2005 02 15 CCeaf 4 4 adja City Council Agendas are Available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 15, 2005 - 2:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. 2005-020 Ordinance No. 415 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, and Mayor Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the timing device on the podium. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting, the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. In addition, persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when the Agency is considering acquisition of real property. 1. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(b) (ONE MATTER) City Council Agenda 1 February 15, 2t5 RECONVENE AT 3:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or matters that are not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Please watch the timing device on the podium. For all Business Session matters or Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the City Council beginning consideration of that item. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS - NONE WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY OF PALM DESERT REGARDING THE FOURTH OF JULY EVENT. 2. CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE PALM DESERT CAMPUS OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO REGARDING REQUEST FOR CAPITAL SUPPORT GRANT. 3. CORRESPONDENCE FROM SHELTER FROM THE STORM REGARDING SUPPORT OF ANNUAL GALA AND GOLF TOURNAMENT, DATED JANUARY 26, 2005. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 2005. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1 . APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED FEBRUARY 15, 2005. City Council Agenda 2 February 15, 2005 r) 4-, 2. TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT FOR DECEMBER 31, 2004. 3. TRANSMITTAL OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES REPORT FOR DECEMBER 31, 2004. 4. ACCEPTANCE OF LA QUINTA PARK SKATE PARK, PROJECT NO. 2003-12. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP FOR PARCEL MAP 33065, ROBERT M. HILL AND MICHELLE HILL, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS. 6. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH, INC., PROJECT NO. 2004-03, FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 SLURRY SEAL AND RESTRIPING PROGRAM. 7. APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO MATICH CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $104,104 TO CONSTRUCT THE MADISON STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2003-07B. 8. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES TO UTILIZE THE COUNCIL CHAMBER FOR A PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE SALTON SEA ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN ON MARCH 9, 2005, 12:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. 9. APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ALFREDO INCLAN. 10. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSIONERS AND A STAFF MEMBER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PLANNERS INSTITUTE TO BE HELD IN PASADENA, CALIFORNIA, APRIL 13 - 15, 2005. 11. APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION TO INDEMNITY PROVISIONS IN THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK POOL WITH THE FAMILY YMCA OF THE DESERT. 12. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ONE COUNCIL MEMBER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING IN NOVATO, CALIFORNIA, TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 25 - 26, 2005. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT FOR RED IMPORTED FIRE ANT SERVICES. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION City Council Agenda 3 February 15, 2005 3 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 10 OF THE LA QUINTA CHARTER AND MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING ANIMALS. A. MOTION TO TAKE UP ORDINANCE BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING. B. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. ON FIRST READING. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION AND VISITORS AUTHORITY ("CVA") TO EXPAND PARTNERSHIP BOUNDARIES. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 4. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL CONCERNING CLOSED SESSIONS OF JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY MEMBER AGENCIES. A. RESOLUTION ACTION 5. CONSIDERATION OF NOMINEES TO SERVE ON THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMMITTEE. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION 6. CONSIDERATION OF MID -YEAR BUDGET REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005. A. MINUTE ORDER ACTION STUDY SESSION — NONE REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 2. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 3. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 5. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (PERKINS) 6. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (SNIFF) 7. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 8. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (OSBORNE) 9. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) City Council Agenda 4 February 15, 2005 10. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (HENDERSON) 11. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (NANCY DORIA) 12. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DESERT LIBRARY ZONE ADVISORY BOARD (HENDERSON) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 14. SAN JACINTO/SANTA ROSA NATIONAL MONUMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 15. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 16. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FOR JANUARY 11 and 25, 2005 17. ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPING & REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR JANUARY 5, 2005 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1 . CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS B. KINER COMMUNICATIONS QUARTERLY MARKETING REPORT 2. CITY ATTORNEY - NONE 3. CITY CLERK A. REPORT ON UPCOMING EVENTS 4. BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 7. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - NONE MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING SYNTHETIC TURF IN STREET MEDIANS. (REQUESTED BY MAYOR ADOLPH) 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING PARKING LOT AT TOP OF COVE. (REQUESTED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HENDERSON) RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING IMPORTANT NOTICE: DUE TO THERE BEING NO PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN, UNLESS THERE ARE ITEMS FROM THE AFTERNOON SESSION THAT STILL NEED TO BE CONSIDERED. City Council Agenda 5 February 15, 2005 PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three (3) minutes. Please watch the time clock on the speakers podium. PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the next scheduled meeting of the City Council to be held on March 3, 2005, commencing with closed session at 2:00 p.m. and open session at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting of Tuesday, February 15, 2005, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on Friday, February 11, 2005. DATED: February 11, 2005 r L JUNE S. REEK, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777- 7025, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777- 7025. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the 3:00 PM session or the 7:00 PM session. City Council Agenda 6 February 15, 2005 6 EITY of PRIM OHIRT F_ r ---- / WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE ITEM: FAX:76o 340-0574 dtyha11@d.pa1m-desert.ca.us JAN�`� 2 8 200v OFFICE OF THE MAYOR January 20, 2005 The Honorable Don Adolph Mayor of the City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Don: As in years past, the City of Palm Desert will host a concert and fireworks display at our Civic Center Park on July 4th to celebrate our nation's independence, and the purpose of my letter today is to request La Quinta's financial support. The cost to produce a memorable event, which is enjoyed by Indian Wells residents and visitors, is in excess of $75,000. Therefore, we request that your city consider donating $7,500 towards its presentation and provide a committee representative from your council or staff to assist in organizing the day's activities. The first meeting will be held on Friday, May 6th, at 9:00 a.m. in the Administrative Conference Room at Palm Desert City Hall. Please contact Pat Scully, the City's Senior Management Analyst for Community Services, at 776-6352 with the name of your representative. As the desert communities look forward to what has become a much anticipated annual event, your support will make the 2005 celebration the best ever. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact Pat. Sincerely, s BUFORD A. CRITES MAYOR PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER d v► vl v . WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE ITEM: cl" CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN BERNARDINO Palm Desert Campus 37-500 Cook Street, Palm umun, CA 92211 (760) 341-2883- (909)t*"q?a"x' January 28, 2005 _ Donald Adolph - 2 20015 Mayor City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504-- La Quinta, CA 92253 LETTER OF INTENT FOR CAPITAL SUPPORT GRANT The Coachella Valley is home to the Palm Desert Campus of California State University, San Bernardino. Since its opening in 1986 in temporary buildings on the College of the Desert Campus, approximately 1,800 students have completed degree programs. Current enrollment on the new permanent site for the campus on Cook Street in Palm Desert is approaching 1,000 students. Of the campus graduates, approximately 319 live in La Quinta and 83 students from La Quinta are currently enrolled. The average age of our students is 34 and approximately 80% are women. Most would not leave the Valley. to pursue a college education. The Palm Desert Campus provides undergraduate and graduate programs for Valley needs. One Valley need the campus is beginning to address is nursing education. The University began offeringan "R.N. to B.S.N." program in September, 2004, supported by the three local hospitals. Due to limited space, this program is initially limited to 20 students. The University recognizes that this program will not add to the Valley's total number of R.N.'s, however, the program will increase the professionalism of its students, expand their skills, and help retain them in the Valley. The University could expand its 'programming if it had more physical space. The University has proposed a 23,000 square foot new building on campus to house faculty and staff and classrooms and laboratories for nursing and health science programs, including the University's highly regarded program in autism. The estimated construction cost is $11.2 million. The University is seeking a $1,000,000 grant from the City of La Quinta toward the construction of this building. With the construction of the proposed health sciences building, the University would be able to consolidate its current programs in nursing and autism and expand its programming to include a Master's degree in nursing education and offer, with cooperation of the College of the Desert, a four-year B.S.N. program on campus. Such a program would recruit students who have the objective of obtaining a B.S. degree and who are currently leaving the Valley rather than enrolling in the community college. I have attached a draft donation agreement to show how this could be done. Personally, I would very much like to see the La Quinta name on the campus for having helped build the desert's own tlriversi Y. Cordially;: Fred E. Jandt, Ph.D.. Dean Ait' a /+'.a. FUNDING AGREEMENT This Agreement is executed on , 2005 by and between THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation hereinafter referred to as "City", the FOUNDATION FOR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO, a nonprofit corporation hereinafter referred to as "Foundation," and CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN BERNARDINO hereinafter referred to as "CSUSB." RECITALS WHEREAS, the City desires to promote higher education for the residents within the City and throughout the Coachella Valley. WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta recognizes the importance of universities and the role they play in providing education, culture and training for families and individuals both within the City and throughout the Coachella Valley. WHEREAS, the Foundation has been formed to financially assist the California State University San Bernardino ("CSUSB") in its operation of an off campus education center and intends to use the funding set forth in this Agreement together with other funding to construct a permanent off campus center in Palm Desert ("Off Campus Center"). The facilities to be constructed with the funding provided through this agreement is depicted and described in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated in this agreement by this reference. WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta wishes to provide funding to the Foundation for the purpose of assisting in the expansion of the Off Campus Center. WHEREAS, the Off Campus Center shall be operated for the benefit of children, adults and families in the State of California, including residents of La Quinta and the residents of the Coachella Valley. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED as follows: 1. Educational Services. Foundation agrees to construct the educational facilities described in this Agreement. 2. (a) Amount. City allocates to Foundation the sum of $200,000. Foundation agrees that all funds provided by City will be restricted and used only to construct the Off Campus Center. (b) Payment. The City shall disburse $200,000 within 90 days of the execution of this Agreement. 3. Term. Foundation and CSUSB agrees that it shall use City Name (as defined in paragraph 5(a)) for purposes described herein so long as the applicable facilities are owned and/or operated by CSUSB or a successor institution of higher 3 2 education unless City elects to withdraw its naming rights. In such event, the successor shall promptly rename the City Name Signs. 4. The La Quinta Health Science Lab Foundation, CSUSB and City agree that the City's contribution shall be recognized through the naming of a prominent health science laboratory where students are actively engaged in laboratory work and training as the "La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory". 5. Si a e. (a) Foundation shall, at its sole cost and expense, install or cause to be installed any and all signs identifying the La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory, sometimes referred to as "La Quinta Lab" including, but not limited to, directional signs. (b) Written materials authored by Foundation and/or CSUSB shall refer to the La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory solely by using the City Name. As used herein written materials ("Written Materials") include all press releases, media announcements, interviews, web sites, advertising, pamphlets, maps, brochures and informational materials in any form whether written, video taped, audio taped, electronic, spoken in public venues or spoken to media persons. (c) Foundation and CSUSB may use its name in conjunction with the City Name. 6. SiMage for the La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory. (a) On or before the opening of the Off Campus Center or any portion thereof, City, CSUSB and Foundation shall meet and confer in good faith and mutually agree on a City Name signage plan for the La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory consistent with an overall signage plan of CSUSB. The City Name signage plan will address the exact size, design, materials and location of City Name signs identifying the La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory. The jointly approved City Name signage plan will be initialed by the parties hereto and attached. as. Exhibit "B". (b) Prior to the installation of any signage covered by the Agreement, Foundation shall present renderings, including dimensions to City for its written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonable delayed or withheld. (c) Prior to the first use of the La Quinta Health Sciences Laboratory, Foundation shall install the City Name signs. (d) CSUSB shall maintain all signs bearing City Name in a first class condition and shall effectuate any and all repairs needed for these sign(s). i� 3 (e) Substitution of Venue: in the event that the Foundation and/or CSUSB in their design of the Health Sciences building deems that it is more appropriate to name a facility such as a Nursing Laboratory, or Science Laboratory with the name La Quinta in it, said substitution shall be made in accordance with this Agreement. 7. Reimbursement. All amounts paid to the Foundation pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to reimbursement upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) If construction of the Off Campus Center is not diligently prosecuted to completion; or (b) If Foundation or CSUSB defaults under any material provision of this Agreement and the default is not cured within 60 days after written notice of such default is given by City to Foundation. City's termination of this Agreement hereunder will be effective 30 days after it gives written notice of termination to Foundation, or (c) Foundation and/or CSUSB terminates or attempts to terminate this Agreement for any reason other than City's failure to make payments as provided hereunder; or (d) Foundation and/or CSUSB fails to fulfill the responsibilities, duties and obligations set for the herein. 8. Administration of A Bement. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to administer this Agreement on behalf of City and is hereb authorized to make any determination on behalf of City necessary for implementation of the provisions of this Agreement. 9. Reviews. City shall have the right to monitor Foundation and CSUSB's performance under this Agreement. City will notify Foundation and CSUSB in writing within thirty (30) days of any potential exceptions. Where such findings indicate that . Agreement requirements are not . being met, Foundation and/or CSUSB promises to take appropriate: corrective action immedia;tel: , y 10. Compliance with Law. (a) Foundation and CSUSB agrees to comply with all applicable state licensing standards; all applicable accrediting standards and any other standards or criteria established by the state to assure quality of education. (b) This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 11. Complete Agreement. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding J1 4 the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. This Agreement supercedes all previous agreements, if any, between the parties. 12. Amendments. Any alterations, variations, modifications or waivers of provisions to this Agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing, duly signed and attached to the original of this Agreement. 13.Obligation to Construct: The Foundation and/or CSUSB shall be under no obligation to construct stated building until all funds necessary for construction have been secured. In the event that construction does not commence on subject building, all funds received by Foundation from City shall be returned to City within sixty (60) days of such finding or determination. 14. Assignability. Foundation and/or CSUSB shall not assign any. interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of City, and any attempted assignment without such consent shall be void. This Agreement binds the devisees, assigns and successors of Foundation and CSUSB. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto on the date first above written. CITY OF LA QUINTA M CSUSB By: Albert K. Karnig, President California State University San Bernardino 141 FOUNDATION By: Jim Sando, Executive Director The Foundation for California State University, San Bernardino ATTEST: DO 13 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE ITEM: 73-555 Alessandro Dr., Suite D, Palm Desert, California 92260 • Fed. I.D. 33-0293124 Phone: (760) 674-0400 Fax: 760.674.0440 •info@shelterfromthetoom.com 24-Hour Crisis Hot Line: (760) 328-SAFE or 1-800-7754055 FROM T H E January 17, 2005 Dear Mayor & City Council La Quinta, STOPII�._M JAN2 6 L , FOR VICTIMS OF OOMFSFI( VIOIFN(F Shelter From The Storm's annual Gala and Golf Tournament to benefit abused women and children will be held on April I' and 2nd at Porcupine Creek, our residence and golf course. This year's event will honor the work of two of our wonderful supporters: 2005 GODDESS AWARD TO CONGRESSWOMAN MARY BONO 2005 UNSUNG HERO AWARD TO BRUCE BAUMANN, D.D.S. As a friend of our Agency who is familiar with the work we do, we are asking for your support through the purchase of an ad in our Gala Program. Ads are one of the largest sources of revenue for the event. Many individuals or businesses use ads to publicly support Shelter From The Storm's work, to honor someone, in memory of someone, or simply to advertise their business. Program ads are available as full page ($875), one half page ($575), and one quarter page ($350). Enclosed is the Program Advertising Order Form. Please feel free to call (760) 674-0400 or email: info@shelterfromthestorm.com with any questions or to reserve your ad. As you know, Shelter From The Storm is the Coachella Valley's only provider of emergency shelter services to abused women and children. Additionally, we provide a wide variety I f related services that include long-term transitional housing, a community counseling center, a legal clinic, six community based outreach centers and a teen dating violence prevention program. We provide our life saving services to thousands of victims of domestic violence each year. Please help us to continue our work. Sincerely, Edra Blixseth Vice President/Event Chair EB/jr M_ www.shelterfromthestorm,c m unwiwwwu A Non -Profit Corporation dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence in Riverside County 4 of the Desert 15 72 21 Board of Directors Robert J. Baltes, CPA President David Greenberg President Elect Edra Blixseth Kice President Kevin McGuire Treasurer Mary M. Heckmann Secretary Steven Bloomquist Juan DeLara Irwin Golds, Esq. Stan Henry Helen Reinsch Patty Delgado Service Robert A. Spiegel Sandy Wessman Executive Director Lynn Moriarty Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey Kramer Full Page $875 i 7.5" wide x 10.0" tall. PREMIUM POSITIONS: I Full Page Bleed 8.5" Inside Front Cover .........$3,000 Back Cover wide x 11" tall (8.75" x 11.25" w/.125" bleed). ..............$3,000 Inside Back Cover .$2,000 WHAT TO SEND: (B/W or color) Digital ad file in Half Page $575 CMYK, all support files, screen and printer fonts Horizontal: used in layout. Print and pdf proof. 7.5" wide x 4.75" tall. FILE FORMAT. Illustrator, Photoshop (flattened or with fonts if vector data is retained), InDesign or QuarkXpress PDF, TIF, EPS. Half Page $575 Vertical: HOW TO SEND: 3.5" wide x 10" tall. CD or email (adamOtmd-usa.com). IMAGES: CMYK, 300 dpi at 100% of size. Avoid LZW compression and JPG format. Quarter $350 AD DESIGN: Available through The Marketing 7.5" wide x 4.75" tall Department. Contact Kelly Halbeisen at 760.773.4420. Please print or type: LEGAL NAME OF ADVERTISER DOING BUSINESS AS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE FAX CONTACT NAME AD SIZE: ❑ FULL ❑ 112 HORIZONAL ❑ 1/2 VERTICAL ❑ QUARTER ❑ Enclosed is my check and new artwork. ❑ Artwork has been emailed to The Marketing Department (adam@tmd-usa.com) ❑ Please charge $ to my ❑ VISA ❑ MC ❑ AMEX ❑ Account Number: Exp. Date:. Please note: Shelter From The Storm reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. In the event of any error, advertiser agrees the maximum liability of SFTS shall not exceed the cost of the advertisement. Cost of this advertisement may be considered a donation and is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Tax ID 33-0293124) Please make a copy of this form for your records. Thank you. EM Authorized By (signature please) Date: Information: Shelter From The Storm, Inc. • 73-555 Alessandro Drive, Suite D, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Tel: 760/674-0400, FAX: 760/674-0440, www.sheiterfromthestorm.com 15 ia�\I�� �•c. `Gc a. IYCO �MiED ��"•� ti5 AGENDA CATEGORY: c� of9 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated February 15, 2005 BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION PUBLIC HEARING RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated February 15, 2005 BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants: 62138 - 621821 60,381.66 62183 - 622181 325,799.23 Voids} (635.00) Wire Transfers} 196,731.97 P/R 32546 - 325691 140,589.65 P/R Tax Transfers} 34,583.21 Payable Warrants: 62219 - 623771 5,361,911.79 $6,119,362.51 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash - City $2,65%806.34 Demand of Cash -RDA $3,459,556.17 4�v . Falconer, Finance Director Ef CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 1/27/05 - 2/08/05 1 /28/05 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS $13,635.37 1 /28/05 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA $11,470.92' 2 /01/05 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK GOLF $171,334.48 2 /01/05 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS $291.20 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT $196,731.97 2 107 c- 00 00 1 1 O �O 1 1 %0 In N %0 N \ 1 Y J I in in c 00 N O In 0% %0 O In to I UQ I w w w . 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BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Transmittal of Treasurer's Report dated December 31, 2004 for the City of La Quinta. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1 /1 /86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Money and Funds. I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet next month's estimated expenditures. Respectfully submitted, Joh KM.Falconer, Finance Director Approved for submission by: r' Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Treasurer's Report, City of La Quinta 66 ATTACHMENT 1 CV 4 e(P QdAtA MEMORANDUM TO: La Quinta City Council FROM: John M. Falconer, Finance Director/Treasurer SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report for December 31,2004 DATE: January 31, 2005 Attached is the Treasurer's Report for the month ending December 31, 2004. The report is submitted to the City Council each month after a reconciliation of accounts is accomplished by the Finance Department. The following table summarizes the changes in investment types for the month: Beqinning Purchased Notes Sold/Matured Other Ending Change Investment Cash (3) LAW US Treasuries (2) US Gov't Agencies (2) Commercial Paper (2) Corporate Notes Mutual Funds $ 1,120,216 9,373,572 122,780,160 27,331,529 6,029,092 $ 166,634,569 9,800,000 73,000,000 2,000,000 1,345,007 $ 86,145,007 (1) 1 $ (829,738) (4,500,000) (75,000,000) (2,000,000) $ 82,329,738 (546,724) (29,626) $ 576,350 $290,478 14,673,572 120,233,436 27,301,903 0 7,374,099 $ 169,873,488 ($829,738) 5,300,000 (2,546,724) (29,626) 0 1,345,007 $ 3,238,919 Total I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in compliance with the California Government Code; and is in conformity with the City Investment Policy. As Treasurer of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated revenues are available to meet the pools expenditure requirements for the next six months. The City of La Quinta used the Bureau of the Public Debt, U.S. Bank Monthly Statement and the Bank of New York Monthly Custodian Report to determine the fair market value of investments at month end. ?,-/o 4t"6 Date yFinance Falconer Director/Treasurer Footnote (1) The amount reported represents the net increase (decrease) of deposits and withdrawals from the previous month. (2) The amount reported in the other column represents the amortization of premium/discount for the month on US Treasury, Commercial Paper and Agency investments. (3) The cash account may reflect a negative balance. This negative balance will be offset with transfers from other investments before warrants are presented for payment by the payee at the bank. 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M z O M _ M c ) _- �+ M(D c W 00 (Dm F. Z'E E 0-6rE CO p E-6 $ > ELLL m c o 9� asa �U O N ad a. m Mm m �}gu?C6 c o - 0 m L E HUcA»d.02 - tmo.3c6v? I'-Ucn»a 0 City of La Quinta Reconciliation of Actual and Surplus Funds City, Redevelopment Agency and Financing Authority December 31, 2004 Balance of Actual Funds 169,873,488 Less Petty cash Funds (1,000) Less Non -Surplus Funds (1,100,000) Balance of Surplus Funds $168,772,488 City Cash & Investments Bank Accounts Name - Availability Surplus Type Book Wells Fargo - Demand No Checking $ 272,690 Petty Cash - Demand No N/A 1,000 Wells Fargo/Housing - Demand Yes Checking 16,788 Total - Bank Accounts $ 290,478 U. S. Treasury Amortized Custodian - Availability Issuer/Type Value —Surplus Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 4,989,930 Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 4,976,433 Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 5,005,503 Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 3,987,580 Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 5,009.247 Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 4,988,655 Bank of New York - Demand Yes U.S. Treasury Note 3,973,040 Bank of New York - Demand Yes I U.S. Treasury Note 5,002,485 Total - U.S. Treasury 37,932,873 U.S. Government Securities Custodian - Availability Surplus Issuer/Type Amortized Value Bank of New York - Demand Yes FARM CREDIT 5,011,229 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FHLB 1,984,762 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FHLB 2,002,187 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FHLB 2,370,511 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FHLB 1,004,325 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FNMA -Discount 4,998,807 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FreddieMac 7,501,963 Bank of New York - Demand Yes FreddieMac - Discount 2,428,119 Total - U.S. Government Securities 27,301,903 Local Agency Investment Fund Name - Availability Surplus Type Book LAIF - City -Demand Yes State Pool 11,099,636 LAIF - RDA - Demand Yes State Pool 3,573,936 Total - State Pool 14,673,572 Total City Investments Total City Cash & Investments Fiscal Agent Investments Surplus Yes AdJ Surplus Yes $ $ 16,788 16,788 $ 16,788 $ - $ 16,788 Surplus Surplus Yes Ad' Yes 4,989,930 4,989,930 4,976,433 4,976,433 5,005,503 5,005,503 3,987,580 3,967,580 5,009,247 5,009,247 4,988,655 4,988,655 3,973,040 3,973,040 5,002,485 5,002 485 37,932,873 37,932,873 Surplus Surplus Yes Ad_ Yes 11,099,636 (827,310) 10,272.326 3,573,936 3,573,936 14,673,572 827,310 13,846,262 Surplus No Adij Surplus No $ 272,690 $ 827,310 $ 1,100,000 1,000 1,000 $ 273,690 $ 827,310 $ 1,101,000 Surplus Surplus No Adj No All Funds Surplus Actual % Yes 0.1710% 0.0099X All Funds Surplus Actual % Yes 122.3301%1 22.4757% All Funds Surplus Actual % Yes 16,0719% 1 16.1767% Surplus Surplus All Funds Surplus No Ad' No Actual % Yes 8.6379% 8.2041 % 79,908,3481 79,908,348 827,310 79,081,038 47.0399% 1 46.8M% 80,188,8281 79,925,138 827,310 79,097,8281 273,6901 827,310 1,101,000 47.2109% 48.8885% Portfolio - City Investments Amortized Custodian - Availability Surplus issuer/Type Value 2002 RDA U.S. Bank-CIP Yes U.S.Treasury Bill 27,865,907 2004 Finance Authority -CIP 2004 Finance Authority -CIP Yes Yes U.S.Treasury Bill U.S.Treasury Bill 9,951.640 44,483.016 Yes Total - U.S. Treasury 82.300,563 Portfolio - Mutual Funds Trustee - Availability Surplus Money Market Mutual Fund Book Value Civic Center U.S.Bank - Project YES 1st American Civic Center U.S.Bank - Debt Svc YES 1 st American 21 1994 RDA U.S. Bank -Debt Svc YES 1 st American 1995 RDA U.S.Bank - CIP YES 1st American 1995 RDA U.S.Bank - Special Fund YES 1st American - 2004 Fin Auth - 1995 US Bank - Escrow YES 1 st American 100 1998 RDA U.S.Bank - CIP YES 1st American 1998 RDA U.S. Bank - Dbt Svc YES 1st American 1998 RDA U.S.Bank - Special Fund YES 1st American 1998 RDA U.S.Bank - CIP YES 1st American 2001 RDA U.S. Bank - Dbt Svc YES 1 st American 2001 RDA U.S. Bank - CIP YES 1 st American 2002 RDA U.S. Bank - Dbt Svc YES 1 st American - 2002 RDA U.S. Bank - CIP YES 1st American 1,650,559 2003 Taxable RDA U.S. Bank - DS YES 1 st American 2003 Taxable RDA U. S. Bank -COI YES 1 st American 2003 Taxable RDA U. S. Bank-CIP YES 1 st American 2.002,109 2004 Fin Auth US Bank - CIP YES 1st American 3.716,261 2004 Fin Auth US Bank - COI YES 1 st American 5,049 Subtotal - Mutual Fund 17,374,099 Surplus Surplus Yes Adj Yes 27,865,907 27,865,907 9.951,640 9,951,640 44,483,016 44,483,016 82,300,563 82,300,563 Surplus Yes Ad Surplus Yes 21 21 100 100 1,650.559 1,650,559 2,002,109 2,002,109 3,716,261 3,716,261 5,049 5,049 7,374,099 7,374,099 Surplus Surplus No Ad' No Surplus No Ad Surplus No All Funds Surplus Actual % Yes 48.4482% 48.7642% All Funds Surplus Actual % Yes 4.3409% 1 4.3693% Total Fiscal Agent Investments 89,874,6621 89,674,662 1 -1 89,8T4,882 52.7891X 53.1335% Grand Total 189,871,488 169,599,798 827,310 168,772,488 273,890 827,310 1,101,000 100.000OX 100. 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O O O m @ m Cc 0 0 O� T CA U) U) m c0 0 0 O= U N N CA m CO O d +•+ O O) Z C C C Q) ch C) C C C N u) (A 0) CT 0) Z+a C C Z c7 C 3 E EEEu � m www Q MI a� www aQr www�- m midn, www mCI mCCO or 13 2 D °��*0 w2 �dEl wC ��Ci � �> 'U;a 0 — N �ZLL >O L4 O9�6 � N N C O LQ�CL•aE C X CCC> iw CCC> >>:3 H CX �m U"o CCCc�> Co d�d�d�inQ� 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA BALANCE SHEET 12/31104 ASSETS: RDA RDA FA CITY CITY FIXED LONG TERM FINANCING LONG TERM GRAND FIXED LONG TERM CITY ASSETS DEBT RDA ASSETS DEBT AUTHORITY DEBT TOTAL 18 233 554 871 0.00 0.00 32,516,254.37 0.00 0.00 1,562.85 0.00 14,284,262.35 0 00 0.00 662,000.00 POOLED CASH LQRP INVESTMENT IN POOLED CASH ( 0.00 0'� p•pp 0.00 662,000.00 83,000,000.00 0•00 0•� V. 0 0.00 0,00 148,331,000.00 INVESTMENT T-BILUNOTES &OTHER 65,331,000.00 0.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,788.18 AUTO MALL CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,788.18 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.00 0.00 121.97 LQRP CASH BOND REDEMPTION CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,048.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,373,977.4 BOND RESERVE CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,368,920.00 0 p•pp 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOND PROJECT CASH 0'� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.�• 00 BOND ESCROW CASH 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 6,633.02 0.00 170,669.149.92 PETTY CASH CASH & INVESTMENT TOTAL 47,098,445.13 0•� 0.00 123,564,071.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INVESTMENT IN LAND HELD FOR RESALE 0.00 0.00 216,075.93 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 155,175.93 (96,225.41) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90,436.00 (699,436.89) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (795,662.30) 85,493.59 PREMIUM/DISCOUNT ON INVESTMENT 0,00 0'00 0 00 85,493.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,531.25) LQRP-ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (7,531.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 90,000,000.00 0.00 102,741,527.47 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,741,527.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,879,09 .69 LOAN/NOTES RECEIVABLE DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES 3,815,311.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 879,098.69 (879,096.69) DUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES-CVAG 879,096.69 (879,096.69) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,033.81 CVAG ALLOWANCE DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 14,033.81 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•00 21,397,550.21 DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS ADVANCES TO OTHER FUNDS - PRINCIPAL 0.00 21,397,550.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,351,225.72 0•00 0.00 0'00 0.00 0.00 0•00 0.00 13,742,076.14 0.00 ADVANCES TO OTHER FUNDS -INTEREST 8,390,850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 184,306.49 ADVANCES TO OTHER FUNDS 184,306.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,841 75 SILVER ROCK - PRINCIPAL NSF CHECKS RECEIVABLE . 2,841.75 0.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•00 ACCRUED REVENUE 0.00 17,569,115.26 372,872,574.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64,962,148.00 (210,000.00) 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 (60,878,051.00) (60,878,051.00 FIXED ASSETS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ( 2 562,164.00) (58,105,887.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRAVEL ADVANCES 7.00 5,237.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 p 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 3,856.48 213,856.48 EMPLOYEE ADVANCES PREPAID EXPENSES 213,856.48 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 17 539 709.89 64,752,148.00 0 00 90,000,000.00 0.00 536,140,903.33 RECEIVABLE TOTAL 49,082,358.44 314,766,680: 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 117,729.37 WORKER COMPENSATION DEPOSIT 117,729.37 0. 00 0.000.00 0.00 0 00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,830.00 0.00 RENT DEPOSITS 4,830.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 320,533.21 UTILITY DEPOSITS 1,073.21 0.00 0.00 319,460.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 443,092.58 MISC. DEPOSITS DEPOSITS TOTAL 123,632.58 0.00 0.00 319,460.00 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION AVAILABLE TO RETIRE LIT DEBT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•00 0.00 0.00 0.00 247,549,965.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94,814,343.00 344,334,860.85 AMOUNT AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED FOR L/T DEBT 00 0 0 00 0.00 1,970,552.85 1,970,552.85 p,pp 0.00 247,549,965.00 0.00 94,814 343.00 344,334,860.85 TOTAL OTHER ASSETS 0.00 1970,552.85 141,423,241.66 64 752,148.00 247 549,965.00 90 006,633.02 94 814 343.00 1 051,588,00668 96 TOTAL ASSETS 304.436.15 314,766,687.00 LIABILITIES: 553,065.41 0.00 0.00 19,645.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 572,710.90 152,130.95 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DUE TO OTHER AGENCIES 152,130.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 p.pp 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,933,082.42 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS FROM OTHER FUNDS - PRINCIPAL 0.00 5,535,532.21 0.00 00.0000 218,390.85� 52 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0 00 8,390,851.52 0.00 ADVANCES ADVANCES FROM OTHER FUNDS -INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 INTEREST PAYABLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 158,228.15 RETENTION PAYABLE 158 22815 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,430.34 PAYROLL LIABILITIES STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTS 8,430.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,648.87 0.00 FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES0 32,648.87 0.00 0 00 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUSPENSE DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 p,pp 0 00 29,808,047.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,248,083.15 PAYABLES TOTAL 6,440,035.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENGINEERING TRUST DEPOSITS 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,664.00 S0. COAST AIR QUALITY DEPOSITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,664.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 1,532.479.35 LQRP DEPOSITS 1,667,757.31 0 00 0.00 2,835.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 667,757.31 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 877,154.4 MISC. DEPOSITS AGENCY FUND DEPOSITS 877,154.45 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 46,499.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 121,155.11 3,121,055.11 TOTAL DEPOSITS 3,074,556.11 0.00 90,000,000.00 p.pp 1p4,385,279.72 DEFERRED REVENUE 3,767,177.88 0.00 000 0.00 0•p0 10,618,101.84 �i 6:618,1 0`1V 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -90,000,000.00 90,pp0,000.00 0.00 104,385,279.72 OTHER LIABILITIES TOTAL 3,767,177.88 0.00 0.00 531,553.26 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 531,553.26 1,010,688.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,010,688.59 428,311.00 DEVELOPER AGREEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 428,311.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,050,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,050,000.00 DUE TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,667,336.00 0.00 0.00 6,667,336.00 DUE TO COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DUE TO C.V. UNIFIED SCHOOL DIST. 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0•� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90,000,000.00 DUE TO DESERT SANDS SCHOOL DIST. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 90,000,000.00 148,832,629.00 0.00 94,814,343.00 243,646,972.00 LOANS PAYABLE 0'� 0.00 0.00 0.00 p•pp 0.00 247,549,985.00 0.00 94,814,343.00 344,334,860.85 BONDS PAYABLE TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT 0.00 0.00 1,970,552.85 gp,ppp,000.00 94,814,343.00 488,089,278.83 13,281.769.92 p•00 1,970,552.85 40,472,648.06 0.00 247,549,965.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 0•00 6,633.02 0.00 563,498,727.85 83,022,666.23 314,766,687.00 0.00 100,950,593.60 64,752,148.00 EQUITY -FUND BALANCE - _ _ _ .......... .... . rK, San (x1R Fdt TOTAL LIABILITY & EQUITY CASH & INVESTMENT TOTAL 170,669,149.92 PREMIUMIDISCOUNT ON INVESTMENT (795,662.30) TOTAL 169,873,487.62 12 OF AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Transmittal of Revenue and Expenditure Reports dated December 31, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Transmittal of the December 31, 2004 Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the City of La Quinta. Respectfully submitted, John ner, Finance Director Approved for submission by: ��'z�.Zst Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Revenue and Expenditures Report, December 31, 2004. 2 i ATTACHMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 07/01/2004-12/31/04 FUNDS BUDGET RECEIVED RECEIVED General $23,821,461.00 $10,487,437.46 44.00% Library 649,500.00 8,091.30 1.20% Gas Tax Revenue 622,200.00 322,948.42 51.90% Federal Assistance 340,355.00 0.00 0.00% Urban Forestry 1,100.00 0.00 0.00% Slesf (Cops) Revenue 100,000.00 100,288.74 100.30% Local Law Enforcement 0.00 0.00 0.00% Indian Gaming 177,250.00 178,024.96 100.40% Lighting & Landscaping 825,800.00 37,187.32 4.50% RCTC 411,644.00 0.00 0.00% Quimby 153,900.00 1,978.01 1.30% Infrastructure 15,600.00 2,797.83 17.90% Village Parking 0.00 0.00 0.00% South Coast Air Quality 36,415.00 150,633.92 413.70% Cmaq/lstea 553,785.00 0.00 0.00% Transportation 758,700.00 1,020,867.67 134.60% Parks & Recreation 251,000.00 346,192.27 137.90% Civic Center 192,500.00 263,104.49 136.70% Library Development 112,500.00 154,599.15 137.40% Community Center 59,200.00 69,090.87 116.70% Street Facility 11,700.00 14,176.99 121.20% Park Facility 3,000.00 3,607.43 120.20% Fire Protection Facility 32,100.00 72,552.30 226.00% Library Development (County) Facility 190,963.00 1,133.61 0.60% Arts In Public Places 98,600.00 105,944.04 107.40% Interest Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00% Capital Improvement 79,773,087.00 17,928,113.81 22.50% Assessment District 2000-1 6,000.00 1,913.86 31.90% Equipment Replacement 285,837.00 340,476.86 119.10% Information Technology 413,111.00 419,768.11 101.60% Park Equipment & Facility 250,000.00 14,114,363.95 5645.70% SilverRock Golf 2,656,306.00 3,226.71 0.10% LQ Public Safety Officer 2,100.00 2,033.33 96.80% La Quinta Financing Authority 3,681,249.00 1,267,994.20 34.40% RDA Project Area No. 1 34,962,847.00 2,167,386.60 6.20% RDA Project Area No. 2 27,554,151.00 12,271,370.30 44.50% Total $179 003,961.00 1 $61,857,304.51 1 34.60% So CITY OF LA QUINTA EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 07/01/2004 - 12/31/04 FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED REMAINING BUDGET PERCENT General $24,482,681.00 $9,054,399.37 $28,972.63 $15,399,309.00 37.0% Library 1,216,501.00 298,625.00 0.00 917,876.00 24.5% Gas Tax 861,781.00 321,721.99 0.00 540,059.01 37.3% Federal Assistance 509,536.00 7,547.37 0.00 501,987.63 1.5% Urban Forestry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Slesf (Cops) Revenue 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0% Local Law Enforcement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Indian Gaming 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 0.0% Lighting & Landscaping 825,800.00 412,899.98 0.00 412,900.02 50.0% RCTC 2,056,829.00 0.00 0.00 2,056,829.00 0.0% Quimby 547,871.00 185,171.74 0.00 362,699.26 33.8% Infrastructure 1,140,356.00 499,277.78 0.00 641,078.22 43.8% Village Parking (1,893.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,893.00) 0.0% South Coast Air Quality 100,064.00 3,197.53 0.00 96,866.47 3.2% Cmaq/lstea 553,785.00 0.00 0.00 553,785.00 0.0% Transportation 4,444,962.00 305,302.23 0.00 4,139,659.77 6.9% Parks & Recreation 214,814.00 51,236.52 0.00 163,577.48 23.9% Civic Center 3,486,090.00 168,088.11 0.00 3,318,001.89 4.8% Library Development 3,746,450.00 1,088,195.29 0.00 2,658,254.71 29.0% Community Center 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Street Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Park Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Fire Protection 0.00 11,170.70 0.00 (11,170.70) 0.0% Library County DIF 590,863.00 408,182.00 0.00 182,681.00 69.1% Arts In Public Places 708,356.00 24,458.50 0.00 683,897.50 3.5% Interest Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Capital Improvement 79,773,087.00 17,928,113.81 47,758.00 61,797,215.19 22.5% Proposed Assessment District 142,507.00 0.00 0.00 142,507.00 0.0% Equipment Replacement 1,062,339.00 71,180.92 0.00 991,158.08 6.7% Information Technology 590,351.00 175,800.60 26.94 414,523.46 29.8% Park Maintenance Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% SilverRock Golf 2,444,249.00 125,318.21 0.00 2,318,930.79 5.1% Lq Public Safety Officer 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0% La Quinta Financing Authority 3,735,955.00 1,321,413.62 0.00 2,414,541.38 35.4% RDA Project Area No. 1 82,436,888.00 21,776,234.21 0.00 60,660,653.79 26.4% RDA Project Area No. 2 30,198,585.00 8,070,344.59 0.00 22,128,240.41 26.7% Total 246,148,056.00 62,307,880.07 $76,757.57 183,763,418.36 25.3% 8 .L CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL 07/01/2004-12/31/04 REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET TAXES: Property Tax 743,400.00 304,854.85 438,545.15 No Low Property Tax Distribution 1,233,100.00 424,099.49 809,000.51 Sales Tax 4,072,200.00 2,230,913.93 1,841,286.07 Sales Tax Reimbursement 1,334,500.00 0.00 1,334,600.00 Document Transfer Tax 539,700.00 492,493.72 47,206.28 Transient Occupancy Tax 4,030,300.00 1,113,042.36 2,917,257.64 Mitigation Measures 0.00 325,000.00 (325,000.00) Franchise Tax 797,800.00 300,411.83 497,388.17 TOTAL TAXES 12,751,000.00 5,190,816.18 7,560,183.82 LICENSE & PERMITS: Business License 202,500.00 112,719.10 89,780.90 Animal License 15,400.00 6,608.00 8,792.00 Building Permits 493,800.00 966,108.10 (472,308.10) Plumbing Permits 84,400.00 153,683.47 (69,283.47) Mechanical Permits 43,100.00 85,524.29 (42,424.29) Electrical Permits 85,000.00 129,093.05 (44,093.05) Garage Sale Permits 5,000.00 7,950.00 (2,950.00) Misc. Permits 42 200.00 152,829.22 (110,629.22) TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 971,400.00 1,614,515.23 (643,115.23) FEES: Sale of Maps & Publications 4,400.00 7,981.39 (3,581.39) Community Services Fees 191,300.00 102,974.77 88,325.23 Bldg & Safety Fees 471,000.00 645,003.67 (174,003.67) Community Development Fees 222,400.00 109,740.00 112,660.00 Public Works Fees 584 400.00 620,496.37 (36,096.37) TOTAL FEES 1,473,500.00 1,486,196.20 (12,696.20) INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehicle In -Lieu 1,455,300.00 217,599.17 1,237,700.83 Motor Vehicle Code Fines 77,500.00 33,876.74 43,623.26 Parking Violations 41,900.00 12,399.00 29,501.00 Misc. Fines 31,609.00 26,180.50 5,428.50 AB939 182,100.00 0.00 182,100.00 County of Riverside Grant 0.00 0.00 0.00 State of California Grant 8,451.00 46,270.22 (37,819.22) Fire servicesCredit 3,748,040.00 0.00 3,748,040.00 CSA152 Assessment 175,000.00 174,158.19 841.81 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 5,719,900.00 510,483.82 5,209,416.18 INTEREST 2,265,300.00 1,319,269.28 946,030.72 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue 17,100.00 20,160.70 (3,060.70) Mitigation Measures 316,011.00 346,000.00 (29,989.00) Litigation settlement 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash Over/(Short) 0.00 (3.95) 3.95 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 333,111.00 366,156.75 (33,045.75) TRANSFER IN 307,250.00 0.00 307,250.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 23,821,461.00 10,487,437.46 13,334,023.54 �� 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL LIBRARY: County of Riverside Contributions Interest TOTAL LIBRARY GAS TAX REVENUE: Section 2105 Section 2106 Section 2107 Section 2107.5 Traffic Congestion Relief Interest TOTAL GAS TAX FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REVENUE: CDBG Grant Interest TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE URBAN FORESTRY Grant Revenue Interest TOTAL URBAN FORESTRY SLESF (COPS) REVENUE: SLESF (Cops) Funding Interest TOTAL SLESF (COPS) LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT REVENUE: LLEBG Funding Interest Transfer in TOTAL LLEBG INDIAN GAMING Charges for services Interest TOTAL INDIAN GAMING LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING REVENUE: Assessment Developer Interest TOTAL LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING RCTC RCTC Funding Transfer in TOTAL RCTC QUIMBY REVENUE: Quimby Fees Interest TOTAL QUIMBY INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE: Infrastructure Fee Interest Transfer in TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE VILLAGE PARKING REVENUE: Interest TOTAL VILLAGE PARKING REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 649,500.00 8,091.30 641,408.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 649,500.00 8,091.30 641,408.70 193,100.00 103,200.86 89,899.14 137,900.00 73,721.16 64,178.84 256,900.00 138,354.15 118,545.85 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 20,700.00 0.00 20,700.00 7,600.00 1,672.25 5,927.75 622,200.00 322,948.42 299,251.58 340,355.00 0.00 340,355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 340,355.00 0.00 340,355.00 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 288.74 (288.74) 100,000.00 100,288.74 (288.74) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 774.96 (774.96) 177,250.00 178,024.96 (774.96) 825,800.00 37,187.32 788,612.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 825,800.00 37,187.32 788,612.68 411,644.00 0.00 411,644.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 411,644.00 0.00 411,644.00 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 3,900.00 1,978.01 1,921.99 153,900.00 1,978.01 151,9 1.99 0.00 0.00 15,600.00 2,797.83 12,802.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,600.00 2,797.83 12,802.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 b3 s CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY REVENUE: S.C.A.Q. Contribution MSRC Funding Street Sweeping Grant Interest TOTAL SCAQ CMAQ/ISTEA CMAQ/ISTEA Grant Interest TOTAL CMAQ/ISTEA TRANSPORTATION Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARKS & RECREATION Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION CIVIC CENTER Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY CENTER Developer fees Interest TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER STREET FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT (COUNTY) FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL LIBRARY DEV (COUNTY) FACILITY ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES REVENUE: Arts in Public Places Arts in Public Places Credits Applied Interest TOTAL ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL INTEREST ALLOCATION REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 34,415.00 10,140.85 24,274.15 0.00 139,285.00 (139,285.00) 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,208.07 791.93 36,415.00 150,633.92 (114,218.92) 553,785.00 0.00 553,785.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 553,785.00 0.00 553,785.00 721,400.00 990,802.58 (269,402.58) 37,300.00 30,065.09 7,234.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 758,700.00 1,020,867.67 (262,167.67) 251,000.00 344,026.00 (93,026.00) 0.00 2,166.27 (2,166.27) 0.00 0.00 0.00 251,000.00 346,192.27 (95,192.27) 192,500.00 254,768.59 (62,268.59) 0.00 8,335.90 (8,335.90) 0.00 0.00 0.00 192,500.00 263,104.49 (70,62149) 112,500.00 154,214.00 (41,714.00) 0.00 385.15 (385.15) 0.00 0.00 0.00 112,500.00 154,599.15 (42,099.15) 48,500.00 66,091.00 (17,591.00) 10,700.00 2,999.87 7,700.13 59,200.00 69,090.87 (9,890.87) 9,800.00 13,502.02 (3,702.02) 1,900.00 674.97 1,225.03 11,700.00 14,176.99 (2,476.99) 2,500.00 3,438.00 (938.00) 500.00 169.43 330.57 3,000.00 3,607.43 (607.43) 32,100.00 72,271.83 (40,171.83) 0.00 280.47 (280.47) 32,100.00 72,552.30 (40,452.30) 190,863.00 0.00 190,863.00 100.00 1,133.61 (1,033.61) 190,963.00 1,133.61 189,829.39 97,500.00 102,374.72 (4,874.72) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 3,569.32 (2,469.32) 98,600.00 105,944.04 (7,344.04) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 84 h- CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: CVAG CVW D County of Riverside Surface Transportation Funding City of Indio SB300 Funding RCTC SB821-Bicycle Path Grant State of California APP Contribution Developer Agreement Funding Litigation Settlements Transfers in From Other Funds TOTAL CIP REVENUE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-1 Interest Assessment Bond Proceeds Prepayments -sewer assessments Transfer in TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: Equipment Charges Capital Contribution Sale of Fixed Asset Interest Transfers In TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND: Charges for services Capital Contribution Sale of Fixed Asset Interest Transfers In TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PARK EQUIPMENT & FACILITY Charges for services Interest Capital Contributions TOTAL PARK EQUIPMENT & FAC SILVERROCK GOLF Green fees Range fees Resident Card Merchandise Allocated Interest Income Food & Beverage TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER FUND Transfer In Interest TOTAL LQ PUBLIC SAFETY REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 6,592,557.00 486,504.77 6,106,052.23 877,462.00 0.00 877,462.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 244,800.00 0.00 244,800.00 43,750.00 0.00 43,750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,887.00 0.00 52,887.00 664,658.00 64,442.00 600,216.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87,500.00 0.00 87,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71,209,473.00 17,377,167.04 53,832,305.96 79,773,087.00 17,928,113.81 61,844,973.19 6,000.00 1,913.86 4,086.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 1,913.86 4,086.14 225,137.00 328,160.35 (103,023.35) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,700.00 12,316.51 48,383.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 285,837.00 340,476.86 (54,639.86) 406,111.00 416,568.00 (10,457.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 3,200.11 3,799.