CAC 09 26 1994• u - a r `y OF THE CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 September 26, 1994 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call I1. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes of August 22, 1994. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. PUBLIC COMMENT The Cultural Affairs Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Diversified Exposure to Theater Arts from Commissioner Berliner B Parlimentary Procedures Handbook VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Suggested Philosophy for the Cultural Affairs Commission (Bohlen) B. Form for Cultural Affairs Work Plan (Bohlen) C. Short Term and Long Term Goals form for Commission (Bohlen) D. Cultural Plans from Other Communities (Bohlen) CACAGN 1 VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Philosophy of the Cultural Affairs Commission B. Work Plan Development C. Confirmation of Officers for September, 1994 to September, 1995 IX. COMMISSION COMMENT X. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Art In Public Places Encore! LQ Arts Foundation LQ Arts League LQ Chamber of Commerce LQ Friends of the Library LQ Historical Society Museum LQ Little Theater Round Table West School Site Council Committee Other XI. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC October 24, 1994 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • Workplan • Review Cultural Arts Information Received From Other Cities XII. ADJOURNMENT CACAGN 2 CITY OF LA QL.JINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION HANDBOOK COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION baron Kennedy ... ..................................Chairman Larry Best....... .............................Vice Chairman Aldine Dickens.. ...............................Commissioner SusanFrancis.. ................................Commissioner Nancy Nard... ..................................Commissioner Betty Jo Se on.................................Commissioner 11 son...................................Commissioner Thomas P. Genovese .......................Acting City Manager Clint Bohlen ......................Parks & Recreation Manager CITY COUNCIL JohnPena..............................................Mayor Stan Sniff.....................................Mayor Pro-Tem Dale Bohnenberger..............................Councilmember Kristy Franklin................................Councilmember William Rushworth..............................Councilmember City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 (619)564-2246 2 k INTRODUCTION RELATIONSHIP WITH FELLOW COMMISSION MEMBERS The association with fellow commission members will undoubtedly be your most important relationship as you serve on the commission. Before talking about relationships it may be well to point out a few facts about commission members. Each of you come from various backgrounds -educational, occupational, religious, social, economic, physical, and cultural -and we should be aware that these differences do exist. We must also recognize that the reason for serving on the commission will vary and perhaps some will have a special interest. Each member will contribute in their own way and is an 'important part of the decision process. We should not expect every commission member to give of their time, their talent, their knowledge to the same degree. Some will give more and others will give less, but in the end the community will benefit. Bearing this in mind, the following relationships may serve as a guideline:. 1. We must always respect the other individual's viewpoint even though it may be opposite of our own. 2. We must allow the other individual to articulate his or her views thenattempt to make an objective'levaluation of those views, to the limit of our ability. 3. Evaluation of our fellow commission member's viewpoint should be based on what is best for the total community and what is best for all concerned. 4. There will be times when political action among the commission is apparent and we must strive to minimize that whenever possible. 5. We must be open and honest at all times. 6. Each commission member has a responsibility to recognize new commission members and see that they are made welcome, become oriented and receive training. 3 RELATIONSHIP WITH APPOINTING AUTHORITY A commission member's relationship with the City Council will vary from member to member. It may be the commission chairman or staff person will report to the appointing authority at one of their regular meetings. Members of the City Council may, from time to time, visit the commission meetings and may, from time to time, invite the commission to attend their meeting for direct input. Individual contacts with the City Council to discuss problems are neither encouraged nor discouraged. This will have to be handled on an individual basis. Should a controversy arise within the commission, counsel and guidance are available from the staff as well as from the individual council members. However, it would be inherently unethical for an individual commissioner to attempt to influence or persuade the appointinq authority to assume a posture which may be in opposition to the commission as a whole. Should a split opinion exist on commission action, it may be appropriate for a majority and minority report to accompany the recommendation to the appointing authority. We would expect the individual commission member to recognize the following items: 1. The commission members are appointed by the City Council. 2. The commission member has an obligation to serve the public and to represent their viewpoint. 3. The contact with the City Council should always be open and never used to circumvent the staff or commission. 4. The commission should not knowingly embarass the staff or the City Council. 5. The commission should render as much assistance as possible to the City Council and avoid placing them in an untenable position. 6. The commission should assist the City Council in developing public trust in the advisory commission system. 