CACMIN 07 24 1995 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES July 24, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Francis presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Steve Berliner (Arrived at 7:22) Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Michelle Klein MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: One Vacancy Tom Hartung, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE After the Pledge of Allegiance, Chairperson Francis read a letter of thank you to Tom Hartung for his help and guidance the past 6 months in which he served as the Interim Parks and Recreation Director, and his assistance to the Commission. A copy of this letter is on file and a letter will be sent to the City Manager, as well as the Mayor and City Council members. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Staff announced that a memorandum had been received by the La Quinta Arts Foundation and this item will be considered under IX. Commission Business, Item C. in addition to the materials previously distributed. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Klein to add the memorandum from the La Quinta Arts Foundation IX. Commission Business, Item C. Unanimous. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairperson Francis indicated that Mr. Dunbar's first name was spelled Geoff, and that she would like to add that the Commission also suggested Mr. Dunbar contact the La Quinta Rotary, to form a community band and/or an AII- Valley band, as well as contact the La Quinta Arts Foundation to play during the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Bear Creek Bike Path Art Project. Ms. Francis also asked that the number of seats Donna Martin suggested for a Cultural Arts Center be changed from 900 to "900-1000" as it has more impact. It was moved by Commissioner Klein/Atkins to approve the minutes of June 26, 1995 as corrected. Unanimous. CACMIN.008 1 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Introduction of Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Staff member Tom Hartung introduced Marty Nicholson to the Commission. Ms. Nicholson is from Spring Valley Parks and Recreation District in San Diego, and has 15 years of experience. B. Introduction of Susan Benay, newly appointed Cultural Affairs Commissioner Commissioner Benay shared her excitement about being part of the Cultural Affairs Commission and her interest in the arts. Her background includes coming from a creative family of classical musicians, philosophers, and artists. Commissioner Benay received a Masters in Art from Otis Art Institute, and attended various art schools including Cal Art, London School of Film Technique, and the Goodman Theater in Chicago. Commissioner Benay has been involved in theater art, cinematic art, musical art, dance arts, performance arts, and visual arts. Chairperson Francis asked staff to distribute Ms. Benay's application and resume to the Commission, as well as provide Ms. Benay with the Commissioner's original applications and resumes. Staff will mail requested items. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT - None Chairperson Francis introduced Archie Sharp who was in attendance. Mr. Sharp applied to the Commission in June, and was observing the Cultural Affairs Commission this evening due to the recent vacancy and his desire to serve on the Commission. Chairperson Francis also noted that Judy Vossler and Patrick Welch were in attendance. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Memo to Saundra Juhola, City Clerk Regarding Commission Reappointment - Received and filed B. Current CAC Roster - Received and filed· C. Lawn Chair and Picnic Society Directory of Talent for Southern California - Received and filed D. Letter of Resignation from Commissioner Toni Lawrence - Received and filed. Chairperson Francis spoke with Commissioner Lawrence regarding the High School Journalism Competition project she was working on and will give an update later in the evening under Subcommittee Reports. Staff indicated that the City Clerk would be sending a thank you letter to Commissioner Lawrence. VIII. STAFF REPORTS A. City Council Action on Request to Hire Consultant for the La Quinta Pageant Staff member Tom Hartung informed the Commission that the City Council authorized payment of $5,000 to the V!V A Foundation to be used for consultant services to do a feasibility study/budget for the La Quinta Pageant. A list of consultants and their credentials is being compiled by the subcommittee. The results will be discussed during the next couple of subcommittee meetings and they will report back to the Commission at a later date. Subcommittee Chairperson Atkins indicated that one of the meetings will consist of a conference call with an individual who is very knowledgeable with pageants. Ms. Vossler thanked staff member, Tom Hartung for his guidance and direction through the process thus far. Commissioner Hull inquired as to how the names on the consultant list had been generated. Chairperson Francis stated that she had received a list of consultants names from NALAA who deal with different areas of the arts. There is also a list of names from the Institute of Outdoor Dramas to choose from, as well as names suggested by Carolyn Lair of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, and the Art in Public Places Committee. CACMIN.008 2 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Review of CAC Accomplish ments for FY94-95 Chairperson Francis reviewed her report on the accomplishments of the Cultural Affairs Commission, which was distributed to each Commissioner (a copy is on file). An overview of the accomplishments include the following: · Review of the Brown Act · Preparation and Implementation of a CAC Handbook - Includes defining the role of the Commission & creation of the philosophy statement (Commissioner Berliner arrived at 7:22 p.m.) · Preparation and Implementation of a CAC Work Plan - Ongoing Projects: Work Plan Maintenance - living document Arts Advocacy - good project Sidewalk Art Contest - need to replace with another project High School Journalism Competition - need to replace Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts (DEPA) - good project La Quinta Pageant - Researching the potential of a pageant Latin Jazz/Salsa Day - Subcommittee to consider the feasibility of it · Arts Information Mailing List - on going maintenance required · Letters to Local Cultural Organizations - received responses from LQ based organizations · La Quinta Day at the Children's Museum - successful event · Informational