CACMIN 09 25 1995 I. CAll TO ORDER CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION MINUTES September 25, 1995 The regular meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Francis presided over the meeting, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: GUESTS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis (Chairperson) Commissioner Kathryn Hull Commissioner Michelle Klein (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Archie Sharp Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary Bernardo Gouthier, La Quinta Sculpture Park Judy Vossler John Detlie Patrick Welch Silva II. PLEDGE OF AllEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Commissioner Hull added "Cultural Master Plan Report" under XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS, B. Committee Reports. Commissioner Berliner added "Informational Item" under XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS & INFORMATIONAL ITEMS, A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Atkins added an "n" to the word "spoke" on page 5, paragraph 1. Commissioner Hull and Commissioner Atkins indicated that "John Boico of the Desert Sun" should read "Joan Boiko of the Desert Post" under the High School Journalism Competition subcommittee report. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Hull to approve the Minutes of July 24, 1995 as corrected. Unanimous. CACMIN.009 1 v. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Introduction of Commissioner Archie Sharp Mr. Sharp told the Commission that he is retired, has lived in La Quinta for 4 years, has worked in the arts for many years, and is a set designer by profession. Mr. Sharp has been involved with the McCallum Theater in the past including a musical and the Nutcracker. Mr. Sharp indicated that he would like to see La Quinta go beyond provincial kind of thinking, and he is not satisfied with what the valley has to offer for theater. Mr. Sharp is very enthusiastic about working on the Commission, and being informed on cultural events whether it is performing arts, literature, etc. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT - None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None VIII. STAFF REPORTS - None IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Election of Officers Chairperson Francis opened nominations for Chairperson. Commissioner Atkins commented on the wonderful job that Chairperson Francis and Vice Chairperson Klein have done as officers in the past year and nominated them for another term. Chairperson Francis d,eclined the nomination. Vice Chairperson Klein also declined the nomination. Commissioner Klein nominated Commissioner Atkins and she declined the nomination. Commissioner Benay nominated Commissioner Hull. Commissioner Berliner seconded the nomination. Chairperson Francis nominated Commissioner Atkins who again declined the nomination. There being no more nominations Kathryn Hull was unanimously voted Chairperson. Chairperson Francis opened nominations for Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Hull nominated Commissioner Benay. Commissioner Klein seconded the nomination. Chairperson Francis nominated Commissioner Berliner and he declined the nomination. . There being no more nominations Susan Benay was voted Vice Chairperson unanimously. B. Update Work Plan The Commission began reviewing the Work Plan. Staff then suggested appointing a subcommittee or have a Study Session to review the Work Plan in a less formal setting and bring the results back to the Commission. The Commission concurred. Commissioner Hull suggested that Commissioner Berliner and Commissioner Atkins meet with the Cultural Arts Master Plan subcommittee since they are chairing a majority of the projects already in the Work Plan. It was moved by Commissioner Hulll Atkins to work on the Work Plan in a subcommittee before bringing it back to the Commission. Unanimous. CACMIN.009 2 c. Update Handbook The Commission discussed waiting until after the November 7, 1995 elections before updating the names in the Handbook. Commissioner Sharp asked how the Commission knows what the publics view point is as indicated on Page 3, Number 2 - Commission members obligation is to serve the public and to represent their view point as indicated in the Work Plan. Commissioner Hull said that during the process of developing the Master Plan, many contacts will be made with the public and their view points will be heard. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Hull to leave the Handbook as is, except for name changes after the November 7, 1995 election. Unanimous. . D. Discuss Changing Cultural Affairs Commission Name to Cultural Commission The Commission discussed changing the name of the Commission to Cultural Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Atkins to recommend changing the name of the Cultural Affairs Commission to Cultural Commission to the City Council for their approval. Unanimous. E. Proposed Artist Advisory Committee (Benay) Commissioner Benay read her report regarding formation of an Artist Advisory Committee (copy is on file). Commissioner Berliner asked Whether this would be a subcommittee of the steering committee if we do implement a local Cultural Affairs Commission, and after the initial work a committee of this nature would we continue to periodically give views and interchange with us. Commissioner Benay indicated yes. Commissioner Atkins stated