CAC 09 23 1996CULTURAL COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 September 23, 1996 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda III. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of July 15, 1996. B. Department Report 1. Attendance Report for July and August 2. Upcoming Events 3. Fall Brochure V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. La Quinta Pageant B. Cultural Arts Master Plan C. D.E. P.A. Program D. Election of Officers E. Work Plan Update VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for July 8 and August 12 , 1996. B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for June 20 and July 18, 1996. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS VIII. ADJOURNMENT IX. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION October 28, 1996 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room CACAGN. 024 1 WO-9:, qWWt:4 TO: FROM: DATE: T a . 4:tv/1 4 aumm MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Directorwo' September 17, 1996 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Parks and Recreation Department Report for the Month of July, 1996 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1996: Sept 3 Oceanside Beach Trip Sept 4 Bubba Bear Childcare Sept 9 A Healthier You Seminar, Sr. Center Sept 14 Middle School Madness, Ice Night Sept- 19 Mexican Fiesta, Sr. Center Sept 21 Punt, Pass & Kick Sept 28 Mortimer's Tour MEETINGS ATTENDED IN JULY 1996 July 1 Blood Bank July 2 CityCouncil Meeting Agenda Review Meeting July 8 Personnel Interviews La auinta Pageant Meeting Park & Recreation Commission Meeting July 9 Friends of the La Quinta Sr. Center Agenda Review Meeting July 10 Blood Bank Youth Input Meeting July 11 Patriot's Party Boys & Girls Club .Contract Meeting July 12 Commission Agenda Format Meeting July 15 Cultural Commission Meeting July 16 Agenda Review Meeting July 17 Boys & Girls Club Event July 18 Soap Box Derby Meeting PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1996 SUMMARY SHEET Meetin Per Month Participants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1996 1995 Pr rams Leisure Class Total 83 26 57 55 7 390 99 Special Event Total 60 42 18 6 4 123 192 Adult Sports Total 110 163 -53 12 8 680 652 Senior Center Total 1,610 1,215 3951 92 53 1,610 1,215 Kidsline Call Total 248 295 -471 0 0 248 295 La Quints HS Open Swim 134 ' 134 3 ' 134 ' Boys 8 Girls Club of La Quinta 150 235 -85 n/a n/A 150 235 Program Total: 2395 1976 419 168 72 3335 2688 Rental Attendance - - ...... _._ La Quints 8 Complex Ls Quints sports and Youth 150 110 40 4 .4 600 440 C"Was Bakery 12 0 121 1 0 12 0 La Quints Wikksts 30 0 30 2 01 601 0 Senior Codw 100 0 100 4 01 400 1 0 Rental Total: n2l 110 182 11 4 1072 "0 N E AND TOTAL 2687 2088 801 179 76 4107 312]8 1996 1995 Variance Volunteer Hours Senior Center -663 628 35 Meals on Wheels 95 72 23 Kidaline 21 35 -14 Volunteer Total: M 735 44 Revenue Sr. Center Revenue $1,499 $870 $829 Title ill Revenue $360 $378 $18 Recreation Pmgrarns $3,149 ' $3,149 Revenue Total: $59008 $19048 $39960 ' Information Not Available Page 1 Senior Center Recreation Attendance nos Per Month Participants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1998 1995 Sr. Activities AARP "55" Course 30 15 15 1 1 30 15 Ambassador Attendance 67 65 2 n/a n/a 67 65 Billiards 16 13 3 n/a n/a 16 13 Blood Pressure Check 32 39 -7 5 3 32 39 Coffee Klatch 24 0 24 5. 0 241 0 BrOge Duplicate/Social 236 138 98 13 7 236 138 Creative Writing Club 33 16 17 5 3 33 16 Desert Tycoons 27 0 27 1 0 27 0 FIND Food Distribution 101 202 -101 3 4 101 202 Ice Cream Social 7 Ol 7 2 0 7 0 Information Services 107 103 4 n/a n/a 107 103 Monthly Birthday Party 23 35 -12 1 1 23 35 Movie Time 41 18 23 5 3 41 18 Table dames 20 61 14 3 1 20 6 "Tax Assistance 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 Television VW*Ing 22 16 6 n/a n/a 22 16 Sr. Activklee Subtotal 789 666 123 45 23 789 666 Sr. Chm" Arts s Crafts 34 32 . 