Reviews - Analysis of Supply & Demand - Youth Art Work - Proposed Cultural Center (LQAF) - Review Cultural Plans of other cities - 1990 LQ Demographic Information - California Countryside Festival Information - California Arts Council - American Parks & Recreation Society - Picnic & Lawnchair Society Free Concert Listings · Attendance at Conferences & Educational Seminars - Community Cultural Planning Workshop, Los Angeles - NALAA, San Jose The members concurred that the Commission has come a long way in it's first year. Chairperson Francis asked everyone to review the list of accomplishments and prepare to discuss and evaluate the Work Plan next month. Commissioner Klein indicated that the Arts Information Mailing List would be used on a regular basis depending on the need. Monthly maintenance is required and each Commissioner will notify the Commission Secretary with any new or updated information. B. Discussion of Master Plan Versus Cultural Plan Chairpsrson Francis indicated that the City does not have a Cultural Plan in effect and there must be one right away. Commissioner Hull agreed and added that a "Cultural Master Plan" will allow the Commission to focus much better, but the City has to buy into it. The Commission needs to know the direction the City is taking in regards to programming, facilities, etc. CACMIN.008 3 Staff member Marty Nicholson added that once a Master Plan is adopted by the Council, it tracks out where the City want to be in the future. Commissioner Hull stated that there are a lot of wonderful programs that the Commission wants to do but there is no place to do it, therefore, a place to hold the events needs to be discussed including where to build it, how big, how many seats, who will be able to use it, etc. Commissioner Hull does not feel that the development of a theater can happen until a Cultural Master Plan for the City is developed to determine what the City needs as it grows. Commissioner Hull referred to Harris Goldman's report, which was distributed in part to the Commission at a previous meeting, in regards to a Cultural Plan he developed for San Bernardino. Mr. Goldman has indicated that he would be willing to discuss creation of a Cultural Plan with the Commission. Ms. Nicholson indicated that Spring Valley did not have a Cultural Plan, however, she has worked with different organizations that do have them. Ms. Nicholson added that a Master Plan would have short range goals which, if successful, could show the need for a facility, and long range plans could consist of the construction of a Cultural Arts Center. Commissioner Benay suggested defining what the cultural needs are within the community, what currently exists, what the projected trends are based on demographics, etc. , and develop it with community input. Commissioner Berliner indicated that this had been done in the past in a lay-way rather than in a professional/formal way. Commissioner Hull would like to make sure that the Plan meets the needs that the Commission has identified and that it fills the needs of the organizations which already exist. Due to the fact that La Quinta is one of the fastest growing cities in the state, as well as the valley, Commissioner Hull feels that the Commission has to look at that growth and where it is going to take the City. If the Cultural Plan is well put together we should be able to accomplish a lot. Chairperson Francis suggests identifying a source of funding to create the Plan, and study Cultural Plans from other cities to see how they funded their planning process. Commissioner Berliner indicated that a Cultural Plan should be funded by the City, not outside resources, especially if it is in the General Plan. Commission~r Benay added that the City, in essence, would be partners in the implementation of the Plan, and she suggested looking into grants for the project. Commissioner Atkins would like to see the Commission get the blessing of the Council before getting too involved in the project. Chairperson Francis would like to have more information before approaching the Council, and she believes the funding should not come from the General Fund. Commissioner Hull proposed inviting Mr. Goldman to a meeting to discuss the needs and desires of a Cultural Master Plan. Ms. Nicholson indicated that she would contact her resources for copies of Plans and the process in which they were accomplished. It was moved by Commissioner Hull/Berliner to begin research on creating a Cultural Master Plan for the City of La Quinta. Unanimous. Chairperson Francis then appointed Commission Hull to Chair the subcommittee to review the development and creation of a Cultural Master Plan. Commissioner Benay volunteered to work on the committee, and Commissioner Hull will consult others for their input and assistance. A special meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission will be held at 7:00 p.m. on September 18, 1995. The Agenda will consist of a Study Session item with Harris Goldman to discuss a Cultural Master Plan for the City of La Quinta. C. Discussion of a Cultural Arts Center in La Quinta The Parks and Recreation Department Director received a memorandum dated July 24, 1995 from Carolyn Lair, Executive Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation (LQAF). Ms. Lair requested that the Commission continue this item to a future CAC meeting due to a scheduling conflict and her inability to attend tonight's meeting. A copy of this memorandum was distributed to the Commission and a copy is on file. CACMIN.008 4 Commissioner Hull indicated that her intent was to review the LQAF's previous proposal and to discuss Commissioner Hull's proposal which has been spoken about in the past, but it had not been officially distributed to the Commission. Commissioner Hull does not feel that the item should be continued since she will be presenting her own proposal, and not the LQAF's unless Ms. Lair is wanting to provide new information. Chairperson Francis indicated that there is a lot of new information available and the memo was a result of this new information. Chairperson Francis asked Ms. Vossler for insight on Ms. Lair's memorandum. Ms. Vossler indicated that the meetings are open to the public, and due to a conflict with another meeting, she is unable to attend to hear the , discussion, be available to answer questions, or to comment on the item. After additional discussion by the Commission it was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Benay to table IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS, Item C. Discussion of a Cultural