that this could be a .part of the Cultural Master Plan but it would be premature to go forward with it as a subcommittee at this time. Commissioner Hull recommended that the subcommittee which is doing the study for the Master Cultural Plan look at this proposal as part of the substructure of that whole plan. Commissioner Sharp asked what defines an artist as there is a lot of grey area in this definition. Commission Benay responded that the artist must be from the community and that they be functioning or practicing here. Commissioner Hull agreed with Commissioner Sharp and added that the committees that are put together are those who know their craft well, and are professional in it. Commissioner Berliner asked about the musical artist who is retired, and does not make a living performing, but would join a community orchestra, are very active, and qualified to' offer commentary. Commissioner Benay added that she has lived 1n La Quinta for five years as an artist in isolation and she could not find any cultural institution to access. . Commissioner Berliner indicated that this proposal would be accomplished by way of a subcommittee of the steering committee or task force committee under the Work Plan. No further action was taken on this item. x. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Atkins gave a report on La Quinta Day at the Sculpture Park. She indicated admission would be half price for La Quinta residents, which would be $2.00 for adults, and $1.00 for children. Participants would need to provide proof of residence by way of drivers license, utility bill, etc. The day of the event would be established at a later time. Commissioner Atkins further added that during La Quinta Day at the Children's Museum the City of La Quinta paid for that day and she envisioned the City doing it in this case. CACMIN.009 3 Bernardo Gouthier of the La Quinta Sculpture Park was in attendance. He advised the Commission that he has made a slight change to the admission fee. He is offering the day free to La Quinta residents. The Commission then discussed a date for the event and selected December 2nd or 3rd to coincide with publication of the La Quinta Newsletter to use this as a source of advertising for the event. Staff will'work to finalize the date with Mr. Gouthier. Commissioner Berliner will contact Geoff·Dunbar, LQHS Music Director to play at the event. The event will be advertised by way of the La Quinta Newsletter, Press Releases, flyers to school, etc. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Sharp to recommend to the City Council to have December 2nd or 3rd as La Quinta Day at the Sculpture Park. Unanimous. XI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS' A. Committee or Professional Affiliation Reports Art In Public Places - Waiting for RFP deadline which is 9/29/95 for art work at the Ralph's Center. The Committee will review on October 2nd and submit recommendation. Commissioner Benay asked Commissioner Klein if she could obtain a list of places where art work is placed. Community Concerts - Requesting a service contract with the City Council for $10,000. Encore! - Evening of Excellent set for December 11 th at the Ritz which will consist of an Italian dinner, and a pianist from Italy. Cost is $75. LQ Arts Foundation - November 10-12th and is currently jurying the show. The festival will have 3 jazz performers and a children's art center. New name is La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts, Jazzarts '95. LQ Arts League - Membership lunch is November 2nd at LQCC; Dr. Janice Lyle of the Palm Springs Desert Museum is guest speaker. Cost is $20 - make reservations with Barbara at 564-6365 or LQAF at 564-1244. Home Tour is February 4th, Michelle Klein is the co-chair. LQ Chamber of Commerce - Mainstreet Market Place is October 6th - Theme is "Return to the 60's". LQ Friends of the Library - They are in need of funding - all employees have been layed off except for Barbara Cousins; volunteers are needed to help run the library. LQ Historical Society Museum - Garage sale October 21st at Terry Henderson's house. They need items for upscale sale - no clothes. LQ Little Theater - On hiatus. Round Table West - Meets October 30th. Guest are Kelly Lange, Trophy Wife; Janet Lee, Psycho; and two more guests will be announced. School Site Council Committee - On hiatus until October. Informational Item - East Valley Synagogue Beth Shalom began a year and a half ago and has been growing ever since. Over 350 members; held first Rosh Hashanah Services under its own auspices at the Palm Desert Community Church; planning on building in La Quinta in the future. B. Subcommittee Reports DET A - Berliner Contact with Sherry Wollenberg has been difficult.. Contacted Jon Gaffney regarding a name of a parent to get free tickets to performances in the valley for students. CACMIN.009 4 Latin Jazz/Salsa Festival Feasibility Study - Berliner Commissioner Berliner read his report regarding the feasibility of the Latin Jazz/Salsa Festival (copy is on file). It was determined that the project is not feasible at this time for the City of La Quinta. Commissioner Benay asked the possibility of combining it with the Tamale Festival in Indio. 