2 5 4 34 32 BrWgo Lessons 37 0 37 5 0 37 0 Ceramics 14 0 14 2 0 14 0 Computer 34 0 341 51 0 341 0 Exercise 520 381 1391 131 13 520 381 Line Dance 27 21 61 31 4 .27 21 Painting 12 18 -6 4 4 12 18 Tennis 18 0 18 4 0 18 0 Sr. Clsea subtotal 696 452 244 41 25 696 452 Sr. Special Events Friends Meetings 11 21 -10 1 1 11 21 Luncheon 34 51 -17 1 1 34 51 Internet Lecture 61 0 61 2 0 61 0 Seminars 8 25 A 7 1 3 8 25 'CPR Class 11 0 11 1 0 1.1 . 0 125 97 28 6 5 125 97 Senior Center Total* 16101 1215 395 1 92 531 15101 12151 Pqp 3 TO: FROM: DATE: 4 MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director September 17, 1996 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Parks and Recreation Department Report for the Month of August, 1,996 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1996: Oct 5 Saturday classes begin at Boys & Girls Club Oct 6 Shame on the Moon Tour Oct 9 Health Fair, Sr. Center Oct 12 Middle School Madness, Pizza & Movie Night Oct 13 Mortimer's Tour Oct 16 Estate Planning, Sr. Center Stan Miller's Big Band Dance, Sr. Center Oct.19 Youth Cross Country Meet Oct 20 Adult Soccer Begins Europa Tour Oct 24 International Investing Seminar, Sr. Center. Oct 27 Cuistot Tour Oct 28 Camelot Park Childcare Trip Oct 31 Halloween Carnival Halloween Luncheon, Sr. Center MEETINGS ATTENDED IN AUGUST 1996 Aug 1 Staff Meeting Aug 6 City Council Meeting Agenda Review Meeting Aug 7 Personnel Meeting Aug 8 Basketball & Volleyball Organizational Meetings Aug 12 AYSO Soccer Field Usage Meeting Aug 13 Personnel Interviews Aug 15 Recreation Service Providers Meeting Personnel Interviews i s 3 � cFy OF PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1996 SUMMARY SHEET Meeting s Per Month Partici ants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1996 1995 Programs Leisure Class Total 83 26 57 45 10 319 146 Special Event Total 107 58 49 10 3 196 100 Adult Sports Total 144 160 -16 4 19 288 1520 Senior Center Total 1,571 1,165 406 85 53 1,571 1,165 MsUne Call Total 164 326 -162 0 0 164 326 Le Quinta HS OPen Swim 144 144 5 144 Boys s Girls Club of La Quinta 137 189 42 n/a Ma 137 189 Program Total: 2350 1924 426 149 85 2819 -3446 Rental Attendance La Quints Sports Complex La Quints Sports & Youth 150 110 40 4 4 600 440 La Quints Wildcats 30 0 30 2 01 60 0 nior Center 100 0 100 4 01 0 Rental Total: 280 1101 1701 10 41 440 A rCI D TOTAL 2830 2034 586 159 89 3078 3886 • 1996 1995 Variance Volunteer Hours Senior Center 590 506 84 Meals on Wheels 10 0 10 Volunteer Total: 600 506 94 Revenue Sr. Center Revenue $577 $303 $274 Tide III Revenue $396 $378 $18 Recreation Pmgrms $4,959 $4,959 . Revenue Total: $5 932 1 $"1 $5 251 ' Informa8on Not Available ,Page 1 Senior Center Recreation Attendance Meetings Per Month I P cipants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1996 1995 Sr. Activities Ambassador Attendance 40 49 -9 n/a n/a 40 49 Billiards 11 5 6 n/a Na 11 5 Blood Pressure Check 28 49 -21 4 5 28 49 Bridge Duplicate/Social 275 166 109 13 8 275 166 Coffee Klatch 18 0 18 4 0 18 0 Creative Writing Club 32 24 8 4 5 32 24 Desert Tycoons 17 0 17 1 0 17 0 FIND Food Distribution 220 247 -27 5 4 220 247 Ice Cream Social 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Information Services 101 89 12 a n/a 101 89 UteracyProgram 8 0 8 4 0 8 0 Medicare Assistance 5 1 4 1 5 1 Monthly Birthday Party 15 35 -20 1 1 15 35. Movie Time 37 28 9 4 3 37 28 Table Games 31 0 31 5 0 31 0 Television VW*ing 16 0 16 rt/a Na 16 0 Sr. Activities