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 413,111.00 419,768.11 (6,657.11) 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,154.95 (1,154.95) 0.00 13,863,209.00 (13,863,209.00) 250,000.00 14,114,363.95 (13,864,363.95) 2,300,210.00 0.00 2,300,210.00 33,111.00 0.00 33,111.00 0.00 2,025.00 (2,025.00) 158,886.00 1,273.89 157,612.11 0.00 (72.18) 72.18 164,099.00 0.00 164,099.00 2,656,306.00 3,226.71 2,653,079.29 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 100.00 33.33 66.67 2,100.00 2,033.33 66.67 07/01/2004 - 12/31 /04 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REMAINING BY DEPARTMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT: LEGISLATIVE 761,385.00 282,187.63 0.00 479,197.37 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 849,100.00 393,819.79 17,500.00 437,780.21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 901,150.00 398,713.62 0.00 502,436.38 PERSONNEURISK MGT 794,069.00 359,324.93 235.58 434,508.49 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,305,704.00 1,434,045.97 17,735.58 1,853,922.45 CITY CLERK 526,211.00 245,479.45 0.00 280,731.55 TOTAL CITY CLERK 526,211.00 245,479.45 0.00 280,731.55 COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 776,063.00 317,280.19 2,764.00 456,018.81 SENIOR CENTER 359,644.00 138,801.21 0.00 220,842.79 PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS 144,503.00 84,851.53 0.00 59,651.47 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,280,210.00 540,932.93 2,764.00 736,513.07 FINANCE FISCAL SERVICES 726,376.00 305,197.57 0.00 421,178.43 CENTRAL SERVICES 659,448.00 398,740.91 2,427.61 258,279.48 TOTAL FINANCE 1,385,824.00 703,938.48 2,427.61 679,457.91 BUILDING & SAFETY: BUILDING & SAFETY - ADMIN 321,517.00 118,273.02 0.00 203,243.98 BUILDING 906,594.00 620,731.78 0.00 285,862.22 CODE COMPLIANCE 658,084.00 256,799.12 0.00 401,284.88 ANIMAL CONTROL 293,479.00 99,395.15 0.00 194,083.85 CIVIC CENTER BUILDING -OPERATIONS 1,106,324.00 727,329.77 0.00 378,994.23 TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY 3,285,998.00 1,822,528.84 0.00 1,463,469.16 PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE SERVICES 6,813,954.00 2,484,412.60 0.00 4,329,541.40 FIRE 3,855,806.00 3,437.60 0.00 3,852,368.40 EMERGENCY SERVICES 45,193.00 22,530.48 0.00 22,662.52 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 10,714,953.00 2,510,380.68 0.00 8,204,572.32 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ADMIN 556,886.00 218,273.17 0.00 338,612.83 CURRENT PLANNING 750,085.00 292,028.09 0.00 458,056.91 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,306,971.00 510,301.26 0.00 796,669.74 PUBLIC WORKS: (389,171.00) PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 277,879.00 128,912.49 0.00 148,966.51 DEVELOPMENT & TRAFFIC 1,071,366.00 556,579.64 0.00 514,786.36 MAINT/OPERATIONS - STREETS 2,188,469.00 459,271.41 1,729.62 1,727,467.97 MAINT/OPERATIONS - LTG/LANDSCAPING 1,461,996.00 721,227.20 0.00 740,768.80 MAINT/OPERATIONS - PARK MAINTENANCE 837,090.00 507,469.05 4,315.82 325,305.13 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 618,817.00 345,168.90 0.00 273,648.10 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 6,455,617.00 2,718,628.69 6,045.44 3,730,942.87 TRANSFERS OUT 306,017.00 147,152.53 0.00 158,864.47 GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENTS (4,084,824.00) (1,578,989.46) 0.00 (2,505,834.54) NET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 24,482,681.00 9,054,399.37 28,972.63 15,399,309.00 gn tj g CITY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 07/01/2004 - 12/31/04 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET LIBRARY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 1,216,501.00 298,625.00 0.00 917,876.00 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 1,216,501.00 298,625.00 0.00 917,876.00 GAS TAX REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 622,200.00 311,100.00 0.00 311,100.00 TRANSFER OUT 239,581.00 10,621.99 0.00 228,959.01 TOTAL GAS TAX FUND 861,781.00 321,721.99 0.00 540,059.01 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND: TRANSFER OUT TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 509,535.00 7,547.37 0.00 501,987.63 URBAN FORESTRY GRANT TRANSFER OUT .TOTAL URBAN FORESTRY GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SLESF (COPS) TRANSFER OUT TOTAL SLESF (COPS) FUND 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 LLEBG FUND TRANSFER OUT TOTAL LLEBG FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INDIAN GAMING FUND TRANSFER OUT 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 TOTAL INDIAN GAMING FUND 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT DIST: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 825,800.00 412,899.98 0.00 412,900.02 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL LTG/LANDSCAPING FUND 825,800.00 412,899.98 0.00 412,900.02 RCTC TRANSFER OUT 2,056,829.00 0.00 0.00 2,056,829.00 TOTAL RCTC 2,056,829.00 0.00 0.00 2,056,829.00 QUIMBY FUND: TRANSFER OUT TOTAL QUIMBY FUND 547,871.00 185,171.74 0.00 362,699.26 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 1,140,356.00 499,277.78 0.00 641,078.22 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 1,140,356.00 499,277.78 0.00 641,078.22 VILLAGE PARKING TRANSFER OUT TOTAL VILLAGE PARKING FUND (1,893.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,893.00) SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 22,945.00 3,197.53 0.00 19,747.47 TRANSFER OUT 77,119.00 0.00 0.00 77,119.00 TOTAL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY 100,064.00 3,197.53 0.00 96,866.47 CMAQ/ISTEA TRANSFER OUT TOTAL CMAQ/ISTEA FUND 553,785.00 0.00 0.00 553,785.00 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRIBUTION 392,878.00 193,146.17 0.00 199,731.83 TRANSFER OUT 4,052,084.00 112,156.06 0.00 3,939,927.94 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 4,444,962.00 305,302.23 0.00 4,139,659.77 PARKS & RECREATION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 0.00 36,168.78 0.00 (36,168.78) TRANSFER OUT 214,814.00 15,067.74 0.00 199,746.26 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 214,814.00 51,236.52 0.00 163,577.48 CIVIC CENTER PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 204,366.00 102,183.00 0.00 102,183.00 TRANSFER OUT 3,281,724.00 65,905.11 0.00 3,215,818.89 TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 3,486,090.00 168,088.11 0.00 3,318,001.89 LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 3,746,450.00 1,088,195.29 0.00 2,658,254.71 TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 3,746,450.00 1,088,195.29 0.00 2,658,254.71 g " 10 CITY OF LA QUINTA 07/01/2004-12/31/04 OTHER CITY FUNDS REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 STREET FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL STREET FACILITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PARK FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PARK FACILITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIRE PROTECTION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 0.00 11,170.70 0.00 (11,170.70) TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DIF 0.00 11,170.70 0.00 (11,170.70) LIBRARY COUNTY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 590,863.00 408,182.00 0.00 182,681.00 TOTAL LIBRARY COUNTY DIF 590,863.00 408,182.00 0.00 182,681.00 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-APP 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 OPERATING EXPENSES-APP 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 ART PURCHASES 447,425.00 22,658.50 0.00 424,766.50 TRANSFER OUT 255,631.00 1,800.00 0.00 253,831.00 TOTAL ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 708,356.00 24,458.50 0.00 683,897.50 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 78,779,629.00 17,860,273.33 47,758.00 60,871,597.67 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENTS TO GEN FUND 993,458.00 67,840.48 0.00 925,617.52 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 79,773,087.00 17,928,113.81 47,758.00 61,797,215.19 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-1 COSTS OF ISSUANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER TO AGENCY FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 142,507.00 0.00 0.00 142,507.00 TOTAL AD 2000-1 142,507.00 0.00 0.00 142,507.00 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 405,339.00 71,180.92 0.00 334,158.08 TRANSFER OUT 657,000.00 0.00 0.00 657,000.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 1,062,339.00 71,180.92 0.00 991,158.08 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 590,351.00 175,800.60 26.94 414,523.46 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 590,351.00 175,800.60 26.94 414,523.46 PARK MAINTENANCE TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SILVERROCK GOLF OPERATING EXPENSES 2,444,249.00 125,318.21 0.00 2,318,930.79 TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF 2,444,249.00 125,318.21 0.00 2,318,930.79 LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 Woo 11 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of La Quinta Park Skate Park Project No.2003-12 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Accept La Quinta Park Skate Park, Project No.2003-12, as 100% complete; and Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and Authorize staff to release retention 35 days after the Notice of Completion is recorded. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The following represents a final accounting according to the City's records: Original Contract $241,447 Contract Change Order No. 1 $19,813 Revised Contract Total $261,260 Amount Paid to Date $(242,572) Remaining Fiscal Commitment $18,688 Remaining 5 % Retention to be released $ (13,064) Remaining amount to be billed $5,624 The following represents the project's approved funding and funding sources: Quimby: RZH Recreation Grant (Proposition 12): Dept. of Parks and Recreation (Proposition 12): Total Proposed Funding: $100, 000 $ 56,486 $176,000 $332,486 9� S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\2-15-05\C4 Proj 2003-12.doc The following represented the anticipated project budget: Design/Build: Inspection/Testing/Survey: Administration: Professional: Contingency: Total: $241,447 $25,768 $16,624 $10, 000 $38,647 $332,486 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to support staff's recommendation. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This project consisted of an approximately 14,000 SF skate park with a concrete bowl, modular skate ramps, and other incidentals at the La Quinta Park located at the northeast corner of Adams Street and Westward Ho Drive. On December 2, 2003, the City Council appropriated $100,000 from Quimby Funds, $56,486 from RZH Recreation Grant and $176,000 from the California Department of Parks and Recreation Grant, added the Skate Park Improvements to the Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Capital Improvement Plan, approved a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain design build services, and appointed a Consultant Selection Committee. On December 22, 2003, the City received a single proposal in response to the City's RFP. The proposal was from California Landscape & Design, Inc. Following its evaluation of the proposal, the Consultant Selection Committee recommended California Landscape & Design, Inc. be awarded a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) in the amount of $241,447 to provide design build services for the City of La Quinta Skate Park, Project Number 2003-12. On March 16, 2004, City Council awarded a PSA for $241,447 to California Landscape & Design, Inc. to design and construct the La Quinta Park Skate Park, Project No. 2003-12. The project's construction effort is now 100% complete and complies with the plans and specifications and no Liquidated Damages or Early Completion Incentive Bonuses will be assessed. Prior to filing the Notice of Completion, staff must receive authorization from the City Council to approve this project as 100% complete and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion. 2 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\2-15-05\C4 Proj 2003-12.doc FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Accept La Quinta Park Skate Park, Project No.2003-12, as 100% complete; authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and authorize staff to release retention 35 days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; or 2. Do not accept La Quinta Park Skate Park, Project No.2003-12, as 100% complete; do not authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Office of the County Recorder; and do not authorize staff to release retention 35 days after the Notice of Completion is recorded; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, -" i --� 9" � Ti othy R. n ssogrity . E. ublic Work irect Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 3 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\2-15-05\C4 Proj 2003-12.doc , I COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Adoption of a Resolution Granting Conditional Approval of a Final Map for Parcel Map No. 33065, Robert M. Hill and Michelle Hill, Husband and Wife RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: ` CONSENT CALENDAR: J STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map for Parcel Map No. 33065, Robert M. Hill and Michelle Hill, Husband and Wife. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Parcel Map No. 33065 is located south of Lake Cahuilla and west of Madison Street (Attachment 1). This residential development will consist of 2 parcels on approximately 0.64 acres (Attachment 2). On November 22, 2004, the Acting Community Development Director approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 33065. The developer has requested the City Council's conditional approval of the Final Map which will allow 30 days for completion of its processing. The Final Map is technically complete and is being routed.for signatures. The developer expects the associated securities and all signatures will be in place within the time allowed for its conditional approval. �O City staff has prepared a Resolution, which provides for conditional approval of the Final Map. The approval is contingent upon receipt within 30 days (March 17, 2005), of a technically correct Final Map, suitable for recording by the County Recorder, with all required signatures (except the City Clerk). Once these items are received, the City Clerk will affix the City Seal to the Final Map and offer the Final Map for recording by the County Recorder. If the required map is not received by City staff within the specified time frame, the Final Map will be considered disapproved and will be rescheduled for City Council consideration only after all required items have been received. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map for Parcel Map No. 33065, Robert M. Hill and Michelle Hill, Husband and Wife; or 2 Do not adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting conditional approval of a Final Map for Parcel Map No. 33065, Robert M. Hill and Michelle Hill, Husband and Wife; or 3 Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Ti othy R. o sson, . E. Public Works irector City Engineer Approved for submission by: • C Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Parcel Map 93 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-(Clerk's Office will enter) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDITIONAL FINAL MAP APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 33065, ROBERT M. HILL AND MICHELLE HILL, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO VALIDATE THE APPROVAL WHEREAS, the City Council conducts only two regular meetings per month and the time interval between these meetings occasionally creates an undue hardship for business enterprises and individuals seeking approval of subdivision maps; and WHEREAS, the City Council, as a matter of policy, allows a subdivider to have City staff present the map for approval consideration when the requisite items necessary for final map approval are nearly, but not completely, finished thus yielding to the subdivider additional production time for preparation of those items; and WHEREAS, the subdivider has demonstrated to City staff and the City Council that it has made sufficient progress with items required for final map approval, and it is reasonable to expect the subdivider to satisfactorily complete the items, including City staff review time, within thirty (30) days without adversely impacting other ongoing work commitments of City staff; and WHEREAS, Section 66458(b) of the Subdivision Map Act grants the City Council broad authority to authorize time extensions regarding final map approval, or disapproval, upon receiving it for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council relies on professional City staff to review all required items for conformance with relevant requirements, and it is therefore appropriate for the City Council to approve the final map subject to review and confirmation of the required items by professional City staff, within a reasonable period of time as specified by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: Section 1. The final map for Parcel Map 33065 is conditionally approved provided the subdivider submits the map on or before March 17, 2005. 3 -94 Resolution No. 2005- Parcel Map No. 33065, Robert M. Hill and Michelle Hill Adopted: February 15, 2005 Page 2 Section 2. The City Council's approval of the final map shall not be considered valid until the City Engineer has signed the map indicating that it conforms to the tentative tract map, the Subdivision Map Act and all ordinances of the City. Section 3. The City Engineer shall withhold his signature from the map until the subdivider has completed the following requirements to the City Engineer's satisfaction. A. Finalize the final Tract Map and obtain all necessary signatures. Section 4. The City Clerk shall withhold affixing the City Seal to the map title page, along with her attesting signature, until the City Engineer has signed the map. Section 5. The time extension for satisfying the requirements of the conditional approval for this final map shall expire when City offices close for regular business on March 17, 2005. If the subdivider has not satisfied the requirements in Section 3, herein, by the expiration deadline, the final map shall be considered disapproved. Disapproval does not deny any rights the subdivider may have under the Map Act to resubmit the final map for approval, or disapproval PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 15th day of February 2005, by the following vote, to wit: AYES:Council Members (Clerk's Office will enter) NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 95 4 Resolution No. 2005- Parcel Map No. 33065, Robert M. Hill and Michelle Hill Adopted: February 15, 2005 Page 3 ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 9G 5 ATTACHMENT 1 HIGHWAY 111 AVE. 48 � Q V) Q ZO to U c� O z AVE. 50 v) o n w u- Q' � �%• 3 to 52 cn n Z w W ow V o a z o AVE. 54 AIRPORT BLVD LAKE CAHUILLA IrA NEST Sl TE TOM FAZIO LANE NORTH AVE. 58 THr ou wr PM 3306S VICINTY MAP 45-175 PANORAMA DR., SUITE E PALM DESERT, CA 92260 760-340-5597 t� 6 ATTACHMENT 2 FA T4tivl 4 Sep COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 to American Asphalt South, Inc., Project No. 2004-03, Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and Restriping Program RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve Contract Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $80,135 to American Asphalt South, Inc., Project No. 2004-03, Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and Restriping Program for additional asphalt pavement removal and replacement prior to slurry sealing. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: This project is included within the Public Works/Engineering Department Operational Budget for Fiscal Year 2003/2004. Funding in the amount of $1,140,000 (Account Number 101-7003-431.34-04) is available for this project. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. The Memorandum of Understanding with the Riverside County Transportation Commission requires this project be advertised as a prevailing wage project. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On October 5, 2004, the City Council approved a contract in the amount of $432,426 with American Asphalt South, Inc. to construct the Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and Restriping Program, Project Number 2004-03. During the December 2004 and January 2005 rain storms and flooding, additional asphalt pavement sections were damaged which were included in the original contract to be slurry sealed only. The storm damaged streets require removal and replacement of the damaged asphalt prior to slurry sealing, which is considered additional work. Staff recommends this work be added to this contract to prevent further decay of these streets. 93 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\C6 Proj 2004-03.doc FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Approve Contract Change Order No.1 in the amount of $80,135 to American Asphalt South, Inc., Project No. 2004-03, Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and Restriping Program for additional asphalt pavement removal and replacement prior to slurry sealing; or 2. Do not approve Contract Change Order No.1 in the amount of $80,135 to American Asphalt South, Inc., Project No. 2004-03, Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and Restriping Program for additional asphalt pavement removal and replacement prior to slurry sealing; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, T' othy R. ona n, P. E. ublic Works Dir ctor/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Contrast Change Order No. 1 2 1 "J ATTACHMENT 1 U — ti OF CONTRACT: FY 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and PROJECT NO. 2004-03 Restriping Program Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTOR: American Asphalt South, Inc. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Pursuant to the terms of the original Contract Agreement, you are hereby directed to make the herein described changes or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications for this Contract. Unless otherwise stated all work shall conform to the terms, general conditions, and special provisions of the original Contract. r* �tlr�*icir�r�cititi�t�c**�r�ri�rlcir�r�rAr�klr�r�iclydr�t�►c ***** DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Additional Asphalt Removal and Replacement prior to slurry sealing. Increase in quantity for Bid Item No. 16 Calle Tampico at Rondo and at Village Center 41785 SF Washington Street at Calle Tampico 1,000 SF Avenue 50 , west and east of Washington Street 900 SF Dune Palms RD. and Fred Waring Drive 660 SF TOTAL 7,285 SF 7,285 SF @ $11.00 = $80,135.00 All other requirement of the 2003/2004 Slurry Seal and Restriping contract shall apply. Total Contract Compensation for this Contract Change Order is_ in the amount of: $80,135,00 Previous Contract Amount through Contract Change Order No. 0 $4329426.00 Add this Change Order $ 80,135.00 Revised Contract Total $5129561.00 Submitted By: Date:_ Approved By: Date: We, the undersigned Contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, perform all labor, except as may be noted above, and perform all services necessary to complete the above specified work, and hereby accept as full payment the amount shown above. I" I� Accepted By: Title: UI CE %(-04 _ Contractor: American Asphalt South, Inc. Date: _ 5 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Award a Contract to the Matich Corporation in the Amount of $104,104 to Construct the Madison Street Pavement. Rehabilitation Improvements (Avenue 50 to Avenue 52), Project No. 2003-07B RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a contract with the Matich Corporation in the amount of $104,104 to construct the Madison Street Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements (Avenue 50 to Avenue 52), Project No. 2003-0713. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The project's approved funding and funding sources are as follows: Funding Source Gas Tax Arr_mint Nn_ 401-0000-391.00-00 ... $205,206 Considering the low bid in the amount of $104,104, the anticipated project budget is as follows: Construction: Design: Inspection/Testing/Survey: Administration: Contingency: Total: $104,104 $17,000 $15,000 $5,205 $63,897 $205,206 As illustrated, adequate funding is available to support staff's recommendation. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. The project is funded with State funds. Subsequently, the project will be bid as a prevailing wage project. S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\C7 Proj 2003-07B.doc BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The proposed improvements include rehabilitating the pavement within the existing travel lane on the west side of Madison Street from Avenue 52 to Avenue 50. Madison Street is shared at centerline with the City of Indio. On December 21, 2004, City Council approved the advertisement of the Madison Street Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements, Project No. 2003-07B. On January 21, 2005, three sealed bids were received for the construction of this project. Attached is a bid summary of the bids received in comparison to the bids to the engineer's estimate. Matich Corporation submitted the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $104,104, which is approximately 8% below the engineer's estimate. Contingent upon City Council approval to award the construction of the project on February 15, 2005, project is expected to proceed as follows: City Council Awards Construction Sign Contracts and Mobilize Construction (30 Consecutive Calendar Days) Project Close-out/Acceptance FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: February 15, 2005 February 15 — March 15, 2005 March 15 — April 15, 2005 May 2005 The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a contract with the Matich Corporation, in the amount of $104,104, to construct the Madison Street Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements (Avenue 50 to Avenue 52), Project No. 2003-0713; or 2. Do not approve a contract with the Matich Corporation, in the amount of $104,104, to construct the Madison Street Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements (Avenue 50 to Avenue 52), Project No. 2003-0713; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. RespecVully submitted, j2,1 imothy R. ona s n, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer 2 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\C7 Proj 2003-07B.doc Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Detailed Bid Comparison Summary 3 S:\CityMgr\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\C7 Proj 2003-07B.doc �. C 4 ATTACHMENT 1 a 0 U t u A 2 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J Z O N O O N"t 0 0 In 00 o O LO m O CO O O 00 CV ID CD LO a' Q EA 60 Eli EA Efi Efi Eli EA W CDuO O O O O O O U_ 000Ornc000 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 00 a LO 00 0 0 0 H O 0 N Z � EA 69 ElT ElT H9 EA EA 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O �"1' 0 0 JZ OOoON000O to t17 CO f` CO 00 CDchNCDvcl Q EA EA EA EA 10, EA Efi EH W 0000000000 U 0000rncgoo 00oo0ooico n cnLOLOLO LO CO fM N Z Eli U9, Efl Eli Eli EA EA Eli 00000000 00000000 JZ 0CD000DN00 FU)a)OO�o O00 r- O0 c) 4 ON It v H Q — Eli Eti Eli EA y� EA EA ca00000C)CL u0000rl-cnoo LO rno ocl i ER EA Eli EA Eli H9 K) ER W F- 0 0 O o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 Z QO o 000000r.-00 0 0 0 N 0 0 20 0000r-0000 L6 L6 Ln ui rl O v a W EA Eli Eli Eli EA 69 Eli Efl W U_ oo0ocncnoo 0000r--cDo0 a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 rl OO(Do O f- cri cri cri cri Z EA EA 69 Eli EA Eli Eli Eli �- Z cnvivicn�LL}Q W 0 W QH Z .- - '- -04 000Op00 ao 00 p � P: CND COO U d W Z t Q) to O m d @ N N O cc o E _ a_ N N O r f6 W cm c ` co a� a > E N VO tAJ � c O o 'aN c U o c m o c f0 Q x cc N O U N V O N c _O mm af0i c m > F O U�OH�i�rcn(n WO H Z .-N Cl) I-tCnCD1-o vil O O O N T K COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request by the California Department of Water Resources to Utilize the Council Chamber for a Public Meeting to Discuss the Salton Sea Ecosystem Management Plan on March 9, 2005, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a request from the California Department of Water Resources to utilize the Council Chamber for a Public Meeting to Discuss the Salton Sea Ecosystem Management Plan on March 9, 2005, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The California Department of Water Resources has requested that the Council Chamber be made available for a public meeting to discuss the Salton Sea Ecosystem Management Plan on March 9, 2005. The request meets all the requirements of facility use as contained in the City's Guidelines. A complete application has been submitted (Attachment 1) for the City Council's consideration. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Approve a request from the California Department of Water Resources to utilize the Council Chamber on March 9, 2005, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; or 1 �2 2. Do not approve the request from the California Department of Water Resources to utilize the Council Chambers; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hartung, Director of Building & Safety Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Application 2 ATTACHMENT 1 29iKfCjj Person (s ) Ia, .Charge ;� LCKA _ hone c � Address : D�-�U � S� I' ; cr��u &Ljab� .Facility Regoasted: Type of EvenPublic private. Description of Activity: PU h L�� 5a.k�w Date (s ) of Use 1 3 size of Group: I0 (1 Timeof II9e: 3taxt tam_ Finish (a.m.t6i) 4 n/a Total Hours of use --- Certificate of Additional insured. Attached: .� -or- n/a City 3:nsuraacie Requested:. Fe+= paid: Refundable Cloaaing Deposit paid: $ n / a Session Rom $2 00 Council Cbaex's (up to 53 people) $300 Colmar. !arm (54 people $lus) n/a Total. Paid: The undersigned hereby agrees to abide by the rules a -ad regulations of the City of Lea Quinta relating to the use: of public facilities. Date: SignatureTitle r Deposit Required For: Deposit Retur#ed; Date: - NCYMZ ra. p-VVvd ■igninw the =Ppiieatlan and the OVKt=ant Of i=Z0X=tiQI% UU" be an oiiivar Of the ■poAsoring eiwftmiaa.tiad, It Ca. p+s"ob is bat as ol;jics:r of the eJC�4C1sat#oi. for vbieh arDiicWtiea ie ALMA&, be/abr m4&t praawat writ4*p i=d!o the ft"mp to eigpL. 3 011 .-Z:--., J pw c� OF T19 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Settlement Agreement with Alfredo Inclan RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Settlement Agreement attached hereto (Attachment 1) and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of all of the defendants with any final changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Affordable Housing Fund has a sufficient balance to settle Mr. Inclan's claim in the amount of $40,000. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Alfredo Inclan is one of three plaintiffs in the pending state and federal lawsuits entitled Garcia et aL v. City of La Quinta et a/., which relate to claims made by three residents at the Vista Dunes Mobile Home Park. In mid -January, Mr. Inclan indicated that he wanted to settle his interest in the lawsuit and dismiss himself from the pending federal and state actions. The City Attorney's office prepared a settlement agreement and been working with Alfredo Inclan's legal counsel to resolve his claims. The City Attorney's office has reached agreement with Mr. Inclan to settle his interest in the lawsuit for $40,000. This amount also equals the offer initially extended to Mr. Inclan by the Agency's relocation consultant on i �3 April 19, 2004. In connection with this settlement, Mr. Inclan will be dismissing himself with prejudice from the lawsuit. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Settlement Agreement attached hereto and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of all of the defendants with any final changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney; or 2. Do not approve the Settlement Agreement; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Michael R.W. Houston, Assistant City A torney, Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genoves , City Manager Attachment: 1. Form of Settlement Agreement 2 ATTACHMENT 1 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS This SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS ("Agreement") is entered into this day of February, 2005 by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, a public body corporate and politic (the "Agency"), the City of La Quinta, a California charter city and municipal corporation (the "City"), the City of La Quinta City Council, Donald Adolph, Stanley Sniff, Ron Perkins, Terry Henderson, and Lee Osborne, in their official capacities as members of the City Council and board members of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, and Thomas Genovese, in his official capacity as City Manager of the City of La Quinta and Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency (collectively, the "Defendants"), and Alfredo Inclan ("Inclan"). The Defendants and Inclan are hereinafter sometimes individually referred to as "Party" and collectively referred to as "Parties." This Agreement is made with reference to the following facts: RECITALS A. Agency has purchased that real property commonly known as Vista Dunes Mobile Home Park ("Park"), located at 78-990 Miles Avenue, La Quinta, California, 92253 ("Property"). B. The Property is currently used as a park for mobile homes, motor homes, and travel trailers. C. Inclan is the owner of one such mobile home ("Mobile Home"), utilized for residential purposes on the Property on Space # 89 ("Subject Space"). Inclan pays monthly rent for the right to place the Mobile Home on the Subject Space. D. On August 2, 2004, Inclan and two other persons, Ramon Garcia Martinez and Jose de la Pena (Martinez and de la Pena are hereinafter referred to as the "Remaining Plaintiffs"), filed a complaint in the United States District Court, Case No. CV 04-06373 DT (RZx), against Defendants (hereafter the "Federal Action"). On August 17, 2004, Defendants filed an answer in the Federal Action, and, on September 1, 2004, Defendants filed an amended answer in the Federal Action. On December 1, 2004, the judge in the Federal Action, the Honorable Dickran Trevizian, issued an order, sua sponte, dismissing without prejudice the state law claims from the Federal Action. Subsequently, on January 10, 2004, Judge Trevizian stayed adjudication of the remaining federal causes of action until such time as the State Action (described below) was resolved. E. On December 295 2004, Inclan and the Remaining Plaintiffs filed a complaint in California Superior Court in Riverside County, Case No. INC 047843, against Defendants (the "State Action"). F. To provide for certain payments, and in full discharge of all of Inclan's claims which have been the subject of the Federal Action and the State Action, Defendants and Inclan, now desire to finally settle all claims asserted in, as well as all issues that were raised or could 3 2156/015610-0080 573058.07 a02/10/05 have been raised by, Inclan or the Defendants in the Federal Action and the State Action, as well as any claims or potential claims arising from any transactions or occurrences between Defendants, on one hand, and Inclan, on the other hand, on the terms set forth in this Agreement. G. Additionally, as part of this Agreement, Inclan desires to sell and transfer title of the Mobile Home to Agency and relocate to an apartment unit in Hadley Villas, a HUD 202 senior project located in the City of La Quinta. As of the date of this Agreement, Inclan has obtained exclusive possession of an apartment unit at Hadley Villas and is presently residing there. Agency is willing to purchase Mobile Home from Inclan on the terms contained in this Agreement. Furthermore, subject to the terms of the License created in this Agreement (which is more fully described below), Inclan desires to have unfettered access to the Mobile Home and Space # 89 for the purpose of removing personal property and belongings and other property from the Mobile Home. Agency desires to grant a License (defined below) to Inclan for the limited purpose of allowing Inclan unfettered access to the Mobile Home and Space # 89 to remove personal property and belongings and other property from the Mobile Home, subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Inclan desires to accept this License (defined below) on such terms and conditions. H. Inclan and Defendants do not intend by entering into this Agreement, nor should the Agreement be so construed, to resolve, settle, dismiss, release, or otherwise affect any of the claims asserted by the Remaining Plaintiffs in the pending Federal and State actions described above. AGREEMENT In consideration of the foregoing Recitals, which are incorporated herein, and the covenants and promises hereinafter contained, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Relocation Assistance Settlement Amount Payment to Inclan. In settlement of all claims released by this Agreement, the Agency shall pay to Inclan the total sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) as relocation assistance (the "Settlement Amount"). 2. Method and Timing of Payments to Seller. The Agency payment to Inclan of the Settlement Amount shall be made the in the following manner: Agency shall make the check for the Settlement Amount payable to Inclan. The Settlement Payment shall be made by delivering the check to Inclan within five business days after the date this Agreement has been fully executed by all the Parties and their representatives identified in the signature pages, and delivered to the Clerk of the Agency along with all other documentation required to effect this Agreement (including without limitation the dismissal described in Section 3 and any documentation reasonably necessary to effect a transfer of title for the Mobile Home), executed by Inclan and his representatives. It is the understanding of the Parties that the Settlement Amount consists of relocation assistance and is not subject to 4 2156/015610-0080 573058.07 a02/10/05 10 w taxation; however, Inclan acknowledges and understands that the Defendants do not represent and warrant, nor have they represented or warranted, any tax effects that may occur as a result of accepting the Settlement Amount and Inclan acknowledges and understands that he should seek advice from a competent tax professional. Agency's Settlement Amount obligation pursuant to this Agreement shall be fully discharged and satisfied upon delivery of the Settlement Amount to Inclan as set forth herein, provided however, that the Settlement Amount check. is not thereafter returned for insufficient funds or payment stopped thereon. 3. Dismissal of Inclan from the Actions. Concurrently with delivery of an executed copy of this Agreement, and as a condition concurrent to Defendants' paying the Settlement Amount, Inclan shall deliver to the Clerk of the Agency executed Dismissals of Inclan With Prejudice from both the Federal Action and the State Action, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure, Rule 41(a), and California Code of Civil Procedure Section 581(c), respectively. Inclan shall obtain all necessary signatures on the dismissals prior to delivering them to the Agency. 4. No Admissions. By entering into this Agreement, Defendants do not admit that they have engaged in, or are now engaging in, any unlawful conduct. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is not an admission of liability, and that Defendants specifically deny liability in the Federal Action and the State Action and that the Parties intend merely to resolve Inclan's claims by entering into this Agreement. The Parties agree that it is their mutual intention that neither this Agreement nor any terms hereof shall be admissible in the pending State of Federal Actions or any other pending or future proceedings against Defendants, except a proceeding to enforce this Agreement. The Parties further agree that with respect to the Federal Action and the State Action neither Inclan nor the Defendants shall assert that such Party is a "prevailing party" for the purpose of establishing a right to attorneys' fees or litigation costs and expenses pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1021.5, any similar statute that may permit attorneys' fees and litigation costs or expenses upon a prevailing party, or under any common law doctrine that may permit attorneys' fees and litigation costs or expenses upon a prevailing party. With respect to the Remaining Plaintiffs, this Agreement shall have no effect and shall not be interpreted to create a pro-rata reduction in any attorneys' fees or litigation costs or expenses that may be awarded to a prevailing party in the Federal or State Action. 5. Promise Not to Prosecute. Inclan agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, that he will not prosecute or allow to be prosecuted on his behalf, in any administrative agency or court, whether state or federal, any Released Claim as set forth in Section 7. If any such action is brought, this Agreement will constitute an Affirmative Defense thereto, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorneys fees incurred in prosecuting or defending against any Released Claim brought pursuant to this Section 5. 5 2156/015610-0080 573058.07 a02/10/05 6. Mutual Release. Inclan for himself, all occupants of his Mobile Home, including without limitation any members of his family or household, any co -tenants, guests, and sub -tenants, and any members of any of their families or households (collectively, the "Occupants"), and his respective agents, successors, assigns, and all entities related to any of the foregoing (but not including the Remaining Plaintiffs, nor their agents, assigns, or any entities related to any of them in the Federal Action or the State Action), and on behalf of all persons claiming any interest in the Subject Space, Mobile Home or this Agreement (collectively the "Releasing Parties"), irrevocably and absolutely release and discharge the Defendants, as well as any other present or former employees, subsidiaries, officers, agents, consultants, attorneys, insurers, successors and assigns of Defendants (collectively, the "Released Parties") from all of Inclan's claims related in any way to the allegations set forth in the Federal Action or the State Action, including, but not limited to, the facts and circumstances asserted therein, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Defendants, their successors, assigns and all entities related to any of the foregoing correspondingly irrevocably and absolutely release and discharge Inclan and his agents, successors, assigns, entities related to any of the foregoing, employees, subsidiaries, officers, consultants, attorneys, and insurers of Inclan from all counterclaims or other claims related in any way to the allegations set forth in the Federal Action or the State Action, including, but not limited to, the facts and circumstances asserted therein, to the fullest extent permitted by law. As to the claims being released in the previous sentence, Inclan and the aforementioned successors, assigns and related entities (but not including the Remaining Plaintiffs) shall be "Released Parties" and the Defendants and the aforementioned successors, assigns and related entities shall be "Releasing Parties." This release is intended to be interpreted broadly to apply to any and all of Inclan's claims arising in connection with the facts alleged in the Federal Action and State Actions, including, but not limited to, any and all losses, liabilities, claims, charges, demands and causes of action, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, arising directly or indirectly out of or in any way connected with the Federal Action or the State Action (collectively, "Released Claims"); provided, however, that Released Claims shall not include or have an effect on the Remaining Plaintiffs' claims for attorneys' fees in the Federal and State Actions, if applicable. Except as otherwise provided, Released Claims include, without limitation, any of Inclan's claims elated to the allegations set forth in the Federal Action or State Action, including those based i� equity, tort, contract, common law, the state or federal Constitutions, state or federal statutes) including, without limitation, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the California Civil Code, the California Government Code, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Mobilehome Parks Act (Health & Safety Code §§ 18200 et se .) and Mobilehome Residency Law (Civil Code §§ 798 et seg.), the California Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code §§ 33410 et seq.), the California Relocation Assistance Law (Government Code § 7260 et seq.) and the California Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines (25 C.C.R. § 6000 et seg.) except for the provisions of 25 Cal. Code Regs. § 6156(d). This release is intended to be interpreted to similarly apply to any of Defendants' counterclaims or other claims referenced above. The releases and covenants not to sue granted in this Agreement do not extend to, and nothing in this Agreement will be construed to limit, any Party's rights to enforce this Agreement according to its terms. 2156/015610-0080 1 6 573058.07 a02/10/05 7. Unknown or Different Facts. Inclan and Defendants, acknowledge that they may discover facts or law different from, or in addition to, the facts or law known or believed to exist with respect to a Released Claim. The Releasing Parties, agree, nonetheless, that this Agreement and the releases contained in it shall be and remain effective in all respects notwithstanding such different or additional facts or law. 8. Transfer of Ownership of Mobile Home. a. Document to Transfer Ownership. Inclan's title to the Mobile Home shall be transferred contemporaneously with Inclan's execution of this Agreement. Inclan shall execute and deliver to Agency concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, a bill of sale in the form attached hereto as "Exhibit A" ("Bill of Sale") and any such other and further documentation (including but not limited to a Notice of Sale or Transfer in the form attached hereto as "Exhibit B") required by the Department of Housing and Community Development ("HCD"), and/or other governmental agency, to effectuate a transfer of ownership to Agency of the Mobile Home. b. Registration Fees, Liens, and Encumbrances. Inclan hereby represents and warrants that he is the actual and registered owner of the Mobile Home, free and clear of any liens or encumbrances. If Inclan owes any fees, charges, fines or taxes due to HCD, Agency shall pay such amounts due to HCD on Inclan's behalf and shall not deduct any such payment from the Settlement Amount. C. Payment of Sales Taxes and Transfer Fees. Agency shall pay all sales taxes imposed by HCD on the sale of Mobile Home to Agency under this Agreement, which shall not be deducted from the Settlement Amount. d. Maintenance of Mobile Home. During the License term (described below), Inclan shall not commit waste on the Mobile Home or Subject Space but shall have no other maintenance obligations, including, for example replacement or restoration of utilities, appliances or structures that fail as a result of normal wear and tear and are caused by Inclan's gross negligence. e. Risk of Loss. Until the License Termination Date (defined below), Inclan shall be responsible for any risk of loss or damage to Inclan's personal property or belongings or other property contained in the Mobile Home or located at the Subject Space. Inclan shall maintain and keep in full force and effect, any insurance policies currently insuring the contents of the Mobile Home, until said License Termination Date. 9. Delivery of Mobile Home. Inclan shall effectuate delivery and transfer of title of the Mobile Home by any and all means necessary, including, but not limited to the (i) transfer of keys and entry devices to Agency (other than such keys and devices necessary to use the License), (ii) execution of any assignments for the benefit of Agency, (iii) waiver of any laws or regulations that would prevent effective 2156/015610-0080 i r 7 573058.07 a02/10/05 �j Delivery to Agency, including waiver of the Mobilehome Parks Act (Health & Safety Code § § 18200 et seq.) and Mobilehome Residency Law (Civil Code § § 798 et seq.) and (iv) execution of any and all documents contemplated in Sections 2 and 8 of this Agreement in order to convey ownership of the Mobile Home to the Agency. 10. Vacating the Property. Except for the License granted below, Inclan shall vacate the Mobile Home and Property and cause all Occupants of his Mobile Home to vacate the Property on or before the date this Agreement is executed. Inclan shall leave the Property free and clear of any debris and shall remove all personal property, including without limitation, any abandoned vehicles, appliances or equipment by not later than the License Termination Date (defined below). 11. Limited License for Removing_ Personal Possessions and Property. Commencing on the date that this Agreement is fully executed and all documents required to be executed pursuant to this Agreement are fully executed, the Agency shall grant to Inclan a license ("License") for the sole and exclusive purpose of removing personal belongings and property and other property from the Mobile Home, the Subject Space or the Property on or before the License Termination Date (defined below). The License granted hereunder shall automatically terminate on or before March 31, 2005 (the "License Termination Date"). Inclan's rights created by this License shall be non -transferable and can be utilized only by Inclan and the Occupants. During the License term the Agency shall not charge Inclan rent and Inclan shall have no obligation to pay for utility services, provided that Inclan shall use only that amount of utility services reasonably necessary to use the rights granted by the License. Prior to the License Termination Date, Inclan shall remove all personal belongings, possessions and property from the Mobile Home and the Subject Space and leave the Mobile Home in a neat and clean condition. Inclan shall not remove any built-in appliances, cabinets, floor coverings, draperies, or other built-in furniture or fixtures. Inclan shall not remove any other item from the Mobile Home, if the removal of such item will affect the Mobile Home's suitability for future use of a Mobile Home (as it is currently in use) or the Mobile Home's ability to be mobile, portable and/or transportable. Inclan agrees and warrants that after the License Termination Date, all personal property left in the Mobile Home, Subject Space or Property shall become the property of Agency. On or prior to the License Termination Date, Inclan shall turn over any keys he has retained for the purpose of exercising the License. Inclan acknowledges and agrees that the Defendants are not providing any indemnity or insurance coverage that would extend to Inclan, the Occupants, Inclan's family or Inclan's' belongings and personal property located in the Mobile Home, the Subject Space or the Property. Inclan, on behalf of himself and the Occupants of his Mobile Home, his agents, family and representatives, waives and releases the Defendants, and their employees and agents, from any and all losses, liability, and claims for damages, including property damage, bodily injury, or death, which arise from the condition, use, or occupancy of the Mobile Home, Subject Space or 2156/015610-0080 1-16 8 573058.07 a02/10/05 Property during the License term, including, without limitation, damage, theft or vandalism to the Mobile Home or the contents thereof, except to the extent such losses, liabilities, injuries, damages, claims, and charges are caused by the Defendants' gross negligence or willful misconduct. Should any claim be made against the Defendants, or their employees or agents for damages, including property damage, bodily injury, or death, which arise from the condition, use, or occupancy of the Mobile Home, the Subject Space or the Property, or occur in the Mobile Home, Subject Space or Property, during the License term, then Inclan shall defend and indemnify the Defendants and promptly pay any judgment rendered against them except to the extent such losses, liabilities, injuries, damages, claims, and charges are caused by the Defendants' gross negligence or willful misconduct. 12. Commissions. Each Party represents and warrants that neither party has retained any brokers or finders to represent its interests in connection with the sale of the Mobile Home. 13. Benefit of the Parties. This Agreement is provided by the Parties for the sole benefit of the Parties and no other person, firm, entity shall have any rights, whether express or implied, with respect to this Agreement or the matters set forth herein. 14. No Personal Liability. No officer, official, employee, agent, or representative of the Defendants shall be personally liable for any amounts due hereunder, and no judgment or execution thereon entered in any action hereon shall be personally enforced against any such officer, official, member, employee, agent or representative. 15. Entire Agreement; Merger of Prior Agreements and Understandings. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties relating to the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged in this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. 16. Severability. Should it be determined by a court that any term of this Agreement is unenforceable, that term shall be deemed to be deleted. However, the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected by the deletion of the unenforceable terms. 17. Modifications. This Agreement shall be amended only by a written instrument, which specifically indicates in its recitals that it is for the purpose of amending this Agreement, that is executed by all Parties hereto. 9 2156/015610-0080 573058.07 a02/10/05 f 18. Cooperation and Further Assurances. The Parties agrees to do all things necessary and to execute all further documents necessary and appropriate to carry out and effectuate the terms and purposes of this Agreement. 19. Interpretation; Construction. The headings set forth in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used in interpreting this Agreement. This Agreement has been drafted by both Inclan's and Defendants' legal counsel. The Parties acknowledge they have had an opportunity to review and discuss each term of this Agreement with legal counsel and, therefore, the rule of construction stating that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party is inapplicable and shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement. 20. Counterparts. This Agreement can be executed in one or more counterparts, with the same force and effect as if executed in one complete document. 21. Facsimile Signature Deemed Original. This Agreement can be signed and delivered by facsimile transmission, and such facsimile documents shall be deemed originals and binding upon the signatories upon receipt (with transmission confirmed) by the Party to whom the facsimile transmission is sent. 21. Authority. Each individual signing this Agreement warrants and represents that she/he has full capacity and authority to execute the Agreement on whose behalf she/he so signed, as provided by law. Defendants further warrant that they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of all named individual Defendants and of legislative bodies (the City Council and Redevelopment Agency) and that this Agreement has been approved by the City Council and Redevelopment Agency prior to the execution of the Agreement by Inclan. 22. Governing Law. This Agreement is made and entered into in the State of California and shall, in all respects, be interpreted, enforced and governed by and under the laws of the State of California. 23. Warranty. Each of the Parties to this Agreement warrants that no promise or inducement has been made or offered by any of the Parties, except as set forth herein, and that this Agreement is not executed in reliance upon any statement or representation of any of the Parties or their representatives, concerning the nature and extent of the injuries, damages or legal liability therefore. 2156/015610-0080 10 573058.07 a02/10/05 24. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective, heirs, administrators, executors, trustees, successors and assigns, and each of them. 26. Advice of Counsel. The Parties declare and represent that they fully understand this Agreement are, executing this Agreement with full advice from legal counsel and without coercion by any party, that this Agreement shall be complete and shall not be subject to any claim of mistake, and that the releases herein express full and complete releases and, regardless of the adequacy or inadequacy of the consideration, the Parties intend the releases herein to be final and complete. The Parties execute this Agreement with the full knowledge that this Agreement covers all possible claims of Inclan and all possible counterclaims or other claims of the Defendants stemming from or related to the Federal and State Actions, to the fullest extent permitted by law. [Signatures on the following pages] 2156/015610-0080 1 1 573058.07 a02/10/05 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Defendants, Plaintiff and their attorneys of record have signed this Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Dated: , 2005 Dated: , 2005 PLAINTIFF INCLAN Mr. Alfredo Inclan Cheri Miller, Attorney -in -Fact APPROVED AS TO FORM: CALIFORNIA RURAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE, INC. Arturo Rodriguez Ilene J. Jacobs Rita Luevanos-Castro CALIFORNIA AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAW PROJECT OF THE PUBLIC INTEREST LAW PROJECT Deborah Collins Michael Rawson WESTERN CENTER ON LAW AND POVERTY S. Lynn Martinez Deanna R. Kitamura Richard Rothschild By Dated: , 2005 Arturo Rodriguez, Attorneys for the Plaintiff Inclan [Signatures continued on next page] 2156/015610-0080 12 573058.07 a02/10/05 Dated: , 2005 ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney Dated: , 2005 ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, Agency Counsel DEFENDANTS CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city and municipal corporation, City of La Quinta City Council, Donald Adolph, Stanley Sniff, Ron Perkins, Terry Henderson, and Lee Osborne, in their official capacities as members of the City Council, Bv: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, a public body corporate and politic, Donald Adolph, Stanley Sniff, Ron Perkins, Terry Henderson, and Lee Osborne, in their official capacities as directors of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, By: Thomas P. Genovese, Executive Director [Signatures continued on next page] 2156/015610-0080 13 573058.07 a02/10/05 1 , THOMAS GENOVESE, in his official capacities as City Manager and Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, Dated: 52005 By: Thomas Genovese APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP M. KATHERINE JENSON JOHN A. RAMIREZ MICHAEL R.W. HOUSTON Dated: , 2005 By: John A. Ramirez 2156/015610-0080 573058.07 a02/10/05 �ti 14 EXHIBIT "A" BILL OF SALE [See Attached] 2156/015610-0080 •4 1 3 15 573058.07 a02/10/05 s.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCYv°f DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF CODES AND STANDARDS +s' REGISTRATION AND TITLING PROGRAM n � BILL OF SALE SECTION I. DESCRIPTION OF UNIT This unit is a (check one): ❑ Manufactured Home/Mobilehome ❑ Commercial Coach ❑ Floating Home ❑ Truck Camper The Decal (License) No.(s) of the unit is: The Trade Name of the unit is: The Serial No.(s) of the unit is: SECTION Ii. STATEMENT OF FACTS For the sum of dollars (S ) and/or other valuable consideration in the amount of , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 1/we did sett, transfer and deliver to on the day of, described unit. SECTION III. SELLER'S CERTIFICATION Buyer , 20 , my/our right title and interest in and to the above. I/We certify under penalty of perjuryunder the taws of the State of California that the following is true and correct: (1) I/we are the lawful owner(s) of the unit, and (2)1/we have the right to set( it, and (3)1/we guarantee and will defend the title to the unit against the ctaims and demands of any and all persons arising prior to this date and (4) the unit is free of all liens and encumbrances, except for the lienholder shown below', whose lien presently exists and has not been paid. Executed on at Datz City State Signature of Setter Date Signature of Setter Date SECTION IV. LIENHOLDER'S INFORMATION NOTE: The space below is NOT for liens created by the buyer in this transaction. 