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CAC 11 07 1994
I CV CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AGENDA, SPEC/AL MEETING La Quinta Civic Center EAST CONFERENCE ROOM 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 November 7, 1994 4:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda 111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. PUBLIC COMMENT The Cultural Affairs Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes 'or less. Vt. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS None. VII. STAFF REPORTS None. CACAGN 1 VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS - A. Consideration of Arts Foundation Proposal to Build a Cultural Center on City -owned Property B. Discussion of Request by Children's Museum for City Assistance IX. COMMISSION COMMENT XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Regular Meeting: November 28, 1994 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • Workplan XII. ADJOURNMENT CACAGN _ 2 r` MEMORANDUM To: Cultural Affairs Commission From: Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation Director Date: November 7, 1994 Subj : Consideration of Arts Foundation Proposal to Build a Cultural Center on City -owned Property BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: As the Commission will recall, a staff report from the October 18, 1994 City Council meeting was distributed to the Cultural Affairs Commission in the Commission's regular October meeting's packet.. The report was entitled "Consideration of Information regarding an Ultimate Site Location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation", and was a presentation by the Arts Foundation for the City Council's consideration. The Council referred the item to the Cultural Affairs Commission for its review and comment. Carolyn Lair, Executive Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, will be presenting background information to the Commission regarding the project, and will be available to answer questions. Mr. Frank Spevacek of RSG, Inc., a consulting firm for the City of La Quinta, and Jerry Herman, Planning Director of the City, will be presenting the issue form the City staff perspective. Staff has attached a copy of the minutes from the October 18 Council meeting, as well as the staff report which the Commission received and hopefully has had time to review from the previous Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission review the attached information and assess the presentations by the Arts Foundation and City staff, and provide the Council with comment regarding this project. Attachments: Copy of Minutes from October 18 Council Meeting Staff Report from October 18 Council meeting (as previously distributed) City Council Minutes S October 18, 1994 Mrs. McRae advised that they are not requesting a total sponsorship, but rather a contribution toward Colleen's training as an athlete representing La Quinta. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, recommended referring the request to the Parks. & Recreation Commission. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the request of Colleen Reynolds be referred to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a meeting at an early date. Council Member Bangerter was very supportive of Colleen and said the City will support her efforts in whatever way they can. Council Member Sniff requested that Colleen and her mother be notified of the meeting so they can be available. Motion carried unanimously. NENUT E ORDER NO. 94-222. 3. Letter from La Quinta Historical Society requesting assistance in obtaining a museum site. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to refer the request of the La Quinta Historical Society to staff for review and recommendation. Council Member Bangerter requested the matter be dealt with in a timely manner. Motion carried unanimously. ME4UTE ORDER NO. 94-223. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING SITE LOCATIONS FOR THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that staff has reviewed- 17 sites and have identified four sites capable of accommodating the Arts Foundation's proposal for a 20,000 square foot building. These sites are as follows: 1) Civic Center site, 2) Avenue 48 site, 3) Chamber of Commerce site, and 4) Avenida Montezuma site. The Civic Center site has been approved for a 6,000 square foot Arts Foundation building on a 32,400 square foot area. Staff has determined that the Avenida Montezuma and Civic Center sites are the only sites large enough to accommodate the proposed building. City Council Minutes 6 October 18, 1994 Ms. Carolyn Lair, 53-583 Avenida La Fonda, Executive Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, advised that they prefer the Avenida Montezuma site for the following reasons: 1) it is the largest site, 2) it would be easier to arrange financing and fundraising for, 3) it supports The Village concept, 4) a long-term lease or gift of property would be a positive public/private partnership that would assist in fundraising, and, 5) potential for public access. Mr. John Walling, 45-190 Club Drive, Indian Wells, advised that the Civic Center site only allows a maximum building space of 8,500 square feet, based on the original site. Ms. Lair advised that another concern with the Civic Center site is the City's time -frame for developing the site and the completion of the campus infrastructure. Mayor Pena asked if the Foundation plans to complete the infrastructure on the Montezuma site. Mr. Walling advised that their problem with trying to complete infrastructure on the Civic Center site would be the inability to raise funds for a facility located on City property. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Walling advised that the initially - proposed, 5,700-square-foot building was based on the square footage available at the Civic Center site. Phase I is planned to include some retail space and a coffee shop to help create income to defer costs of property maintenance. Phase H is expected to be about 20,000 square feet at build -out. Ms. Lair advised that the original proposal was planned to primarily serve the Foundation's needs. The current proposal takes into consideration needs for a cultural center that can house "the arts" and maybe incorporate other existing arts organizations in an attempt to have a symbiontic relationship between the organizations and maybe share space and equipment, etc. Council Member Sniff fully supported the proposal noting it has many positives for the community. He believed the City is not financially able to complete the Civic Center campus at present and it is somewhat restricted in location. He preferred the idea of locating the Arts Foundation in The Village. The proposal has - many benefits that includes, not only accommodating the arts, but will be paid for by benefactors and will encourage development of The Village and other cultural activities. He noted that the Boys and Girls Club is on City property and has attracted a significant number of donations by benefactors. He stressed that it is important that the project be supportive to future commercial development in The Village and not intensely competitive nor intrusive to other businesses in The Village. He wished to see the proposal referred to the City Manager for fiu-ther review. He believed that this will indicate the City's City Council Minutes .7 = = October 18, 1994 support of the Arts, and developindtit of The Village and will not involve any direct expenditure of City or Redevelopment funds. Council Member Perkins believed that the proposal should be referred to the Cultural Affairs Commission. While he has a great deal of respect for the Arts Foundation and the job they are doing, he had major concerns with them being the umbrella for other local non-profit cultural organizations and being the lead agency in the development of the project. He objected to this being a "one organization" complex because there are many cultural organizations in La Quints and the purpose of the Cultural Affairs Commission is to bring these organizations together. He believed all of the cultural organizations should be a part of the basic design and without that, he would not vote to commit City property to the project. In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that he has no conflict of interest because he no longer has any economic interest in the property across the street. Council Member Bangerter supported the proposal stating that La Quinta has become the "hub" of culture in the valley and the proposal will serve to increase that. She was concerned about the site being large enough for expansion. In regards to the Arts Foundation being the umbrella for other cultural organizations, she noted that there are some liability issues involved with non-profit organizations and there are benefits to having an umbrella organization. She felt the City should move forward in the investigation of this project. Council Member Sniff believed that being a lead agency does not imply dominance. He had no problem with referring the proposal to the Cultural Affairs Commission for their recommendations back to Council. Council Member McCartney was fully supportive of the expanded concept. He had no problem with referring it to the Cultural Affairs Commission, but cautioned. staff to expedite the project and not allow it to be "bogged down" in unnecessary red tape, but rather making it the number -one priority of the Commission. He suggested that the Cultural Affairs Commission also review various structure types that could facilitate this development, such as a Board or Lead Agency. He shared the concerns regarding the limited space for expansion and suggested looking- at the possibility of using the Civic Center library space .or construction of a low -profile, two-story building. Mayor Pena supported the proposal noting the Arts Foundation has done an excellent job in the community bringing recognition to the community and providing service to La Quinta residents. He believed the proposal could provide stimulus for the downtown area and supported referring it to the Cultural Affairs Commission and staff investigating the unresolved issues. City Council Minutes 8 October 18, 1994 Council Member Perkins said he didn't wish to give the impression that he wasn't supportive of the project, but had some concerns. He believed that the size and capability to expand the facility is important. Ms. Lair advised that the Avenida Montezuma is their preferred site because it is the largest site and has multi -story capability. They have no objections to working with the Cultural Affairs Commission or any other arts groups, however, the La Quints Arts Foundation has the capacity to raise funds for the project because they are one of the oldest arts organizations in La Quinta. Council Member Perkins said he did not have any problem with the Arts Foundation being the umbrella agency as long as all cultural affair groups have a part in the project and continued to support processing their proposal through the Cultural Affairs' Commission. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to direct the City Manager and appropriate City staff to begin discussions with the La Quinta Arts Foundation for the Avenida Montezuma site and that this item be referred promptly for review by the Cultural Affairs Commission. Council Member McCartney clarified with Council Member Sniff that the motion was of investigation at the Avenida Montezuma site only. Council Member Perkins stated he could not support the motion being site -specific and believed the Cultural Affairs Commission should review the entire concept, including all sites. Motion carried with Council Members McCartney/Perkins voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94-224. At this time, Council decided to take up Study Session Item No. 1. STUDY SESSION I. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AND SELECTION OF ONE MEMBER. Council proceeded to interview the following applicants: 4 MEMORANDUM To: Cultural Affairs Commission From: Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation. Director Date: October 24, 1994 Subj: Site Location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation Review Request by the City Council - Request by Staff for Special Commission Meeting RECOMMENDATION: That the Cultural Affairs Commission review the attached staff report and coorespondence before the Commission' Special Meeting which is recommended to be scheduled for November 7, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, October 18, the City Council reviewed a site location report from staff regarding a permanent home for the La Quinta Arts Foundation. The report presented a response to a Council request at a June Council meeting regarding a review of City -owned properties which would be appropriate for a locating a new Arts Foundation building. Staff presented several options to the Council on October 18. In its review, the Council referred the issue to the Cultural Affairs Commission for comment. Staff is suggesting the Commission review this issue during a special meeting of the Commission -in Monday, November 7 due to the fact that Jerry Herman, Community Development Director of the City of La Quinta will not be available to present the issue to the Commission during the current meeting, and nor will the City's financing consultant from the RSG company, Mr. Frank Spevacek. Mr. Herman and Mr. Spevacek will be availavle for the November 7 meeting. To: Mayor and Council, City of La Quinta Tom Genovese, City Manager Jerry Herman, Director of Planning From: La Quinta Arts Foundation Carolyn Lair, Executive Director Date: October 17, 1994 RE: Cultural Center Proposal - La Quinta Arts Foundation You have received the report from the Planning Department entitled "Consideration of information regarding an ultimate site location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation". Below, I have briefly outlined the Arts Foundation's reasons we believe the property on Montezuma to be the best and most feasible site option for the Cultural Center site of all City -owned property. • LARGEST SITE - Of all the city -owned properties, the Montezuma site is the largest at 45,100 square feet. This site can best accommodate the proposed 20,000 square foot building. FINANCING AND FUNDRAISING - The Montezuma site would be easier to privately fund raise for. Since the City of La Quinta is not in a position to dedicate funds to the cultural center project, the La Quinta Arts Foundation shall assume full responsibility for the $5 million of fundraising. The Montezuma Village location is more attractive for private fundraising. The Civic Center Site would. be viewed by many donors as a civic government facility. • SUPPORTS THE VILLAGE CONCEPT - Development of the Montezuma site would be a catalyst for further Village development as adopted by Council in the "The Village of La Quinta Specific Plan". 16 a meeting of July 7, 1994, where City Redevelopment and Finance consultants Frank Spevacek and John Yonai met with Jerry Herman and Arts Foundation representatives, the consultants stated their preference for the Montezuma location as compared with other all city -owned lands. Activity in the Village core would be a positive economic stimulator and get things moving. • PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP - Although the City does not have the cash to support construction of a Cultural Center at this time, the City's contribution of the land would be a strong gesture of support and political good will. The gift or long term lease of the site with market value currently at around $400;000 would tremendously assist the fundraising efforts. The time frame for starting would be much earlier for the Montezuma site. i • PUBLIC ACCESS - The potential for public access in the Village location with a pedestrian orientation is greater. The possibility of the Cultural Center as a "mixed use" site with some limited retail (cafe or book store) would not only contribute to the on -going operating costs to the Cultural Center but would also serve to pull the community to the site in an active rather than passive way. A mixed usage facility would not be feasible on the Civic Campus. MEETING UNTE: October 18, 1994 Consider4tion of information regarding an ultimate site location for the La Q�inta .Arts Foundation Ic AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC NEARING: Review the information, direct staff as to which site is the most desirable, and if appropriate work out the issues retarding the site. 1 None at this time. ACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In June, the La Quinta Arts Foundation presented a concept proposal to the City Council for the expansion of their to haveit become a center for the arts (Attachment 1). In that proposal the Foundation requeste utilizing the City's property on Montezuma to construct this building in two phases. After considerjacility tion and discussion. Council requested that the Foundation supply the City with information on the squat footage for the proposal. In addition, staff was instructed to provide a comparison of other available sites where the facility could be located (Attachment 2). Since th meeting, staff has met with representatives of the Foundation: Seventeen City -owned sites were discusse during this meeting, of these, only four sites were determined to be large enough to accommodate the approximately 20,000 square foot building. The following information is presented for your consider `tion relating to the following four sites: the Civic Center site, 48th Avenue site, the existing Chamber of Commerce site, and the requested Avenida Montezuma site. Civic Center' Site As the 6,000 square foot facility was originally proposed, the Civic Center site was appropriate. The proposed uses at that time included the administrative offices, display area, art work area, sales area, and an area Nto conduct art classes. Since then the functions of the facility have expanded to be more comprehensive in nature and include: administrative offices, board room/library, exhibition space, retail area, coffee shop with catering, workshop/classrooms, music rehearsal room, 150 seat theater, historical/art displays, media center, studio space, and storage area. Issues that relate to this site are: 1. L4mited space for the proposed 20,000 square foot building. 2. Commercial uses. 3. outside functions on the site would be cumbersome. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Foot traffic and parking problems. - -- Local merchants may be concerned with commercial activity. The site consisting of 32,400 square feet and an anticipated 20,000 square foot building is restricted for future expansion. Outside financial donations would be limited. Limited access and visibility The proposal could be accommodated if more property is committed to the Foundation. 48th Avenue Site Issues that relate to this site are: 1. This site is removed from the central focus of the community. 2. It does not stimulate Village commercial growth. 3. The site is being considered for other uses. Chamber of Commerce Site Issues that relate to this site: 1. The site contains 20,000 square feet which equals the building area requested by the Foundation which would not provide any on -site parking spaces. The Requested Avenida Montezuma Site Issues that relate to this site: 1. This site contains approximately 45,100 square feet which is large enough for the 20,000 square feet building. 2. The development could stimulate downtown, development. 