CAC 01 23 199504 �f � Z44 U � OF TN�� CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AGENDA Regular Meeting La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 January 23, 1995 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Pledge of Allegiance II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, additions, deletions or reorganization of the agenda 111. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes of January 11, 1995. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. PUBLIC COMMENT The Cultural Affairs Commission reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS VII. STAFF REPORTS None. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Review of Cultural Affairs Commission Work Plan CACAGN 1 IX. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS X. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Art In Public Places Community Concerts -of LQ Encore! LQ Arts Foundation LQ Arts League LQ Chamber of Commerce LQ Friends of the Library LQ Historical Society Museum LQ Little Theater Round Table West School Site Council Committee Other NEXT +ETTIUNGQ`B'�A�TE, TILE AND TOPIC XI. Regular Meeting: February 27, 1995 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Topics: Begin tasks associated with Work Plan as approved by the City Council at the Council's February 7, 1995 meeting. XI1. ADJOURNMENT CACAGN 2 oti � F V Ilia y cFM OF ,n►ti°w City of La Quinta Cultural Affairs Commission Work Plan 1994-95 Cultural Affairs Commission 1995 Work Plan Priority: Category: Assignment Item: el IMS1#1 hTe-•tu-t On -Going Liaison to the Community Method(s) of Fulfillment: Attend all civic functions (mixers, Mayor's breakfasts, ribbon cutting, etc.) talk with residents and "hear" what they say. Be active in other culturally related activities both in La Quinta and surrounding communities. Suggested Resources: The CAC could get as much publicity as possible in La Quinta and throughout the valley. Everything we do and every meeting should be public information. Conduct periodic public forums (focusing on engaging arts related topics) in various public locations (Main Street Market Fair, weekly art show in Von's Center). Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner AvallWilty: Each Commissioner take turns so as not to overwhelm them. Commitment Regedred: Some months will be more hours than other months, at least * 6 hours per month including our monthly meetings. CACWP Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP On -Going Advisory Body to the City Council Attend ' Council meetings, maintain open communication, relay public opinion, accept assignments to participate in committees and boards. Stay alert to city activities. Divide up the assignments to be evenly distributed. About 6 hours per month. Priority: Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Annual Work Plan Method(s) of Fulfillment: Review existing assignments, suggest assignments to fill any voids, review programs and programs being done by other cities. Suggested Resources: The work plan should be considered a living document, subject to revision during the course of routine maintenance. Expansion of Assignment: On going maintenance. Commissioner Availability: Committee review regularly. Commitment Required: 2-3 hours per month. 1 CACWP Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP On -Going Commissioner Training Program Develop and maintain extensive listing of seminars and workshops throughout the country. Membership in arts related state and national organizations. Funding for travel fees, etc. Attend annual or scheduled conferences, seminars, etc. Perhaps additional funding in future if the program is effective. To be determined. Willingness to attend these programs. Priority: Category: On -going Assignment item: Arts Advocacy Method(s) of Fulfillment: Prepare guidelines and resources for parents, educators, organizations and citizens at large to advocate for arts education in all DSUSD schools K- 12. Lobby for appointment of music and art coordinatorstsupervisors, encourage adoption of "National Standards for Arts Education." Write to parents explaining the importance of music and the arts in their children's education. Suggested Resources: MENC, MTNA, National Coalition for Music Education, local art and music organizations. Staff time and funds are minimal. Utilize parent volunteers. Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP This should be on -gang. Commissioner Hull is available to assist with this. All Commissioners are resources. Approximately 2 hours per month. Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner AvailWilty: Commitment Required: CACWP Short Term Children's Art Displays Establish a c hildren's art contest. Entries submitted and judged by the CAC. Art would be displayed at the Civic Center. The top award winning art would be purchased by the City for permanent display. Coordination with Boys and Girls Club,. local schools, and La Quinta Arts Foundation. Some commission and staff time is required. Some funding for awards, ribbons, and prizes. Possible annual contest. Yes Some meeting time and perhaps subcommittee time. Approximately 10 hours for the event. Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP Short Term D. E.T.A. Program (Diversified Exposure to Theater Arts) Provide tickets for students to attend diversified events. 10-20 hours of feasibility research. Each fall a subcommittee of CAC would spend 10-15 hours monthly for 2-3 weeks, mostly phoning, to secure free or reduced rate tickets during the season. No growth in staff time, should be similar each year. Mostly work will be by PTA and/or school staff, if they agree to work the program. Yes 10-20 hours Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP Short Term Sidewalk Art Day event would allow community (children, adults; artists, etc.) to create art on pavement using colored chalk. City sidewalks in downtown area could be sectioned off for participants. Judging and prizes awarded for various categories. Advertising for event - staff Solicitation for prize donations - Commissioners Participants could supply their own chalk. Bike Path could be used. Event could be part of street fair if on city sidewalks or could be part of a walk-a- thon on the bike path. Walk -a thon fund raiser could raise funds for the arts. Yes (Klein) 1 hour per month Priority:. Category: Short Term Assignment Item: High School Journalism Competition Method(s) of Fulfillment: Event would provide a learning opportunity for the students and a way to showcase La Quinta's ability to take the lead on projects such as this one for valley high school students. Suggested Resouroes: Commission: 5-15 minutes progress report and/or discussion each month. Staff: Minimal - Provide lead person with assistance with any local requirementstrules that might govern such a function. Funding: I plan to raise funds externally to cover event expenses and any cash prizes. Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP The event can grow in size and scope over time, depending on the needs, success of the project, and desires of the students, staff, City of La Quints, etc. Yes. Commissioner Lawrence would like to take the lead role in planning and execution of this project, if approved. I will put as much time as necessary to produce a quality event for the students. Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: CACWP Long Term Latin Jazz/Salsa Day Appoint coordinator to work with subcommittee to determine format, talent, all planning, advertising strategy, date, location. Featuring salsa music, foods, dancing, celebrity MC, etc. City funding (perhaps matching sponsorships) Could be annual event held in late spring. Yes (Berliner) Meeting time, subcommittee time, approximately 96 hours per month for 6 months for the individual who coordinates the event and approximately 4 hours per month meeting time for subcommittee overseeing the production. Priority: Category: Long Term Assignment Item: La Quinta Pageant/Founding of La Quinta Mothod(s) of Fulfillment: Creating steering committee consisting of Historical Society, CAC, Council Member, technical, theatrical, musical to lay ground work. Budget development study. Site procurement (seed civic center ground, build temporary staging, rent seating). Suggested Resources: City funding, private funding, legal council, staff time, recruitment, publicity. Expansion of Assignment: Annual event creating great visibility for La Quinta valley wide, county wide, state wide, etc. Develop into week long event including mufti -discipline arts event Commissioner AvellWilty: Yes Commitment Required: This will require a tremendous oommkment starrifng with the single step of forming a steering committee. CACWP Cultural Affairs Commission Work Plan Draft Assignment Form Category,Proposed - to be ongoing (all would be "Proposed") Assignment Item: Arts Advocacy (Title of proposed item) Method for Fulfillment ppapara n„i aei i nes r. resources for oarents, (How to address item) educators, organizations and citizens at large to advocate for arts education in all DSUSD schools K-12. Lobby for appointment or mUS- & art coor i - ' i n rite- to par-ai1ts exn1ainina the iMportnnnp of muai e k the arts in their childn's education (provide statistics). Suggested Resources: MENC, MTNA, National Coalition for Music (Staff time, Commission Education, local art and music organizations. time, funding, etc.) Staff time & funds are minimal. Utilize parent volunteers. Expansion of Assignment m s abould be (How do you see this assignment growing over time, if at all) Commissioner Availability: K. Hull is available to assist with this. (Are you available to All commissioners are resources. ass ist w ith th is ?) Commitment Required: (How many hours per month are required too address this issue?) Agnrox. 2 hrs./month