CACMIN 10 12 1995
October 23, 1995
The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic
Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Honey Atkins
Commissioner Susan Benay (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Steve Berliner
Commissioner Susan Francis
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Michelle Klein
Commissioner Archie Sharp
Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
Chairperson Hull suggested the Commission say the Pledge of Allegiance correctly by saying the phrase "one nation
under God" together, not separated into two parts.
Commissioner Klein asked if the Commission wished to consider moving Public Comment to a later time on the
Agenda. After a brief discussion it was decided to leave the Public Comment where it is, however if guests were
present to speak on a particular item they would be allowed to speak prior to the Commissioner's discussing the
It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Francis to approve the Minutes of September 18, 1995 as submitted.
Corrections made to the September 25, 1995 Minutes included the spelling of the names Jim Volz and Dr. Janice
Lyle; changing the date of November 3rd to November 7th; and Rosh Hashanah was misspelled. .
Staff asked that the Commissioners speak loud and clear, and one at a time so that everything and everyone can
be heard on the tape. Staff also asked that if peoples names are mentioned that they be spelled out for the record.
Commissioner Berliner asked that the following paragraph be added to Latin Jazz Salsa Festival Feasibility Study:
"Mr. Bernardo Gouthier also expressed interest in discussing the possibility of holding a Latin Jazz Salsa Festival
at the La Quinta Sculpture Park and Commissioner Berliner will meet with him regarding this in the near future."
It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Francis to approve the Minutes of September 25, 1995 as corrected.
Staff announced that mail has been received from various sources and it is available for review by the Commission
at their leisure.
Chairperson Hull stated that she has received mail that could be pertinent to the Commission. She asked that if
items are dated that they be forwarded to the appropriate Commissioner.
Bernardo Gouthier, Sculptureland - Mr. Gouthier asked for the Commission's help with signage at the Sculpture
Park. There have been complaints due to lack of signage. The SIA signs are for residential developments only and
he is unable to use them. Mr. Gouthier would like to be able to have directional park signage similar to Lake
Cahuilla which is a State Park, and he would do them in what ever color the City wants. The permits for additional
signage is difficult to process.
Chairperson Hull asked Don Adolph, Chairman of the Planning Commission who was present, for suggestions. Mr.
Adolph suggested Mr. Gouthier go through the sign application process because it is not the Parks and Recreation
Commissions responsibility to approve signage. Mr. Gouthier will meet with Mr. Adolph at a later date to try to
resolve the signage problem at Sculptureland.
Mr. Gouthier also mentioned that he had met with teachers from Palm Desert High School, and Indio High School
and he would like to have more communication with the La Quinta High School and Middle School to develop
programs for the students regarding the arts at the Park. Chairperson Hull informed Mr. Gouthier that an Arts
Advocacy Committee was working on arts in education and she suggested he provide information to the committee
for review. Commissioner Kline told Mr. Gouthier that Mr. Jon Gaffney is the Principal at La Quinta High School,
and Dr. Milt Jones is the Principal at La Quinta Middle School and suggested he contact them.
A. Art in Public Places Minutes of June 5, July 10, August 7, and September 11, 1995
The Minutes of the Art in Public Places Committee was received and filed.
Staff distributed information which has been received in the mail to the Commission. These items will be kept on
file in the Parks & Recreation Department for further review.
Chairperson Hull inquired whether information had been received regarding the workshop in Escondido. Staff
informed the Commission that the workshop was postponed until November and additional information is
A. City Council Response to Resolution on Arts Education
Staff informed the Commission that it is not their position to forward resolutions of this nature to the Council. The
resolution or direction to submit a resolution must come from the City Council, but it should not come from a
commission. Chairperson Hull asked if it was proper to contact a Council member and ask them to submit this to
the rest of the Council for consideration. Staff said there are no duties outlining developing resolutions in the
ordinance. Commissioner Klein stated that DSUSD asked her and Chairperson Hull to submit the resolution through
the Commission to the Council. Chairperson Hull and Commissioner Klein will follow up on the item with the Council
as citizens not as Commissioners.
B. City Council Response Requesting Name Change of Commission
This item is tentatively set on the Agenda for November 7, 1995. Chairperson Hull suggested naming the
Commission "Cultural Arts Commission" since it is more clear than the "Affairs" word. The Commission agreed to
go with the original name change suggestion of "Cultural Commission".
C. City Council Response to La Quinta Day at the Sculpture Park
The City Council approved La Quinta Day at the Sculpture Park which is set for December 3rd, from 9-5:00 p.m..
Residents must show proof of La Quinta residency by way of drivers license, utility bill, etc.
Commissioner Berliner contacted Geoff Dunbar, Music Director at La Quinta High School, and they have agreed
to play from 11-12:00 p.m..
