CAC 02 27 1995�.0i •�� oz V S R `M OF TNti CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 February 27, 1995 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes of January 23, 1995 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Easter Celebration VI. PUBLIC COMMENT The Cultural Affairs Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. VI1. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Letter from Lawn Chair & Picnic Society of Southern California B. Art in Public Places Minutes for January 9, 1995 ' Vlll. STAFF REPORTS CACAGN.002 1 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. City Council Review of Work Plan B. Discussion of NALAA Conference in June 1995 X. COMMISSION COMMENT XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Art In Public Places Community Concerts Association Encorel LQ Arts Foundation LQ Arts League LQ Chamber of Commerce LQ Friends of the Library LQ Historical Society Museum LQ Little Theater Round Table West School Site Council Committee Other B. Subcommittee Reports XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC March 27, 1995 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room XIII. ADJOURNMENT CACAGN.002 2 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL - NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM JANUARY 9,1995 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at 3:08 P.M. by Chairman Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Nancy Nard, Kathryn Hull, Carolyn Lair, Rosita Shamis, Kathy Smith -Schooley (arrived late) STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Department Secretary Betty Sawyer I. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections of the Minutes of December 5.19944 Committee Members Wolff/Nard moved and seconded a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Committee Member Wolff asked staff about the interest on the seed money. Staff stated it was calculated on the total seed money plus developer fee. Committee Member Lair asked about the administrative fee. Staff stated it was for the Committee to use and is carried over yearly. There being no corrections to the financial statement, Committee Members Nard/Bull moved to approve the statement as submitted. C. Committee Member Lair informed the Committee about a conference she had received information on and asked if the Committee would be interested in receiving information on conferences regarding art. Committee members felt they would like to have individuals attend conferences to keep them informed. Staff informed the members that a request must be made to Council to attend so allow the time for that approval process when reviewing the conferences. Discussion followed regarding potential conferences. Committee Member Lair stated she would obtain the information and see that the Committee members received it. 'Staff suggested that staff be placed on mailing lists. Members stated it would be good for Council members to attend as well to keep their interest and awareness of art in public places. APPI.9 Art in Public Places Minutes January 9,1995 II. BUSINESS SESSION i. Mr. John Koenig and Mr. Mike Horton, representing the project, made a presentation regarding their proposed art work. Mr. Horton stated that they were landscape architects and wanted to have the art work integrated into the project. He went on to give details about the project. The art work was to be located on the northwest corner of Calle Tampico and Washington Street. There would be unlimited public view and access to the art work. It would however, be set back to the northwest corner of the retention basin located at the corner. Mr. Horton stated that Mr. Otto Rigan, who had been hired by Indian Ridge to design their art work, was working with them to design the fountain. Mr. Horton went on to describe the fountain. It is proposed to be 20-22-feet in diameter that flows down to a spillway and flows into the trough. It was meant to be a whimsical idea of suspending a ball on a column of water. To accomplish this structurally the ball would be constructed of stainless steel with four fountains around it. The pole holding the ball would disappear in the water. It would appear that the ball is suspended by a column of water. At night the art piece would be lightted at the base of the columns of water and will shine through it looking like a white column of water supporting the ball. Materials proposed to be used are a cantera stone on the base of the building. However, there was some discussion about using a more polished material. The trough was proposed to be canterra stone or the surface. The fountain will blend in with the rest of the building. Date palm trees,l4-. feet in height, would surround and go south and east from the fountain. The retention basin will extend up to the fountain and will be turf. California Pepper Trees will be planted at the end of the palm trees. 2. Chairman Walling asked what the plans were for the culvert. Mr. Koenig stated it would be relocated and would have a pump installed to pump the water out into the City storm system. 