CACMIN 04 22 1996 CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES 'April 22, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Archie Sharp Commissioner Judy Vossler Commissioner Susan Benay (Vice Chairperson) One Vacancy MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Francis to approve the Minutes of February 14, 1996 as submitted. Motion passed with Commissioner Vossler abstaining. Under VIII. Work Plan Update the DEPA Program (Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts) was changed from a "committee" to a "task". It was moved by Commissioner SharpNossler to approve the Minutes of February 26, 1996 as corrected. Unanimous. Under VIII. Work Plan Update "a consultant hired by the Commission" was changed to "a consultant hired by VIVA Foundation as recommended by the CommisSion". It was moved by Commissioner AtkinsNossler to approve the Minutes of March 8, 1996 as corrected. Unanimous. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT - None V. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Letter of Resignation From Commissioner Steve Berliner - Received & filed. B. Art in Public Places Minutes for January 8, February 16, and March 4, 1996 - Received & filed. Commissioner Vossler suggested the Commission start receiving Historical Preservation Commission Minutes on a regular basis because some items could be culturally related. The Commission concurred. C. Commissioner Vossler's Application & Resume - Received & filed. CAC:MIN.022 1 VI. STAFF REPORTS Staff distributed information to the Commission that was received in the mail for their review. Correspondence included information for the NALAA Conference which will be held in August in St. Louis, Missouri. VII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Distribution of Cultural Commission Work Plan It was determined by the Commission that the DEPA Program is a task, not a committee. The Work Plan will be changed to reflect that. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Sharp to accept the Work Plan as corrected. Unanimous. B. Distribution of Cultural Commission Handbook The Commission requested the removal of Commissioner Berliner's name due to his resignation, and to change the Mayor's last name from Bangerter to Holt. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Sharp to accept the Handbook as corrected. Unanimous. C. La Quinta Pageant The La Quinta Pageant subcommittee presented information regarding the progress they made at the City Council meeting under Informational Items on the April 16, 1996. The subcommittee asked the City Council to place this item on a future agenda to give consideration to helping fund the pageant. The Council will address this during budget deliberations. Commissioner Vossler indicated she would contact Council Member Henderson regarding her request for additional information regarding a feasibility study. Staff indicated that the subcommittee would work on this. A subcommittee meeting has been set for Wednesday, April 24th at 4:00 p.m.. Staff could retrieve information, if needed, from CV AG which reflects current population information because the 1990 Census data is outdated. Any information received will be discussed at the subcommittee meeting. Once the subcommittee has reviewed the information, staff will provide a report to the Commission for action. D. Discussion on Commissions - Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Mr. Weiss reviewed the City Council Report with the Commission. Mr. Weiss indicated that he has been asked to review all commissions, boards and committees and their responsibilities and activities in regards to City affairs. The findings were presented to the City Council a few weeks ago and the Council referred the item back to staff to obtain additional input directly from the various commissions, boards and committees. The Commission asked Mr. Weiss about City staff's opinion on the subject. His comment was that there were different views. City Council concerns are: 1) there was a duplication of efforts of various boards; 2) there was a need for clarification of roles in order to be more focused; and 3) the costs associated with numerous commissions, boards and committees. If the commissions, boards and committees are combined in any form, the Council suggested it be done by attrition. Commissioner Vossler thinks it is unfortunate that the message that has come across from some Council Members is that we are unnecessary, a burden, and a work load. The message coming across is negative. Commissioner Vossler prefers seven members to five for quorum purposes and concept input. Combining of APP Commission and the Cultural Commission is not a good idea because the goals of the Commissions and the talents of each member are so different. CACMIN.022 2 Commissioner Vossler also suggested having bi-monthly meetings, change meeting times to right after work, and to keep the meeting time down. These changes would be less drastic as opposed to combining commissions, or reducing the number of members on each commission. Commissioner Francis is not in favor of combining the APP Commission and Cultural Commission because the two are totally different and each one is working strongly within their guidelines. Commissioner Francis is concerned about what was expected in the beginning when the Commission was first formed, than what is expected now. Chairperson Hull stated that the Cultural Commission got a slow start due to lack of direction from the City Council. Staff changes also hampered the progress of the Commission. Commissioner Atkins feels that the Commission is trying to accomplish the things they have set out to do. Five members on a commission as they currently exist is suitable to her. If there is combining of commissions then seven members would be necessary. Commissioner Atkins asked Mr. Weiss to inform the City Council that the Cultural Commission has only one committee (La Quinta Pageant) - not five. The other items outlined in the Work Plan are tasks. In summary, the Commission asked Mr. Weiss to let the Council know that the Cultural Commission is new and very worthwhile and necessary. They do not wish to be abolished or combined with the Art in Public Places Commission, and the Commission would like to continue to proceed in the direction it is going. They further' asked that the City Council not publicly criticize or speak negatively about the Commission in Council meetings or on the street because it is getting back to the Commissioners, and it is unbecoming behavior from a Council Member and it puts the Commission in a bad light. Chairperson Hull suggested that the Council Members come to the Commission if they have any complaints rather than air them to the public. Commission size of five to seven members is acceptable. Mr. Weiss will relay the Commission's comments to the City Council. Chairperson Hull suggested a joint meeting with the Planning Commission regarding the Master Plan and the development of the Village area and the cultural aspect. Chairperson Hull also spoke about holding meetings outside of the Civic Center. E. Discussion of May Meeting Date The next regularly scheduled meeting falls on a holiday (Memorial Day). After a brief discussion it was moved by Commissioner Francis/Atkins to hold the next Cultural Commission meeting on Monday, May 20, 1996 at 7:00 p.m.. Unanimous. VIII. WORK PLAN UPDATE - Committee Reports A. Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts (DEPA) Program - No report B. Cultural Arts Master Plan - No report C. Arts Advocacy - No report D. Rules & Procedures - Sharp 1. Promptness of Commissioners is requested for meeting times. Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. and new items may not be considered after 9:00 p.m. 2. Commissioners not attending a monthly meeting shall not be compensated. Commissioner Vossler discussed Commission protocol. This item will be placed on the next agenda. CACMIN.022 3 IX. COMMISSIONER COMMENT & ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairperson Hull invited everyone to the Soroptomist luncheon were she will be receiving the "Woman of Distinction for Community Service" award atthe Cliffhouse on Tuesday, May 14th. Cost is $20.00. Commissioner Vossler announced that Honey and Robert Atkins were named Citizens of the Year by the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. AI Newkirk was named the Living Treasure for La Quinta. They will be recognized at the Chamber Installation Dinner at the La Quinta Hotel on Friday, May 17th. X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, May 20, 1996 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Cultural Arts Master Plan · Discussion of Commission Protocol · La Quinta Pageant Deadline to submit information to staff for the next agenda is May 6th. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Francis to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting to Monday, May 20, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.. CACMIN.022 4