Mr. Gouthier distributed new flyers for the Sculpture Park. He then asked for local musicians who could be La
Quinta residents and students to perform during the day, and suggested someone contact stores or restaurants
for food donations to serve at little or no cost. Commissioner Francis suggested speaking with John Robertson at
the Taqueria because he is interested in having a presence in the community. Commissioner Benay suggested
contacting Soul of Asia. Staff will be in contact with Mr. Gouthier about a map of where to set up the band, and bus
parking. Staff will contact the La Quinta Little Theater to see if they would like to participate, and put an
announcement in the Chamber Newsletter. Commissioner Atkins asked who is chairing the event, and will
volunteer if she is needed to. Mr. Gouthier will contact Commissioner Atkins for further details.
Roger Barr, Avenida Carranza - Mr. Barr is an artist, has art at the Sculpture Park, and recently moved to La Quinta
where he has set up his studio. Mr. Barr spoke to the Commission about "turning up the heat" on serving the public.
He would like to see the Commission help Mr. Gouthier get signage for the Sculpture Park. Mr. Barr stated that
La Quinta would be an ideal place for the International Sculpture Conference in the winter, but additional signage
is desperately needed in order to find the Park. Chairperson Hull asked Mr. Barr to put a proposal together
regarding the Conference, and assured him that the signage problems have been addressed and Mr. Gouthier will
be in contact with the proper Commission.
Chairperson Hull resigned as co-chairperson of the Arts Advocacy subcommittee due to her being elected
Chairperson of the Commission, however, she will continue to work on the committee. Chairperson Hull then
appointed Commissioner Klein as Chairperson of the Arts Advocacy subcommittee.
Commissioner Atkins asked for a definition of "Commission Business" and "Commission Comment". Chairperson
Hull said that Commission Comment is anything a Commissioner wishes to share with the Commission that does
not need action. Commission Business is an item that is discussed among the Commissioners and action taken.
Commissioner Sharp is in touch with a dance company which is affiliated with the Palm Springs Center of the Arts,
and is working with them on The Nutcracker. A small ballet company has been developed and it would be helpful
if they could perform in as many places as possible. Commissioner Sharp thinks the Senior Center would be a good
place for them to perform, or at the La Quinta High School Theater. Cost would be minimal ($500). A program has
been put together, but they need a venue, a producer, ticket sales person, a house manager, publicity, lighting
person, etc. Bob Beck is involved in the program. The program can be seen this weekend. The group would be
available in January or February.
Commissioner Atkins told the Commission that she was invited to the Women's Press Club Party last night in Palm
Springs with over 300 people. She said that many guests she spoke with talked about the culture in La Quinta and
she was glad to hear La Quinta mentioned and in conjunction with "culture".
A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports
Art In Public Places - The Master Plan was accepted by the City Council; they are now a Commission. A
matrix of art works commissioned by the City was distributed; Commission reviewed artwork plans for Fritz
Burns Park which will be constructed with mosaic tile. The artwork in front of the Auto Club will be installed
next month; currently reviewing Ralph's artwork proposals. APP visited Carlsbad and Escondido to view
their public art.
Encore! - Successful dinner last Wednesday. Next one is December 11th at the Ritz.
La Arts Foundation - 4th Annual Fall Festival of the Arts, JazzARTS '95 to be held November 10 -12th,
from 10-5:00 p.m., over 140 artists.
La Arts League - Fall luncheon is November 2nd; Home Tour set for February 4, 1996.
La Chamber of Commerce - Next Street Fair is November 3rd - theme is Country Western.
La Friends of the Library - Book sale made $550; donations are needed.
La Historical Society Museum - Garage sale made $700.
LQ Little Theater - On hiatus
Round Table West - Next luncheon is 12:00 on October 30th at La Quinta Resort; cost is $35. Guests are
Kelly Lange, Dale Salwak, and Howard Olgin.
Community Concerts Association - Benefit fund raiser is at Sun City on November 4th at 11 :15 AM; cost
is $35, funds go towards the Outreach Program held at local schools. The Concert Season has been sold
out since early September. One concert will be held at the Hyatt Grand Champions on December 10th, and
the McCallum Theater on March 31 st. Tickets are $15-25. Call 564-1111 if more information.
School Site Council Committee - Commissioner Klein announced she is no longer on this committee and
the item will be removed from further Agendas.
B. Subcommittee Reports
Cultural Arts Master Plan - Klein
Chairperson Hull distributed a skeletal timeline for the Cultural Arts Master Plan and the statement
Commissioner Benay made to the City Council on October 17,1995 to the Commission (copies are on file).
The subcommittee members are Chairperson Hull, Commissioner Benay, Patrick Welch, and John Detlie.
The Commission discussed all aspects of the timeline which extended from September 1995 through
completion of the Master Plan in November 1996. Also included was a mission statement which was "To
develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan to be adopted as a component of the City of La Quinta's General Plan".
