has been
conservative, the City has used the six-month treasury as the bench mark
and the investment yield has been at this amount excluding the fiscal
Investment Advisory Board
. Minutes
December 8, 2004
agent or rate even a little below this amount. Mr. Harrison also stated
that the Government Code allows the Cities to go out five years and
asked does the City want to take more of the portfolio than has been
allowed and allow the Treasurer to take it out further. This is a City by
City decision. Some cities have been too far out in the yield curve and
than this gets into GASB 31, marking to market. If this was done and
the interest rates rose, this might become an material number and the
entry would have to be booked, even though the City's policy is to hold
to maturity. Mr. Harrison advised the Board that this would be a tough
call to make. How much more risk is the City willing to take with the
public's money. Within the fixed income scenario, where does the City
want to be on the yield curve, this is the decision the City will need to
make. Board Member Deniel reiterated what Mr. Harrison stated to the
Board. Mr. Harrison stated to the Board that if the rate is out two to
three years and the yield started to look more attractive, it would be
prudent to give the Treasurer some authority to go out if he can enhance
the yield however, this could change rapidly.
Mr. Harrison reviewed for the Board the handout on the weighted average
maturity footnote examples in the GASB 40 handout and what will go
into the City of La Quinta's CAFR. The disclosures are not extensive
this year but next year will be more extensive and will specifically spell
out some of the items allowed in the City's policy, i.e. interest rate risk,
credit risk and concentration in credit risk. Mr. Harrison referred to pages
two and three for examples. The City currently does not disclose to
much at the present time.
Mr. Falconer asked Mr. Harrison if investments were held by a financial
advisor, would the investments have to be disclosed any differently than
the example given. Mr. Harrison replied that they would not. Mr.
Harrison stated that this would include assets held by fiscal agents as
Board Member Moulin informed Mr. Harrison that under the City's
current Ordinance, the City Council has designated the responsibility of
investments to the Treasurer/Director of Finance. The Board is
considering using an Investment Advisor for the City; in order for this to
be implemented the Ordinance would have to be changed. The Board
was informed of the Attorney General's opinion to allow the City to
engage an Investment Advisor, but the sole responsibility for their work
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
would lie on the Treasurer/Finance Director. Board Member Moulin asked
Mr. Harrison of all the City's audited by his firm with Investment
Managers, what is the Treasurer's role? Does he remain solely
responsible or does the City accept responsibility for hiring the
investment manager? Mr. Harrison replied to the Board of the forty-
seven cities they audit, there are probably only two cities that currently
obtain investment managers, the City of Brea and Santa Monica. Mr.
Harrison stated to the Board that he felt the Treasurer was very cable and
is very knowledgeable of the Government Codes about what is allowable
and needs only guidance from the Board of the mechanisms the Board
would like to see used within the perimeters of the Government Code.
Mr. Harrison also stated that the City of La Quinta's Investment Policy
and the thoroughness of it is the best one he has seen. Board Member
Moulin felt that he needed to clarify his question to Mr. Harrison and
once again asked Mr. Harrison with the City's that do have Investment
Advisors, where does the responsibility lie or is it shared? Mr. Harrison
replied to the Board that the Investment Advisor is given perimeters by
the Treasurer and so the responsibility would be on the Treasurer. Mr.
Harrison advised the Board that the Investment Advisor maintains records
but the official records are maintained with the third party custodian, Le.
the reconciliation with the federal bank and the terms of those securities
being held. Board Member Deniel stated to the Board that there appears
to be a conflict between the City Attorney and the Board as to where the
responsibility lies. Mr. Harrison stated to the Board in his opinion the
responsibility would lie on the Treasurer, but if there were negligence on
the part of the Investment Advisor there is Errors of Omissions insurance.
Board Member Moulin advised Mr. Harrison that the Board met with some
Investment Advisors earlier in the year and one of the Investment
Advisors stated to the Board that the City's policy was dated. Mr.
Harrison informed the Board that he felt the City's policy was very
thorough, the policy has hit on all the areas it should be hitting upon and
the Treasurer knows the perimeters within the Government Code, he has
laid them out to the Board in terms of lengths of time for investments.
The Treasurer understands what needs to be done and feels comfortable
with decisions he has made.
Board Member Moulin asked Mr. Harrison if there were any areas for
improvement. Mr. Harrison replied that with the new Accounting
Manager in place does help.
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
Mr. Harrison clarified for the Board the term collusion page 14 in the
handout. The term collusion means segregation of duties, the City's
policy states between two employees, not employee and vendor.
Board Member Moulin asked Mr. Harrison if there were any questions
that needed to be asked or should have been asked by the Board. Mr.
Harrison replied Ilno."
Mr. Harrison stated to the Board that the decision of hiring an Investment
Advisor is up to each individual City.
Board Member Deniel stated that the City of Palm Desert currently
employees a full-time investment manager within the City. When the
City of La Quinta gets to a size that it will require a full-time investment
manager, it will be best to have someone that has the resources, support
and the infrastructure to manage the portfolio. The Treasurer can
continue managing the portfolio with the current policy framework.
When the financial activities expand to a level when an investment
manager is needed, it is better to outsource the job rather than continue
them in-house. Mr. Harrison advised the Board that the current
accounting staff is currently lean, with the amount of activity and growth
of the City, Le. bond indebtedness, additional funds established within
the city and tax increments. Mr. Falconer advised the Board that a
change was made recently within the Finance Department the City hired
an in-house Informational Technology person, which previously was
contracted out. Mr. Falconer commented to the Board that the biggest
challenge for him is not the time involved in doing investments, they have
become routine. As the City's activities increase the biggest challenge
currently is the cash flow projections and forecasting.
Board Member Moulin stated that even though there has been an increase
in money received by the City, the Treasurer hás had to decrease the
funds available for investing over two but not more than five years due to
City commitments. Board Member Moulin asked if there were any other
commitments that might be of concern. Mr. Harrison replied to the Board
IIno.1I Mr. Falconer informed the Board that the City made sure that
there were available resources to meet this obligation and there were
fund balances reserved for this project. There are fund balances available
for the Embassy Suites Hotel if they decide to draw down on these
funds. Mr. Harrison informed the Board that there is currently $25
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
million in the unreserved general fund balance of this amount
$11,000,000 has been placed in emergency reserve; it's recommended
that this amount should not be placed to far out on the yield curve.
Board Member Olander asked out of the forty-seven cities audited by
Conrad and Associates are there any procedures or recommendations
that might be used here in the City of La Quinta. Mr. Harrison replied he
had no recommendations at this time.
Mr. Harrison commented that the Treasurer has the resources to research
and or inquire as to what other cities are doing. Mr. Falconer informed
the Board that via email he polled other cities as to how many cities used
a portfolio manager.
Board Member Moulin commended Conrad and Associates.
Board Member Mahfoud asked if GASB 40 was a required disclosure.
Mr. Harrison replied Ilyes" and gave several examples of what could be
used. Mr. Harrison stated that the Treasurer is directed to measure this
in the Investment Policy and what is being presented in the Treasurer's
report should be reported in the notes to the financial statements.
In response to Board Member Mahfoud, Mr. Harrison stated that if the
Investment Advisor was given parameters and these parameters were
followed, than the portfolio manager is following the guidelines given.
Noted and Filed
B. Mo"nth End Cash Report - November 2004
Noted and Filed
C. Pooled Money Investment Board Report - September 2004
Noted and Filed
Investment Advisory Board
December 8, 2004
VIII Adjournment
MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Deniel to adjourn the
meeting at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Vianka Orrantia