'Lienholder Address Street Andress or P.O. Box City State Zip Code HC0475.1 (11/00) 2156/015610-0080 16 573058.07 a02/10/05 i EXHIBIT "B" NOTICE OF SALE OR TRANSFER [See Attached] 2156/015610-0080 - 17 573058.07 a02/10/05 STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF CODES AND STANDARDS REGISTRATION AND TITLING PROGRAM NOTICE OF SALE OR TRANSFER SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF UNIT Decal Number s Serial Numbers Trade Name SECTION 11. SALE OR TRANSFER INFORMATION For the sum of $ the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I/we did sell, transfer and deliver to the purchaser/owner named below, on , my/our Date of Ira»sfer right title and interest in the unit described above. SECTION 111. NAME OF PURCHASER/NEW OWNER: Name: Address: City: Zip Code: I/we certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that: 1) I/we are the lawful owner(s) of the unit, and 2) Uwe have the right to sell it, and 3) I/we guarantee and will defend the title to the unit against the claims and demands of any and all persons arising prior to this date, and 4) the unit is free of all liens and encumbrances, except for the lienholder shown below *, whose lien presently exists and has not been paid. Executed On at Date COY State Signature of Seller: Printed Name: *Lienholder: Address: HCO 476.8 (1197) 2156/015610-0080 573058.07 a02/10/05 18 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Authorization for Overnight Travel for the Planning Commissioners and a Staff Member to Attend the League of California Cities Planners Institute to be Held in Pasadena, California, April 13-15, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: NCO STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve authorization for overnight travel for the Planning Commissioners and a staff member to attend the League of California Cities Planners Institute, in Pasadena, California, April 13-15, 2005. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Budget allocated $15,800 for travel, training, and meetings for staff and Planning Commissioners. Attendance at this conference is estimated to be $1,230 per person based on the following costs: Registration $ 460 Hotel registration $ 435 Travel $ 110 Meals $ 225 TOTAL $1,230 These funds are budgeted in the Travel and Meetings Account for the Community Development Department (101-6001-463-51-01) . CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Funds have been budgeted for the Planning Commission and staff to attend this conference. The three day conference focuses on planning issues affecting local governments. In addition, it provides separate specific programs for staff and Planning Commissioners. Conference information is included in Attachment 1. S:\CITYMGR\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\C-1 1 PC TRAVEL.DOC FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve authorization for overnight travel for the Planning Commissioners and a staff member to attend the League of California Cities Planners Institute, in Pasadena, California, April 13-151 2005; or 2. Do not approve the authorization for overnight travel for the Planning Commissioners and a staff member to attend the League of California Cities Planners Institute; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Douglas Evans Community Development Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Conference information S:\CITYMGR\STAFF REPORTS ONLY\2-15-05\C-11 PC TRAVEL.DOC A- 11 oFEAGUE 4%_ IA CITCALI-FIES If you are a City Planning Commissioner, Planning Director, or Community and Economic Development Director, you will not want to miss this outstanding conference ! ! *v 1 a. 7 / '. and &e 1 times and dales go o OPENING GENERAL SESSION Speaker. Paul Goldberger Paul Goldberger tells the inside story of the quest to rebuild the sixteen acres where the towers of the former World Trade Center stood. Itis a story of power, politics, architecture, community and culture. He will take us inside the controversial struggle to create and build one of the most challenging urban -design projects in history, and will draw on every day lessons that planning commissioners and professionals can use in their communities. CLOSING GENERAL SESSION Speaker. Rick Brinkman The energetic and humorous approach of Dr. Rick Brinkman will help you become conscious communicators. He will convey specific strategies to handle various problem behaviors. You will learn how to empower yourself, by bringing the best out in other people (even when they are at their worst). ■ to EXPOSMON April 13-15, 2005 PASADENA CONVENTION CENTER GENERAL SESSION: Demographic Trends in Age & Diversity: What it Means for Housing and Planning* California Speaker. Dowell Myers, h a Director of the Urban Planning Department, University of w Southern California Perhaps you have heard about California's coming demographic changes. But what do they mean for the housing market? Are we building the right kind of housing or are there unmet needs? Dowell Myers will examine the numbers, dissect the trends and challenge a few housing myths in the process. GENERAL SESSION: Planning and Public Health: Designing, Planning and Building Healthy Communities Speaker. Richard Jackson, State Public Health Officer.. Department gfHealth Services Y Over the past 40 years we have legislated and planned communities of Americans that are more sedentary, obese and prone to health problems than any before them. This session will discuss how to turn the tide, and begin planning for healthier communities. GENERAL SESSION: Diversity and Planning Speaker. James Sauceda, Director of the Multicultural Center, California State University Long Beach What will our population look like 10- 20 years from now? Will the new population follow previous groups to the suburbs or are they looking for something different? What does this mean for planning community spaces? Housing? Schools? James Sauceda will talk about how diversity will affect planning and land use decisions. MIEE AYS. TO REGISTER: Register online at x�www .c ii umaxnts -Fax the Registration Form -Mail the Registration Farm 3 ■ Planning Commissioners' Roles & Responsibilities What is the role of the planning commissioner in your community? Neutral judge or jury? Gain a better understanding of your responsibilities, as well as the relationship between the planning commission and the council, and your practical working relations with staff. ■ City Finance Learn the essentials of California city revenue and spending in this session geared to community planners. Explore the trends in local government finance, impacts from the state budget, critical issues & reform proposals. • CEQA ioi Designed to answer the questions: "what does this all mean to me as a planning commissioner?" and "why do I even have to bother with this information?" This session will explain why, and will provide an overview of basic environmentally oriented terms and acronyms. ■ Essential Planning Tools in California: General Plans, Specific Plans and Zoning Codes Planning commissioners need to understand the purpose of general plans, specific plans and zoning, as well as their role in the preparation and implementation of those tools. Learn how to make the general plan a useful and understandable policy guide for your community. ■ Commissioner Ethics Public service and planning in particular are fraught with difficult policy and ethical choices. What are some of the tools available to planning commissioners to sort through these issues? What sorts of questions can one ask onese p This session will present some options. ■ Basic Project Review and Tools for Planning Commissioners Learn the practical rationale behind commonly used design standards, and how to spot design issues often overlooked during project review. Form -Based Codes Form -based codes replace conventional zoning tools that emphasize use and intensity of development with codes that focus on street widths, the massing of buildings, their relationship to the street and to one another, and the location of parking. Learn how to use form -based codes in your city. ■ Parking Adequate parking is a precious commodity in California. Learn creative ways to maximize parking facilities and provide innovative solutions to your communities' parking needs. ■ Density - Supply of Housing and Affordable Housing Successes No question about it, California needs more affordable units. What is stopping us? Learn what is at the heart of the density issue, and explore ways to make this choice more palatable in all types of communities. Gearing Up For Big Growth In California a small city can quadruple in population in less than to years. This kind of growth poses special problems in terms of oversight, staffing, out-of-date planning documents and infrastructure. Learn practical tips for everything from working with developers to updating your plans. ■ What You Need to Know About Property Rights What should you do when someone says "you can't do that without paying me compensation!"? Learn how to analyze such claims, and when to consult your city attorney. ■ Mixed -Use and Infill in Suburbia Its not just an "urban" thing anymore - mixed use developments are making a splash in suburbia. What are the issues that arise? Learn what is working and the unexpected benefits of this type of development. • Inclusionary Housing Despite their controversial nature, at least one out off five California cities have adopted an inclusionary housing ordinance. This session will examine several best practices associated with adopting a new ordinance - or monitoring and checking the effectiveness of an existing ordinance. ■ Sign Regulation ioi: When Zoning Meets Free Speech Gain insight into how judges analyze these claims. Learn how to be prepared for the sign code shakedown and the billboard ambush. ■ Creating A Sense Of Place In Italy, sitting at an outdoor table sipping a glass of wine, or relaxing in the piazza is commonplace. Can we create the same meeting places and focal points in California communities? Learn how to develop these urban design techniques and sell them to your community. ■ Heritage and Historic Preservation A lively discussion on how to preserve the unique character of your community. ■ Will Second Units Really Solve the Housing Problem? Several cities are planning to meet at least part of their housing numbers by requiring second units. Learn how it works, and what it means for the neighborhood. ■ Traffic Solutions / Traffic Calming Traffic, traffic everywhere... and not a remedy in sight! But wait! Learn about creative ways to address your local traffic congestion problems. Detailed session descriptions, speaker information and session dates and times are available online at: www.cacities.or_q/events 3 �J ■ So You Want Public Input? Improve the Hearing Process! The public is increasingly cynical of local agency land use decisions. Is the public hearing process sufficient to effectively engage the public? Learn how to regain the public's confidence. ■ Oprah or Springer? How To Run A Meeting Ever feel like your meetings are on the verge of getting out of control? Learn how to lead more effective meetings from experienced planners and professionals. ■ Determining the Economic Feasibility of a Project How many conditions can a development bear? Has a developer ever told you a change or condition is not economically feasible? Learn rough rules of thumb for determining economic feasibility in your community. ■ Advanced CEQA This session is for those familiar with CEQA basics and ready to learn more. Delve into advanced CEQA concepts and then participate in an interactive discussion. ■ Heads or Tails? How To Make A Good Decision Planning is about making that tough decision? Each side has a valid argument, and you wonder which is the "right decision?" This session focuses on proven decision -making guidelines that you can use to weight the evidence and make the tough decision. Riding the Wave: Balancing Growth and Character in Pasadena's Downtown Pasadena's historic downtown is a vibrant urban center. Several distinct neighborhoods offer a variety of retail, office and residential opportunities in historic buildings and new construction. In November 2004, Pasadena adopted a new specific plan. Hear from planners, developers and community activists about the making of this successful core and recent efforts to balance growth with preservation of urban character. ■ Commissioners' Exchange Join other planning commissioners in an informal discussion of significant issues that can impact your position as a commissioner. ■ How To Become More Involved in the League Through the League, city officials come together and set legislative policy, and participate in educational and networking opportunities. Learn how to become involved in the League, help set policy, and work together with your peers throughout California. ■ Community Development Directors' Exchange Begin the day with an informal discussion of issues affecting your department and city as a whole. This session provides a forum for networking and lively discussions with your peers. ■ Carrot or Stick? Conflict Resolution Using Mediation Techniques Mediation, not negotiation alone, can be valuable when working on difficult planning projects. The same skills used in mediation, listening, communicating and helping other find solutions, becomes a practice that carries over to our personal and social lives. ■ Securing a Legacy Through Succession Planning As a whole generation of baby -boomer managers in planning and community development retires, there are fewer Gen X mid -career professionals ready and able to fill the leadership void. Learn practical strategies for attracting, retaining and developing our successors. ■ Forming and Keeping Quality Council/Director Relations Enjoy this thought provoking and lively session with video vignettes that illustrate sticky examples of council/director interactions on controversial agenda items. Participate in an interactive discussion with a panel of experienced city officials exploring positive ways to handle these and other sensitive situations. ■ Demographic Trends in Age and Diversity: What it Means for Housing and Planning in California See the first page of this announcement for details. ■ Legislative Briefing The Legislature is always looking to make changes that affect local land use planning. Learn what issues are currently being debated in Sacramento, how they could impact your city, and how to become engaged. • Air Quality Clean Air: ignore it and it will go away! Cities are facing growing air quality issues. This session will show how the San Francisco Bay Area is integrating land use, air quality and transportation planning, and will offer statewide resources. ■ Mobile Workshops: I. Walking Tour of Pasadena's Historic Commercial Core: Tools for Revitalization II. Bicycle Tour of Pasadena III. Bus Tour of Mixed Use in Pasadena's Central District Space is limited for the mobile workshops. Please sign up on -site at the registration desk if you are interested in participating in one of these sessions. Detailed session descriptions, speaker information and session dates and times are available online at: www.cacities.org/events 1�� PLANNERS INSTITUTE GENERAL INFORMATION Mini -Expo Businesses offering products and services pertinent to city planning have been invited to exhibit between the hours 4:00 = 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13 during the Wine Down and Cheese Networking Hour followed by the Strolling Dinner Reception at the Hilton Grand Ballroom. Registration/Events Coupons will be required for meals. Registrations postmarked by Monday, April 4, 2005, will receive program materials, two full breakfasts, Wednesday p.m. mini expo reception admission, Thursday lunch, Thursday evening reception, FREE registration for two LeaguE-Campus courses (forms to be filled and turned in at the time of on -site registration), and a $25 discount coupon to be used at the CityBooks bookstore. You can register online at www.cacities.or/events. If you have questions, please contact the conference registration at (916) 658-8291. Special Requests If you require special accommodations related to facility access, communication and/or diet, please contact conference registration at (916) 658-8291. Guest/Spouses There is no registration fee to attend the 2005 Planners Institute sessions for a guest/spouse who is not a city or public official or vendor to cities. Guest/spouses of registered attendees may purchase meal or special event tickets for $80 for the entire conference at the registration desk Airlines Please visit www.cacities.m/travel for the new Enhanced Local Government Airfare Program. Hotels Due to the high volume of expected attendance at the meeting, the League has contracted three nearby properties for guests' lodging. Per proximity to the Conference Center, Sheraton is adjacent to the Center, Hilton is across the street from the Center, Westin is one block away from the Center. All the sessions and events will be held at the Center except Wednesday's 4-7 p.m. Mini -Expo and Reception. The Westin Pasadena Hilton Sheraton Pasadena 191 N. Los Robles Ave 168 S. Los Robles Ave 303 E. Cordova Street Pasadena, CA 91101 Pasadena, CA 91101 Pasadena, CA 91101 www.westin.com/Pasadena www.pasadena.hilton.com League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Fourth Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 5-DIGIT 92247 8698 Torn Kirk Planning Commissioner PO Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92247 1504 Presorted First Class US Postage PAID Permit 604 Sacramento, CA D E(�CE 0NIfE j� BAN l 4 2005 D LEAGUE PLANNERS INSTI T tUTE OF CALII ORN1A April 13-15, Pasadena Ct T I E S A1ZnowiCCYI ent wid Reg tration 1- 0rms COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15 , 2 0 0 5 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Modification to Indemnity Provisions in Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the Fritz Burns Park Pool with the Family YMCA of t he Desert RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a modification to the indemnity provisions in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Family YMCA of the Desert for the Fritz Burns Park Pool. FISCAL IM PUCATIONS: The revisions would limit the scope of the City's right of indemnity, which could result in fiscal impacts if claims are made. However, the City does have coverage through the Joint Powers Insurance Agency that would likely cover significant claims. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On January 18, 2005, the City Council approved the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with the YMCA for operation of the Fritz Burns Park Pool. Prior to the Council Meeting, the YMCA staff had expressed some concerns about the indemnity provisions in the Agreement, and had requested that the City indemnify the YMCA unless the injury is caused solely by the negligence of the YMCA staff. The City Attorney recommended against this change, and instead included the standard provision for the City to be indemnified by the YMCA. Upon review of the proposed Agreement, legal counsel for the YMCA has contacted the City Attorney and has stated that he did not believe that the YMCA could enter into the Agreement as drafted. He has stated that the provisions are overly broad and would interfere with the YMCA's ability to get insurance coverage. He noted that the City is responsible for the original design of the facility, not the YMCA. He also noted that since the maintenance, repair and replacement of the pool and pool equipment will be the responsibility of the City, it is unfair to require the YMCA to be liable for claims arising from such activities. Moreover, he has stated that while the YMCA would agree to provide the defense for claims arising from its actions or omissions, it did not wish to have to be liable to pay for the attorney of the City's choosing. The YMCA's counsel has therefore requested that the indemnity provision be changed to read as follows: "Each party ("Indemnifying Party") agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other party and the other party's officers and employees ("Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, actions, fines, penalties, demands, damages, liabilities and expenses, including attorney's fees ("Claims"), arising out of the operation and maintenance of the pool and the provision of recreation services hereunder, occasioned wholly or in part by any act or failure to act by the Indemnifying Party, its officers, agents, contractors, employees or servants. In the event the Indemnified Parties are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding in any way involving such Claims, Indemnifying Party shall provide a defense to the Indemnified Parties and shall be obligated to promptly pay any final judgment or portion thereof rendered against the Indemnified Parties." This differs from the City's standard indemnity language, but given the nature of the parties and their respective obligations under the Agreement, the request seems to be reasonable. However, because there is some increased risk, staff desires to obtain direction from the City Council regarding this issue. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the modification to the indemnity provisions in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Family YMCA of the Desert for the Fritz Burns Park Pool; or 2. Do not approve the modification to the indemnity provisions in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Family YMCA of the Desert for the Fritz Burns Park Pool; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. 2 - 2. Do not approve the modification to the indemnity provisions in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Family YMCA of the Desert for the Fritz Burns Park Pool; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney Approved for submission by: G Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 3 is J COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Authorization for Overnight Travel for One Council Member to Attend the League of California Cities Board of Directors Meeting in Novato, California, to be Held February 25 and 26, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve authorization for overnight travel for one member of the City Council to attend the League of California Cities Board of Directors Meeting in Novato, California to be held February 25 and 26, 2005. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Expenditures for this meeting are estimated as follows: Travel $250 Funds for this attendance at this meeting are available in the Legislative Program's Travel, Training and Meetings Account (#101-1001-411.51-01). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The League of California Cities Board of Directors meets four times during the calendar year (Attachment 1). The February 25 and 26, 2005 meeting is the first meeting for the year. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve authorization for overnight travel for one member of the City Council to attend the League of California Cities Board of Directors Meeting in Novato, California to be held February 25 and 26, 2005; or 2. Do not approve the request for overnight travel; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, it" !� Terry Deeringer, Management Assistant Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. League of California Cities Board of Directors Meeting Dates ATTACHMENT 1 LEAGUE 1400 K Street, Suite 400 • Sacramento, California 95814 F CALIFORNIA Phone: 916.658.8200 Fax: 916.658.8240 www.cacities.org CITIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS FUTURE MEETING DATES February 25-26, 2005 Novato May 11-12 2005 Sacramento Wednesday & Thursday Hyatt Hotel [lodging]; The Grand Ballroom [meeting] --(in conjunction with Legislative Action Days) July 29-30, 2005 Monterey (in conjunction with the Mayors and Council Members Leadership Academy) October 6-8, 2005 San Francisco (in conjunction with the League Annual Conference) Board Mtg Dates to be Determined G� OF'f COUNCIVRDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of an Agreement with the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District for Red Imported Fire Ant Services RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the agreement with the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (the District), for Red Imported Fire Ant Services. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Total cost for up to a nine month program is $8, 750. If the Agreement is approved by the City Council today, funds for the program will be allocated during the mid- year budget process from General Fund unallocated reserves. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Beginning in 2000, the Coachella Valley Red Imported Fire Ant (CVRIFA) program began eradication of Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) from the Coachella Valley. This five-year program was created by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) which contracted with the District) to provide services for the Coachella Valley. The original contract between CDFA and the District provided funding through June 2004. The nearly $5 million, 5-year agreement was terminated in October 2003, with the State removing over $1 million in unspent funds from the program. During the 3-1/2 years of CVRIFA's existence, 21,804 treatments occurred on over 35, 000 acres. The CVRIFA program successfully treated approximately fifty percent of the positively identified properties to eradication during the remainder of the program. Since the termination of the program, the District and CDFA have experienced a RIFA movement from West Coachella Valley to East and Southeast Coachella Valley. RIFA move due to grading operations, flights, incomplete exterminations, and landscape plant soil installations, and generally thrive in irrigated areas. With the development boom in the Coachella Valley, RIFA are spreading. RIFA could pose a serious threat to the lifestyle of residents of the Coachella Valley if they are not controlled. There exists a serious RIFA problem in the southern United States. If the RIFA problem goes unchecked in the Coachella Valley, levels of infestation similar to those in Florida, Texas, and the Carolinas are likely, which could severely impact the Coachella Valley's agricultural, recreational, and tourism trades. In December 2003, the District sent CVAG a letter requesting assistance from the local jurisdictions. At the February 2004 CVAG Energy and Environmental Resources Committee (E & E) meeting, E & E directed CVAG to meet with District staff and provide a menu of RIFA service options. The proposed service options ranged from a responsive program for the Coachella Valley at $350,000 annually, to a proactive program at $600,000 annually, to an eradication program at $870,000 annually. E & E chose to pursue the responsive program because of its affordability during local budget difficulties, and it was felt that the responsive program would deter or halt the spread of RIFA, but would not eradicate RIFA from the Coachella Valley until a long-term program was funded and implemented. CVAG staff was then requested to develop a funding formula based on the responsive program or an annual cost of $350,000. Formula options were developed and CVAG's E & E Committee approved "in concept" the formula used to develop the proposed allocation of cost. Due to concerns raised by jurisdictions regarding RIFA implementation and funding, a CVAG RIFA Sub -Committee of the E & E was established. The CVAG RIFA Sub -Committee met 5-6 times from May to November 2004, to discuss District reserves and policies, private sector residential/commercial services, a District Benefit Assessment, as well as other issues. In October and November of 2004, the District Board of Directors voted in favor of retaining a consultant to study a Benefit Assessment District to fund a RIFA eradication program, denied an action to call RIFA a vector, and denied an action to offer loans to local jurisdictions to carry the cost of the responsive program while the Benefit Assessment District was being formed. 2 1.10 At the November E & E meeting, E & E directed CVAG staff to formulate a program and cost for a responsive program for those jurisdictions wishing to participate in the program. The proposed allocation of cost for the responsive program is included as Attachment 1. E & E directed CVAG staff to push for a January 2005 implementation date for a voluntary responsive program. The cost per jurisdiction will not exceed the amount indicated in the Attachment regardless of how many cities choose to participate. The Agreement (Attachment 2), will provide up to nine months of responsive RIFA service to the City, at the end of which it is anticipated that a benefit assessment district will be in place to fund a Valley -wide eradication program. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the agreement with the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (the District), for Red Imported Fire Ant Services; or 2. Do not approve the agreement; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hartung, Building and Safety Director Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Proposed Allocation of Costs 2. Agreement 3 1�.�1 %n Do 0% 10 in wj w! co in C4 C; qcr %0 00 eq ONO 00 Ln C4 m ri C%L en n r- W) 00 en m W; t- LA LA:-- 64 -A ri Wi %n 9 HUI -Ott t� qt 00 In en X. M, in 00 in W cl -W iZ co 0% C; 00 ;ow rn C4 0% kn cl oo In Ln co %6 00 In en Ln en GA eA ew44 (A 44 �01 &,mg en 00 en en on ri 00 09 e4 C; en f41 C) tn 0% (14 -ot tn C7%;jayen %0 : I W) C) C) -Wt 00 00 C; rn rA 401) 44 GO'* 4^ Gq 44� GOW 40� 49) CD kn 00 Ch en en CD in en iR 44 foe) 00 C) 0 r4 en rn x 1N co r- Ln en r4 Wen, T." Ar rn V-4 401) Gorp En z 1-0 Nt �X-Xlll I Xl 0 lyii-at Wi en W) 06 Ks ............... X 0 C4 00 .4t r- to tn 0 71 00 2s C� en X X %D 00 en 1.0 tn 00 qo, 00 z C) in en C) 00 :ti 00 Wl 4.) 40i 604 40.) 44 cq en C) 0 00 kn M en AwIle in F- in ID r4 aw wl en -W Xy RXI-I I z U3 0 U) 0 t: .§06 vi t 0 ATTACHMENT 2 AGREEMENT FOR RED IMPORTED FIRE ANT SERVICES BY THE THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT This Agreement for Red Imported Fire Ant. Services is made and entered into on by and between The Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District ("District"), a special district, and , ("City") a municipal corporation and is made in reference to the following facts and circumstances. RECITALS Whereas, the presence and spread of Red Imported Fire Ants ("RIFA") within the Coachella Valley and within the City is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and property within the City; The District is exploring the possibility of establishing a benefit assessment district to provide funding for treatment and potential eradication of RIFA in the Coachella Valley; The District has the management and technical expertise to provide services related to the investigation and treatment of RIFA for the City on an interim, limited term basis; The City wishes to contract with the District to provide a RIFA responsive program within the jurisdiction of City for a limited period of time as further provided herein; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Purpose This Agreement is intended for the District to provide a responsive program to requests for service pertaining to RIFA infestation within the City of for a limited term. 2. Scope of Services a. The District shall provide the staff, equipment and materials required to provide RIFA responsive services within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City. The District shall use its professional skill and judgment in determining the use of staff, equipment and materials to be used to most effectively provide the RIFA responsive services under this Agreement. RIFA.A 5 b. The City has been advised and acknowledges that this program of services by the District is intended to be responsive only and is not designed, nor intended to effectively eradicate and control RIFA. The District makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the level of control that may be achieved under this Agreement but is engaged to use its best efforts to provide a responsive program within the jurisdiction of the City during the limited term of this Agreement. C. The District shall provide RIFA responsive services to the City in accordance with the RIFA responsive program formula set forth in Exhibit A developed by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments at a cost of per month. d. The District shall respond to a service request related to RIFA infestation by attempting to telephonically contact the complaining party within 24 business hours of receipt by the District of a RIFA complaint. e. The District shall investigate and, if appropriate, treat for RIFA infestation in response to every service request originating within the jurisdiction of the City subject to the priorities set out in the District's RIFA Protocol, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". 3. Time Period The services provided by this Agreement shall commence on February 1, 2005 or upon later approval by the.City and shall continue through July 31, 2005 unless terminated as provided under paragraph 5 or extended as provided below. In the event that the District has initiated proceedings for a RIFA benefit assessment which has not been finally established as of July 31, 2005, the services provided hereunder may be continued for up to an additional three (3) months. 4. Payment The District shall invoice the City in arrears for RIFA services on a monthly basis. All payments by the City shall be made within net thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice for services. 5. Termination Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 6. Independent Contractor In providing the services under this Agreement, the District is acting as an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the RIFA responsive services. Nothing contained in this Agreement, or in its RIFA.A (� �� performance shall be construed to create a relationship of principal and agent, partnership or joint venture as between the District and the City. 7. Indemnification a. The District shall assume the defense of, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, and each of them, from and against all actions, damages, losses and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put to, by reason of, or resulting from, the actions or inactions of the District taken in the performance of this Agreement or any agreement entered into by the District with reference to this Agreement. b. The City shall assume the defense of, indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officers, employees and agents, and each of them, from and against all actions, damages, claims, losses and expenses of every type and description to which they may be subjected or put, by reason of, or resulting from, the actions of the City taken in the performance of this Agreement. C. The indemnity provisions set forth in this Agreement shall survive its termination. 8. Compliance with Laws and Regulations All services performed by the District under this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with, and in full compliance of, all applicable federal, state or local statutes, rules and regulations. 9. Third Party Beneficiaries This Agreement is made solely for the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and assigns, and no other person or entity shall have or acquire any right by virtue of this Agreement. 10. Miscellaneous a. Neither party to this Agreement may assign, or delegate, any of the rights and responsibilities set forth herein without the express written consent of the other party. b. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of California. C. Each of the signatories to this Agreement warrants and represents that they have full authority to enter into this contract on behalf of the entity they purport to represent. RIFA.A 7 d. This Agreement constitutes the final, complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject of RIFA response services. Executed at California on the day and year first mentioned above. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT By: Donald E. Gomsi, General Manager THE CITY OF Its Duly Authorized Agent Attest: City Clerk Dated: Dated: RIFA.A 1 Priorities for RIFA Treatment Due to the large area of infestation and the resources available, it is necessary to establish priorities for the order in which responses are performed. Priorities for scheduling RIFA response are as follows: a. A severe stinging incident. b. Areas that pose a greater risk to the public health, safety and welfare, such as schools, parks and other heavily trafficked areas. C. Other infested properties ranked according to public health considerations within the professional discretion and judgment of District staff. All service requests will receive a telephone response within one business day. At that time inspections and/or treatments will be scheduled following the criteria listed above. RIFA service will be provided in the, shortest timeframe that staffing will allow. �'7 COUNCHJRDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEMTITLE: Consideration of an Amendment to Title 10 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal Code Regarding Animals RECOM M EN DATI ON : AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: A.) Motion to take up Ordinance No. by title and number only and waive further reading. B.) Motion to introduce Ordinance No. on first reading. FISCAL IM PLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IM PUCATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The current Title 10 of the La Quinta Charter and Municipal was adopted in 1982 and is based on the County's animal control ordinance. Although some changes have been made over the years, the Title has remained basically unchanged. The proposed Ordinance is the result of a thorough review of the entire Title 10 incorporating language that will enable the City to provide an even more comprehensive animal control program. Some of the notable changes/additions to the Ordinance include: • Added definitions for clarity • Third party hearing officer for appeals rather than the City Manager • Required microchipping of animals declared vicious • Restrictions on wild and exotic animals • Restrictions on animals in parked vehicle A redlined version of Title 10 is included as Attachment 1 . FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . A.) Motion to take up Ordinance No. further reading. B.) Motion to introduce Ordinance No. 2. Do not take up the Ordinance; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hartung, Directo of Building & Safety by title and number only and waive on first reading; or Approved for Submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Redline Version of Title 10 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 10 RELATING TO ANIMALS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Title 10 ANIMALS Chapters: 10.04 Definitions 10.08 Dog Licenses 10.12 Animal Control Officer 10.16 Biting 10.20 Impoundment 10.24 Animal Keeping 10.28 Offenses K Chapter 10.04 DEFINITIONS Sections: 10.04.010 Definitions generally. 10.04.020 Animal. 10.04.030 Animal Control Officer -Health Officer. 10.04.040 Dog. 10.04.050 Owner. 10.04.060 Unlicensed dog. 10.04.070 Vicious or dangerous animal. 10.04.080 Wild animal. 10.04.090 Livestock. 10.04.100 Poultry. 10.04.1 10 At large. 10.04.120 Substantial injury. 10.04.130 Guide dog/Service dog/Signal dog. 10.04.140 Cattery. 10.04.150 Guard dog. 10.04.010 Definitions generally. For the purposes of this Title, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, the terms used in this Title shall have the following meanings. 10.04.020 Animals. "Animal" means all domestic animals, wild animals, livestock, poultry, or any other animal. 10.04.030 Animal Control Officer -Health Officer. A. "Animal Control Officer" means all persons designated by the City as Animal Control Officer or such other person(s) as the Animal Control Officer has designated to perform the duties of the position, or such person with whom the city has contracted to perform such duties, or such person who is otherwise obligated by law to perform such duties. B. "Health Officer" means the Health Officer of the city or county or such person or persons as are duly authorized by law to perform local Health Officer duties within the city. 10.04.040 Dog. "Dog" means any member of the canine family and includes female as well as male dogs. al LJ 10.04.050 Owner. "Owner" means any person who is the legal owner, keeper, harborer, possessor or the actual custodian of any animal. Ownership is established by a person registering as the owner on a license or other legal document by a person claiming ownership and taking possession of an animal, or by being in possession of an animal for thirty days or more. If more than one person claims ownership of an animal, the person who is identified on the license as the owner of the animal shall be considered the owner. If more than one person is identified on the license as owner or if the animal is not licensed, the presumption will be that the animal belongs to the occupant of the residence where the dog resides the majority of the time unless proven otherwise. 10.04.060 Unlicensed dog. "Unlicensed dog" means any dog for which the license required under this Chapter for the current licensing year has not been issued, including circumstances where a license is not issued for failure to pay the license fee, i.e. has not been purchased or has expired without renewal fee having been timely paid, or to which the tag for the current year provided for in this Title is not attached. 10.04.070 Vicious or dangerous animal. A. The term "vicious animal" or "dangerous animal" means an animal which: 1 . Has attacked or behaved in such a manner that the owner thereof knows or should reasonably know that the animal has tendencies to attack or bite human beings; or 2. Has twice within a thirty-six month period bitten, attacked, or shown the disposition, tendency, or propensity to attack, bite, or otherwise cause injury or attempt to cause injury to a person engaged in lawful activity; or 3. Has once attacked or bitten a person engaged in lawful activity, causing death or substantial injury; or 4. Has been determined by a doctor of veterinary medicine, after observation thereof, as posing a danger to humans or domestic animals if not enclosed or muzzled; or 5. Has attacked or behaved in such a manner that the owner thereof knows or should reasonably know that the animal has tendencies to attack domestic animals without provocation; or 6. Has been trained for fighting or as an attack animal, except such animals which are employed by a government agency, including the police department of the city or county; or 7. Has been classified as dangerous, potentially dangerous or vicious by any other local, county, or state animal control agency; or 8. When unprovoked, has on two separate occasions within the prior thirty-six month period engaged in any behavior that required a defensive action by 5 any person to prevent bodily injury to himself or herself or another person during which the person having been attached and the attacking animal was off the property of the owner or keeper of the animal; or 9. Has been outfitted with a training device for fighting or attack, such as a weighted collar around the neck of the animal, or found to be allowed to hang suspended from an object by biting into and holding onto the object with its jaws, shall be presumed to be an animal trained as a fighting or attack animal; or 10. Of a species, breed, or kind (excluding dogs and cats), which in its wild or untamed condition is capable of and, if aroused, is likely to cause death or serious injury to a human being or which would cause serious fear or alarm to the average person if seen wandering at large in an inhabited community. 11. That meets the definition of "vicious animal" or "dangerous animal" contained in California Food and Agriculture Code section 31626. B. This provision shall not apply to animals owned and used by a government entity, including, but not limited to, public entities' guard dogs or sentry dogs, as defined by section 10.04.150 of this Chapter. 10.04.080 Wild animal. "Wild animal" means any animal not ordinarily and customarily domesticated, but of a species, breed or kind which is wild by nature and not generally and commonly propagated and raised by man or woman in this state for use as a household pet or domestic or domesticated animal or which, because of its size, disposition, nature, or other characteristics could constitute a danger to human life or property. The definition of "wild animal" shall include feral animals. 10.04.090 Livestock. "Livestock" means any animal commonly considered a "barnyard" animal or animals raised for food production, including, but not limited to horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, pigs, rabbits, alpacas, llamas, emus, and ostriches. 10.04.100 Poultry. "Poultry" means fowl, including, but not limited to, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea poultry, pigeons, peacocks, pheasants or any other large domestic or tame birds. 10.04.1 10 At large. "At large" means an animal off the property of its owner without consent of the owner of the property where the animal is found and not under restraint by leash or chain. 10.04.120 Substantial injury. "Substantial injury" means any physical injury that results in a broken bone, a muscle tear, skin laceration or puncture wound. L53 10.04.130 Guidedog/Service dog/Signal dog. , Guide dog,,�service dog, and signal dog shall include those dogs that are used to perform these respective functions (e.g., seeing eye dog for the blind, a signal dog for the deaf, or a service dog for the handicapped) and those dogs in training to be guide dogs, service dogs or signal dogs. 10.04.140 Cattery. "Cattery" means any residence, structure, or premises, whether indoors or outdoors, which houses, contains, maintains or provides shelter or sustenance for five or more cats of four months old or older. 10.04.150 Guard dog. , Guard dog means a working dog, utilized to protect a commercial business, and allowed to work without supervision on fenced premises to guard against trespass by attacking or threatening to attack persons found within the enclosure patrolled by such dog, and resisting leaving the protected premises without the presence of its handler or owner. For the purposes of this Ordinance, aGuard dog shall be considered a dangerous animal. Guard dog � shall also mean Sentry dog.„ 7 L Chapter 10.08 DOG LICENSES Sections: 10.08.010 License required. 10.08.020 Exemptions. 10.08.030 Term. 10.08.040 Fees. 10.08.050 Application. 10.08.060 Anti -rabies vaccination required. 10.08.070 Issuance of tags and certificates. 10.08.080 Tag -Attachment required. 10.08.090 Tag -Display required. 10.08.100 Tag -Removal prohibited. 10.08.110 Tag -Replacement. 10.08.120 Tag -Altering or counterfeiting. 10.08.010 License required. No person within the city owning, possessing, controlling, harboring or keeping any dog over four months of age shall fail, refuse or neglect to procure a dog license tag for such dog from the City Manager or his or her authorized agent. No license issued pursuant to this Title shall be transferable. Within thirty days of transfer of dog ownership, the new person claiming ownership of said dog shall complete a new application for a dog license and shall procure a new license and tag providing required information as set forth in section 10.08.050. A "rabies tag" issued by a veterinarian shall not be considered a "City of La Quinta Dog License." 10.08.020 Exemptions. A. A dog license tag is not required for any dog found within the city under any of the following conditions: 1. When the dog is owned by, or in the care of, any person who is a nonresident or who is traveling through the city, or who is temporarily sojourning therein, provided the dog is kept within the city for less than thirty consecutive days and less than a total of sixty days in any given year; or 2. When the dog has a valid license from either the County of Riverside or another city within the County. This exemption shall be available for a maximum period not exceeding six months for any given dog. 10.08.030 Term. The effective period of each dog license issued shall be not more than three years and, in no case, shall be valid for a period of time longer than the term of immunization specified by the veterinarian performing the dog's rabies vaccination. - LJ 10.08.040 Fees. A. The fee for a dog license shall equal an amount fixed from time to time by resolution of the city council; provided, that in the absence of any such established amount, the licensing authority may collect and deposit in the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose a fee in the same amount as is applicable for similar dog licensing in unincorporated areas of the county. B. No fee shall be required for a license for any guide dog, signal dog or service dog if such dog is in the possession and under the control of, in the case of a guide dog, a blind person, or, in the case of a signal dog, a deaf or hearing -impaired person, or, in the case of a service dog, a physically disabled person. 10.08.050 Application. The owner shall state at the time application for licensing is made, and upon standard printed forms of application provided for such purpose, his or her name and address and the name, breed, color, age, history and sex, indicating whether or not the dog is neutered or spayed, for each dog for which application is made. 10.08.060 Anti -rabies vaccination required. As a condition for the issuance of a license, within thirty days prior to the issuance of the license, all applicants for the license shall procure and deliver to the licensing authority a certificate issued by a veterinarian certifying that the dog to be licensed has been administered an anti -rabies vaccination approved for use in the State of California by the California Department of Health Services, and has received an anti -rabies vaccination sufficient to immunize the dog against rabies for the period of the applied for license. 10.08.070 Issuance of tags and certificates. A metallic tag and license certificate with corresponding number shall be furnished by the licensing authority upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed by section 10.08.040 of this Chapter and upon satisfaction of all conditions stated in this Chapter for licensing. 10.08.080 Tag -Attachment required. The licensing authority shall keep a record of the owner or person making payment of the license fee and to whom a certificate and tag has been issued, including the number and date of the certificate and the tag. The metal tag issued shall be securely fixed to a collar, harness, or other device to be worn at all times by the dog for which the registration is issued. 10.08.090 Tag -Display required. No person shall fail or refuse to state his or her true name and residence address upon demand of an Animal Control Officer or any law enforcement officer, or to show upon demand of an Animal Control Officer or any law enforcement officer; the license certificate and the tag for any duly registered dog kept or remaining within 9 any home or upon any enclosed premises under his or her immediate control. 10.08.100 Tag -Removal prohibited. No one other than Animal Control personnel shall remove any dog collar, harness, or other device to which is attached a registration tag for the current license year, or remove the tag there from. 10.08.110 Tag -Replacement. If the dog license tag is lost or destroyed, the owner shall immediately procure a duplicate license tag from the licensing authority, for which a fee of one-half the license fee set forth in section 10.08.040 of this Chapter shall be charged. 10.08.120 Tag -Altering or counterfeiting. A. It shall be unlawful to alter, falsify or counterfeit a rabies vaccination certificate, dog license certificate or dog license tag. No tag may be altered by anyone other than the licensing authority or a duly appointed representative. No person shall make use of or have in his or her possession or under his or her control a stolen, counterfeit or forged dog license receipt, dog license tag, rabies vaccination receipt or other form issued in accordance with this Chapter. B. It shall be a violation of this section to attach a city dog license to the collar, harness, or other device of a dog for which the license has not been issued. 10 iJ� Chapter 10.12 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Sections: 10.12.010 Position created -General duties. 10.12.020 Powers of enforcement. 10.12.030 Interference with animal control duties. 10.12.040 Impoundment on private property. 10.12.050 Use of equipment to impound and firearms authorized. 10.12.010 Position created -General duties. The position of Animal Control Officer is created and established. The duties of the Animal Control Officer are as follows: A. To receive, pick up and impound any and all animals found running at large contrary to the provisions of this Title, or in violation of any law of the state; B. To regularly and adequately feed, water, and otherwise care for all animals impounded under the provisions of this Title; C. To collect impound fees, license fees on impounded animals, placement fees, and any other fees or taxes provided for in this Title when appropriate; D. To promptly deposit all monies collected into the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose; E. To keep true and accurate records of all city shelter activity for at least three years; F. To receive, pick up, and impound any and all animals found to be in violation or contrary to the provisions of this Title, or in violation of any law of the state; and G. To take any reasonable action to enforce any provision of this Title. 10.12.020 Powers of enforcement. In the performance of his or her duties as such, the Animal Control Officer and his or her deputies and assistants are invested with the power and authority of a law enforcement officer of this city, but shall not be deemed to be members of the police department. The Animal Control Officer, his or her deputies and assistants, and all peace officers are empowered to enforce this Title and any statute of the state relating to animals, unless otherwise provided by law. 10.12.030 Interference with animal control duties. No person shall interfere with, oppose or resist any person authorized to enforce this Title, while such person is engaged in the performance of his or her duties. Making a false statement or report or the falsification of information to an Animal Control Officer shall be considered a violation of this section. 11 1J� 10.12.040 Impoundment on private property. Animals running at large and returning to private property may be impounded if the owner or person in control of the animal is not on the property and the Animal Control Officer determines that exigent circumstances exist that require swift action to save life, property or evidence of the unlawful action. In such cases, the Animal Control Officer may enter onto private property to remove the animal in order to prevent further running at large or to enforce this Title and any statute of the state relating to animals, unless otherwise provided by law. 10.12.050 Use of equipment to impound and firearms authorized. In performance of his or her duties, the Animal Control Officer and/or his or her deputies shall have the authority to employ the use of a tranquilizer gun, net gun, and any animal control equipment or device in common use within the state necessary to take up and impound an animal either running at large or considered to be a threat by the Animal Control Officer to person or property. 12 Chapter 10.16 BITING Sections: 10.16.010 Biting animals -Quarantine orders. 10.16.020 Animals dying while under quarantine. 10.16.030 Knowledge of bite -Duty to report. 10.16.040 Bitten animals -When to be quarantined. 10.16.050 Disposition of animals appearing to have rabies. 10.16.060 Rabies epidemics -Authority of Health Officer. 10.16.070 Quarantine of a dog used by law enforcement. 10.16.080 Use of an animal as a threat or weapon. 10.16.090 Animal bite unlawful. 10.16.010 Biting animals -Quarantine orders. Whenever it is shown that any animal has bitten any person or animal, or exhibits evidence of rabies, no owner or person having custody or possession thereof, upon order of the Animal Control Officer or of the County Health Officer (or any other person exercising the duties of Health Officer for the city) or their deputies, shall fail, refuse, or neglect to quarantine the animal and keep it tied up or confined for a minimum period of ten days, or shall fail, refuse, or neglect to allow the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer or their deputies to make an inspection or examination thereof at any time during such period. No such animal shall be removed or released during the quarantine period without the written permission of the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer or their deputies. Unless otherwise specified by the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer, the animals shall be confined in a pound or shelter or a veterinary hospital at owner's expense. All provisions found in section 10.16.040 shall pertain to this section. 10.16.020 Animals dying while under quarantine. The head of an animal dying while under isolation in quarantine shall be submitted to the laboratory of the county health department for examination for rabies. No liability shall incur to the city or any of its employees or agents for violation of this section. 10.16.030 Knowledge of bite -Duty to report. Whenever any person owning or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of any animal has knowledge that the animal has bitten any person, the person owning or having charge, care, control, custody, or possession of the animal shall report the fact forthwith to the Animal Control Department. The report shall state the name and address of the person bitten, the time and place of occurrence, and any other information so requested by an Animal Control Officer. 