Commissioner Francis asked what the criteria is for people on the task forces, subcommittees, etc.
Chairperson Hull responded that people will be selected from the community suggested the people could
be representatives from education, civic groups, social groups, arts groups, etc. who have an interest in the
City, who have leadership skills, and are creative and can articulate their ideas. Commissioner Benay
added that we are not going to isolate ourselves in La Quinta because some assistance may be needed from
outside sources, a cross section of the community will be utilized. I
Chairperson Hull asked that each Commissioner provide names to the subcommittee for use in the future
for the different task forces.
Commissioner Benay stated that the subcommittee will be reporting back to the Commission monthly and
input will be taken from the Commission.
Commissioner Atkins asked the subcommittee to put in writing what the criteria is for the people on the
steering committee. Staff added that the Commission would have to approve the steering committee once
it has been formed.
Chairperson Hull said that since the Art in Public Places Master Plan has been approved by the City Council,
part of the Commission's work is done because the APP Master Plan is a segment of what would be going
into the Cultural Arts Master Plan.
Commissioner Klein added that every organization in the community has something similar to the mission
statement, a vision, and goals and objectives and the Commission has to make sure they all are a part of
Chairperson Hull indicated that the subcommittee will provide a list at each monthly meeting of the areas
they will be looking at, the criteria for the members, and the organizations of people who have been
identified, as of that point, so that everyone on the Commission can see where the subcommittee is.
Commissioner Klein spoke in regards to the statement made by Commissioner Benay to the City Council.
She asked that if someone is going to speak on behalf of the Cultural Affairs Commission in the future, that
everyone know what the item is about and that everyone is in agreement with the item prior to speaking.
Commissioner Sharp feels there are a lot of people getting involved, and the criteria needs to be high.
Chairperson Hull indicated that as long as there is no overlapping of duties, and everyone takes care of the
task they are assigned it will work. Commissioner Sharp said criteria such as time commitment, not being
over taxed with other commitments, education, and experience are necessary.
Patrick Welch, a member of the Master Plan subcommittee, suggested that if anyone has any questions
or concerns regarding the process that they are welcome to attend the subcommittee meetings the first and
third Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the East Conference Room in the La Quinta Civic Center, and
they can speak with the committee directly rather than getting wrong information from those who are not
involved in the process.
Commissioner Klein said that communication is vital during the process and development of the Cultural
Plan. Commissioner Klein stated that in the future the whole Commission should know when in advance
when someone is going to speak on behalf of the Commission and the subject matter, to ensure that
everyone is in agreement. Chairperson Hull agreed. Commissioner Francis said the exception would be
if someone were addressing the Council as a citizen rather than a Commissioner, but keep in mind that
even though you don't state that you are a Commissioner, the Council still sees you as a Commissioner.
Commissioner Benay added that sometimes time is of the essence, or if someone receives directives from
upper echelons you need to act. Her intention when addressing the Council was as a citizen first.
Chairperson Hull added that it was done on short notice, and with encouragement to clarity some
misunderstandings, however, in the future it will be brought before the Commission first.
Staff member Nicholson stated that the misunderstanding was that there was talk that the Cultural Affairs
Commission was trying to take over the Art in Public Places Committee, which was not true because there
has never been any discussion by the Cultural Affairs Commission to do this.
It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Sharp to approve the skeletal strlJcture of the timeline as submitted
to move forward with the work on the Cultural Art Master Plan. Unanimous.
B. La Quinta Pageant - Atkins
Commissioner Atkins told the Commission a meeting was had with Jim Volz recently. She is currently
waiting additional information, and the subcommittee is expecting to meet again to further discuss the first
meeting with Mr. Volz. A comprehensive report will be submitted at the next meeting.
C. DEPA - Berliner
Commissioner Berliner read a letter he sent to Lynne Stuart, Don Foley, and John Rowlands regarding
tickets to performing arts events for students at La Quinta High School (copy is on file). Staff will send a
copy of this letter to Jon Gaffney, Principal of La Quinta High School.
Commissioner Sharp asked what would prevent the kids from giving the tickets to their parents.
Commissioner Berliner did not think that would be a problem, and that Ms. Wollenberg will be distributing
the tickets to those students who want to attend the event.
Monday, November 27,1995 7:00 PM
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
. Review Handbook Update
. Subcommittee Reports
The December Cultural Affairs Commission meeting lands on Christmas the Commission agreed to hold the
meeting on Monday, December 18th at 7:00 p.m.. Commissioner Sharp will not be in attendance.
Chairperson Hull said that if a Commissioner wanted to add anything to the Agenda to do so two weeks in advance
to Marty Nicholson, and to inform her of the item as well.
It was moved by Chairperson Hull and seconded by Commissioner Berliner to adjourn the Cultural Affairs
Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, November 27, 1995. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m..