7. The commission should be sensitive to agency priorities and know when to take a stand. There are times when, for the good of the overall agency, it may require adjustment of the priority level of a particular project. 8. The commission falls under the restrictions of the Brown Act whereby decisions and recommendations can only be made at a duly constituted meeting which is open to the public. 4 RELATIONSHIP WITH COMMUNITY SERVICES STAFF The following commission role, supportive and advisory to staff and agency objectives, may be used as a guideline: 1. Contacts should be with the agency staff member assigned to the commission rather than.to other staff people. The individual commissioner should feel free to make a contact with the higher level supervision, such as the City Manager, and/or the City Council providing the assigned staff person is also notified of this contact. 2. Contacts with staff members should clearly be in the framework of the commission assignment. 3. It is important for Commissioners to know the City's community service, human service and recreation facilities. Visitation kAAj basis will allow members eQ to become fully knowledgeable of the programs, park areas, equipment, services, facility use, etc. 4. Commissioners should not ask for individual reports, favors, or special consideration. 5. Commissioners should realize the assigned staff person works with the commission and reports directly to an agency supervisor. He is limited in scope of authority to carryout recommendations. Misunderstandings and problems can develop in the relationship between the staff and the commission if an enthusiastic member attempts to take aboard those duties h are not within theC framework of the commission act o Each commissioner mus a ert to ne ence between advisory policy -setting and doin the work. At times a commissioner may be asked to "do" the work as a volunteer. It is doubly important that when this occurs the difference be recognized and be communicated to assure there is no question about the role on the advisory body and the individual's volunteer assignment. INTRA-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS The success of the parks and recreation, human services, and culture and fine arts efforts in our community is directly proportional to the level of priority it attains in the agency operation. Governing body and administrative perceptions on the importance and contribution of human, recreation, and arts services to the community's quality of life will inevitably influence decisions on budget, planning, manpower, land use, policies, and procedures.. 5 Therefore, the interdependence among agency departments/commissions .cannot, nor must not, be ignored or taken lightly. T unit ervices ����I-ve-�rMl is in a unique position to prove ationships that can contribute to an understanding of -and arts services and their roles in contributing to a better quality of life. Guidelines include: 1. Know relationship and role of various departments within agency and in the city or in general. 2. Establish effective lines of communication between agency commissions to insure liaison with .-then agency departments; i.e. planning, law, health, environmental, parkway, etc. 3. Be willing to provide leadership for developing and maintaining a climate for cooperation among various agency commissions. 6 INTERPRETATION Unless the context of this handbook otherwise requires, words in the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and words in the singular number shall include the plural number, and vice versa. 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA PHILOSOPHY OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES r DEPA ENT The Community Services Department recognizes the need to provide and maintain sufficient and attractive parks, adequate recreation facilities, and programs to provide equitably and without prejudice all the people of the City of La Quinta. Every opportunity shall be afforded within financial limits, to plan, procure, develop and maintain park and recreation resoures; and to provide leadership for the wholesome and constructive use of leisure time; to insure human service needs are fulfilled; and that art and cultural programs are available. The provisions of quality community services in the most cost effective way and without significantly duplicating the efforts of other agencies will be emphasized at all times. This includes the development of cooperative agreements with other agencies directly and in -directly involved with the provision of community services in the City of La Quinta. The provision of community services shall be considered a positive opportunity for people of the City of La Quinta to share with each other, to develop leadership capacities, to learn skills for present and future enjoyment, and to emphasize responsibilities to each other as well as to the community. 8 CITY OF LA QUINTA ROLE OF COMMISSION, AND STAFF The s Commission recognizes the desirability to define the respective roles of the Commission, Manager and Staff, as well as to distinguish the relationship between each. The role of the Commission is to provide guidelines and chart a general course of action, in concept, for the Community &=eration',, es Department by formulating and approving the policies control, improvement and planning of arts services -within the City of La Quinta. Pursuant Ordinance 2.18.080 Powers and Duties The Gennuki `y Sry A-- Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council with respect to location, park site planning and facility design and development, operation, maintenance and redevelopment of facilities, fiscal policy recomendations regarding development priorities, grants, fees and financing mechanisms for furthering the goals of the Park and Recreation element of the General Plan and the Park and Recreation Master Plan. The shall advise the City Council on all matters pertaining to the provision of a quality program of recreation services and activities for the community, and such other park and recreation matters as may be referred to it by the City Council, or brought to its attention by citizens of the Community. La . The Commission