13 rN 1 J' 10.16.040 Bitten animals -When to be quarantined. A. Whenever any animal is bitten by another animal having or suspected of having rabies, or a bitten animal shows any symptoms of. rabies, the owner or person having possession of the bitten animal shall immediately notify an Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer and confine the animal, away from other animals, until it is established to the satisfaction of the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer that it does not have rabies. The Animal Control Officer shall inspect the animal at the beginning of quarantine and at the end of quarantine prior to release. B. If the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer determines that exigent circumstances exist that require swift action to save life, property or evidence of the unlawful action, the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer shall have the authority to enter onto any private property where the animal is kept or where it has strayed, to inspect and, if necessary, to seize and impound any animal suspected of being rabid. C. The period of quarantine shall be not less than ten days for dogs or cats and not less than fourteen days for other animals. The Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer shall have the authority to quarantine any such animal at the owner's residence, or impound the animal at the owner's expense. Any animal found to be in violation of home quarantine order may be impounded and placed on quarantine at the animal shelter if the owner or person having control thereof fails to confine the animal or in case the owner or person having possession thereof is not readily accessible. 10.16.050 Disposition of animals appearing to have rabies. A. If upon observation the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer determines that any animal has rabies, he or she may after providing notice to the owner, if known, destroy the animal forthwith, or hold the animal for further examination for such time as he or she may consider advisable. B. Unless otherwise authorized by State or federal law, no person other than the Animal Control Officer or a Peace Officer shall kill or cause to be killed any rabid animal, any animal suspected of having been exposed to rabies, or any animal biting a human, unless that person kills the animal in self-defense or in the defense of others. No person shall remove a rabid animal or animal suspected of having been exposed to rabies from the city without written permission from the Animal Control Officer. This section shall not apply to a veterinarian or his or her assistant(s) preparing an animal suspected of rabies for an FRA rabies test. Results of such tests shall be reported to the Animal Control Department by the veterinarian or his or her assistant(s) . 10.16.060 Rabies epidemics -Authority of Health Officer. Whenever the County Health Officer (or any other person exercising the duties of Health Officer for the city) determines that an epidemic of rabies exists or is threatened, he or she shall have the authority to take such measures as may be reasonably necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, including the declaration 14 ib�. of a quarantine for a period of not more than one hundred twenty days against any or all animals in any area of the city as he or she may determine and define. An additional or extended quarantine period may also be declared if it is deemed necessary by the Health Officer for the protection and preservation of the public health, peace, and safety. Subject to any restriction set out in this section, quarantine declared under the provisions of this section shall be upon conditions that the Health Officer determines and declares to be appropriate, consistent with state and federal law. 10.16.070 Quarantine of a dog used by law enforcement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Title, a dog used by any state, special district, federal, county, city, or city and county law enforcement agency shall not be quarantined after biting any person if such bite occurred while the dog was being used for any law enforcement purpose. The law enforcement agency shall notify the Animal Control Department within its jurisdiction if the dog exhibits any abnormal behavior and make the dog available to the department at any reasonable time. 10.16.080 Use of an animal as a threat or weapon. It shall be unlawful for any owner of any animal to cause such animal to attack, threaten to attack or pursue another person engaged in any lawful activity. 10.16.090 Animal bite unlawful. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal which has bitten, attacked, or shown the disposition, tendency, or propensity to attack, bite, or otherwise cause injury or attempt to cause injury to a person engaged in lawful activity to cause or allow such animal to be at large. 15 Sections: 10.20.010 10.20.020 10.20.030 10.20.040 10.20.050 10.20.060 10.20.070 10.20.080 10.20.090 Chapter 10.20 IMPOUNDMENT Impounding of animals. Notification of owner. Disposition of unclaimed animals. Destruction of animals dangerous to impound. Reclaiming animals. Owner's right to redeem animal from purchaser. Owner's liability to city when redeeming animal from purchaser. Impoundment fees. Control and impoundment of dangerous or vicious animals. 10.20.010 Impounding of animals. It shall be the function and within the power of the Animal Control Officer to pick up, impound, and safely keep any of the animals mentioned in this Title found running at large, staked, tied, or being herded or pastured in any street, lane, alley, court, square, park, or other place belonging to or under the control of the city, or upon any private property, which is acting in a manner that is contrary to the provisions of this Title or to the right of the public. 10.20.020 Notification of owner. The Animal Control Officer shall immediately upon impoundment of dogs or other animals make reasonable effort to notify the owners of dogs or other animals impounded, and inform the owners of the procedures, if applicable, to regain custody of the animals. If an impounded dog has a valid license, the owner shall be notified, either personally or by telephone or by deposit of appropriate notice in the mails addressed to the record address with postage prepaid, or by posting the notice on the door of the owner's residence. 10.20.030 Disposition of unclaimed animals. A. All animals impounded at the city shelter shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water. Unless unlicensed animals have been claimed within five days after being impounded, or licensed dogs within ten days after the notification provided for in section 10.20.020, they may be sold by the Animal Control Officer to a person offering to pay a cash amount set by the Animal Control Officer; provided, that the purchaser shall not be given possession of any dog until he or she has paid to the Animal Control Officer the license fee for the dog and until he or she has made appropriate arrangements for any necessary rabies vaccination, if necessary. B. If any animal impounded by the Animal Control Officer has not been 16 r) JL j claimed within the period stated in this section and cannot be sold within a reasonable time thereafter, it may be destroyed by the Animal Control Officer in a humane manner. In lieu of destruction, animals may be released without charge to any humane organization that provides an animal adoption service. C. The Animal Control Officer shall maintain a file describing each animal impounded in the city shelter, beginning on the day any such animal is taken or delivered into the possession of the shelter. No animal found which, in the opinion of the Animal Control Officer, constitutes a threat to the public welfare shall be adopted or released to any person who is not the owner of the animal. 10.20.040 Destruction of animals dangerous to impound. After providing notice to the owner, if known, an Animal Control Officer is authorized to forthwith destroy any animal lawfully impounded which the Officer determines due to disease or other cause poses an imminent danger to persons or other animals so that impoundment of the animal would cause serious threat to others or would be inhumane to the animal. Nothing in this Title shall be construed to prevent an Animal Control Officer from taking whatever action is reasonably necessary to protect his or her person or other members of the public from injury or damage, including immediate destruction of any vicious or dangerous animal without notice to the owner or custodian. 10.20.050 Reclaiming animals. The owner of any licensed impounded animal shall have the right to reclaim it at any time prior to the lawful disposition thereof, upon payment to an Animal Control Officer of the costs and charges provided in this Title for impounding and keeping such animals. Any person claiming ownership of any unlicensed impounded animal shall be required to present proof of ownership satisfactory to the Animal Control Officer, and thereafter the animal may be released to the claimant upon his or her making payment of all applicable costs, fees, and charges prescribed in this Title including, but not necessarily limited to, any veterinary fees incurred and upon his or her making appropriate arrangements for any necessary rabies vaccination. 10.20.060 Owner's right to redeem animal from purchaser. The owner of any impounded animal may, at any time within thirty days after sale by an Animal Control Officer, redeem the animal from the purchaser by paying him or her an amount of money equaling each of the following, in the aggregate: the purchase price paid to an Animal Control Officer; any license fee paid and rabies vaccination costs incurred; and rates established by section 10.20.080 for daily care and feeding for the number of days starting from the date of sale to and including the date of redemption by the owner. 10.20.070 Owner's liability to city when redeeming animal from purchaser. In each case where the owner of an impounded animal redeems it from the 17 purchaser, irrespective of whether payment was made as prescribed in section 10.20.060, the owner shall be liable for payment to an Animal Control Officer for all fees prescribed pursuant to section 10.20.080 for impounding and for the daily care and feeding of the animal incurred during the impoundment, deducting there from the sale price paid to an Animal Control Officer by the purchaser. The amount of the owner's liability under this section shall be deemed a debt to the city, and an action may be commenced in the name of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any such debt. 10.20.080 Impoundment fees. Except in cases when disposition of an animal is made pursuant to section 10.20.030, an Animal Control Officer shall receive and collect fees for impoundment, care, and feeding of impounded animals. The nature and amounts of such fees shall be as fixed from time to time by resolution of the city council. In the absence of any such fee or fees having been so established, an Animal Control Officer may collect and deposit in the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose, a fee or fees in the amount or amounts as is applicable for similar functions or services in the unincorporated areas of the county. 10.20.090 Control and impoundment of dangerous or vicious animals. A. No person owning or having the care or custody of a dangerous or vicious animal shall permit such animal to go unconfined on the premises of such person. A dangerous and vicious animal is unconfined, as the term is used in this Title, if such animal is not securely confined indoors or confined in a securely enclosed and locked pen or a run area upon the premises of said person. Such pen or run area must also have secure sides six feet high and a secure attached top. If the pen or structure has no bottom secured to the sides, the sides must be imbedded into the ground or concrete. Such sides shall be imbedded into the ground no less than one foot deep. If concrete is used, such sides shall be imbedded no less than two inches into the ground. Such pen shall be of adequate floor size as to allow said animal to be able to move around and obtain adequate exercise. All gates or door openings through such enclosures shall be equipped with a self -closing and self - latching device designed to keep and capable of keeping such door or gate securely closed at all times when not in actual use. Such latching device must be located not less than five feet above the ground. The owner or custodian of an animal declared dangerous or vicious shall allow an Animal Control Officer or his or her deputies to inspect such pen or enclosure at any reasonable hour to insure compliance with this section. B. No person owning or harboring or having the care or custody of a dangerous or vicious animal shall suffer or permit such animal to go beyond the premises of such person unless the animal is securely muzzled and restrained with a chain having a minimum tensile strength of three hundred pounds and not exceeding three feet in length or, for animals under twenty pounds, on a chain as determined by ff'? the Animal Control Department to be adequate based on the animal's size and strength. Such animal shall be under the control of someone able to control and restrain the animal and of eighteen years of age or more. C. No person shall own or harbor any animal for the purpose of fighting any other animal nor train, torment, badger, bait or use any animal for the purpose of causing or encouraging said animal to unprovoked attacks on human beings or domestic animals. Nor shall any person outfit any animal with a training device for fighting or attack, such as a weighted collar around the neck of the animal. Nor shall any person allow an animal to hang suspended from an object by biting into and hanging onto the object with its jaws. D. No person shall possess, with intent to sell, or offer to sell, breed, or buy or attempt to buy within the city any vicious or dangerous animal. E. Any person owning or harboring or having the care of any dangerous or vicious animal shall maintain a policy of insurance in an amount not less than fifty thousand dollars insuring said person against any claim, loss, damage, or injury to persons, domestic animals, or property resulting from acts, whether intentional or unintentional, of the dangerous and vicious animal. Such person shall produce evidence of such insurance upon the request of a law enforcement officer or Animal Control Officer. F. Whenever an animal suspected of being dangerous or vicious is reported, an Animal Control Officer may investigate the circumstances, and if he or she finds that the animal by reason of its acts, propensities, or disposition is a dangerous or vicious animal as defined in this Title, he or she may notify the owner in writing stating the facts and circumstances that such determination has been made and that as a dangerous and vicious animal it is to be in the Animal Control Officer's discretion to (a) destroy the animal in the interest of public safety, (b) require that the animal be maintained as required by this section, or (c) determine the animal not to be dangerous or vicious. The notice shall also notify the owner of the right to appeal and the time period for filing an appeal of the determination. The ownership interest of an animal under investigation pursuant to this section or already under such an order or the appeal of such an order shall not be transferable to a new owner or caretaker during the process. Once an animal has been found to be vicious or dangerous, this finding shall remain in effect for the remainder of the life of the animal, and the ownership of the animal may not be transferred. Animals without an owner found to constitute a threat to the public welfare will be destroyed in the interest of public safety. No ownership rights can or shall be granted to a person other than the owner of such animals at the time of the determination. The owner of a dangerous and vicious animal must be eighteen years old or older. G. Upon request, the owner of an animal declared to be dangerous or vicious by an Animal Control Officer shall be entitled to an administrative hearing before a Hearing Officer for the purpose of determining whether his or her animal constitutes a dangerous and vicious animal. The request for an administrative hearing must be made by the owner of the animal at issue, in writing, and must be delivered 19 to the Animal Control Department within ten calendar days of receipt of the Animal Control Officer's determination that the animal constitutes a dangerous and vicious animal. After a request for hearing is received, the date of the hearing will be scheduled no less than five days, but not more than thirty days, from the date of receipt of request for hearing. The owner of the animal shall be entitled to review all evidence in the city's possession to be used by the city in the hearing at least three days prior to the hearing date. H. The Director of Building and Safety shall appoint a person or contract an agency to provide a person who shall act as the Hearing Officer, preside at the hearing, and hear all facts and testimony presented and evidence admitted and deemed appropriate. The Hearing Officer's compensation, if any, shall not in any way be impermissible tied to his/her decision making responsibilities. Any person designated to serve as a Hearing Officer is subject to disqualification for bias, prejudice, interest, or for any other reason for which a judge may be disqualified pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 170.1 . The owner of an animal desiring to challenge the Hearing Officer chosen to preside over the administrative hearing must file a statement with the city manager objecting to the Hearing Officer and setting forth the grounds for disqualification. The question of disqualification shall be heard and determined in writing by the city manager within ten days following the date on which the disqualification statement is filed. I. The Hearing Officer, after hearing all the facts, shall render one of three decisions: (a) the animal is deemed vicious or dangerous and shall be destroyed in the interest of public safety; (b) the animal is deemed vicious or dangerous and must be maintained according to this section for the remainder of the life of the animal; or (c) the animal is not deemed vicious or dangerous and is to be released to the owner. The Hearing Officer shall deliver the determination of the hearing in writing within ten days of the hearing to the Animal Control Department and the owner of the animal at the last known address. The determination of the Hearing Officer is final. Any appeal of the Hearing Officer's determination shall be made pursuant to the provisions of California Food and Agriculture Code section 31622. J. If, after the appeal hearing, it is determined that the animal is vicious or dangerous, the Hearing Officer may order the owner to keep the animal confined as provided in this section. If suitable restraints or enclosures discussed in section 10.20.090(B) are not immediately available, or if the owner or keeper of such animal fails or refuses to demonstrate that such restraints or enclosures are available or suitable, or if restraint or confinement is impracticable, the animal shall be impounded until the owner is able to comply with the Hearing Officer's order. For any such impoundment, the owner shall be liable to the city for payment of fees as prescribed in section 10.20.080, and any animal not reclaimed within thirty calendar days after such impoundment shall be deemed abandoned and unclaimed and shall be subject to destruction. K In cases where the animal is not impounded, and written notification has been given as herein provided, if an owner fails to provide adequate restraint or 20 control of the animal as ordered by the Hearing Officer within thirty days, or if the owner thereafter at any time fails to maintain the adequate restraint or control or comply with the orders of the Hearing Officer, the owner shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and the animal shall be subject to summary destruction. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, no animal found to be dangerous, vicious or a threat to the public health and/or safety shall be placed up for adoption to the public. L. Any person owning, harboring or having the care of any dangerous or vicious animal shall have the animal micro chipped and photographed for positive future identification. The micro chipping procedure shall be preformed by a trained professional to be chosen by the Animal Control Department or a veterinarian. This procedure shall be performed at the owner's expense. The animal will be made available to the Animal Control Department at a reasonable time for scanning to verify the procedure and document the identification number of the microchip. 21 10.24 ANIMAL KEEPING Sections: 10.24.010 Female dogs to be confined during breeding period. 10.24.020 Wild animals to be confined. 10.24.030 Kennels subject to zoning and health regulations. 10.24.035 Standard of care. 10.24.040 Maximum number of dogs. 10.24.045 Catteries. 10.24.050 Keeping wild, exotic and dangerous animals and reptiles. 10.24.060 Animals near buildings. 10.24.070 Animals on unsanitary premises. 10.24.080 Livestock prohibited in certain areas. 10.24.090 Disposal of carcasses. 10.24.100 Dangerous animals from another jurisdiction. 10.24.1 10 Keeping of guard dogs. 10.24.120 Permit required. 10.24.010 Female dogs to be confined during breeding period. No owner of an unspayed female dog shall fail, refuse or neglect during the breeding period of the dog to confine it in such a manner which reduces, so far as is practicable under the circumstances, the attraction of stray male dogs. 10.24.020 Wild animals to be confined. No person owning any wild animal or operating any wild animal establishment, shall fail, refuse or neglect to keep all wild animals under proper confinement on the premises, or cause, permit, suffer or allow any wild animal to be or run at large, nor shall any such person maintain any wild or dangerous or vicious animal on or within any premises in such a manner as to endanger the life or limb of any person lawfully entering the premises. This section shall be read in connection with the provisions of section 10.24.035 and section 10.24.050. 10.24.030 Kennels subject to zoning and health regulations. Any person maintaining any kennel or pet shop shall conform to the zoning regulations of the city which are applicable thereto, as well as any applicable health regulations, and shall allow the Animal Control Department to make an inspection of the premises at any reasonable hour. 10.24.035 Standard of care. Every person within the city who owns any animal or who owns, conducts, manages or operates any animal establishment for which a license or permit is 22 required by this Title, shall comply with each of the following conditions: A. Housing facilities for animals shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to protect the animals from injury to contain the animals and restrict the entrance of other animals. B. All animals shall be supplied with sufficiently good and wholesome food and water as often as the feeding habits of the respective animals require. C. All animals and all animal buildings or enclosures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition as per section 10.24.070. D. All animals shall be so maintained as to eliminate excessive noise as per section 10.28.020. E. Every reasonable precaution shall be used to ensure that animals are not teased, abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or in any manner made to suffer by any person or other mean. F. No condition shall be maintained or permitted that is or could be injurious to an animal. G. Animal buildings and enclosures shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent the escape of animals. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to protect the public from animals and animals from the public. H. Every precaution shall be made to isolate sick animals sufficiently so as not to endanger the health of other animals or persons. I. Every building or enclosure wherein animals are maintained shall be constructed of material easily cleaned and shall be kept in a sanitary condition. The building shall be properly ventilated to prevent drafts and to remove odors. Heating and cooling shall be provided as required, according to the physical need of the animals, with sufficient light to allow observation of animals and sanitation. J. All animal rooms, cages, kennels and runs shall be of sufficient size.to provide adequate and proper accommodations for the animals kept therein. K. Every animal owner shall provide their animals proper shelter and protection from the weather at all times. L. No person shall give an animal any alcoholic beverage or unlawful drug unless prescribed by a veterinarian. M. No person shall allow animals which are natural enemies, temperamentally unsuited, or otherwise incompatible, to be quartered together or so near each other as to cause injury, fear or torment for the animal. If two or more animals are trained to be placed together and do not attack each other or perform or attempt to perform any hostile act to the others, such animals shall be deemed not to be natural enemies. N. No person shall allow the use of any tack, equipment, device, substance or material that is, or could be, injurious or cause unnecessary cruelty to any animal. O. No person shall fail to give working animals proper rest periods. Confined or restrained animals shall be given exercise proper for the individual animal under the particular conditions. P. No person shall work, use or rent any animal which is overheated, 23 i70 weakened, exhausted, sick, injured, diseased, lame or otherwise unfit. Q. No person shall allow any animal which an Animal Control Officer has suspended from use to be worked or used. R. No person shall display for profit or otherwise any animals bearing evidence of malnutrition, ill health, unhealed injury or having been kept in an unsanitary condition. S. No person shall allow any animal to constitute or cause a hazard, or be a menace to the health, peace or safety of the community. 10.24.040 Maximum number of dogs. Except for licensed pet shops and kennels, no person shall own, keep or harbor, nor shall the owner or occupant of any premises keep or permit on or in such premises more than four dogs of four months of age or older. 10.24.045 Catteries. It shall be unlawful to maintain catteries in the City of La Quinta. 10.24.050 Keeping wild, exotic and dangerous animals and reptiles. A. No person shall own, keep, harbor or maintain on or in any premises within the city any wild, exotic, or dangerous animal or reptile without written consent of the Animal Control Department or absent the proper applicable city, county, state and/or federal permits. Denial of consent to keep a wild animal by the Animal Control Department may be appealed within ten days of that denial. The request must be made in writing and delivered to the Director of Building and Safety within ten calendar days of receipt of the Animal Control Officer's decision, which decision shall include notification regarding the right and procedures for appeal of the decision. The Director of Building and Safety shall appoint a person or contract an agency to provide a person who shall preside at a hearing and hear all facts and testimony presented and deemed appropriate. After a request for hearing is received, the date of the hearing will be scheduled not less than five days, but not more than thirty days, from the date of receipt of request for hearing. The hearings shall be held consistent with the procedural provisions set forth in section 10.20.090(F) of this Chapter. B. Subject to the city's zoning ordinances, only those wild animals, poultry, reptiles and exotic animals which are permitted by the laws of the State of California to be possessed, and for which a permit has been obtained from the Department of Fish and Game, which permit is current, shall be allowed within the city. C. All animals shall be registered with the Animal Control Department. As a condition to registration, an owner of an animal must present a valid state permit to the animal control agency. Application and animal registration shall include, but not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. The applicant's name, address, telephone number and, if different, the address and telephone number of the proposed location where the animal is to be 24 maintained and the purpose for the keeping of such animals. 2. A complete description and any identifying tattoos, microchips, brands, or similar marking of the animal, including its species, name, sex, date of birth and/or age. 3. Recent color photograph(s) of the animal. 4. A complete description of and plot plan showing the location and the facilities to be used to insure the keeping of the animal in a safe, secure, and humane manner. 5. Any information known by the applicant concerning vicious or dangerous propensities of such animal. 6. Prior history of incidents affecting the public health or safety involving said animal. 7. Noises and/or odors anticipated in keeping such animal. 8. Written assurance and any supporting instruments that the applicant is in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding such animal. 9. Any additional information required by the Animal Control Department at the time of filing such application or thereafter. D. No permit will be granted under this section to a person who has been found guilty of cruelty to animals. E. An Animal Control Officer may issue a city permit for a wild, exotic, and dangerous animal or reptile if each of the following conditions is met by the applicant to the Animal Control Officer's satisfaction: (1) the requirements of the city zoning ordinance are met; (2) the applicant has obtained any other city, county, state and/or federal permits required under the law; (3) the applicant has otherwise complied with city, county, state and/or federal having to do with the subject animal; (4) the applicant has made the necessary showing that adequate safeguards have been established and will be maintained in order to effectively control the dangerous or vicious propensities of such animal or reptile; (5) the applicant shows that any danger to individuals or property has been eliminated, that the keeping or maintaining of such animal or reptile will in no way constitute a nuisance to the occupants of any surrounding property, and that the proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the number and type of animals for which the permit is requested and will not result in harm to the animals or reptiles or material detriment to the use, enjoyment or valuation of the property of other persons located in the vicinity of the site; and (6) upon the applicant's payment of a fee in the amount set from time to time by resolution of the city council or in the absence of any such established amount, the licensing authority may collect and deposit in the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose a fee in the same amount as is applicable for similar dog licensing in unincorporated areas of the county. Such permit shall be valid only so long as the owner possesses all other required governmental permits and does not violate this Title. F. The initial fee for the issuance of each permit shall be valid for one year. 25 1�� The fee for renewal of an unexpired permit shall be the same as for an original permit, unless modified by a resolution of the city council. Each succeeding year, a renewal permit shall be obtained by the holder of said permit. In the event such animal is relocated within the city, a renewal permit shall be obtained for that location at no cost to the owner. The fee for the issuance of a renewal permit shall be established by city council resolution or in the absence of any such established amount, the city may collect and deposit a fee in the same amount as is applicable for similar dog licensing in unincorporated areas of the county. The fee shall be due and payable each year on the anniversary of the date of issuance of the initial permit. If during the preceding year or years, more than one initial permit has been issued to an applicant, the former permits may be consolidated so that only one renewal permit exists; provided, however, that the renewal date for the consolidated permit shall be the expiration date of the earliest initial permit. G. The premises on which said animal is maintained shall be open at any reasonable hour for inspection by the Animal Control Department. Permits issued pursuant to this section shall be surrendered for inspection by the permittee upon request of an Animal Control Officer or law enforcement officer. H. The Animal Control Department may revoke any permit issued pursuant to this section whenever an Animal Control Officer determines from an inspection, or an inspection and report by the California Department of Fish and Game, or an investigation of a cruelty complaint, that any permittee fails to comply with all of the conditions of this Title, or is found to be in violation of any city, county, state or federal law. A notice of revocation shall be provided to the permit holder. The notice shall state that it will not be effective for a period of ten calendar days, during which the permit holder may appeal the determination. The procedures for appeal shall be those set forth in paragraph A of this section. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Animal Control Department from taking any and all actions permitted by law to prevent cruelty to animals. I. If, after having his or her permit revoked, the permittee proves to the satisfaction of the Animal Control Department that each of the conditions and requirements set forth in this section and any other applicable section have been met, the Animal Control Department will provide permittee a written notice indicating such compliance and, upon receipt of such written notice, the permit shall be deemed in full force and effect. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Animal Control Department from refusing to reinstate such permit if it is believed to be in the best interest of the public or the health or safety of the animal involved. J. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the ownership of venomous reptiles shall be prohibited in the city. No person shall own, keep, harbor or maintain on or in any premises within the city any venomous reptile. Nothing in this section, or in this Title, or in the City of La Quinta Municipal Code shall be construed as to allow the possession of such animals within the city limits with or without applicable permits. 26 10.24.060 Animals near buildings. It is a public nuisance and it is unlawful for any person to keep any animal, poultry, or bird, wild or domestic, except customary household domestic pets, within fifty feet of any building, school, church, hospital, or any residence or dwelling house or other buildings used for the habitation of human beings. 10.24.070 Animals on unsanitary premises. It is a public nuisance, and it is unlawful, for any person to keep or permit to be kept on any premises any wild or domestic animal, poultry, or bird, when the premises or the animal, poultry or bird is offensive, obnoxious, filthy, or maintained in any unsanitary condition. 10.24.080 Livestock prohibited in certain areas. No livestock or hoofed animal, barn yard poultry, or rabbits may be kept on any lot or combination of adjoined lots less than one acre in size as per this code. No person may keep more than two horses per one acre parcel. For parcels in excess of one acre, up to three horses per additional acre or portion thereof shall be allowed. Foals under one year of age shall not be counted in calculating the maximum number of horses under this section. 10.24.090 Disposal of carcasses. Unless otherwise instructed by city, state or federal officials, it is a public nuisance, and it is unlawful, for the owner, possessor, or the person responsible for the death thereof, to fail to cause any dead animal or part thereof to be buried later than six hours after the death of such animal. For purposes of this section, "buried" means to be placed underground so that there is at least three feet of soil above the carcass of the animal for animals weighing two hundred pounds or less and at least six feet of soil above the carcass of an animal weighing more than two hundred pounds. In the alternative, "buried" for purposes of this section also means to be disposed of in some sanitary manner approved in writing by the city; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to animals slaughtered for and fit for human food or animals killed in violation of Chapter 10.16 of this Title. 10.24.100 Dangerous animals from outside city jurisdiction. The owner of any animal introduced into the city which has been determined to be dangerous, vicious, a nuisance, or a threat to the health and safety of humans or animals by another jurisdiction, shall conform to the standards set forth in section 10.20.090 of this Title. 10.24.110 Keeping of guard dogs. It shall be unlawful to keep a guard dog on any premises, unless the guard dog is fenced within the premises or confined within the building and kept in such a manner that it cannot come into contact with persons or other animals that are lawfully on said premises. Any premises containing a guard dog shall also be posted 27 114 at every fifty foot interval around the perimeter of the area guarded by the guard dog and at all entrances and exits to the area. In locations where the minimum outside dimensions are less than fifty feet, the signs shall be placed at the beginning and end of that premises. The signs shall state: "WARNING -GUARD DOG ON DUTY." Such signs shall also state the name, address, and telephone number of the guard dog company furnishing the dog for hire, if any, and the telephone number of the owner or caretaker of the premises. Each guard dog in use in the city shall be registered and licensed in the city and have a tag affixed to its collar which must be worn at all times. 10.24.120 Permit required. Any person or business desiring to transport into the city for any commercial or business related purposes, including, but not limited to, advertisement, circus, rodeo, petting zoo, or animal rental, any animals considered large or dangerous including, but not limited to, exotic, circus or fair type animals, rodeo animals, petting zoo animals, and large snakes, shall first obtain a permit from the Animal Control Department. If requested, such person or agency will also make available to the Animal Control Department the animal in question and veterinary records of the animal in question for the purpose of inspecting its health and safety. Such person or business shall make available to the Animal Control Department the name, address, and contact information of the handlers/keepers of the animal for emergency purposes. Such person or business shall also make available to the Animal Control Department the person or business emergency capture procedures and capture equipment for inspection purposes to insure the safety of the citizens of the city and the safety of the animals in question. If, in the belief of the Animal Control Department, the entry of such animals into or the continued presence of such animals in the city constitutes a threat to the public health and safety, said permit application may be denied. The permit, if issued, shall be subject to immediate revocation if the Animal Control Department determines that the presence of such animals in the city constitutes a threat to the public health and safety. 28 Chapter 10.28 OFFENSES Sections: 10.28.010 Dogs running at large. 10.28.015 Livestock/Poultry at large. 10.28.020 Noise disturbances by animals. 10.28.025 Animal defecation to be removed by owner. 10.28.030 Retention of animal by other than owner. 10.28.040 Unauthorized removal of animal from pound. 10.28.050 Dogs at public schools prohibited. 10.28.060 Interference with police dogs. 10.28.070 Public nuisance. 10.28.080 Confining animals in motor vehicles. 10.28.090 Causing another person's animal to be disposed of. 10.28.100 Feeding of wildlife prohibited. 10.28.1 10 Wildlife protected. 10.28.120 Importing or transporting diseased animals. 10.28.010 Dogs running at large. A. No owner or keeper of a dog shall allow, permit or suffer the dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to be or run at large in or upon any public place or premises, or in or upon any unenclosed private place or premises, or in or upon any enclosed private place or premises other than those of the owner or keeper except with consent of the person in charge of the private place or premises where the dog is found, unless the dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash not exceeding twelve feet in length and is in charge and control of a person competent to keep the dog under effective control. No lead, leash, tether, or chain used to secure a dog on private property shall extend into the right-of-way. Voice control, electronic control, eye control or signal control shall not be considered adequate restraint. B. Any animal found at large three times or more during any twenty four month period shall be deemed a public nuisance. Such animal, upon impoundment, will be held until the owner provides secure containment for the animal. The owner shall be responsible for any fees incurred in holding the animal. If the owner fails to provide acceptable containment within thirty (30) days, the animal may be destroyed by humane means. Only when acceptable containment has been provided, and approved by the Animal Control Department, will the animal be released to the owner. The determinations by the Animal Control Department shall be subject to appeal, and any appeal to a decision under this section shall be handled consistent with the hearing procedures as set forth in section 10.20.090. 29 1"V 10.28.01 5 Livestock/Poultry at large. No owner or keeper of livestock or poultry shall allow, permit or suffer the animal or bird, whether licensed or unlicensed, to be or run at large in o.r upon any public place or premises, in or upon any unenclosed private place or premises, or in or upon any enclosed private place or premises other than those of the owner or keeper except with consent of the person in charge of the private place or premises. No lead, leash, tether, or chain used to secure any animal or poultry shall extend into the right-of-way. 10.28.020 Noise disturbances by animals. A. No person owning, keeping or having in his or her care or custody any animal shall knowingly permit the animal, by any barking or other noise or sound, to disturb any other person's peace and quiet. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the keeping of any watchdog, provided the keeper thereof takes immediate steps to quiet the dog whenever it barks, and provided the keeper never leaves the dog unattended on the premises in a place where the dog is barking, if prolonged or if repeated an undue number of times, disturbs any other person's peace and quiet. B. No person, after being informed orally or in writing that his or her animal has by noise or sound disturbed any other person's peace and quiet, shall fail, refuse or neglect to take whatever steps or use whatever means is necessary to ensure that the dog or animal does not again disturb the other person's peace and quiet. 10.28.025 Animal defecation to be removed by the owner. A. Any person owning, keeping or having in his or her care or custody any animal shall not fail, refuse or neglect to clean up any feces of the animal immediately and dispose of it in a sanitary manner wherever the animal has defecated upon public or private property without the consent of the public or private owner or person in lawful possession or charge of the property. B. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to a blind person being accompanied by a guide dog, nor shall they be construed to allow any act of trespass upon private property. Whenever the feces to be cleaned up cannot be reached without significant trespass upon the private property on which the feces is located, the person having the duty pursuant to subsection A of this section to take action shall first obtain consent to do so from the owner or person having lawful possession or charge of the property. 10.28.030 Retention of animal by one other than owner. No person shall, without the knowledge or consent of the owner, hold or retain possession of any dog or other animal of which he or she is not the owner for more than twenty-four hours without first reporting the possession of which to the Animal Control Officer, giving his or her name and address and the true description of the dog or other animal, and then causing the dog or other animal to be impounded at the city shelter for return to the owner. Any person so holding an animal shall surrender kill such animal upon demand of the Animal Control Officer. At the discretion of the Animal Control Officer, any such finder of a dog or other animal may be allowed to retain possession of the dog or other animal in lieu of impoundment. In such a case, the Animal Control Officer shall make all normal and regular efforts to ascertain the true owner of the dog or other animal and advise him or her of the whereabouts of the dog or other animal. 10.28.040 Unauthorized removal of animal from shelter. No person shall remove any impounded animal from the city shelter without the consent of the Animal Control Officer. No person shall remove any animal from the custody of the Animal Control Officer, including any Animal Control Department vehicle or any vehicle in use by the Animal Control Department or from any humane live trap in use by the Animal Control Department or its authorized agents. 10.28.050 Dogs at public schools prohibited. No person shall bring any dog, except a Seeing Eye dog for the blind, a signal dog for the deaf, or a service dog for the handicapped, onto any public school property while school is in session. This section shall not, however, be deemed to prohibit the use of dogs on school property for teaching or other school uses when approved by the proper school authorities. 10.28.060 Interference with police dogs. No person shall willfully or maliciously torture, torment, beat, kick, strike, mutilate, injure, disable or kill any dog being used by any law enforcement officer in the performance of his or her duties, or interfere with or meddle with any such dog while being used by such officer in the performance of any of his or her functions or duties. 10.28.070 Public nuisance. A. The introduction, ownership, possession or maintenance of any animal, or the allowing of any animal to be in contravention to this Title is, in addition to being a violation of the applicable section, declared to be a public nuisance. The City Manager or his or her designee, the Animal Control Officer, the County Health Officer, and peace officers are authorized, directed and empowered to summarily abate any such public nuisance independently of any criminal prosecution or the results thereof by any means reasonably necessary including, but not limited to, the destruction of the animal or animals involved when appropriate or by the imposition of specific reasonable conditions and restrictions for the maintenance of the animal. B. Any person who fails to comply with any conditions and restrictions imposed pursuant to this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The owner shall reimburse the city for all costs incurred in verifying compliance and enforcing the provisions of this section. The city may also commence proceeding in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11.72 of this code relative to abatement procedures 31 for public nuisances. C. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall reimburse the city for any and all costs incurred by the city in responding to, investigating, assessing, monitoring, treating, cleaning, removing, or remediating any action taken or condition caused in violation of this Chapter. Such costs to be paid to the city shall include all administrative expenses and all legal expenses, including costs and attorney's fees in obtaining compliance and in litigation, including all costs and attorney's fees on any appeal. The costs to be recovered pursuant this section shall be recoverable from any and all persons violating this chapter. 10.28.080 Confining animals in motor vehicles. A. No person having ownership, charge, or custody of an animal, as owner or otherwise, shall place or confine an animal or allow such animal to be placed or confined or to remain in an enclosed vehicle or for such period of time as may endanger the health or well-being of such animal due to heat, cold, lack of food or such other circumstances as may reasonably be expected to cause suffering, disability or death. In such circumstances, an Animal Control Officer may act in the best interest of the animal, including taking action to remove the animal in cases of immediate threat. This section shall not be applicable to animals which are in an Animal Control Officer's or a peace officer's vehicles while such Animal Control Officer or peace officer is engaged in their duties. B. When an animal has been removed from a vehicle pursuant to this section, the Animal Control Officer shall cause to be posted in a conspicuous place on said vehicle a notice which shall state that the animal has been removed from the vehicle pursuant to La Quinta Municipal Code section 10.28.080, where the animal has been impounded, the procedure whereby the owner of said animal may regain custody of the animal, and notice that the owner may be liable for impound fees and costs. 10.28.090 Causing another person's animal to be disposed of. A. Every person contacting the city's Animal Control Department or taking an animal to the Animal Control Department for impoundment or disposal shall, if the animal is not owned by him or her, inform the Animal Control Department who the lawful owner is, if known, and where and when the animal was found. If the lawful owner cannot be determined, the Animal Control Officer shall keep the animal as prescribed in section 10.20.030. B. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, deliver, or have delivered an animal to the Animal Control Officer or the city shelter for impoundment or disposal without disclosing to the Animal Control Officer or the city shelter the name of the lawful owner of such animal, if known. C. It shall be unlawful for any property owner, or responsible person(s), including any natural person, the parent or the legal guardian of any natural person under the age of eighteen years, any corporation, association, organization, estate, 32 group, combination acting as a group, or any officer, agent, employee, or servant of any of the foregoing, to fail to board any animal left behind by a tenant. Any property owner or responsible person that fails to make arrangements for the humane sheltering and care of said animal for the length of time required by law and/or fails to make arrangements with the sheltering agency is in violation of this section. D. Enforcement of this section shall be performed by citation. Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense. When an animal is found at large and is known to be from a vacant property, it shall be deemed in violation of this section if the property owner or responsible person fails to take control of the animal immediately. Not withstanding any other provisions of this code, the fine for violation of this section shall be $100.00 for a first offense, $250.00 for a second offense, and $ 500.00 for third and all subsequent offenses. 10.28.100 Feeding of wild animal prohibited. No person shall feed or in any manner intentionally provide food as sustenance or to encourage domesticity in a non -domesticated or wild animal with the exception of a bird feeder in the yard. A person may feed or provide food to a wild animal under the following circumstances: A. When the wild animal is maintained, treated or fed pursuant to a valid certificate or permit issued by the State of California or an agency of the United States Government. B. When the wild animal is maintained, treated or fed between the time the Animal Control Officer or Humane Society is notified and the wildlife is picked up by an appropriate agency. 10.28.1 10 Wildlife protected. Other than in self-defense, no person shall kill, capture or molest any species of wild animal or damage the nest or eggs of any wild animal within the city, except any poisonous reptile or insect; provided, however, that if it is determined by the City Manager, or his or her authorized representative, that wild animal has become a menace to any person's health, safety or property, the City Manager shall issue a permit authorizing any person to kill or capture the wild animal. In no event shall any person use or employ poison or diseased material to kill or capture wild animal. This section shall not pertain to rats and vermin animals unless such animals are otherwise protected under the law. 10.28.120 Importing or transporting diseased animals. A. It is unlawful for any person to bring or receive in, or to transport from place to place within the city any animals affected with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease without written permission from the Animal Control Department, except such diseased animals as are specifically permitted to enter the State of California and the County of Riverside under federal or California state 33 13 regulations, and only under the conditions and for the purpose prescribed in the federal and state regulations governing the movement of such animals. This section shall not apply to actions taken except for the purpose of immediate destruction by humane means, or for immediate medical treatment. All animals brought into the city in violation of this section shall be subject to possible quarantine, examination and test, all at the expense of the owner, by the Animal Control Officer or his or her appointed agents, who may dispose of such animals consistent with the provisions of this Title to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city and the protection of the health of the animals therein. B. It is unlawful for any person to bring into or receive in, or to transport from place to place within, the city, any animal of a species known to be capable of carrying the rabies virus from any other jurisdiction, city, county, state or country in which a reported case of rabies exists or has existed within the preceding six months. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution 98-109. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this day of , 2005, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 34 i�i Ordinance No. Adopted: Page ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. which was introduced at a regular meeting on the day of and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the day of not being less than 5 days after the date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing Ordinance was posted in three places within the City of La Quinta as specified in City Council Resolution 98-109. JUNE S. GREEK, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Ordinance No. Adopted: Page 35 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on, pursuant to Council Resolution. JUNE S. GREEK, CIVIC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 36 ATTACHMENT 1 ANIMALS Chapters: 10.04 Definitions 10.08 Dog Licenses 10.12 Animal Control Officer 10.16 Biting 10.20 Impoundment 10.24 Animal Keeping 10.28 Offenses 37 L 34 Sections: 10.04.010 10.04.020 10.04.030 10.04.040 10.04.050 10.04.060 10.04.070 Chapter 10.04 DEFINITIONS Definitions generally. Animal control officer -Health officer. Dog. Owner. Unlicensed dog. Vicious or dangerous animal. Wild animal. 10.04.010 Definitions generally. For the purposes of this Title, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, ^e��the terms used in this Title, are defined as follows On this Chapter. shall have the following meanings. 10.04.020 Animals "Animal" means all domestic animals, wild animals, livestock, poultry, or any other animal. 10.04.030 Animal Control Officer -Health Officer. A. "Animal Control Officer" means the City Manager or such person as the City Manager has designated to perform the duties of the position, or such person with whom the city has contracted to perform such duties, or such person who is otherwise obligated by law to perform such duties. B. "Health Officer" means the health officer of the city or county or such person or persons as are duly authorized by law to perform local health officer duties within the city. 10.04.040 Dog. "Dog" means any member of the canine family and includes female as well as male dogs. 10.04.050 Owner. t SJ "Owner" means any person who is the legal owner, keeper, harborer, possessor or the actual custodian of any animal. Ownership is also established by a person registering as the owner on a license or other legal document by a person claiming ownership and taking possession of an animal:€�y' keir..�...�.�a €� 10.04.060 Unlicensed dog. "Unlicensed dog" means any dog for which the license required under this Chapter for the current licensing year has not been issued, including circumstances where a license is not issued for failure to pay license fee, i.e. has .................................... .................................... .................................... not been purchased orX.Er without renewal fee having been timely paid, or to which the tag for the current year provided for in this Title is not attached. 10.04.070 Vicious or dangerous animal. ................... A. The term "vicious animal" or "dangerous animal" means an d 9 ................... am I which: ................... ................... 1 . Has attacked or behaved in such a manner that the owner thereof ................... ................... ................... knows or should reasonably know that the dGg i I has tendencies to attack or bite human beings; or 2. Has twice within a thirty-six month period bitten, attacked, or shown the disposition, tendency, or propensity to attack, bite, or otherwise cause injury or attempt to cause injury to a person engaged in lawful activity; or 3. Has once attacked or bitten a person engaged in lawful activity, causing death or substantial injury; or 4. Has been determined by a doctor of veterinary medicine, after observation thereof, as posing a danger to humans or domestic animals if not enclosed or muzzled; or 5. Has attacked, or behaved in such a manner that the owner thereof ................... ................... ................... knows or should reasonably know that thedeb .. has tendencies to attack domestic animals without provocation; or 6. Has been trained for fighting or as an attack animal, except such animals which are employed by government agency, including the police 39 '136 00 or 9. Has been outfitted with a training device for fighting or attack, such as a weiqhted collar around the neck of the debl.,..r.