CACMIN 02 27 1995 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISS.,.;^, MINUTES February 27, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Francis presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Langer. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner .Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Martin Langer Commissioner Toni Lawrence (Arrived at 7:04 p.m.) Commissioner Michelle Klein MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Hull/Berliner to excuse Commissioner Klein from the meeting. Unanimous. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Atkins Indicated that the book written by Elizabeth Haley is called" A Woman of Independent Means", and the admission, which includes the Ch.ampagne Receptlo'n, is $45. It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Hull to approve the Minutes of January 23, 1995 as corrected. Unanimous. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Easter Celebration Staff informed the Commission that the Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration Is scheduled for April 15, 1995 from 9:00 - 11 :00 a.m. at the La Quinta Sports Complex. Staff will mail a copy of an informational flyer to the Commissioners which was distributed to students at La Qulnta Middle School and Adamsrrruman Elementary. Additional information will be presented at the next CAC meeting. . VI. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRmEN MATERIALS CACMIN.OO3 1 A. Lawn Chair and Picni~ 60ciety Letter The Commission had a brief discussion and as a result everyone concurred that this information would be of benefit to the CAC, and suggested that a copy be made and given to the Senior Center as well. It was moved by Commissioner Langer/Atkins to purchase a subscription to Event Horizons, Southern California's only Guide to Free Concerts for $35.. Unanimous. B. Art In Public Places Committee Minutes of January 9, 1995 Commissioner Hull said it is good that the CAC receive the Minutes from APP so that everyone Is informed of what the Committee is doing. Staff was directed to continue to include the approved Minutes of the Art In Public Places Committee meetings when available. The Minutes are for informational purposes only. VIII. STAFF REPORTS - None IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. City Council Review of CAC Work Plan Chairperson Francis told the Commission that the Work Plan was approved as submitted at the February 21, 1995 City Council meeting. Ms. Francis felt that Councilman Perkins had some concerns. Staff played a portion of the City Council meeting tape which pertained to the discussion of the Work Plan. Ms Francis suggested that hearing this tape would allow everyone to know exactly what Is expected of the Commlsslòn. The Commission listened to the tape and had the following comments: Chairperson Francis summed up Councilman Perkins remarks by stating that he wants the CAC to be an umbrella over all the components of the Work Plan and all art In La Quinta, and promise him that the Commission won't get bogged down in anyone area or on anyone project. Commissioner Berliner stated that the Commission's work would be limited to feasibility studies on any of the tasks, and helping to gather the people responsible who would be doing the work required. It Is clear that this Commission will not sit as the Board of Directors of any tasks. Commissioner Hull recalled that it was a concern of the Commission not to get too personally involved and spend to much time with the tasks. This could be done by advising on the tasks as opposed to doing the work. Commissioner Langer stated that the original intent of the Commission was to create a cohesive, unified cultural community. He feels the Commission needs to find out what the different organizations needs and goals are, then the CAC can be valuable to them and the City. Chairperson Francis agreed in part with Commissioner Langer, however she feels that areas need to be identified that are lacking in La Quinta, and try to see how to encourage those areas to exist. Commissioner Langer disagreed with Chairperson Francis. He feels her statement is the second part of the equation, the first part is finding out what the organizations needs are in order to find out how the CAC can fill an unmet need and solve potential problems. To do this Commissioner Langer suggests having the organizations come in and meet face to face with them. He added that the Commission does not want to . be in conflict with or to duplicate programs. Listening to the, organizations needs could be of benefit, as well as sharing ideas. Commissioner Berliner suggested sending a letter out inviting organization representatives to future meetings CACMIN.OO3 2 to address their needs to 1118 Commission. Chairperson Francis added that the letter should include what the Commission would like the representative to talk about. Commissioner Atkins suggested that a letter bè written explaining our Commission, meeting times and dates, and invite them to attend the CAC meetings before sending out $P9ciflc invitations to individual organizations. The Commission concurred. Commissioner Atkins will submit a letter to staff by March 21 st to be included in the agenda for review by the Commissioners at the next CAC meeting. Chairperson Francis added that after attending the City Council meeting she is confident that the CAC Work Plan is in line with what the Council expects of the Commission. Commissioner Atkins stated that Chairperson Francis represented the Commission very well at the City Council meeting. The Commission concurred. The Commission reviewed the .Work Plan and assigned the tasks as follows: Arts Advocacy Sidewalk Art Contest High School Journalism Compo DEPA Program La Quinta Pageant Latin Jazz/Salsa Day Study Commissioner Hull & Commissioner Langer Commissioner Klein Commissioner Lawrence