CACMIN 10 24 1994 ,-... -- CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES October 24, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Chairperson Susan Francis Vice Chairperson Michelle Klein Commissioner Martin Langer Commissioner Toni Lawrence (arrived at 7:08 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Kathryn Hull. Ms. Hull had called City Hall and indicated that she would be unable to attend tonight's meeting due to a commitment which required she be out of town. Motion by Commissioner Berliner, second by Commissioner Atkins to excuse Commissioner Hull. Unanimous. STAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director Commissioner Langer was welcomed to the Commission by the Chair. Chairperson Susan Francis lead the Pledge of Allegiance. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Chairperson Francis noted that Item 10A should be deleted from the Agenda. Commissioner Langer inquired regarding the purpose of section 10B. The Chair explained the purpose, and suggested that Community Concerts of La Quinta be added. III. APPAOV AL OF MINUTES Chairperson Francis indicated that the following amendment needed to be made to the minutes of September 26, 1994 prior to approval: page 3, paragraph stating show dates for the Arts Foundation event should be changed to November 11-13 for show dates. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins, seconded by Commissioner Berliner to APPROVE the minutes of September 26, 1994,.as amended. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements. 1 ,-.. v. PUBLIC COMMENT Kay Wolff, member of the Art in Public Places Committee, made a presentation regarding the Committee's function, purpose, and activities (see Attachment). VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Updated roster for Commission was distributed by staff. B. A press list was distributed to the Commission for the members' use. VII. STAFF REPORTS , A. Youth Art Works Program of the Art in Public Places Committee will be presented in November. A staff report was distributed as part of the Agenda packet for the Commission to review in anticipation of November's regular Commission meeting.- This item was referred by the Council, and Planning Department staff will make a presentation. Staff will check with Planning to see if there is additional written material for this item. Chairperson Francis turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Klein, due to a potential conflict of interest on Item VII. B. B. A staff report was distributed to the Commission regarding a request by the La Quinta Arts Foundation to construct a Center for Art and Culture on a parcel owned by the City of La Qulnta. This issue has been referred to the Commission by the City Council for the Commission's review. Staff requested that the Commission set a special. meeting for November· 7 to review the proposal. Chairperson Francis returned to the table to take over the meeting. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. The Commission reviewed the draft Cultural Affairs Commission handbook. The following changes were requested to be made: 1. Pages need to be numbered. 2. Page 2, 3rd paragraph starts "We must also recognize the HE reason", should be "...THE reason..".. 3. Page 3, #3, drop the "s" on Arts, and on #5 change "He" to He/She. Also, delete "CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT" as it was duplicated on the following page. 4. Pull Ordinance cover sheet signed by the City Clerk. Motion to approve the Commission Handbook as amended by· Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Atkins, with Commissioner Langer abstaining. B. Report on Analysis of Supply and Demand for the Work Plan (Berliner, Lawrence,. Atkins) was discussed by Commissioner Berliner. The Valley was split to share the research, but Commissioner's Berliner and Lawrence are finishing their research. It was requested that the review of the Supply and Demand section of the Work Plan be postponed until the November regular meeting. Commissioner Atkins distributed research which was completed to date. . Commissioner Langer discussed the history of the arts in the Coachella Valley in general. Chairperson Francis stated that the information being gathered presently will assist the Comlmission in making decisions and recommendations to the Council. 2· ",-..., -. IX. COMMISSION COMMEN I The Chair suggested that the name of item IX. be changed to "Commissioner Comments". Commissioner Atkins inquired if 3:00 p.m. might not be a good time to meet on a regular basis. Chairperson Francis suggested that the change of meeting time be placed on the next regular meeting agenda. X. COMMISSIONER REPORTS. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. Art in Public Places. Already discussed by Kay Wolff. 2. Encore!. Commissioner Hull not present. . 3. LQ Arts Foundation. Art, Wine, and All That Jazz Event is November 11-13. 4. LQ Arts League. Volunteers needed for Arts Foundation event. Arts League Luncheon is November 4, 11 :30 a.m. at the Cliffhouse. 5. LQ Chamber of Commerce is planning 10k run· on November 13 at 8:00a.m. 6. La Friends of the Library. - Book sale"Friday, October 28, 7:00 p.m. at the Library. 7. La Historical Society. Taking applications for Docents. 8. La Little Theater. Planning a December performance. 9. Round Table West. Next event date is November 10, Róbert Young will appear. 10. School Site Council Committee. Music program is being revived at the elementary school. 11. Community Concerts of LQ. Sold out for the first time in 40 years; changed name from Coachella Valley Community Concerts Association to Community Concerts of La Quinta; recognized by Riverside County Office of Education for CCLQ School Outre~ch program. Commissioner Atkins suggested that the Parks and Recreation Department consider doing a walk down the bikepath with small flashlights as part of the Yuletide Celebration. Flashlights might be donated. XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC La Quinta Civic Center East Conference Room November 7, 1994, 4:00 p.m. La Quinta Arts Foundation Proposal La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room November 21, 1994 Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Children's Museum Presentation Art in Public Places Youth Art Works Program Commission Handbook - Written Materials Commission Work Plan Change of Meeting Time from 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. XII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved. by Commissioner Berliner, seconded by Vice Chair Klein to adjourn the meeting to the special, scheduled November 7 meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission. Motion carried unanimously. . Meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m. CLINT BOHLEN Parks and Recreation Director 3