2004 12 28 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
December 28, 2004
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by.Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Alderson to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Rick Daniels, Kay Ladner, Paul Quill
and Chairman Tom Kirk.
C. Staff present: City Manager/Interim Community Development Director
Thomas Genovese, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Senior
Engineer Paul· Goble, Principal Planner Fred Baker, Contract Consultant
Planner Nicole Criste, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of the
regular meeting of December 14, 2004. There being no corrections, it
was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Ladner to approve the
minutes as submitted.
B. Department Report:
A. Village Use Permit 2004-026; a request of Prest Vuksic for consideration
of the construction of a 6,800 square foot, two story office building
located north side of Calle Amigo, one lot west of Desert Club Drive.
1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Consulting Planner Nicole Criste presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department. Staff explained the
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Planning Commission Minutes
December 28, 2004
concerns raised by the City Council at their last meeting regarding
the lack of parking in the Village.
2. Çhairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Quill asked about the parking requirements in the
Village. Staff stated the Village Guidelines allow variation from
the Zoning Code, but Council at their last meeting, discussed there
being too large a reduction in parking for projects currently being
proposed in the Village.
3. Commissioner Daniels asked why this project was exempt from
CEQA. Staff explained. Commissioner Daniels asked if there was
bus service. Staff stated access to the Sunline bus service is
within a quarter mile. Commissioner Daniels asked If Council
determined there was a need for more parking in the Village would
this applicant have adequate space to provide the added parking.
Staff stated the architect would need to evaluate the site to
determine where it could be and it would need to come from the
open space, or by reducing the building space.
4. Commissioner Alderson asked if the landscape plans would be
approved priorto building permit. Staff stated yes. Commissioner
Alderson asked if street parking was evaluated in the calculations.
Staff stated no, only on-site parking.
5. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. David Prest, the architect representing the
applicant, stated he was available to answer any questions. In
reference to the parking, it would be difficult to provide.
6. Commissioner Daniels asked if there are parking problems currently
in this location, or do we know what is adjacent to this site. Mr.
Prest stated to the east is the Arnold Palmer restaurant, and to the
north is an office building that has been approved for this site.
Commissioner Daniels noted the parking problems are more in the
Old Town area than this area.
7. Commissioner Alderson commended the applicant for the use and
design of his trash enclosure and with reciprocal parking it will
work out well. He would however, recommend moving it two or
three stalls to the west because where they are sitting is directly
on top of a 4' X 6' Imperial Irrigation vault.
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Planning Commission Minutes
December 28, 2004
8. Mr. Rob Capitz, the applicant, stated on the south side of the
street there is a large parcel of vacant land owned by the City
that, at some point, will need to be landscaped and could provide
parking. He requested the condition requiring the parcels being
merged be deleted as he would like to keep them separate and
create a use agreement for the parking.
9. Commissioner Quill asked if the building fits the lots within the
setbacks. Mr. Capitz stated yes. Staff recommended amending
Condition #31 to require a recorded Recriprol Access Easement.
Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated it should be
subject to review and approval of the City Attorney's office.
10. Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment.
There being none, the public participation portion of the hearing
was closed and open for Commission discussion.
11 . It was moved by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adopt Planning
Commissioner Resolution 2004-107 approving Village Use Permit,
as recommended and amended:
a. Condition #31 : Either merge the lots or record a Reciprocal
Access Easement and Joint Maintenance Agreement to be
reviewed and approved by the City Attorney's office.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and
Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
C. Zoning Code Amendment 2004-'081: a request of the City for an
Amendment to the La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9, Section
9.40.010-Table 9-1 Permitted Uses in Residential Districts; Section
9.80.040-Table 801 Permitted Uses in NonResidential Districts; and
Section 9.150.080.M.5.a. and 9.1 00.040.B.1.a.relating to interior
1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff
report. Consulting Planner Nicole Criste presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the
Community Development Department.
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Daniels asked about the other locations in the City
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Planning Commission Minutes
December 28, 2004
that had the CP designation. Staff explained the locations on the
map and intent of the uses for the CP zone. This request was to
allow the City greater flexibility by allowing the uses with a
Conditional Use Permit.
3. Commissioner Quill questioned the proposed uses for the site.
City Manager Tom Genovese stated that in regard to buffers and
planning guidelines, both locations where the land is zoned CP,
they have a natural buffer by either the Whitewater Channel or La
Quinta Excavation Channel from the residentially zoned properties.
4. Chairman Kirk asked if this request was to allow greater flexibility
for City-owned property. City Manager Tom Genovese stated that
by approving this change it would give the City greater flexibility in
reviewing projects for these sites. However, it should also be
noted that it is consistent with proper planning due to the fact that
you have a natural buffer to both the north and south of these
zoned areas.
5. Commissioner Daniels asked if the Conditional Use Permit process
required a public hearing before the Commission. Staff stated yes.
6. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if
anyone else would like to address the Commission on this matter.
There being none, the public participation portion of the hearing
was closed and open for Commission discussion.
7. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2004-108, recommending
approval of Zoning Code Amendment 2004-081 , as recommended
by staff.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill and
Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN:
A. Sign Application 2004-827; a request of Gem Realty Group for
consideration of an amended planned sign program for a multi-tenant
office building located at 78-900 A venue 47, north of Avenue 47, west
of Adams Street.
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Planning Commission Minutes
December 28, 2004
1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Principle Planner Fred
Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a
copy of . which is on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner 'Alderson asked if the applicant was asking to go
change the signs from illuminated to nonilluminated. Staff stated
that was correct.
3. There being no questions of staff, Chairman Kirk, asked if the
applicant would like to address the Commission. The applicant
having no questions.
4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to
adopt Minute Motion 2004-018, approving Sign Application 2004-
827, as recommended. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Daniels gave a report on the City Council meeting of
December 21 , 2004 and noted the appointment by the City Council of Ed
Alderson to the Commission and welcomed him to the Commission.
Commissioner Alderson thanked everyone for the welcome.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Ladner to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on January 11, 2005, at 7:00 p.m.
This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:38 p.m., on December
28, 2004.
Res~ctfully Su?mitted,
.~ /) AJi '
~eWX:8awy;r, Ext;:;;;;e Secretary
City 0 La Quinta, California
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