shall provide such advice and consultation to other City Commissions and staff as may be requested of the Commission. The Parks and Recreation -O appointed by the City Manager, lends technical support to the Community Service Commission and serves as staff liaison. The Parks and Recreation Manager is the administrator who provides the data, information and professional counsel to the Community Services Commission while serving as liaison between policy formulation and implementation of same through administrative procedure. As delegated by the -- ft `y -ftxm es Commission, the Parks and Recreation Manager is primarily responsible.for administering the day-to-day operation and functions of the Parks and Recreation department within the policies and guidelines as established by the City Manager, City Council and the Community Services Commission. It is also the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Manager to function as communicator between the Staff, ss on and the City Manager. �j 6,4� The Parks and Recreation ill facilitate the clear, concise and efficient communication of all direct questions, comments and requests for information between the Commission, City Manager and Staff as well as similar ar requests between individual Commission members and individual Staff. The Staff of the epartment are those employees engaged in the programs and/or services that directly meet the needs of the residents of the City in regard to leisure and community needs. The staff includes division heads, supervisors, coordinators and specialists in all areas and aspects of departmental responsibility. The primary function of the Staff is to perform under the direction of, the Parks and Recreation , the various duties and responsibilities required to provide well-balanced and efficient -101--e. husartan,— *d arts services for the people of La Quinta. we, CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION CHAPTER 2.18 I. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Sections: 2.18.030 Created -Defined. 2.18.020 Purpose and objectives. 2.18.030 Members -Appointments -Terms. 2.18.040 Officers -Selection. 2.18.050 Committees. 2.18.060 Meetings. 2.18.070 Removal from office. 2.18.080 Powers and duties. 2.18.090 Staffing. 2.18.010 Created -Defined. The community services commission is created and established. The term "commission" as used in this chapter, shall refer to the community services commission. 2.18.020 Purpose and objectives. The general purpose of the commission is to encourage the development of a planned and orderly approach to the delivery of leisure services in the city. Objectives of the commission are as follows: A. To serve in an advisory capacity to the city council to identify community needs for social services, to plan for the coordinated delivery of such service to citizens in need through both private and public resources so as to avoid duplication and conflict of effort, and to evaluate the effectiveness of services provided; B. To serve in an advisory capacity to the city council on all matters pertaining to public recreation, including the management, conduct, care and development of the parks and playgrounds in the city, and in general to study the needs of the city and the means of meeting such needs in connection with all matters pertaining to public recreation and other entertainment; and C. To serve in an advisory capacity to the city council to encourage a sense of appreciation and community pride for the citizens of the city by making accessible cultural events and experiences which celebrate the shared heritage of the community and its residents. 2.18.030 Members -Appointments -Terms A. The commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the city council. B. The terms of office of members of the commission shall be overlapping. Each member of the commission shall hold office for a term of three years, or until such time as a successor is appointed. C. All terms of office shall commence on July 1st of the year of appointment. Vacancies in the office of a member shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner in which regular appointments are otherwise made. D. Insofar as possible, the membership shall reflect the racial, ethnic, economic and sexual composition of the community. Every effort will be made to ensure that a wide cross-section of social, leisure and artistic, services, interest, and viewpoints, including providers, recipients and professionally related occupations are represented. E. No commissioner shall serve more than two consecutive terms. F. Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of the city council with compensation. 2.18.040 Officers -Selection. A. The chairman of the commission shall be elected by a majority vote of commission members in September of each year. A vice chairman to serve in the absence of the chairman shall likewise be elected. B. The chairman shall preside at all meetings and provide for periodic reports to the city council on all recommendations of the commission. 2.18.050 Committees. A. The commission shall organize itself into three committees composed of two or three members each. Each committee. shall be assigned one of the following areas of responsiblity. 1. Human services; 2. Parks and recreation; 3. Culture and fine arts. B. The commission or committees may, from time to time, establish subcommittees composed of citizens and/or interested people charged with the responsibility of implementing certain designated projects subject to commission and city council approval. At least one member of the commission shall also be a member of each subcommittee. 12 2.18.060 Meetings. A. The commission shall meet regularly twice on the date selected by the commission. Special meetings of the commission may be called by the chairman or a majority of the commission in accordance with state law. B. A majority of appointed commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. C. All meetings shall be open to the public. 