CACMIN 05 20 1996
May 20, 1996
The regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 7:02 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session
Room. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting.
Commissioner Susan Benay (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Susan Francis
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Archie Sharp
Commissioner Judy Vossler
Commissioner Honey Atkins
One Vacancy
Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director
It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Francis to excuse Commissioner Atkins due to illness. Unanimous.
The following corrections were made to the Minutes of April 22, 1996:
Item 7, C
Added: Commissioner Vossler would contact Council Member Henderson to determine what information is
required. Staff could retrieve information if needed.
Item 7, D
Added: ...for quorum purposes and concept input.
Added: ...the goals of the Commissions and the talents of each member are so different.
The Commission discussed problems with transcribing/translation of information. The Commission discussed the need for a
formal system to address City Council to clarify misunderstandings and concerns. Commissioners discussed possible solutions
such as meetings with City Council members, a formal written process established or City Council members attending
commission meetings. Chairperson Hull added that sometimes Commission discussion is couched with many pieces of
information impossible to include in the Minutes, and thus problems with interpretation are likely to occur as a result.
Commissioner Francis discussed that in the past, meeting at places other than City Hall had never been identified as a
Item 7, D
Added: ...about what was expected in the beginning when the Commission was first formed is a different
expectation, than 'what is expected now.
Staff indicated that in the future if a Commissioner is going to be quoted they will be quoted verbatim, and not summarized. The
Commission concurred. Council member Perkins has agendized the Cultural Commission for a City Council meeting and will
be discussing his concerns at a City Council meeting. Commissioners voiced concern in regards to draft minutes reviewed by
City Council prior to commission review. This structure puts a tremendous burden on staff without the benefit of commission
review and approval of minutes.
Commissioners discussed problems with communication between City Council members and Commissioners. Commissioners
felt there is a need for commission guidelines and policies so commissioners have rules and procedures to follow. A policy
guide book as well as a formal communication structure would help alleviate the problems with communication and the
commissions learning policies through trial and error.
Commissioner Vossler would like to see a process established so that problems can be dealt with in a professional setting as
opposed to a social setting. This would encourage a positive city image and reduce the possibility of embarrassment for
commissioners or council members. The City should have a supportive, c.ohesive image at both public and social events and
deal with city/commission concerns for appropriate meetings and channels.
It was moved by Commissioner Francis to approve the Minutes of April 22, 1996 as corrected. Due to concerns regarding a
need to review the corrected Minutes prior to approval the Motion failed due to a lack of a second.
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Sharp to bring the Minutes of April 22, 1996 back to the Commission for final approval
at the next Commission meeting. Unanimous.
Commissioner Vossler asked who was going to attend the Council meeting to speak if the issue comes up. After a brief
discussion it was determined that staff will contact commissioners requesting information at 6:00 p.m. with an update if the item
has not been pulled from the agenda. Chairperson Hull will be there until 5:15 p.m., and Commissioner Vossler will be there
at 5:15 p.m..
A. Cultural Work Plan, Page 3
B. Cultural Commission Handbook, Page 1
C. APP Commission Minutes for April 1 , 1996 - Received & filed.
D. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for February 8, March 21 & April 18, 1996 - Received & filed.
Staff circulated written materials received in the mail for Commission review.
A. La Quinta Pageant - Commissioner Vossler has attempted contact with Council Member Henderson regarding her
request for information on a feasibility study for the La Quinta Pageant. Commissioner Vossler will continue to contact'
Council Member Henderson and will report back to the commission.
Commissioner Benay asked to what extent can a Commissioner access and interact with Council Members when not
going through a formal process? Chairperson Hull indicated that Commissioners can speak with Council Members at
any time as a private citizen. Ms. Nicholson indicated she could route commission directed requests for information
through the agenda process and report results back to the commission.
Commissioner Sharp asked if the La Quinta Pageant study is what $5,000 was spent on. Commissioner Vossler said
that Dr. Volz has only been paid $2,500. Commissioner Sharp feels that a feasibility study would include: do we want
a pageant, is there a place to have it, is there subject matter for a pageant, who is the audience, and will they come.
