CACMIN 07 25 1994 -., I --,. CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES July 25, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Staff member Marni Francisco presided over the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Francisco. . ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Henry Adams Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Michelle Klein Commissioner Toni Lawrence MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Cristal Spidell, Secretary II II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Adams asked that the portion of the minutes describing his background be changed to read "Commissioner Henry Adams retired in 1981 from the automobile business, and prior to that produced, directed and acted in stage productions, then worked as an actor in films, television, and radio." Cristal Spidell, Commission Secretary indicated that if a statement is not made on the tape, it cannot be submitted as part of the minutes. However, Ms. Spidell will see to it that Commissioner Adams profile is reflected as such in the minutes for tonights meeting. Commissioner Francis questioned whether she was correctly identified on Item IX., page 4, paragraph 4. A brief discussion ensued and it was determined that the suggestion Commissioner Francis made regarding each Commissioner bring in information was informal in nature. It was moved by Commissioner Klein/Hull to APPROVE the minutes of July 11, 1994 as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Economic Statement Information - Economic Statements are due to the City Clerk by July 31, 1994. CACMIN.OO2 1 .-, ,......,." B. Brown Act Meeting - Ms. Spidell reminded the Commission of a Brown Act Meeting with City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, July 26, 1994 at 6:00 P.M. at the La Quinta Civic Center. Everyone was planning on attending. C. Recording of Minutes - The Commission was given instructions as to the recording of Cultural Affairs Commission meetings. They were asked to speak loud and clear so the recording would be audible, and staff indicated this is helpful when trying to identify speakers when the minutes are transcribed. V. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Recreation Supervisor Marni Francisco distributed information on the California Assembly of Local Arts Agencies (CALAA) Planning Workshop, and announced that Commissioners Hull, Klein, and Francis would be attending the workshop on July 29, 1994. The workshop includes how to economically develop cultural arts in the community, how to assess the needs of the community, and other subjects that are important for the City of La Quinta. Staff has purchased a membership to CALAA for all Commissioners and Parks and Recreation staff. Those attending the meeting are asked to present a report to the Commission regarding their workshop in September. Commissioners Klein, Hull, and Adams indicated they would not be able to attend the August 22, 1994 Cultural Affairs Commission meeting. VII. STAFF REPORTS A. Park Master Plan Report Ms. Francisco gave a synopsis of parks and recreation in relation to cultural arts in the park including music, dance, painting, self improvement, etc. Staff informed the Commission about the sixteen instructors that were contracted to teach Leisure Enrichment Classes which will begin on October 3, 1994 at the La Quinta High School. The classes include international cuisine, tap dance, ballet, jazz, theater, self improvement using humor to decrease stress, oil painting, karate, drawing, and more. The Parks and Recreation Department is also planning on a lot of youth oriented events including local choirs, outdoor adventures, rock climbing classes, etc. The classes will be advertised through the City's first Parks and Recreation Brochure which will be distributed to La Quinta residents in the Chamber of Commerce Newsletter in September. Additional brochures will be placed at College of the Desert, and local businesses. Most classes will be held at the new La Quinta High Sch~ol in the EWing. Commissioner Berliner asked if it was possible to make a list of cultural events and happenings in La Quinta to determine what additional programs could be added. Staff will work on this suggestion and include a report in the Commissions next agenda. Commissioner Hull asked for clarification as to what the list of cultural events would include. Staff indicated the list would be events being held in La Quinta, but not necessarily sponsored by the City. The list would be updated regularly. CACMIN.OO2 2 ~ VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Election of Officers Commissioner Francis asked Ms. Spidell to explain the procedure for elections if they were held now rather than in September as it is identified in the Cultural Affairs Commission Ordinance. Ms. Spidell explained that she spoke with City Clerk Saundra Juhola who indicated that the Commission could hold elections this evening, and then in September the Commission would just need to reconfirm the election of officers. Ms. Francisco opened nominations for Chairperson. Commissioner Klein nominated Commissioner Francis. Since no further nominations were made nominations for Chairperson were closed. Ms. Francisco called for a vote on Commissioner Susan Francis as Chairperson. The vote was unanimous. Ms. Francisco opened nominations for Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Atkins nominated Commissioner Klein. Since no further nominations were made nominations for Vice Chairperson were closed. Ms. Francisco called for a vote on Commissioner Michelle Klein as Vice Chairperson. The vote was unanimous. IX. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Ms. Spidell indicated that a list of La Quinta based organizations that each Commissioner is affiliated with will be made and included in the agenda on a regular basis. These reports shall be presented orally or in writing by the respective Commissioner as it is available. The list will include the following: Art In Public Places Encore! LQ Arts Foundation La Arts League LQ Chamber of Commerce La Friends of the Library LQ Historical Society Museum LQ Little Theater Round Table West School Site Council Committee Other Commissioner Francis stated that the La Quinta Arts Foundation is holding an open house on July 29th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.. Kids from the Girls & Boys Club have recently painted the Foundation building and a reception is being held in their honor. Commissioner Hull informed the Commissioners that the Art In Public Places Master Plan should be finished at the end of the summer, and it will be presented to this Commission upon its completion. A lot of work is being done at Fritz Burns Park including the tile work, the gate, the spray heads, and more. The Sun and Moon Beam sculpture is postponed until the area surrounding the sculpture is a little more stable. Commissioner Hull also stated that in April '95 the International Piano Competition will be coming to COD, and will provide competition for pianists from age 6 to 32. CACMIN.002 3 f/~ -- x. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC La auinta Civic Center Study Session Room August 22, 1994 7:00 p.m. List of Activities & Classes in La Quinta · CSC Handbook · Discussion About Meetings . Review of Parliamentary Procedure with City Clerk · Review CALM Workshop Information September 26, 1994 · Workplan · Review Information Received From Other Cities Chairperson Francis asked about the procedure for reimbursement for travel. Ms. Spidell indicated she would distribute the proper forms to those attending the Workshop. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Klein to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Cultural Affairs Commission meeting on August 22, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.. CRISTAL SPIDELL Secretary II CACMIN.002 4