2004 12 14 PC Minutes MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA December 14, 2004 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Quill to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Rick Daniels, Kay Ladner, Ken Krieger, Paul Quill and Chairman Tom Kirk. C. Staff present: City Manager/Interim Community Development Director Thomas Genovese, City Attorney Kathy Jenson, Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, Principal planner Fred Baker, Associate Planners Wallace Nesbit and Martin Magaña, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of the regular meeting of November 23, 2004. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to approve the minutes as submitted. B. Department Report: V. PUBLIC HEARINGS~ A. Continued - Environmental Assessment 2004-526, General Plan Amendment 2004-103, Zone Change 2004-122; Specific Plan 2004- 074, and Tentative Tract Map 32879; a request of Trans West Housing· for consideration of a subdivision of ± 199 acres into 303 single-family residential lots located at the southeast corner of Avenue 54 and Madison Street. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 1 . Chairman Kirk exèused himself due to a potential conflict of interest and left the dais. 2. Vice Chairman Quill opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff noted changes to the Conditions of Approval being requested by the Public Works Department. 3. Vice Chairman Quill asked if there were any questions of staff. Commission Daniels asked staff to explain the timing of the road improvements along Avenue 54. Staff explained the phasing of the road improvements. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the intent is that the street improvements for Avenue 54 will be installed the later of May 31, 2006 or the 100th building permit. They must start the improvements within 30 days after that and finish them. They will be continuous and uniform along the entire front of this map and the existing Griffin property. The only difference is that the sidewalk in front of the Griffin property will not meander; it will be curb adjacent and eight feet wide. 4. Vice Chairman Quill asked if there was a trail along this section. Staff stated the public trail is on the other side of the street. 5. Commissioner Daniels asked if the trees would be removed from the parcel that is being developed now, or when the street is improved. Staff stated with the improvement of the street. The earliest the Avenue 54 improvements could occur is May 31, 2006. On Madison Street those trees will also have to come down. 6. Vice Chairman Quill asked if Avenue 54 in front of the Griffin estate would be developed at the same time as the rest of the development except the parkway and sidewalk. Staff stated it will all be done at the same time along Avenue 54. On Madison Street it will be done earlier. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit noted the applicant would be responsible for removing all the trees. 7. Commissioner Krieger asked about the two access points on Avenue 54 as to how this would be used in conjunction with the Avenue 54 improvements. How will this function with an existing G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 two lane road. His concern is the amount of traffic on a two-lane road. Staff stated they would generally be placed in their ultimate design location and the roadway and entry would be extended oUt to their current improvements. 8. Commissioner Krieger asked about the I·etter from Gayle Cady. Staff explained her request regarding the trail and stated it is a· pedestrian hiking trail and staff recommends removing it, it is not equestrian. Commissioner Krieger asked about the second letter from Mr. Gamlin and the undergrounding of the utilities. Staff stated they are conditioned to underground the utilities. 9. Commissioner Daniels asked about the grade differential between this property and the property to the south. Also, is the right of way vacated and how is it disposed of in regard to the trail. Staff stated it was vacated as part of the deve10pmentof the Norman Course. 10. Commissioner Daniels asked if this would make it consistent with the Hideaway. Staff stated yes, and ·continued to explain the amendment. 11 . Commissioner Daniels clarified this was separated from the Griffin property. Avenue 54 will be improved, but how will the street improvements for the Griffin property be improved. Staff explained there was an agreement based on the timing in the agreement. The Griffin estate would dedicate the land and the applicant would maintain the trees. 12. Commissioner Daniels asked about Street "C", lID", the western end of street IIC", street fiG", there are four streets coming together; is there any concern where they all come together. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the circulation was evaluated, but the roundabouts will cause the traffic to slow and the residents will be aware of the street system. 13. Vice Chairman Quill asked about the timing of the Avenue 54 construction, the street will require full bonding from the first phase. Staff stated yes; the City requires two separate agreements for both on and off-site improvements. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 1 2-14-04.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 14. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Larry Cohen, The Griffin Group, representing the owner, gave a presentation on the project on behalf of Mr. Merv Griffin. He introduced Barry McComic, Trans West Housing and McComic Consolidated, Inc., developer of the project, who presented the development of the project. Mr. Marvin Roos, MSA Consulting, engineer for the project, continued to describe the project. He asked about the conditions regarding a dedicated right turn lane on Madison Street, the deceleration lane at the project entries, and the wedge curbs. The deceleration lanes are not an issue because there are less than 50 movements per hour, which is the City standard, or in the case of Madison Street, at build out it is projected to be 3100 cars per day. This is a low profile project and the right turn in movement on Madison Street are projected to be only 1 2 per hour. On the dedicated right turn lane Madison Street onto Avenue 54 at build out they are projecting 43 movements per hour which is less than the standard threshold. At build out of the General Plan the numbers will be high enough for the dual left lanes, therefore they do not object. They would like the wedge curbs be eliminated on streets for the one acre lots. Maybe it could be addressed by making them subject to the City Engineer's approval. 