CACMIN 11 06 1995 CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES November 6, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Council Chambers. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Steve Berliner Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Michelle Klein Commissioner Archie Sharp STAFF PRESENT: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director Cristal Spidell, Secretary . GUESTS PRESENT: John Detlie Patrick Welch II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Staff member Marty Nicholson addeØ item C. Information on Protocol and Decorum of the Commission under IX. Commission Business. This item will be taken out of order and addressed first. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None V. PUBLIC COMMENT Patrick Jano, 53-686 Velasco - Mr. Jano spoke regarding the Cultural Master Plan subcommittee that he was on. He informed the Commission he was available for any questions they may have during their discussion on the Master Plan. VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS C. Information on Protocol and Decorum of the Commission Chairperson Hull addressed the Commission as to why the special meeting was called. Chairperson Hull believes that too much misinformation was going around regarding the Cultural Arts Master-Plan that might not have been correct and she wanted to meet to clarify these issues before they expanded. Chairperson Hull then reviewed the rules and regulations under which the Commission operates. CACMIN.013 1 Chairperson Hull reviewed the following: 1 . During meetings each Commissioner must wait until recognized by the Chairperson before speaking. 2. Comments are to be kept pertinent to the item being discussed at the time. 3. Public involvement and comments will be made only during Public Comment as indicated on the Agenda. 4. A special meeting can be called by the Chair or by a majority of the Commissioners. When the Commissioners call a special meeting it needs to be in writing and given to each member of the Commission at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting (72 hours advance notice is preferred so that the public can be notified of the meeting). 5. The Chair asked that Commissioners talk to her first if there is a problem or concern regarding any Commission business, or the manner of operation. 6. No Commissioner should contact the City Attorney without prior authorization from City staff. A. Cultural Arts Master Plan Commissioner Klein has concerns regarding the development of the Cultural Master Plan and feels the Commission needs to be informed and involved from the start because this is a road map for the cultural future of La Quinta. Commissioners Atkins and Francis concurred. Chairperson Hull encouraged the Commissioners to feel free to speak how they feel regarding the Master Plan. Chairperson Hull is the chairperson on the Master Plan subcommittee and she stated that they developed their subcommittee similar to the way the La Quinta Pageant subcommittee came together. The subcommittee had kept the Commission informed along the way and was working to investigate the possibilities of a Master Plan. The subcommittee was not doing anything without the Commission, they were gathering information and working on a skeletal time line to submit to the Commission upon completion. Commissioner Francis expressed concerns with the delegation to subcommittees. Discussion followed regarding structure to get the Master Plan work accomplished. Commissioner Atkins stated the original motion made on September 25, 1995 by the Commission was somewhat unclear. . Commissioner Benay reminded the Commission that Council Member Sniff had recommended a subcommittee format. In response to Commissioner Klein whether the Commission would be writing the document, Chairperson Hull indicated that it would be a joint effort by a steering committee, and the Commission would do the final draft (writing), but it would be coming in parts from people on the steering committee and all the task forces that are gathering information. The document would be created and produced by the Commission. Chairperson Hull read a portion of the Minutes of September 25, 1995 which said "it was moved and unanimously approved to appoint a subcommittee to develop a Master Cultural Plan for the City and report back to the Commission with a skeletal plan when it is completed". CACMIN.013 2 Commissioner Francis feels that the presentation of the skeletal timeline to the Commission by the subcommittee ends the task of the subcommittee, and it should now be placed back in the hands of the Commission. The Commission discussed public involvement in preparing the Master Plan and the subcommittee responsibilities. Staff member Nicholson suggested reviewing Bylaws that have been adopted by other Commissions to see if items of this nature (committee appointments) are addressed. It was determined that the Cultural Commission could have as many subcommittee meetings as they wish on the Master Plan. Chairperson Hull added that the Master Plan can be worked on during Commission meetings, and then task forces can be assigned to work on things outside of Commission meetings. Commissioner Atkins feels that the Commission should present the skeletel timeline to the Council, and after approval by the City Council pursue the Master Plan. That is when subcommittees, the community, and the task forces should be addressed. Discussion followed regarding how to properly implement the Master Plan through a committee or commission. Chairperson Hull sÜggested that the next step is to identify and establish a steering committee because that is where the work is going to get done. She stated that the Commission cannot do all the work but it's up to the Commission to make the first plan. Commissi.oner Francis stated that the subcommittee completed their task and the timeline should now be included as part of "Commission Business" in the next meeting and go forward to the Commission. Chairperson Hull said that subcommittees are a group of people appointed by the Commission, and steering committees is a larger group that is a cross section of the community that is appointed by the Commission, and is the most important body to develop the Master Plan. Under the steering committee will come task forces. Staff member Nicholson said that the steering committee is the administrating body of the Cultural Master Plan in most cities, so if the Plan is being brought back to the Commission level, then the Commission is adopting the steering committee task. The reason most cities adopt it with a steering committee is because you can broaden the