Subtotal 855 693 162 48 - 27 855 693 Sr. Classes Arts a Crafts 19 25 -6 4 5 19 25 Bdclp Lesson 23 0 23 4 0 23 0 Ceramics 4 0 4 2 0 4 0 Computer 8 0 8 2 0 8 0 Exercise 507 336 171 13 13 507 336 Une Dance 31 3 28 5 2 31 3 RaInOng 9 11 -2 4 5 9 11 Sr. Class subtotal 601 375 226 34 25 601 375 -Sr. Special Events Bads to School Luncheon 101 97 4 1 1 101 97 Share MoMfts 4 0 4 1 0 4 0 Share Sign Ups 10 0 10 1 0 10 0 Sr. Events Subtotal 115 97 18 3 1 115 97 Senior Center Totals 1571 1165 406 85 531 1571 1165 Page 3 �.0J •c�� cz 4 Sep v _ S � I��VIIa\nll y�� ram, i ,^V .y of CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: September 23, 1996 La Quinta Pageant Update The Cultural Commission's Work Plan has several projects listed within its scope of work. The La Quinta Pageant project is one of the items within the Work Plan. In July 1995, the City Council approved $5,000 to provide a consultant to study the possibility of holding an outdoor theatrical production in the City of La Quinta. Dr . Jim Volz was hired as the consultant and produced a report which was presented by the Cultural Commission to City Council on April 16, 1996. City Council recommended the pageant be considered during the budget review in June 1996. During the budget review, $15,000 was appropriated in the 1996-97 Fiscal Year Budget for the project. The Cultural Commission approved recommending to City Council a contract between La Quinta Productions, Inc. and the City of La Quinta to produce the outdoor theatrical production. City Council considered this request at its September 17, 1996, meeting and approved the contract with La Quinta Productions. Attachment A provides the staff report for the City Council meeting on September 17, 1996. The La Quinta Productions will be entering into a contract with the City of La Quinta to produce an outdoor theatrical production. The first year funding has been approved in the amount of $13,500. This Work Plan project has been completed by the Cultural Commission. The City Council has requested La Quinta Productions, Inc. report its progress in February 1997 and again June 15, 1997. The Cultural Commission may review the La Quinta Pageant item within its Work Plan and recommend its removal due to completion of the task for the commission. As directed by the Cultural Commission. Marty Nich son Parks and Recreation Director Attachments: A. City Council report on contract services agreement with La Quinta Productions for Fiscal Year 1996-97. 4 �afw AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: September 17, 1996 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE.. ... : - . ` • j.;- . -,. STUDY SESSION: ; T - • _ PUBLIC HEARING. - Consideration of Contract Services Agreement with z La auinta Productions, Inc. for Fiscal Year,1996-97 - consultant. Tie: Cultural `Commission presente' d' the findings of ;the committee to. the j City CouncilF on April 16, 1996, under Gommissiorf Reports. TheCity, Council h ... y 4.. recommended the item be listed as an unapproved. item for consideration during_ the budget review in June 1996. At the June 20, 1`996, City` Councii"meeting,t 5,000 x w r-y' Attachments: _ 1 . Economic Impact of Ten Outdoor Historical Dramas 2. La auinta Proposal, Portions of Consultant Report 3. La auinta Productions, Inc. Board of Directors 4. Time Line for Production 5. First Year Budget Information and 3 Year Budget & Income Summary 77 �`� •r.,.. F •! *�� yi �.�• .�-s kit �r. �. <aSs q!� ,LLr 7� in.'s ?.�M." �� fi 4rti. �f• vIi- .. . • !. �' � 4 ` 1 ,...• ` r • } � ...�. <. ` f .7 -ice' f :..'' y �e�ee i..f F' •. s�.:i�jk M� 'i•� �'�• v''.i^�''��� ^.•�1�4�IF > y+fcv �^ :.�e`3 it'"�e .. ..ir. �' YY �.. -tki6� - ,i3'. •R Y�{..