1 5. Vice Chairman Quill asked if this was intended to be a custom lot subdivision. Mr. McComic stated yes, a combination of custom and production subdivision. Primarily production. They are .only designating 20 lots as custom. Trans West will be the contractor on all the houses in the project. Vice Chairman Quill asked if they would be filing three final subdivision maps. Mr. McComic stated one final map with three phases. Vice Chairman Quill asked if they would prefer their internal local streets to be smaller than 36 feet. Mr. McComic stated they would prefer the smaller streets, as a general rule. Vice chairman Quill asked if they would prefer all the private local streets to have the mow strip. Mr. McComic stated yes, it would add to the feel of the p~oject. Vice Chairman Quill asked if the half-acre lots will be allowed to have a horse in the backyard. Mr. McComic stated there will be no horses boarded on any of the lots. The adjoining tract will be developed for the boarding of the horses. Vice Chairman Quill asked if they were requesting to not construct the right turn pocket on the north bound lane onto Avenue 54. Mr. Roos stated that was correct. Vice Chairman Quill then asked if they were requesting to not build G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12~ 14-04.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 a second left turn pocket. Mr. Roos stated they have agreed to the second left turn at .build out. They do not agree that the right turn lane is solving enough problems to remove all the landscaing. Vice Chàirman Quill asked if signalization was being required on the main intersections. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated yes, when it meets warrants. They want the turn lanes now even if the signal is not warranted. In regard to the lanes, it has been Council's direction on new projects for Arterial streets to install the right turn lanes. It is a function to get the cars out of the flow of traffic. The right turn lane needs to be at least 100 feet and the curb is only being set back seven feet. 16. Commissioner Ladner asked if a roll curb was acceptable. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the concern is the advance of the storm water out to the retention basin. If you do not keep it in the street in fixed improvements you have potential for erosion. Staff may consider an alternative if they can come up with a satisfactory drainage method. Staff went on to discuss the problems that had occurred in the past. 1 7. Commissioner Daniels asked about the trail surface treatment being used. Mr. Roos stated decomposed granite. 1 8. Vice Chairman Quill asked if anyone else would like to speak on this project. There being none, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 1 9. Commissioner Ladner commended the applicant on the project. She agrees with the staff's concerns on the curbs. 20. Commissioner Daniels stated he had concerns about the internal circulation, but believes the roundabouts will satisfy those concerns. Once the trees are cleaned out, it will greatly improve the area. He would like the improvements to be tied together and he believes staff has addressed the timing. 21 . Vice Chairman Quill would like to offer thé. opportunity to allow the developer to reduce the street width to 28 feet. He would like ensure the right turn pockets on Madison Street remain. If the internal streets are reduced by eight feet it will allow the applicant enough room for the· right turn pockets both atthe entrance to the project and at A venue 54. He has a concern with the timing of G:\ WPQOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 5 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 the improvements on A venue 54. There should be an outside date and it should not be tied to building . permits. He asked if· the improvements to Avenue 54 could be constructed without the sidewalk to the full street width, back of the curb, without the removal of the tamarisk trees in front of the Griffin estate. Mr. Roos stated Rod Grinberg would be more knowledgeable to answer. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer noted the trees are right at 30 feet of the centerline and the curb at 32 feet. Vice Chairman Quill stated he would like to propose an outside date along with the 100th building permit. The market changes, things happen, and he would not like to see the street unbuilt for ten years. Currently, the earliest date for the construction of Avenue 54 is April 1 st, 2006. 22. Vice Chairman Quill reopened the public hearing. Rod Grinberg, Trans West Housing, stated the timing is based on the improvements occurring at the end of the season when Mr. Griffin would not be here. He wanted the trees to remain for his privacy. They were using the date and building permit was to ensure the construction would not occur before the end of the 2006 season. Vice Chairman Quill asked if they would be agreeable to adding a sentence to 5·6.A.2.e. adding, I/until issuance of the 100 building permit, but not prior to April 1, 2006, and not later than October 2006 for the construction of the Avenue 54 streetimprovements." Mr. Grinberg suggested the permit number could be dropped to 50 building permits. Commissioners determined they would be satisfied with the 50 building permits. 23. Vice Chairman Quill closed the public hearing and opened it to Commission discussion. 24. Vice Chairman Quill recommended the applicant be allowed to reduce the street width to 28 feet for private internal local streets. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the General Plan allows it with the parking being restricted. Vice Chairman Quill asked that the mow strip curbing on the street with the one acre lots be granted. 25. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Krieger to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-097, recommending to the City Council certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2004-526, as recommended. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 1 2-14-04.doc 6 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, and Vice. Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 26. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Krieger to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-098, recommending to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 2004- 1 03, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, and Vice Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 27. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Krieger to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-099, recommending to the City Council approval of Zone Change 2004-122, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, and Vice Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 28. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Krieger to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-100, recommending to the. City Council approval of Specific Plan 2004-074 as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, Vice Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 29. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Krieger to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-101, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 32879, as amended: a. Condition #27 amended: ¡'Off-site improvements should be completed on a first priority basis. Particularly, Madison Street improvements shall be completed prior to the issuance of the 25th building permit of the applicant for the project. Avenue 54 off-site street improvements shall be G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 7 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 completed by the issuance of the 50th building permit or May 31 , 2006, whichever occurs later. The applicant shall have all off-site improvements completed and accepted by the City of La Quinta prior to 20°Æ> occupancy of the Tentative Tract Map. b. Condition #56.A·.2.3.: deleted. c. Condition #56.A.2.e. amended: The applicant shall remove all existing trees adjacent to the Avenue 54 boundary of the Tentative Tract Map. The tree root system shall be removed to three feet below finish grade and as approved by the City Engineer. Tree removal between the west and east sections of the Tentative Tract Map shall be completed, but is not required until issuance of the 50th building permit, but not prior to May 31 , 2006. d. Condition #56.A.3. amended: The applicant shall install the traffic signal at the intersection of Madison. Street and Avenue 54 when warrants are met. Applicant is responsible for design and installation of the traffic signal. However, the applicant is eligible for reimbursement from the City's Development Impact Fee fund in accordance with policies established for that program. Applicant shall bond for the traffic signal OIF reimbursement amount adjusted for design and installation prior tò issuance of an on-site grading perm.it; the security shall remain in full force and effect until the signal is actually installed by the applicant. e. Private internal local streets shall be allowed to be reduced to 28 feet with parking restricted. f. Developer shall be allowed to provide the mow strip curbing on the streets with the one acre lots. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, and Vice Chairman Quill. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. Chairman· Kirk rejoined the Commission. City Manager Thomas Genovese introduced the new Community Development Director Doug Evans who thanked the Commission for the opportunity to serve the City. B. Tentative Tract Map 32751; a request of Grove Partners LQ, LLC for consideration of a subdivision of approximately 9.25 acres into 29 single- family and miscellaneous lots located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Pomelo. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Martin Magaña presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff indicated a letter had been received from the HOA and their issues were being addressed. 2. Chairman Kirk asked about the cul-de-sac length for emergency access. Staff explained. Chairman Kirk asked legal counsel if the Commission must accept the Fire Department standards or are they able to make findings given other circumstances. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated she would not recommend overriding health and safety concerns. She would need to review the Municipal Code section to see if it could be done, but it could be creating a liability for the City. Chairman Kirk questioned even if the condition created a blight. ~iscussion continued. 3. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Jerry Green; MDS Consulting, representing the applicant, gave a description of the project. The one condition they have issue with is # 1 7 and they would like to request its deletion or amend it to read when all the other open space lots are turned over to the HOA. Staff agreed with the change as long as it was prior to releasing bonds. 4. Commissioner Quill stated there is ample width between the date palm trees for the emergency access out to the entrance and asked why this area could not be considered for the emergency access. Mr. Green stated it belongs to the HOA and they have· adamantly denied their request to install it at this location. He noted they will need a temporary access onto Jefferson Street during construction. 5. Commissioner Ladner suggested putting block under sod and it would not appear to be there. 