3. Committee Member Wolff asked if there would be any seating provided. Mr. Koenig stated none were planned. Discussion followed regarding a wall that could be used for seating. R was stated that informal seating could be placed to the northwest or entrance of the fountain. APPI-9 Art in Public Places Minutes January 9,1995 4. Mr. Horton stated this was a new ideafor Mr. Rigan in that his work had primarily been with stone and he was starting to work with different mediums trying to get away from the stone. Mr. Horton stated they may not hire Mr. Rigan to finish the project, but right now he is helping to design the fountain. Mr. Horton stated he was -looking for feedback from the Committee before they go any further. 5. Committee Member Lair, stated there needed to be a distinction between landscaping and art work. Mr Horton stated he had strong feelings about plop art and really want to see the art integrated into the project. 6. Committee Member Wolff stated that tile work would enhance the work. Mr. Horton stated there needed to be a strong tie in with the fountain and the building the work. Discussion followed regarding the artistic portion of the piece and what was landscaping. 7. Committee Member Shamis asked how the applicant felt about a sculpture. Mr. Horton stated he had no objection but, they were looking for something that was more original and whimsical and fun to be enjoyed by the audience. 8. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the corner could be restructured to place the art work at the corner. Mr. Horton stated structurally they were malted out and there was no room at the corner. He went on to say they have a site line I problem with it being a very busy corner. Chairman Walling stated the design would draw the public eye to the structure. 9. Committee Member Smith -Schooley asked if the scale of the rocks was proportional. Mr. Horton stated they were but, slightly oversized. 10. Chairman Walling asked if the art work would be installed when the restaurant was built. Mr. Koenig stated that Building "B" was in the process of being designed and they hoped to be under construction on the restaurant by March 1st. Mr. Horton stated their :intent was to irrigate and plant now and add the art work after Buildings "A" and "B" were constructed so the construction work would not damage the art work. They anticipated having Building "A" completed by April or May. Mr. Koenig stated the City had asked that the retention basin be completed and hydraseeded first. When this was completed they anticipated starting the construction on the fountain. Hopes are to have the project completed at the same time as Building "B". APPI-9 Art in Public Places Minutes January 9,1995 11. Committee Member Wolff stated some of the same problems would exist during the construction of Building "A". Mr. Koenig stated it could but, the fountain was designed in such a way that after all the pipes were in for the retention basin it would eliminate a lot of the work being done in this area. This would isolate Building "B" and the fountain from Building "A". 12. Committee Member Wolff stated she felt there were a couple of areas that would lend themselves to mosaic art work. The retaining wall or the brick leading away from the fountain with some materials that are complementary to it. Or the edge of the upper pool (cooping) could also accommodate mosaic work. 13. Committee Member Smith -Schooley stated this could be difficult for the artist as this is not the type of art work he works with. It could be possible to have a different artist do the work. 14. Committee Member Lair asked if the edge would lend itself to seating. Mr. Horton stated it could but it is only 14-inches wide. Committee Member Lair stated there could be a story or something that is interesting to the citizens put into the wall or seating. 15. Chairman Walling stated the Committee needed to approve the project in concept and ask that the applicant come back with some more specific designing adding the ideas suggested by the Committee. 16. Committee Member Lair asked how much money was designated for the project. Mr. Koenig stated the amount budgeted was $30,000. Committee Member Lair asked if the budget allowed room for enhancing with mosaic, etc. Mr. Horton stated it should lend itself to it. Mr. Koenig stated their restraint due to the location. Discussion followed regarding what type of artwork had been proposed for the corner and some ideas that had been suggested. 17. Committee Member Hull asked if there would be any problem maintaining the artwork. Mr. Koenig stated there Would be none. 18. Committee Member Nard asked if the standpipes would be hidden. Mr. Koenig stated they would be; planting would be used to hide them. 19. Chairman Walling asked when the applicant could bring the project back for further review. Mr. Horton stated they would be ready for the next Committee meeting in February. APPI-9 4 Art in Public Places Minutes January 9,1995 20. Committee Member Hull asked if the applicant was stuck with this artist. Mr. Horton stated they were not and requested a list from the Committee of potential artists. Staff would see that Mr. Horton received a list of artists. 