3. Other uses of the site may be more appropriate. Proposed Facility The requested multi -story building is proposed to have approximately 20,000 square feet. As requested, the following is a list of the proposed space allotment and proposed uses: Phase I ' Square Feet Administration 2,600 Storage 300 Board Room/Library 750 900 Break Room 150 Reception 900 Arts League 300 Packing Room _100_ ccSTFIx.00i 2 Total 20% Circulation. Mechanical, etc. TOTAL Phase Exhibition Space Small Retail Coffee Shop with catering Workshop/Classrooms Studio Space '_ @ 150 each Music Rehearsal Room Total 20% Circulation, Mechanical, etc. TOTAL Extended Space 4, 760 _ 950 5,710 1,200 300 750 1,000 300 300, 3,850 770 4,620 Rehearsal 600 Theater (150 seats) 19800 Restrooms 400 Historical Displays 19000 Art Displays 1,000 Media Center 2,000 .Storage 300 Total 79100 20% Circulation, Mechanical, etc. 1,420 TOTAL 8,520 Phase I and II _ 10,500 TOTAL 209000 (Totals have been rounded off to the nearest whole number.) CCSTFJH.001 3 Unresolved Issues The following issues will need further analysis and investigation by staff in conjunction with the Art Foundation proposal: 1. The sale, _ift, or long term lease of the site. 2. Commercial uses on the site (rents, sharing of profits, etc.). 3. Public improvements (funding, installation, etc.). 4. Maintenance of the building and grounds. 5. On -site parking requirements versus deferred parking. 6. Donations for the building construction/ improvements. 7. If any City and/or Agency financial assistance is requested, the means to fund the assistance must be identified. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Based upon Council direction, staff has analyzed other City property. The conclusion is that the proposed Avenida Montezuma site and the Civic Center site, if more property is committed, are capable of accommodating the anticipated Foundation building. The Avenida Montezuma site could, however, stimulate further downtown development; however, the other issues raised need to be further researched. The options available to the Council are: 1. Direct staff as to which site is the most desirable and if appropriate work out the issues regarding the site; 2. Direct staff to research the matter further; 3. Deny the request of the Foundation. He n ing W Development Director Attachments: 1. Arts Foundation proposal 2. Council minutes of June 21, 1994 ccsTFIH.00i 4 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT Proposalfor a La Quints Center for the Arts & Culture to City of La Quinta From La Quinta Arts Foundation 5 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION DATE: JUNE 21, 1994 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR A LA QUINTA CENTER FOR THE ARTS & CULTURE PROPOSAL The La Quinta Arts Foundation is seeking City Council's input and conceptual approval for the La Quinta Arts Foundation to develop a specific plan for a La Quinta Center for the Arrs and Culture on City owned property in the Village of La Quinta. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The La Quinta Arts Foundation would like to build a Center for the Arts and Culture that would be a home for the La Quinta Arts Foundation and an umbrella for other Iccal non-profit cultural organizations. More than a passive arts facility, we envision this to be a mixed use project that would become an active center for social, limited commercial as well as cultural activity. It is our intention that the facility be designed to become a distinctive destination and community meeting place with the outdoor spaces as significant as the indoor design. Components of the proposed facility may include exhibition gallery, performing arts theatre, outdoor cinema, rehearsal dance studios, children's theatre, recital halls, cafe, boutiques, book store, cultural arts library, film and video editing facilities, music lab, artists "live -in - work" studios, office space, lecture halls, ceramic art studios and outdoor performance plaza. The facility would be designed to promote cultural excellence and diversity to meet the needs of local residents and out of town visitors. We are asking that Council give conceptual approval for the City owned property in the Village at the east end of the Community Park, bordered by Bermudas, Montezuma and Navarro Streets to be considered as the potential site for the facility. The size of the property is suitable and its close proximity. to the park, post office, library, bank, gas station and Chamber of Commerce would build upon the synergistic activity_ of the developing Village area. - The Arts Foundation would act as the lead agency in the development of the project. The mixed use cultural facility would be built in three phases to allow adequate time and planning for a large scale fundraising campaign to privately raise all funds necessary for the construction. June 21, 1994 Pope I of 3 6 BACKGROUND At the time of the City's incorporation in 1982, civic .and Community leaders promwea -he development of a Village in Lo Quinta where artists and the arts would play a major rcie in creating an unique identity for the City and invigorate the local economy. The Lo Quinto .arts Foundation was soon formed to realize the collective cultural aspirations of the young After thirteen years of working in a mutually beneficial partnership with the City, the Arts Foundation has attained national reputation for its fine quality arts events and educational programming. The Foundation has always produced its events and maintained its limited office and teaching facility in the "Village" hoping that some day the potential of the "Village" would be fully realized. In "The Village at La Quinta Specific Plan" adopted by the City Council in 1987, the "arts theme" was included as important characteristic of the Village. The concept of a quaint, pedestrian oriented retail and cultural district made good sense economically and in terms of community deveiopment, however, 'he impetus to fully realize the dream has, to date, not happened. THE NEED The City of La Quinta is experiencing tremendous growth. New developments such as PGA West, The Quarry, Rancho La Quinta as well as population growth in the adjacent areas of Bermuda Dunes, Indio, Indian Wells and Palm Desert have created new demands on our limited public amenities. The demographics of our area are also changing dramatically. Seasonal senior residents no longer represent the largest population group in our region of year round resident ages-35 to 45 year old's do. The majority of this population group have children of various ages. It is necessary 'o reevaluate our programs and public facilities to meet current needs. As the population grows our lack of an adequate cultural facility becomes increasingly evident. The Arts Foundation averages more than twenty inquiries and requests weekly for expanded programs. Our limited facility has been stretched for beyond its capacity to meet community needs. At this time there is an urgent need to expand programming and establish adequate permanent facilities locally. _ Foundation is dedicated to serve the growing needs of our local community and must adopt a strategy to meet these needs immediately. 7 June 21. 1994 Page 2 of 3 BENEFITS TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA proposci are many! The benefits -to the City :of to Quinta of this • la Quintc would be the home of a unique, beautiful and cost effective cultural center .jniike anything -hat exists in Coac^eiio galley or the region. • The ccnstruction of the facility would be completely paid for by the Arts Foundation s membership and private patrons. • The development of the cultural center in the Village location could provide the catalyst for the dream of the Village of La Quinta to be realized. • The cultural cen-er would provide a home not only for the Arts Foundation but house other current and future arts & cultural organizations. Shoring a• facility would serve to enhance communication, maximize efficiency and minimize the cost for ecch orcanizar;on to effevively sere the community. • Bring in additional sales tax revenue to the City. • Increase the value of the land held by adjacent property owners. • Provide a focus for the community and an effective marketing tool for the Chamber of Commerce to market La Quinto. SUMMARY The La Quinta Arts Foundation hopes that the Council will find the project worthy of further considercnon and see the multiple dynamic purpose of o project of this magnitude. Upon CouncA conceptual approval, Lo Quinta Arts Foundation is ready to proceed to developa proforma for the project. Jww 21, 1994 Poet 3 of 3 Q 1 1 O(p ' s ranmy-7e VOiN3n dlb ° • O � O e _�;� :....: ,• �; r.••"'�,.::+•. S;:�fe�..., 4. AN � Z •�'7�.' ,`,r�!.�`•�: 'S'i:•�..'• +. '1:.i /. N Liz I ®I O O O I )400 '— -- O&&dui dN - i Y0/N3A V ••w Vt r♦ ` % \ O O O O O I a • k .. It\ • O o e O O©�00 •, o � J\r o a A ti9 41L YO 79 ~ �.. . • .r • sr r LL W V VO/N3AV 3 •0 �0� i 2 O o► ' V V Q: h '014 Q t opt ♦ I STi •y• �Do 0079 0 04 AL a a �-74. ik , 117 - - •J , + Ti ��rl W ,iv 13 0© O O • v0 a , 3ANO �, I•.,F- d/3MONN35/3 p 0 Z; tit O b S � � y � R • � r : ♦ � • � 1 r � t �i • . `y of , • • � 1 � � I"� L. I ATTACHMENT 2 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL -- _ MINUTES JE 211 1994 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Mayor Pena followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bangerter, McCartney, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Snif f /Bangerter to approve the minutes of May loth. Motion carried with Council Member McCartney abstaining. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Bangerter to approve the minutes of June 7th. Motion carried unanimously. WWoTINCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC COMMENT - None ITTEN CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from County of Riverside re: meeting relative to County Service Area 1S2 on June 28th in Riverside, and requesting representation from the City Council. Council concurred in sending a staff member to the subject meeting as there is a special Council meeting scheduled for that date. b . Proposal from the La Quinta Arts Foundation relative to use of 0 City -owned property. Nancy Marks, out -going President of La Quinta Arts Foundation, expressed appreciation for the cooperation that has been existent between the Foundation and the City. Joan Foster, President -Elect of La Quinta Arts Foundation, 10 advised that for several years they have -looked forward to expanding their facility and have it become a center for the arts. The City -owned property in The Village would be perfect for their facility. They are seeking conceptual agreement by the City Council and some staff support to move forward with this idea. Mayor Pena felt that it would be appropriate to refer the matter to staff and schedule it for a study session. At that time, the Council could have some staff input and analysis. Council Member Sniff believed that time is important and felt that based on this excellent proposal, for the Council to indicate conceptual approval of the idea and to also indicate to the staff to move forward to determine its feasibility. He didn't feel that there was any point in scheduling it for a study session, if a majority of the Council isn't in favor of endorsing the basic concept. Council Member McCartney felt that conceptually, the idea is long over -due. His question is size - what will be needed ten years from now and how it will grow and in what phases. He didn't wish to see us create a center that is shoe -horned into a space that we quickly outgrow in three to five years. He wished to see enough expansion capability built into it. He wasn't sure that the proposed site fits those expansion capabilities, but there may be additional sites that would work as well. He was in favor of as large and magnificant an art center as we can find. Council Member Bangerter expressed support of agendizing the matter for more in-depth discussion and moving forward. Carolyn Lair, Executive Director of La Quinta Arts Foundation, advised that the Foundation has recently changed its mission to cultivate and nurther the arts in the entire Coachella Valley. Therefore, Council Member McCartney's comments about size are important. As they develop the ideas about a cultural facility, they would to be working with the other cities so that support and operation of the facility would be shared by a regional area. They also wish to design a model that is a mixed usage with a commercial aspect, so that it isn't a passive facility where people only Eorhe when specific events are occuring. The other -important idea is that we try to embrace and act as an umbrella for the other art organizations. They are thinking of doing the project in phases so that funding raising does not become an over- whelming burden and that the Foundation be the lead agency in the fund-raising activity. The reason they are attracted to this particular site is because they are dedicated to the notion of The Village and would like to do something that would create a catalyst for the actual development of The Village. 11 Council Member Perkins agreed that we na"ed to make sure that the site is large enough for the future- -needs and has expansion capability. He felt that developing a_phasing plan requires some study on the part of the Foundation and the City. He also wished to know how the other organizations are going to fit in and this is something else that could be discussed in a study session. He believed that there are a number of organizations that could fit into this, acknowledging that we need to have one organization spear- heading the effort. He was in favor of the concept and felt that we should proceed and have it back to the Council for more detailed study as quickly as possible. Council Member Sniff stated that he was very much in favor of this proposal which he felt is a bold move and that we need to move forward with it with a determined effort because the only thing that is going to get The Village moving is a bold stroke and this is a bold stroke. Regarding the size of the property, it is very substantial and will accomodate'a very large building -and has a strategic location. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to give conceptual approval to the proposal of the La Quinta Arts Foundation and direct appropriate City staff to determine its feasility and to schedule a,study session at an early date. Council Member McCartney wished to make sure that we look at not just this site, but'also other City -owned property. He noted that there is a lot of property available on the Civic Center site that would accomodate-a building this size. Therefore, he wished to see both sites considered. Ms. Lair advised that they have already done a investigation into this site and because of traffic and size, they believe that other site is more feasible. Council Member McCartney wished to see a focus on both sites because we don't want to get ourselves backed into a situation where we can't grow and expand and if it's the success we want it to be and it has regional impact then we will need a lot of parking and thought needs to be given to pedestrian traffic. Council Member McCartney asked if the intent of the motion is directed to a study of the proposed sites only and Council Member Sniff advised that it is. Council Member Perkins felt that other sites should also be looked at. Motion failed to carry with Council Members McCartney, Perkins .and Mayor Pena voting NO. John Walling, Arts Foundation Board Member, advised that they need to initially develop a program as to what will go on in 12 the facility and until that is done you really -cannot talk about a site. Once in a study session, these things can be determined. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Perkins/McCartney that the City Council approve a concept of a La Quinta Center for the Arts and Culture and that this matter be referred back to the staff for a review of the recommended site by the Arts Foundation and any other site that may be available or practical. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94- BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-045 FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR "LAGUNA DE LA PAZ" ON EISENHOWER DRIVE WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET. Council Member Perkins abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the request submitted by Laguna de la Paz is for six additional flags. They have previously been approved for four flags. The policy is to grant flags for six -months with the opportunity for a six-month extension. The permit for the previous four flags expires in August and the recommended conditions at this time is that this request also expire in August. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve Special Advertising Device 94-045 subject to the recommended findings and conditions of approval. Council Member McCartney advised that if request is approved, it will bring a total of 71 flags flying in La Quinta during the last three -months. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins abstaining and Council Member McCartney voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94- 2. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-046 FOR 20 FLAGS FOR THE STARLIGHT ESTATES PROJECT - TRACT 23773-1. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that Starlight Dunes has submitted an application for 20 flags. Sixteen of those flags will be along Fred Driving Drive behind the wall and -four flags in front of the sales trailer near the corner of Fred Waring and Galaxy Drive. The permit would be for six months. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff /Bangerter to, approve Special Advertising Device 94-046 permitting 20 flags 13 4 XA MEMORANDUM To: Cultural Affairs Commission From: Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation Director Date: November 7, 1994 Subj : Consideration of Request by Children's Museum for City Assistance BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The City received a request from the Children's Discovery Museum of the Desert on - - September 20. In the correspondence received, the Museum requested that the City consider sponsoring a day at the Museum for La Quinta residents to view at no charge a special exhibit entitled "Discover My World - Artwork by Children". However, the Museum requested that the Cityunderwrite the cost ($200) for the free viewing by La Quinta residents. The City Council requested at its October 18 meeting that the Commission review the request, and present a recommendation to the Council regarding this issue. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission review the attached correspondence, and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the funding request by Children's Museum. Attachments: Copy of Minutes from October 18 Council Meeting Correspondence from Children's Museum dated September 15, 1994 City Council Minutes 4 October 18, 1994 In response to Council Member Bangerter, Mr. Bohnenberger advised that educational programs are being done in the schools through two teachers on staff. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Bohnenberger advised that the valley's water quality has not declined and the only reason the water is chlorinated is because of EPA regulations. Council Member Sniff felt that the mouth of the canyons would be obvious recharge areas. Al 0 1. Letter from Children's Museum requesting participation in "City -Sponsored Days" of a traveling exhibit. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to refer the Children's Museum letter to the Cultural Affairs Commission for their review and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. MEWTE ORDER NO. 94-221. 