��'k.7�{' ,s,-Y_'•ya . t y, .� .^L�, J��..., - 1. M r°'� �. ,, f.'•�` .�.-.rMw�'.',-,rtift•"S'�<i�. 1�6a'.L�ZL �•YSM.-'. Yi.r.>�' . ..= � •� :w �3�1�F�c#r •acre +:.< ..+a , - F�ya T pE�: -v.y �, .: .e t�� rF.� YOr cllS TsiiC' x s Ar +Y j 3 i '� v}••X r#'> �� " .�� rT'e��r �"°' ��� �• �¢� L`' f ^'�3!'��fi�,. �,r� r�..� �1 �... ,r _�!r ••}} �' � _ - �--yy• _ " rS +I' Yam' ' L _L jai# S ~ _ y,,yj7�c' _�:. ' c�.• - . LA QUINTA PRODUCTIONS 1996/97 CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and among the CITY OF LA QUINTA (the "City") a California municipal corporation, and the LA QUINTA PRODUCTIONS, INC. (the "Contractor") a California non-profit corporation/organization. i WHEREAS, the City Council of the City find that the Contractor swill provide an • • Y �. � : e neral growth and essential service to stimulate economic vitalit and promote the genet ��, �• revital�zatiori in the City of La Quints by its performance under this Agreement:` "'d•.r-�'jy,`�'"•h.+�.R The parties hereto agree as follows.; x?� .. _ •\ _ 'f--.: - - ,(. � lea-�+�;��arr3� . �JF...' �+;..:� y� •1j i., i"ap�`•.-y:' 2,• r :sr i .r w.7i'' '� •,'�1 � +r.. sr.. 1,. . ; - s+? � `y` s, y,F ,,} .:'. •-: ,_ .i:. �� !`' ; r�r r �' � r f ,:�"� ':1e.`f"''f ia'. �� _ R•` :s`� S't'..�°'�Ic ; l ; t� fi •` i�::e: • . �, r - •.. s _ � sue,, _ �= :1.0 SERVICES OF CONTRACTOR � _+f t•,* �.+. ti rf z ."%�. �v+R` i i` � �� x '•rtv3 � � . Scone of Services: compliance with ail terms an con itions of is greement ,the -Contractor service atedo e ,. .. . _�, -i: �:'-:•fk.:-. .s::,.:.,::.l::.c4 -'wit+=7riF ,W',�4a'3 - :.,. k �-� rocedures coordinate communicationsT [In-*--;`-om Sete St tstjtutio ai h n-�`i`tn er sea I director c oreo ra oduct o ana brochure se ect d g 4r. /[+� t /��/.''� •��.•"�•+:+�xf-. - .�.."��•..-+�''`'•„' r•,.;+�r+ f,�'t .ka: `7�., story .material, narrow ,story �'ime �y nd rough draft; con up .fund raising t, •' ~.''. �•> .x,; f' .: ,.- �'.,.!', -.'pt-���%.,.:,:_-chrz.+r�1}�Mi•.:'ss.-,�f: �':..!!N �fM!�.. �`:. ,j!� ,�ft� - �! workshops; develo fund raisin strata ies; outline education . and outreach ^ E plans; and raise funds as projected in 1996-97 budget. Contractor warrants that all services will be performed` a ompetent, "•-` '. r' e.`<... ,.-�.s..- .•.-E.. .....-. j 44'f'`_;, _ -'14, -.7�.._,�i;_�:��,y;��.. Gfis�� 5 .„ .,. •S•- �''ri:•-'xi�!^:> - F��'S` �f'Y. a rofessional and satisfactory, '7Y anner m accordance wit the standards • - = '�..5. •a4•J •. � y:: .fsa.. ..:w,rc . 3 77 xy....,consistent with theatrical eormances and pageants. Un rt ke n � de ak by Contractor• ^.. �ti"��. i+�yi=� �M r •�rY•: t++� �.�� , wf�. �t;��•�• _ c r��tir�y. • �� i�f•ti- �'�;¢,~ J.2 Compliance with Law: All services rendered hereunder shalt be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and taws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or rocal��governmenta l A"— , agency of competent jurisdiction. d F i enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City and unusually severe weather, if the Contractor shall within ten (10), days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contracting Officer in writing of the causes -of the delay. The Contracting Officer shall ascertain the facts and extend of delay and extend the time -for performing the services for the period of the'forced delay when and if in his judgment such delay is justified and the Contracting Officer's determination shall be final and. conclusive upon the parties t6 this Agreement. r.• t 3.4 Term ;. he term of this Agreement shall be for nine (9) months t �,.,,j� from October 1996 thro une 30, 1997 unless sooner terminated i'MM'.v:. _ � ursuant" Section P 7.3.` '+.