�n ............................... shall be presumed to be an€t' trained as a fighting or attack ................. .................. 10. Of a species, breed, or kind (excluding dogs and cats), which in its wild or untamed condition is capable of and, if aroused, is likely to cause death or serious injury to a human being or which would cause serious fear or alarm to the average person if seen wandering at large in an inhabited community. 1 1 . That, meets the definition of "vicious animal" or "dangerous animal", contain in the California Food and Agriculture Code section 31626. 10.04.080 Wild animal. "Wild animal" means any animal not ordinarily and customaril _.::: domesticated, but ��. .p ��:�, .� ...... ... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... "Livestock" means any animal commonly considered a "barnyard" animal or animals raised for food production, including, but not limited to horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, pigs, rabbits, alpacas, llamas, emus, and ostriches. .M i 7 41 i�$ Chapter 10.08 DOG LICENSES Sections: 10.08.010 License required. 10.08.020 Exemptions. 10.08.030 Term. 10.08.040 Fees. 10.08.050 Application. 10.08.060 Anti -rabies vaccination required. 10.08.070 Issuance of tags and certificates. 10.08.080 Tag -Attachment required. 10.08.090 Tag -Display required. 10.08.100 Tag -Removal prohibited. 10.08.110 Tag -Replacement. .. •ii''vii:1.:'.'.ji'ii:Y 1>{{:} ::'{":::(:i>i;:•i ? $i -: ' :.�: :' .:f�.f:� r~. 10.08.010 License required. No person within the city owning, possessing, controlling, harboring, or keeping any dog over four months of age shall fail, refuse or neglect to procure a dog license tag for such dog, from the City Manager or his authorized agent. No ;::>:f n i pursuant to this Title shall be transferable t rC ..... license issued p y........:......... D. 10.08.020 Exemptions. A dog license tag is not required for any dog found within the City under any of the following conditions: 1 . When the dog is owned by, or in the care of, any person who is a nonresident or who is traveling through the City, or who is temporarily sojourning therein, provided the dog is kept within the City for less than thirty consecutive days, and less than a total of sixty days in any given year; or 2. When the dog has a valid license from either the County of Riverside or another city within the County. This exemption shall be available for a maximum period not exceeding six months for any given dog. 10.08.030 Term. The effective period of each dog license issued shall be not more than three f ;;:;:::.. :.... . :: �.1:. .::: :: .:f .r.:::: �.. .:. f::. rrr..;1.. .......: n :<the term o earstdi r;, .............................� ..::.:�::�.::::�..:::: �.::: �::.: �:�.::�...... Y:....f......:.....;..,..,,..,..,..,,..a.,,....................::::::........:::....,................:.......:..:.....:......:.........:......:..... .:_................... 42 immunization specified by the veterinarian performing the dog's rabies vaccination. 10.08.040 Fees. The fee for a dog license shall equal an amount fixed from time to time by resolution of the city council; provided, that in the absence of any such established amount, the licensing authority may collect and deposit in the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose a fee in the same amount as is 10.08.050 Application. The owner shall state at the time application for licensing is made, and upon standard printed forms of application provided for such purpose, his or her name h name, breed color, age, history and sex,iruf' and address and the a 9 Y....:..:.....:..:................:........:...:.... made. i ade s which application f c r hd or a���� ��;� f each c o 0 10.08.060 Anti -rabies vaccination required. As a condition for the issuance of a license, within thirty days prior to the issuance of the license, all applicants for the license shall procure and deliver to the licensing authority a certificate issued by a duly IneeRsed veterinarian certifying that the doa to be licensed has been administered an anti -rabies vaccination r [ within thirty days prior to the issuance of the license, of has .................... received anti -rabies vaccination sufficient to immunize the dog against rabies for the period of the applied for license. 10.08.070 Issuance of tags and certificates. A metallic tag and license certificate with corresponding number shall be furnished by the licensing authority, upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed by section 10.08.040 of this Chapter and upon satisfaction of all conditions stated in this Chapter for licensing. 10.08.080 Tag -Attachment required. The licensing authority shall keep a record of the owner or person making payment of the license fee and to whom a certificate and tag has been issued, including the number and date of the certificate and the tag. The metal tag issued shall be securely fixed to a collar, harness, or other device to be worn at all times by the dog for which the registration is issued. 10.08.090 Tag -Display required. :}:i}i`::yy: :::i>iiiij}}: {.: : :}}}>}i>::::: :}iiii} 1$ iii::{ :Y)7:iii':Y::': i:i: it r refuse to :< : ;:::>: :::: har> tr'ua na ' €e::::; ` s:�d:eh:c No person shall fa o e use 916t01:,..:.::::::,::,::......:::::::::::::::.::.:::........:...........:............ .................. 43 show upon demand of an Animal Control Off the license p :......:...:.�..p...,i:.....:..:......:........:...:..... certificate and the tag for any duly registered dog kept or remaining within any home or upon any enclosed premises under his or her immediate control. 10.08.100 Tag -Removal prohibited. No one other than Animal Control personnel shall remove any collar, harness, or other device to which is attached a registration tag for the current license year, or remove the tag there from. 10.08.110 Tag -Replacement. If the dog license tag is lost or destroyed, the owner shall immediately procure a duplicate license tag from the licensing authority, for which a fee of one- half the fee set forth in section 10.08.040 of this Chapter shall be charged. 1J� Chapter 10.12 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Sections: 10.12.010 Position created -General duties. 10.12.020 Powers of enforcement. 10.12.030 Interference with animal control duties. 10.12.010 Position created -General duties. The position of Animal Control Officer is created and established. The duties of Animal Control Officer are as follows: A. To receive, pick up and impound any and all animals found running at large contrary to the provisions of this Title, or in violation of any law of the state; B. To regularly and adequately feed, water and otherwise care for all animals impounded under the provisions of this Title; C. To collect impound fees, license fees on impounded animals, placement fees, and any other fees or taxes provided for in this Title when appropriate; D. To promptly deposit all monies collected into the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose; ...... E. To keep true and accurate records of all pound activity for at> G. To take any reasonable action to enforce any provision of this Title. 10.12.020 Powers of enforcement. In the performance of his or her duties as such, the Animal Control Officer and his or her deputies and assistants are invested with the power and authority of a Law Enforcement Officer of this city, but shall not be deemed to be members of the Police Department. The Animal Control Officer, his or her deputies and assistants, and all Peace Officers are empowered to enforce this Title and any statute of the state relating to animals, unless otherwise provided by law. 10.12.030 Interference with animal control duties. No person shall interfere with, oppose or resist any person authorized to enforce this Title, while such person is engaged in the performance of his or her d ut es,.: 1 �n ..a�..f I e.. to � a.r...res a t r.. € ..fi .l i.f a .n...af � � t.. ........ 45 m 33 Sections: 10.16.010 10.16.020 10.16.030 10.16.040 10.16.050 10.16.060 Chapter 10.16 BITING Biting animals -Quarantine orders. Animals dying while under quarantine. Knowledge of bite -Duty to report. Bitten animals -When to be quarantined. Disposition of animals appearing to have rabies. Rabies epidemics -Authority of health officer. 10.16.010 Biting animals -Quarantine orders. Whenever it is shown that any dog or other animal has bitten any person or animal, or exhibits evidence of rabies, no owner or person having custody or possession thereof, upon order of the Animal Control Officer or of the County Health Officer (or any other person exercising the duties of Health Officer for the ............................................... ............................................... ................................................ city) 4thlr, shall fail, refuse, or neglect to quarantine the animal and keep it tied up or confined for a rrrn period of ten days, or shall fail, refuse, ........ ... or neglect to allow the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer or their deputies to make an inspection or examination thereof at any time during such period. No such animal shall be removed or released during the quarantine period without the written permission of the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer or their deputies. Unless otherwise specified by the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer, the animals shall be confined in a pound or shelter or a veterinary hospital at owner's expense. All provisions found in section 10.16.040 shall pertain to this section. 10.16.020 Animals dying while under quarantine. The head of an animal dying while under isolation in quarantine shall be submitted to the laboratory of the county health department for examination for rabies. No liability shall incur to the city or any of its employees or agents for violation of this section. 10.16.030 Knowledge of bite -Duty to report. Whenever any person owning or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of any animal has knowledge that the animal has bitten any person, the person owning or having charge, care, control, custody, or possession of the animal shall report the fact forthwith to the Animal Control Officer. The report ..................... ........................ ....................... ........................ shall state the name and address of the person bitten, the time and1 Cal d:>::a:::: <: tl e:r:>::E:n:f€ :rrr�: € €: 0.:. -0 �€ seed i€r.e: ,,, «ti*.:::::::::.::.:.::Yq:::::::::::::::::::. Fo ........:... -...- ... I .... .......... .:............. . 10.16.040 Bitten animals -When to be quarantined. ...................................... ...................................... Whenever any animal is bitten by another animal having t rabies, or a bitten animal shows any symptoms of rabies, the owner or person having possession of the bitten animal shall immediately notify the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer, and confine the animal > : h .. ...................... ................. IS until it is established to the satisfaction of the animal control officer or the health officer that it does not have rabies. Th€.ff :.:.pp Th :. :..:.r :r::::. n n 1:::h::r:::fln::.::::::�..:::n�r e ................................................ .................................................................I.......I...... ri quarantine h h to ua I h Officer hall have t o authority f Ai` . :..:. <::::. i .. . � .: fi .: .: . .Heat 0 ce s :.::.::.::::::: € .:. .::p:::. ::.::::p .::...:::::::: Y q _ . .................................... n such animal ' : �' .... it : '` or im ound it at owner's expense. # a v s.................�.............., p p :.... .h ...h owner or person hav ing control rol .. thereof fails to confine the animal or in case the owner or person having possession thereof is not readily accessible. 10.16.050 Disposition of animals appearing to have rabies. If upon observation the Animal Control Officer or the Health Officer determines that any animal has rabies, he or she may after providing notice to the owner, if known, destroy the animal forthwith, or hold the animal for further 10.16.060 Rabies epidemics -Authority of Health Officer. 95 Whenever the County Health Officer (or any other person exercising the duties of Health Officer for the city) determines that an epidemic of rabies exists or is threatened, he or she shall have the authority to take such measures as may be reasonably necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, including the declaration of a quarantine for a period of not more than one hundred twenty days against any or all animals in any area of the city as he or she may determine and define. An additional or extended quarantine period may also be declared if it is deemed necessary by the Health Officer for the protection and preservation of the public health, peace and safety. Subject to any restriction set out in this section, quarantine declared under the provisions of this section shall be upon conditions that the Health Officer determines and declares to be appropriate and consistent with state and federal law. ER L •1 V Sections: 10.20.010 10.20.020 10.20.030 10.20.040 10.20.050 10.20.060 10.20.070 10.20.080 10.20.090 Chapter 10.20 IMPOUNDMENT Impounding of animals. Notification of owner. Disposition of unclaimed animals. Destruction of animals dangerous to impound. Reclaiming animals. Owner's right to redeem animal from purchaser. Owner's liability to city when redeeming animal from purchaser. Impoundment fees. Control and impoundment of dangerous or vicious animals. 10.20.010 Impounding of animals. It shall be the function and within the power of the Animal Control Officer to pick up, impound, and safely keep any of the animals mentioned in this Title and found running at large, staked, tied, or being herded or pastured in any street, lane, alley, court, square, park, or other place belonging to or under the control of the city, or upon any private property, which is acting in a manner that is contrary to the provisions of this Title or to the right of the public. 10.20.020 Notification of owner. The Animal Control Officer shall immediately upon impoundment of dogs or other animals make reasonable effort to notify the owners of dogs or other animals impounded, and inform the owners of the procedures, if applicable, regain custody .......................................... of the animals. If€t'�r'c?tl dog has a valid license, the owner shall be .....:......::.. notified, either personally nor by deposit of appropriate notice in the mails addressed to the record address with postage prepaidy..ir >:: i n . r e ce re.t.. s es d ::> .X*........:.. ....... ........ . 10.20.030 Disposition of unclaimed animals. A. All animals impounded at the city pound shall be provided with proper and sufficient food and water. Unless unlicensed animals have been claimed within five days after being impounded, or licensed dogs within sow days after the notification provided for in section 10.20.020, they may be sold by the Animal Control Officer to a person offering to pay a cash amount set by the Animal Control Officer; provided, that the purchaser shall not be given possession of any dog until he or she has paid to the Animal Control Officer the license fee for the dog and until he or she has made appropriate arrangements for any necessary rabies vaccination, if necessary. B. If any animal impounded by the Animal Control Officer has not been 50 l97 claimed within the period stated in this section and cannot be sold within a reasonable time thereafter, it may be destroyed by the Animal Control Officer in a humane manner. In lieu of destruction, animals may be released without charge to any humane organization that provides an animal adoption service. C. The Animal Control Officer shall maintain a file describing each animal impounded in the city shelter, beginning on the day any such animal is taken or delivered into the possession of the shelter. n i [ €hurt u i t* ........... 10.20.050 Reclaiming animals. The owner of any licensed impounded animal shall have the right to reclaim it at any time prior to the lawful disposition thereof, upon payment to the Animal Control Officer of the costs and charges provided in this Title for impounding and keeping such animals. Any person claiming ownership of any unlicensed impounded animal shall be required to present proof of ownership satisfactory to the Animal Control Officer, and thereafter the animal may be released to the claimant upon his or her making payment of all applicable costs, fees and charges prescribed in this Chapter including, but not necessarily limited to, any veterinary fees incurred and upon his or her making appropriate arrangements for any necessary rabies vaccination. 10.20.060 Owner's right to redeem animal from purchaser. The owner of any impounded animal may, at any time, within thirty days after sale by the Animal Control Officer, redeem the animal from the purchaser by paying him or her an amount of money equaling each of the following, in the aggregate: the purchase price paid to the Animal Control Officer, any license fee paid and rabies vaccination costs incurred, and rates established by section 10.20.080 for daily care and feeding for the number of days starting from the date of sale to and including the date of redemption by the owner. 10.20.070 Owner's liability to city when redeeming animal from purchaser. 51 In each case where the owner of an impounded animal redeems it from the purchaser, irrespective of whether payment was made as prescribed in section 10.20.060, the owner shall be liable for payment to the Animal Control Officer for all fees prescribed pursuant to section 10.20.080 for impounding and for the daily care and feeding of the animal incurred during the impoundment, deducting there from the sale price paid to the Animal Control Officer by the purchaser. The amount of the owner's liability under this section shall be deemed a debt to the city, and an action may be commenced in the name of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction for the amount of any such debt. 10.20.080 Impoundment fees. Except in cases when disposition of an animal is made pursuant to section 10.20.030, the Animal Control Officer shall, receive and collect fees for impoundment, care and feeding of impounded animals. The nature and amounts of such fees shall be as fixed from time to time by resolution of the city council. In the absence of any such fee or fees having been so established, the Animal Control Officer may collect and deposit in the appropriate accounts provided for such purpose, a fee or fees in the amount or amounts as is applicable for similar functions or services in the unincorporated areas of the county. 10.20.090 Control and impoundment of dangerous or vicious animals. A. No person owning or having the care or custody of a dangerous or ............. .................. vicious deg :: rr:a shall permit such deb :r r to go unconfined on the premises .::. . of such person. A dangerous and vicious deg €l: is unconfined, as the term is used in this Title, if such dog €'a^i is not securely confined indoors or confined in a securely enclosed and locked pen or a deg run area upon the premises of said person. Such pen or dGg run area must also have secure sides six feet high and a ......................... 1. secure Mt€ top. If the pen or structure has no bottom secured to the sides, B. No person owning or having the care or custody of a dangerous or vicious deg ir:i'r' shall permit such deg :t:� to go beyond the premises of such ................... person unless the t is securely muzzled and restrained with a chain having a minimum tensile strength of three hundred pounds and not exceeding 52 L99 three feet in D. No person shall possess, with intent to sell, or offer to sell, breed, or buy or attempt to buy within the city any vicious or dangerous t'r`€ E. Any person owning or harboring or having the care of any dangerous ................... or vicious :: - shall maintain a policy of insurance in an amount not less than fifty thousand dollars insuring said person against any claim, loss, damage, or injury to persons, domestic animals, or property resulting from :acts, whether intentional or unintentional, of the dangerous and viciousdGgIx Such person shall produce evidence of such insurance upon the request of a Law Enforcement Officer or A t .M"', F. Whenever an animal suspected of being dangerous or vicious is �] Yl 7 A A /' A / 1 C A!' �� 1' agent n+ :'::::4 i ''•::i:i ;: i:.:.:{ iY ':::'>' :."t :':Ver, may reported, Anal:€: t.; €� :. 3 ::::::::.::.: Y investigate the circumstances, and if he or she finds that the animal by reason of its acts, propensities, or disposition is a dangerous or vicious animal as defined in G. Upon request, the owner of an animal declared dangerous or vicious by an Animal Control Officer shall be entitled to an administrative hearing before /� ii:•:;4 •........ ":;:;>i : - ;: i'ii. !.......... ..(* .....;:;i::;:::; i:;i:•{:•.::: ii'•ii :�'::.... . +�/ nn7n�lYOC T:{..�. i:•: :::•:•: •i:. is}'r :• :: •:r. •: •:!•: :{ i:•ii:• .? .'> ::i: ? }i: :•:•::?•: •. •. ..:.{:: .;:: the :.:.H; i.::.:: .�` ;i. .:;# ::;: ;.; ... r ..... E ;i. ..............�............. ........... ........:.......... .. . 53 or dangerous, the Hearing Officer may order the owner to keep the animal confined as provided in this section and/or may Fnake such other and furthe-F n n h I n n rl n r n n i r n m c� t n n n c� ri+i i:" ' 'i i; 3i;;;< i t :•;:: >: orders as are .....:................................................................................i.: .....:......:."........i4 ..$.- ......i.i.'. fS."U'"A :.'.:i..'.i.: ...}.-.}.?.'.i.i.i.i.i....;... ifrestraint or confine m n are :80t I s' impracticable, the animal shall be impounded until the owner is able to comply ............................................. ............................................. with the H order. For such impoundment, the owner shall be liable to the city for payment of fees as prescribed in section 10.20.080, and any animal 54 not reclaimed within ^^"�''^ +i^^^rIia'1 after such impoundment :::;::x <;:::> :><::: h rip i n. r ct o I u h I be subject to dest s a K. In cases where the animal is not impounded, and written notification has been given as herein provided, if an owner Chet fails to provide adequate ......................... ....................................... restraint or control of the animal as ordered by the ' H� :r r :: r within thirty days, or if the owner thereafter at any time fails to maintain the adequate restraint or control or comply with other the orders of the H ....... .................... the owner shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and the animal shall be 55 10.24 ANIMAL KEEPING Sections: 10.24.010 Female dogs to be confined during breeding period. 10.24.20 Wild animals to be confined. 10.24.030 Kennels subject to zoning and health regulations. 0j�� ::I.a.t. f .. 10.24.040 Maximum number of dogs. 10.24.010 Female dogs to be confined during breeding period. No owner of an unspayed female dog shall fail, refuse or neglect during the breeding period of the dog to confine it in such a manner which reduces, so far as is practicable under the circumstances, the attraction of stray male dogs. 10.24.020 Wild animals to be confined. No person owning any .wild animal or operating any wild animal establishment, shall fail, refuse or neglect to keep all wild animals under proper confinement on the premises, or cause, permit, suffer or allow any wild animal to be or run at large, nor shall any such person maintain any wild or dangerous or vicious animal on or within any premises in such a manner as to endanger the life or limb of any person lawfully entering the premises. This section shall be read in i n f `'.....t,...0.5 and :section connection with the proviso s o tE:::::::...........:...:.....:...:...:.... 10.24.030 Kennels subject to zoning and health regulations. Any person maintaining any kennel or pet shop shall conform to the zoning regulations of the city which are applicable ther•eto,. as well as any applicable health regulations n ..1. hall all., t h, I � r. p .t r . 56 57 1 10.24.040 Maximum number of dogs. Except for licensed pet shops and kennels, no person shall own, keep or harbor, nor shall the owner or occupant of any premises keep or permit on or in such premises, more than four dogs of four months of age or older. consistent with the procedural provisions set forth in section 10.20.090(F) of this Chanter 58 ............ ............. ........... 59 Me ..................... Animals near buildings. It is a public nuisance and it is unlawful for any person to keep any animal, fowl, or bird, wild or domestic, except customary household domestic pets, within twenty feet of any building, school, church, hospital, or any residence or dwelling house or other buildings used for the habitation of human beings. ................................ ............................... ::x:x:: Animals on unsanitary premises. It is a public nuisance, and it is unlawful, for any person to keep or permit to be kept on any premises any wild or domestic animal, poultry, or bird, when the premises or the animal, fowl or bird is offensive, obnoxious, filthy, or maintained in any unsanitary condition. :: Livestock prohibited in certain areas. ... _, _ , .......:...... No livestock or hoofed animal, barn yard poultry, or rabbits may be kept on any lot or combination of adjoined lots less than one acre in size as per this code. No person may keep more than two horses per one acre parcel. For parcels in excess of one acre, up to three horses per additional acre or portion thereof shall be allowed. Foals under one year of age shall not be counted in calculating the maximum number of horses under this section. : Disposal of carcasses. Unless otherwise instructed by city, state or federal officials, it is a public nuisance, and it is unlawful, for the owner, possessor, or the person responsible for the death thereof, to fail to cause any dead animal or part thereof, to be buried later than six hours after the death of such animal. For purposes of this section, "buried" means to be buried underground so that there is at least three feet of soil ............ . ::r:ds:::r::>:Ie: above the carcass fir`.:�..........,.................::::::.:.::::::::................................... ::. "buried" for purposes of this section also �aa' ��€�an;d In the alternative, buried ur o p p .................................... means to be disposed of in some sanitary manner; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to animals slaughtered for and fit for human food or animals killed in violation of Chapter 10.16 of this Title. 61 shall be subject to immediate revocation if the Animal Control Department determines that the presence of such animals in the city constitutes a threat to the' public health and safety. 62 63 Chapter 10.28 OFFENSES Section s: 10.28.010 Dogs running, at large. '1..tuty Ire, 10.28.020 Noise disturbances by animals. 10.28.025 Dog defecation to be removed by owner. 10.28.030 Retention of dog by other than owner. 10.28.040 Unauthorized removal of animal from pound. 10.28.050 Dogs at public schools prohibited. 10.28.060 Interference with police dogs. 10.28.070 Public nuisance. 10.28.010 Dogs running at large. No owner or keeper of a dog shall allow, permit or suffer the dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to be or run at large in or upon any public place or premises, or in or upon any unenclosed private place or premises, or in or upon any enclosed private place or premises other than those of the owner or keeper except with consent of the person in charge of the private place or premises, unless the dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash not exceeding six feet (211 10.28.020 Noise disturbances by animals. A. No person owning, keeping, or having in his or her care or custody any dog or other animal, shall knowingly permit the animal, by any barking or other noise or sound, to disturb any other person's peace and quiet. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the keeping of any watchdog, provided the keeper thereof takes immediate steps to quiet the dog whenever it barks, and provided the keeper never leaves the dog unattended on the premises in a place where the dog is barking, if prolonged or if repeated an undue number of times so that it disturbs any other person's peace and quiet. B. No person, after being informed orally or in writing that his or her animal has by noise or sound disturbed any other person's peace and quiet, shall fail, refuse or neglect to take whatever steps or use whatever means are necessary to ensure that the dog or animal does not again disturb the other person's peace and quiet. 10.28.025 Dog defecation to be removed by the owner. A. Any person owning, keeping or having in his or her care or custody any dog or other animal shall not knowingly fail, refuse or neglect to clean up any feces of the dog or other animal immediately and dispose of it in a sanitary manner wherever the dog or other animal has defecated upon public or private property without the consent of the public or private owner or person in lawful possession or charge of the property. B. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to a blind person being accompanied by a guide dog, nor shall they be construed to allow any act of trespass upon private property. Whenever the feces to be cleaned up cannot be reached without significant trespass upon the private property on which the feces is located, the person having the duty pursuant to subsection A of this section to clean it up shall first obtain consent to do so from the owner or person having lawful possession or charge of the property. 10.28.030 Retention of dog by one other than owner. No person shall, without the knowledge or consent of the owner, hold or retain possession of any dog of which he or she is not the owner, for more than twenty-four hours without first reporting the possession of which to the Animal 65 10.28.040 Unauthorized removal of animal from shelter. No person shall remove any impounded animal from the city shelter without the consent of the animal control officer. NC .r ,qn #�P.1 r MOV-0 y 1: i 10.28.060 Interference with police dogs. No person shall willfully or maliciously torture, torment, beat, kick, strike, mutilate, injure, disable or kill any dog being used by any law enforcement officer in the performance of his or her duties, or interfere with or meddle with any such dog while being used by such officer in the performance of any of the functions or duties. 10.28.070 Public nuisance. A. The introduction, ownership, possession or maintenance of any animal, or the allowing of any animal to be in contravention to this Title, is in addition to being a violation of the applicable section, declared to be a public The City Manager n a e r o r his o r her designee ,t:`tttr`7,11 �;r; nuisance e y g. the County Health Officer, and Peace Officers are authorized, directed and empowered to summarily abate any such public nuisance independently of any criminal prosecution or the results thereof of any means reasonably necessary including, but not limited to, the destruction of the animal or animals involved or by the imposition of specific reasonable conditions and restrictions for the maintenance of the animal. Al. ' T 3 B. Any person who fails to comply with such conditions and restrictions shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The owner shall reimburse the city for all costs incurred in verifying compliance and enforcing the provisions of this section. The city may also commence proceeding in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11.72 of this code relative to abatement procedures for public nuisances. C. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall reimburse the city for any and all costs incurred by the city in responding to, investigating, assessing, monitoring, treating, cleaning, removing, or premeditating any action taken or condition caused in violation of this Chapter. Such costs to be paid to the city shall include all administrative expenses and all legal expenses, including costs and attorney's fees in obtaining compliance and litigation, including all costs and attorney's fees on any appeal. The cost to be recovered pursuant this section shall be recoverable from any and all persons violating this Chapter. 67 : .................t.>.4. >' r es P o n s i b person(s) on s .f€ �.O:��t����:��: .�:�::::y:::::::::::::::::::: >��including any natural person, the parent or the legal guardian of any natural person under the age of eighteen years, any corporation, association, organization, estate, 10"2 x1 Wildlife protected. Other than in self defense, no person shall kill, capture or molest any species of wild animal or damage the nest or eggs of any wild animal within the city, except any poisonous reptile or insect; provided, however, that if it is determined by the city manager, or his or her authorized representative, that wild animal has become a menace to any person's health, safety or property, the City Manager shall issue a permit authorizing any person to kill or capture the wild animal. In no event shall any person use or employ poison or diseased material to kill or capture wildlife`_tic::::1:1::.::.........................................,,..................:._bi ::::::.::....... .: w � �a�rw oo&f AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Request from Palm CONSENT CALENDAR: Springs Desert Resorts Convention and Visitors STUDY SESSION: Authority ("CVA") to Expand Partnership Boundaries PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: 3 From the proposed expansion, the CVA estimates by the end of 2007 it would receive the following investment for added marketing value: 1.4% of Gross Hotel Room Sales & IP Fee $100,000 Morongo Casino IP Fee $ 3,500 Outlet Mall and other Business dues $ 30,000 Total 2005 funding impact $133,500 CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: As a follow-up to the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Executive Committee meeting of January 18, 2005, the CVA is requesting City Council consideration of their request to expand the boundaries of the JPA west of Palm.Springs to include the Cabazon area, more specifically, Cabazon Outlet Stores, Hadley's and Morongo Casino Resort and Spa on a three-year trial basis. The Morongo Casino Resort & Spa approached the CVA in the spring of 2004 about the possibility of joining the organization. Previous inquiries have been made by the Cabazon Outlet Stores and Hadley's as to membership, but the JPA Executive Committee declined to pursue the matter. However, with the addition of the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa and its hotel funding formula, the CVA could potentially realize significant increase in combined revenue from the hotel, outlet stores, and other businesses. The amendment, if approved, would be based on a three-year agreement. This agreement would allow each party to "opt out" of the arrangement at the end of the term (December 31, 2007) if either party did not think there was sufficient benefit. At the end of the third year, if all parties are satisfied with the benefit, the CVA boundary expansion would become permanent. Since this change affects the CVA's Joint Powers Agreement, a two-thirds approval from the active member cities is required. A memorandum from Gary Sherwin, Vice President Market Development of the CVA, is attached, which outlines the proposed expansion terms and boundaries (Attachment 1). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Authorize CVA staff to file an amendment to the JPA Agreement which allows a change to the CVA's building address to 70-100 Highway 1 1 1, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270; and Authorize CVA staff to file an amendment to the JPA Agreement approving expansion of membership boundaries west of the Coachella Valley to include the "Cabazon Area," which would incorporate the Morongo Casino Resort and Spa, Factory Outlet Stores and Hadley's, including the western frontage of Fields Road; or 2. Authorize CVA staff to change the building address, but do not approve expansion of the membership boundaries; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Memo from Gary Sherwin, dated January 20, 2005 2 4,1 6 ATTACHMENT 1 `PaP�at. Sp�gs `Desert `�es�n�s wiza CONVENTION AND VISITORS AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM TO: ALL MEMBER CITY COUNCILS FROM: GARY C. SHERWIN, Vice President Market Develo ment DATE: JANUARY 20, 2005 SUBJECT: EXPANSION OF PARTNERSHIP BOUNDARIES As a follow-up to the JPA Executive Committee meeting of January 18, 2005, the CVA is requesting that that the following issue is placed on your City Council agenda for consideration. The following details the request to expand the boundaries of the Joint Powers Authority west of Palm Springs to include the Cabazon area, more specifically, Cabazon Outlet stores, Hadley's and Morongo Casino Resort & Spa for a three-year trial basis. ISSUE/STATEMENT The CVA was approached by the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa in the spring of 2004 about the possibility of joining the organization. The CVA previously had inquiries made by the Cabazon Outlet Factory and Hadley's as to membership since they derive much of their business from the Palm Springs Desert Resorts. This has been suggested at least twice during the last ten years, but the JPA Executive Committee, citing competitive concerns, declined to pursue the matter. The western most part of the CVA boundaries currently extends to include the Whitewater Trout Farm With the addition of the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa and its hotel funding formula, the CVA could potentially realize an additional $100,000 in revenue and it is estimated that the outlets and other businesses could generate another $30,000 in Industry Partnership (IP) fees. It has been suggested by many members of the hospitality community that the outlets are perceived to be a vital part of the Palm Springs Desert Resorts experience, even though they are currently outside the CVA's marketing jurisdiction. Currently, the CVA is precluded from promoting the outlets and Morongo Casino Resort & Spa. Additionally, the outlets are a prime draw for many group tour operators and Asian visitors many of whom do not currently come to the Palm Springs Desert Resorts. It is anticipated that if the boundary change takes place, the CVA can work closely with the outlet management team to develop programs that would encourage group tour operators and the Asian visitors to extend their stay to include the desert. Many Asian tour operators have indicted that they would be willing to work with the CVA in creating new destination experiences for their clients. Serving the Desert Resort Communities of Riverside County Cathedral City Desert Hot Springs • Indian Wells • Indio • La Quinta Palm Desert • Palm Springs Rancho Mirage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70-100 Highway 111 • Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 • TF: 800-967-3767 • T: 760-770-9000 • F: 760-770-9001 • palmspri u com 3 Washington, DC Sales Office • 515 King Street, Suite 315 • Alexandria, VA 22314 • T: 703-549-8026 • F: 70 5�.9579 '............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. CVA Staff Report Re: Expansion of Boundaries January20, 2005 Page 2 After discussion with local retail leaders and hoteliers, which have indicated that the boundary extension is a positive benefit for the CVA and the local tourism industry in general, the CVA staff recommended on January 18, 2005 that the organization extend its boundaries to include the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa and the Cabazon Outlet Stores. The JPA Executive Committee approved changing the boundaries to include the "Cabazon area", more specifically the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa, Cabazon Outlet Stores and Hadley's based on a three- year agreement. This agreement would allow each party to "opt out" of the arrangement at the end of the term (December 31, 2007) if either parry did not think there was sufficient benefit. At the end of the third year, if all parties are satisfied with the benefit, the CVA boundary expansion would become permanent. Since this change affects the CVA's Joint Powers Agreement, it is required that two-thirds of the active member cities approve this proposal before the change becomes effective. Attached is a diagram of the proposed expansion. (Exhibit 1) BACKGROUND/RESEARCH The Morongo Casino Resort & Spa is located outside the Coachella Valley and outside the current membership boundaries approved by the JPA Executive Committee and the Hospitality Industry and Business Council November 17,1998. The western boundary currently stops at Whitewater Trout Farm on Whitewater Road. The Morongo Casino Resort & Spa combined with the Factory Outlets and other businesses; offer an estimated $133,500 in additional funding, generated to supplement the CVA's existing marketing efforts. From the proposed expansion, the CVA estimates by the end of 2007 it would receive the following investment for added marketing value: 1.4% of Gross Hotel Room Sales & IP Fee $100,000 Morongo Casino IP Fee $ 3,500 Outlet Mall and other Business dues 30 000 Total 2005 funding impact $133,500 4 CVA Staff Report Re: Expansion of Boundaries January 20, 2005 Page 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that your City Council review the proposed boundary change and consider the potential partnership revenue generated to benefit the marketing efforts by the CVA on beh4of the Palm Springs Desert Resorts and its member cities/County. It is further requested that your City Council authorize CVA staff to file the following amendments to the JPA Agreement to include: 1. Change of CVA building address to 70-100 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 2. Expansion of membership boundaries west of the Coachella Valley to include the "Cabazon Area". This extension would incorporate the Morongo Casino Resort and Spa, Factory Outlet Stores and Hadley's. The new partnership boundary area to the west would include the western frontage of Fields Road: (Exhibit 2) GCS/tm Attachment 5 . . .., 11,� L. N . j �� 3:0 9 IGj Ijj I�� �:'�i{il y�_s • q-• p 1� •.1. J Ci � / �},, I`Q' Y�ti�li'�� { SRO (�'• o c g ;' : �, W W �► Ufl tt'jl}}t t��i_ Wi z�ili;f}U�i a� of d� a N •} i 'h'-.� �" < 5 N G LO o > +ii KK1 Y i� ��\\ _ = 1 ` I % C O .. LI i Z r •S }` \ Q 0 W N p K.r 1 s• � LLI 0 3� LL LLI o= LAJ 12 s I u oa ?� sss � SSE 1 too lie 0j •� ,� o�5•� 1 t •Ct fs J J ..j + to 3 �'h z z �� �q 1 s,++�t` �' -2► { tgo o six U) � a ant. L•,' f v a 0 3tQ 1 CI C.SJ:�M a; .7. VJ-w�J ° +yi. e.C>- 3 gY f NJ 'Cr = i1Wl ■ t � � �,e►�'?� �; a O � wvy+ME� � M leglw> praarJ. r' Q !1 t` +O LAJ S•, G w It I a� +•t'u(4Q _ OJoi b �3 w �' oNN uj oz o u ax �0 $ dr`,; •i$. or'��Lva ��y� t ice► g5=o H FiGO OE 01, LAJ 6c WEer O1= _/��; w w '. w t by 11' •� � �'+�yr V � ,�, .e+e-•.,._ T � - `..•- � 2 • o p 1-0- o • c �91034 C •• • i G r3;► 700 Cj Lq ►��� t0• • � t o0 Q � � N 3 q �ii •: � � C7. 12 :.•�,., �>. *rtYla' .. -•-. • �_ �u v E c 3 .om t:3a �� i� ..• :. S� �P ' -t' _ � �� j iYi11/0R s t # N • �` . ua I '1+�j� .• iI o aN �3 w a� iO 5 �i •}> •� .► 4.1`d�a0 �sy �e O.Q �\ ..�, at*: 1 �! W i ,`- a�••? h C7. rn[ Mv. �O 1 w rr• �. t0 •• ` d t _J 1 C� • - �V 1 Z F X o LLu C se • O C. • u o d r e' - t••ie iC ' = a Y"a E. CL AY 1m m • n.w �• > g w, cn W • • 6 ' - pA - �•• i 'vim • IOC � �•Z i � , �� �� / - e �, s. • : • + F. 6 W. PCs C! Its cri y S • ;sue t'•1 • O '� 2 ` _ Q U. '_. �� i •. 1 �� �. M� ^ a d ..../ J •3 3 7 v+ '4 ``".••`43,_ C,.'i • j oC a� �+-n.?+ O e' . U 't, a ._ f : _ c' /' �' .� ' •� ' ,1 VF- • - ; r ■ c < i�Z:+',pC��•rt'�00 •� O� C,/ •/�, `• �y� < yJ • ew h+u�? Z �y,•:= •� .� •+ i �� '••''!''' t>7: tip'. 0�� - 1yM011l9f_' •1 •� �!`*� 0• 0 0i ^ M�1 ..� C a �• C 0 E a.1t�4! i O a •c ., f . •ti: C 2 �3'�� _ -•;, -•• f � `c.. 'ate v . +► , '^ 4tio O • w •A _ ••• - t:V _ _+ r S • C\j 4-J C- x w 0!7 -WO tir 0 of z zC) z 0 < LU C C) cn TFV OF T1� COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution of the La Quinta City Council Concerning Closed Sessions of Joint Powers Authority Member Agencies RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt a Resolution concerning closed sessions of joint powers authority member agencies. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Assembly Bill 2782 went into effect on January 1, 2005. Under this new bill, a joint powers authority (JPA) may choose to adopt a policy or bylaw or include in its joint powers agreement a provision that authorizes either one or both of the following: (a) A provision allowing the City's member to the JPA to disclose information that has direct financial or liability implications for the City and which is obtained in a closed session of the JPA to members of the City's legislative body in a closed session of that body and/or to disclose the same information to legal counsel for the City for the purpose of obtaining advice on whether the matter has direct financial or liability implications for the City, all on the condition that the information is kept confidential; and/or (b) A provision providing that any designated alternative member of the City to the JPA who is also a member of the City's legislative body and who attends a properly noticed meeting of the JPA in lieu of the City's regularly appointed member is also authorized to attend closed sessions of the JPA. This bill provides that if a JPA adopts one of the above provisions, then the City may, as a local agency member of the JPA and upon the advice of its legal counsel, conduct a closed session in order to receive, discuss, and take action concerning the information obtained by its JPA member. These provisions must be adopted by a given JPA to become effective as to its members. If the City wishes to implement this legislation, the City must notify each City official who is a member of a JPA of this new law and request that he/she recommend to the JPA the adoption of both of these aforementioned provisions. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt a Resolution concerning closed sessions of joint powers authority member agencies; or 2. Do not adopt a Resolution concerning closed sessions of joint powers authority member agencies; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney P-' 2 �...J Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. Assembly Bill 2782 r)-) 3 4w"6 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CONCERNING CLOSED SESSIONS OF JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY MEMBER AGENCIES WHEREAS, the California Legislature has passed, and the Governor has signed, Assembly Bill 2782 ("AB 2782") pursuant to which a joint powers authority may provide in its joint powers agreement, its bylaws, or its policies that its local agency members may conduct their own closed sessions under the Ralph M. Brown Act (the "Act') in order to consider matters discussed by the joint powers authority in closed sessions which have direct financial or liability implications for the applicable local agency member; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta (the "City") is a member of several joint powers authorities; and WHEREAS, the City desires and intends to approve, and to recommend for adoption by each joint powers authority covered by AB 2782 of which the City is a member, provisions for inclusion in joint powers agreements, bylaws, or policies permitting local agency members to conduct closed sessions pursuant to AB 2782. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby approves the following provisions for inclusion in joint powers agreements, bylaws, and/or policies for each joint powers authority covered by AB 2782 of which the City is a member: "All information received by the legislative body of a local agency member in a closed session related to information presented to the joint powers authority in closed session shall be confidential. However, each local agency member is authorized on advice of its legal counsel to conduct a closed session to consider and take action concerning any matter discussed in closed session by the joint powers authority that has a direct financial or liability implication for the local agency member, pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.96. For this purpose, a member of the legislative body of a local agency member may disclose information obtained in a closed session of the joint powers authority that has direct financial or liability implications for the local agency member to (1) legal counsel of the applicable local agency member for purposes of obtaining advice on whether the matter has direct financial or liability implications for that member local agency, and/or (2) other members 975/015610-0002 4 574809.01 a02/07/05 '1 7 � ti City Council Resolution 2005- Resolution Re JPAs Adopted: February 15, 2005 Page 2 of the legislative body of the local agency present in a closed session of that member local agency. Legal counsel representing the joint powers authority is authorized to provide information to legal counsel representing the applicable local agency member about the discussion conducted by the joint powers authority in the applicable closed session. Any designated alternate member of the legislative body of the joint powers authority who is also a member of the legislative body of a local agency member and who is attending a properly noticed meeting of the joint powers authority in lieu of the local agency member's regularly appointed member may attend closed sessions of the joint powers agency. SECTION 2: The City Council requests that each joint powers authority covered by AB 2782 of which the City is a member, adopt the above provisions for inclusion in the applicable joint powers agreement, bylaws and/or policies. SECTION 3: The City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to each joint powers authority covered by AB 2782 of which the City is a member, and to request that each joint powers authority place the request of the City set forth in Section 2 of this Resolution on an agenda of the joint powers authority as soon as may be reasonably practicable or convenient. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 15th day of February, 2005, by the following vote to wit: AYES:Council Members NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 975/015610-0002 n 1 Q 5 574809.01 a02/07/05 City Council Resolution 2005- Resolution Re JPAs Adopted: February 15, 2005 Page 3 ATTEST: JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON , City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 975/015610-0002 6 574809.01 a02/07/05 n ATTACHMENT Assembly Bill No. 2782 CHA.PTER 784 An act to amend Section 54954.5 of, and to add Section 54956.96 to, the Government Code, relating to public agencies. [Approved by Governor September 24, 2004. Filed with 5ecremry of State September 25, 2004.1 LEQ[SLAnVE COUNSE.'S DIGEST AB 2782, Benoit. Public agencies: joint power's agencies: meetings. Existing law authorizes two or more public agencies, if authorized by their legislative bodies, to enter an agreement to jointly exercise any power common to the two agencies. The Ralph M. Brown Act requires that meetings of the legislative body of a local agency be open and public, with specified exceptions authorizing closed sessions for specified purposes. This bill would provide that a joint powers agency may include in its joint powers agreement provisions that authorize (1) any member of the legislative body of the joint powers agency who is also a member of the legislative body of a local agency that is a member of the joint powers agency to disclose information to the agency's legal counsel, as specified, or to other members in a closed session of the legislative body of the local member agency when the information was obtained in a closed session of the joint powers agency and has direct financial or liability implications for that local agency, or (2) any designated alternate member of the local agency member in a closed session of the joint powers agency to attend closed sessions of the agency, as specified. The bill would further authorize the legislative body of a local agency, upon the advice -of its legal counsel, to hold a closed session to receive, discuss, and take action concerning information obtained in a closed session of the joint powers agency, as specified The bill would incorporate changes to Section 54954.5 of the Government Code proposed by boot this bill and 1827, which would become operative only if both bills are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2005, and this bill is enacted after AB 1827. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 54954.5 of the Government Code is amended to read: 93 Ch. 784 -- 2 ---- 54954.3. For purposes of describing closed session items pursuant to Section 54954.2, the agenda may describe closed sessions as provided below. No legislative body or elected ofFcial shall be in violation of Section 54954.2 or 54956 if the closed session items were described in substantial compliance with this section. Substantial compliance is satisfied by including the information provided below, irrespective of its format. (a) With respect to a closed session held pursuant to Section 54956.7: LICENSE/PERMIT DETERMINATION Applicant(s): (Specify number of applicants) (b) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: (Specify street address, or if no. street address, the, parcel number or other unique reference, of the real property under negotiation) Agency negotiator. (Specify names of negotiators attending the closed session) (If circumstances necessitate the absence of a specified negotiator, an agent or designee may participate in place of the absent negotiator so long as the name of the agent or designee is announced at an open session field prior to the closed session.) Negotiating parties: (Specify name of party (not agent)) Under negotiation: (Specify whether instruction to negotiator will concern price, terms of payment, or both) (c) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session. pursuant to Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL --EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) Name of case: (Specify by. reference to claimant's name; names of parties, case or claim numbers) or Case name unspecified: (Specify whether disclosure would jeopardize service of process or existing settlement negotiations) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956..9: (Specify number of potential cases) 93 3 ..... Ch. 784 (In addition to the information noticed. above, the agency may be required to provide additional information on the agenda or in an oral statement prior to the closed session pursuant to subparagraphs (B) to -(E), inclusive, of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9.) Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 54956.9: (Specify number of potential cases) (d) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.95: LIABILITY CLAIMS Claimant: (Specify name unless unspecified pursuant to Section 54961) Agency claimed against: (Specify name) (e) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957: THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES Consultation with: (Specify name of law enforcement agency and title of officer, or name of applicable agency representative and title) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Title: (Specify description of position to be filled) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title: (Specify description of position to be filled) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: (Specify position title of employee being reviewed) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLRMMISMiSSAL/RELEASE (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to consider discipline, dismissal, or release of a public employee. Discipline includes potential reduction of compensation.) (f) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency designated representatives: (Specify names of designated representatives attending the closed session) (If circumstances necessitate the absence of a specified designated representative, an agent or,designee may participate in place of the absent representative -so long as the name of the agent or designee is announced at an open session held prior to the closed session.) 93 F Ch. 784 — 4 Employee organization: (Specify name of organization representing employee or employees in question) or l Unrepresented empoyee: (Specify position title of unrepresented employee who is the subject of the negotiations) (g) With respect to closed sessions called pursuant to Section 54957.8: CASE REVIEW/PLANNING (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to consider case review or planning.) N With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Sections 1461, 32106, and 32155 of the Health and Safety Code or Sections 37606 and 37624.3 of the Government Code: REPORT INVOLVING TRADE SECRET Discussion will concern: (Specify whether discussion will concern proposed new service, program, or facility) Estimated date of public disclosure: (Specify month and year) HEARINGS Subject matter: (Specify whether testimony/deliberation will. concern staff privileges, report of medical audit committee, or report of quality assurance committee) 0) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.86: CHARGE OR COMPLAINT INVOLVING INFORMATION PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to discuss a charge or complaint pursuant to Section 54956.86.) G) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.96: CONFERENCE INVOLVING A JOINT POWERS AGENCY (Specify by name) Discussion will concern: (Specify closed session description used by the joint powers agency.) Name of local agency representative on joint powers agency board: (Specify name) 93 ■ 0-,13 10 �v 5 -... Ch. 784 (Additional information listing the names of agencies ' or titles of f,... representatives attending the closed session as consultants or other representatives.) SEC. 1.5. Section 54954.5 of the Government Code is amended to read: 54954.5. For purposes of describing closed session items pursuant to Section 54954.2, the agenda may describe closed sessions as provided below. No legislative body or elected official shall be in violation of Section 54954.2 or 54956 if the closed session items were described in substantial compliance with this section. Substantial compliance is satisfied by including the information provided below, irrespective of its format. (a) With respect to a closed session held pursuant to Section 54956.7: LICENSE/PERMIT DETERMINATION Applicant(s): (Specify number of applicants) (b) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.