CAC 03 08 1996C&hf 4 4 Q" CULTURAL COMMISSION AGENDA Special Meeting La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 March 8, 1996 11:00 A.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Pledge of Allegiance 11. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda I11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None IV. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. V. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS - None VI. STAFF REPORTS - None VII. COMMISSION BUSINESS - None VIII. WORK PLAN UPDATE - Committee Reports A. La Quinta Pageant - Presentation by Dr. Jim Volz IX. COMMISSIONER COMMENT & ANNOUNCEMENTS X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC March 25, 1996 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • • XI. ADJOURNMENT CACAGN.018 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: April 2, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Discussions Related to La Quinta Pageant RECOMMENDATION: g, As directed by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The cost of producing the pageant will vary widely depending on the quality of the production. A top quality performance opening production in 1998 could cost from $175,0004200,000. The majority of the funds should be raised through community support, in -kind donations, grants, sponsorships, private funds, etc.. Projected budget information is contained within the La Quinta Pageant Proposal (Attachment 1). BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In July 1995, the City Council allocated $5,000 at the request of the Cultural Commission (through the Pageant Steering Committee) to further investigate the possibilities of staging an outdoor drama (opening sometime between 1997 and 2000) based on the history of La Quinta. The approved $5,000 has been deposited with the VIVA FOUNDATION, a local, 501 C3, non-profit organization. VIVA FOUNDATION is temporarily acting as the non-profit agency for the purpose of developing the pageant idea and distributing the funds for consulting and is seriously considering participating in the project as a financial backer. The La Quinta Pageant Steering Committee is a subcommittee of the La Quinta Cultural Commission (Attachment 2) and has met on an as -needed schedule since the last report to City Council (Attachment 3). The Committee has retained Dr. fun Volz, Consultant for the Arts, and Professor of the Department of Theater and Dance, California State University, Fullerton, (Profile in Attachment 4). The Committee has met with Dr. Volz twice. Dr. Volz has agreed to work with the Committee to further explore timeline, script, fundraising and the general concept of producing an outdoor pageant. The proposal was submitted for the Cultural Commission's review on March 8, 1996. On January 19, 1996, Dr. Volz and Pageant Committee Members developed a proposed Mission Statement (Attachment 5). Using local/regional and professional/amateur performers, `diva La Quinta" would highlight La Quinta's history from its Cahuilla Indian origins through the glamour days of the 1920-3 0's to current times. The production would feature at least one original musical score, possibly selected by competition, in addition to other well known music to provide nostalgia for the scenes. Community involvement in the planning stages and anecdotes from the public as well as other competitions will be an important part of the development process. The production may be staged on and around the sunken Clubhouse Tennis Court at La Quinta Resort & Club. Easter weekend, annually, is the suggested time. During the period of his current agreement, Dr. Volz will recommend production personnel to the Committee and will assist with the selection of staff and volunteers when appropriate. To date, Dr. Volz has brought a wealth of ideas and suggestions for making our pageant unique and entertaining. It is assumed that the pageant project will eventually need to establish a working committee and non-profit organizational status or become part of an existing organization making it independent from the City of La Quinta Cultural Commission. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES It is hoped that the City of La Quinta will support the pageant with a major contribution or matching funds. Without such support, eventual production would be doubtful. The Cultural Commission and the sub -committee again look to the City Council for guidance. Marty Nicholson Parks & Recreation Director o�PF'� ATTACHMENT 1 I STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES I The objective of this proposal is to provide options for a La Quinta committee interested in a professional production or pageant to celebrate the unique history of La Quinta through quality entertainment involving the community in planning and production. The committee may use this proposal to seek funding and support from the community and the proposal may be added to or edited to fit the evolving institutional needs and financial resources of the planning committee. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY I I. COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND COMMUNITY INTERVIEWS to review individual commitments and key committee needs regarding the proposed operation and strategic plan. This could include assessing the community's: --Commitment to the idea of a professional production celebrating the history of La Quinta; --Commitment to creating and monitoring sound budgets; --Commitment to expanding the committee to meet the above needs and additional needs of the production; --Commitment and past experience in regards to the structuring, approval, and monitoring of the budget and thoughts on the overall financial integrity of the institution; --Commitment to fund raising and making personal financial contributions; --Concerns with planning, staffing, budgeting, funding, and marketing. The end result of this analysis would be a summary of community interests and concerns and recommendations for committee development, communications, monitoring needs, and productivity. CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTS Proposal Page 2 October 20, 1995 II. INTERVIEWS WITH KEY LA OUINTA COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO DETERMINE: --Artistic planning processes and committee and community communications; --Story potential, production resources, and script needs; --Director/choreographer needs; --Production integrity (scenery, costumes, lights, sound, etc.) --Audience development and Marketing planning; --Fund raising support, staffing needs, community relations and institutional image; --City government commitment and support of the project. III. A MARKETING PLAN An analysis and assessment of planning, processes, priorities, objectives, resources, and expected results as well as future opportunities, preparation, and plans. This plan would include: --A review of audience development tools such as direct mail, telemarketing, packaging, and tourism promotions already employed by the City, the La Quinta Hotel, and other potentially related sources --A review of public relations, community relations, and media development timetables, liaisons, and potential image building in print and electronic media; --Mailing list development, use, tracking, and purging; --A review of subsidiary income potential including advertising, gift shop, food, drink, bar, and related sales. This would include recommendations that could be incorporated into an Audience Development Strategy and Marketing Plan for operations in the proposed La Quinta Hotel tennis court site. IV. FUND RAISING ANALYSIS AND WORKSHOPS An analysis of current operations, tools, prospect management, rating procedures, Board/Staff relations, Board leadership, staff organizational support and institutional concerns with a special emphasis on analyzing the Market Requirements, the Annual Campaign, Membership Campaigns, Large Gift Solicitations, Special Giving, and the variety of fund raising vehicles currently employed by similar non-profit arts groups. Fund raising costs and priorities will be reviewed in relation to annual gifts, corporate/business gifts, foundations, special gifts, and planned gifts. The report will summarize the above findings and include recommendations related to future planning, creating the overall fund raising program, cost controls, fund raiser effectiveness, and resource development. Opportunities and traps related to "marketing -based" fund raising may also be discussed. CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTS Proposal Page 3 October 20, 1995 V. FUND RAISING WORKSHOPS In efforts to maximize the positive results of self-analysis and outside consultation, a fund raising workshop may be extremely effective. Individuals invited to the workshop would include any individuals who would benefit from a clear overview of La Quinta's pageant plans and an overview of nationwide fund raising trends, tools, theories, procedures and priorities. This "workshop" may be designed for two people, twenty people, or two -hundred. Major topics would be drawn from the results of La Quinta's fund raising analysis and could include (but not be limited to): I. THE FUND RAISING CYCLE II. STRATEGIC PLANS & FUNDRAISING STRATEGIES III THE COST OF FUND RAISING IV. SIX COMPONENTS FOR A SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM j V. TEN FACTORS TO DETERMINE IF AN ORGANIZATION IS READY VI. FUND RAISING'S PREVAILING MYTHS...from Contributions, March/April, 1992, Page 24. VII. FUND-RAISING THEORIES VIII. STRATEGIC PLAN FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IX. PERSONAL QUALITIES OF SUCCESSFUL FUND-RAISING MANAGERS X. CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER'S ROLE XI. CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S ROLE XII. DEVELOPMENT IS AN INSTITUTION WIDE RESPONSIBILITY XIII. SIX FUNDAMENTALS FOR IMPLEMENTING FUND-RAISING STRATEGIES 1 XIV. THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNING BOARD XV. PHILANTHROPIC TRENDS FOR THE 1990'S... by Judith E. Nichols, CFRE C i CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTS Proposal Page 4 October 20,1995 VI. A FINANCIAL PLANNING OVERVIEW A review of general budgetary and reporting procedures with an emphasis on timely planning, comprehensive budget preparation and presentation, budgetary assumptions, ongoing financial variance analysis, budget research and clear and timely reports that facilitates future planning. VII. AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP: Again, utilizing information and resources garnered from the Marketing Plan process, this workshop can be designed to inspire new ways of attracting public support and to review nationwide marketing trends, tools, procedures and priorities. It would be designed for volunteers or future staff members. The participatory workshop has three major sessions: I. Creative, low cost methods. of attracting support, attention and audiences; II. Strategic Planning and Audience Development; III. Developing a Marketing Plan. 1 1 ..1� t' ■ 1B�.1 ► ■ I. Gift shop layout, access, inventories, and opportunities; II. Food and drink concessions layout, audience access, traffic flow, and income opportunities; III. Kitchen and catering facilities, equipment, storage, and income opportunities; IV. Box Office layout, access, operations, development, cost controls and income opportunities. E E CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTS Proposal Page 5 October 20,1995 IX, PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT AND COORDINATION PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACTING I. Strategic planning, advice, and negotiation planning for the recruitment and hiring of an author for the script; II. Strategic planning, advice, and negotiation planning for the recruitment and hiring of a director/choreographer; III. Strategic planning, advice, and negotiation planning for the building or contracting for the construction of a set; IV. Strategic planning, advice, and negotiation planning for the construction of costumes; V. Strategic planning, advice, and negotiation planning for the other production elements; VI. Advisement regarding the recruitment and hiring of a seasonal Production Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, and other paid or volunteer staff that may be needed for the Gala Opening. ! ! Jim VOILz CoNff LTAI NIF FOR THE J.*RTI ' 142 M ARION BOULEVARD FULLERTON, CALIFORNI,A, 9263S (714) 773-3S38 OFFICE (714) 449-7041 FAX BUDGET/ VIVA LA OUINTAI A B C 1 VIVA LA QUINTA! 2 PROJECTED INCOME AND EXPENSE 3 BUDGET FOR THE TIME PERIOD: 4 March, 1996 through March, 1998. s 6 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES AMOUNT NOTES 7 e JARTISTIC & PRODUCTION SALARIES $70,000 OVERALL NOTE: This budget summary is intended as a general planning 9 JADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES $35,500 guideline for discussion, funding, and production planning purposes. It is 10 IPsyroll Taxes/Benefits Z22,000 not a contract or legal document. 11 12 ITOTAL SALARIES $127,500 13 14 PRODUCTION EXPENSES $50,000 15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $22,500 16 17 NON -SALARY EXPENSES $MOO 18 19 TOTAL EXPENSE $20,000 20 21 PROJECTED INCOME $200,000 22 23 24 EXPENSE BREAKDOWN 2s 26 JARTISTIC & PRODUCTION SALARIES 2 7 lProducing Directing Team $20,000 Director/Choreographer and Assistant Director. (Also serve as script writers). 28 $4.000/19W, $4,000/1997; $12,000/1998. 