21. Mr. Koenig asked what the Committee wanted to see at their next meeting. Chairman Walling stated they needed to see more details as to materials and how they interact, colors and more details. Mr. Horton stated he would have graphic drawings with a color chart. 22. Members discussed the idea presented. 23. Committee Member Smith -Schooley stated her concern that this was not the type of work this artist was known for. Committee Member Lair asked if this was the artist's work or an idea they came up with after discussing it with the artist. Discussion followed. 24. Committee Member Shamis stated she did not feel this was enough for this corner. 25. Committee Member Lair stated she thought something needed to be added into the feature. Committee Member Nard agreed that more art work was needed. 26. Committee Member Lair stated her concern that when developers are told to add artwork they do not put any time into developing an idea. i I I A I 1 1 __I 1 I I V1 1 1 1 II :: A_I,� 1 ___ _ : 7 i.K _l k. Ira 1 II -Jim I Ii II 1 I 1. Chairman Walling explained what had happened to the City of Indian Wells Art in Public Places Committee. Discussion followed regarding the Indian Wells program. 2. Committee Member Hull suggested that since Palm Springs and Palm Desert were unable to attend that another day might be best. 3. Committee Member Lair stated she would like to have an update from Patin Desert as they recently won the National APP award. Discussion followed regarding the format of the meeting.: a. introductions and brief review of La Quintals program and purpose. b. Each city would then follow. APPI-9 5 Art in Public Places Minutes January 9,1995 C. Chairman Walling asked who would be putting together the information for the handout packets. The Committee determined they do so. 4. Chairman Walling asked if staff would put a map together showing the location of the art work. 5. It was suggested that the Committee obtain information from the other cities as to how their artist banks were set up. 6. John Koenig asked if the City had any information that could be handed out on the City's purchase and selection of art from the Arts Festival. In that the City has a source for other cities to purchase art and in that the City had a contractual agreement with the Foundation for purchase of art, it might be beneficial to have a brochure informing the cities of this opportunity. 7. It was also stated that the Master Plan would be completed and available for handout. 8. Committee Member Lair stated there should be a paragraph on how the art program came into existence. 9. Chairman Walling stated he felt there should be a paper listing these items. It was determined that a map should be prepared showing the location of the art work, an article written about the art work, the Master Plan, and a copy of the draft brochure. 10. Committee Members Carolyn Lair, Kathryn Hull and Chairman Walling agreed to prepare the information for the handout for the other cities. Committee Member Wolff agreed to be on call if needed. The members would meet Friday, January 20th, at 10:00 A.M. to work on the handouts. I 71M 1 7, 1 4 1. Staff informed the Committee that the Council determined that the Civic Art purchase would be purchased as before. In regards to art work for the Senior Center, they suggested that the art work be rotated between the City Hall and Senior Center. 2. The Art Selection Committee would select the art and then make a determination as to where the art would be placed. APP1-9 6 Art in Public Places Minutes January 9,1995 3. Committee Member Lair stated the Committee should make a determination before the Festival as to what type and kind of art work the Committee should be selecting. D. Promotional materials 1. Members had determined they would meet to further discuss the issue. E. Artisty Form: 1. Members discussed with staff the necessary changes. Staff would make the necessary changes. F. Continued work on the Master Art Plan: 1. Staff to finalize and distribute to Committee members for review. III. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Nard/Shamis to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on February 6.1995, at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned to a tour of the Senior Center at 4:30 P.M.., January 9.1995. F V c w� MAIN 0000 WNW INCORPORATED City of La Quinta Parks and Recreation Commission An Immediate and Multi -year Work Plan 1994-95 Parks and Recreation Commission 1994-95 Work Plan Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) for fulfillment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: Staff Role: Existing Assignments Al Existing Advisory Body to the City Council Attend City Council meetings; .relay public opinion on various topics; accept assignments to committees, boards, and commissions, and inform Council of actions taken. Become more active and involved in City issues and concerns. To be determined. Current assignments require 10 hours per month of Commission member's time. To be determined. Council