CACMIN 05 22 1995 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES May 22, 1995 I. CAll TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Vice Chairperson Klein presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chairperson Klein. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Michelle Klein Commissioner Martin Langer Commissioner Toni Lawrence MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Langer/Lawrence to excuse Chairperson Francis and Commissioner Berliner from the meeting this evening. Motion carried unanimously. II. PLEDGE OF AllEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Langer indicated that he did not Å“sign as President of the Community Concerts Association. It was moved by Commissioner Hull/Lawrence to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None VI. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Commissioner Berliner Letter to Latin Jazz/Salsa Festival Committee Members - Received & filed. B. American Park & Recreation Society - Received & filed. C. Staff Evaluation of Easter Event - Received & filed. D. Free Concerts List - Received & filed. VIII. STAFF REPORTS · None 1 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Review list of Organizations for Mailing The Commission reviewed the mailing list of organizations throughout the Coachella Valley. Commissioner Hull will provide additional addresses in a few days, and staff will update the list and distribute new copies at the next meeting. The Commission then directed staff to send letters to all La Quinta based organizations inviting them to attend a CAC meeting to share ideas. x. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Direction of the Commission Commissioner Hull discussed the direction of the Commission and suggested that a Master Plan would help bring things into focus. Commissioner Langer indicated that the Commission is very young, and that it needs to work with other organizations to determine what their needs are and assist them in any way we can. Commissioner Atkins does not feel uncomfortable with the direction that the Commission is going. Commissioner Klein stated that the Commission has accomplished things such as the Work Plan and the Handbook. Commissioner Lawrence believes that the letters going out to different organizations could create additional items for the Work Plan, and thus making it a living document. La Quinta Day at the Museum Commissioner Atkins suggesting having La Quinta Days at museums similar to the one at Children's Museum of the Desert, and indicate that it is being offered by the Cultural Affairs Commission. After additional discussion the Commission determined that this could also be offered at the Palm Springs Museum, the La Quinta Sculpture Park, or the Living Desert. The Commission concurred that it was a good idea, and suggested contacting a local facility first. Ms. Atkins will contact Bernardo Gouthier at the La Quinta Sculpture'Park and report back to the Commission. XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Art In Public Places - The art work at Ralph's Center is now being handled by APP instead of the developer. Approximately $20,00 is earmarked for the project. Community Concerts Association - Currently on hiatus. The Outreach Program through the schools is done. Encore! - The season is over and they are working on talent for next season. They are also, looking for host homes which could hold 80-100 people for next season. LQ Arts League - New Board of Director's and Honey Atkins is the President. On hiatus during the summer and a lot of plans are in the works for next year. LQ Chamber of Commerce - 3rd Annual Installation Dinner was a success. 2 LQ Historical Society Museum - The month of May is "Tribute to the Incorporation of La Quinta" at the museum. La Quinta memberobilia which was donated by Kay & Fred Wolff is on display. The hours are Thursday through Saturday from 10-12:00 pm and 1-3:00 pm. LQ Little Theater - 12 Dancing Princesses and The Little Princess productions will be held on Friday, June 2nd at the La Quinta Middle School Auditorium at 7:00 p.m.. Tickets are available for $3.00. Donations are accepted and will be used to support the La Quinta Little Theater program, as well as the La Quinta Middle School Band. Round Table West - Harold Robbins, Joe Barbara, and Mr. Blackwell were guests. Next luncheon is June ,26th with Mary Higgins Clark, and Janet Lee whose latest book is "Psycho". School Site Council Committee - The Committee has adjourned for the school year. B. Subcommittee Reports High School Journalism Competition - Commissioner Lawrence distributed a timeline and information to the Commission regarding contact with individuals for the Journalism Contest. Commissioner Lawrence will continue to work on the project and expects the event to be held in the Spring, 1996. Arts Advocacy - The subcommittee members are Commissioners Hull, Klein, and Langer. Commissioner Hull said that the goal of the Arts Advocacy Program is to present a public forum in the fall. Further contact will be made with teachers, principals, parents (PTA), as well as Susan Troublefield and DSUSD. The CAC will not actually put on the forum, it will assist in putting the proper individuals on a panel and those individuals will run the forum. La Quinta Pageant - Commissioner Atkins reported that the subcommittee met on May 17th and will be presenting a proposal to the City Council on June 6th under Reports and Informational Items. XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, June 26, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Subcommittee Reports . Discussion of a Cultural Arts Center in La Quinta XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Langer/Lawrence to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 26, 1995 at 7:00 p.m.. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.. 3