$: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: (Specify street address, or if no street.address, the parcel number or other unique reference, of the real property under negotiation) Agency negotiator.. (Specify names of negotiators attending. the closed session) (If circumstances necessitate the absence of a specified negotiator, an agent or designee may participate in place of the absent negotiator so long as the naive of the agent or designee is announced at an open session held prior to the closed session.) Negotiating parties: (Specify name of party (not agent)) Under negotiation: (Specify whether instruction to negotiator will concern price, terms of payment, or both) (e) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL---EMSTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) Dame of case: (Specify by reference to claimant's name, names of parties, case or claim numbers) or 93 n� 11 ,2 Ch. 784 — 6 — Case name unspecified: (Specify whether disclosure would jeopardize service of process or existing settlement negotiations) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL --ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Signif cant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9: (Specify number of potential cases) (In addition to the information noticed above, the agency may be required to provide additional information on the agenda or in an oral statement prior to the closed session pursuant to subparagraphs (B) to (E), inclusive, of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9.) Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9, (Specify number of potential cases) (d) With respect to every item of business to be discussed. in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.95: LIABILITY CLAIMS Claimant: (Specify name unless unspecified pursuant to Section 54961) Agency claimed against: (Specify name) (e) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957: THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES Consultation with: (Specify name of law enforcement agency and title of officer, or name of applicable agency representative and title) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Title: (Specify description of position to be filled) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title: (Specify description of position to be filled) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: (Specify position title of employee being reviewed) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINEMISMISSAL/RELEASE (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to consider discipline, dismissal, or release of a public employee. Discipline includes potential reduction of compensation.) (f) Wiih respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS 93 r) 12 --- 7 --- Ch. 784 Agency designated representatives: (Specify names of designated representatives attending the closed session) (If circumstances necessitate the absence of a specified designated representative, an agent or designee may participate in place of the absent representative so long as the name of the agent or designee is announced at an open session held prior to the closed session.) Employee organization: (Specify name of organization representing employee or employees in question) or Unrepresented employee: (Specify position title of unrepresented employee who is the subject of the negotiations) (g) With respect to closed sessions called pursuant to Section 54957.8: CASE REVIEW/PLANNING (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to consider case review or planning.) (h) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Sections 1461, 32106, and 32155 of the Health and Safety Code or Sections 37606 and 37624.3 of the Government Code: REPORT INVOLVING TRADE SECRET Discussion will concern: (Specify whether discussion will concern proposed new service, program, or facility) Estimated date of public disclosure: (Specify month and year) HEARINGS Subject matter: (Specify whether testimony/deliberation will concern staff privileges, report of medical audit committee, or report of quality assurance committee) (i) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.86: CHARGE OR COMPLAINT INVOLVING INFORMATION PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW (No additional information is required in connection with a closed session to discuss a charge or complaint pursuant to Section 54956.86.) 0) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.96: 93 ;� 13 Ch. 784 — g — CONFERENCE INVOLVING A JOINT POWERS AGENCY (Specify by name) Discussion will concern: (Specify closed session description used by the joint powers agency.) Name of local agency representative on joint powers agency board: (Specify name) (Additional information listing the names of agencies or tides of representatives attending the closed session as consultants or other representatives.) (k) With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.75: AUDIT BY BUREAU OF STATE AUDITS SEC. 2, Section 54956.96 is added to the Government Code, to read: 54956.96. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the legislative body of a joint powers agency formed pursuant to Article l (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1, from adopting a policy or a bylaw or including in -its joint powers agreement provisions that authorize either or both of the following: (1) All information received by the legislative body of the local agency member in a closed session related to the information presented to the joint powers agency in closed session shall be confidential. However, a member of the legislative body of a member local agency may disclose information obtained in a closed session that has direct financial or liability implications for that local agency to the following individuals: Y (A) Legal counsel of that member local agency for purposes of obtaining advice on whether the matter has direct financial or liability implications for that member local agency. (B) Other members of the legislative body of the local agency present in a closed session of that member local agency. (2). Any designated alternate member of the legislative body of the joint powers agency who is also a member of the legislative body of a local agency member and who is attending a properly noticed meeting of the joint powers agency in lieu of a local agency member's regularly appointed member to attend closed sessions of the joint powers agency. (b) If the legislative body of a joint powers agency adopts a policy or a bylaw or includes provisions in its joint powers agreement pursuant to subdivision (a), then the legislative body of the local agency member, upon the advice of its legal counsel, may conduct a closed session in order to receive, discuss, and take action concerning. information 93 r) 1 14 Ch. 784 obtained in a closed session of the joint powers agency pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (A). SEC. 3. Section 1.5 of this bill incorporates amendments to Section 54954.5 of the Government Code proposed by both this bill and AB 1827. It shall only become operative if (1) both bills are enacted and become effective on or before January 1, 2005, (2) each bill amends Section 54954.5 of the Government Code, and (3) this bill is enacted after AB 1827, in which case Section 1 of this bill shall not become operative. rel 93 Is �? $ 15 COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Nominees to Serve on the Board of Trustees of the Southern California Water Committee RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 45 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Correspondence and a voting ballot were received from the Southern California Water Committee ("SCWC") on February 7, 2005, regarding nominations for a city sector trustee to represent Riverside County. Brief biographies of the two nominees are provided in Attachment 1. Ballots must be returned to the SCWC by February 23, 2005. Staff is seeking direction on Council's choice of a nominee for the position. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Nominate a city sector trustee to represent Riverside County on the Southern California Water Committee's Board of Trustees; or r) 2. Do not nominate a city sector trustee to represent Riverside County on the Southern California Water Committee's Board of Trustees; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachment: 1. SCWC letter, dated February 7, 2005 2 f) n 4... 1 t ;J BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN James A. Noyes VICE CHAIRMAN Charles Wilson Southern California Edison COUNTY SUPERVISORS Non. Marion Ashley County of Riverside Hon. Bill Campbell County of Orange Hon. Don Knabe County of Los Angeles Hon. Ray Watson County of Kern Hon. Judy Mikels County of Ventura County of Imperial County of San Bernardino County of San Diego AGRICULTURE SECTOR John W. Borchard, Jr. Borchard Companies Kathie Byskal Sunkist Growers, Inc. Howard Frick Kern County Farm Bureau John Fricker Riverside County Farm Bureau Jeffrey Kent Kenfs Bromeliad Nursery, Inc.. Robert K, Seat Orange County Farm Bureau Geoffrey Vanden Heuvel Milk Producers Council BUSINESS SECTOR Robert W. Bein RBF Consulting Les Clark Independent Oti Producers Agency John Donner SBC Brian J. Kelly UNOCAL Robert A. Krieger Krieger & Stewart Martin Plourd Valley Independent Bank Richard Thomson Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. Stephen A. Zapoticany CP Kelco CITY SECTOR Hon. Lyle Alberg City of Hemet Hon. James Bond City of Encinitas Hon. Frank Colonna City of Long Beach Ruben Duran City of El Centro Hon. Sandy Smith City of San Buenaventura Hon. Don Webb City of Newport Beach WATER SECTOR Marilyn Dailey San Diego County Waller Authority Col. John V. Foley Moulton Niguel Water District Ronald R. Gastelum Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Andy Home Imperial Irrigation District Donald Kendall Calleguas Municipal Water District Ann Mathews Kern County Water Agency John McFadden Coachella Valley Water District Angel Santiago Inland Empire Utilities Agency TASK FORCE CHAIRS Richard Jemison Land Strategies. .Kenneth Petersen Kennedy/Jenks Stacy Roscoe Dee Zinke Calleguas Municipal Water District CHAIR EMERITUS Hon. Harriett M. Wieder EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Joan Anderson Dym February 4, 2005 The Honorable Don Adolph Mayor City of La Quinta P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253-1504 Dear Mayor Adolph: -7 X w A 7 2M 10184 Sixth Street — Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone(909) 980-4700 Fax (909) 980-2628 www.socaIwater.org The Southern California Water Committee (SCWC) Board of Trustees meets quarterly to determine policy directions for water management issues critical to Southern California. The Board is comprised of a trustee from each of our eight counties that represents the cities in that county. Recently you received a form to nominate a city sector trustee to represent our city members in Riverside County. Two individuals have been nominated to serve on the SCWC Board of Trustees. We are now sending you a ballot listing Mayor Percy: L. Byrd, City of Indian Wells, and Council Member Marc Searl, City of Hemet as candidates to represent cities in Riverside County As a member of the SCWC, your city is eligible to vote for the candidate of your choice. Attached is a ballot for your consideration. We also are attaching brief biographies for each candidate. Thank you for your membership in the Southern California Water Committee and for your commitment to ensuring our region's water future. I look forward to learning of your choice to represent your interests on the Southern California Water Committee's Board of Trustees. Very truly yours, Joan Anderson Dym Executive Director cc; Enclosure: Roster of eligible city members in Riverside County Riverside County City Sector Ballot Bios for Honorable Percy Byrd and Honorable Marc Searl 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMMITTEE RIVERSIDE COUNTY CITY SECTOR MEMBERS CITY OF HEMET CITY OF INDIAN WELLS CITY OF INDIO CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF RIVERSIDE 4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMMITTEE BALLOT City Sector Trustee Riverside County The city sector members of the Water Committee in Orange County elects a representative to the. Board of Trustees for a three year term. Please vote for one of these candidates and return to the SCWC by February 23, 2005 ❑ Mayor Pemy L_Byrd, City of Indian Wells ❑Council Member Marc Searl City of Hemet Your Name/Signature: City: Date: Southern California Water Committee 10184 Sixth Street, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 5 `'��3 Percy L. Byrd, Mayor, City of Indian Wells Elected.to City Council of Indian Wells in 1996 Elected Mayor of Indian Wells from 1999-2000 and elected to his current term in 2004 Serves as Indian Well's representative to the Riverside County Transportation Commission, SunLine Transit Agency, and the Coachella Association of Governments' Transportation Committee & Energy and Environment Committee Member, Boards of Directors of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Desert, the College of the Desert Foundation, and is a former member of the city's Architecture and Landscape Committee and the Planning Commission Received a degree in mathematics and physics from Savannah State College, Georgia in 1961 Before retiring in 1993, was chief operations officer of a large technology -based company specializing in information systems for governmental agencies A native of Georgia, he and his wife have lived in Indian Wells since 1990. 0 0 414 Marc Searl, Council Member, City of Hemet Fourth generation Hemet Valley resident Graduated from Hemet High School in 1967 Graduated from Cal Western University in 1971 with a degree in Business Administration Economics Returned to San Jacinto Valley to help run family agricultural business until 1989. At that time the property was purchased by Metropolitan Water District, which is now known as `Diamond Valley Reservoir Project' Purchased a local sporting goods retail business Married for 37 years to wife Aline Three children and four grandchildren Lake Hemet Municipal Water District Board of Directors for four years Presently Council Member for City of Hemet �, 7 4 6(4P Qams COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: February 15, 2005 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Mid -Year Budget Report For Fiscal Year 2004/05 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve new Appropriations, totaling $1,194,484 from the General Fund and $877,660 from other funds, as outlined in Attachment Nos.1 and 2 of this Report. Approve new estimated revenues of $13,252,234 as outlined in Attachment Nos.1 and 2 of this Report. Receive and file the Mid -Year Budget Report. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Mid -Year Budget Report involves a financial assessment of City operations presented to the Council during the fiscal year. This report provides information on the General Fund and selected other funds, operations, capital projects and requests for budget transfers and/or new appropriations. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: A comprehensive report is prepared annually at mid -year to inform the City Council of the financial position of the City and expenditures to date as compared to the Budget as established by the City Council. This analysis provides the Council the opportunity to monitor year-to-date revenues and expenditures and make mid -course adjustments necessary as the result of modified program requirements. Analysis and Fiscal Impacts For the most part, expenditures are distributed evenly throughout the fiscal year. At mid -year, December 31, 2004, it is expected that 35.26% of the funds budgeted will have been expended. Revenues, for a variety of reasons (such as Sales Tax reporting lag and seasonal Transient Occupancy Tax), tend to be received unevenly throughout the year. In order to provide a more accurate comparison of revenues and expenditures at mid -year, selected revenues(,, have been accrued to reflect the month they were earned. For some of these revenues, the estimate for the remainder of the year was completed by utilizing a weighted average analysis taking into consideration that certain expenditures are made entirely at the beginning of the fiscal year (e.g. insurance payments), while others may be made at certain times of the year. If revenues were received in the month they were earned, the earned figure reflects how much would have been collected in the first six months. Major expenditures such as law enforcement and fire safety have also been accrued to reflect a six- month cost. The year-to-date General Fund revenue/expenditure status is as follows: GENERAL FUND Estimated 04/05 Year End 12/31/04 Actual 12/31/04 Earned Year End Seasonal ized Variance Description Budget YTD Actual % Earned % Estimate % over under Revenue $23,821,461 $10,487,436 44.03% $14,392,873 60.42% $27,628,118 115.98% $3,806,657 25,676,881 9,054,401 35.26% 11,751,866 45.77% 25,163,511 98.00% 513,370 -Expenditure Revenue Over (Under) Expenditure $1,855,420 $1,433,035 $2,641,007 $2,464,607 $4,320,027 (1)For the purposes of this report certain revenues have been selected due to their cyclical nature and/or their significance to the overall revenue picture. The following revenues have been selected to be accrued and the applicable analysis regarding these revenues is provided as Attachment 2: Sales Tax; Property Tax; Tax Increment; Transient Occupancy Tax; Motor Vehicle In Lieu Tax; and interest revenue. In addition, the revenue and expenditure summaries from July to December are included in Attachment 2 as support. 2 t Based on the accrued revenues at mid -year, the General Fund revenue is showing signs of exceeding the budget estimate at year-end by approximately $3,806,657. The General Fund's improvement is due to substantial activity in one-time local construction licenses, fees and permits of $1,550,000, an increase of $875,000 in fees from development, an increase of $685,000 in other taxes, an increase of $300,000 in Sales Taxes, an increase of $335,000 in interest income, an increase of $30,000 in intergovernmental revenue and $40,000 in miscellaneous revenues. With mid -year adjustments, including new General Fund appropriations in the amount of $1,194,200 (detail provided on Attachment 1 and 2), it is projected that the General Fund's revenue will exceed expenditures by $4,320,027 at the end of the fiscal year. Revenue General Fund Revenue As indicated in the chart below, the General Fund actual revenues are at 44.03% for mid -year. Earned or accrued revenues are 60.42%, as identified on the chart on the previous page. Since the City' s revenue is seasonalized (i.e., Sales Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax) and we receive approximately 60% of our revenue in the second half of the year, the year end estimate exceeds the budget by 15.98%. Provided as part of Attachment 3 is the December 31, 2004, General Fund Revenue detail for the City. GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY 12/31 /04 Description Budget YTD Actual] % - Taxes $12,751,000 $5,190,817 40.71 License & Permits 971,400 1,614,515 166.20% Fees 1,473,500 1,486,195 100.86% Inter overnmental 5,719,900 510,483 8.92% Interest 2,265,300 1,319,269 58.24% Miscellaneous 333,111 366,156 109.92% Transfer in 307,250 0 0.00% rTOTALS $23,821,461 $10,487,435 44.03% Many municipal revenues are not collected evenly over a 12-month period. Property taxes and other revenues (such as State subventions) are often subject to distribution schedules that are not on a month -to -month basis. Even revenue that is collected more uniformly may also be subject to seasonal highs and lows (such as Transient Occupancy Tax) that would impact year-to-date benchmark percentages. Taxes Overall, General Fund Tax revenues are at 40.71 % of the budget estimate. The majority of Property Taxes is received from the County in January and May, and therefore, is shown as minor receipts at mid -year. It is estimated that Sales Taxes will increase by $300,000 over the budgeted levels and taxes, other than Transient Occupancy Tax, will increase by $685,000. Transient Occupancy Taxes are estimated to remain near the budgeted amount of $4,030,300. Licenses, Fees & Permits Development activity has been higher than the budget estimate. Revenue in the License and Fee category and Permit category is approximately 166.20% and 100.86%, respectively, of the budget estimate as of December 31, 2004. It is anticipated that the City will receive approximately $2.42 million over the budget estimate of $2.45 million by the year end for these two categories. Expenditures General Fund Expenditures The General Fund expenditures are summarized in the chart below. City-wide General Fund expenditures are at 35.26% of budget. Earned or accrued expenditures are 45.77% of budget. Included as part of Attachment 4 is the December 31, 2004 General Fund Expenditure Summary. The year-end estimate for FY 04/05 reflects expenditures to be approximately at the current budget. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 12/31 /04 Description Budget YTD Actual Personnel 7,424,050 3,314,052 44.64% Service/Supply 21,701,038 7,160,479 33.00% Capital Outlay 330,600 11,706 3.54% Reimbursed expenditures 4,084,824 1,578,989 38.66% Transfer Out 306,017 147,153 48.09% TOTALS $25,676,881 $9,054,401 35.26% The mid -year Personnel Expenditures are at 44.64%, and it is projected that year- end expenditures will be approximately 95% of the budget estimate. These savings are accounted for by vacancies in the organization. J'l19 4 Total operating services/supply expenses for the City are at 33.00%. The primary reason for this reduced percentage (lower than 50%) is due to City-wide reduced expenditures in the first half of the fiscal year primarily made up of Police service billing delays of $800,000 and the accrual of one-half of fire services costs of $1,897,465. It is anticipated that the second half (January to June) overall expenditures will be greater and operating expenses will be closer to budgeted levels. Developer Impact Fee Program The Developer Impact Fee program revenues collected for the first six months are summarized in the following table: DEVELOPER IMPACT FEE REVENUE SUMMARY Estimated 04/05 Year End Prior Year 12/31/04 Actual Year End Year End Variance 12/31/03 Percent Change Description Budget YTD Actual % Estimate % over under YTD Actual Change $ Transportation $758,700 $1,020,868 134.55% $1,400,218 184.55% $641,518 $1,202,826 16.41% $181,958 Park & recreation 501,000 346,192 69.10% 596,692 119.10% 95,692 457,811 30.34% 111,619 Civic center 192,500 263,104 136.68% 359,354 186.68% 166,854 254,398 41.26% 8,706 Libra development 112,500 154,599 137.42% 210,849 187.42% 98,349 186,690 12.94% 32,091 Community center 59,200 69,091 116.71 % 98,691 166.71 % 39,491 80,413 22.73% 11,322 Street facility 11,700 14,177 121.17% 20,027 171.17% 8,327 16,518 21.24% 2,341 Park facility 3,000 3,607 120.25% 5,107 170.25% 2,107 4,918 3.85% 1,311 Fire Tax 32,100 72,552 226.02% 88,602 276.02% 56,502 77,109 14.91% (4,557)- County Library DIF 190,963 1,134 0.59% 201,500 105.52% 10,537 200,000 0.00% 198,866 Totals $1,861,663 $1,945,325 104.49% $2,981,041 160.13% $1,119,378 $2,480,683 20.17% ($535,358 The chart projects actual Developer Impact Fee revenues to be 160.13% of budgeted revenues. Personnel Actions There are no personnel requests at Mid -Year. Summary As identified in the report, it is projected that the City's General Fund revenues will exceed expenditures by approximately $4,320,027 after mid -year appropriations. This excess is due in large part to increased revenue collections in the first 6 months of the year, and conservative spending. It is recommended that any anticipated excess of revenues over expenditures be utilized to increase the City's �� 5 emergency and cash flow reserves. This action will be consistent with the Fiscal Management Strategy. Attachment 5 provides revenue and expenditure detail for all funds. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve new Appropriations, totaling $1,194,484 from the General Fund and $877,660 from other funds, as outlined in Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 of this Report; and Approve new estimated revenues of $13,252,234 as outlined in Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 of this Report; and Receive and file the Mid -Year Budget Report; or 2. Do not approve new Appropriations, totaling $1,194,484 from the General Fund and $877,660 from other funds, as outlined in Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 of this Report; and Do not approve new estimated revenues of $13,252,234 as outlined in Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 of this Report; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, John M. Falconer, Finance Director �! 6 Approved for submission by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Attachments: 1. Mid -year Budget Review Worksheet 2. Mid -year Budget Review Worksheet Detail 3. General Fund Revenues detail 4. General Fund Expenditure Detail 5. Revenues/Expenditures Detail for all Funds ATTACHMENT City of La Quinta Mid -Year Review Budget Worksheet Summary by Fund: Existing items New items Total General Fund $ (917,200) $ (277,000) $ (11194,200) Equipment Replacement (35,000) - (35,000) Art in Public Places 234,049 - 234,049 SilverRock (550,959) (71,000) (621,959) Capital Improvement Project (115,725) (115,725) Park Equipment & Maintenance Fund 13,863,209 13,863,209 Park & Recreation DIF 250,000 250,000 Library Fund (11200,000) (1,200,000) Totals I $ 1,019' 110 $ 12,199,484 $ 11,180,374 Summary by Fund: Revenue Expenditures Net Building & Safety $ 448,750 $ (448,750) Community Services 27,450 (27,450) Public Works 691,000 (691,000) Public Safety 27,000 27,000 Subtotal $ - $ 19194,200 $ 19194,200 Other Revenue Expenditures Net Art in Public Places (234,049) 234,049 Equipment Replacement 35,000 (35,000) SilverRock (745,250) (123,291) (621,959) Capital Improvement Fund (115,725) (115,725) Park Equipment & Maintenance Fund 13,863,209 13,863,209 Park & Recreation DIF 250,000 250,000 Library Fund 11200,000 (11200,000 Subtotal $ 13,252,234 $ 877,660 $ 12,374,574 Total 1 $ 13,252,234 F$-2,071,860-1 $ 11,180,374 ATTACHMENT 0 3 m �I _N R Tmmmm asost 616-11IM's o o m m m m m m m m 7 y a m m m m m o-0000000000000 6M� M8,W1W1(1(.�1(� fJ W W W W W W!J IJ G/10 tfb0,VD tD NW W W WY1Wf�.l41YJ��O$� f�J tVD T OWN A toil N+ (U Nmtn N.. Of+L W�U O N V V Op W V Ol t0 (/� N t0 O W io era {p(p��8p W OiNNO C> V IJ AIRY tUO VNiNOOtOO A+0�1D V O(Ol1UO a m 00$ c v H D D0 0 D a D o 2vJa3o cmmp'0m'mn22`m�- G S. p0p..� y aon mama `�sQ��s�smmmm m W�"mm o cm M, me 0 0' o 0 a m a m o m m m d d d d 5' 3' S Do o0 DO �omm�o 0 0s m m m m 99 �g 71 r, � y NI4 0 3 aC, 9 N w J � m ss� �d fi $ 6$ m$ $ v m o o Dv a v b o v~ as aas,aya ��aa>aaaL �,aancv ma�nm C C E C E d C C C C d C C c E C 2—tee m m Z< 4m m g 3 3 5 '5c5 < J" nnC*�0 s '�D a a F' � mdr�r d N 0 y 4 2 c. o mmm So mJm 'S m2'2 0 °mm> 192 3.1 nnT m Fi' J.sr C m on cr m m F gp a a$ W3 . � 3 m1 9 m 33 Cmm ��jj N N; N l� 3 m 0m D " 3 f x E �cn A A A A N N N 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O V v V v v 9999 U U U U P A P A A P A A A P A A A P A A P A J S m m A N W ODN N Q AQ N + AQQO U+ A N VUi V W jJ O�+ W m OOp SO5��� m ��o$+Aa25� g�25oo$�0 ���oog `b'o`�i25 0 �A(�fi ('fQv.:l mSyVl�r3 rw or SZSo6M J m D d om�mmm�� n �0 m n0 W mJ J .J. J fl 4 (l O A Q� � C O JI � �/i m s � D ^ 0 d O mAfffffl > >�0w1Oa� mm N 3^ o m m o a a m y a Q a m a n U .17 m m m< n m o c 3 m v o m m 2 a m v o m n n cQQ�v �'m NSFR Q m o 4 R mZ �p O tgn lD mm 7 Tj m a y m o i5 In 1 N A m V > H N ['1 m 2 3.o m 0 ° n-"J tp SD v� I c m m^ m "s cr 3 o (p w J N d d d a " r, " N " M a a n 0� �a aD D �p G m m V 0 0 o m a a 0 > c 3 d CD M n 'o 0 D c m Q0 A 3 0 O D w `m 318 n ;c� � i ) E § Q § k § § 2 ! ) § § § d2 £ \J ƒ ■ � � \ k [ Ir \ � ! g ({ f � & �if/�§ (/ (/ ■cue- E E 7cr3 i ( 2 }/§j§ wm�j� ( ; j 2 E ®® S �� /4 k\\kkk kk [ §§ KS N , % EE@@@ 2 !3 a k/ � 2 �� !, .... :p2222/ �6 m me - !! 10 tt$%� )\ iffff �}P. £ k� iffff E� M ) (f 333 �I +++�2 { \\\%\ { - W ATTACHMENT 3 W W Z 0 0 O M 0 O O N O O O O O COp O O O O O O O p) 0) N M O O^ O COO O O COO p O CO p � 00 O ("i 0� 00 N N N O O) 00 0� p 0) N � CO �� O lA ~ O O� (O co N N M M N tT �- N N COD F- > c00 M O O- � CO ar0 M M M m W; M N to �- O O W W ca O 0 Op N c> M p O 0 O O O 10 0 O 0 0 0 ao O 0 pp 0 0 0 0 0 O M O O 0 O O cn O 0 0 0 0 p t0 LO O 0 O M �ci 0 p O O .- pp N co � N o Ci j G h Co M tM') M C07 O ^ r- CA v O .- N N Cn M `7 to O M N O r- r- �- r- N V V O n N CO („) ►� p o O f� r- .- CNO O N M � O 1` t0 N f` r- M p�p m 0 W m N m O M O CA O N O r- co Co V N tt CA �- N O ^ co C7 Cl> N M M M NiA r- r- r- N H o >- W O p O O to G O o � W Q' O W pp O 0$ N tp 0 O O C� O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 Ov O pOp O M 0 0 0 0 C j O p tD O C) O M 0 p O O� ppt� N OCD CM C.) N d O O CD LO CO(0 N Mgt r- r� N IV N 0 r. 01 N p L r- O O c (0 ppP- cq ^ N C O CM O 0) N N- CD co coOO v 0) t- N l) -W 'a M c V M r~- � N M CM M M N m 69 r- � r- �' � E9 O ~ Q O� p 0 0 0 0 0 O O O CO O 0 0 0 0 0 pp O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 p V N 0 0 0 0 p p O O O 1` co Cp 0O p O O O N CO 00 O OCO) W Ch 0 CA O O O 0 CA � 0 0 0 0 0 0ui (� 0 0 0� 0� O O O O p N ap N O O O O C} N N 0) co M O M r- M N tO N N eN- Cr N O N N C) N N M N O N tNA M N M M M M N W CH r- .- r- y N o >- W p o O 09 O O o W N 0) st NON0) O 00 Cppr c')O O Go M M O CD O co ON N 0 CO OOO P O It 0) O 1 pj O� O (O h 0) CO 9) rp N O CD N OM0 CrOO N 0 N 0)c) CO N O h OGo CO (0 C) N 1` N N O oO t Cn C (D tiO�N (m t0 t. co — co) N 7 � M (0 CCO7 (Or- o CjN �- - ti1 CD t- m O N O CNh O O O O O O � N CM O cocoO OO vr N O pNO M C NN N N CO O /- N C.)(O a O O N r O � CO O V j le N O N CD 0 0 eN- co O O CMD N O N N '- N O V N- co p ti co w CA co N 0 co O C� r Z co O� O O th O CO p P. O r- t0 O 0 O CD (O fl N CO O O h v N 'co .Or Cp C7 r- O O N O r- r Cl O •- O O (0 c0 O CO 1w a N (M r- Cn O N O N_ (0 a Ci GO ^ - r- (O Cn CA O O— 0 CM N (O co N C7 r- N tt N M M O m M M N r- L r- m- .N- CWO CO r• E9 C O N F, 7 a � y C xLU x ° ° N a Q x 1 >. c ai ~ y M cco h =' w N w« € N G n ° c°i Cc m W c°i c a€i € a a '= W rn o� ap E� H a c o y a� a�a0- €t� r m c m y N U N O d a J C C O L Q WJ > Vl H o U� m m �' (moo p .0.+ t/N E 5 E N m a°i y p �f- Qw m a`zacocf�oP LLF-�m¢C a-Lu0 z a m a gLL ad QJ QW W N O Z W Z W U Ci Lu � J J Q CA Z CA W y � rn 2 m o c o C= .+ Z `• ti le 7tu E o ii C9 � -- W ° .. N y a N C) (D Q) r m> > N n cd Z m 0)4)i c p �' m 0 O w 9 0o W W t= o m is ayi vi FW- o E y z N c 0 c3°H >� d> c o oo0)'0) ul C0) UN M Z m y ° ooo ico Mnn=m O a o W U¢niUU. Fa-a(aG� z w z W Z ar W o Ng L� J N1 W V Z Q Z Z a n�O 11 ATTACHMENT 4 O M to tp Of tD to n W P N CO — Of M t0 0 O N M to to t0 to to N �� tp Of to O � M to O In N t0 O M tD A V N A) O O t0 O 7 d CNO n N O O O Of t0 N q) O a Ic .- N h lA N O M to C7 N M O> N W eq N a} In ' O O N M �A off mA N O) LO N IY,Z Q O Oi O M N n a0 OD 'a co N Ln LO O M �A ch O co co t0 t0 aD a0 N N N CO p N to a0 co C7 t0 N a0 N 7 V )A n OOi in O cn O tD N M to W OC O ~ O .-. Of a tp O N ^ O O m n O V O O to to to aD tD N " O O 1n O M N cn O N O ^ O a N O M O Q � p M t0 O tp n to n t0 O n M tD O N O Oi O h O) V Lq t0 N N to 1` O - to t0 M O O M O t0 O C O O O t0 O A O coO N a0 N N to O to p .M. .�. N cm cn to Go �- N O W W Z to W � O tOA tp0 � ca Off) Oco p co to tt a r tOA^ n M to t0 It V)OO Ca00 Of t0 O t0 O f• p^j co M co T 0) n P_ CO N O co r O C9 G M r' O N 00 co N O n M tG O) L to O� a O t0 M p M N to to co O N C tD to tp M O N N co N � t0 O O O pj t0 7 O O) c M N tC t0 to n 1- M N to P- to to M N co C) e- M t0 N r tD to O I) 1� to f7 N N to to N M h � m n to O) r tt) f7 t0 t7 6 G H Q O O) O to r to tG p to O) CO N tD M O) 00 M w to tp M M N N O N N tD O O N M to c07 t70f Q f` P. cui � O p n tN co a N N O O CO N n Ocli to 0 tf) t0 O OW W N co O) t0 r COO to 07 t Op CO to to co N 7 to N to O O t0 p ch Ncl N to O) to t0 tri - N O It O wm Oi to t7 two � - � N N N to to N p O04 co to Go LO cn M tC M N O 00 O c000 0OO p 0 p �w otpn 00to � o o tO ttDD aN O � 1`N-� N N to N - N co to - W M to O a U) to N— N O) p r- O N to O O M w M O) m M N to O O M 1` M O) O M f` M N O p M O) M c n N N O 0) O - co - N t00 CO M C) N N N ' - NN co to W to to � a� to M N CO to to —p P CD d O) N M CO) CO O t0 N N O E N N 1� CO N N N O CO Lo t0 0 N�� a n O n � P ~ N c07 0) N '^ N M M W r- f'' to M r co04 N O N co N tf) to eN- Ul) N fA O LO co Lc) LO (o O I O N O O O O O p^j O (OD � tt) t0 N � CD O O A O A O O to to N N � to p � O N CO O M M CO � M O) � to M N O) O O M � M W O M N r M to � tNn � CO N M 00 N cm N N O � N O n M to O dQ � N� t0 th T N N co M V CO G CD O � C to � M N th O Of aa -t fh N N to CO T r' tppo DO to M M co O t0 O h 0 M N pip N M p CO N N tup� O tcq p to N Q C O f� VLq co N M f� N M •- W eO� to fh M tN0 N O P N C N N to O et tc) N x W L F- _ CA N W cc 0 z W a x W � W 7 � LL ppH�� W W Z G W >- 0 m Z Z LU U L w Z " Y w Q U N tL LL 2 cL O > z U) itz z Q Q z a Q w 3 W F- cn J Q Q W O06 O cn 0 Z J m > m m i o z �� w �Y a o W ? wW 4a Q a2 o m ,< i z Z v~i� LL o w QQQ QQv w aco Qit W o >o _5Z o zzz o N W N J Ll.l W Q W LL O m W W Z O fA Q Q Q W ww Fa- U�U jw � azw } }g w a0 ZQ�zo �U� LU O00 ZW z LU zZ0 �a0W.aaa ~Q0Z °��°a � ZZUgJV w O zOw� VOOOOQ N } i} Z cn Y Q Y U O WQ V w W a m Z Z Z a W U w a v a w a LL U m m OU ¢ U LL w p OU U a o U LU W > U) N C Y W J V Z U i W U z m z 0 0 U 0 LL m a a F W z m W W z N Z d. W IL m W ;a G Mu z O U) LL W W U.ul N W O W W 0 z 12 ATTACHMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA REVENUES - ALL FUNDS 07/01/2004-12/31/04 FUNDS BUDGET RECEIVED RECEIVED General $23,821,461.00 $10,487,437.46 44.00% Library 649,500.00 8,091.30 1.20% Gas Tax Revenue 622,200.00 322,948.42 51.90% Federal Assistance 340,355.00 0.00 0.00% Urban Forestry 1,100.00 0.00 0.00% Slesf (Cops) Revenue 100,000.00 100,288.74 100.30% Local Law Enforcement 0.00 0.00 0.00% Indian Gaming 177,250.00 178,024.96 100.40% Lighting & Landscaping 825,800.00 37,187.32 4.50% RCTC 411,644.00 0.00 0.00% Quimby 153,900.00 1,978.01 1.30% Infrastructure 15,600.00 2,797.83 17.90% Village Parking 0.00 0.00 0.00% South Coast Air Quality 36,415.00 150,633.92 413.70% Cmaq/lstea 553,785.00 0.00 0.00% Transportation 758,700.00 1,020,867.67 134.60% Parks & Recreation 501,000.00 346,192.27 69.10% Civic Center 192,500.00 263,104.49 136.70% Library Development 112,500.00 154,599.15 137.40% Community Center 59,200.00 69,090.87 116.70% Street Facility 11,700.00 14,176.99 121.20% Park Facility 3,000.00 3,607.43 120.20% Fire Protection Facility 32,100.00 72,552.30 226.00% Library Development (County) Facility 190,963.00 1,133.61 0.60% Arts In Public Places 98,600.00 105,944.04 107.40% Interest Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00% Capital Improvement 79,657,361.68 17,928,113.81 22.50% Assessment District 2000-1 6,000.00 1,913.86 31.90% Equipment Replacement 388,860.00 340,476.86 87.60% Information Technology 423,568.00 419,768.11 99.10% Park Equipment & Facility 14,113,209.00 14,114,363.95 100.00% SilverRock Golf 1,911,056.00 3,226.71 0.20% LQ Public Safety Officer 2,100.00 2,033.33 96.80% La Quinta Financing Authority 3,681,249.00 1,267,994.20 34.40% RDA Project Area No. 1 37,086,041.00 2,167,386.60 5.80% RDA Project Area No. 2 28,757,067.00 12,271,370.30 42.70% Total $195,695,784.68 $61857,304.51 31.60% 13 CITY OF LA QUINTA EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS 07/0112004.12131104 FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED REMAINING BUDGET PERCENT General $25,676,881.00 $9,064,399.37 $28,972.63 $16,593,509.00 35.3% Library 2,416,501.00 298,625.00 0.00 29117,876.00 12.4% Gas Tax 861,781.00 321,721.99 0.00 5409059.01 37.3% Federal Assistance 509,535.00 7,547.37 0.00 501,987.63 1.5% Urban Forestry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Slesf (Cops) Revenue 1009000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0% Local Law Enforcement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Indian Gaming 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 0.0% Lighting & Landscaping 825,800.00 412,899.98 0.00 412,900.02 50.0% RCTC 2,056,829.00 0.00 0.00 2,056,829.00 0.0% Quimby 547,871.00 185,171.74 0.00 362,699.26 33.8% Infrastructure 1,140,356.00 4999277.78 0.00 641,078.22 43.8% Village Parking (1,893.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,893.00) 0.0% South Coast Air Quality 100,064.00 3,197.53 0.00 96,866.47 3.2% Cmaq/lstea 553,785.00 0.00 0.00 553,785.00 0.0% Transportation 4,444,962.00 305,302.23 0.00 4,139,659.77 6.9% Parks & Recreation 214,814.00 51,236.52 0.00 163,577.48 23.9% Civic Center 3,486,090.00 168,088.11 0.00 3,318,001.89 4.8% Library Development 3,746,450.00 19088,195.29 0.00 2,658,254.71 29.0% Community Center 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Street Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Park Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Fire Protection 0.00 11,170.70 0.00 (11,170.70) 0.0% Library County DIF 590,863.00 408,182.00 0.00 1829681.00 69.1% Arts In Public Places 474,306.68 24,458.50 0.00 449,848.18 5.2% Interest Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Capital Improvement 79,6579361.68 17,928,113.81 47,758.00 61,681,489.87 22.5% Proposed Assessment District 142,507.00 0.00 0.00 142,507.00 0.0% Equipment Replacement 1,097,339.00 71,180.92 0.00 1,026,158.08 6.5% Information Technology 590,351.00 175,800.60 26.94 414,523.46 29.8% Park Maintenance Facility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% SilverRock Golf 2,013,628.00 125,318.21 0.00 1,888,309.79 6.2% Lq Public Safety Officer 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0% La Quinta Financing Authority 3,735,955.00 1,321,413.62 0.00 2,414,541.38 35.4% RDA Project Area No. 1 81,398,183.00 21,776,234.21 0.00 59,621,948.79 26.8% RDA Project Area No. 2 30,987,177.00 8,070,344.59 0.00 22,916,832.41 26.0% Total 247,546,747.36 62,307,880.07 $76,757.57 185,1629109.72 25.2% 14 CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL 07/01/2004 - 12/31104 REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET TAXES: Property Tax No Low Property Tax Distribution Sales Tax Sales Tax Reimbursement Document Transfer Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Transient Occupancy Tax - Mitigation Measures Franchise Tax TOTAL TAXES LICENSE & PERMITS: Business License Animal License Building Permits Plumbing Permits Mechanical Permits Electrical Permits Garage Sale Permits Misc. Permits TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS FEES: Sale of Maps & Publications Community Services Fees Bldg & Safety Fees Community Development Fees Public Works Fees TOTAL FEES INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehicle In -Lieu Motor Vehicle Code Fines Parking Violations Misc. Fines AB939 County of Riverside Grant State of California Grant Fire servicesCredit CSA152 Assessment TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL INTEREST MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous Revenue Other Mitigation Measures Litigation settlement Cash Over/(Short) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFER IN TOTAL GENERAL FUND 743,400.00 304,854.85 438,545.15 1,233,100.00 424,099.49 809,000.51 4,072,200.00 2,230,913.93 1,841,286.07 1,334,500.00 0.00 1,334,500.00 539,700.00 492,493.72 47,206.28 4,030,300.00 1,113,042.36 2,917,257.64 0.00 325,000.00 (325,000.00) 797,800.00 300,411.83 497,388.17 12,751,000.00 5,190,816.18 7,560,183.82 202,500.00 112,719.10 89,780.90 15,400.00 6,608.00 8,792.00 493,800.00 966,108.10 (472,308.10) 84,400.00 153,683.47 (69,283.47) 43,100.00 85,524.29 (42,424.29) 85,000.00 129,093.05 (44,093.05) 5,000.00 7,950.00 (2,950.00) 42,200.00 152,829.22 (110,629.22) 971,400.00 1,614,515.23 (643,115.23) 4,400.00 7,981.39 (3,581.39) 191,300.00 102,974.77 88,325.23 471,000.00 645,003.67 (174,003.67) 222,400.00 109,740.00 112,660.00 584,400.00 620,496.37 (36,096.37) 1,473,500.00 1,486,196.20 (12,696.20) 1,455,300.00 217,599.17 1,237,700.83 77,500.00 33,876.74 43,623.26 41,900.00 12,399.00 29,501.00 31,609.00 26,180.50 5,428.50 182,100.00 0.00 182,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,451.00 46,270.22 (37,819.22) 3,748,040.00 0.00 3,748,040.00 175,000.00 174,158.19 841.81 5,719,900.00 510,483.82 5,209,416.18 2,265,300.00 1,319,269.28 946,030.72 17,100.00 20,160.70 (3,060.70) 316,011.00 346,000.00 (29,989.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3.95) 3.95 333,111.00 366,156.75 (33,045.75) 307,250.00 0.00 307,250.00 23,821,461.00 10,487,437.46 13,334,023.54 15 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET LIBRARY: County of Riverside Contributions Interest TOTAL LIBRARY GAS TAX REVENUE: Section 2105 Section 2106 Section 2107 Section 2107.5 Traffic Congestion Relief Interest TOTAL GAS TAX FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REVENUE: CDBG Grant Interest TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE URBAN FORESTRY Grant Revenue Interest TOTAL URBAN FORESTRY SLESF (COPS) REVENUE: SLESF (Cops) Funding Interest TOTAL SLESF (COPS) LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT REVENUE: LLEBG Funding Interest Transfer in TOTAL LLEBG INDIAN GAMING Charges for services Interest TOTAL INDIAN GAMING LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING REVENUE: Assessment Developer Interest TOTAL LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING RCTC RCTC Funding Transfer in TOTAL RCTC QUIMBY REVENUE: Quimby Fees Interest TOTAL QUIMBY INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE: Infrastructure Fee Interest Transfer in TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE VILLAGE PARKING REVENUE: Interest TOTAL VILLAGE PARKING 649,500.00 0.00 649,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,091.30 (8,091.30) 649,500.00 8,091.30 641,408.70 193,100.00 103,200.86 89,899.14 137,900.00 73,721.16 64,178.84 256,900.00 138,354.15 118,545.85 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 20,700.00 0.00 20,700.00 7,600.00 1,672.25 5,927.75 622,200.00 322,948.42 299,251.58 340,355.00 0.00 340,355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 340,355.00 0.00 340,355.00 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 288.74 (288.74) 100,000.00 100,288.74 (288.74) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 774.96 (774.96) 177,250.00 178,024.96 (774.96) 825,800.00 37,187.32 788,612.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 825,800.00 37,187.32 788,612.68 411,644.00 0.00 411,644.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 411,644.00 0.00 411,644.00 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 3,900.00 1,978.01 1,921.99 153,90 .00 1,978.01 151, .99 0.00 0.00 15,600.00 2,797.83 12,802.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,600.00 2,797.83 12,802.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 6 :j 16 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY REVENUE: S.C.A.Q. Contribution MSRC Funding Street Sweeping Grant Interest TOTAL SCAQ CMAQ/ISTEA CMAQ/ISTEA Grant Interest TOTAL CMAQ/ISTEA TRANSPORTATION Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL TRANSPORTATION PARKS & RECREATION Developer fees Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION CIVIC CENTER Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Developer fees Interest Transfer in TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY CENTER Developer fees Interest TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER STREET FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL STREET FACILITY PARK FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL PARK FACILITY FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FACILITY LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT (COUNTY) FACILITY Developer fees Interest TOTAL LIBRARY DEV (COUNTY) FACILITY ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES REVENUE: Arts in Public Places Arts in Public Places Credits Applied Interest TOTAL ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Transfer In TOTAL INTEREST ALLOCATION REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 34,415.00 10,140.85 24,274.15 0.00 139,285.00 (139,285.00) 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,208.07 791.93 36,415.00 150,633.92 (114,218,92) 553,785.00 0.00 553,785.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 553,785.00 0.00 553,785.00 721,400.00 990,802.58 (269,402.58) 37,300.00 30,065.09 7,234.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 758,700.00 1,020,867.67 (262,167.67) 251,000.00 344,026.00 (93,026.00) 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 2,166.27 (2,166.27) 0.00 0.00 0.00 501,000.00 346,192.27 154,807.73 192,500.00 254,768.59 (62,268.59) 0.00 8,335.90 (8,335.90) 0.00 0.00 0.00 192,500.00 263,104.49 (70,604.49) 112,500.00 154,214.00 (41,714.00) 0.00 385.15 (385.15) 0.00 0.00 0.00 112,500.00 154,599.15 (42,099.15) 48,500.00 66,091.00 (17,591.00) 10 700.00 2,999.87 _ 7,700.13 59,200.00 69,090.87 (9,890.87) 9,800.00 13,502.02 (3,702.02) 1,900.00 674.97 1,225.03 11,700.00 14,176.99 (2,476.99) 2,500.00 3,438.00 (938.00) 500.00 169.43 330.57 3,000.00 3,607.43 (607.43) 32,100.00 72,271.83 (40,171.83) 0.00 280.47 (280.47) 32,100.00 72,552.30 (40,452.30) 190,863.00 0.00 190,863.00 100.00 1,133.61 (1,033.61) 190,963.00 1,133.61 189,829.39 97,500.00 102,374.72 (4,874.72) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 3,569.32 (2,469.32) 98,600.00 105,944.04 (7,344.04) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 � 17 CITY OF LA QUINTA ALL OTHER FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: CVAG CVWD County of Riverside Surface Transportation Funding City of Indio SB300 Funding RCTC SB821-Bicycle Path Grant State of California APP Contribution Developer Agreement Funding Litigation Settlements Transfers in From Other Funds Transfers in From Other Funds TOTAL CIP REVENUE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-1 Interest Assessment Bond Proceeds Prepayments -sewer assessments Transfer in TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: Equipment Charges Capital Contribution Sale of Fixed Asset Interest Transfers In TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND: Charges for services Capital Contribution Sale of Fixed Asset Interest Transfers In TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PARK EQUIPMENT & FACILITY Charges for services Interest Capital Contributions Capital Contributions TOTAL PARK EQUIPMENT & FAC SILVERROCK GOLF Green fees Green fees Range fees Range fees Resident Card Merchandise Merchandise Allocated Interest Income Food & Beverage Food & Beverage TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER FUND Transfer In Interest TOTAL LQ PUBLIC SAFETY REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 6,592,557.00 486,504.77 6,106,052.23 877,462.00 0.00 877,462.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 244,800.00 0.00 244,800.00 43,750.00 0.00 43,750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,887.00 0.00 52,887.00 664,658.00 64,442.00 600,216.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87,500.00 0.00 87,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71,209,473.00 17,377,167.04 53,832,305.96 (115,725.32) 0.00 (115,725.32) 79,657,361.68 17,928,113.81 61,729,247.87 6,000.00 1,913.86 4,086.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 1,913.86 4,086.14 328,160.00 328,160.35 (0.35) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,700.00 12,316.51 48,383.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 388,860.00 340,476.86 48,383.14 416,568.00 416,568.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 3,200.11 3,799.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 423,568.00 419,768.11 3,799.89 250,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,154.95 (1,154.95) 0.00 13,863,209.00 (13,863,209.00) 13,863,209.00 0.00 13,863,209.00 14,113,209.00 14,114,363.95 (1,154.95) 2,300,210.00 0.00 2,300,210.00 (653,420.00) 0.00 (653,420.00) 33,111.00 0.00 33,111.00 (10,415.00) 0.00 (10,415.00) 0.00 2,025.00 (2,025.00) 158,886.00 1,273.89 157,612.11 (39,205.00) 0.00 (39,205.00) 0.00 (72.18) 72.18 164,099.00 0.00 164,099.00 (42,210.00) 0.00 (42,210.00) 1,911,056.00 3,226.71 1,907,829.29 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 100.00 33.33 66.67 2,100.00 2,033.33 66.67 18 LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY REVENUE DETAIL DEBT SERVICE REVENUE: Contractual Services Fees Non Allocated Interest Rental Income Transfer In TOTAL DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE: Pooled Cash Allocated Interest Non Allocated Interest TOTAL CIP REVENUE TOTAL FINANCING AUTHORITY REMAINING BUDGET RECEIVED BUDGET 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 12.81 (12.81) 681,200.00 501,890.02 179,309.98 2,990,049.00 766,045.53 2,224,003.47 3,681,249.00 1,267,948.36 2,413,300.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.84 (45.84) 0.00 45.84 (45.84) 3,681,249.00 1,267,994.20 2,413,254.80 19 07/01/2004 - 12/31/04 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REMAINING BY DEPARTMENT BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT: LEGISLATIVE 761,385.00 282,187.63 0.00 479,197.37 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 849,100.00 393,819.79 17,500.00 437,780.21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 901,150.00 398,713.62 0.00 502,436.38 PERSONNEURISK MGT 794,069.00 359,324.93 235.58 434,508.49 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,305,704.00 1,434,045.97 17,735.58 1,853,922.45 CITY CLERK 526,211.00 245,479.45 0.00 280,731.55 TOTAL CITY CLERK 526,211.00 245,479.45 0.00 280,731.55 COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 776,063.00 317,280.19 2,764.00 456,018.81 PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 10,800.00 0.00 0.00 10,800.00 SENIOR CENTER 359,644.00 138,801.21 0.00 220,842.79 SENIOR CENTER 16,650.00 0.00 0.00 16,650.00 PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAMS 144,503.00 84,851.53 0.00 59,651.47 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 1,307,660.00 540,932.93 2,764.00 763,963.07 FINANCE FISCAL SERVICES 726,376.00 305,197.57 0.00 421,178.43 CENTRAL SERVICES 659,448.00 398,740.91 2,427.61 258,279.48 TOTAL FINANCE 1,385,824.00 703,938.48 2,427.61 679,457.91 BUILDING &SAFETY: BUILDING & SAFETY - ADMIN 321,517.00 118,273.02 0.00 203,243.98 BUILDING 906,594.00 620,731.78 0.00 285,862.22 BUILDING 440,000.00 0.00 0.00 440,000.00 CODE COMPLIANCE 658,084.00 256,799.12 0.00 401,284.88 CODE COMPLIANCE 8,750.00 0.00 0.00 8,750.00 ANIMAL CONTROL 293,479.00 99,395.15 0.00 194,083.85 CIVIC CENTER BUILDING -OPERATIONS 1,106,324.00 727,329.77 0.00 378,994.23 TOTAL BUILDING & SAFETY 3,734,748.00 1,822,528.84 0.00 1,912,219.16 PUBLIC SAFETY: POLICE SERVICES 6,813,954.00 2,484,412.60 0.00 4,329,541.40 FIRE 3,855,806.00 3,437.60 0.00 3,852,368.40 FIRE 27,000.00 0.00 0.00 27,000.00 EMERGENCY SERVICES 45,193.00 22,530.48 0.00 22,662.52 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 10,741,953.00 2,510,380.68 0.00 8,231,572.32 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ADMIN 556,886.00 218,273.17 0.00 338,612.83 CURRENT PLANNING 750,085.00 292,028.09 0.00 458,056.91 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,306,971.00 510,301.26 0.00 796,669.74 PUBLIC WORKS: (389,171.00) PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 277,879.00 128,912.49 0.00 148,966.51 DEVELOPMENT & TRAFFIC 1,071,366.00 556,579.64 0.00 514,786.36 DEVELOPMENT & TRAFFIC 155,000.00 0.00 0.00 155,000.00 MAINT/OPERATIONS - STREETS 2,188,469.00 459,271.41 1,729.62 1,727,467.97 MAINT/OPERATIONS - LTG/LANDSCAPING 1,461,996.00 721,227.20 0.00 740,768.80 MAINT/OPERATIONS - LTG/LANDSCAPING 262,000.00 0.00 0.00 262,000.00 MAINT/OPERATIONS - PARK MAINTENANCE 837,090.00 507,469.05 4,315.82 325,305.13 MAINT/OPERATIONS - PARK MAINTENANCE 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 618,817.00 345,168.90 0.00 273,648.10 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 260,000.00 0.00 0.00 260,000.00 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 7,146,617.00 2,718,628.69 6,045.44 4,032,771.87 TRANSFERS OUT 306,017.00 147,152.53 0.00 158,864.47 GENERAL FUND REIMBURSEMENTS (4,084,824.00) (1,578,989.46) 0.00 (2,505,834.54) NET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 25,676,881.00 9,054,399.37 28,972.63 16,593,509.00 CITY OF LA QUINTA OTHER CITY FUNDS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 07/01 /2004-12/31104 REMAINING BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET LIBRARY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 1,216,501.00 298,625.00 0.00 917,876.00 TRANSFER OUT 1,200,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 TOTAL LIBRARY FUND 2,416,501.00 298,625.00 0.00 2,117,876.00 GAS TAX REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 622,200.00 311,100.00 0.00 311,100.00 TRANSFER OUT 239,581.00 10,621.99 0.00 228,959.01 TOTAL GAS TAX FUND 861,781.00 321,721.99 0.00 540,059.01 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND: TRANSFER OUT TOTAL FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 509,535.00 7,547.37 0.00 501,987.63 URBAN FORESTRY GRANT TRANSFER OUT TOTAL URBAN FORESTRY GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SLESF (COPS) TRANSFER OUT TOTAL SLESF (COPS) FUND 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 LLEBG FUND TRANSFER OUT TOTAL LLEBG FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INDIAN GAMING FUND TRANSFER OUT 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 TOTAL INDIAN GAMING FUND 177,250.00 0.00 0.00 177,250.00 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING ASSESSMENT DIST: REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 825,800.00 412,899.98 0.00 412,900.02 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL LTG/LANDSCAPING FUND 825,800.00 412,899.98 0.00 412,900.02 RCTC TRANSFER OUT 2,056,829.00 0.00 0.00 2,056,829.00 TOTAL RCTC 2,056,829.00 0.00 0.00 2,056,829.00 QUIMBY FUND: TRANSFER OUT TOTAL QUIMBY FUND 547,871.00 185,171.74 0.00 362,699.26 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 1,140,356.00 499,277.78 0.00 641,078.22 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE 1,140,356.00 499,277.78 0.00 641,078.22 VILLAGE PARKING TRANSFER OUT TOTAL VILLAGE PARKING FUND (1,893.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,893.00) SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 22,945.00 3,197.53 0.00 19,747.47 TRANSFER OUT 77,119.00 0.00 0.00 77,119.00 TOTAL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY 100,064.00 3,197.53 0.00 96,866.47 CMAQ/ISTEA TRANSFER OUT TOTAL CMAQ/ISTEA FUND 553,785.00 0.00 0.00 563,785.00 TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRIBUTION 392,878.00 193,146.17 0.00 199,731.83 TRANSFER OUT 4,052,084.00 112,156.06 0.00 3,939,927.94 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 4,444,962.00 305,302.23 0.00 4,139,659.77 PARKS & RECREATION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 0.00 36,168.78 0.00 (36,168.78) TRANSFER OUT 214,814.00 15,067.74 0.00 199,746.26 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 214,814.00 51,236.52 0.00 163,577.48 CIVIC CENTER PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND 204,366.00 102,183.00 0.00 102,183.00 TRANSFER OUT 3,281,724.00 65,905.11 0.00 3,215,818.89 TOTAL CIVIC CENTER 3,486,090.00 168,088.11 0.00 3,318,001.89 LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 r PROGRAM COSTS TRANSFER OUT 3,746,450.00 1,088,196.29 0.00 2,658,254.71 �w bG TOTAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 3,746,450.00 1,088,195.29 0.00 2,658,254.71 21 CITY OF LA QUINTA 07/01/2004-12131104 OTHER CITY FUNDS REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 STREET FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL STREET FACILITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PARK FACILITY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PARK FACILITY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIRE PROTECTION INTEREST ON ADVANCE 0.00 11,170.70 0.00 (11,170.70) TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DIF 0.00 11,170.70 0.00 (11,170.70) LIBRARY COUNTY PROGRAM COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 590,863.00 408,182.00 0.00 182,681.00 TOTAL LIBRARY COUNTY DIF 590,863.00 408,182.00 0.00 182,681.00 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES-APP 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 OPERATING EXPENSES-APP 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 ART PURCHASES 447,425.00 22,658.50 0.00 424,766.50 ART PURCHASES (118,324.00) 0.00 0.00 (118,324.00) TRANSFER OUT 255,631.00 1,800.00 0.00 253,831.00 TRANSFER OUT (115,725.32) 0.00 0.00 (115,725.32) TOTAL ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 474,306.68 24,458.50 0.00 449,848.18 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURES 78,779,629.00 17,860,273.33 47,758.00 60,871,597.67 PROJECT EXPENDITURES (115,725.32) 0.00 0.00 (115,725.32) PROJECT REIMBURSEMENTS TO GEN FUND 993,458.00 67,840.48 0.00 925,617.52 TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 79,657,361.68 17,928,113.81 47,758.00 61,681,489.87 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2000-1 COSTS OF ISSUANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER TO AGENCY FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT 142,507.00 0.00 0.00 142,507.00 TOTAL AD 2000-1 142,507.00 0.00 0.00 142,507.00 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 405,339.00 71,180.92 0.00 334,158.08 OPERATING EXPENSES 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 TRANSFER OUT 657,000.00 0.00 0.00 657,000.