Commissioner Vossler responded that the subcommittee felt competent to answer those questions and they did not
want to pay someone to answer those questions again. Commissioner Vossler added that the money was spent
putting together a preliminarily budget. The committee felt that some kind of identified proposed budget needed to be
put together so City Council could have financial information for consideration.
Commissioner Sharp shared his theatrical background and experience with the Commission, as well as his view about
the Pageant. Commissioner Sharp voiced concerns regarding the difference between academic and show business
experiences. Commissioner Sharp feels the budget proposed is an academic point of view, but what the Pageant
needs is a professional theater point of view.
After a lengthy discussion with Commissioner Sharp regarding the Pageant, Commissioner Vossler asked that
Commissioner Sharp stay interested in the project enough to really tune in when they get to the creative process, and
not get too specific at this point in the preliminary planning stage. Commissioner Sharp explained he is very supportive
of the Pageant in concept but wants to ensure its success by realistic planning.
Commissioner Vossler encouraged Commissioner Sharp to share his talents and expertise with the committee when
the Pageant gets to that portion of the planning stage. However, Commissioner Vossler feels the Pageant is at the
concept stage and needs City Council endorsement prior to moving forward to actual technical planning of the
Chairperson Hull sees great merit having someone with Commissioner Sharp's talent and knowledge on the
Commission to give input on the project, and she feels that anything he has said will become a part of their discussions
and considerations as they work on it. .
Commissioner Benay stated that if we build up preconceptions and expectations based on very specific information
and then start working out of that realm it possibly can generate alienation, and thereby perpetuates miscommunication.
Commissioner Francis feels the proposal shows everything is being considered and justified, and it gives information
to the City Council for consideration. Commissioner Francis would like Commissioner Sharp to attend the next Pageant
subcommittee meeting.
B. Commission Protocol - The Commission discussed protocol of the Commissioners. Ms. Nicholson suggested
submitting a letter of request to her which would be forwarded on to the City Attorney for consideration regarding rules
and procedures for Commissions.
Commissioner Vossler asked regarding use of Cultural Commission business cards. Some Commissioners have used
them but sparingly.
The Commission asked staff to bring back additional information on the following topics: business cards; representing
the Commission; City Hall meetings; approaching City Council members; and the process for approval of minutes.
Commissioner Benay would like to get on with the main goals of the Commission, and would like some finality and
clarification so that the Commission can move on to the business at hand and accomplish goals in a timely fashion.
c. Cultural Arts Master Plan - The Commission reviewed and made corrections to the document that is expected to
be presented to the City Council for approval in July 1996.
ChairPerson Hull suggested working in a subcommittee setting to discuss the Master Plan. Those unable to attend the
meeting are asked to review and respond to the Master Plan information to Chairperson Hull as soon as possible, so
that a meeting can be scheduled.
It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Francis to have a committee develop the skeletal concept of the Master Plan
to be presented to the City Council and then brought back to the Commission at it's next meeting. Unanimous.
VIII. WORK PLAN UPDATE - Committee Reports
A. DEPA Program - No report.
Commissioner Benay asked if communication is appropriate at this time regarding filling the current and upcoming vacancies.
Staff indicated that the terms are on hold, and the Commissions, Committees & Boards item will be considered on June 4, 1996.
Chairperson Hull attended a meeting of the La Quinta Arts Ass,ociation. There were 23 members attending, and an artist
demonstration was presented. They are looking for gallery space to exhibit art. Chairperson Hull also attended the La Quinta
High School Theater production and it was highly professional.
Commissioner Sharp is doing the lighting and stage managing for a ballet on May 29th at the Annenberg Theater for the Palm
Springs Ballet Company.
Commissioner Francis announced a Scholarship Reception on June 2nd, and a Children's Art Reception will be held on June
30th from 2-4:00 p.m. at the Arts Foundation.
Monday, June 24, 1996 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Cultural Arts Master Plan
· Discussion of City Council Action on Commissions, Committees & Boards
· Commission Protocol: Contact with Council Members
Use of Business Cards
Commission Meeting Place
Process for Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Commissioner FrancisNossler to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled
meeting on Monday, June 24,1996. Motion carried unanimously.