2.18.070 Removal from office. Any of the commission members may be removed at any time by the city.council. If a member of the commission does not attend three regular consecutive meetings, unless excused by a majority vote of the commission, his/her membership shall automatically be terminated, and his/her successor shall be appointed by the.city council to serve the unexpired term. 2.18.080 Powers and duties. A. The powers and duties of the human services committee shall be as follows: 1. Advise the commission as to the most effective means of allocating available resource for human service, and establish standards for the evaluation of proposals for funding; 2. Promote interagency and intergroup coordination in the development and delivery of human services, to avoid duplication and conflict of effort; 3. Cooperate with governmental and nongovernmental agencies and organizations having like or kindred functions, to assure the most effective and efficient delivery of such services; 4. Review and study problems and needs of social service programs and develop effective support and delivery systems needed to secure additional resources, either through private channels or through the city or other instrumentalities of government; 5. Inform the commission of disparities and inequities which exist in the social service delivery system of federal, state and county government, to ensure that citizens of the city receive equitable treatment in the delivery of such service; 6. Hold hearings and take testimony of any person relating to any matter under investigation or in question before the commission; 7. Make recommendations which will help to develop a sense of community among those concerned with human service efforts in the city, and to create awareness and cooperation between the city and those groups doing human service work in the area; 8. Make and issue written or oral reports respecting studies, research, investigations and other activities, and make information available to other commissions and staff as required; 9. Recommend to the commission legislation or other remedial steps which the committee finds to be necessary and desirable. 13 B. The powers and duties of the parks and recreation committee shall be as follows; 1. To promote and stimulate public interest in a recreation program, and to that end solicit to the fullest possible extent the cooperation of special authorities and other public and private agencies interested therein; 2. To study present and future needs of the city with regard to recreation and park facilities, programs and events; 3. To recommend to the commission rules and regulations concerning the use of recreational areas and facilities; 4. To encourage recreational programs, including, but not limited to, intramural sports, lectures, concerts community affairs, exhibits, child care center and others; 5. To investigate and provide written or oral reports to the commission on various questions concerning recreational aspects of the city. C. The powers and duties of the cultural and fine arts committee shall be as follows; 1. To recommend ways to maintain and increase the artistic and cultural resources of the city; 2. To propose methods to encourage private initiative in the fields of art and culture; 3. To consult with public and private groups, schools, the city, and state or federal, cultural and art commissions interested in, or having knowledge or experience in the field of art and culture of the city; 4. To develop methods by which to coordinate existing resources and facilities, and to foster artistic and cultural endeavors, and the use of the arts both locally and outside of the city to promote the best interests of the city; 5. To conduct studies and provide written or oral reports with the view to formulating methods or ways by which creative activity and high standards and increased opportunities in the arts and culture may be encouraged and promoted in the best interests of the city's artistic and cultural progress and the greater appreciation and enjoyment of the arts and culture by the citizens of the city, and how such can be encouraged and developed; . 6. To recommend the allocation of funds donated by outside organizations for cultural activities and advise upon the physical development of projects; 7. To recommend on the use of various facilities as the city council shall designate; and 8. To perform such other related duties and functions as the commission may from time to time direct. 14 2.18.090 Staffing. A. All departments of the city, through the office of the city manager, shall furnish appropriate existing public information, data and records, and provide technical assistance and advice as required, within reason, as an aid to the commission and its committees in the performance of designated duties. B. The city manager shall, within reason or budgetary constraints provide or cause to be provided adequate staff, clerical help, and maintain files and records for the commission. C. The city council shall annually review the progress of the commission. II. DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND STAFF A. Chairman - The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and shall appoint all Committees and shall perform all other duties necessary, customary or incidental to the office. B. Vice -Chairman - The Vice -Chairman in the Chairman's absence or inability to act, shall take the place and perform all duties of the Chairman. In the event of absence or inability to act by both the Chairman and Vice -Chairman, the remaining members of the Commission shall elect one of their members to act as temporary Chairman. C. Secretary - The Park and Recreations Manager, or his designees, shall act as secretary to the Community Services Commission and shall be the custodian of its records, conduct official correspondence, and coordinate the clerical, and technical work of the Community Services Commission in administering this chapter. In addition, the Manager shall provide technical advice to the Commission and shall assist the Commission in the discharge of their responsibilities. D. Manager - The Manager shall have complete administrative authority over the Parks and Recreation Department and shall be responsible to the City Manager for the efficient operation of the system.in all its division, as designated in the job description. The Parks and Recreation Manager shall serve as advisory to the Community Services Commission .on matters of park and recreation and community services policy formation and shall be subject to the policies and direction of the City Council and City Manager. 