CACMIN 11 21 1994 /--- ..-, CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMIS~ION MINUTES November 21, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:11 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Chairperson Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull Vice Chairperson Michelle Klein Commissioner Toni Lawrence MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Martin Langer STAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director Chairperson Francis led the Pledge of Allegiance. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA No changes, deletions, or additions. ) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairperson Klein moved that the minutes from the regular meeting of October 24, 1994 be approved; secÖnded by Commissioner Atkins. Commissioner Hull did not receive a copy of the press list and updated roster distributed at the October 24, 1994 meeting; staff will forward a copy of the press list and roster. Commissioner Berliner moved approval of the special meeting November 7, 1994 minutes; seconded by Vice Chair Klein. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements. v. PUBLIC COMMEN.T None. 1 -, VI. CORRESPONDENCE AhLl WRITTEN MATERIALS None. Staff will be completing the Handbook with a cover which includes title and a City logo. The Commission concurred that it would be a living document. VII. STAFF'REPORTS None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Consideration of Request by Children's Museum for City Assistance Commissioner Berliner requested that staff look at promoting the event through the Chamber/City newsletter, and through the school. Commissioner Hull suggested that staff look into what promotion the Museum would be conducting. Commissioner Hull moved that the City support the program for $200, and a minimal amount for promotion; seconded by Vice Chair Klein. Unanimous. B. Consideration of the Youth Art Works Program of the Art in Public Places Committee Commissioner Atkins moved that the City Council approve the program as proposed; seconded by Commissioner Lawrence. Commissioner Hull discussed the difference between typical public art, and the program which is proposed, ci~ing that the program will be developed and defined as youth are brought into the planning process. Unanimous. C. Consideration of Site Location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation's Center for the Arts and Culture - Final Review Chairperson Francis turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Klein due to the potential of conflict of interest. Vice Chair Klein indicated that the November 7, 1994 review of the project yielded the Commission's support for the project as proposed, with some comment, as reflected in Commissioner Hull's memorandum dated November 17, 1994. Commissioner Hull would be making some minor changes, and submitting the revised changes to staff for distribution to the City Council. Details need to be worked out regarding whether the Center would be an Arts Foundation center, or a community center. Commissioner Berliner moved that the memorandum as submitted by Commissioner Hull with amendments stand as our recommendation to the City Council; seconded by Commissioner Atkins. Unanimous. Commissioner Hull will be forwarding an amended copy of the memo to staff for presentation to the Council. Chairperson Francis stepped back to the table to chair the meeting. D. Presentation of Report on Analysis of Supply and Demand for Work Plan (Berliner, Lawrence, and Atkins) Commissioner Berliner discussed the committee's agreement that both youth and the Hispanic populations were the least represented in the arts in the Coachella Valley. Five to six suggestions were presented in the hand- written memo of November 21, 1994 distributed at tonight's meeting (attached). ,He suggested that the Commission assign priorities to the suggestions. Commissioner Hull indicated that President Clinton was emphasizing the arts as a healthy alternative for youth at risk. Vice' ,Chair Klein suggested that the Commission consider sponsoring a Hispanic poetry reading workshop. 2 ~-- -, Staff indicated that La Quinta uemographics could be distributed to the: Commissioners for their information. Chairperson Francis stated that the Commission should actually do the writing of the Work Plan. Vice Chair Klein indicated that the Commission already had Work Plan assignment sheets previously distributed by staff, and that the Commission should use them in anticipation of next meeting. On the handwritten memo of 11/21/94, the Commission agreed to split up the assignments discussed on page two (2) of the memo as follows: A - DET A Program: Commissioner Berliner B - Pageant: Chairperson Francis, Commissioner Atkins C - Kids Theater: Commissioner Hull D - Summer Stories: Commissioner Lawrence E - Latin/Hispanic Weekend: Commissioner Berliner, Chairperson Francis F - Children's Art Displays: Commissioner Atkins G - Journalism Workshops: Commissioner Lawrence .'"' Commissioner Atkins suggested that the Commission' consider supporting the concept of a performing arts foundation. Chairperson Francis suggested that the Commission review the attached list of art resources in the Valley included in tonight's agenda packet and analysis, and be prepared for the next meeting. E. Consideration of Change of Meeting Time of Cultural Affairs Commission The Commission agreed to keep the meeting day and time as currently scheduled. IX. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Chairperson Francis requested that minutes from meetings be mailed out no later than Friday following a meeting, and that the meeting packets be delivered no later than Tuesday prior to a meeting. Staff will try to comply. Cåmmissioner Atkins requested if staff can assist with clerical work; staff indicated that Commissioners can submit clerical support requests to the Director of Parks and Recreation, and he will in turn route it for processing. Commissioner Atkins requested that clerical work be returned to Commissioners prior to distribution. X. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Art In Public Places - See the materials distributed at the October 24 meeting. First Monday of the month, 3 p.m. Community Concerts of LQ - No report. Encore! - January 15 opening at Virginia Waring's home at Morning Side Country Club; $45 includes concert and refreshments. LQ Arts Foundation - December 16, 4-7 p.m. Open House at the Foundation. LQ Arts League - PGA West December 7, 10 a.m. Coffee. LQ Chamber of Commerce - 10K run was successful. LQ Friends of the Library - No report. LQ Historical Society Museum - December 16, 11 :30 a.m., at PGA West, Reception with theme being "Hollywood Loves Palm Springs", $25 person. La Little Theater - Singing at a Chamber function at the Cliffhouse on December 5 Round Table West - January 16, LQ Hotel. School Site Council Committee - No report. Other - Yuletide Celebration on December 16, 7 p.m., need Commission volunteers to assist. Chairperson Francis and Commissioner Atkins both expressed a willingness to assist. 3 ,---. . I XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room December 19, 1994 Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Commission Work Plan XII. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn the meeting to the Special Meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission on December 19. The regular meeting of December 26 is cancelled. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. CLINT BOHLEN Parks and Recreation Director 4