29 Production Manager $lZ,000 Coordinator of Scenery. lights, Sound, Rentals: All Production Elements. 30 $2,000/1996; $2.000/1997 $8,000/1998 31 Writer $2,000 ScnpVSong Assistance Cootie easy. 32 Professional Actors/Dancers/Singers $9,000 6 Equity Actors x $5W per week x 3 weeks 33 Non -union Singer/Dancers $4,500 15 Chorus x $100 per week x 3 weeks 34 Scene DesignffACoordinator $3,5W Desi /coordmator for each of the key spaceL 33 Costume Designer/Coordinator 53,5W IDesignertboordinator for all production costumes. 36 Lighting DesigneWoordinalor $2,000 Designe#mwdinator for all lighting tion elements. 37 Sound Designer $1,000 Designer/coordinator for all sound production elements. Build sceDery/supervise volunteer crew. 38 Technical Director $2,5W 3 9 Costume Assistance $2,500 Costume crew. 40 Ilighting Assistance $1,000 Lighting crew. 41 ISound Assistance $500 Sound crew. 4 2 1 Musicians $3,000 Recording/sound/live music/royalties. 4 3 1 Miscellaneous $3,000 Stage manager, dance assistance, technology help, etc. 44 45 TOTAL ARTISTIC/PRODUCTION SALARIES $70,000 46 47 ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES 48 Institutional Planning Consultant $12,245 1996 Assistance with Planning, Fund Raising, Personnel, Marketing. etc. 49 Institutional Planning Consultant $8,245 11997 Assistance with Pluming. Fund Raising, Personnel, Marketing, etc. 50 Executive Director $Z 500 11998 On -Site Administrative/Artistic/Production Coordinator. 51 Audience Developmen aNwteting Staff WooStaff coordination of in -kind servicalmarketingl etc. 32 Fund Raising Staff Assistance $2.500 I Staff coordination of direct mail campaign. vohmteer campaign, etc. 53 Business Office/Accounting $1,500 jPayroll, banking. accounting ision, etc. 54,Box0frmSupavision $1.500 ITicket sale and mailing coordination. Mailing list development, etc. S b IHouseAFront of House Management $1,500 Usher, concessions, volunteer coordination, nightly supervision, etc. 36 jAdvertising and Media Specialist $1,210 Publications, media, and public relations coordination. 57 1 Management/Production Assistant $1,800 Clerical support for all key positions. Report generation. eta So s 9 ITOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES $35,500 60 61 PAYROLL TAXES AND BENEFITS $22,000 Approximately 20% of Salaries (vs. Fees). 62 63 64 TOTAL SALARIES $127,500 6s 66 67 68 69 Page t BUDGET/ VIVA LA OUINTAI A g c 70 71 72 73 74 1PRODUMON EXPENSES 75 Scalery $15,000 76 Costumes $10,000 77 1404 $4,000 78 Special Effecti; $8,000 7 9 Sound/Music $3,000 So Rentals eat) $2,000 81 Royalties $600 8 2 ucatin lexical $400 83 Travel $4,000 84 Housing $1.000 8 s 1 Miscellane" 52.E 86 8 7 ISUBTOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSES $50,000 88 8 9 JADMMMI KATIVE EXPENSES 90 lAudienceDevelopmewPublications $5,000 roc hutes/Flyers/Mail' /Posters 91 jpb@tagWailinWTclephonc $4,000 50,000 pie= x .32 as a basic estimate. Phone Ex & Telemarketing. 9 2 jAdmbibtrative Travel $3,500 Automobile travel tbrougbout Southern California. 9 3 1 Box Office Supplies $1,500 Basic equipment and sup1pbes relying on L Quint& in -kind. 94 1 Office S lies $1,500 Stationary, Envelopes, and genwid supplies. 9 s jFwA Msing Publications Su $3,500 Packets, Letters, Mailin , Envelopm, Printing. etc. 9 6 ISpecial Conc anions Purdmes $3,000 Pageant T Shirts, Cups, etc. Generates income. 97 1 Business Ofrwe S $500 Billie Purchase Orden, and basic lies. 98 9 9 ITOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $22,500 100 101 102 103 104 103 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 11s 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 12s 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 133 136 137 138 139 140 Pape 2 INCOME/VIVA LA QUINTA! A B C D E F 1 VIVA LA QUINTA! 2 PROJECTED INCOME AND EXPENSE 3 BUDGET FOR THE THAE PERIOD: 4 March.19% through March,1998. 5 6 INCOME PROJECTIONS 7 8 I AMOUNTS 9 10 11 1996 1997 1998 TOTAL NOTES 12 EARNED INCOME 1000 seats x $10 per ticket x 3 nights. 13 1TIcket Sales: GENERAL ADMISSION $30,000 200 seats x $25 per ticket x 3 nights. 14 Ticket Sales: VIP ADMISSION $15,000 400 seats x $5 per ticket x 1 performance IS Ticket Sales: STUDENT PREVIEWS $2,000 Program and billboard opportunities. 