15 III. Meetings A. Regular Meetings - Regular meetings of the .Commission shall be open to the public and shall be held on the second and fourth Monday, of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City. If the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, the Commission or the Secretary may fix another day thereafter. Any regular meeting of the Commission may be adjourned to another place and time certain within the City. B. Special Meetings - Special meetings and study sessions shall be open to the public and shall be held at such time and place as the Commission may detemrine or they may be called by the chairman or majority of the members of the Commission upon 24 hours notice pursuant to the State of California law. The secretary shall be responsible for giving any necessary notice of such special meetings as prescribe by law. C. The Brown Act - The Ralph M. Brown Act is an extremely important law which requires that all meetings of legislative bodies of local agencies be open and public. "Legislative Body" includes the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Design Review Board, the Community Services Commission, and any other avisory body created by formal action of the City Council. A "meeting" takes place whenever a quorum is present and official business is conducted. The Brown Act makes punishable as a misdemeanor the attendance by a member of a legislative body at meeting where action is taken in violation of the Act. "Action taken" means a collective decision, commitment or promise by a majority of the members of the legislative body, or an actual vote by a majority of the members when sitting as a legislative body upon a motion, proposal, resolution, ordinance or minute order. Although the City of La Quinta does not schedule them, study sessions or pre -meeting briefing sessions of the City Council are also subject to the requirements of the Brown Act. Excluded from the public meeting requirement are discussions between the City Council and City Attorney relating to employer - employee relations or pending, proposed, or anticipated litigation where open discussion would benefit the City's adversary to the detriment of the public. IV. Agenda for Meetings A. Provisions should be made for the preparation of agendas. Copies of the prepared agenda should be made available to memebrs of the public attending the regular Commission meeting by placing some near the entrance of the place of the meeting. No matter other than those on the agenda can be acted upon by the Commission, absent, urgent or emergency action taken in compliance with Government Code. 16 B. A copy of the agenda for every regular meeting of the Commission shall be posted in compliance with Government Code and provided to each member no later than 72 hours prior to the date of the meeting at which such agenda is to be considered. C. Meeting agendas are to be mailed to the Commission on the Thursday proceeding" the Monday Commission meeting. Items on the agenda are usually identified as topics for discussion at the previous public Community Services Commission meeting or other items identified as issues for discussion by staff or Commission members. D. Items identified using the procedure above will be noted as agenda items. E. Agenda items will be discussed in public unless a majority of Commission members vote to postpone discussion. This vote will be taken by the chair. upon request of a single Commission member and/or staff. V. Order of Business. A. The order of business at any regular meeting shall be as follows: A. Meeting called to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll call B. Approval of Minutes C. Communication from the Public D. Commission Business E. Manager.'s Report F. Old Business G. Announcements H. Identification of Items for Future Meetings I. Adjournment VI. Quorum A. A quorum shall be four members present. VII. Voting A. Every official act taken by the Commission shall be adopted by a majority of the Commission or quorum present. B. A roll call vote shall be taken upon the passage of all resolutions or upon request of any Commission member. VI I I . Time Limit A. No matter shall be commenced after 9:00 p.m. except by majority vote of the Commissioners present. 17 IX. Rules of Order for Conduct of Proceedings A. The Chairman of the Commission shall be the presiding officer and shall assume all duties as such immediately following election. The Chairman shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetings of the Commission, state questions coming before the Commission, announce its decisions on all subjects and decide all questions of order; subject, however, to an appeal to the Commission as a whole in which event a majority vote of the Commission member shall govern and conclusively determine such questions of order. The Chairman shall vote on all questions. B. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice -Chairman shall call the Commission to order. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice -Chairman the Secretary of the Commission shall call the commission to order, whereupon a temporary Chairman shall be elected by the Commissioners present. Upon arrival for the Chairman or Vice -Chairman, the temporary Chairman shall relinquish the chair at the conclusion of the item before the Commission. X. Preparation of Minutes A. The minutes of the Commission shall be kept by the Secretary of the Commission and shall be neatly typewritten in a book kept for that purpose, with a record of each particular type of business transaction set off in paragraphs, with proper subheads; provided, that the Secretary of the Commission shall be required to record any remarks of Commissioner or of any other person, except at special request of a Commissioner; provided, further that a record shall be made of the names and addresses of persons addressing the Commission, the title of the subject matter to which the remarks are related, and whether they spoke in support of or in opposition to such matter. B. As soon as possible after each Commission meeting, the Secretary of the Commission shall cause a copy of the minutes thereof to be forwarded to each Commissioner, the City Manager, the City Council, the City Attorney and the department heads. XI. Approval of Minutes A. Unless the reading .of the minutes of the Commission meeting is requested by a Commissioner and approved by a majority vote, such minutes may be approved without reading if the Secretary of the Commission previously has furnished each Commissioner with a copy thereof. Nothing may be added to the minutes, except that they may be amended by a majority vote of the Commission members to reflect correctly the business of the Commission at such meeting. is XII. Rules of Debate A. Presiding officer -may debate and vote. The presiding officer may move, second and debate from the chair, subject only to such limitation of debate as are by these rules imposed on all commissioners, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Commissioner by reason of acting as the presiding office. B. Getting the floor; improper references to- be avoided. Every Commissioner desiring to speak shall address the Chair, and upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate. C. Interruptions. A Commissioner, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to call to order or as herein otherwise provided. If a Commissioner, while speaking, is called to order, the Commissioner shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined, and if in order, shall be permitted to proceed. D. Disqualifications and abstention. No Commissioner shall be permitted to disqualify or abstain from voting unless reason for such disqualification is stated. Disqualifications and abstentions shall not be counted by the Secretary of the Commission except as such. E. Silence constitutes affirmative vote. Unless a Commissioner states a reason for not voting.. silence shall be recorded as an affirmative vote. F. Rules of Order. Except as otherwise provided in this Resolution, the latest edition of "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" shall govern the conduct of the meetings of the Commission. However, no resolution, proceeding or other action of the Commission shall be invalidated, or the legality thereof otherwise affected, by the failure or ommision to observe or follow such rules. It is the responsibility of the Chair to control public debate so that repetitive or irrelevant remarks are not made so that everyone has had a chance to speak before others speak for a second time and so as to expedite the business at hand. No person shall speak more than twice during the same meeting to the same question, nor longer than five(5)mintues at one time, without leave of the Chairman or Commissioner presiding at the meeting. Whenever any group of persons wishes to address the Commission on the same subject matter, it shall be proper for the presiding officer to request that a spokesman be chosen by the group to address the Commission, and in case additional matters are to be presented at the time by any other member of said group, to limit 19 the number of persons addressing the Commission to avoid unnecessary repetitions. XIII. Decorum A. By Commission Members. While the Commission is in session, the members shall preserve order and decorum. Courtesy and respect for others opinion shall always be maintained. In addition, Commissions represent all the people of the City and shall avoid partisanship based on the special interest. B. By other persons. Any person, while in attendance at any Commission meeting, shall preserve order and decorum and any person shall neither by conversation or otherwise delay or interrupt the Commission proceedings or the peace of the Commission. No person shall disturb any Commission member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the Commission or the presiding officer. XIV. Motion to Adjourn A. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. XV. Community Services Commission Policies A. Publicity. The Secretary shall release all offficial information or stories to the press at the approval of the City Manager. Copies of all publicity items shall be distributed to the Commission for their review and information. B. Attendance. Each Commission member shall attend every regular or special meeting unless unavailable with prior notice being provided to the Chairman of the Commission or the Secretary. The Commission may excuse members if prior notice is given to the Chairman and/or Secretary. In such an instance, the absence of a Commission member shall be recorded in the minutes and be classified as being excused if prior notice has been given. Special meetings called in the absence of a Commissioner, whether said absence is excused or unexcused, shall not be counted against said Commissioner. C. Conflict of Interest. Any Commissioner who has had a direct or indirect financial interest in any matter before the Commission shall publicly disclose for the official record the nature of such interest and such Commissioner shall not participate .in any discussion on the matter nor vote thereon. D. Additional Policies. Additional policies are as filed in office of the Park and Recreation Department. W XVI. Amendments These rules and regulations may be amended by the Commission at any regular meeting by an affirmative vote of the member of the Commission or at any special meeting provided that the proposed amendment is included in a written notice of such a meeting. XVII. PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS • Staff Presentation • Staff Recommendation • Commission Asks Questions of Staff • Applicant Presentation • Commission Asks Questions of Applicant • Public Testimony is Taken • Staff Respond to Public Testimony • Discussion and Decision 21