6. Ms. Cindy Zamorez, KSL Developments, stated the HOA is adamant to keep the aesthetics of their entryway unchanged. It is currently owned by KSL and they have an agreement with the HOA to maintained it, and they would not agree to the change. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 1 2-14-04.doc 9 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 7. Commissioner Ladner stated it could be done itis just a problem of selling it to the HOA. 8. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. There being none, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open. for Commission discussion. Discussion followed regarding the look of the secondary access proposed. 9. Chairman Kirk suggested the access on Pomelo could be done and if it becomes impossible, it could be brought back. He would prefer there be no secondary access along Jefferson Street due to the potential blight problems. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated it is the City's decision as to whether or not to allow the secondary access. It is a Council decision where the access will go. The City has already predetermined the access points along Jefferson Street. The Commission can recommend they continue to enforce this decision. Discussion followed regarding the tunnel. 10. It was moved by Commissioners Daniels to adopt Planning Commissioner Resolution 2004-102 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 32751, as amended: a. Condition 8.A.1 . third paragraph deleted b. Condition #17: timing on dedication c. Add a condition: Remove the emergency access along Jefferson Street as being an unnecessary intrusion of the traffic flow along Jefferson Street. If an emergency access be required, it shall be developed at Pomello at the end of the cul-de-sac. 11 . City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated she has an issue with the deletion of the third paragraph as to why they would want to delete a requirement that takes care of damage outside the tunnel. 12. Chairman Kirk stated this was a staff recommendation. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated short of taking the tunnel out, staff thought a reasonable alternative would be to fill it with slurry to the top. The applicant is adamantly opposed to having the continuing burden imposed on this project. It is a City Council decision as to whether it is deleted. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12~ 14-04.doc 10 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 13. City Manager Thomas Genovese stated the concern of staff is that if the tunnel is removed, we have less concern. If it is a different type of repair, we do not want to place any obligation on the City if the tunnel is filled and not removed. 14. Commissioner Quill stated he does not believe there is any burden on the part of the property owners, HOA, Citrus Course, KSL, or anyone to operate, own, or maintain the tunnel. So if it failed it would be the City's responsibility. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated it is an encroachment on a City street. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the City does have an Agreement. City Attorney Kathy Jenson apologized as she had not seen the Agreement, but she would not want see a condition changed that would .modify an obligation that exists. Commissioner Quill stated to require them to remove the tunnel would be a waste of their funds and problems would result. City Manager Tom Genovese stated we are not adding any burden as it already exists. 1 5. Chairman Kirk asked if the Agreement was changing from who currently has it to Grove PartnarsJ LLC. The public hearing was reopened. 16. Mr. Green, stated he has no know.ledge of the Agreement. The applicant is opposed to assuming the liability. They are willing to work with staff to abandon the tunnel to ensure it will not fail, but the burden of filling it is impossible. 1 7. Commissioner Ladner asked if the Agreement was not transferred when the property was purchased. 18. Commissioner Quill stated that any agreement between the·. City and the landowners of both sides of the street at that time, would have had to have been assignable to all successors and assigns and would be the burden of the HOA and all the property owners within the Citrus and Mountain View as they are today. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated that wasa fair assumption, but she would recommended the condition remain which would give staff time to review and make a recommendation to the City Council. 19. Chairman Kirk closed the public hearing. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 11 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 20. Commissioner Daniels amended his motion to not include the deletion of the third paragraph of Condition 8.A. 1, subject to further investigation by the applicant and City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ladner. 21 . Commissioner Quill asked that the City Council be made aware of their comments and desire for the existing Agreement be found. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. C. Site Development Permit 2004-817: a request of Washington 111 L.T.D. for consideration of development plans for construction of three commercial retail buildings consisting of 5,270, 5,038, and 9,865 square feet bounded by Highway 111 , Avenue 47, Washington. Street and Adams Street (within Washington Park Commercial Center). Staff noted a change in the conditions to combine Conditions #62 and 64. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Daniels verified the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee conditions are incorporated in the conditions. Staff stated yes. 3. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Bill Sanchez, Washington 111, developer of the project, gave a description of the project. 4. Chairman Kirk stated there appears to be a drive-through on Pad 4. Mr. Sanchez stated it is an open area similar to the other buildings with a trellis. There will be no drive-through. 5. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Kirk asked if anyone else would like to address the Commission on this matter. There being none, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission di~cussion. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-103, approving Site Development Permit 2004-81 7, as recommended by staff and amended. a. Conditions #62 & #64: shall be combined. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Krieger, Ladner, Quill and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None D. Site Development Permit 2004-818 a request of La Quinta Partners North for consideration of architectural plans for two new prototype plans consisting of 3,060 square feet and 3,070 square feet for construction within Tentative Tract map 31816 for the property located at the southwest corner of Westward Ho Drive and Roadrunner Lane. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Krieger asked if there were homes adjacent to this project. Staff stated yes. 3. Chairman Kirk asked why the parkway sidewalk was on Roudel Lane. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit stated there was discussion on sidewalk width when the original tract was approved. Roudel Lane is currently a dead end street.· Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the sidewalk was not stepped back from the curb because it is a rolled curb. He is going to be looking for vertical curb on this tract. 4. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Jim Thompson, applicant, stated he is agreeable with the conditions. The original tract showed a vertical curb on Roudel Lane and wedge curb on Roadrunner. There is a ten foot landscape strip on Roadrunner and five foot sidewalk. 5. Chairman Kirk asked if anyone else would like to address the Commission on this matter. There being no further public participation, the public participation portion of the hearing was G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 1 2-14-04.doc 13 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 closed and open for Commission discussion. 6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-104, approving Site Development Permit 2004-818, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels; Ladner, Krieger, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. E. Environmental Assessment 2004-524 and Specific Plan 97~029, Amendment #3; a request of the City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for consideration of a certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact and an Amendment to the existing Centre at La Quinta Specific Plan to add approximately 12.33 acres of land for a Mixed Regional Commercial development located at the southwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Highway 111. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Martin Magana introduced RSG Consultant George Britton who presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commission Quill asked if this land would be sold to commercial developers. City Attorney Kathy Jenson stated the property was acquired with Redevelopment Agency funds for a portion and City General funds for the remainder to have a portion of the site dedicated to commercial. All of the property would be disposed of to commercial developers as well as a residential developer. The majority of the site will be used for affordable housing. 3. Commissioner Daniels confirmed the Environmental Assessment was for the entire site. Staff stated yes. 4. Chairman Kirk asked if anyone else would· like to speak on this project. There being none, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 5. Chairman Kirk stated his concern is the design of the Centre and he would like to see a better architectural design for whatever is G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 14 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 proposed. He realizes the need to keep continuity, but it should be improved. City Attorney Kathy . Jenson stated the Site Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit as well as the map stage will come before the Commission and they will have the opportunity to review the design at that time. 6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-105, recommending to the City Council certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2004-524, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, Quill,and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None~ ABST A·IN: None. 7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners LadnerfQuill to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-106, recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan Amendment 97-029, Amendment #3, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Daniels, Ladner, Krieger, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Continued - Site Development Permit 2004-816; a request of K. Hovnanian Homes/Forecast Homes for consideration of landscape plans for Tract 20092 located at the northwest corner of Avenue 58 and Madison Street. 1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Kirk, asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. The applicant's landscape architect, Tom Segura, gave a presentation on the project and explained how they would alter the design to meet the City's requirements. G:\ WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 15 Planning Commission Minutes December 14, 2004 3. Commissioner Quill asked if the plant list agreed with CVWD's list. The applicant stated yes. 4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adopt Minute Motion 2004-01 7, approving Site Development Permit 2004-81 6, as recommended. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Quill gave a report on the City Council meeting of December 7, 2004. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business¡ it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on December 28, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:32 p.m., on December 14, 2004. Respectfully submitted, J. *~ Secretary CI y of . a Quinta, California G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 12-14-04.doc 16