Role: Provide Commission with specific direction as to how the Commission could better assist the Council. Priority: A2 Category: Existing Assignment Item: Liaison to the Community Methods) for Fulfillment: Commissioners attend the Mayor's Breakfast; conduct public forums on behalf of the Council and citizens; talk with residents to ascertain their opinions; attend Senior Center functions; Commissioners can do the following to enhance their role as Liaison to the community; attend Chamber Mixers; interact with School District administration in La Quinta and Indio; develop public relations (e.g., publicize hearings, use City/Chamber newsletter to relate information on Commission business, publicize Parks and Recreation Month, use the cable Community Access channel, send brief newsletter home with students twice a year, attend local school staff meetings to determine needs); use forums such as Main Street Market Place to interact with the public; as addressed above. Suggest goal date for addressing the above items by March 31, 1995. Review progress at first meeting in April, 1995. Commissioner Availability: To be determined. Commitment Required: Current assignments require 3-4 hours/month. New assignments could require additional 3-4 hours/month of one or more Commissioners. Staff Role: Assist with implementing public relations issues noted above. Council Role: Provide Commission with specific methods by which the Commission could fulfill this assignment Priority: A3 Category: Existing Assignment Item: Park Development Method(s) for fulfillment: Respond to community input and requests; development and conducted survey for Master Plan; conduct public hearings; conducted selection process for park design firms for Fritz Burns Community Park and Palm Royale Park; assisted in the development of the City of La Quinta Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Commission believes that this Assignment has been performed very well. Commissioners could become better educated and informed regarding parks and recreation programs, and facilities development and construction processes; address ramifications of Professional Services selection process, and its effect on the Commission's role in park development. Completion Date: Address by March 31, 1995. Commissioner Availability: To be determined. Commitment Required: Commitment falls under regular meetings, except for interviewing and scoring RFQ's/RFP's, which require 5-7 hours per incident. Staff Role: Administrative support. Council Role: Include the Commission in the park design and development process, specifically in the screening and selection of professional firms. The Commission feels that it performed well in selecting park design firms, and in conducting public forums for park development purposes. Priority: A4 . Category: Existing Assignment Item: Develop and Improve Communication with the City Council Coal(s): Understand what the Council desire from the Commission, and receive specific direction from the Council. Completion Date: By March 31, 1995 Required City Resources: Time of the City Council to meet with the Commission. Req'd. PRC Resources: Time; Work Plan; cooperation and openness. The Commission currently relies on its' minutes to convey Commission work progress and issues of importance to the Commission. -The Commission (staff) could provide an update through the Items of Interest, or through a separate, brief monthly or quarterly update. Relationship to function: Foundational to mission of the PRC per the Ordinance Council Role: Provide the Commission with more opportunities to meet and interact with Council/Commission, through joint meetings, if necessary. Priority: A5 Category: Existing Assignment Item: Park Naming Policy Completion Date: On going Required City Resources: Time of the City Council to meet with the Commission. Method for fulfillment: Press releases, Public Hearings, March PRC meeting, March Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, post at schools so kids can suggest names, contact Ls Quinta Historical Socitey. Commitment Required: Commissioners time for Public Hearings Staff Role: Administrative support. Provide recommendation to City Council. Priority: B-1 Category: Existing Assignment Item: Annual Work Plan Method(s) for fulfillment: Review existing assignments; suggest potential assignments; seek input/suggestions from the City Council; review programs and projects being undertaken by other cities and districts. Start revision of Work Plan in May; review progress mid year for progress; add, subtract, defer projects based on review. Commissioner Availability: Performed at regular meetings. Commitment Required: Revision of Work Plan will require at least two (2) meetings plus outside reading. Staff Role: Administrative support. Act as facilitator for development and review of Work Plan. Council Role: Provide the Commission with specific direction. and assign tasks as issues come before the Council which fit under the Commission's responsibilities., Priority: Category: Potential Assignments A-1 Potential Assignment Item: Training Opportunities