16 Advertising Opportunities $3.000 17 18 ITOTAL EARNED INCOME $50,000 $50,000 19 20 21 CONTRIBUTED INCOME 22 Viva Foundation $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $60,000 23 1 City of La Quints $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $30,000 24 1 Corporate Sponsorships $10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $30,000 2 5 Business Contributions $6,000 $6,000 $4,000 $16,000 26 Individual Contributions $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $14,000 27 2 8 1 ANNUAL CONTRIBUIED INCOME $51,000 $51,000 $48,000 $150,000 29 30 PROJECTED 31 GRAND TOTAL INCOME $200,000 32 33 34 35 OVERALL NOTE: This budget summary is intended as a general planning 36 guideline for discussion, funding, and production planning purposes It is 3 7 1 not a contract or legal document. ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF LA QUINTA CULTURAL COMMISSION Chairperson: Kathryn Hull Commissioners: Honey J. Atkins as of February 26, 1996 Susan Benay Susan Francis Archie Sharp Judy Vossler The Pageant Steering Committee was established by the Cultural Commission in 1995. Committe Members are: Chairperson: Committee Members: Consultant: PageantM ist Honey Atkins Glenda Bangerter Scott Dalecio Susan Francis Donna Martin Fred Rice Judy Vossler Kay Wolff Sherry Wollenberg Dr. Jim Volz California State University Fullerton ATTACHMENT 3 011 La •cy I u S AGENDA CATEGORY: of BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: July 18, 1995 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Request to Provide Funding for the Feasibility Study for the La auinta Pageant CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Provide funding to the VIVA Foundation to complete the feasibility study. The feasibility study is not to exceed $ 5000. This item has not been budgeted in the Fiscal Year 1995/96 Budget and would have to come from General Fund Emergency Reserve. The VIVA Foundation, which is a non-profit affiliate of KSL Corporation, has agreed to accept the funds from the City and to provide accounting services for the consultant's expenditures associated with the feasibility study. The Cultural Affairs Commission has created a steering committee to research the possibility of producing an annual outdoor pageant depicting the history of La auinta (Attachment 1). The steering committee presented the. concept to. the Cultural Affairs .Commission on June 26, 1995 and requested the concept to be presented to the City Council. The Commission also recommended a request to the City Council to approve funding in the amount of $5000 for the purpose of acquiring a consultant to perform a feasibility study as well as provide professional direction to the steering committee. The steering committee has identified many of the questions, needs and goals that are involved with the production of an event such as the proposed Pageant and are included as Attachment 2. To date, two items have been resolved. The first is the location, which is the sunken tennis court at the La auinta Hotel which can accommodate up to 5000 people. The second item is that the Pageant will be an annual event held during the three days immediately preceding Easter. The Commission is recommending that a professional consultant be utilized to determine the feasibility of the project as well as to assist in the identification and prioritization of goals. The Cultural Affairs Commission will select the consultant with input- from the steering committee. Staff will assist in the development of a Request for Proposals. The VIVA Foundation has offered to accept the funds from the City and to account for the consultant's expenditures. The alternatives available to the Council are: 1. Provide funding to the VIVA Foundation to complete the feasibility study; 2. Deny the request for funding for the feasibility study; 3. Provide staff with further direction. l Tom Hartung Director of Building & Safety ATTACHMENT 4 PROFILE: DR. JIM VOLZ Jim Volz is a national arts consultant, author, director, manager and professor at California State University, Fullerton. He is an arts writer for New York's Back Stage. book reviewer for Oxford University Press' Theatre Research International, editor of the Shakespeare Theatre Association of America's Quarto, and associate editor of the University of Colorado's On -Stage Studies. He has written more than 70 articles and reviews for Hollywood's Drama -Logue. Devoted to arts education, Dr. Volz has taught at six universities, administered graduate programs in acting, stage management, and arts administration and chaired a midwest Department of Theatre and Dance. He is a Ph.D. graduate from the University of Colorado, Boulder. From 1982-1991, Jim orchestrated the tremendous growth