2. Letter from Laurie Reynolds -McRae requesting financial assistance in training for the olympic's figure skating. Mrs. Laurie McRae, mother of Colleen Reynolds, informed Council that in only seven months, Colleen has accomplished skating skills equal to those who have been skating for four to seven years. She is currently being coached by Mr. Frank Carroll, a five - time olympic's figure -skating coach who believes that Colleen has olympic potential in the junior division within three to four years. Colleen is a straight -A student at Truman Elementary School. Mrs. McRae presented a revised schedule of Colleen's skating lessons and the costs accompanying them. She has contacted the Boys & Girls Club, Rotary Club, and small businesses for the purpose of seeking donations and/or sponsorships. She requested funding assistance from the City stating that she and her husband's combined income will not cover the costs for Colleen's training. Colleen's home club is Palm Desert and when she competes she will be representing this area. There are two ways to sponsor an.amateur figure -skating athlete under the United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA): 1) a money -donation, or; 2) a contract sponsorship through the USFSA, to use her in City events. Council Member Sniff was concerned with using City funds for sponsoring one individual athlete and suggested the request be referred to one of the City's Commissions. September 15,1994 Mr. Robert L. Hunt City Manager City of La Qu i nta 78-495 Calla Tampico La Qu i nta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Hunt: VITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: 2 Where children dlecover a whole new world through -hands-on fun! 09`� S�? 20 PM 1 19 CITY OF LA QUIN'TA CIT';' :.; NAGER'S OFFICE Please join us as we celebrate the wonder and artistic talents of children. The Children's Discovery Museum of the Desert is pleased to announce thatAe Museum's next traveling exhibit, "Discover My Woad —Artwork 5y Children." will come to the Children's Museum in December for 10 weeks. This is an international collection of 30 color and black and white paintings, drawings and combinations there of. The work is the creation of children ages 3 to 15, reflecting a wide range of viewpoints on life as well as cultural influence. The collection has been displayed at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Olympic Games at Lake Placid and has been featured in museum tours across the United States. This is a once in a life time event for the Coachella Valley, introducing children to the variety of culture and experiences throughout the world. We would like to extend to you a personal invitation for your city's participation. We are scheduling special "city sponsored" days for residents to tour the exhibit compliments of their city. Our regular admission to the exhibit will be $2 for children and $1 for adults, Museum members and ' children under 5 are free. A "city sponsored" day is only $200 and enables an unlimited number of residents to tour the exhibit at no charge with proof of residency (drivers license, library card, etc.). Please Join with your sister cities and participate in this wonderful multi -cultural learning adventure! We truly believe that your city day is a great way to introduce your residents to the Children's Museum courtesy of their local officials. We encourage and look forward to your participation. Enclosed is the City Sponsor Day schedule and additional information on "Discover My World." Sincerely, 4r Karen Riley Executive Director P.O.Oc 2275, Rancho Mirage Lane. Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 - Tale. (619) 346-2900 Fax (619) 776-4383 ftow u lol rri pow ON I 'Tara A -ht L* k Alums I rl, of 180f, Jim, CAT MW- E. 0i5crvvar My Wvrid Exhibl"t Jan�u,ary 1995 Children 5 Discovery Museum Sun Man Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 INAO OAll CAVRA.. CITY CA I'l 9 le 11 12 DAYI is .16 17 is 19 20 JbUINTA VAYI 22 .23 24 25 26 27 ABERT NCT DAYI 29 30 31 D*41scovar my Worij ExhlblIt . -. December 1994 Children 5 Discovery Museum E4 4 �w MEMORANDUM To: Cultural Affairs Commission From: Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation Director Date: November 7, 1994 Subj : Consideration of Arts Foundation Proposal to Build a Cultural Center on City -owned Property BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: As the Commission will recall, a staff report from the October 18, 1994 City Council meeting was distributed to the Cultural Affairs Commission in the Commission's regular October meeting's packet. The report was entitled "Consideration of Information regarding an Ultimate Site Location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation", and was a presentation by the Arts Foundation for the City Council's consideration. The Council referred the item to the Cultural Affairs Commission for its review and comment. Carolyn Lair, Executive Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, will be presenting background information to the Commission regarding the project, and will be available to answer questions. Mr. Frank Spevacek of RSG, Inc., a consulting firm for the City of La Quinta, and Jerry Herman, Planning Director of the City, will be presenting the issue form the City staff perspective. Staff has attached a copy of the minutes from the October 18 Council meeting, as well as the staff report which the Commission. received and hopefully has had time to review from the previous Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission review the attached information and assess the presentations by the Arts Foundation and City staff, and provide the Council with comment regarding this project. Attachments: Copy of Minutes from October 18 Council Meeting Staff Report from October 18 Council meeting (as previously distributed) �F City Council Minutes 5 = October 18, 1994 Mrs. McRae advised that they are not requesting a total sponsorship, but rather a contribution toward Colleen's training as an athlete representing La Quinta. Mr. Genovese, City Manager, recommended referring the request to the Parks & Recreation Commission. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter that the request of Colleen Reynolds be referred to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a meeting at an early date. Council Member Bangerter was very supportive of Colleen and said the City will support her efforts in whatever way they can. Council Member Sniff requested that Colleen and her mother be notified of the meeting so they can be available. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94-222. 3. Letter from La Quinta Historical Society requesting assistance in obtaining a museum site. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to refer the request of the La Quinta Historical Society to staff for review and recommendation. Council Member Bangerter requested the matter be dealt with in a timely manner. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94-223. MINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING SITE LOCATIONS FOR THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that_ _staff has reviewed 17 sites and have identified four sites capable of accommodating the Arts Foundation's proposal fora 20,000 square foot building. These sites are as follows: 1) Civic Center site, 2) Avenue 48 site, 3) Chamber of Commerce site, and 4) Avenida Montezuma site. The Civic Center site has been approved for a 6,000 square foot Arts Foundation building on a 32,400 square foot area.. 'Staff has determined that the Avenida Montezuma and Civic Center sites are the only sites large enough to accommodate the proposed building. City Council Minutes 6 October 18, 1994 Ms. Carolyn Lair, 53-583 Avenida La Fonda, Executive Director ofthe La Quinta Arts Foundation, advised that they prefer the Avenida Montezuma site for the following reasons: 1) it is the largest site, 2) it would be easier to arrange financing and fundraising for, 3) it supports The Village concept, 4) a long-term lease or gift of property would be a positive public/private partnership that would assist in fundraising, and, 5) potential for public access. Mr. John Walling, 45-190 Club Drive, Indian Wells, advised that the Civic Center site only allows a maximum building space of 8,500 square feet, based on the original site. Ms. Lair advised that another concern with the Civic Center site is the City's time -frame for developing the site and the completion of the campus infrastructure. Mayor Pena asked if the Foundation plans to complete the infrastructure on the Montezuma site. Mr. Walling advised that their problem with trying to complete infrastructure on the Civic Center site would be the inability to raise funds for a facility located on City property. In response to Council Member McCartney, Mr. Walling advised that the initially - proposed, 5,700-square-foot building was based on the square footage available at the Civic Center site. Phase I is planned to include some retail space, and a coffee shop to help create income to defer costs of property maintenance. Phase U is expected to be about 20,000 square feet at build -out. Ms. Lair advised that the original proposal was planned to primarily serve the Foundation's needs. The current proposal takes into consideration needs for a cultural center that can house "the arts" and maybe incorporate other existing arts organizations in an attempt to have a symbiontic relationship between the organizations and maybe share space and equipment, etc. Council Member Sniff fully supported the proposal noting it has many positives for the community. He believed the City ' is not financially able to complete the Civic Center campus at present and it is somewhat restricted in location. He preferred the idea of locating the Arts Foundation in The Village. The proposal has many benefits that includes, not only accommodating the arts, but will be paid for by benefactors and will encourage