Commissioner Berliner Commissioner Francis & Commissioner Atkins Commissioner Berliner Chairperson Francis asked the Commission for input on asking a Council member to be involved on the La Quinta Pageant project, or was It too early to get them involved. It was decided that Chairperson Francis would attend the next City Council meeting to ask for a volunteer to work on the committee. The committee will consist of 7 people (2 CAC members, 1 Council member, 3 at large). After all the committee members are selected a meeting time and date will be set. Commissioner Lawrence will be available to help with the publicity aspect of the pageant. The Commission suggested names of Individuals to contact to serve on the steering committee for the La Quinta Pageant. The names sùggested were Fred Rice (La Qulnta Historical Society), Judy Vossler (KSL), and Darlene Romano (stage productions at the 'McCallum Theater). Chairperson Francis would like to see someone with technical logistical experience to put together the creation of the show. She would also like to contact John Walling later on in the development of the program for his help. Commissioner Berliner will contact the La Qulnta High School Theatrical Department teacher for assistance. It was suggested by Councilman Sniff, who was present at the meeting, to advertise in La Quinta Newsletter for a technical logistical person. Commissioner Atkins preferred to do the advertising after the steering committee was formed. Commissioner Berliner suggested naming a Realtor on the committee who knows the area and the history of La Quinta. Commissioner Hull would like to approach who would be appropriate and add names as the meetings progress, rather than waiting to find 7 people and then starting the meetings. The Commission would prefer La Quinta residents on the steering committee. Chairperson Francis will 1) contact the Date Festival, Carolyn Lair and Fred Rice, 2) provide copies of Minutes of past meetings on La Quinta Pageant, and 3) attend the City Council meeting on March 7th to ask for a volunteer during Public Comment. Commissioner Atkins will contact Judy Vossler. Commissioner Hull will contact Darlene Romano. Each Commissioner will b~in work on their respective tasks and report back to the Commission as needed. CACMIN.OO3 3 Mr. Hartung asked that 1Ir1a1ized Subcommittee Reports be tLlII.ed in to the Parks and Recreation Department by 3:00 p.m. on March 22nd so that they could be included in the agenda packets. Reþorts not received will be considered verbal in nature. B. NALAA Conference - June 10-13th, San Jose, CA The Commissioners discussed the importance of attending the NALAA Conference in San Jose. Some topics being covered are Arts in Education, Cultural Facilities, and Resource Development. The CAC has a budget of $2,100 for attending conferences. Staff will check into the cost for each Commissioner, and this item will be on the March 27, 1995 agenda. Staff will contact the Community Development Department regarding sharing the cost. ChairPerson Francis suggested sendinm one or two Commissioners. Commissioners Hull, Francis, and Lawrence indicated an interested in attending the conference, including the pre-conference. Commissioner Lawrence will step aside this year if need be. Staff will prepare a report for the next City Council meeting asking authorization for out of town travel for two CAC members to attend th'e conference. x. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS - None XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Art In Public Places - Joint meeting with Palm Desert, Palm Springs, and Indian Wells in April. Community Concerts Association - Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra will perform in concert at the La Quinta Hotel at 7:30 p.m. on March 11th; tickets are $10. Encorel- Second concert is Sunday in Palm Desert in the gardens of Ron Gregory, Landscape Architect at 4:30 p.m.. Concert will consist of an ensemble of seven musiciafls/instrumentallsts and a singer. LQ Arts Foundation - Arts Festival, March 16..19th. LQ Arts League - Needs a few volunteers for the Arts Festival from the Cultural Affairs Commission. LQ Chamber of Commerce - Malnstreet Market Place, Friday, March3rd, 6-9:00 p.m. on Calle Estado. Warner Brothers theme; cartoon and movie characters will be there in costume. LQ Friends of the Library - Needs mor~ book donations for their book sale. LQ Historical Society Museum - Gala was a huge success; Hal Linden was present. Golf tournament planned for May 30th; more information will be available next month. A tribute to Bob Hope Is on the wall of the museum with covers of every Palm Springs Life magazine that he has been on. Round Table West - Next luncheon is Monday, March 13th. Authors are Joe Barbarra, My Life In Tunes; . Charles Bragg, Silent Earth; Ron Ely, East Beach; and Dr. M. J. MoCarthey, To Lay Down One's Life For You Brother. B. Subcommittee Reports - None CACMIN.OO3 4 XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, '. .64E AND TOPIC Monday, March 27, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Easter Sidewalk Mural Judging · Introduction Letter of the CAC - Atkins . High School Journalism Competition Report - Lawrence · DEP A Program Report - Berliner · La Quinta Pageant Report - Francis · NALM Conference Attendance Information Monday, April 24, 1995 · Arts Advocacy Report - HulVLanger . Latin Jazz/Salsa Day Feasibility Study Report - Berliner Commissioner Hull announced that she will be absent from the March 27th meeting. She will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the National Convention of the Music Teachers National Association. XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Langer/Lawrence to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, March 27, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.. CRISTAL SPIDELL Secretary II CACMIN.OO3 5,