CACMIN 03 27 1995 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES March 27, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Francis presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Klein. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Michelle Klein Commissioner. Martin Langer Commissioner· Toni Lawrence . MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins CQmmissioner Kathryn Hull STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Marni Francisco, Recreation Supervisor Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/lawrence to excuse Commissioner Atkins and Commissioner Hull from the meeting tonight. Unanimous. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA XI. Commissioner Reports & Informational Items, B. Subcommittee Report #1 is removed. This item will be addressed under IX. Commission Business, Item B. IV . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Commission made minor corrections to the minutes. It was moved by Commissioner Klein/Lawrence to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimous. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Easter Egg Hunt Staff announced the Easter Event on April 15th at the Sports Complex from 9:00 - 11 :00 a.m.. Radio station KLCX will be promoting the event on the radio and they will be broadcasting at the event. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Commissioner Francis introduced Norris Bernard who was present at the meeting. Mr. Bernard's background includes Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Human Services Commissioner, and Volunteer and Ambassador at the Chamber of Commerce. CACMIN.OO4 1 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. San Bernadino County Cultural Plan From Harris Goldman & Associates Commissioner Hull requested a copy of this Plan and indicated that she would give the Commission a copy when it was received. The Commission agreed that the plan was very ambitious and well done. Chairperson Francis directed staff to forward a copy of the plan to the Art in Public Places Committee. B. California Arts Council Executive Summary - Received and filed. C. California Countrysidå Festival Information - Received and filed. D. Art in Public Places Minutes for February 6, 1995 -. Received and filed. VIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Select Judges and Recruit Volunteers for Easter Mural Sidewalk Art Contest Staff informed the Commission of the events scheduled for April 15th which include an egg hunt, chalk drawing contest, egg toss, and a visit from the Easter Bunny. Ms. Francisco asked for volunteers to set up the Easter Egg· Event. Chairperson Francis and Commissioner Klein will arrive at 8:00 a.m.. The Commission then reviewed the judging ballot and offered suggestions and made corrections which staff will incorporate into the final ballot. Judges suggested for the Sidewalk Chalk Drawing Contest are Susan Francis, Michelle Klein, Terry Treviso, Nancy Nard, KLCXpersonality, and Diane Cardinelli. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Review Report and Select Commissioner(s) to attend NALAA Conference, June 10-13, 1995 The Commission reviewed the staff report and after a lengthy discussion it was determined that Chairperson Francis would attend the Pre-Conference on June 8-1 Oth, and Commissioner Hull will attend the Conference on June 10-13th. It was moved by Commissioner Lawrence/Klein to direct staff to prepare a report for the City Council on April 18, 1995 requesting authorization for overnight travel for two Cultural Affairs Commissioners to attend the Conference. in San Jose, June 8-13, 1995. Unanimous. B. Review CAC Letter to be Mailed to Organizations - Atkins Commissioner Atkins prepared a draft letter to be sent to different organizations in the valley which invites them to attend a Cultural Affairs Commission meeting. The letter was revised by the Commission and staff will present a final copy at the next meeting. Each Commissioner is to provide names of organizations and contact persons, as well as mailing addresses to the Commission Secretary at the next meeting to establish a list for mailing the letter. It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Lawrence to approve the letter with corrections. A copy of the letter as corrected is attached. X. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Lawrence asked if there was any information available regarding the future of the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff indicated that the department is being reviewed by the City Council on April 3rd. CACMIN.OO4 2 Chairperson Francis statedc-that the First Annual Soap Box Derby ,tas very nice. The event makes Ms. Francis proud to be a resident of La Quintal Commissioner Berliner enjoyed the Arts Festival, and felt the Jack Sheldon Band was wonderful. XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Com~unity Concerts Association - April 2nd is the last show of the season. Concerts will begin again in December. The Pacific Symphony Concert was successful with over 350 people in attendance. La Arts Foundation - Arts Festival was a success. Art installation, kids hands-on art, and babysitting events were new and very successful this year. Record high attendance figure. LQ Chamber of Commerce - Next Mainstreet Market Faire is April 7th. The theme is Reggae. La Little Theater - Second session is under way with auditions. Wednesday is script reading, and the performance is in June. School Site Council Committee - The first art rotation classes were very . successful. B. Subcommittee Reports High School Joumallsm Competition - Lawrence Commissioner Lawrence reported that she had contacted 8 or 9 schools and there was a lot of support and interest. March '96 is a possible date for the first competition. Ms. Lawrence made contact with KESa, and has estimated a budget of $2,000 for lunch and awards. Contacted Ms. Lynn Franks, La Quinta High School Journalism instructor. Additional information will be brought to the Commission. DEPA Program - Berliner Commissioner Berliner contacted the McCallum Theater and the Follies for tickets. Both organizations have agreed to work with the Commission. Program could be in effect by next year. Next step is to contact the La Quinta schools and parent/student groups. Additional contacts will be made and information will be provided at future Commission meetings. La Quints Pageant - Francis La Quinta Pageant Steering Committee will be made up of Chairperson Francis, Commissioner Atkins, Mayor Pro-Tern Bangerter, Darlene Romano (in May), Judy VoSsler, and Fred Rice. The final seat will be filled soon. First meeting will be held the end of April, and Chairperson Francis will update the Commission at that time. Commissioner Berliner asked for clarification whether he was to contact La Quinta. Theatrical Department teacher, Sherry Wollenberg for her assistance. Chairperson Francis indicated that she was to be contacted for informational purposes. Commissioner Berliner will contact her. CACMIN.OO4 3 ~ XII. NEXT MEETING DAT~' TIME AND TOPIC Monday, April 24, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Arts Advocacy Report - Hull/Langer · Latin Jazz/Salsa Day Feasibility Study - Berliner · Final Review of Letter to Organizations · List of Names and Addresses of Organizations from Each Commissioner · Journalism Competition Update - Lawrence · DEP A Update - Berliner · La Quinta Pageant - Francis · Review of NALAA Conference Attendance · Final· Review of Easter Event XIII. ADJOURNMENT It. was moved by Commissioner Langer/Klein to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 24, 1995. Motion carried unanimøusly. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.. CACMIN.OO4 4