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 1,097,339.00 71,180.92 0.00 1,026,158.08 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND OPERATING EXPENSES 590,351.00 175,800.60 26.94 414,523.46 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 590,351.00 175,800.60 26.94 414,523.46 PARK MAINTENANCE TRANSFER OUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SILVERROCK GOLF OPERATING EXPENSES 2,278,919.00 125,318.21 0.00 2,153,600.79 OPERATING EXPENSES (265,291.00) 0.00 0.00 (265,291.00) TOTAL SILVERROCK GOLF 2,013,628.00 125,318.21 0.00 1,888,309.79 LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 22 LA QUINTA FINANCING AUTHORITY 0710112004-12131/04 REMAINING EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET EXPENDITURES ENCUMBERED BUDGET DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES 9,686.00 3,481.00 0.00 6,205.00 SERVICES 315,000.00 315,000.00 0.00 0.00 BOND PRINCIPAL 3,356,269.00 952,935.53 0.00 2,403,333.47 BOND INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 3,680,955.00 1,271,416.53 0.00 2,409,538.47 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES 55,000.00 49,997.09 0.00 5,002.91 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFER OUT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 55,000.00 49,997.09 0.00 5,002.91 TOTAL FINANCING AUTHORITY 3,735,955.00 1,321,413.62 0.00 2,414,541.38 &-4 23 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: A�->_ MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 11, 2005 I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Daniels to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Rick Daniels, Kay Ladner, Paul Quill and Chairman Tom Kirk. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, Consultant Planner Nicole Criste, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 28, 2004. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to approve the minutes as submitted. B. Department Report: V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Addendum and Tentative Tract Map 31249, Amendment #1; a request of Madison/58t' Partners, L.L.C. for consideration of a recommendation to certify an Addendum to the Environmental Assessment and an Amendment to the Tentative Tract Map to allow the reduction of certain interior private street widths for the property located on the south side of Avenue 58, ± 1 /2 mile west of Madison Street. �U� G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\ 1 - 1 1-05.doc Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Alderson asked about the structures at the northwest corner of the project. Staff stated it is a preexisting structure, not proposed. 3. Commissioner Daniels asked about the changes to the conditions. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the changes are based on the changes the applicant has requested and staff is in agreement. 4. Commissioner Quill asked why the language on the retention basin was removed for Condition #38. Staff stated the wording should be "the proposed retention basin". Commissioner Quill asked why Condition #35 was being deleted. Staff stated the applicant has requested and staff has no objection. Commissioner Quill asked why the reference to split rail fence was deleted. Staff stated because it was not needed if the sidewalk was removed. 5. Chairman Kirk asked the purpose of the Addendum to the Environmental Assessment; did anything change. Staff stated the only impacts that were identified were minor as the only change is the street width. Chairman Kirk asked for an example. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated that when a subsequent discretionary approval is processed, the City will look to determine whether or not the change constitutes a substantial revision to the environmental document. When the answer is no, it is appropriate for the City to adopt an Addendum. Chairman Kirk asked why the prior Environmental Assessment. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston for purpose of the statue of limitation and litigation challenges it is appropriate to do an Addendum. Chairman Kirk asked why reducing the width by eight feet you cannot have any parking. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer explained that with 36 feet road widths you can have parking on both sides of the street. With 32 feet you can park on one side. Chairman Kirk asked if there was a provision that does not allow us to park on the wedge portion of the curb. Staff stated they could physically park on the wedge. Staff's purpose is to maintain two-way traffic. r) G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 2 �— ' Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 6. Commissioner Alderson stated he cannot find any provisions for guest parking and therefore determined the guest parking is on each single family lot. Staff stated the Zoning Code required each dwelling to provide 2.5 parking spaces. Two are provided inside the garage and the Y2 space is for guest parking. Each unit has an additional space and a half of parking. There are no other uses on the property, such as recreational uses that warrant any additional parking. Staff is concerned that if there is a resident that has a party or need for a large amount of parking, there is no place for guest parking. Staff has added a condition relating to this issue, but there is nothing in the Code requiring it. 7. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. David Turner, CV Engineers, representing the applicant, clarified the applicant is now Ehline Company. In regard to the condition changes, Condition #35 they have requested it be removed as they had resolved all issues with the surrounding property owner. In regard to Condition #38, this is what was resolved between staff and the applicant, but the retention basin wording needs to be added back in. Substantially, the only change is the 20 foot easement with the adjoining property owner for the relocation of the irrigation line. This caused an encroachment into their open space and decided to reduce the size of the streets. They would also like to request Condition 7.A. be changed to not require them to widen the street, but stay at 32 feet curb face. The General Plan shows a bike lane and they believe it can be included in the multi -purpose trail. Condition #26 in regard to the issuance of building permits, they would like to request it be changed to the 25th building permit instead of 171''. Staff has stated the 20% requirement has been the norm and they would like to stay with this. 8. Commissioner Quill asked if they would bond for the improvements. Mr. Turner stated yes. 9. Mr. Turner asked that Condition #53.A. be changed to require the 88 foot right of way or 32 feet south of the centerline. Condition #86, they would like the off-street parking to be addressed in the CC&R's as they believe they more than meet the 2.5 parking requirement. The location identified by staff for potential guest parking has been planned for a water feature with heavy landscaping. r) G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 3 ti �- Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 10. Commissioner Ladner asked how it could be addressed in the CC&R's. Mr. Turner stated they would have to provide the HOA with a plan for the parking. The retention basins could be used for temporary parking controlled by the CC&R's. Commissioner Ladner stated her concern was for the homeowners. 1 1 . Commissioner Alderson stated that when he first evaluated the project he was concerned with the guest parking, but the applicant has identified some areas of relief. 12. Chairman Kirk asked staff for their opinion on the applicant's request on the conditions. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated they were not included in the memo because staff is concerned. In regard to the right of way width on Avenue 58, the General Plan calls for Class II bike lanes which are to be striped lanes on the pavement. You cannot get two lanes of traffic, center turning lane and the bike lane unless you put the curb back or you have very narrow streets. With respect to Condition #26, staff prefers a percentage as it is more consistent with all the other tracts. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit stated that in regard to Condition #86, staff thought the common area at the entrance could be used for additional parking. 13. Commissioner Quill stated the bike lane should be retained as it is highly used and necessary. In regard to Condition #26, he has no issue with the request to change it to the 25th building permit. With respect to the parking he believes it is overkill and agrees with the applicant that with the 28 foot street width with parking on one side is sufficient. 14. Commissioner Daniels stated he agrees especially when there are three car garages and there is no golf course. 15. Commissioner Ladner stated she does not agree with the parking being governed by the CC&R's. The cost to maintain the turf and the management to the community would be too great. It requires a lot of detail for the HOA to maintain. 16. Chairman Kirk stated they were suggesting one side of the street allow parking, not creating a designated guest parking area. 17. Commissioner Ladner stated she would agree then. t' ° 7 G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 4 ti Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 18. Chairman Kirk stated he understands staff's reasoning, but the wider streets, with no parking, encourage faster traffic. He would suggest they move forward to changing Condition #38 to allow parking on one side. Staff's recommendation on Conditions #7.a. and #53.a., to maintain the bike lane and allow on -site parking on one side. 19. There being no further public participation, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 20. Commissioner Quill stated this is a case where a substantial conformance should have been done instead of an Addendum to the Environmental Assessment. 21. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated that in regard to allowing the parking on one side of the street, the General Plan does allow it but Council has made a point to not approve it. The HOA has the right to control the parking or no parking. Permission could be obtained from the HOA and they would determine what side of the street and the hours. Chairman Kirk asked that staff and the Commission review the street standards. 22. It was moved by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Planning Commissioner Resolution 2005-001 recommending to the City Council certification of an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2003-475, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 23. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2005-002 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 31249, Amendment #1, as amended: a. Condition #19: Amend by revising 1 " = 40' to 1 " = 60'. b. Condition #26: Changed to the 25th building permit. d. Condition #35: Deleted e. Condition #38: Add "retention basin" back into the condition. f. Condition #53.A.1.c.: As requested by the applicant. g. Condition #86: Deleted G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-1 1-05.doc � 5? Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. C. Environmental Assessment 2004-520, Specific Plan 99-035, Amendment #1, Tentative Tract Map 33076: a request of ND La Quinta Partners L.L.C., for consideration of: 1) Certification of an Addendum to an Environmental Impact Report; 2) Specific Plan Amendment adding 120 acres to the Specific Plan area, changing the land use distribution for lands easterly of Madison Street and adding provisions for guest houses throughout the Specific Plan area; and 3) The subdivision of lands within the Specific Plan area east of Madison Street into 225 residential lots, and miscellaneous lots for golf, streets and community facilities, for the property located between Avenue 52 and Avenue 54, and between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street. 1. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Consulting Planner Nicole Criste presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer explained the proposed changes to the Conditions of Approval. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Ladner asked the height of the existing berms. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated they have been reduced from 22 feet to 18 feet. Commissioner Ladner asked if the parking requirement was an existing condition. Staff stated this could be addressed by the applicant. 3. Commissioner Quill asked if there is an accommodation to have the tentative map reduced to a 200 scale. Staff stated that when the scale is reduced it is easier to miss things in the review process. 4. Commissioner Alderson asked who pays the other portion of the traffic signal costs not paid by the applicant. Staff stated that at this location the Developer Impact Fees (DIF), but in the newly annexed areas they are not included in the DIF so staff reverts back to splitting the cost between the four corners. At this location one corner is in the City of Indio. Commissioner Alderson asked the zoning on the "not a part" noted on the map. Staff G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 stated it is Low Density Residential. 5. Commissioner Daniels asked about the signal on Monroe Street and Avenue 53. Staff stated one corner is paid by the Stonefield Development, the other is Rancho Santana, and the east side is in the County. 6. Commissioner Alderson noted the developer of the project is in no way connected with a company he has previously worked with. 7. Staff noted some changes to the Specific Plan that needed to be cleaned up. 8. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. John Gamlin, representing the applicant, gave a presentation on the project. In terms of the conditions, Condition #9.A. is restated in Condition #56 dealing with street improvements. They are fine with the right turn, but have a problem with the dual left turn lane condition. They did prepare a Traffic Study for the project and there was a difference between the numbers to warrant the second left turn lane onto Avenue 52. They would like to look at the analysis completed for the Mery Griffin project and discuss this with staff. If the study warrants the second left turn lane, then they will accept the condition. The General Plan levels are less than what would warrant the second left turn. Condition #32.E. they would like to tie the off -sites to a building permit threshold starting at the 50th building permit and completed by the 1001h. Condition #56.A.7 in regard to the traffic signal should be #56.A.6. Staff agreed. Condition #56.A.7 they are being required to pay for a signal where they have no access. Condition #81 relates to the phasing of off -site improvements which is the same as Condition #32.E. Condition #84 again is the Tentative Tract phasing. They anticipate five final map phases: golf course, dedication of perimeter streets and first 70 lots in Phase 1. 9. Mr. Don Vita, Vita Planning and Architecture, gave a presentation on the land planning and design. He requested the amended Condition #1 1 .A.1 regarding the decible levels and would like to delete this condition. Staff noted this condition has already been deleted. Mr. Vita stated Condition #43 needs to be consistent with Condition #41 of staff's memo. Condition #60 requires a full intersection across from the unimproved access to property on the 1') 7J G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 7 �:. ' Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 north side of the street which is in the City of Indio. They are unable to align their centerline with the north side access. They are therefore proposing to have their intersection off -set and the northern property align with them. They will need to negotiate with the City of Indio to align these two and are requesting time to allow these negotiations to occur. Amended Condition #42 they would like to have the first sentence of the second paragraph deleted. Staff noted this has already been changed. Mr. Gamlin stated they are looking to retain flexibility to adjust the interior lot elevations up to ten feet. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated they would like the difference between the pad elevations at four feet. 10. Chairman Kirk recessed the Commission at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:52 p.m. 11. Chairman Kirk asked if staff and the applicant had come to agreement. Mr. Gamlin explained the difference in the grading issues. Relative to the neighboring properties (Condition #86), they are looking for clarification that it concerns landforms and not the interior lots. Staff agreed. Mr. Gamlin stated they would like to submit a letter from the neighboring tract that they are in agreement to satisfy the condition. On Condition #32.E. they want consideration to tie it to a permit issuance threshold. A second issue is the nexus between the Stonefield project and the condition regarding their contribution toward a signal where they take no access. The main issue however, is the entry alignment with the property to the north across the street, and the problem of obtaining an agreement with the City of Indio. 12. Commissioner Daniels asked if the Rancho Santana project provided any leeway. Mr. Gamlin stated they have already finaled the map and are under construction which provides no room. Mr. Gamlin also stated that in regard to Condition #11.A. they will make it a drivable surface. 13. Chairman Kirk asked if the internal streets had any parking issues. Mr. Gamlin stated they have no issue and their CC&R's will govern. 14. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the issue with the City of Indio is that both cities are sensitive to turning movements. Rancho Santana did not get full turn movement at their entrance, G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 8 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 it went to the polo fields. In order for a developer on our side of the street to get what they wanted, they was giving and taking between the cities. The General Plan requires 1060 feet between signals. He would suggest not changing the condition and require them to work it out with the City of Indio. Chairman Kirk asked what the options were. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated to move it toward Rancho Santana and have Indio allow them to move it 40 feet. The north side has not developed and it would be easy for them to move it 40 feet. Consultant Nicole Criste stated the worst case would be a right turn in/out and left turn in. Chairman Kirk asked if this was too close for the turning movements. Staff stated they are protected movements. 15. Commissioner Daniels asked if the only issue is that the intersection move 40 feet to the east. Staff stated the proposed intersection would need to be relocated 300 feet east and the City of Indio move it 40 feet west. Currently the existing driveway on the north side matches up with the Madison Club's east property line. If they can't work it out the applicant will have a right turn in/out, and left turn in. 16. Chairman Kirk asked when the applicant found out about the issue with the City of Indio. Mr. Gamlin stated in the last few days. They assumed an unimproved project on the north and they were establishing a signalized intersection that would drive the location of the signal. 17. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any other issues. The duel left turn analysis completed by the Griffin Ranch on Madison/Avenue 52. What does that analysis show. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated the Griffin Ranch analysis does not show Madison Street going through. When the street goes through, it is not a fair assumption that people will turn on Avenue 54, but rather travel to Avenue 52. He went on to explain the circulation movements. Today 200 cars is the threshold when you go to dual left turn lanes. Chairman Kirk asked about the request regarding the off - site improvements. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer stated it would be appropriate to start the improvements at 501h permit and finished at 1001h or May 1, 2006, whichever is earliest. Chairman Kirk asked why the applicant is contributing to the cost of the signal on Avenue 53. Staff stated because the tract will have an impact on the street. 9,7 G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 9 a► Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 18. Chairman Kirk asked Commission on this discussed the issues. if anyone else would like to address the matter. There being none the Commission 19. Commissioner Daniels stated the phasing seems to be agreeable with it tied to the building permits. 20. Commissioner Quill stated May 31, 2006 is not far away and the chances of having 50 permits pulled is unlikely. Mr. Gamlin stated the improvements are to be initiated by that date not completed. Staff stated the 501h building or May 31 st whichever occurred last for the initiation of the improvements. 21. Commissioner Daniels stated the applicant should do everything they can to coordinate the entry points with the City of Indio. If they are unable to do this, they should not be punished by not having the full turn movement. He would like to see the developer required to make a good faith negotiation and after a reasonable period of time, 90 or 120 days, to find a common access point and if not accomplished they be given full access. 22. Chairman Kirk stated he would want City staff to be a part of the negotiations. If they go forward it may be a motivating tool to get the City of Indio to become reasonable. 23. Commissioner Daniels stated that in regard to the signal at Avenue 53`d, if this is City policy, then so be it. In regard to the grading, the applicant has asked for the latitude to make mass grading adjustments and not tie them to reconcile with the tentative tract map; he has no issue with the request. His only concern is when it relates to the perimeter property. Staff stated the inconsistency is with the tract map and staff recommends it stay at six feet. Commissioner Daniels stated he agrees with the Madison Street dual left turn lanes. 24. Commissioner Quill stated the tentative map shows grades, but the mass grading plan will reflect golf course grades and pad grades. He has no problem with allowing the flexibility as long as the final engineering reflects what is actually constructed and adheres to good sound engineering practices. The rough grading plans must show the changes. Staff asked for clarification on Condition #42, the disagreement is the four foot differential F 1 G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 10 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 between the lots. Commissioner Quill stated he has no issue with the six foot differential. Staff noted this applies only to the tract map. 25. Commissioner Ladner stated she does not agree with the applicant participation on the Avenue 53 signal. 26. Commissioner Alderson agreed and asked if they allowed the applicant to put a full turn movement in where they are asking for it, would this be breaking an agreement with the City of Indio. Staff stated it would. 27. Chairman Kirk commended the applicant on the development of Hideaway and the lifestyle is a marketable product. He likes the streetscape. He is concerned about the amount of turf and greenscape and asked if they met the Water Efficient calculations. Mr. Vito stated they have. Chairman Kirk stated he would like to see the calculations and would like to see a reduction in the turf in non -golf course locations. The only issue that seems to be in contention is the signal at Avenue 53. He agrees with staff's recommendation on the dual left turn lane. 28. Commissioner Quill stated there is no nexus for the cost of the signal and he cannot support the Avenue 53 cost of the signal to be born by the applicant. Mr. Gamlin questioned Condition #43 relative to making the Specific Plan and Tentative Tract map consistent in regard to site grading. 29. Chairman Kirk closed the public hearing. 30. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2005-003, recommending to the City Council certification of an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 2004-520, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 31. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Ladner to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2005-004 recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 99-035, Amendment #1, as recommended by staff and amended: 0.�9 G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc It 6 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 a. Condition #1 1.A. Amended as submitted in the memo with the exception of deleting last sentence regarding decibels. b. Condition #42. The second paragraph, last line change to read, not differ more than six feet applicable to the single family homes only. C. Condition #32.E the paragraph after the letter E deleted and improvements would be started at the 501h building permit and completed at the 100th building permit and would start no later than 5/31 /06 whichever is first. d. Condition #43: "Prior to any site grading or regarding that would raise or lower any portion of the site, the grading shall be consistent with the Specific Plan Amendment #1, and the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City staff to ensure they were revised on the rough grading plans. e. Condition #60 modified to include the applicant shall confer with the City of Indio with the participation of the Public Works staff and if the determination is not reached within 120 days the applicant shall be allowed full turn movement at their intersection and as shown on the plans for Avenue 52. f. Condition #81 deleted. g. Delete Condition 56.A.7) relating to traffic signal at Monroe and Avenue 53. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 32. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2005-005 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 33076, as recommended by staff and amended: a. Condition #87: The table submitted to the Commission will supercede the requirements of this condition. b. Condition #1 1.A. Amended as submitted in the memo with the exception of deleting last sentence regarding decibels. C. Condition #42. The second paragraph, last line change to read, not differ more than six feet applicable to the single family homes only. d. Condition #32.E the paragraph after the letter E deleted and G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-11-05.doc 12 Planning Commission Minutes January 11, 2005 improvements would be started at the 50`h building permit and completed at the 1001h building permit and would start no later than 5/31 /06 whichever is first. e. Condition #43: Prior to any site grading or regarding that would raise or lower any portion of the site, the grading shall be consistent with the Specific Plan Amendment # 1, and the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Staff for a substantial conformance funding review. f. Condition #60 modified to include the applicant shall confer with the City of Indio with the participation of the Public Works staff and if the determination is not reached within 120 days the applicant shall be allowed full turn movement at their intersection and as shown on the plans for Avenue 52. g. Condition #81 deleted. h. Delete Condition 56.A.7) relating to traffic signal at Monroe and Avenue 53. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Ladner, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. Vill. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: None IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Alderson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on January 25, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:03 p.m., on January 11, 2005. Respectfully submitted, Bet awyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California iw n3 i G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1 -11 -05.doc 13 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 25, 2005 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Alderson to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Rick Daniels, Paul Quill and Chairman Tom Kirk. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to excuse Commissioner Ladner. Unanimously approved. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Associate Planners Wallace Nesbit and Martin Magana, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of the regular meeting of January 11, 2005. Commissioner Quill asked that Page 11, Item 28 be modified to read, "Commissioner Quill stated there is no nexus for the cost of the signal and he cannot support the Avenue 53 cost of the signal to be born by the applicant"; Page 12, Item D of the Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map Condition #43 be changed to read, "Prior to any site grading or regrading that would raise or lower any portion of the site, the grading shall be consistent with the specific plan amendment #1 and the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City staff to ensure they were revised on the rough grading plans". Chairman Kirk asked staff to verify what was stated by Assistant City Engineer on Page 2, Item 5 and correct if necessary. Staff has reviewed the tape and made the necessary changes. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to approve the minutes as submitted. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-25-05.doc Planning Commission Minutes January 25, 2005 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2004-820; a request of Ehline Company for consideration of four single-family prototypes, each with three different elevation treatments, and certain landscape design plans within a residential tract development for the property located within Tract 31249, on the south side of Avenue 58 Y2 mile west of Madison Street. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Alderson asked about Plan 2, that whether it was a garage or casita the setback would vary. The setback requirement for a casita is 20 feet and a garage is 15 feet. Staff explained the difference. Commissioner Alderson asked if the applicant would have to establish whether it was a garage or casitas before the setback could be determined. Staff stated the site layout would have to be determined. Commissioner Alderson stated the color samples have little resemblance to what was submitted in the package. 3. Commissioner Quill asked if a casita is habitable space, the setback must be 20 feet and if it is a non -habitable space side entry garage it can be 15 feet. Staff stated it has to be designed as a garage space with a side entry. Some specific plans do allow the different setbacks. Discussion followed as to how this is determined. 4. Commissioner Alderson stated that the staff report refers to tandem parking as being an illegal use. Staff clarified the Code requires that each garage space be 10 foot clear for each vehicle. A tandem design with a three car garage would have to have a 10 by 40 foot space. 5. Commissioner Daniels asked if conditions were added to accommodate the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee conditions and the issues raised about the setbacks. Staff stated yes. 6. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the 3 :3 G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-25-05.doc 2 Planning Commission Minutes January 25, 2005 7. Mr. Patrick O'Dowd, owner of the property adjoining this tract to the east stated his issue is with respect to the 150 foot setback along Avenue 58, they would like the same consideration. That no homes would be within 22 feet of its adjacent property line. 8. Commissioner Alderson stated the site plan does not show the circulation into the site and he believes they will enter into the model complex through both entrances off of Avenue 58; if this is true, will they be constructing the full street at both entrances. The applicant, Natasha King, representing Ehline Company stated she believes they are. 9. Commissioner Quill asked Mr. O'Dowd to clarify his request. Mr. O'Dowd stated his concern was addressed in Condition #81 of the Tentative Tract Map. They do not want homes 28 feet in height within 20 feet of their property line. Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston stated this condition is part of our Zoning Code to protect our Arterial roads not between tracts. As to whether or not it can be imposed at this stage, the tentative tract map unless there is something contradictory on the tentative tract map, there is nothing to keep the Commission from imposing this condition at this time. Although there is no legal right to a view corridor according to California law. 10. Commissioner Quill asked Mr. O'Dowd if they were building houses or golf courses adjacent to this tract. Mr. O'Dowd stated this is in review at this time, but they are uncertain as to whether it will be residential, street, or landscaping. They would prefer the 22 foot height limit no matter what. 11. Chairman Kirk asked the applicant if she had any suggestions regarding Mr. O'Dowd's questions. Ms. King stated not at this time, but they were meeting with them to discuss the issues. 12. There being no further public participation, the public hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 13. Commissioner Quill stated it is a great looking product and a nice asset to the community. In respect to the two story height limitation, it appears it would impact 32 lots of this project. He does not believe the difference between the single story and 28 feet is a great difference and he would not want to change the condition at this time. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-25-05.doc 3 Planning Commission Minutes January 25, 2005 does not believe the difference between the single story and 28 feet is a great difference and he would not want to change the condition at this time. 14. Commissioner Alderson agreed and complemented the applicant on the design of the homes. 15. Commissioner Daniels stated he agrees with the design but has an issue agreeing to the height limitations when we do not know what the property to the south will be constructing and hopefully the two developers can work this out. 16. Chairman Kirk concurs the homes are well designed and although they have restricted heights in regard to compatibility, this is the first development in the site and believes it is up to the adjoining project to design their product in cooperation with this tract. 17. It was moved by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Planning Commissioner Resolution 2005-006 approving Site Development Permit 2004-820, as recommended by staff. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Quill, and Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Ladner. ABSTAIN: None. B. Conditional Use Permit 2004-089: a request of Target for consideration of the placement of temporary metal storage bins at the rear of the building located at 78-935 Highway 1 1 1. 1 . Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Staff explained this item should to be continued to February 8, 2005. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to continue this item to February 8, 2005. 3. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Daniels asked that a larger policy regarding containers be brought back to the Commission regarding all big box businesses. 4. Commissioner Quill gave a history of the issues the Planning Commission has with these containers. His biggest issue is safety G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-25-05.doc 4 Planning Commission Minutes January 25, 2005 and aesthetics. He would like to come to a conclusion to address how to screen these containers. Discussion followed. Community Develop Director Doug Evans stated he would like to keep this application for Target on calendar because this is a way to keep the discussion before the Commission. Building and Safety has given staff the information necessary to address the issue from a safety standpoint and staff will address this at the next meeting. Staff will push the other companies to get their applications in at the earliest possible time. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Department report: Community Development Director Doug Evans gave a report on the Department's activities and commended staff on their dedication. IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Ladner/Alderson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on February 8, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:47 pm., on January 25, 2005. Respectfully submitted, Betty J. awyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\1-25-05.doc 5 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: II MINUTES ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A Regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 5, 2005 10:00 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit. B. Committee Members present: Bill Bobbitt, Frank Christopher, and David Thoms. C. Staff present: Principal Planner Stan Sawa and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Staff asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of December1, 2004. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Thoms to approve the Minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Village Use Permit 2004-026; a request of Prest Vuksic Architects for consideration of landscaping plans for a 6,800 square foot two story office building located on the north side of Calle Amigo, one lot west of Desert Club Drive. 1. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Thoms asked if the material inside the people space what is it. Staff stated it appears to be pavers. Committee Member Thoms asked that the benches have backs on them. G:\WPDOCS\ALRC\1-5-05 ALRC.doc Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee January 5, 2005 3. Committee Member Christopher asked if the landscaping will grow to a significant height to soften the building. 4. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the palm trees will. Staff noted the robusta is the only one to have height. Most of the others are low growing. The building has enough architectural detail that you don't want to hide the building. 5. Committee Member Bobbitt asked where the Chamaerops humilis was located on the site. They are noted on the legend but do not appear on the site plan. Staff noted he did not see where they are on the site plan. Committee Member Bobbitt noted if they use them they will each need to be at least six feet apart. He has a concern regarding evergreen pear is known to get bacteria and it is unable to kill and will wipe the tree out. He would recommend they not use them, but replace them with a different variety. Courtyard area needs shade trees. 6. There being no further questions of the applicant, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Christopher/Thoms to adopt Minute Motion 2005-001 recommending approval of proposed landscaping plans for Village Use Permit 2004-026, as recommended by staff and amended: a. Material be a paver not concrete. b. Benches have backs to them. C. Evergreen pear be replaced with a Ligustrum Lucidum. Unanimously approved. B. Site Development Permit 2004-820; a request of for consideration of Ehline Company for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for four prototypical residential plans for Tentative Tract Map 31249 located on the south side of Avenue 58, ± 1 /2 mile west of Madison Street. 1. Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff introduced Natasha King, project manager, who gave a presentation on the project. `33 G:\WPDOCS\ALRC\1-5-05 ALRC.doc 2 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee January 5, 2005 2. Committee Christopher asked the location of the model units on the tract. Staff noted the lots. 3. Committee Member Thoms asked if the interior streets had sidewalks. Staff noted they are going through revisions to reduce the street widths and neither plan shows sidewalks. It will be a wedge design for each lot. Committee Member Thoms noted one of the exhibits shows a connecting walk from the driveway to the entrance. Staff noted that is a continuation of the model walkways. He noted the entry perimeter wall, landscaping, and gate, do not show enough detail for review. Staff noted they will be brought back for review and approval. 4. Committee Member Christopher asked what developments adjoin this tract. Staff noted the surrounding developments. 5. Committee Member Thoms asked about the street lighting. Ms. King stated it will be included with the landscaping plan when it is submitted. 6. Committee Member Christopher asked if the Committee was approving the models as well as the typical lot landscaping. Ms. King stated they were requesting only the model complex landscaping. The sidewalk noted is only for the model home path. 7. Committee Member Thoms noted there is a note indicating pavers on one plan and the other states concrete. 8. Committee Member Bobbitt stated they own it and have to market them, so he has no issue. Looking t the elevations, they are very attractive. Ms. King stated that in regard to the "model trail," each model has a different type of surface to make the offer to the client as to which option they would prefer. 9. Committee Member Thoms noted the garage door openings and asked the material. Ms. King stated cedar and a new type of wood material. Same as used at the Norman Estates. 10. Committee Member Bobbitt noted the wall in the parking area and asked the material. Ms. King stated that was a garden wall. Committee Member Bobbitt stated it should be a slump G:\WPDOCS\ALRC\l -5-05 ALRC.doc 3 Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee January 5, 2005 stone, or similar, split face, plaster to keep in keeping with the architecture. 1 1 . Committee Member Bobbitt asked if the front yards were to be HOA maintained. Ms. King stated HOA maintained. Committee Member Bobbitt stated there may be a problem with individual clocks at each unit instead of a central clock. Ms. King stated they normally have a common area clock. Committee Member Bobbitt suggested that whatever area being maintained by the HOA have at a central location. 12. There being no further questions of the applicant, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Christopher/Bobbitt to adopt Minute Motion 2005-002 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2004-820, as recommended by staff and amended: a. Perimeter landscaping and wall, and gate plans and interior common area will be brought back for review. b. Garden walls shall be plaster or in keeping with the architecture. Unanimously approved. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VII. COMMITTEE MEMBER ITEMS: None VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Bobbitt/Thoms to adjourn this regular meeting of the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee to a regular meeting to be held on February 2 2005. This meeting was adjourned at 1 1: 01 a.m. on January 5, 2005. Res ectfully sub fitted, . S WYER Executive Secretary ' ,9 vJ G:\WPDOCS\ALRC\1-5-05 ALRC.doc 4 Department Report: /-- A C&tIf a QUWA OF T�9� TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager .o DATE: February 15, 2005 SUBJECT: Department Report — Response to Public Comments The following public comments were made at the February 1, 2005, City Council meeting: 1. Michael Murrell, 44-875 Via Mirabel, spoke regarding the new skate park at the La Quinta Park. He expressed concern that the rules are not being followed. He has seen teenagers on bikes, kids not wearing helmets, etc., and is concerned for the safety of the skateboarders. He has seen police officers come to the park and as soon as the bicyclists see them approaching, they scramble to get out of the Skate Park. He has never seen a police officer talk to the bicyclists nor issue a citation to any of them. He commented that Palm Desert's Skate Park charges $5 per year for a user's card, and. has certain hours under which supervision is provided. He would like to see some sort of supervised hours at our park. • Staff wrote a letter to Mr. Murrell addressing his concerns, which was also copied to Captain Walt Meyers, Chief of Police. 2. Audrey Ostrowsky, P. 0. Box 351, complimented the City's new Code Enforcement Officer. She would also like to arrange a meeting with Council members to discuss her concerns. • Staff will contact Ms. Ostrowsky. 3. Sheldon Brodsky, 47-940 Via Jordan, and JoAnne Reeves, P. 0. Box 2006, spoke regarding the La Quinta Playhouse, which will be presenting two comedies under the Big Top ten in Old Town La Quinta. The group is interested in applying for Community Services Grant funds, and will be looking for City support for a more permanent venue for their productions. Mr. Brodsky, as Vice -Chair of the Cultural Arts Commission, offered the Commission's full support of the La Quinta Playhouse and its mission. • Council thanked Mr. Brodsky and Ms. Reeves for the information. 4. Joe Broido, 77-510 Calle Nogales, complimented the Council on the appearance of the Embassy Suites Hotel not being as bad as he had anticipated, due in part to citizens requesting it be kept to 4 stories instead of 6. He also had questions regarding SilverRock Resort, and asked what the current cost overrun is on Phase I of the golf course, and how much is needed to complete it? He also inquired as to the cost of the rear entrance to SilverRock Resort on Avenue 52? He mentioned the cost for Desert Willow's entrance in Palm Desert was $25,000, and expressed that all of our water and waterfalls are objectionable to many La Quinta citizens, who see it as a waste of water. He inquired whether we would expect repeat business on the first golf course, which, in his opinion, is too difficult for the average golfer, and asked that the second course be made more user-friendly and more forgiving. • Mayor Adolph assured Mr. Broido that the second course would be more user-friendly. The Assistant City Manager spoke with Mr. Broido and informed him of the upcoming report on SilverRock Resort's budget, which is on today's agenda, and offered to provide him with a copy. 17) �., 2 —r- DEPARTMENT REPORT: 1—'23> 4 l�w�U�Q�c Ira IvCo mxn,ID`4� OF T9 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager DATE: February 15, 2005 SUBJECT: Department Report - Kiner Communications Quarterly Marketing Report Per the City's contract with Kiner Communications, the Marketing Report for the second and third quarters of the 2004/05 Fiscal Year is attached. =' 9 PA" K'rnerCommunications Ll Quarterly Marketing Report HD�'rFT:SihJG MafiKETih:� PUELiC RELATIONS Second & Third Quarters; 04-05 Fiscal Year Kiner Communications Marketing Plan for City of La Quinta COMPLETED: Third Annual City Report Newsletter — Created 2004 City Report newsletter, which included design, writing (based on content from City Staff), editing and identifying photography. Also coordinated mailing to all postal patrons in La Quinta. City Calendar for 2005 — Designed, wrote copy and coordinated photography for 2005 City Calendar. This year's calendar focused on La Quinta's arts culture, highlighting primarily public art and how it enhances everyday life in La Quinta. Public Relations — Wrote and distributed news release regarding the new skate park at La Quinta Park, resulting in a feature story in the Desert Sun, an article in the Desert Post Weekly and a segment on CBS-2. (See attached) Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Program Ad — Created Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Program Guide ad featuring SilverRock Resort — including concept, copywriting, design and photography. (See attached) 2004-05 City of La Quinta Infomercial — Produced 2004-05 infomercials (both local and out -of -market versions) with all new footage emphasizing SilverRock Resort, the premier family/community life in La Quinta and the positive growth occurring in the City. Out -of -market version has more of a tourism/economic development theme. DVDs are being made and will be available to the Council in a few weeks. The infomercial is currently airing locally, as well as in Seattle, San Diego and the Inland Empire. Continued on Page 2 73-101 Hiyh�Vay 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, California 92260 tel: 76ri.773.0290 r) f� 76C 7 73.1750 ti 9 " w.kinercom.com IN PROGRESS: K Local TV Spots — Working on producing two 30-second spots to air during local newscasts the month of March — a time when the Valley is at maximum capacity with visitors, snowbirds, potential new residents and, of course, full-time residents. One spot will be focused on SilverRock, the other on community amenities and quality of life in La Quinta. Marketing Recruitment Program — Identified a list of potential developers and commercial agents to include in an information -gathering workshop to gain input on what businesses are still needed/desired in La Quinta. Also compiling data for a resident survey to determine what residents would like to see in terms of stores and services that would them more in terms of convenience and selection. Following the workshop and survey, key businesses will be targeted for recruitment materials and follow-up contact to entice them to La Quinta. Community Services Spring Events Postcard — Working with Community Services Department to create a vivid postcard to go out to residents informing them. of upcoming City events and activities this spring. K i n e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s NEWS SERVICE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rommi O'Brien Phone: 760.773.0290 Cellular: 760.333.9102 rommio @ kinercoin.com 2ND SKATE PARK IN LA QUINTA HOSTS GRAND OPENING THIS FRIDAY La Quinta, CA — The City of La Quinta Community Services Department announces the grand opening of the City's second skate park Friday, December 17 from 5:30 — 7:30 pm. at the La Quinta Park (corner of Adams and Westward Ho). The public is invited to attend free -of -charge and enjoy live music, prizes, skate trivia, giveaways, beverages, competitions and of course, skateboarding. The 11,000 square foot partial concrete and partial modular park features a t 2,500 square foot concrete bowl with depths averaging from four to six feet, stairs, grind rails and a park bench — all just for riding on — as well as super skate camaraderie. The new Skate Park and the Skate Park at Fritz Burns Park (corner of Avenue 52 and Bermudas) are for use with skateboards and in -line skates and are open daily from 6 am — 10 pm. Skaters, don't forget to wear protective gear, it's required. Information: (760) 777-7090, www.la-quinta.org. J a and her Cl - " .,•„"� = �,,,�,., „_ - ebrated the ruck tnu-c-Itris= Inok, 347--474*3 and kicked off p t4rc---day THE Sk1.VAPOK ARAO "k� food dr;ve rit Ailertscnb on acnabw of rk)fi,-v is mhw. VA the -,ome_- of Munttr) Av- 7e=lr-,amj u►riwy, by toys tv. enve t�z-d C:ountx-, Czlut� cl:iidrPrrilut%giagf:47by Dti ✓e in Rancho Mirages Tuesday- aitii cyti wds u, crisi.. flrough Saturday, c� -.�ri 6S l; ' NA if x r i, irc. 'Ma A�. Please see RN.U. B7 '.V >ErjQiY. 3 2 4 - 2 2 7 5 'dew skate park gnnds to a start By CTLORU RoDRjmTFz GRAND THE VVSEXT FUn r Experi(C n.ce& sk2tcboi,i ci W Wt'1I _`r: hail &i AI aw,,,s ers otter, refer to t%t 1 :`r. StrlFet chilli WeSLv--,Eti+' NC, Nve Quini4 skat, park in the, oi,-,!;s today & 5: -% I, rr, the Cove art>. as;.)-�Ug)c gvn:, or, shalt PtAk i� i, iiT.",-: ,tt better yt't, a jol: ttiorlitult'l i)V; Wei, a Itelme- "It`s e tisy," said vra: - anci elimsw r!v kilt T- jwl' old e7--,e Rodrigue.:,. .1br-) a"c Ofmcer; wii, -ic tends L:, '�tuinLa 1':'Kl weeiiii? E'J'J!i-rp.e.o School. Rt-.)dH •ut-Z v;:10 iuv,- ,i it^_, jr,: Cheile-raon 1 !�! Ir M L-- Qvila- cu- i)fjjelrjot, Vt'li1 '); �. to starting todzy. Tne nc�ti . r;;;`rc;sfriisattt;, f�a;: f �.:rc, Marx- 11,000-foot skate part; :ti 1_, y ;iris today tr�r i 5..= t} 7: 0 1a Quin a PR&. is gcarec ir►, VY1 Mlore advanct-d sksters )'r promises to be, as so,:o: a,r;; skaters like to ` say, rigl:; teous" and "dank," ur to,.rg1 1c v� , F,-,T-h,• al?. and cool. In other words.- tiY ;c:l �y t'.e i � r�.�gers teens are ,: s� ; E .:'' aajolo :t JF; rt .- ., "It'1l be 4 - r Iltt antee it, a,- f 220, manage, :� :: �, .'ie, 4,7 1 i 4 IA6 Ridr- Shop it-_i.-+..7-,1?'. .. :S IJ•?tr, c`7](•1•'fs-( i... �S:,lt?. Y City. "Just from �; •. � `1,�1=� _ 1 _� �_ � t -uiCl f t ;rt �t jl izir C- alreec�'; dIT�%Irlg 1 j i:tf ;t,� `.;tio{{: t";}1+- it x �;Llp a.timore at it (bier re, Lr'ctit �f_-: ti•- z_+ AF. Q11inta iLgh Scliool. ed about how it looks. Please see SKATE, B6 I 1)eserjr V05+ \J tt)hly -Wi4fi - udjonc s.rom -ardJones hvidu.,i investor: Sines 1871 �:fir �rr�:�> ►�r oe••-iR:^.ram.. 4s"`_- ; r wLI. . P&M Ume receive ffu 5iroln ir, C;aiilurivfa %La supplies increase nationwide. A state order restricting shots only to those at greatest risk has been lifted, state Public Health Offi c.er Richard Jackson has announced Jackson said clinicians should now include priority groups that typically would get a flu shot, in eluding teachers. Those eligible are: children ages 6-23 months it adults 50 and older ip those ages 2-64 with chronic medical conditions a women who will be pregnant during flu season 1k residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities or, children ages 6 months to 18 years on chronic aspirin therapy W household contacts of those in any priority group For flu vaccine availability, call tie Riverside County Department of Public Health's immunization program at (888) 246-1215; Indio Family Care Center at (760) 863- 8283; or the Palm Springs Family Care Center at (760) 778-2210. houstna developmz- V. After hashing out environmen- ally friendly landscaping and aes- thetic fencing, the Desert Floc Springs Planning Commission re- cently accepted designs for 153 new homes taat wTil' be known as Vista Hacienda. The %onjEF rai'1 :�ove a lit -de, N910" 23v 240 9 Filtr_r magazine, which has been LA QUINTA a major presence at past Coachella �' KIr''Yt: festhia festivals, reported on its We!) sil-F -t vanced skate perk opM. S li ` p for 2: th.►t New York City alterra,:tive ra- dio station K-ROCK has said Ni:_e �'`"` " Filch antidpati 'he Palm Sl Inch Nails is 'rumored" to head Experienced skateboarders now Film Festival w line the festival. lave a more challenging park in La mestc look thi: The %enerable British mus'c Quinta. F tival off magazine NME "projected" hea - A new, 11,000-foot skate park at veileddoe festh, liners to include Bowie, Coldpl y, the La Quinta Park opener. last week eludes' 190 film, Franz Ferdinand and R.E.M. with promises to be "righteous" and Th� 2005 M The festival has been rumo ed "dank" or tough and cool. will sen 80 I to be scheduled for the weeken of The partial concrete, partial more an last April 30 through May 1. modular.park features a 2,500- worlcl Preiniere: Gary Sherwin, vice presiden of sgiare-fout clover -leaf shaped con- Th ' closing I market development for the P crete bowl with depths ranging from will bO the Engl. Springs Desert Resorts Corven n 4 to 6 feet. There are also stairs, a Laven er," star, and Visitors Authority, said I is ridable park bench and grind rails. Judi l4ench ane agency has heard "three or fte r Located on Adams Street and film at had it different dates" and. its rnemr Westward Ho Drive, the La Quinta the 'oronto hotels -raven't reported any unu- Skate Park is one of seven skate in Coachella Valley Sept tuber. �ackage ticl al acthity relayed to the Coachell parks the to Toile'ct said the dates have n�. t open in the last five }Tears. Four of sale, and indivi been confirmed and probab y those parks opened in 2003. o� sale Monday won't be anno zinced until the b - The new La Quinta skate park is % The festival ginning of the year. free and self --monitored, taut skaters 6 through IN'' h e festival Web site are rec uired to wear helmets an ; jean. nine auditorium t-vww.coachel.la.com, still contain knee and elbow pads or face firx n�ias Palm Sprit lest year's unformatiot., ranging from $50 for one oIle to �$250 for mutiple offenses. Camelot Theatre ater and Palm S ..., Lea. €� �.w ... bur ?�` t f t'acl-Zge pay - $45 for six fil. f rr3F, r :' �.r3�;F: t' c' = ems- ' events except of A poorly pyre;>d space heater �-` � j -: �� tila #�M ��,, t night films an( and dated. construction mat�.rial � and special eve were believed ;_o be the key in re- y - y g ''- «+, `.' - :' �'' �� ':'t[:k5`t:'- .` on sale at www. di.ents in a conflagration that re- Cr, lege of the Desert's spring For informat salted in the destrt.ction of ore of class schedule is available online. 2930. the Coachella Valley's most ender_ Tie schedule can be accessed at ��tsi�i-1.� ing larndr narks; firef.4g`itcrs said.. www.ccllegeofthedesert.edu/stLi- � Seapl the co! Early results of an investigation denWC1assScl edu e. and get ticket :r into the fire that destroyed the Ho-w Printed schedules also are avail- 2005 film festivi ryl Ir.:d::, :'•� turd:Cv. Lie - 1 . =_idic:. t-- , L- le rj,. t~re CC-11_) ;�,.rnpu� and at www.thedesrrteu 'rY +r...._....w.' °..."•'_.._ _. ��.. ... w.e.---,. -.mow,...-t_.,.... 7 IL With views like this, suddenly a a n't look so bad. Y You may not actuallV care about \our handicap at SilverRock Resort. Because when you're at SherRock, it isn't just about the game. At each hole. you'll take in natural splendor and sun -drenched scenery you've only experienced through spec - tacufar photograph: .-\nd hen it is about the game, Arnold Palmer's championship course will transform challenge into pure enjo��ment. Sil\erRock is the ideal blend of all a golfer's pleasures— which is undoubtedly why the Bob Hope Chnvs- ler Classic has named Sil�erR��ck its home course beginning 2006. Sure, you 'nokv La Quinta as one of the counlrv's best places fir extraordinary golf, but prepare for SilverRock to take your golf game where it's never been before. For additional information and project updates, go to SilverRock, org or call 760-777-7035. To resene tee times, call SSS-600-7272. Tdf Arnold Palmer Classic Course S I LV E R R O C K" BEM of THE OESE117 Opening Early ZOOS RESORT a ems;` A- _ c DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3- A 6 s s. 5 CITY COUNCIUS UPCOMING EVENTS t'e4 MARCH 1 MARCH 3 MARCH 15 MARCH 17-20 APRIL 5 APRIL 19 MAY 3 MAY 17 JUNE 7 SilverRock RESORT GRAND OPENING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING LA QU i NTA ARTS FESTIVAL - CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 21 CITY COUNCIL MEETING `.1 L� `r� / February 2005 La Quinta City Council Monthly Planner Sunday....y Tuesday neanesclay i nursaay ... ..... ! i i::.if iE:!1•i.?. !•. !ii � [ 1•€ iil}f{f{'€{!!I:€ , 3•fi;i3 ;f 3.1:: !:[i�l{i�fEliEiiifiii!E!fEI... 