CACMIN 07 11 1994
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JULY 11, 1994
The first meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic
Center Council Chambers. Pledge of Allegiance was led by staff member Clint Bohlen who presided over the
Commissioner Henry Adams
Commissioner Honey Atkins
Commissioner Steve Berliner
Commissioner Susan Francis
Commissioner Kathryn Hull
Commissioner Michelle Klein
Commissioner Toni Lawrence
Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary II
A. Introduction of Commissioners & Staff
Mr. Bohlen asked that each Commissioner and staff member present introduce themselves and include
any business or affiliation that they may be associated with.
Commissioner Kathryn Hull - Has been on the Art in Public Places Committee for one year, and is a
Consultant for the Arts.
Commissioner Steve Berliner - Has his own music business, and is a piano player and orchestra
leader, as well as a licensed "inactive" realtor.
Commissioner Michelle Klein - Is Chairperson for School Site Council Committee at Adams-Truman
'School, does Calligraphy, and has two school aged children.
Commissioner Toni Lawrence - College of the Deserts Public Information Officer.
Commissioner Henry Adams - Retired in 1981 from the automobile business, and prior to that was an
actor, producer, and director in the film industry.
Commissioner Susan Francis - Festival Director for the La Quinta Arts Festival, resident of the Cove.
Commissioner Honey Atkins - Member of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, Second Vice President of the
La Quinta Arts League, desert founder of Round Table West, Vice President of La Quinta Friends of the
Library, Secretary of the Coachella Valley Friends of the Library, and is a resident in the Cove.
Crlstal Spidell, Secretary II - Worked with the City approximately 5 years. Originally from the Planning
& Development Department, and a resident in the Cove.
Clint Bohlen, Parks It Recreation Director - Has been with the City for about 3 years.
A. Review of Cultural Affairs Commission Materials
Staff reviewed the Cultural Affairs Commission (CAC) information which was previously distributed in a
notebook to each Commissioner. The materials included Brown Act Information, Resolution 91-112
pertaining to meeting procedures, Cultural Affairs Commission Ordinance, Community Services Work
Plan, Ordinances from other cities, and a draft copy of the Art in Public Places Master Plan.
The Community Services Commission Handbook was inadvertently left out of the notebook, and staff
indicated that a copy would be mailed to each of the Commissioners.
Commissioner Francis asked if the Commission desired to make a change in meeting procedures could
the Commission do so. Mr. Bohlen stated that the information they have is a suggested format and could
be altered if agreed on after presentation to the City Council.
Commissioner Hull informed the Commission that the draft Art in Public Places Master Plan is farther
along, and is expected to be completed in September, 1994.
Mr. Bohlen suggested the Cultural Affairs Commission may want to put together a Master Plan, because
the Art in Public Places Master Plan focuses on public art, whereas the CAC may want to focus on
performing arts and literature.
B. Distribute Commissioner Profiles for Review
Mr. Bohlen distributed Commissioner Profiles and a Roster with phone numbers and addresses to each
Commissioner. The profiles will provide a history and background of each Commissioner.
C. Discuss Agenda Format & Process
Mr. Bohlen discussed the Agenda format and indicated that if the Commission desired to make changes
in the layout of the Agenda they could do so.
The procedure for adding an item to the Agenda is for the Commissioner to contact the Chairperson
regarding the request. The Chairperson would then contact the Parks and Recreation Director at least
7 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting to place the item under the "Commission Business"
section of the Agenda. This would then allow the Commission to take action on the item.
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Commissioner Berliner cíSked what the restrictions were in makmQ contact with other Commissioners so
as not to violate the Brown Act. Mr. Bohlen informed the Commission that one Commissioner could talk
to another, two Commissioners could talk to one Commissioner, however two Commissioners cannot talk
to two other Commissioners regarding an issue because it is a violation of the Brown Act. . Another
violation would be if 3 or more Commissioners are in a room at the same time talking about an issue.
Mr. Bohlen suggested that the Commissioners be cautious at all time$ so as not to violate the Brown Act.
Mr. Bohlen noted that the Commission will be meeting with the City Attorney on July 26, 1994 at 6:00
P.M. to review the Brown Act and suggested that everyone plan to attend.
