CACMIN 09 26 1994 ~ ,""-"" I CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMM.vSION MINUTES September 26, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Susan Francis lead the Pledge of Allegiance and presided over the meeting. . ROLL CAll: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Toni Lawrence Commissioner Michelle Klein arrived at 7: 1 0 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT: One Vacancy STAFF PRESENT: Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Chairperson Francis moved Item #6A to 80. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairperson Francis pointed out that Commissioners Hall and Klein were not at the last meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence to APPROVE the minutes of August 22, 1994 as amended. . IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements. v. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. VI. ÇORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Parliamentary Procedures Handbook was distributed to Commissione,rs for their review and use. B. Commissioner Atkins distributed a flyer for the La Quinta Historical Society garage sale for Saturday, October 8, 1994. Call Terry Henderson at 564-2925 for more information. C. Commissioner Berliner distributed his memo regarding the Work Plan for the Inaugural Year. 1 ,f""" VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Parks and Recreation Director distributed a suggested philosophy statement for the Commission's review. Commissioner Hull said she would like to see the aesthetic and economic development effects of the arts addressed in the statement. She said we need to sell the 'arts based on their economic impact. B. The Cultural Affairs Work plan forms were distributed by staff for the Commission's use in developing its own Work Plan. c. Staff distributed short and long goal planning forms for the Commission's use. D. The Cultural Plans from several cities were distributed to Commission for their review and use in development of a City of La Quinta cultural plan. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Philosophy Statement of the Cultural Affairs Commission discussion was initiated by Commissioner Hull. . She restated the need to include the economic and aesthetic benefits of the arts. The Commission discussed and amended the draft philosophy statement, and agreed on the following statement: "It is the philosophy of the Cultural Affairs Commission of the City of La Quinta that fostering and encouraging the arts in all its forms serves to enhance the mental, physical, aesthetic, and spiritual health of la Quinta as a community. Recognizing this fact, and the positive economic impact generated by the arts, this Commission will provide leadership to the arts community through facilitating partnerships between agencies, assisting individual artists by advocating for the provision of adequate resources, and providing the City Council with educated, informed advice for addressing public policy issues " as they relate to the arts." Commissioner Hull moved to accept the philosophy statement as amended; seconded by Commissioner Berliner. Unanimously accepted. B. Work Plan Development was introduced by Commissioner Berliner. He distributed a flyer which provided suggestions for developing a work plan. Commissioner Berliner suggested that the Commission take stock of what services and programs. exist currently, identify service gaps, and develop a plan to address needs in a one page format. Following Commission discussion, Chairperson Francis suggested that tasks be assigned to committees who would perform the required work. Chairperson Francis and Commissioners Hull and Klein were assigned to develop the Cultural Affairs handbook based on the Community Services Commission handbook. The Chair indicated that the handbook committee would hopefully have a copy for review at the next meeting. Commissioners Berliner, lawrence, ~nd Atkins agreed to'serve on the work plan committee to address the development of a Work Plan. The Commission discussed the following format in the developing a Plan: analyze current programs services, and activities in la Quinta and the Coachella Valley; assess service and program gaps in La Quinta; establish goals to meet demands and gaps; and then develop action and implementation elements for the Work Plan. 2 -.. --. The work plan committee members agreed to report to the Commission by next month's meeting. Commissioner Berliner suggest.ed that the committee focus primarily on la Quinta,then the neighboring cities, and then other cities in the Valley. Commissioner Hull said she had a listing of 200 Coachella Valley nonprofits, many of which are,arts organizations, for researching supply of existing programs and services. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence to appoint Chairperson Francis, Vice Chairperson Klein, and Commissioner Hull to the Commission Handbook Committee. Unanimous. It was moved by Vice Chair Klein, seconded by Commissioner lawrence to appoint Commissioners Berliner, Lawrence, and Atkins to the Work Plan Com~ittee. Unanimous. C. Confirmation of Officers for September, 1994 to August, 1995. ,It was moved by Commissioner Lawrence and seconded by Commissioner Hull to reappoint Commissioner Francis as Chair, and Commissioner Klein as Vice Chair. D. Diversified Exposure to Theater Arts (Berliner). Commissioner Berliner asked that the Commission consider spearheading this program for La Quinta High School students. The idea is to access free or low cost tickets for High School students to Coachella Valley cultural events. The Commission was enthusiastic about the concept, and will consider it under the Work Plan. Commissioner moved that the issue be tabled, seconded by Commissioner Hull. Unanimous. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT None. X. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Professional Affiliation Reports. Commissioner Hull reported that the Art in Public Places Committee is completing the public art master plan. Also, she mentioned that ENCORE! will be presented at homes throughout the Valley beginning spring, 1995; publicity literature will follow. Chairperson Francis reported that the Arts Foundation fall show will be November 12 and 13. Commissioner Atkins said Arts league will be recruiting volunteers to assist with the Foundation's fall event. Chairperson Francis mentioned the Chamber's mixer is Wednesday at the new High School. Commissioner Atkins mentioned the Friends of the Library book sale will be in conjunction with the next street fair, and the Historical Society is conducting their garage sale (per flyer). . The Historical Society is also planning a golf fundraiser. Vice Chair Klein announced sign ups for the la Quinta little Theater. Commissioner Atkins said the Round Table West will have their first program October 10 with Burgess Meredith and three other authors. 3 ~ .~ XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC October 24 at 7:00 p.m., La Quinta Study Session Room, with reports from committees. La Quinta Civic Center Study ~ession Room 7:00 p.m. XII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Berliner, seconded by Vice Chair Klein to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Cultural Affairs Commission meeting on October 24. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m.. 4