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Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 2/10/2005 March 2005 La Quinta City Council Monthly Planner April 2005 La Quinta City Council Monthly Planner 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7:30 AM CVEP-Adolph 7:00 PM Mosquito 9:00 AM RCTC- 12:00 PM Energy/ 10:00 AM Pub. Sfty- Abate. -Perkins Henderson Environ.-Sniff Perkins 7:00 PM Planning 5:30 PM Investment 7:00 PM Cultural Arts 12:00 PM Transp-Perkins Commission Advisory Board Commission 6:00 PM League - Henderson 7:00 PM Com. Serv. Comm. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9:00 AM CVA-Henderson 3:00 PM Historic Preser- 2:00 PM City Council vation Commission Meeting 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6:00 PM Exec Cmte.- 7:00 PM Planning 12:00 PM Human/Comm- 9:00 AM LAFCO- Adolph Commission Osborne Henderson 12:00 PM Sunline-Adolph 4:00 PM DRRA Airp- Osborne Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 2/10/2005 00 �a'I& 0 } Ivm Man n�4h OF I DEPARTMENT REPORT: TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Tom Hartung, Director of Building & Safety I.+4 DATE: February 15, 2005 RE: Monthly Department Report - January 2005 Attached please find the statistical summaries for building permits, Animal Control, Code Compliance, and garage sale permits for the month of January. Also included is the Monthly Executive Status Report for the Municipal Library. The reports depict the following highlights: • Year-to-date building permit valuation is $26,632,905 which represents an issuance of 389 building permits for the first month of the new year; • 207 animal control cases have been handled through January; • 138 code compliance cases have been initiated through January; • $910.00 - garage sale permit income in January; and • Monthly Executive Status Report - Municipal Library Construction Update O y CDG CCD CAD CDF CD �CD ar v- L LIM ""LJLJH --I'l � b y 00 00 Ar rp 0 y o o O O CI cn I N O I'O O W ►� ►- J 00 Cy O� w N ►- a1 �-- to w to �1 C,� O,� V1 W O O P6 Un 00 �O W W a1 ON 00 "" C. N W Q � C!1 N W N 4�6 O \C 01 W -9�, W O is O 00 W t!1 W 01 00 � 46 N N O N �1 W N �1 O 00 A 01 0\ -P:6 �--' `o �--` 00 w w w 00 y � ►-r �1 N � N �p � W � J ►- O W O O� 00 �1 00 01 N O CIA J W 01 00 00 w 46 y y C� ►- w v, ►- .p 0 ,y o 000 Q1 N W N v `p \C C> ►--• 00 O_ O so O w 01 01 O �O w O ~ y C O c n to t� �P to 00 O� 00 1%0 N J W \C 00 to t.N _N00 �. � � W W �O ►-- -P � J J N c.n C� yw M w MMc oz�arorolam onnW> I > I yro0Hro:to zroMnt >>L,M M 0t,V I ro I H H O O H r x W H m x n z n 1 ro 1 z Wz H G] n 0 w M N r 1 , H I yv,v�cnCt7ayrovwrorom0zzE 1 �jroyHEE�noL�t�r�rt�t�c��b O > xt17.�dL�trJtrJ 1 03xCJH[=]xEErC7 I H � ro n C z r r M r 00 X H n o r H H OHO rro uowoH nn\H 01 y H H 0 1 cr MH PC 1 00Ili H I z I >r zzgn rrznH XXMO I v Oc� M I I �'OCnvott-4Vnz K H I 1 (n t� r x trj I 1 v I yUz)� H;on an x I �oro0 0 m 0 ��no t� H n x z z z H 3 O H H m rHtil Qa Htjt'] �o HOx H mr -qw rr H M M tri xx7L2j C7 � z H �m r y H H v�� z x ro y1 r t� sr) o H H H r H nz r I 1 t:)Oftlro til?d0t+] H r y U] y H x fA H H H cn x H H x C z > Hv v z t+j t1i m to z u 10 H U) xx �� H m> ro z H dd Mr 1 1 , tilHH H I I n H H H H n 0 i t r Ul H U) H ' H O o W r I z�nHK > o �rulro to H r is >roxH I ny I 1 w H H ny I '_] w H J W , t-+ 1 ttl i0 C. > 3 H K H H nj H 0 1 tcj I I H W H tll w H x I ro Ft w H Ol N o H H w N H, t'j O ro N IA H U) Ul tTj I � I y 1 I x 1 1 �Jl H I D� N H 1 r ro 1 01 W OD IP N w H 1 trJ 1 W H w J O N 0 ,P H H W H P [J Ol W W Ol w J J N Ol N Ol lD O H H I f1 H I lD w O O N W O W W J N w J H O H H 1 r O 1 0 ooOwWMOOrnHwwo OJm 1 Ct7 1 to OooulwwocDWMOMOOOOHO 1 y I y 1 I z 1 I I I N N w N W H to ow wHw ow J M 1D O 1 I Ul O O M J IP w H H Ul w IP 0) w J J N 1 rij 1 1 �P ,A O W Ul N W O 4P N w P H M U7 M Ul tij I I �D Ul O w Ui H H O O O w O W H O O w 0 .P I , W O O M N J lP O J J H O O w O O w 0 w 1 St�V 3 ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR: Jan. 2005 Steve Alexander, Moises Rodarte and Patti Lee Animal Pickups YEAR TO YEAR TO INCIDENTS YEAR TO YEAR TO Jan 05 DATE 05 DATE 04 HANDLED Jan 05 DATE 05 DATE 04 Dogs Alive 34 34 24 Bite Reports 5 5 2 Dead 10 10 3 Animal Trap OTI 0 0 6 Set Ups 9 9 4 Cats Alive 18 18 14 Cruelty to Dead 7 7 6 Animals 1 1 0 OTI 1 1 0 Other Animals Alive 3 0 9 Vicious Animal Dead 4 0 0 Restraining 0 0 0 OTI 0 0 0 TOTAL ANIMALS Special Hour Patrols 3 3 0 Alive 55 55 47 Zoning 0 0 0 Dead 21 21 9 Lost/Found 58 58 36 OTI 1 1 6 Animal Rescue 3 3 0 Outside Agency 0 0 0 TOTAL ANIMALS REMOVED City Reclaims 13 13 7 Other 0 0 4 77 77 62 TOTALS 92 92 53 VIOLATIONS: NO OWNER WARNINGS CITATIONS Dogs at Large 27 0 11 Noise Disturbance 0 0 0 Defecation Removal 0 0 0 License Violation 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 MONTHLY TOTAL 27 0 11 YEAR TO DATE 27 0 11 TOTAL MONTHLY INCIDENTS HANDLED: Jan. 05: 207 Jan. 04: 147 TOTAL YEARLY INCIDENTS HANDLED: Jan. 05: 207 Jan. 04: 147 �� 4 15' ' J CODE COMPLIANCE STAT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 Jan. 05 YEAR TO DATE 05 YEAR TO DATE 04 ABATEMENTS: Nuisance Abatements Started 83 Weed Abatements Started 8 Vehicle Abatements Started 38 Dwelling Abatements Started 3 Home Occupation Inspections 6 TOTAL STARTED 138 TOTAL COMPLETED 92 Case Followups 237 Business License Inspections 0 Garage Sale Permits Issued 91 Total Received $910.00 83 55 8 0 38 32 3 3 6 (new category) 138 90 92 272 237 152 0 0 91 163 r. 5 grow CONSTRUCTION, INC. Glendora Beverly Mips San Clemente La Quanta Las Vegas Monthly Executive Status Report City of La Quints Municipal Library Construction Update Presented To The City of La Quinta: February 2005 For the Month of January 2005 • Structural Steel Columns & Beams complete in -place. (except ornamental iron) • Rotunda Steel complete / Roberson Decking complete in -place. • Glue Laminated Beams complete in -place. • Wood Framing approximately 70% complete. Roof Framing to start A.S.AP. • No negative community related problems/issues reported. _Schedule Performance Month of January 2005 • No days lost in production, schedule on track. Schedule Performance Project to Date • Original Completion Date: June16, 2005 • Revision Schedule # 4 June 28, 2005 • Forecast Completion Date: June 16, 2005 Budget Performance Project to Date • Original bid: $5,794,018.00 • Plus Contingency (5%) $289,700.00 • Total Budget (original bid plus contingency): $6,083,718.00 • Change Orders (16) : 0 1.) $7,923.78 (relocation of existing electrical vault within building footprint) o 2.) $23,228.00 (underground ductwork for Phase# 2 not in original plans) o 3.) <$6,245.00> CREDIT (crushed rock/slab underlayment deletion) o 4.) $0.00 (Rain Day Delay / 1 additional day to baseline schedule) o 5.) $0.00 (Rain Day Delay / 1 additional day to baseline schedule) o 6.) $2,318.40 (additional electrical items per M.W. Steele I.B.#014) o 7.) $24,283.27 (additional electrical per Revised Verizon Drawings) o 8.) $11,928.00 (changes in light fixtures per M.W. Steele I.B.#012) o 9.) $12,068.25 (additional electrical per Revised IID Drawings) 0 10.) $22,301.44 (changes in Original Light Fixture Schedule, 80 fixtures) 0 11.) $12,432.00 (linear diffusers, intake & exhaust, per I.B.#023 & I.B.#041) 0 12.) $0.00 (Rain Day Delay / 2 additional days to baseline schedule) o 13.) $0.00 (Rain Day Delay / 3 additional days to baseline schedule) 0 14.) $24,900.00 (change from wood to light gauge metal framing @ the Rotunda location, per RFI #023 & I.B1015) 0 15.) $8,239.00 (change in steel connection detail, RFI#067 & RFI#093 & 1.134051) o 16.) $4,251.00 (plywood backing and wood blocking, per I.B.#052) o Total net change orders: $147,628.14 • Current cost commitments (original bid plus change orders): $5,941,646.14 • Contingency usage to date: $147,628.14 • Contingency budget remaining: $142,071.86 • Current commitments as % of Total Budget ($6,083,718.) 97.66% 6 ��`9 Safety Performance Project To Date • No Lost Time or Claims due to injuries or safety violations. • Safety "Tailgate Meetings" held every Monday AM. Upcoming Month Priorities/Key Activities (February 2005) • Wood Framing to be completed in February. • Roof Framing to be completed in February. • Metal Framing "Light Gauge"@ Rotunda to begin in February. • Other crafts to start rough -in: mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. j.0 7 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 5 T 6 4,�t 4 �Quraw TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: DOUGLAS R. EVANS, CO UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2005 PP-0001 SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2005 Attached please find a copy of the Community Development Department Report which outlines the current cases processed by staff for the month of January. PAMonthly Report Folder\JAN 2005.doc J11 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT REPORT JANUARY 2005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Conditional Use Permits 1 submitted Development Agreements 0 submitted Environmental Assessments 3 submitted General Plan Amendment 0 submitted Lot Line Adjustments 1 submitted Minor Adjustments 0 submitted Minor Use Permits 20 submitted Parcel Maps 0 submitted Parcel Mergers 0 submitted Sign Permits 10 submitted Site Development Permits 4 submitted Specific Plans 0 submitted Tentative Tract Maps 1 submitted Temporary Use Permits 4 submitted Village Use Permits 1 submitted Zone Change 0 submitted Zoning Code Amendments 0 submitted TOTAL 45 NEW CASES SUBMITTED INSPECTIONS AND PLAN CHECKS Cove Checks 4 Inspections completed Subdivision Plan checks 43 performed P:\Monthly Report Folder\JAN 2005.doc .� Z 0QQ U00 Q "O a a W a�-o � L o-CL o O" O O_ Q �00�Lo Nr'4t0 lid- I I I CL CL U 2 2 a U(L 0 C "c � c 'p C O > ai N c N }' > o a I LO O r- U U C ' p c O > o> 0-o > a a 0 QCL I Q a.< 0 Q0 �0 NCO 0 ��N I U ' CL 2 a U c O > • � O 0 CLa,CL a Q�u•� M-0 � OM� I C O I wUUw Q CLCL > Cco .) o 0 -c a OO cV I> O i cc a QU Q Q(L LO p 00 N l > > o 0 o.a a QQ O� d•04 O N O r- I UU C U CM N o O 0 co O 'O 'c c0 0 0 0 0> E N Off,, O U 'a C N p� ' — +�-+ L> O'er E •L +0, cu O rn0a. c +� U) .cn cn co a� -0 w c p E C O O C -0 O Q ' '� Co y M c Q o (U -0 O 0 •cn ^ c v +. jcn — co -0 N U ' c o cn +.+ O a co L cn 0 o O +r U co a� M N_ CL cn 0 0 o c O � c in -j Lo coa U c c L co o O c -0 0 +r13 t N M C 0! 0 -'0 U cn •o N 0L- 0 Q N O • cn LO c s C C N O 0� Co U O O U .� D .O CD _� a� _0 N EU -o o- c c O •cn `� X O M c0 N N O U c=n }' c 0 0 E co .a � co rn ,� i w 0 M> C Cl) C7 °' 0° o c o° 0 0 +1 00 ° c ''' `� Q .}, o •c c 0, 0 C U co U) 0 ._ -a co X — 0) C 0 M 0 .. 0 � -0 cn c o — C +, L U ai c a Q o � cn a co O _ o '+, c c cC� 0 co u co CM CL co 4- +� +, O U) L (J ' O N IoL �+Us co E1 - oL �Q oL d oJo O cn +rCL cl) —°o cn a O 0 + v, C + N O� + in 0 m cn O+J m o c a� o a) .O c a) a� .� r a� o c co E �- c W 0 0-0 aD .— o >� co U 0 -0 N >. 0- cn 07 cnC N +=O O C 0 rn � N + O a� 0 O L> � '�, 0 O o N 0 ,� � - t O O O cr E a� O ca � cr cn CC Q 2 CC Q +� U) U Q OC L CC N O x (n CC +r s � � � �• CCc 0 X 0 Or, NO CU E I— C ,4 O 0 N � C co •V Q W �00 Q •cam O MO C7N0 O O cnLO Lm U ) N N O c0 4? M CL cv co ' o U co co M v — � c ._ cz '506 N c CL CL cnln L QCO N� I.L00 0 CON 2 N N (� d c O 0 d u c -op0 cj0 NO .co ON CO cn O .O J 'O NO _ .O 4-1 LO co 000 O O x C dip 0 m0>0 0 0 00 CL C) ccn00� ,� O ,�.+i O 0) 1 'N ('� co OU coItM �N N `N O0 C N N 00 >� >� N m >. �«- 'J p M N� � CL a) Q- > N 0 � Q U N ;= t= O IL 0 0 O 0 Q f— NZ) N� O� Q �wNMU uuw000C7Zw > nL_> oU C7w CM U O LO O O N Q a� O LL O a Q s c a. J13 Z QI c •cu C.)0 fl- -a N O � a ccnn E Z.0 N 'a ° I Q In ' r- r- N I aU c �_ , cu , U -a a) ac c cu (D O O -c -a� (nn E "a Z.0 cV s U Z n cn N U O C "0 N 0 °'a Q I U In �� N r- I I aU N�O 00 I N U I J Qa- � - 0 as Q CL � I O In O N �- I r- U I J QCL N Oa +, o'O }'a 'v a� 'a I ? U -p J Q c� •L cu = L O U N c 0 c CD 0 S N p� V- cv N = N o cu c ui .0 L cu C � � O c V -a +- cu y- U M c cn M cC N O c cUn +, E O N N M *� 0 C 2 +1 0 U 00 c Z F' c M c o cv c cn � ,_ � -a N O O 73 O p O L • Q cn L 0 O O cn O C L > `I- '+-+ O a� >� > +� a� O CIS +.� r- `•'. U cn O +� c0 c s cu a. 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N a)� U U .- M OL- N -000 d �L O a) � a) �O �V— LO O Od0NM N O O p i00 +.1LO O a�M 00 0t9 p �MN� Lf) 0 MsOc ++CB U Cp '0 4-CN M �Ms000 2N �c MO00 O 0 QN N N � �a N a) CL -0 Z� 2 N a> Z> LU a. co U) (7 w F-- U) (n F- U Q F- Q F- 0 U) > cn > (D F- CC U) LO F- CC 0 a W H Q H H V W n 0 cc Q V W M C O_ L O M °' o O cc E CY) p o � co I.C) O 3 O v V� O O to 4a .a OP O y cc ap E o 0 0 CU Lo 00 +r a) o ca L Q + o o cn O O c o co CO a V LO L O cn 0 O L .o Co O a cl) c >� co U (U U CY)� O N Cc C a a C m a�00 J J C O C O = O 7 c C a � O V O � C .� C s L ca U 0) J C O C N 2 oD .16 Lu•l DEPARTMENT REPORT: - 6 TO: DATE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY CIL DODIE HORVITZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIREC FEBRUARY 15, 2005 SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2005 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2O05: Mar 1 *Dog Training Workshop Mar 1 Bellydance Level 2, La Quinta High School Mar 1 Tai Chi, Senior Center Mar 1 Beginning Guitar, Senior Center Mar 1 Italian for Travelers, Senior Center Mar 3 Beginning Bellydance, La Quinta High School Mar 4 *Beginning Pilates Class Mar 5 Stargazing, Cove Oasis Trailhead Mar 7 *Intermediate Watercolor Lessons Mar 7 *Microsoft Word Computer Class Mar 7 *Introduction to the Internet Mar 7 Ballroom Dance, La Quinta High School Mar 7 Kickboxing Boot Camp, Senior Center Mar 8 *Knitting Class Mar 8 Acrylic Painting, Senior Center Mar 9 *Introduction to the Computer Mar 11 *Rug Hooking Class Mar 14 *Exercise Class Mar 14 *Introduction to E-mail Mar 14 *Digital Photography Mar 15 Hip Hop Dance, La Quinta High School Mar 15 Tap & Jazz Dance Combo, La Quinta High School Mar 16 *Introduction to Word Processing Mar 16 *Photo Editing Computer Class Mar 17 Beginning Ballet, La Quinta High School Mar 17 Dance, Play, & Pretend, La Quinta High School Mar 21 *Hatha Yoga Class Mar 21 *Windows XP Laptops Mar 22 *CPR & First Aid Class Mar 22 *Tap Dance Class Mar 22 Yoga Electica, Senior Center Mar 22 Adobe Photoshop Elements Advanced Course, Senior Center Mar 23 *Introduction to Word Processing Level 2 Mar 23 *Beginning Conversational Spanish Mar 23 *Advanced Beginning Conversational Spanish Mar 23 Yoga Somatica, Senior Center Mar 24 *AARP Driver Safety Program Mar 24 *Ballroom/ Swing Dance Lessons Mar 24 Adobe Photoshop Elements, Senior Center Mar 25 *Multi -Generational Talent Show Mar 25 Adult Easter Egg Hunt, Fritz Burns Park Mar 26 Annual Egg Hunt & Chalk Drawing Contest, La Quinta Park Mar 28 *Printshop Publishing Class Mar 28 *Lists & Labels Computer Class Mar 28 *Family Tree Maker Computer Class Mar 28 Spring Break Camp Movie Day, Recreation Trailer Mar 28 Beginning Boxing, Senior Center Mar 28 Young Samurai, Senior Center Mar 29 Spring Break Camp Tournament Day, Recreation Trailer Mar 30 *Files & Folders Computer Class Mar 30 *Senior Sports Day Mar 30 Spring Break Camp Party in the Park, Recreation Trailer Mar 31 Spring Break Camp Talent Show, Recreation Trailer *Daytime Senior Center class or activity j 13 2 Monthly & Yearly Revenue for the Month of January 2005 Monthiv Revenue - Facility Rentals 2005 2004 Variance Senior Center $ 3,455.00 $ 11,639.00 $ 8,184.00 Parks $ 350.00 $ 500.00 $ 150.00 Monthly Facility Revenue $ 3,805.00 $ 12,139.00 $ 8,034.00 Year to Date Facility Revenue $ 22,489.00 1 $ 34,812.00 1 $ (12,323.00 Monthiv Revenue Senior Center $ 21,317.00 $ 20,018.50 $ 1,298.50 Community Services $ 12,929.00 $ 9,118.00 $ 3,811.00 La Quinta Resident Cards $8,205 $ 8,205.00 Total Revenue 1.$ 42,451.00 1 $ 29,136.50_1 $ 13,314.50 Revenue Year to Date Senior Center $ 65,151.00 $ 51,347.25 $ 13,803.75 Community Services $ 75,276.00 $ 56,827.00 $ 18,449.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 140,427.00 $ 108,174.25 $ 32,252.75 3 Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of January 2005 Summary Sheet Program 2005 2004 Variance Sessions Per Month 2005 2004 Leisure Classes 189 93 96 49 38 Special Events 35 53 -18 1 1 Adult Sports 466 518 -52 20 20 Senior Center 1631 1723 -92 164 103 Total 2,321 2,387 -66 234 162 Senior Services Senior Center 266 361 -95 12 17 Total 266 361 -95 12 17 Sports User Groups La Quinta Park Use AYSO 950 880 70 21 24 Sports Complex La Quinta Heat 14 14 0 4 12 AYSO 250 320 -70 7 20 La Quinta Baseball 15 0 15 1 0 Facility/Park Rentals Senior Center (Private Party) 400 0 400 2 0 (Church) 690 540 150 10 8 Boys & Girls Club (Private Party) 50 0 50 1 0 Park Rentals La Quinta Park Rental 240 200 40 6 5 Fritz Burns Park Rental 40 0 40 1 0 Total 29649 1,954 695 53 69 Total Programs 5,236 4,702 534 299 248 Volunteer Hours Senior Center 136 381 -245 Total Volunteer Hours 136 381 -245 4 Community Services Program Report for January 2005 2005 2004 2005 2004 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Intermediate Belly Dance 6 0 6 2 0 Beginning Bell dance 10 0 10 2 0 Beginning Ballet 10 0 10 2 0 Dance, Play & Pretend 10 0 10 2 0 Hip Hop Dance 6 0 6 2 0 Tap & Jazz Dance Combo 2 0 2 2 0 Ballroom/ Latin Dance 11 10 1 2 2 Yoga Somatica 12 5 7 2 3 Yoga Electica 12 14 -2 4 6 Beginning Boxing 4 0 4 4 0 Young Samaun 4 0 4 4 0 Kickboxing Boot Camp 13 0 13 2 0 Tai Chi 10 0 10 2 0 Beginning Guitar 18 0 18 2 0 Italian for Travelers 7 0 7 2 0 Acting to Perform 3 0 3 2 0 Acting for Children 12 0 12 2 0 Faux Finishes 13 0 13 2 0 All Aspects of Interior Design 6 0 6 2 0 Microsoft Excel 9 0 9 2 0 Adobe Photoshop Advanced 2 5 2 2 3 Beginning Computers 9 7 9 1 3 Totals 1891 41 160 49 17 2005 2004 2005 2004 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Special Events Youth Workshop 35 0 35 1 0 Totals 35 01 35 1 0 2005 2004 2005 2004 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Adult Sports Open Gym Basketball 246 298 -52 16 16 Adult Soccer League 220 2201 0 4 4 Totals 4661 518 -521 20 20 Recreation Totals 1 6901 5591 1831 701 37 Senior Center Attendance Participation Participation Variance Meetings Meetings 2005 2004 2005 2004 Senior Activities ACBL Bridge 252 275 -23 3 6 Bridge, Duplicate/Social 618 554 64 20 14 Monthly Birthday Party 36 39 -3 1 1 Monthly Luncheon 51 90 -39 1 1 Movie Time 36 49 -13 4 4 Senior Activity Total 993 1007 -14 29 26 Senior Leisure Classes Arts and Crafts 20 24 -4 4 2 Ballroom Dance 33 52 -19 7 6 Bridge Lessons 121 84 37 18 1 Computer 16 92 -76 7 4 Computer Tutor 3 5 -2 3 5 Dog Training Class 10 25 -15 30 6 Exercise 61 57 4 13 11 Golden Tones 128 87 41 4 4 Knitting 3 10 -7 3 1 Quilting 44 35 9 4 4 Rug Hooking 12 5 7 4 2 Sketching/Drawing 26 22 4 4 2 Spanish 35 31 4 3 2 Stained Glass 6 7 -1 2 4 Tai Chi 27 48 -21 9 6 Tap Dance 18 28 -10 6 8 Watercolor 46 33 13 8 2 Woodcarving 15 28 -13 2 4 Yoga 14 43 -29 4 3 Senior Leisure Classes Total 638 716 -78 135 77 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 1631 1723 -92 164 103 Senior Services AARP "55" Course 14 32 -18 1 2 FIND Food Distribution 185 259 -74 4 4 Hearing Consultation 3 0 3 1 0 I.I.D. Energy Assistance 24 25 -1 4 9 Legal Consultation 3 0 3 1 1 Medicare/Hi Cap Consultation 3 3 0 1 1 Volunteers 34 42 -8 n/a n/a TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 266 361 -95 12 17 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL .1897 2084 -187 176 120 DEPARTMENT REPORT: T 0 4j,tt 4 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Timothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: January 18, 2004 RE: Public Works/Engineering Department Report for January 2005 Attached please find the following: 1. Citizen Service Request Summary; 2. Encroachment Permit and Plan Check Services Summary; 3. Capital Improvement Plan Status Update; 4. Monthly Summary of Public Works Tasks; 5. Pinnacle Design Company response to SilverRock Resort Entry Landscape questions. T' othy R. J sso ublic Works Direct/City Engineer V J m IL J 2 Z 2 N W W W V W U) �a 0 O N Q z Q 0 w 0 g 0 q 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H O O O O O O O C LU �O N N 60. E�? O 600) J 60 60 L 60 O J O o0 6co. 00 C) w LL J I— O F— F-00000000 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 9 O EH O O co � It 04 04 T- 0) Q W co co W W N � � 0 0 0 r- O N z O Q Z W2 w O 0 U)>0 O H S way W z Z >w vwJww H _ J �— -U Q F'w~ zi U CO Cl) 0—�J U DQ w�DziMaz0 a:)M00a.cn:5H F- Q� w cn = =o F� U 2w lfi O CV Q z Q U) w U_ 2w mu) U) Y U J = �U Z Z Q d O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O H 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 t- 0 N 0 N 0 (O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m N � ONa O N H M� O f� M N O CO r - W N 0 N W) O N � V- to N N ti CO O (: O 't N N N to �- O -' O O CM O t� o� ��69 to 6009� 03� 0% Q ~ ~ w w w v w 2 V g a m D J U w w CO z z Z c>n w m w Cl) w m Z= p O H w w co co w 0m �� 2 2 2 p o > p a_ a a z z J - � o w U w� U O O w 2 w 2 LLI a Q O_ d N_ Z_ ? 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O N tCLO LO Q It O 0 °° °'M ��a)ND. N�M �a aU7oa0. CDc 060 N LO 41 MM�aC� �>�a)NN c cn cn CO cn +nx UJ E >O EU0ONO cLo o E� E 6 > MONTHLY SUMMARY OF PUBLIC WORK TASKS MONTH OF: January, 2005 Employee's Hourly Labor Breakdown Crew#1 Crew #2 Crew #3 Maint. Mg. Code Activity 4 Men 4 Men 2 Men 1 Man Total 1000 Policin !Inspection 70 38 0 9 117 1001 Pot Hole -Repair/Patching 45 92 10 0 147 1002 Crack/Joint-Repair 0 0 0 0 0 1003 Pavement Marking/Legends 0 0 0 0 0 1004 Pavement Markin Striping 0 0 0 0 0 1005 Curb Painting 0 0 0 0 0 1006 Other Traffic Controls 22 7 0 0 29 1007 Curb & Gutter Repair/Coast. 0 0 0 0 0 1008 Other Concrete Repairs/Const. 0 0 0 0 0 1009 1Street Sign Install (New) 6 5 0 1 12 1010 Street Sign Repair/Maint 49 9 0 0 58 1011 Debris Removal 5 11 0 0 16 1012 Right of Way Maint. 6 8 4 0 18 1021 CLEAN Catch Basin Inlet/Outlet 0 0 0 0 0 1022 Rondo Channel Outlet/Vault 4 0 0 0 4 1022A Desert Club Outlet/Vault 0 0 0 0 0 1023 S.D./ D.W./C.B. Repair/Maint. 0 16 0 1 17 1024 Gutter/Median Sand Removal 0 0 0 0 0 1025 Street Sweeping (Machine) 79 0 0 0 79 1026 Street Sweeping (Hand) 0 4 0 0 4 1027 SidewalkBike Path Cleaning 0 0 9 0 9 1028 Dust Control 0 0 0 0 0 1029 Flood Control 107 107 19 27 260 1031 Parks/Retention Basins Inspection/Clean- 0 19 134 0 153 1041 Mowing/ Weeding, Shrubs & Tree Trimmin 2 7 6 3 18 1051 Landscape/Irrigation Contract Managemer 0 0 74 11 85 1052 Lights Electrical Contract Management 0 0 0 12 12 1061 Small Tools Repair/Maint. 0 0 0 0 0 1062 Equipment Repair/Maint. 7 1 0 0 8 1063 IVehicle Repair Maint. 45 19 1 0 65 1081 Trash/Litter/Recycable Removal 0 0 0 0 0 1082 Vandalism Repairs 0 0 0 0 0 1083 Graffiti Removal 29 11 12 0 52 1084 Maint. Yard Building Maint. 16 0 .2 0 18 1085 Seminars/Training 5 0 2 2 9 1086 Special Events 2 0 0 0 2 1087 Citizen Complaints/Requests 59 45 15 0 119 1088 Meeting 2 8 4 25 39 1089 Office Phone, paper work, reports, Misc.) 8 30 0 45 83 SUBTOTAL 568 437 292 136 1433 1091 Over Time 30 40.5 17 0 87.5 1094 Jury Duty( 0 8 0 0 8 1095 Sick Leave 0 11 4 8 23 1096 lVacation 24 24 8 8 64 1097 Holiday 48 0 16 8 72 1098 Workman Comp. 0 160 0 0 160 1099 AWOP 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 102 243.5 45 24 414.5 TOTAL HOURS 670 680.5 337 160 1847.5 TOTAL MILES 36981 24831 10981 2651 7544 r, 97 02/08/2005 17:12 7607735615 FAX PAGE 01 601E COURSE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS February 8, 2005 Tim Jonasson Public Works Director City of La Quinta 78-495 Caile Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 P I H N A ( L I 1 E S 1 6 N Ala 10 M P A M T Re: California Peppers at SilverRock Resort Entry Dear Tim, SITC OBSERVATION SERVICES We have reviewed the Pepper trees at the entry with respect to the issues raised by the City Council. We selected the Peppers specifically for their character, which mimics that of a Willow tree, and it aesthetically works well in and around waterfeatures. We feel these trees are located far enough away from the waterfeatures so leaf drop will not be a problem- While we cannot guarantee that, during times of heavy wind, some debris will not find its way into the waterfeatures, this would be the case with any canopy tree, as all trees drop some debris. In regard to the trees placed in the medians leading up to the waterfeature, it was our design intent to have filtered views of the waterfeature from Avenue 52, so that the full impact of it is not realized until one reaches the area of the entry gates. Should the Council feel this is undesirable, we are confident that these trees could be relocated elsewhere on site, although this would most likely void the warranty on the trees. Relocation would also result in an additional expense - Please feel free to call if I may be of further assistance. Sincerely, PINNACLE DESIGN COMPANY Ron Gregory Principal RG/bc �v� 9S4 FIFTH AVENIIE SUITE 500 S A A 0 I E G 0 CALIFORNIA 92101 1EIEPHONE 619/699-5998 1AK 619/699-5913 8 Iloilo 74.020 ALESSANDRO SUITE E PALM DESERT CAIIFORMIA 02200 TELEPHONE 760/340-4529 FAX 780/773.5815 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 1) CITY OF LA Q UINTA POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHL Y REPORT January 2005 City of La Quinta La Quinta Police Department Captain Walter Meyer, Commanding January, 2005 Highlights (Numbers in parenthesis denotes number of calls for service that day) Saturday, 01-01-05 (58): 1130 Hours - Inv. Quintero responded to the Adams Street Park regarding a suspicious suitcase located in the parking lot. Witnesses said the suitcase was placed beneath the tree sometime between 1045 and 1100 hours.. HDT responded and detonated the suitcase. The suitcase was completely empty. Sunday, 01-02-05 (56): 0016 Hours - Deputies Knight and Donivan responded to the 53000 block of Ave Herrera regarding a loud party. Deputies had previously responded two time and had told the homeowner to turn the music down. The reporting party signed a citizen's arrest for disturbing the peace. Joel Reyes (26) was cited and re- leased. The party was shut down. Monday, 01-03-05 (62): 2330 Hours - Deputy Orr handled a spousal abuse call on the 44000 block of Las Vistas. The suspect, Scott Collins, punched Loreen Gremski in the face causing a bruise. Collins was no longer at the residence when deputies arrived. 1244 Hours — Deputies Garcia and Burk arrested Jerry Moreno (24) for burglary and a parole violation on the 78000 block of Calle Tijunga, in La Quinta. Moreno broke into a residence and stole beer and a scooter. He was detected by the occupants and was detained until deputies arrived. 1920 Hours - Deputy Russo responded to the 52000 block of Ave. Alvarado in reference to a disturbance call. Upon arrival, he met Jorge Ramiro (20) of Indio. A computer check showed Ramiro had an outstanding misdemeanor spousal abuse warrant. Ramiro was arrested for the warrant and booked into the Indio Jail. Tuesday, 01-04-05 (53): No significant activity to report. Wednesdav, 01-05-05 (63): 0940 Hours - Dep.. Butvidas conducted a pedestrian check at the Miles Trailer Park. He contacted Luis Navarro Ortiz, of Indio. Ortiz had a spousal abuse warrant and was arrested and booked for the same. 1127 Hours - Dep Butvidas conducted a traffic stop at Ave. Mendoza and Calle Montezuma. The driver, who was a juvenile, had a felony warrant for burglary and was arrested and booked into juvenile hall for the same. 1330 Hours - Dep. Butvidas responded to a check fraud at Wells Fargo Bank in Stater Brothers. The bank teller told him that Griselda Mendoza attempted to pass two bad checks at her window. The bank teller had gone to school with Mendoza and could identify her. Mendoza also left her driver's license at the bank. Through follow-up her address was found to be on the 51000 block of La Hernandez, Coachella. There was no response at the address but neighbors told Dep. Butvidas she lived there. Mendoza is wanted for burglary, forgery, check fraud and receiving stolen property. v 0850 Hours - CSO Fowler was towing a vehicle from the 53000 block of Ave. Navarro, when the vehicle owner, who was found to have a felony warrant for possession narcotics for sale, approached him. Deputy Fowler requested assistance in reference to the arrest and Deputy Butvidas and Inv. Michaels responded. Arrested was a nineteen year -old male from Coachella. 1238 Hours - Deputy Butvidas and Inv. Michaels conducted a traffic stop at Desert Stream east of Ashley Dr. Contacted was the 17 year old driver, a LQHS student. She was arrested for DUI marijuana. Her three passengers were also smoking marijuana and were released to their parents. The juvenile driver was booked at Juvenile Hall for driving under the influence. Deputy Harter arrested Jim Romero, 49 years, for burglary at the Home Depot in La Quinta, after he stole tools for from the location. 1620 Hours - Deputy Reynolds responded to an unattended death on the 79000 block of Horizon Palms, La Quinta. The husband found the decedent, Evelyn Crakaal, 50, on the floor in the garage. She was being treated for heart and tumor problems. The garage was being used as the smoking room. The coroner was notified but did not respond to the location. The death appears to be the result of natural causes. Friday, 01-07-05 (48): 1416 Hours- Dep. Donivan, while responding to a burglary at Target, located a male fitting the description of the suspect at the Shell station at the comer of Adams and Hwy 111. The suspect had walked into Target to the jewelry section, taken a watch, put it in his pocket and left the store. Suspect, Eric Velasco, 24, from Mecca admitted under Miranda he had taken the watch to buy food. Velasco was arrested and booked into jail for burglary. Saturday,, 01-008-05 (65): 0825 Hours — Deputy Draflon responded to the 51000 block of Eisenhower in La Quinta in reference to a mentally disturbed individual. Johnny Alvarez stated he wanted to die and began to hit the wall. Alvarez also swallowed five depression pills. He was transported to Desert Hospital for 72 hour evaluation. Sunday, 01-09-05 (72): No significant activity to report. Monday, 01-10-05 (69): 1120 hours- Inv. Michaels and Deputy Butvidas, arrested John Perry for resisting arrest and possession of marijuana on the 51000 block of Avenida Alvarado, in La Quinta. Tuesday, 01-11-05 (118): 0415 hours- Dep. Dusek arrested Amy McInerney Robinson, 30, for a misdemeanor warrant during a domestic battery call on the 52000 block of Avenida Martinez. 0445 hours- Dep. Leary responded to an unattended death on the 52000 block of Avenida Vallejo. The female, Janice Rae Beecham, 53, was under doctor's care. She was extremely overweight and was experiencing numbness in her arms and hands according to the family. Photographs were taken no sign of foul play was evident. The family was present in the house when the death occurred. The Coroner's Division was notified but did not respond to the location. Fitzhenry Funeral and Mortuary was called to the location per the families' request. 1410 hrs. Deputy Butvidas responded to Juniper and Prickly Pear and arrested Guillermo Cortez (29) for a felony driving under the influence warrant. Cortez was booked into the Indio Jail. Wednesday, 01-12-05 (46): 1720 Hours: Deputies Knight and Burns responded to to a suspect attempting to pass a forged stolen check. Coachella, for forgery and receiving stolen property. Thursday, 01-13-05 (70): Washington Mutual Bank in La Qunita in reference Arrested was Manuel Eugene Draper, 44 years of 1440 hrs. Dep. Butvidas conducted a traffic stop at Calle Sinaloa and Ave. Carranza.. The passenger of the vehicle Jose Castro, 32, was found to have 2 felony warrants for burglary, passing bad checks, receiving stolen property and possession for sales. Castro was arrested and booked into jail. Friday, 01-14-05 (50): No significant activity to report. Saturday, 01-15-04 (62): 0155 Hours - Deputy Leary arrested Martin Ochoa for public intoxication after responding to a disturbance at Ave Herrera and Calle Chillon. 1302 Hours- Dep. Pierce responded to Stater Bros. at Washington and Hwy 111 regarding a car jacking that had just occurred The victim, Elsie Grace, had placed her purse and keys inside her vehicle. She was loading groceries in the back seat of her car when an unknown male pushed her aside, got in her car and drove east bound on Hwy 111. The suspect, a white or Hispanic male, 508, 150, brown hair, with a short scraggly beard was seen squatting outside of Stater Bros. (No clothing description) He apparently was waiting for someone elderly with disabilities, like the victim, to take advantage of. The victim was not injured 2015 Hours: Deputies Knight and Burns responded to the 53000 block of Obregon, La Quinta, in reference to a domestic disturbance. Arrested was Fahed Asad Ghouli, for battery on a spouse and booked at the Indio jail. Sunday, 01-16-05 (51): No significant activity to report. Monday, 01-17-05 (69): 1140 hours- Dep. Hughes arrested Felix Zamora, for an outstanding felony warrant. 1210 hours- Dep. Hughes arrested Sergio Hernandez Rios, for a felony warrant. 1330 hours- Dep. Hughes arrested a male juvenile for burglary, conspiracy and embezzlement at Target Stores. The suspect was released to his mother. 1930 hours- Dep. Hughes recovered the carjacking vehicle stolen from Stater Bros. The vehicle was recovered to the rear of Miles Mobile Home Park. Tuesday, 01-18-05 (73): 1100 hours, Investigator Michaels and Deputy Butvidas arrested Joseph Robinson for public intoxication at S.R. I I I west of Dune Palms Drive, in La Quinta. Wednesday, 01-19-05 (6 No significant activity to report. Thursday, 01-20-05 (66): No significant activity to report. Friday, 01-21-05 (57): No significant activity to report. Saturday, 01-22-05 (47): 2358 Hours - Deputy Butvidas arrested Jose Isidro Jimenez (21) for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and public intoxication. Also arrested was a juvenile for possession of marijuana and public intoxication The subjects were stopped for a pedestrian check at Calle Colima and Avenida Bermudas. They had flashlights and gloves in their possession. Jimenez was booked at Indio jail and the juvenile was released to his family. 1610 Hours - Deputy Knight conducted a follow-up investigation into`Deputy Patterson's original embezzlement incident at Super Wal-Mart. Knight arrested Richard Carmona (42) of Coachella for embezzlement and receiving stolen property. During the search incident to the arrest Carmona was found to be in possession of .7grams of me&-unphetamine, along with a glass -smoking pipe. Carmona was also booked on the additional charges of possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Carmona was booked at the Indio Jail. Sunday, 01-23-05 (77): 0055 - Deputy Dusek arrested Richard Graham for a parole hold warrant following a pedestrian check at Calle Ensenada and Eisenhower. Monday, 01-24-05 (56): 0005 hours- Dep. Dusek arrested Phillip Padilla, for possession of a controlled substance at Bermuda x Francis Hack during a pedestrian check investigation. The suspect possessed '/Z grams of FTP methamphetamine on his person. The suspect was transported to the Indio Jail. 0620 hours- Dep. Butvidas arrested Anthony Drysdale, 25 yrs, for public intoxication at Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson. The suspect was contacted for walking in the roadway. Tuesday, 01-25-05 (0: 2245 hrs-Deputy Hendry responded to the 52000 block of Ave. Navarro in reference to a disturbance call. Upon arrival, he met with Daniel Bwboza of La Quinta. A computer check showed Barboza had a felony burglary warrant. Barboza was arrested for the warrant and booked into the Indio Jail. Barboza was also charged with willful violation of a court order since he was at the residence in violation of a restraining order. Wednesday, 01-26-05 (59): 0500 hours- Deputies responded to the 52000 block of Avenida Juarez in reference to an unattended death. Cpl. Black responded along with the deputies to the residence. The 78 year -old male was found lying on the garage floor by his wife. His wife said he was exercising on the treadmill. She said he had a quad -triple bypass in November and was just seen by his doctor two weeks ago. Cpl. Black said there was no sign of fowl play and it appeared the subject died while exercising. The Coroner was contacted, but did not respond They had Fitzhenry Funeral Home respond for the subject. Thursday, 01-27-05 (66): 1825 Hours- Deputy Moore responded to the Home Depot in La Quinta in reference to a thief in custody. It was determined the "in custody" juvenile and her unknown adult accomplice had located a receipt for a sink on the ground outside of the store. They entered the store, located the sink and attempted to act as if they were returning the item The male adult left at this point and the female juvenile was detained. It was determined she was reported as a runaway out of La Quints Follow up investigation is being completed to identify the male suspect. The female was released to family members and will be filed on for burglary and resisting arrest. 2030 Hours- Received a call from John Freeland, La Quinta Public Works 760-250-0087, advising they had to shut down eastbound Avenue 52 from Washington St to Centrino Drive. During replacement of a water main, they discovered a large hole under the pavement, which could collapse. The westbound lane has been split into east and west two-way traffic. The lights at Washington and Ave. 52 are on red flash. Freeland has employees from Granite flagging traffic throughout the night but is requesting deputy assistance during the rush hour in the morning. Lt Barfknecht was advised and one watch I unit is assigned to hold over, as well as available motor/traffic units will respond to assist with the traffic control. Freeland estimates the repairs to be completed Friday. Friday, 01-28-05 (74): 1238 hours- Dep. Hefey responded to the area of Monroe and 50th Ave, following a vehicle where the occupants were seen in a physical altercation He conducted a vehicle stop and the occupants of the vehicle were identified as Deanne Crumb and Morgan McKee who reside on the 53000 block of Avenida Carranza. Based on witness, victim and suspect statements, McKee was arrested and booked into jail for battery on a spouse and kidnapping. Apparently the victim tried to escape the vehicle, but McKee pulled her back into the car and then proceeded to hit her. Saturday, 01-29-05 (67): 0250 hours- Dep. Alexander handled a GTA that just occurred at Kristin's, 78073 Calle Barcelona. The suspect, WMA, 5'0911, 180 lbs, mid 40's took the victims Mercedes G500 from the front of the bar. The suspect had asked the victim for a ride to Palm Valley Country Club earlier. I had the Palm Desert units check the main gate and they said the vehicle had just come in. Dep. Burden located the vehicle in front of a residence on Daffodil. The victim, Randy Hewitson, did not desire prosecution. He was happy to get his SUV back. unday. 01-30-05(58)_: 0215 hours- Dep. Butvidas arrested Gilberto Valenzuela, for public intoxication at Washington at Eisenhower. He was transported to the Indio Jail. Monday, 01-31-05 !80): 013 3 hours- Dep. Leary arrested Richard Laver ,for public intoxication on the 44000 block of Villetta. The suspect was disturbing the peace with his live-in girlfriend. The suspect wanted to drive away from the residence and girlfiriend did not want the suspect back at the residence. Total calls for service: 1978 J� d a +, * POLICE MOTORCYCLE ACTIVITY REPORT . s ar PROGRAM STATISTICS FIF Prepared By: Deputy Dave Adams Speed Violations Fail to Yield Turning Violations Calls for service & B/U' Iced light / Stop sign Child Seat Violations 10 Lane Change Violation Seat Belt Violations DUI Arrests Misd. Arrest Felony arrest Warnings 5 Tows Injury T/C Non -Injury T/C Suspended DL Non -Moving H&S 2 1 8 7 5 0 0 2 17 1 11 16 0 48 1 28 0 umwm�HIGHLIGHTS La Quinta Police Department Specialr Monthly Report January., 2005 (Dep. Bolton, Dep. Coleman, Dep. Olson, Dep. wedertz) The following is a summary of the Special Enforcement Team activities for the month of June. Ongoing Investigations Parole Searches Vehicle checks Investigation assists Arrest Warrants Attempted Pedestrian Checks Bar Checks Follow-ups Meetings Citations issued Property Checks Bicycle Time Illegal Drugs Seized 6 Probation Searches 3 2 Arrests/ Filings 4 11 Business Contacts 17 7 Arrest Warrants Served 0 2 Programs 2 0 Crime Prevention Hours 100 0 Back-ups 11 32 Search Warrants 1 6 Recovered Stolen Property 0 9 Surveillance's 0 11 Civil Commitments 0 0 Training Hours 0 0 Total Mileage: 1126 miles Noteworthy Accomplishments: e Conducted 459-Burglary investigation out of the La Quinta Resort. Investigation is still on -going. Identified carjacking suspect Raymond Arraujo of Indio. A search warrant was later obtained and initiated at his parents residence in Brawley. Suspect was not located, but was later arrested at a near by casino by Indio Station Deputies. J CITY of MONTHLY OFFICER JAN UARY 2005 SCHOOL: LA QUINTA MIDDLE SCHOOL Deputy: Robert Burbach COPS Grant Funded Position HIGHLIGHTS Talked with a student regarding making annoying phone calls. Spoke with a student regarding making threats towards another student. Spoke with a parent regarding his runaway daughter. Cited a La Quinta High School female for truancy. Responded to La Quinta High School and issued 3 truancy cites. Responded to La Quinta High School and completed a report regarding a student found off campus with fireworks. Spoke with several grades at Truman Elementary School for Career Day. Responded to La Quinta High School regarding a theft report. Vandalism in girl's bathroom. 2 students referred to YAT. CITY of LA QUINTA SCHOOLMONTHLY RESOURCE OFFICER REPORT January 2006 Schools. La Quinta High School Deputy-, Robert Brooker 11- Criminal Reports 6- Non Criminal Incidents 9- Arrests 1- DA Filings 3- YAT Referrals 0- Traffic Stop 0- Vehicle Checks 0- Pedestrian Checks SessionSchool I January I" through January 31", 2005 Highlights: ➢ During this month I assisted the school staff with school related problems, and parents who are having problems with their high school age children at home. In most of those cases I referred the parents and students to the Student Assistance Program at the District Office, or conflict mediation at the school site. ➢ I handled several cases of lost property and theft from the boys &z girls locker rooms, while the students are on the PE field, unfounded child abuse, possession of marijuana, and follow-up on a battery that took place off school grounds, and follow-up on vandalisms to the school. ➢ Nothing occurred, out of the ordinary. CITY of LA QUINTA JAN UARY 2005 C.S.O.: Monica Santillanes C.S.O.: Thomas Fowler Surnmary of activity for the month of January Type of Activity Number of incidents Burglary Investigations 16 Grand Theft Reports 4 Petty Theft Reports 13 Vandalism/Malicious Mischief Reports 10 Vehicle Theft or Recovery Reports 5 Traffic Collision Response 26 Vehicle Code or Parking Citations 15 Abandoned Vehicles Tagged w/ Warning 21 Towed Vehicles 6 Lost or Found Property Reports 5 Area Checks /LQ Skate Park/Laborers 25 Follow Up to Previous Cases 3 Custodial and Non -Custodial Transports 5 Miscellaneous Calls 11 City of La Quinta Community Oriented Policing Office January, 2005 Highlights: • The volunteer program averages fourteen volunteers who are assisting in many capacities in the La Quinta CPO. • Several volunteers enter all La Quinta traffic and parking citations, and one enters the traffic collisions into the system from the COPS Office. Two volunteers are assisting with weapons identification on a computer at the CPO. One volunteer is assisting with Statistics. A volunteer is assisting in Logistics and one in Property in addition to their staffing duties. • Ongoing training programs will be reinstated in 2005. Volunteer Hours and Monthly CPO Stats Monthiv YTD Totals (4103 to Present) Hours 227 227 5003.5 Visits 136 136 3085 4 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT INDIO STATION 82695 Dr. Carreon Blvd. Indio, California 92201 January 2005 Explorer Post 503 Program Report Submitted by Explorer Post Advisor Andy Gerrard For the first time ever, Post 503 members competed in the Chandler, Arizona Police Department Explorer Tactical Competition. The January 14-16, 2005 competition was an excellent challenge for Post 503 Explorers along with other Explorer Posts from several states. The Explorers competed in the following events: Paintball Challenge, Hostage Rescue, Marijuana Field Raid, Target Shooting, Hogan's Alley, Sniper Challenge, Tug of War, Hostage Negotiations, Three Mile Cross Country Race and other misc. events. Post 503 members enjoyed competing in the well organized competition and getting evaluated by law enforcement experts after the tactical events! There were 4 training meetings for Post 503 Explorers during January (5th, 12th 19th and 21 s). The meetings covered physical training, vehicle stops, marching/formation drills and competition event practice (marijuana field raid, building searches, active shooter, hostage negotiations and other misc. scenarios). Deputy Manuel Alvarado and I coordinated the training during the meetings. _.. weekly Post 503 meetings rre ... ld at the Riverside County Sheriffs Department, Indio Station, on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. For further information, contact Corporal Andy Gerrard at 760- • 6.` 1 i� 4 DEPARTMENT REPORT: CITY OF LA Q UINTA CRIME STATISTICS SUMAL4RY December 2004 c * O� * --I "nX z ci o� �C/) rn .a O OD -4 O Cat 4�6 W N - o o o3om >wticmzz yaT>c-0 cz Ozm zmE cm n n �n -1 v mz Dc m � rm- Q a O '+ -I z c chI I Im Nm mo °DCR � O CIL ID a rift° ma NO-�1 0�0 NO 100 a x rn "O-40)C) 4 W O COO N OD0ANN11-� W W N W ONNOO N CA0W O W VON OOO Co.I� CD oO C! W r, n W 0 D C 2 rn w� y Cl) �;a z m > n �O 0 0 N R O �mro C �s r �d D rn = c r o c oG z v m N O -h 0) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA Dec-04 11 Dec-03 49 48 39 18 8 � 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 HOMICIDE HOMICIDE RAPE ROBBERY ASSAULT(F) BURGLARY VEHTHEEI lHtrJILA UMTtro rv%a+r+ Created by I. Kline/CAU 1/21/2005 YTD 2004 Year to Date Crime ComparisonDecember 13 YTD 2003 RAPE ROBBERY ASSAULT(F) BURGLARY VEH THEFT THEFTILARCENY(F) ARSON Page 3 of 6 CITY OF LA QUINTA ®nth to Month Traffic Activity Comparison 350 t 292� 300 k F 250 ,p £ A 200 r Dec. 04 f; M Dec. 03 150 f, 100 m�,sfi'f ss sz 50 f N 10 TRAFFIC T/C NOW DUI T/C INJURY T/C FATAL CITATIONS INJURY Created by I. Kline/CAU Page 4 of 6 1 /21 /2005 �. wj49 CITY OF LA QUINTA 1111 • �yv fs„ �s� „ i`���s'k f �%., i s . 7 i Created by I. Kline/CAU Page 5 of 6 1/21/2005 CITY OF LA QUINTA DISPATCH INFORMATION - DECEMBER 2004** TYPE OF CALL RESPONSE TIME MINUTES NUMBER OF INCIDENTS EMERGENCY 4.13 3 11 ROUTINE 9.01 7371 ** Data from Riverside Co. Sheriff's Department Data Warehouse, Average Response Time Report. Created by I. Kline/CAU Page 6 of 6 1 /21 /2005 9 , m Cm i January, 2005 Councilwoman Terry Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would like to ask you to discuss with the Council and staff our request that the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users — located adjacent to Calle Tecate, just south of the Cove area — be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. While it is true that this parking lot is empty or only partially full on many occasions, there are other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In addition, when horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three horse trailers, at times they leave the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this parking lot, thus opening it up to more cars. We'd also like to thank the maintenance people who responded promptly to our request to dill in the pot holes near the parking driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On behalf we and other citizen/park users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, January, 2005 Councilwoman Terry'Henderson City of La Quints 78495 Calle Tampico La Quints, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would lie to ask you to discuss with the Council and -staffourrequest that the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users - located adjacent to Calle Tecate, Just south of the Cove -area - be enlarged rn order to accommodate additional vehicles. While it is Mw that this parking lot is eoxpiy or only partially fun on many occasions, there are other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In addition, when. horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three -horse trailers, at tunes they leave the empty traders in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long tnalers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farfiher to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this parking lot thus opening it up to more can. We'd also lie to thank the 'intenance, people who responded promptly to our request to mill in. the pot holes near the pmi&g driveway apron and hope that they wfil continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On behalf we and other citizen/park users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, - p�OfllOc L PM N •� II a 01 FEB c!. January, 2005 Councilwoman Terry Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Caue Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would like to ask you to discuss with the Council and staff our request that the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users — located adjacent to Calle Tecate, just south of the Cove area — be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. while it is true that this parking lot is empty or. only partially full on many occasio , there are other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehielm1b addition, when horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three -horse trailers, at times they leave the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this parking lot, thus opening it up to more cars. We'd also like to thank the maintenance people who responded promptly to our request to fill in the pot holes near the parking driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. �� 7� -."dais On behalf we and other citizen/park users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, January, 2005 Councilwoman Terry Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Cade Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would like to ask you to discuss with the Council and staff our request that the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users — located adjacent to Calle Tecate, just south of the Cove area — be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. While it is true that this parking lot is empty or only partially full on many occasions, there are other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In addition, when horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three -horse trailers, at times they leave the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this parking lot, thus opening it up to more cars. We'd also like to thank the maintenance people who responded promptly to our request to fill in the pot holes near the parking driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On behalf we and other citizen/park users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, January, 2005 Councilwoman Terry Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would like to ask you to discuss with the Council and staff our request that the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users — located adjacent to Calle Tecate, just south of the Cove area — be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. While it is true that this parking lot is empty or only partially full on many occasions, there are other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In addition, when horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three -horse trailers, at times they leave -the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this parking lot, thus opening it up to more cars. We'd also like to thank the maintenance people who responded promptly to our request to fill in the pot holes near the parking driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On behalf we and other citizen/park users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, J anuaxy, :LuuJ Councilwoman Terry Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would lie to ask you to discuss with the Council and staff our request that- the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users -- located adjacent to Cal1e Tecate, just soVth of the Cove area— be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. While it is tree that this parking lot is empty or only partially full on many occasions, there are other tunes when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In addition, when horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three -horse wailers, at times they leave the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this parking lot, thus opening it up to more cars. We'd also like to thank the maintenance people who responded promptly to our request to fill in the pot holes near the parking driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On behalf we and other citizen/park Users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, �..�._.... hack C. Mallory E.A.. 73-925 Hiway 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 360-9224 January, 2005 Councilwoman Terry Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would like to ask you to discuss with the Council and staff our request that the size of the parking lot used by hikers, horse riders and park users -- located adjacent to Calle Tecate, just south of the Cove area -- be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. . While it is true that this parking lot is empty or only partially full on many occasions, there are other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In addition, when horseback riders transport their horses 'to the parking lot in long three -horse trailers, at times they leave the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a simple and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the line of boulders that demarcate the west edge of this pad&g lot, thus opening it up to more cats. We'd also like to thank the maintenance people who responded promptly to our request to fill in the pot holes near the parking driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On behalf we and other citizen/park users, thank you for your attention to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. January, 2005 Councilwoman Tet y Henderson City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quota, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Henderson: We would lie to ask you to discuss with the Council and sour request that the size of the parking lot used by hers, horse riders and park users — located adjacent to Calle Tecaw, just south of the Cove area — be enlarged in order to accommodate additional vehicles. While it is true that this parking lot is empty or only partially full on n=Y occasions, there ore other times when it is too crowded to handle any more vehicles. In when horseback riders transport their horses to the parking lot in long three -horse. trailers, at tunes they leave the empty trailers in the lot. Sometimes one or two of these long trailers are parked in the lot at the same time. It appears that a 6wie and cost-effective solution would be to simply move farther to the west the tine of boulders that dengweate the west edge of this parking lot; thus opening it up to more cars. We'd also lie to fluvk the rmainienance people who responded promptly to our request to fill in the pot holes near the parting driveway apron and hope that they will continue to check and repair them, because they tend to deteriorate after every few weeks of use. On•�ehalf we and other cit�izen/park users, you for your won to this request. Please contact Mr. Arch Chaplin iplin at 564-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, JoA' 74G CF�icory 5t Ut�'it+ x �i uxl 411*�11 P�qs s L.i maw P�DINO PM , ,31JAN0� To: COUNCILWOMAN TERRY HENDERSON CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLE TAM PICO LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 FROM: HARRY AND AN N SCHAFFN ER 50195 GRANADA COURT LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DATED: February 1, 2005 SUBJECT: OPEN LAND AT THE TOP OF THE COVE THE SINGLE THING THAT BROUGHT US TO LA QUINTA AS RESIDENTS TWO (2) YEARS AGO IS THE OPEN COUNTRY AT THE TOP OF THE COVE. IT IS UNIQUE AND A DOOR TO NATURE THAT IS FOR US A TWO (2) MINUTE DRIVE FROM OUR HOME. WHEN WE WERE LAST THERE WE WERE ASKED BY SOME GENTLEMEN TO WRITE YOU. I THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS AND SO PLEASE SPARE ME A MOMENT OT TWO. THE PARKING LOT IS WOEFULLY TOO SMALL. BESIDES THAT IT NEEDS, FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, TWO DRIVEWAY CUTS ONTO CALLE TECATE TO MAKE THE LOT SAFER. MOST PEOPLE UNLOAD AND RELOAD DOGS AND KIDS. WITH THE LOT AS SMALL AS IT IS THERE ARE A LOT OF VEHICLES BACKING UP AND THE RISK OF RUNNING OVER A CHOLD OR A PET IS HIGH. IF THE LOT HAD TWO ENTRANNCES VEHICLES COULD PULL THROUGH AND IT WOULD BE MORE ORDERLY AND THEREFOR SAFER. UNFORTUNATELY THERE IS NEW GRAFFITI ON TWO LARGE BOLDERS AT THE EAST END OF THE CURRENT LOT. THIS NEEDS TO BE TENDED TO BECAUSE THAT TYPE OF WANTON BEHAVIOR BEGETS MORE SUCH BEHAVIOR. THE CITY HAS BEEN VIGILENT TOWARD GRAFFITI AND I POINT IT OUT MERELY TO GET SOMEONE'S ATTENTION. THE POOP BAG DISPENSERS ALONG THE SIDEWALK TRAIL ARE A WONDERFUL ADDITION AND HAVE INDEED SERVED TO PROMOTE DOG POOP PICK-UP. THE PROBLEM IN THE LOT IS THAT IT IS SO HEAVILY USED THAT THE DIISPENSER IS EMPTY ABOUT 25% OF THE TIME. THE SOLUTION IS TO PUT -UP ANOTHER DISPENSER. IT IS SORT OF THE THEORY OF WHY THERE ARE TWO ROLLS OF TOILET PAPER IN PUBLIC RESTROMMS AND HOTEL ROMMS. YOU DON'T USE MOORE, BUT YOU DO HAVE A DEEPER INVENTORY. CURRENTLY THE USE IS SO HEAVY THAT MONDAY MORNINGS THE DISPENSER IS MORE OFTEN EMPTY THAN NOT. BELIEVE ME, THE BAG PROGRAM HAS HAD ITS BENEFITS ON THE TRAIL SYSTEMS, PARTICULARLY THOSE NEAREST THE ENTRANCE. SINCE I DO NOT INTEND TO BE A REGULAR WRITER ON THIS MATTER I BETTER GET IT ALL OUT. THE TRAIL MAPS AT THE START OF THE TRAILS ARE RATHER INCOMPPREHENSIBLE. NORTH IS NOT AT THE TOP OF THE MAP AND SO THEY ARE DISORIENTING, AT LEAST TO ME. THERE MUST BE SOME BETTER MAP OF THE AREA, WITH MORE TRAIL MARKINGS. ALL ELSE ASIDE, THE OPEN AREA IS SUPERB AND THE MAINTAINING OF IT SHOULD INVOLVE SCOUT TROOPS, AND OTHER TEEN PROGRAMS. THERE IS STILL SOME OLD METAL REFUSE OUT IN THE DESERT, BUT IT ALL LOOKS MUCH BETTER THAN IT HAS IN THE PAST, FOR YOUR TIME, i SCHAFFNER