Arts Center in La Quinta to the September meeting. Commissioner Atkins questioned whether this item should wait until a later time, due to the current discussion on the Cultural Plan. Commissioner Benay concurred and added that the Cultural Plan function is to define what the aesthetic needs of the community are. This would be an additional factor that would blend in the two plans that are already evolving. Commissioner Berliner withdrew the motion. It was then moved by Commissioner Klein/Benay to continue IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS, Item C. Discussion of a Cultural Arts Center in La Quinta to a future meeting. Unanimous. D. NALAA Conference Attendance Report The Commission discussed the reports from Chairperson Francis and Commissioner Hull who attended the NALAA Conference in San Jose. Commissioner Hull suggested that if anyone was in need of a speaker to get people excited about doing things in the arts to contact Marilyn Wood, who is a high energy, exciting, and creative person. Chairperson Francis has information available for review from the conference, and she was particularly interested in arts incubators and hopes to bring the idea forward in the future. E. Cancellation of August 28, 1995 Meeting Chairperson Francis informed the Commission that during the month of August most Boards, Committees, Commissions, and the Council go dark. After a brief discussion it was moved by Commissioner Hull/Berliner to cancel the August 28, 1995 Cultural Affairs Commission meeting. Unanimous. Subcommittee meetings can be held as needed. X. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Hull shared that she enjoys working with the Cultural Affairs Commission members and looks forward to working with everyone in the next year. In response to Commissioner Berliner staff indicated that the City Council is aware of the resignation of Toni Lawrence and the City Clerk is asking for direction from them on August 1 st. The Council can either solicit for applications or go back to the applications which were reviewed in June. An appointment would not be made until September 19, 1995 at the earliest. XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Hull to continue Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports until the next meeting. Unanimous. CACMIN.008 5 B. Subcommittee Reports DEPA - Commissioner Berliner reported that the project has been dormant since Sherry Wollenburg went on vacation and he will be in touch with her in August. Commissioner Berliner stated that Ms. Wollenberg should be contacting the parents of her drama students to make a monthly calling committee to secure the tickets that he has received confirmation of from the McCallum Theater, Annenberg Theater, and the Palm Springs Follies. Latin Jazz and Salsa Festival Feasibility Study - Commissioner Berliner met with the subcommittee a few weeks ago and determined that Memorial Day Weekend would be a good time to hold the event. The event could possibly be held at the La Quinta Hotel as a one day event. The Polo fields in La Quinta/lndio are also being considered. A proposal is in the works indicating costs. Commissioner Berliner will have a better idea in two months as to the feasibility of the Festival. A final report should be submitted in September. Arts Advocacy - Commissioner Klein indicated that the subcommittee is receiving feedback for an arts forum from various Principals throughout the DSUSD and they are supportive of the idea. The schools biggest problem is funding, and that funding resources could be one of the items covered in the forum. Commissioner Hull added that if the advocacy program is strong enough, and the arts are kept in the curriculum - there is funding for it. She would like the forum to focus on arts in education rather then on funding, and involve teachers and parents. Commissioner Hull was surprised that the Commission had no knowledge of a cultural arts fund raising meeting held at the McCallum Theater in March of this year, and stated that the Commission needs to be informed of meetings of this nature. It was then announced that the City of Indio Cultural Arts Commission is having Mary Beth Stevens from the Riverside Arts Commission come to it's meeting tomorrow at 10:00 a.moo Commissioner Klein suggested inviting someone from the Cultural Arts Commission come and speak. Commissoiner Benay is planning on attending the meeting and will check into it. Commissioner Benay would like to see the formation of an informational network to exchange information of upcoming events and happenings in the City and the surrounding éommunities. Commissioner Hull added that her subcommittee is focusing on arts in education as part of Arts Advocacy, and that it crosses many lines including political aspects, funding for the arts, and being aware of what is going on in the valley. High School Journalism Competition - Chairperson Francis spoke with Commissioner Lawrence regarding the future of this project due to her resignation. Joan Boiko of the Desert Post notified Commissioner Lawrence that they were planning a journalism contest, therefore, we would be duplicating efforts. After further discussion it was decided to let the Desert Sun hold the contest, which would be done valley wide, and the Commission could remove this item from the Work Plan. Day in the Park - Commissioner Atkins will report on this project in September. XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Special Meeting - Monday, September 18, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room . Discussion of Cultural Plan (i.e. Harris Goldman) Commissioner Benay asked if the resignation of Toni Lawrence would result in vacancies on any subcommittees. Chairperson Francis indicated that Commissioner Lawrence was the chairperson of the High School Journalism Competition. This project is now going to bé taken up by the Desert Sun, and deleted from the Work Plan. CACMIN.008 6 Regular Meeting - Monday, September 25,1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Election of Officers - Chair & Vice Chair · Update Work Plan · Update Handbook · Discussion of Cultural Arts Center jn La Quinta (continued from July 24, 1995) · Latin Jazz and Salsa Festival Feasibility Study Final Report · La Quinta Pageant Feasibility Study Final Report · Discussion of Changing Cultural Affairs Commission Name to Cultural Commission XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Hull to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, September 25, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.. CACMIN.008 7