CACMIN 01 23 1995 - CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISS.-1I4 MINUTES January 23, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room by Chairperson Francis. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis (Chairperson) Commissioner Kathryn Hull Coml'11issioner Michelle Klein (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Martin Langer Commissioner Toni Lawrence STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Mami Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Cristal Spidell, Secretary II II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Atkins asked that her name be added as co-author of La Quinta Pageant. It was moved by CommiSsioner HulVAtkins to approve the Minutes of January 11, 1995 as corrected. Unanimous. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None VI. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None VIII. STAFF REPORTS - None IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Review of Cultural Affairs Commission Work Plan The Commission reviewed the 11 proposed projects contained in the draft Work Plan. After thorough discussion and changes/corrections on each item the Commission determined which projects would stay in the Work Plan, as well as their order of priority. The remaining projects were placed in the Cultural Affairs Commission Handbook, or deleted· so as not to duplicate the efforts of another Commission/Committee. 1 - The results of the discussion are as follows: Work Plan Handbook Deleted Children's Art Displays Founding of La Quinta Annual Work Plan Arts Advocacy Sidewalk Art Contest High School Journalism Compo D.E.P.A. Program La Quinta Pageant Latin Jazz/Salsa Ç>ay Feasibility Study Liaison to the Community Advisory Body to the City Council Commissioner Training Program The Commission agreed to the above changes. Staff will make corrections to the Work Plan as directed and will prepare a staff report for the City Council to approve the Work Plan as submitted at the February 7, 1995.meeting. A draft copy will be mailed to the Commission by Wednesdays. Final comments to Chairperson Francis are due by Monday, January 30, 1995. The Commissioner discussed attending the Council meeting if they were able. Commissioner Berliner suggested that "B. Sub-Committee Reports" be added to "x. Commissioner Reports and Information Items" for future reports from subcommittees as a result of Work Plan activities. The Commission concurred. Staff will add this title on the next agenda. x. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Hull asked whether the final copy of the Cultural Affairs Commission Handbook Is' available. Staff will distribute final copies after the additions from tonlghfs meeting. Commissioner Klein asked about La Quinta Day at the Children's Museum. No flyers were sent home with the kids. Staff Indicated that the date was originally set for January 21 st, but was changed without our knowledge to January 28th. The Children's Museum is responsible for advertising in the newspaper and distributing flyers throughout the schools. Commissioner Hull Informed the Commission that she had received a letter from Harris Goldman in regards to Cultural Planning for Communities. Mr. Goldman indicated a study had been done' for the County of San Bernadino on developing a cultural plan. Commissioner Hull has made a request of the plan and will share it with the Commission at a later time. Chairperson Francis asked staff to invite a member of the Art In Public Places Committee to attend the next Cultural Affairs Commission meeting and give a brief overview of their plans. Commissioner Atkins indicated that had been done recently. Commissioner Hull will report back to the Commission following the next APP meeting. Commissioner Atkins asked if all Commissioners received name badges. Staff indicated that name badges will be distributed at the next meeting. CACMIN.OO2 2 XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Community Concerts Association - Pacific Symphone Youth Orchestra is coming to celebrate the Associations 45th year on March 11 tho They will hold 2 programs & an evening concert. Tickets are $10. Encorel- First concert successful. Next one is March 5th at 4:30 p.m. in the gardens of Ron Gregory. Admission includes Champagne Reception for $45. LQ Arts League - Seeking volunteers for the festival. LQ Historical Society Museum - Gala is February 12th at La Quinta Resort Hotel; cost is $75. Music provided by Steve Berliner Orchestra. Chairman Hal Linden is expected to attend. Round Table West - Next luncheon is February 23rd, Audrey Meadows, Duane Hickman, Jamie Farr, and Elizabeth Haley who wrote the book "A Women of Independent Means". School Site Council Committee - Arts Advocacy in the schools is a good idea. XII. NEXT MEE-nNG DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, February 27, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Review of Approved Work Plan ·XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Langer/Lawrence to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, February 27, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.. ~~'~ CRISTAL SPIDELL Secretary II CACMIN.OO2 3