development of The Village and other cultural activities. He noted that the Boys and Girls Club is on City property and has attracted a significant number of donations by benefactors. He stressed that it is important that the project be supportive to future commercial development in The Village and not intensely competitive nor intrusive to other businesses in The Village. He wished to see the proposal referred to the City Manager for further review. He believed that this will indicate the City's City Council Minutes 7 October 18, 1994 support of the Arts, and. development of The Village and will not involve any direct expenditure of City or Redevelopment funds. Council Member Perkins believed that the proposal should be referred to the Cultural Affairs Commission. While he has a great deal of respect for the Arts Foundation and the job they are doing, he had major concerns with them being the umbrella for other local non-profit cultural organizations and being the lead agency in the development of the project. He objected to this being a "one organization" complex because there are many cultural organizations in La Quinta and the purpose of the Cultural Affairs Commission is to bring tAese organizations together. He believed all of the cultural organizations should be a part of the basic design and without that, he would not vote to commit City property to the project. In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that he has no conflict of interest because he no longer has any economic interest in the property across the street. Council Member Bangerter supported the proposal stating that La Quinta has become the "hub" of culture in the valley and the proposal will serve to increase that. She was concerned about the site being large enough for expansion. In regards to the Arts Foundation being the umbrella for other cultural organizations, she noted that there are some liability issues involved with non-profit organizations and there are benefits to having an umbrella organization. She felt the City should move forward in the investigation of this project. Council Member Sniff believed that being a lead agency does not imply dominance. He had no problem with referring the proposal to the Cultural Affairs Commission for their recommendations back to Council. Council Member McCartney was fully supportive of the expanded concept. He had no problem with referring it to the Cultural Affairs Commission, but cautioned staff to expedite the project and not allow it to be "bogged down" in unnecessary red tape, but rather making it the number -one priority of the Commission. He suggested that the Cultural Affairs Commission also review various structure types that could facilitate this development, such as a Board or Lead Agency. He shared the concerns regarding. the limited space for expansion and suggested looking at the possibility of using the Civic Center library space or construction of a low profile, two-story building. Mayor Pena supported the proposal noting the Arts Foundation has done an excellent job in the community bringing recognition to the community and providing service to La Quinta residents. He believed the proposal could provide stimulus for the. downtown area and supported referring it to the Cultural Affairs Commission and staff investigating the unresolved issues. City Council Minutes 8 = October 18, 1994 Council Member Perkins said he didn't wish to give the impression that he wasn't supportive of the project, but had some concerns. He believed that the size and capability to expand the facility is important. Ms. Lair advised that the Avenida Montezuma is their preferred site because it is the largest site and has multi -story capability. They have no objections to working with the Cultural Affairs Commission or any other arts groups, however, the La Quinta Arts Foundation has the capacity to raise funds for the project because they are one of the oldest arts organizations in La Quinta. . Council Member Perkins said he did not have any problem with the Arts Foundation being the umbrella agency as long as all cultural affair groups have a part in the project and continued to support processing their proposal through the Cultural Affairs Commission. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to direct the City Manager and appropriate City staff to begin discussions with the La Quinta Arts Foundation for the Avenida Montezuma site and that this item be referred promptly for review by the Cultural Affairs Commission. Council Member McCartney clarified with Council Member Sniff that the motion was of investigation at the Avenida Montezuma site only . Council Member Perkins stated he could not support the motion being site -specific and believed the Cultural Affairs Commission should review the entire concept, including all sites. Motion carried with Council Members McCartney/Perkins voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94-224. At this time, Council decided to take up Study Session Item No. 1. STUDY SESSION 1. INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AND SELECTION OF ONE MEMBER. Council proceeded to interview the following applicants: MEMORANDUM To: Cultural Affairs Commission From: Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation. Director Date: October 24, 1994 Subj: Site Location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation Review Request by the City Council - Request by Staff for Special Commission Meeting RECOMMENDATION: That the Cultural Affairs Commission review the attached staff report and coorespondence before the Commission' Special Meeting which is recommended to be scheduled for November 7, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On Tuesday, October 18, the City Council reviewed a site location report from staff regarding a permanent home for the La Quinta Arts Foundation. The report presented a response to a Council request at a June Council meeting regarding a review of City -owned properties which would be appropriate for a locating a new Arts Foundation building. Staff presented several options to the Council on October 18. In its review, the Council referred the issue to the Cultural Affairs Commission for comment. Staff is suggesting the Commission review this issue during a special meeting of the Commission in Monday, November 7 due to the fact that Jerry Herman, Community Development Director of the City of La Quinta will not be available to present the issue to the Commission during the current meeting, and nor will the City's financing consultant from the RSG company, Mr. Frank Spevacek. Mr. Herman and Mr. Spevacek will be availavle for the November 7 meeting. To: Mayor and Council, City of La Quinta Tom Genovese, City Manager - Jerry Herman, Director of Planning From: La Quinta Arts Foundation Carolyn Lair, Executive Director Date: October 17, 1994 RE: Cultural Center Prol2osal - La Quinta Arts Foundation You have received the report from the Planning Department entitled "Consideration of information regarding an ultimate site location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation". Below, I have briefly outlined the Arts Foundation's reasons we believe the property on Montezuma to be the best and most feasible site option for the Cultural Center site of all City -owned property. • LARGEST SITE - Of all the city -owned properties, the Montezuma site is the largest at 45,100 square feet. This site can best accommodate the proposed 20,000 square foot building. • FINANCING AND FUNDRAISING - The Montezuma site would be easier to privately fund raise for. Since the City of La Quinta is not in a position to dedicate funds to the cultural center project, the La Quinta Arts Foundation shall assume full responsibility for the $5 million of fundraising. The Montezuma Village location is more attractive for private fundraising. The Civic Center Site would be viewed by many donors as a civic government facility. • SUPPORTS THE VILLAGE CONCEPT - Development of the Montezuma site would be a catalyst for further Village development as adopted by Council in the 'The Village of La Quinta Specific Plan". In a meeting of July 7, 1994, where City Redevelopment and Finance consultants Frank Spevacek and John Yonai met with Jerry Herman and Arts Foundation representatives, the consultants stated their preference for the Montezuma location as compared with other .all city -owned lands. Activity in the Village core would be a positive economic stimulator and get things moving. • PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP - Although the City does not have the cash to support construction of a Cultural Center at this time, the City's contribution of the land would be a strong gesture of support and political good will. The gift or long term lease of the site with market value currently at around $400,000 would tremendously assist the fundraising efforts. The time frame for starting would be much earlier for the Montezuma site. PUBLIC ACCESS - The potential for public access in the Village location with a pedestrian orientation is greater. The possibility of the Cultural Center as a "mixed use" site with some limited retail (cafe or book store) would not only contribute to the on -going operating costs to the Cultural Center but would also serve to pull the community to the site in an active rather than passive way. A mixed usage facility would not be feasible on the Civic Campus. CQ 4 AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of information regarding an ultimate site location for the La Quinta Arts Foundation RECOMMENDATION: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Review the information, direct staff as to which site is the most desirable, and if appropriate work out the issues regarding the site. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In June, the La Quinta Arts Foundation presented a concept proposal to the City Council for the expansion of their facility to have it become a center for the arts (Attachment 1). In that proposal the Foundation requested utilizing the City's property on Montezuma to construct this building in two phases. After consideration and discussion, Council requested that the Foundation supply the City with information on the square footage for the proposal. In addition, staff was instructed to provide a comparison of other available sites where the facility could be located (Attachment 2). Since that meeting, staff has met with representatives of the Foundation. Seventeen City -owned sites were discussed during this meeting, of these, only four sites were determined to be large enough to accommodate the approximately 20,000 square foot building. The following information is presented for your consideration relating to the following four sites: the Civic Center site, 48th Avenue site, the existing Chamber of Commerce site, and the requested Avenida Montezuma site. Civic Center Site _ As the 6,000 square foot facility was originally proposed, the Civic Center site was appropriate. The proposed uses at that time included the administrative offices, display area, art work area, sales area, and an area to conduct art classes. Since then the functions of the facility have expanded to be more comprehensive in nature and include: administrative offices, board room/library, exhibition space, retail area, coffee shop with catering, workshop/classrooms, music rehearsal room, 150 seat theater, historical/art displays, media center, studio space, and storage area. Issues that relate to this site are: 1. Limited space for the proposed 20,000 square foot building. 2. Commercial uses. 3. Outside functions on the site would be cumbersome. ccsrFn3.001 4. Foot traffic and parking problems. - 5. Local merchants may be concerned with commercial activity. 6. The site consisting of 32,400 square feet and an anticipated 20,000 square foot building is restricted for future expansion. 7. Outside financial donations would be limited. 8. Limited access and visibility 9. The proposal could be accommodated if more property is committed to the Foundation. 48th Avenue Site Issues that relate to this site are: 1. This site is removed from the central focus of the community. 2. It does not stimulate Village commercial growth. 3. The site is being considered for other uses. Chamber of Commerce Site Issues that relate to this site: 1. The site contains 20,000 square feet which equals the building area requested by the Foundation which would not provide any on -site parking spaces. The Requested Avenida Montezuma Site Issues that relate to this site: 1. This site contains approximately 45,100 square feet which is large enough for the 20,000 square feet building. 2. The development could stimulate downtown development. 3. Other uses of the site may be more appropriate. Proposed Facility The requested multi -story building is proposed to have approximately 20,000 square feet. As requested, the following is a list of the proposed space allotment and proposed uses: Phase I Administration Storage Board Room/Library Break Room Reception Arts League Packing Room 750 150 Sguare Feet 2,600 300 900 2 Total 4,760 __ 20% Circulation, Mechanical, etc. 950 TOTAL - 5,710 Phase Exhibition Space 11,200 Small Retail 300 Coffee Shop with catering 750 Workshop/Classrooms 1,000 Studio Space 2 @ 150 each 300 Music Rehearsal Room 300 . Total 3,850 20% Circulation, Mechanical, etc. 770 TOTAL 4,620 Extended Space Rehearsal 600 Theater (150 seats) 1,800 Restrooms 400 Historical Displays 1,000 Art Displays 1,000 Media Center 2,000 Storage 300 Total 7,100 20% Circulation, Mechanical, etc. 1,420 TOTAL 81520 Phase I and II 10,500 TOTAL 209000 (Totals have been rounded off to the nearest whole number.) CCSTFJH.001 3 Unresolved Issues The following issues will need further analysis and investigation by staff in conjunction with the Art Foundation proposal: 1. The sale, lift, or long term lease of the site. 2. Commercial uses on the site (rents, sharing of profits, etc.). 3. Public improvements (funding, installation, etc.). 4. Maintenance of the building and grounds. 5. On -site parking requirements versus deferred parking. 6. Donations for the building construction/ improvements. 7. If any City and/or Agency financial assistance is requested, the means to fund the assistance must be identified. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Based upon Council direction, staff has analyzed other City property. The conclusion is that the proposed Avenida Montezuma site and the Civic Center site, if more property is committed, are capable of accommodating the anticipated Foundation building. The Avenida Montezuma site could, however, stimulate further downtown development; however, the other issues raised need to be further researched. The options available to the Council are: 1. Direct staff as to which site is the most desirable and if appropriate work out the issues regarding the site; 2. Direct staff to research the matter further; 3. Deny the request of the Foundation. 16Vry He n P anning Development Director Attachments: 1. Arts Foundation proposal 2. Council minutes of June 21, 1994 ccsrFJH.00 1 4 rr ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT Proposalfor a La Quinta Center for the Arts & Culture to City of La Quinta From La Quinta Arts. Foundation s r TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION DATE: JUNE 21, 1994 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR A LA QUINTA CENTER FOR THE ARTS & CULTURE PROPOSAL The La Quinta Arts Foundation is seeking City Council's input and conceptual approval for the La Quinta Arts Foundation to develop a specific plan for a La Quinta Center for the Arts and Culture on City owned property in the Village of La Quinta. PROJECT DESCRIPTION _The La Quinta Arts Foundation would like to build a Center for the Arts and Culture that would be a home for the La Quinta Arts Foundation and an umbrella for other Iccol non-profit cultural organizations. More than a passive arts facility, we envision this to be a mixed use project that would become an active center for social, limited commercial as well as cultural activity. It is our intention that the facility be designed to become a distinctive destination and community meeting place with the outdoor spaces as significant as the indoor design. Components of the proposed facility may include exhibition gallery, performing arts theatre, outdoor cinema, rehearsal dance studios, children's theatre, recital halls, cafe, boutiques, book store, cultural arts library, film and video editing facilities, music lab, artists "live -in - work" studios, office space, lecture halls, ceramic art studios and outdoor performance plaza. The facility would be designed to promote cultural excellence and diversity to meet the needs of local residents and out of town visitors. We are asking that Council give conceptual approval for the City owned property in the Village at the east end of the Community Park, .bordered by Bermudas, Montezuma and Navarro Streets to be considered as the potential site for the facility. The size of the property is suitable and its close proximity. to the park, post office, library, bank, gas station and Chamber of Commerce 'would build upon the synergistic activity of the developing Village area. - The Arts Foundation would act as the lead agency in the development of the project. The mixed use cultural facility would be built in three phases to allow adequate time and planning for a large scale fundraising campaign to privately raise all funds necessary for the construction. June 21, 1994 Page 1 of 3 6 BACKGROUND At the time of the City's incorporation in 1982, civic_ and community leaders promo!ed the development of a Village in La Quinta where artists and the arts would play a major roie in creating an unique identity for the City and invigorate the Focal economy. The La Quinta Arts Foundation was soon formed to realize the collective cultural aspirations of the young city. After thirteen years of working in a mutually beneficial partnership with the City, the Arts Foundation has attained national reputation for its fine quality arts events and educational programming. The Foundation has always produced its events and maintained its limited office and teaching facility in the "Village" hoping that some day the potential of the "Village' would be fully realized. In "The Village at La Quinta Specific Plan" adopted by the City Council in 1987, the "arts theme" was included as important characteristic of the Village. The concept of a quaint, pedestrian oriented retail and cultural district made good sense economically and in terms of community deveiopment, however, the impetus to fully realize the dream has, to date, not happened. THE NEED The City of La Quinta is experiencing tremendous growth. New developments such as PGA West, The Quarry, Rancho La Quinta as well as population growth in the adjacent areas of Bermuda Dunes, Indio, Indian Wells and Palm Desert have created new demands on our limited public amenities. The demographics of our area are also changing dramatically. Seasonal senior residents no longer represent the largest population group in our region of year round resident ages-35 to 45 year old's do. The majority of this population group have children of various ages. It is necessary to reevaluate our programs and public facilities to meet current needs. As the population grows our lack of an adequate cultural facility becomes increasingly evident. The Arts Foundation averages more than twenty inquiries and requests weekly for expanded programs. Our limited facility has been stretched far beyond its capacity to meet community needs. At this time there is an urgent need to expand programming and establish adequate permanent facilities locally. Foundation is dedicated to serve the growing needs of our local community and must adopt a strategy to meet these needs immediately. 