of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival as managing director, and currently serves as the Vice -President of New York's National Theatre Conference, Chairman of the Barrie Stavis Playwright Award Committee, and National Adjudicator for the University of Wyoming's Burger Essay Competition. Most recently, Dr. Volz served as a grant reviewer for the National Endowment for the Arts, a consultant to the Cities of San Jose and Irvine, California, as well as theatres and arts centers in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Florida, Colorado, and Arizona. As a concerned community member, Dr. Volz has served on the Board of Directors of Humana Hospital, the World Affairs Council, the Southeastern Theatre Conference, and the National Theatre Conference, worked on Chamber of Commerce and State Tourism Committees, and volunteered services for struggling artists, theatres, arts centers, and dance companies. On a national level, Dr. Volz has served as a steering committee member for the American Council for the Arts; a national artistic board member for the Orlando Shakespeare Festival; a planning advisor for ACTER, A Center for Theatre, Education & Research; and a longtime member of the League of Resident Theatres, the University/Resident Theatre Association, the American Arts Alliance, the Theatre Communications Group, the Authors Guild, the Dramatists Guild, and the Association for Theatre in Higher Education. Recent activities include conducting a strategic planning workshop for the National Association of Schools of Music and overseeing a computer technology discussion for the National Association of Schools of Theatre. He has published articles for Theatre Research International. U.S. Outdoor Drama. Theatre Lettre. Southern Theatre, Quarto, Drama -Logue, Ala -Arts Magazine. the Alabama Business Review. The Alabama Journal, and special issues of Horizon Magazine. His speaking engagements have covered every area from the Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions, and Optimists clubs to the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Alabama Youth Foundation, Montgomery Business Committee for the Arts, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the American Council for the Arts, the National Society of Fund Raising Executives, the National Business Committee for the Arts, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, and the Association of Government Accountants. In 1982, the Alabama Shakespeare Festival's Board of Directors recruited Volz to spearhead the ASF's historic expansion from a summer operation in Anniston, Alabama to one of the nation's largest and most productive year- round theatre/dance/music operations in Montgomery. During Volz's nine-year tenure as managing director of the ASF, the Festival reaped a number of awards and honors including grant recognition from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Mellon Foundation, the Shubert Foundation, and numerous corporate foundations. Volz authored Shhakelneare Never Slept Here. a tribute to the Board of Directors and volunteers of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, published in 1986 by Cherokee Press of Atlanta. Prior to joining the ASF, Dr. Volz worked at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival and taught acting and theatre management at the University of Colorado in Boulder. In the past few years, Dr. Volz has devoted his spare time to travel, basketball, racquetball, community service, and writing for publication. Dr. Volz is married to professional actress Evelyn Carol Case. They have two children, Nicholas and Caitlin. As a writing team, they edited Words for Lovers: Snionets. Sonnets, and Sensual Savings from William Shakespeare published by WaterMark, Inc. ATTACHMENT 5 in7ta An Outdoor Theatrical Production Based on the History of La Quinta '%rXVrAL Lg QZ XM WAL MISSION STATEMENT The mission of VIVA LA QUINTA! is to celebrate the unique, multi- cultural heritage and glamorous celebrity laden history of the La Quinta area through high -quality performances highlighted by recreations of the past, in an outdoor setting, ending with a spectacular tribute to the community. Involving both community talent and professional artists, VIVA LA QUINTA! will excite community spirit, promote tourism, and increase retail revenues through a broadly appealing extravaganza, managed with fiscal integrity for long-range growth and national recognition for La Quinta. Pageants/mission statement:jv