CACMIN 08 22 1994 ~ ~ CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES August 22, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the CultUral Affairs Commission was called to ord.er at 7:00 p.m. in the La -Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Susan Francis lead the Pledge of Allegiance and presided over the meeting. . . ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Michelle Klein Commissioner Toni Lawrence MEM~ERS ABSENT: . STAFF PRESENT: One Vacancy Clint Bohlen, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II II. CONFIRMATION Of AGENDA Agenda was approved without changes. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Berliner and Seconded by Commissioner Lawrence to APPROVE the minutes . of July 25, 1994 as submitted. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. V. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Information was distributed regarding the High School tour, and copies of the Parks and Recreation brochure for Fall 1994 was distributed. VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Commissioner Henry Adams Resignation Commissioner Francis requested that staff commur:ticate the Commission's desire to fill the vacancy as soon as possible, preferably by September 20. 1 --. ,- VIII. COMMISSION BUSINE~.:i A. The Commission discussed the Community Services Commission handbook, and the desire to create a Cultural Affairs Commission. Staff indicated that a handbook was designed to assist new Commissioners in understanding how the Commission functions, its purpose, and the legislative parameters of the Comr:nission. . - ' The Commission discussed the need to develop a philosophy statement for the Commission, and to begin' development of its own handbook. The Commission requested that the staff develop a philosophy statement for the Commissions review at the next meeting. It was suggested that staff also prepare a form for the Commissioners in the same format as the CSC Work Plan, so Commissioner's could fill out the forms and submit them to the Commission for its review. Commissioner Berliner suggested that the Commissioners submit short term and long term goals to Chairperson Francis for her review, for consideration for inclusion in the Work Plan. B. Chairperson Francis discussed her concerns regarding the limited number of meetings the Commission has andthe anticipated work requirements. Commissioner Lawrence suggested that the Commission create committees for special projects and concerns of the Commission, and then the committees could bring the issues back to the whole Commission for review. . Commissioner Berliner asked what is expected of the Commission by the Council. Chairperson Francis replied flexibility, given the broad nature of the Commissions' business (in accord with the ordinance). Staff indicated that there should only be three Commissioners per committee, so as to avoid a violation of the Brown Act. IX. COMMISSION COMMENT There was no Commissioner Comment on any items not on the agenda. x. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Chairperson Francis distributed information from the CALAA Cultural Planning Workshop, and discussed the workshop in brief. Commissioners will be researching information regarding arts agency planning grants from the NEA, and private foundational grants as well. B. News for Review. 1. Arts League of La Quinta will have a meeting in September. 2. Chamber Mixer is August 24 at Bank of the Desert. 3. La Quinta Library is starting a membership drive. 4. Historical, Society is working on purchasing their current museum site. 5. La Quinta Little Childrens Theater produced plays last week. 6. Round Table will be starting their season at the La Quinta Hotel this fall. 7. Eve Evans is at the Hotel, and is a fabulous pianist and vocalist. 8. A Multiagency Library at COD is ready to break ground. 9. Fantasy Springs Casino will be holding a big musical event over Labor Day weekend. 2 .'-' -, XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room, September 26, 1994 7:00 p.m. · Begin _developing philosophy for Commission, and begin work on a Work Plan · Review CSC Handbook · Confirm officers for one year of service, with next elections in Sept., 1995 · Review Cultural Arts information from other cities , XII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Berliner to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Cultural Affairs Commission meeting on September 26. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:20p.m.. }lA CRIST AL SPIDELL Secretary II 3