CACMIN 09 18 1995
September 18, 1995
The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic
Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Francis presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by
Commissioner Klein.
Commissioner Honey Atkins
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Steve Berliner
Commissioner Susan Francis (Chairperson)
Commissioner Kathryn Hull
Commissioner Michelle Klein (Vice Chairperson)
One Vacancy
Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
John Detlie
Judy Vossler
Patrick Welch
Carolyn Lair, La Quinta Arts Foundation (7:30 p.m.)
Bernardo Gouthier, La Quinta Sculpture Park
. Council Member Stan Sniff
John Detlie spoke regarding his experience and background working on cultural plans and cultural centers in
Seattle, Washington. He was instrumental in starting Allied Arts of Seattle, and Art Alliance for Thousand Oaks.
Mr. Detlie provided a copy of A Program Of the Arts for Seattle, and A Program of the Arts for the Greater
Conejo (on file). Mr. Detlie chaired the Arts Commission for the City of Seattle, and then he helped develop
and chair the Washington State Arts Commission, and creation of the California Arts Commission. Mr. Detlie
is available to help the Commission in any way he can.
A. Cultural Master Plan Discussion With Harris Goldman, Harris Goldman & Associates
Mr. Harris Goldman was present to discuss the possibilities of La Quinta developing a Cultural Master Plan.
Mr. Goldman shared with the Commission his background which includes being in the arts for about 25 years.
Most of his time was spent in the theater, including not-for-profit and commercial. His experience over the
years has lead him to his interest in community cultural planning. Mr. Goldman stated that the Commission may
be asked if there is a "need" for a Cultural Plan. He believes that one may not "need" a Cultural Plan, but he
says that a community would "benefit greatly" from a Cultural Plan. Mr. Goldman added that the need for
culture is growing, and more people are attending arts and culture events than sporting events in the United
States in the past years due to continued education in the arts.
Mr. Goldman then outlined the five step process necessary to prepare for developing a Cultural Plan. The steps
are as follows:
Step One:
Identify Terms of Reference
Scope, goals, time commitment, people
commitment, monetary commitment, etc.
Step Two:
Structure for Planning Process
Sponsoring agency (CAC) must identify and
locate funding, oversee the process, and be
the fiscal agent.
Leadership must include tmal involvement
from the community not just what the
Commission wants. Get public involved by
forming a steering committee of communiì1
leaders in the arts, business, government,
education, parents, students, etc.
Form a task force off of the steering
committee for additional areas that need
Step Three: Need Trained Facilitator
Facilitator must coordinate, advise, guide
committee, facilitate meetings & agendas.
Facilitator does not "do" a Cultural Plan - the
community does it.·
Step Four: Administrative Support
Needed for logistics including mailings to the
public, fielding phone calls, answering
questions from the public, setting up
meetings, etc.
Step Five: Form Task Forces
As issues are identified expertise will be
needed to address these questions.
Mr. Goldman indicated that the planning process is handled in two phases - 1) Assessment Phase, and 2) Strategic
Planning Phase. The Assessment Phase consists of building a profile of the community, and the Steering
Committee and Facilitator gather this information into a final report which becomes an oral presentation of a written
document which is presented to the community by way of a pubic hearing or forum. Through that assessment will
come hypotheses which are based upon the findings of the issues and the needs identified.
The Strategic Planning Phase addresses preliminary goals including solutions to the issues raised in regards to
development of the Cultural Plan. This is where task forces are developed to cover each separate issue at hand.
The Facilitator would then lend support and guidance to each task force which would develop over a series of
several months. The task force would develop proposals, strategic ways of addressing the issues, etc. Once
completed the task force would provide a written document with all the components brought together and presented
for approval to the City Council. Once the document is complete it is considered a living document and it will
Mr. Goldman stated that "buying in" and getting the right people involved from the beginning, and making sure the
right diversity of interests and experience is covered is very important. Communication with all parties, having
enough public forums so that no one is left out, and making sure everyone is working together towards the same
goal is the key to making the process to go smooth and easy.
No two plans are alike, they may sound similar but they are all unique and different to fit the needs of the
community. Mr. Goldman gave examples of this with his work on the Imperial County Cultural Plan which Carolyn
Lair helped facilitate, and the San Bernardino County Cultural Plans (copies are on file).
Ms. Lair told the Commission her main concern is that for the number of affluent population in the Valley, there are
so few theater groups, music groups, and cultural groups in the lower end of the Coachella Valley. She would like
to see the La Quinta Cultural Plan start to connect with the rest of the Valley. Cooperation and financing will be
necessary to help support these things. .
In response to questions from the Commissioners, Mr. Goldman indicated that the ideal timeline is 6-8 months on
average, however, it could take as long as needed. Meeting time involved for the Steering Committee and the Task
Force·Committees would be every 2-3 weeks. If hired as the facilitator, Mr. Goldman would give direction to each
of the task forces which were created. Once the task force identifies an issue the steering committee and the
facilitator would discuss them, and then meet with the community for their comments. Cost of the Cultural Plan is
unknown at this time but it is estimated at $20,000. Final cost will depend on the full scope of what La Quinta wants
in its Plan, and the amount of work that is done at the steering committee and task force level. Funding is available
for Cultural Plans by way of grants, etc. Commissioner Atkins stated that she wants to make sure the public is
informed of all aspects of the process in order to keep within the philosophy of the Cultural Affairs Commission.
Council member Sniff stated that he would support the Cultural Plan and encouraged the Commission to move
forward with this idea by way of a subcommittee. He further stated that La Quinta needs to work on it's own
significant identity, and we need to do what we can as a City to assure it's success. Council member Sniff further
stated that some government funds may be available, as well as grant funds but they may take some time to obtain.
Patrick Welch asked Mr. Goldman the best way to safeguard against bias from a particular organization such as
an opera guild, a theater group, or an arts foundation in developing the Cultural Plan. Mr. Goldman responded that
part of his background includes training and experience as a mediator, and mediation is all about how to help people
communicate and remain unbias. His knowledge of knowing where bias exists and how to balance it out is part of
the job of the facilitator.
Mr. Goldman closed by distributing a statement answering the question "if there are no monies available to
implement a cultural plan why bother planning", and additional information to the Commission regarding his
background, principles, and methodology. Mr. Goldman also provided a copy of the Imperial County and San
Bernardino County Plan (copies are on file). .
Ms. Nicholson reviewed her memorandum to the Commission regarding contacts with other cities and their Cultural
Plans. Of twelve letters sent out only two cities responded - EI Cajon and Escondido. The City of Esco'ndido sent
information and recommended contacting Maureen from the California Center for the Arts. Maureen recommended
calling Donalyn Julyhn who is planning a workshop in October on how to formulate a city master plan for the arts
which staff is considering attending. Ms. Nicholson also contacted Kristin Madson of CALAA and she stated that
a Community Cultural Affairs Kit is available to help in the area of planning for the future.
Monday, September 25, 1995 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Election of Officers
· Update Work Plan
· Update Handbook
· Discuss Changing Cultural Affairs Commission Name to Cultural Commission
· Proposed Artist Advisory Committee
It was moved by Chairperson Francis to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly
scheduled meeting on Monday, September 25,1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourn~d at 8:31 p.m..