'Commissioner Berliner stated that this Festival would bring in a completely different market of people. Mr. Bernardo Gouthier also expressed interest in discussing the possibility of holding a Latin Jazz Salsa Festival at the La Quinta Sculpture Park and Commissioner Berliner will meet with him regarding this in the near future. La Qulnta Pageant - Atkins Scott Parker, from the Institute of Outdoor Drama in Chapman Hills, South Carolina was contacted by phone and it is not feasible for him to do this project. He suggested Jim Volz, a Professor at Cal. State Fullerton who will be interviewed by the steering committee on October 13th. Arts Advocacy - Hull The Committee wants to produce a forum in the Spring. They expect the forum to accomplish the following: raise the awareness of the importance of art among the school administrators, teachers, parents, and the community; encourage arts and education with examples of what has been done in other places and information on the value and the effect of music in the arts on education and addressing all the areas for a total experience; would like school displays including performances of the choir, band, etc. to focus on what the students are doing; and a theme needs to be developed to give guidance. In order to raise the awareness of the administrators a resolution has been written to submit to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education. Commissioner Klein suggested that it would need to go to the City Council first, and Commissioner Hull agreed. There were no corrections or changes to the resolution. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to recommend approval of the Resolution to the City Council to forward it to the Superintendent of Schools, and the Board of Education. Unanimous. Commissioner Hull asked staff to forward the Resolution to the City Council for their approval. Cultural Master Plan - Hull Commissioner Hull reviewed her subcommittee report with the Commission (copy is on file). Committee members will be added as they go along. The subcommittee feels that as a group they could develop the Cultural Master Plan and save approximately $10-20,000. Commissioner Hull added that Patrick Welch was selected Secretary to the subcommittee. . . Commissioner Hull asked each subcommittee member to say a little bit about why they want to work on the Cultural Plan. John Detlie spoke about his experience on developing plans of this nature in Seattle called Allied Artists. The ·program was reviewed by the Governor of Washington state and thus began the Washington Arts Commission. The Governor then contacted the Governor of California (Jerry Brown), and established the California Arts Commission. Subcommittee member Patrick Welch would like to make contact with the people in the community and help the subcommittee develop a Master Plan. Commissioner Benay stated that she is bringing passion and commitment to help develop the Cultural Plan and looks forward to working on the team. CACMIN .009 5 Commissioner Hull has done plans of this nature in the past and has been looking to do the same for the City of La Quinta. She reviewed the City's General Plan while on vacation and only came up with one page of comments which addressed the cultural life in La Quinta, and the Arts Master Plan would go nicely with the City's General Plan. Chairperson Francis asked whether the committee was doing this project as Commissioners or subcommittee members to determine the cost of developing this Plan. Commissioner Hull indicated that all subcommittee members are donating their time to develop the Cultural Plan. Commissioner Hull would like to see one Commissioner attend the Workshop in Escondido in October. It was agreed upon by the Commission to send Commissioner Benay. Chairperson Francis clarified that the subcommittee will come to the Commission with a proposed skeleton plan which is the process that will be followed to develop the plan. Steering committees will be formed to fit certain areas of the skeleton plan when needed. Commissioner Klein asked who would act as the facilitator, as Mr. Harris Goldman suggested we have. . Commissioner Hull indicated that Marty Nicholson has agreed to be the facilitator. Patrick Welch suggested putting a table at the Mainstreet Marketplace. Commissioner Benay noted that she attended an Indio Arts Commission meeting and their primary recommendation was to implement a Cultural Plan. It was moved by Commissioner Klein/Berliner to appoint Commissioner Hull and Commissioner Benay to form a subcommittee to develop a Master Cultural Plan for the City of La Quinta, and report back to the Commission with a skeletal plan when it is completed. Unanimous. . Commissioner Sharp shared with the Commission that "Angels in America" by Tony Kershaw is playing at the McCallum Theater. It is a 6 hour play that is shown in two sessions. He further mentioned that the advertisement indicates that the show contains nudity and profanity, and he resents that something of this nature appears in this little town. XII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, October 23, 1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Commissioner Hull asked that "Discussion of Cultural Arts Center in La Quintan be removed from the agenda because it will be discussed during the Master Cultural Plan. · Master Cultural Plan Update · Sculpture Park Update · Arts Education Resolution Update · Council Response Requesting Name Change of Commission XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Klein to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 23, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:10p.m.. CACMIN .009 6