CACMIN 06 26 1995 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 26, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Francis presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Klein. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Michelle Klein MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Martin Langer Commissioner Toni Lawrence STAFF PRESENT: Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Klein to excuse Commissioner Hull, Langer & Lawrence from the meeting. Unanimous. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Atkins asked that the minutes reflect that she suggested having La Quinta Days at museums similar to the one at the Children's Museum of the Desert. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Klein to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimous. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Chairperson Francis introduced Susan Benay, the newly appointed CAC member. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Carolyn Lair, La Quinta Arts Foundation - Ms. Lair discussed her concerns about budget cuts to cultural arts programs in the community, and she would like to see a resource base be developed so that when new groups and new ideas come along that everyone is not dealing with the same pot of money which she feels is inadequate to begin with. Ms. Lair suggested hiring a consultant to do a Cultural Plan for the City, as well as developing a resource base for culture which could extend resources to include Federal, State, and County funds like the Arts Foundation currently is working on. City funding currently represents 6.5% of the Arts Foundations total annual budget, and they are reducing their dependency on the City each year. CACMIN.007 1 VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Minutes for April 4, 1995 - Received & filed. B. Art in Public Places Minutes for Special Meeting on April 5, 1995 - Received & filed. c. Art in Public Places Minutes for May 1, 1995 - Received & filed. D. Updated Arts Education Mailing List - Received & filed. VIII. STAFF REPORTS - None IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Geoff Dunbar, Music Director, La Qulnta Middle School - Mr. Dunbar thanked the Commission for the invitation to the meeting. Mr. Dunbar then gave the Commission a little back ground on the La Quinta Blackhawk's Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, and Jazz Combo and the events they have played in which include the Blockbuster Video Grand Opening and the City's Tree Lighting Ceremony. Mr. Dunbar indicated that his musical groups would like to play at other events such as the Mainstreet Market Place, Chamber Mixers, City functions, etc. The Commission suggested Mr. Dunbar contact the Indio Date Festival, Sun City Palm Springs, the La Quinta Senior Center, and the La Quinta Museum, and the La Quinta Rotary for possible play dates. They also suggested he form a community band, an All-Valley band, as well as contact the La Quinta Arts Foundation to play at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Bear Creek Bike Path Art Project. B. Donna Martin, President, Community Concerts Association - Ms. Martin told the Commission that the Community Concerts Association began in 1949 and currently there are 675 members valley wide. The Community Concerts Association does 4 concerts during their season which begins in December each year and tickets for the series is $40.00. Ms. Martin indicated that a scholarship has been established for area music students to further their education. The greatest challenge the Concerts Association has is finding a venue to hold concerts, and M,s. Martin would like to see the City build a Cultural Arts Center with a large multi-use room with removable seating for 900-1000 people. The Center could be used for large City Council meetings, Round Table West meetings, and concerts. Ms. Martin indicated that the Community Concerts Association will be sending a representative to future CAC meetings. c. La Qulnta Pageant - Commissioner Atkins read the subcommittee report on the La Quinta Pageant to the Commission. After a lengthy discussion the following issues were addressed/answered: - "Contracting" means paying the leads involved in the production of the project - The program would be held at the La Quinta Resort Tennis Courts on Easter Weekend - The script would need to be written by a professional in ensure its success - It is not known whether grant funds are available to assist with funding of the pageant - Shows will be held on Thursday, Friday, and 2 on Saturday - Storage and construction site of the sets has yet to be determined - Seed money in the amount of $5,000 would be needed in order to proceed with the project - Citizens of La Quinta will be solicited for historical stories of La Quinta for the pageant - The word "Pageant" will remain unless another name is suggested and agreed upon Staff suggested going to the City Council on July 18, 1995 requesting approval to solicit RFP's in order to hire a consultant that would check into all areas of putting on a pageant of this nature. Upon approval of the City Council, the CAC would seek RFP's and report back to the Council in September with a recommendation. It was moved by Commissioner Klein/Berliner to request approval to solicit RFP's in order to hire a consultant for the La Quinta Pageant not to exceed $5,000. Unanimous. CACMIN.007 2 X. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Klein asked for clarification on reports going to City Council and whether they go through the Commission or the subcommittee. Staff indicated that the subcommittee is to present their item to the Commission for their approval. The Commission then forwards their recommendation to the City Council. Chairperson Francis asked if the CAC should send a thank you letter to Commissioner Langer for his time served on the Commission. Council member Sniff indicated that an appreciation plaque is given to all out going Commission members. Commissioner Berliner would like to see a more personalized letter from the City confirming the reappointment of a person to a board/committee/commission. Staff will direct his suggestion to the City Clerk. XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports It was moved by Commissioner Francis/Klein to continue this item until the next meeting CAC meeting. Unanimous. B. Subcommittee Reports DEP A - Berliner Commissioner Berliner will meet with Sherry Wollenberg in the fall to see if she has contacted any parents for their assistance with distribution of tickets which has been set up with three major theaters. If Commissioner Berliner is unable to contact Ms. Wollenberg in the fall he will contact Jon Gaffney, Principal of La Quinta High School Latin Jazz/Salsa Festival - Berliner Commissioner Berliner updated the Commission on the status of the Latin Jazz/Salsa Festival feasibility study. Another exploratory meeting is set for July 6, 1995. An October 1996 or 1997 event date is possible. Commissioner Berliner will report back next month on the progress of the feasibility study. Arts Advocacy - Hull/Klein A Value of the Arts in Education Forum is currently being planned to be held in La Quinta with valley wide participation at LQHS sometime in the fall (November). Subcommittee members have met with Susan Troublefield, Assistant Superintendent from DSUSD. Ms. Troublefield suggested contacting principals and arts education instructors in the valley schools by way of a survey. Survey responses are coming in. The subcommittee would like to expand by adding additional members to help them accomplish things that need to be done. Chairperson Francis suggested asking Susan Benay, the newly appointed Commissioner. It was determined that a keynote speaker would be needed, as well as other speakers involved in the arts (Le. dance, visual, etc.). It was brought to the attention of the Commission by Judy Vossler that a forum of this sort was just held at the McCallum Theater with Carolyn Armanson. The subcommittee will meet again and report back to the Commission in July and new subcommittee members will be sought. Commissioner Atkins reminded the Commission that subcommittees need to keep each other informed of whom they plan on contacting so that the same person is not asked by a number of Commissioners to assist on their subcommittee. The Commission concurred. CACMIN.007 3 Other - Atkins Commissioner Atkins has been in contact with the La Quinta Sculpture Park and will report back next month about a La Quinta Day at the facility. XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, July 24, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Introduction of New Parks and Recreation Director, Marty Nicholson · Introduction of New Commissioner, Susan Benay · Review of FY94-95 CAC Accomplishments - Francis · Discussion of Master Plan Versus Cultural Plan · Discussion of a Cultural Arts Center in La Quinta - Hull · NALAA Conference Attendance Report - Francis & Hull · Report on City Council Action on Request to Hire Consultant for the La Quinta Pageant XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Berliner to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, July 24, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.. CACMIN .007 4