Goal(s): Improve Commission performance and develop better educated advisory body Completion Date: Required City Resources: Req'd. PRC Resources: Relationship to function: Council Role: Annual attendance of training workshops, schools, and conferences City funding for educational opportunities; reinstate funding level for conference/training Time to attend workshops and conferences Better informed and educated advisory body Reinstate funds for educational opportunities to FY 92-93 level Priority: A-2 Category: Potential Assignment Item: Risk Management Issues Goa/(s): Diminish risk at public parks and recreation facilities; insure that facilities are safe for users; ADA compliance; Commission and Parks and Recreation staff to work more closely with Public Works Director, Maintenance Manager, and staff to develop a risk management program for the park areas and recreation facilities. Completion Date: FY 94-95 for existing facilities; concurrent with development of new facilities. Establish quarterly or bi annual inspection review of facilities. Required City Resources: Staff time, City funds for maintenance/repair; retrofit for ADA if necessary. Req'd. PRC Resources: Review of risk management standards and ADA information; -time for review of facilities (4-6 hrs annually) Relationship to function: Parks and Recreation Council Role: Provide the Commission with direction/comment Priority: B-1 _ Category: Potential Assignment Item: Trails Master Plan Goa/(s): To comply with the spirit of the General Plan Completion Date: FY 1995-96 and beyond Required City Resources: Staff labor cost and City expenditures of $12- 16,000. $22-25,000 for outside consultant. Staff to include in 1995-96 budget for Council consideration on behalf of the Commission. Req'd. PRC Resources: Time of Commissioners for public hearings and developing Master Plan; extra meetings of Committee. Relationship to Function: The City's General Plan includes this issue in the Parks and Recreation Element. The General Plan calls for a Trails Master Plan to be developed. The Commission believes that it is the advisory . body under which this assignment should rest, because of the recreation nature of trails. Council Role: Provide the Commission with direction/comment Priority: B-2 Category: Potential Assignment Item: Improved Maintenance and Development of Bear Creek Channel Bikepath Facility Goal(s): Improve the maintenance of the pathway and area around the pathway, and to develop better signage. Completion Date: Present the need for increased level of maintenance immediately with suggestions on how to address better maintenance; signage may be completed in FY 1994-95. Required City Resources: Regular maintenance staff time or City expenditures for contract maintenance. Req'd. PRC Resources: Convey ideas, follow-up, communicate with maintenance staff through City Manager Relationship to function: Commission believes this issue is an appropriate task under the Ordinance. Council Role: Provide the Commission with direction/comment Priority: C-1 Category: Potential Assignment Item: Network with Other Valley Commissions Goal(s): Improve performance through awareness; address regional issues on behalf of Council by presenting ideas to other Valley Commissions. Completion Date: Begin networking in calendar year 1995 Required City Resources: Minimal staff time Req'd. PRC Resources: Time attending other Commission meetings and attending joint cities meetings; coordinate sponsored meetings Council Role: Provide the Commission with direction/comment Priority: C-2 Category: Potential Assignment Item: Community Christmas Celebration Coal(s): Celebration and develop increased community interaction; foster sense of community Completion Date: Christmas 94-95; begin work this fiscal year Required City Resources: Christmas tree and lights; park decorations Req'd. PRC Resources: Additional meetings; planning, coordinating, and implementing the event; contacting schools, organizations, and businesses for support Council Role: Provide the Commission with direction/comment CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MEETING ATTENDANCE COMPENSATION TO: PAT PARKER, FINANCE DEPARTMENT FROM: TOM HARTUNG INTERIM PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR r-9 CREATI O DATE: oZ �1 qS SUBJECT: COMPENSATION OR THE MONTH OF r4lrW I'll IL , 1995 COMPENSATION OF $25.00 P-E-R- MEETING ACCOUNT NUMBER 101-251-509-000 COMMISSIONER VENDOR MEETING TOTAL NO. DATES AMOUNT DUE HONEY J. ATKINS 52-470 AVENIDA MADERO 27 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 STEVE BERLINER 48-115 VIA HERMOSA 29 a I a"7 a 5. D 0 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SUSAN FRANCIS 77-800 CALLE MONTEREY 665 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 KATHRYN HULL 77-260 CALLE CHILLON 880 � PO BOX 947 197 025. 00 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 MICHEILE KLEIN 49-100 TANGO COURT 1142 $� LA QUINTA, CA 92253 MARTIN LANGER 49-984 EL CIRCULO 1249 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TONI LAWRENCE 53-045 AVENIDA DIAZ 3121 oZ'o '-15. d0 LA QUINTA, CA 82253 FORM.014