membership and everyone is on an equal playing field. Commissioner Berliner stated that our Commission should be a part of the steering committee. He also asked if the Commission should hold an extra meeting a month or devote part of the regular Commission meeting as a subcommittee meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Sharp/Benay to support the existing subcommittee as it is. After brief discussion the Commission then voted on the motion. The motion failed 3-4. It was then moved by Commissioner Berliner to have the full Commission work as the designated committee on the skeletal plan at this time. Staff suggested substituting the word "administrative body" for "designated committee". Commissioner Francis would like the motion phrased so that it does not sound to the City Council that we're proposing that we're going to cœata this Plan. The Commission is not the author of the Plan. Commissioner Klein also wanted clarification that the Commission is run the steering committee. Commissioner Berliner told the Commission that this is not the Cultural Master Plan that they are working on, it is the plan for developing a Cultural Master Plan. It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Atkins to have the full Commission to work as the administrative body on the skeletal plan to develop a Master Cultural Plan. The vote was unanimous. CACMIN.013 3 B. Reorganization of the Agenda Chairperson Hull pointed out that it was time to set a schedule that would allow the Commission to do the task, SO that everything can be discussed. Some suggestions would be to reorganize the Agenda to allow time to discuss the Cultural Plan during each meeting. After a brief discussion the Commission made the following changes to the Agenda: 1. Eliminate XI. Commissioner Reports & Informational Items. If a Commissioner has something to share with the Commission it shall be done in writing and distributed for reading at the Commissions leisure. If a Commissioner wants to verbally report an item it must be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department to be placed on the Agenda in accordance with the schedule which was provided to each Commissioner in their notebook (14 days in advance of a meeting). 2. Public Comment will be considered once at the beginning of the meeting. If the Commission wishes to ask for further information of a guest they have the right to do so. If a guest wishes to speak they must fill out the proper form and speak during Public Comment. 3. Public Comment will be limited to 3-5 minutes depending on the agenda and the number of public present. 4. It was determined to leave the meeting time at 7:00 p.m., they would meet once a month, and the meetings would be no longer than 2 - 2 1/2 hours in length. 5. Combine V. Announcements andX. Commissioner Comment into one and it will be placed towards the end of the agenda. It was moved by Commissioner Klein/Atkins to make changes to the agenda as described above. Unanimous. VII. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Chairperson Hull, and Commissioner Klein/Benay/Atkins thanked all the members who served on the Master Plan subcommittee. Staff member Nicholson asked for some direction as to when the Commission would like the Plan presented to the City Council. The Commission will meet on November 27th and give further direction at that time. Commissioner Francis asked if there were any minutes available from the subcommittee meetings to distribute to the Commissioners. All information that was available has been previously distributed, however, the subcommittee has been putting together a list of names of contacts for a later date which has not been shared with the Commission. Staff indicated that the mission statement needs to be revised because it is a part of the La Quinta General Plan, and it needs to encompass what the Commission is trying to do, but not become a requirement for contractors, which could possibly offer fiscal responsibility that may prohibit building in La Quinta. Chairperson Hull asked the Commissioners to bring information, outlines, names, organizations, ideas, whatever they think will become part of what the Commission will need to work with so there will be places to start from. She will provide outlines and names of those that have already been targeted to be involved with the project. CACMIN.013 4 Commissioner Klein asked if there was an assessment in the timeline somewhere. Commissioner Klein said according to "Developing a Strategic Cultural Plan - A Work Kit", which the subcommittee was following, it says that the first thing to do is to begin with an assessment. Before plans develop problems, opportunities, and needs must be defined. A needs assessment is the first step in planning and may also lead to specific new programs and activities. Chairperson Hull indicated that this is part of the Plan and it was covered in January, under "identify focus and areas of community concern". Chairperson Hull indicated there are several people who can be contacted to speak to the Commission, including Mary Lee Peters from the Riverside Arts Foundation. When the discussion gets into areas that they need help in, or need additional information she will contact people to speak to the Commission. Commissioner Atkins asked to keep Cultural Master Plan discussions within the Commission meetings to avoid further confusion and misunderstanding. Commissioner Berliner agrees that La Quinta may not need a Plan, and that we need to set our own goals and keep them simple and achievable. Commissioner Benay believes we should aspire towards having a Plan that accurately reflects the communities needs and that it is customized specifically for that. Commissioner Francis feels good that the Master Plan is going to be worked on by the Commission, and the fact that Chairperson Hull has the expertise to write such a Plan. Chairperson Hull indicated that it is a group effort, and it's not for what we do this year, it's what we want to have in place 20 years from now, so long term and short term goals must be looked at within the Plan. The Plan has to be able to grow with the City. VIII. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, November 27,1995 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · What is Culture Discussion (Cultural Arts Master Plan) · Subcommittee Reports · Review Handbook Changes · Name Change of Cultural Affairs Commission XIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Berliner/Francis to adjourn the Cultural Affairs Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, November 27, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.. CACMIN.013 5