7 June 21, 1994 Page 2 of 3 BENEFITS TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA proposai' are many! The benefits to the City_ of to Quinta of this • la Quintc would be the home of a unique, beautiful and cost effective cultural center uniilce anything "not exists in Coac' eila Volley or the region. • The construction of the facility would be completely paid for by the Arts Foundation s membership and private patrons. • The development of the cultural center in the Village location could provide the catalyst for the dream of the Village of La Quinta to be realized. • The cultural cen"er would provide a home not only for the Arts Foundation but house other current and future arts & cultural organizations. Sharing a- facility would serve to enhance communication, maximize efficiency and minimize the cost for eccn oroan;zo-:on to eft'ectively serve the community. • Bring in additional sales tax revenue to the City. • Increase the value of the land held by adjacent property owners. • Provide a focus for the community and an effective marketing tool for the Chamber of Commerce to market La Quinta. SUMMARY The La Quinto Arts Foundation hopes that the Council will find the project worthy of further consideration and see the multiple dynamic purpose of a project of this magnitude. Upon CouncA conceptual approval, La Quinta Arts Foundation is ready to proceed to developa proforma for the project. June 21, 1994 Page 3 of 3 8 O) �O 1 �N Ze s :,• - . •.w •• cc Aim jam(' C4 OO � •t:��•� � 0 Ct I C I I e m �. a ;,.�:; , •�•` �,"•� � � W 079 04Y& AdN - d0/N3Ad .4L •a O O O O O b h m q N V wl oboe o q e %. 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ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC COMMENT - None WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from County of Riverside re: meeting relative to County Service Area 152 on June 28th in Riverside and requesting representation from the City Council. Council concurred in sending a staff member to the subject meeting as there is a special Council meeting scheduled for that date. b . Proposal from the La Quinta Arts Foundation relative to use of City -owned property. Nancy Marks, out -going President of La Quinta Arts Foundation, expressed appreciation for the cooperation that has been existent between the Foundation and the City. Joan Foster, President -Elect of La Quinta Arts Foundation, 10 advised that for several years they have looked -forward to expanding their facility and have it become a'center for the arts. The City -owned property in The Village would be perfect for their facility. They are seeking conceptual agreement by the City,Council and some staff support to move forward with this idea. Mayor Pena felt that it would be appropriate to refer the matter to staff and schedule it for a study session. At that time, the Council could have some staff input and analysis. Council Member Sniff believed that time is important and felt that based on this excellent proposal, for the Council to indicate conceptual approval of the idea and to also indicate to the staff to move forward to determine its feasibility. He didn't feel that there was any point in scheduling it for a study session, if a majority of the Council isn't in favor of endorsing the basic concept. Council Member McCartney felt that conceptually, the idea is long over -due. His question is size - what will be needed ten years from now and how it will grow and in what phases. He didn't wish to see us create a center that is shoe -horned into a space that we quickly outgrow in three to five years. He wished to see enough expansion capability built into it. He wasn't sure that the proposed site fits those expansion capabilities, but there may be additional sites that would work as well. He was in favor of as large and magnificant an art center as we can find. Council Member Bangerter expressed support of agendizing the matter for more in-depth discussion and moving forward. Carolyn Lair, Executive Director of La Quinta Arts Foundation, advised that the Foundation has recently changed its mission to cultivate and nurther the arts in the entire Coachella Valley. Therefore, Council Member McCartney's comments about size are important. As they develop the ideas about a cultural facility, they would to be working with the other cities so that support and operation of the facility would be shared by a regional area. They also wish to design a model that is a mixed usage with a commercial aspect, so that it isn't a passive facility where people only come when specific events are occuring. The other -important idea is that we try to embrace and act as an umbrella for the other art organizations. They are thinking of doing the project in phases so that funding raising does not become an over- whelming burden and that the Foundation be the lead agency in the fund-raising activity. The reason they are attracted to this particular site is because they are dedicated to the notion of The Village and would like to do something that would create a catalyst for the actual development of The Village. 11 Council Member Perkins agreed that we need to make sure that the site is large enough for the future. needs and has expansion capability. He felt that developing a phasing plan requires some study on the part of the Foundation and the City. He also wished to know how the other organizations are going to fit in and this is something else that could be discussed in a study session. He believed that there are a number of organizations that could fit into this, acknowledging that we need to have one organization spear- heading the effort. He was in favor of the concept and felt that we should proceed and have it back to the Council for more detailed study as quickly as possible. Council Member Sniff stated that he was very much in favor of. this proposal which he felt is a bold move and that we need to move forward with it with a determined effort because the only thing that is going to get The Village moving is a bold stroke and this is a bold stroke. Regarding the size of the property, it is very substantial and will accomodate a very large building and has a strategic location. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to give conceptual approval to the proposal of the La Quinta Arts Foundation and direct appropriate City staff to determine its feasility and to schedule a study session at an early date. Council'Member McCartney wished to make sure that we look at not just this site, but also other City -owned property. He noted that there is a lot of property available on the Civic Center site that would accomodate a building this size. Therefore, he wished to see both sites considered. Ms. Lair advised that they have already done a investigation into this site and because of traffic and size, they believe that other site is more feasible. Council Member McCartney wished to see a focus on both sites because we don't want to get ourselves backed into a situation where we can't grow and expand and if it's the success we want it to be and it has regional impact then we will need a lot of parking and thought needs to be given to pedestrian traffic. Council Member McCartney asked if the intent of the motion is directed to a study of the proposed site only and Council Member Sniff advised that it is. Council Member Perkins felt that other sites should also be looked at. Motion failed to carry with Council Members McCartney, Perkins ,and Mayor Pena voting NO. John Walling, Arts Foundation Board -Member, advised that they need to initially develop a program as to what will go on in 12 the facility and until that is about a site. Once in a study determined. done you really cannot talk session, these things can be MOTION It was moved by Council Members Perkins/McCartney that the City Council approve a concept of a La Quinta Center for the Arts and Culture and that this matter be referred back to the staff for a review of the recommended site by the Arts Foundation and any other site that may be available or practical. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94- BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-045 FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR "LAGUNA DE LA PAZ" ON EISENHOWER DRIVE WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET. Council Member Perkins abstained due to a conflict of interest and left the dais. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that the request submitted by Laguna de la Paz is for six additional flags. They have previously been approved for four flags. The policy is to grant flags for six -months with the opportunity for a six-month extension. The permit for the previous four flags expires in August and the recommended conditions at this time is that this request also expire in August. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve Special Advertising Device 94-045 subject to the recommended findings and conditions of approval. Council Member McCartney advised that if request is approved, it will bring a total of 71 flags flying in La Quinta during the last three -months. Motion carried with Council Member Perkins abstaining and Council Member McCartney voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 94- 2. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-046 FOR 20 FLAGS FOR THE STARLIGHT ESTATES PROJECT - TRACT 23773-1. Mr. Herman, Planning Director, advised that Starlight Dunes has submitted an application for 20 flags. Sixteen of those flags will be along Fred Driving Drive behind the wall and four flags in front of the sales trailer near the corner of Fred Waring and Galaxy Drive. The permit would be for six months. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Bangerter to approve Special Advertising Device 94-046 permitting 20 flags 13