Commissioner Lawrence asked what past public attendance was like. Staff informed her that the public
rarely attended Community Services Commission meetings, unless formally invited in the form of a Public
Commissioner Hull asked about liaisons between Committees, particularly her own role as a member of
the Art In Public Places Committee. Commissioner Francis noted that Nancy Nard made reports to the
Community Services Commission as a member of the Arts in Public Places Committee, and the
Commission concurred that it was a good idea and would like to include a report as a regular part of the
Agenda under Commission Business. Commissioner Francis suggested Commissioner Atkins report on
Friends of the La Quinta Library or Round Table West which she is involved in. Commissioner Hull
suggested that Commissioner Francis report on the Arts Foundation as well.
Staff suggested and the Commissioners agreed to add "Commission Reports & Informational Items" to
the Agenda to allow reports from various Committees and Boards which the Commissioners are members
Commissioner Hull asked if it was standard policy to set one time for public comments at the beginning
of a meeting. In the past Commissioner Hull wished to speak on an item after it has been presented,
either at a City Council or Commission meeting and has not had the opportunity to. Staff suggested this
could be added to the Agenda format if the Commission so desired, however if an item is on the Agenda
the Chairperson can allow comments prior to discussion of the item by the Commission.
A. Establish Regular Meeting Time and Day
Staff informed the Commission that the Council Chambers or Study Session Room was available the
fourth Monday of each month for regular meetings, and they could determine the start time.
Commissioner Hull suggested that the meetings start at 7:30 P.M. due to prior commitments. After a
brief discussion it was determined that 7 :00 P.M. would be the start time for meetings. Commissioner
Francis/Atkins moved to set the fourth Monday of each month as the regular meeting day at 7:00 P.M.
for the Cultural Affairs Commission. Motion passed with Commissioner Hull voting no.
B. Appointment of Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
Staff suggested the Commission review and take into consideration the profiles that were distributed
earlier when nominating officers.
Commissioner Berliner suggested that those who are not interested in being nominated for Chairperson
or Vice Chairperson to indicate so. Commissioner Hull verified that the terms were annual and
renewable. Commissioner Francis suggested everyone review the profiles and hold nominations at the
next meeting. Commissioner Adams and Commissioner Berliner indicated they are not interested in the
Chairperson or Vice Chairperson role at this time. Commissioner Lawrence asked not to be considered
. as Chairperson, but would be interested in the position of Vice Chairperson.
Mr. Bohlen conducted ex tour of the Study Session Room to detÞ,mine the meeting place of the Cultural
Affairs Commission. The consensus was to meet in the Study Session Room unless a Public Forum or
Public Hearing was scheduled.
Monday, July 25, 1994 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Election of Officers
· Long/Short Range Plan for the Arts in the City
· Economic Impact of Various Cultural Events
· Survey of What is Available/Needed
Commissioner Hull discussed ideas for the Cultural Affairs Commission and they included a long range plan or
Master Plan for the arts in the City, not only what the Commission wants to do but what we would like to see
done whether it is private organizations, the Arts Foundation, community groups, etc.
Commissioner Francis agreed with Commissioner Hull, and added that a study needs to be done to determine
the economic impact on La Quinta in regards to various Cultural Events that have taken place here.
Commissioner Hull suggested a survey of resources of what is available and what is needed based on the plans
that are developed.
Staff will contact cities that may have long/short range plans, master plans, economic impact of cultural events.
Commissioner Francis would like if staff had ideas of where to find economic impact studies done on the valley
regarding cultural events. Commissioner Hull indicated she has experience working with the economic impact
of cultural arts when she was with the Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Francis suggested
that each Commissioner bring information back to the Commission, including population, the demographics, who
attends, what type of advertising is done.
Commissioner Berliner suggested each Commissioner bring in a list of what they envision as the categories of
cultural affairs which may be talked about in the future.
Commissioner Lawrence asked if this would be expanding upon the Purposes & Objectives portion of the
Cultural Affairs Commission Ordinance. Staff indicated the Ordinance was a base and it could be expanded
upon if desired.
Staff will contact cities in the valley as well as other states similar to La Quinta to obtain Cultural Affairs
information on Master Plans, Long Range Plans, Economic Impact Reports, etc. to share with the Commission.
Depending on the response time from those cities contacted this information may not be ready for the July 25,
1994 meeting. Should this occur, staff will include this information in the August meeting packet for Commission
It was moved by Commissioner Hull/Francis to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Cultural
Affairs Commission meeting on Monday, July 25, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:57
P .M..
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Secretary II