�-''...Ir T,y. rya•r •x } i�1: ... ., 4.0 •` COORDINATION OF WORK' y` ; ` •".. -_ i w 31[Ytr V = 4.1 Reureseritative of Contractor• The following in of Contractor are r hereb �desi" n'at:w.:*..,. , ...:. � �y t. .,,. g ed as being the • pnnc�pas and representatives of Contractor; i� a' ti r#:�.:.: ,r:• •r zs -i:' »;ksr yc#- >L' '- - authorize to act tts behalf with respect -to the work specified herein �} Y��- .. �.-'s��.�'<,R>�..:y,+6�B,'"i,,+'�'7P'.jy:f8`'i!S'f�Ck.'FrG".j. l�:.��#": .irl@'►:a :t. .. -C"`' =it "`;?,, ''t"a^�•y'*'`ir s. }make tl decisi n m,, tonne tion , herewith; .;, '~ - Susan, Francis, vice_ rresiaent • . t olff Secretary � oss er,. T easurer +�• ,y nt n 77 MJW3 •�ti s;: 'a. 31 4'ytK,;kr �},4'k` _ 4,' Y r. .1 .. ...., . -+ ' /!P.':3 :'. r,.. r1f,� _: c , : a ... - _i Y :) tk• re r 4.2 tC The Contract Officer shall be the City +Manage r or such J .other person as may'lbe designated by the City Manager of City. It shall be the 4'.Zontractor's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed 'r -.?�•.:t(:. . a: •Ua .•!'+, .+s - �services' ::,t - `of the. progress of the performance of the services and the contractor shall'~'; fr • .:. +Sbp n ;.._...+� s.` <,. r"t.. .. k`:� •titt-s.1 ♦ .. ti;y :. ) .:;�. r s.refer an decisionsvhich must be made by+ City to the Contract dfficer.� Unless o erw�se specified herein,y any approval of City required hereunder shall d mean the approval `of the Contract Officer. .t _ ..`.t t .i"'.-y e4�r ` .,�,Y{1. a � _�� �',<x. �V sc�,'§ `a r7�,' �a_ •��J �•!.- 2'�� t �i'r.' - : 4.3eQendent Contractor: either the City nor any of its employees shell have an control over -the manner, mode or means by which Contractor, its agents or employees perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forthd Contractor shall perform all services required. herein as an r independent contractor of City. and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that performance under this Agreement, except to the extend of such Loss a(s may be caused by City's own negligence or that of its officers, or employees. 5.3 Performance Bond: (Not applicable to this Agreement.) 5.4 -payment Bond: (Not applicable to this Agreement.) 5.5 Remedies to xeddition to any other remedies the City may contractor fails to provide or,sF naintain any 'insurance +policies o endorsements to the extend and within the lime herein_ required, the Ci Y .,at itssole option • .n �'�-'1> 1&•s -: ► _ :' i x-z : t: j F.. - h wa ' �:aR»'��. .-,ys"�i' rflbtain such insurance and dyre uct and retain the arr " - - ie-t• .`, sue.'•,i,,,;,4�yt•.+}".t+ siz •�i' ♦ r-•i'" -C'•'r.•�.'f. ,;. . ;r w ; • the D remiums jot such.. nsuranci.tom in sums ` dues un( +Tt, Agreement. a haDt 4..: t r er t o Contractor st_ or under i s agi nd/or withho d a a ent s act ecome tfueo y sunder n o roc - e `s r es om ace ...� ."rciemediesPthe City .. failure to maaintain.:or herein ntained shall. Contractor may be tip y T property resulting[ from unc%r this Agreeme�ri' C 6.0 x f !RECORDS AND RE a s= r 6 1 Reports Contr City at any- all a uric ' ; final report,, including r, tiF-:,:about June 15, 1997 . t. . t have if r policy ty may, r • .: , �. x �..� s-. , . - i:,F.�y,- ,�• :�c .� . 2_,� - �� � � � 4 . ��rtr-- a�. - •,ram - +t� T.T� 'r- v '�,^; '!t .. a:. yy �'*.E.'%f 4�t,�"r z y_�. ~���.`}"�' }ii6° .,� :+>k f ..3!'.3�.•� '��t• a".Y l/L g�""t '4�'�,d,�'!'' _� . . �s, Jf s�.z „r i •'ti!'" • ... '1. ..+- .T- `;^"'�' X :!d:'- '•'� l r'`' +fin �5 -. S y�Rf' Y 5z � 5M.4� • zr!�' 2h "� r-:',S r s� ;jti• � zf, 't•�t •�1;"} - ;. �� l yr.:c,. _ Yw n"F' �,4.w �1.. �.i'�11 R ",' x.'i IAi.�� � i t.';. � :�- C} .� � �..- Y P�`.Ns�>-�� yR�,T t ..� � `f �.. •k!`.. s �«` „h i1 � � �9L Y�: t ? +#' "�' '`�t's.r.y t^' ..? � 1. •�.� w. } • ��•+.,3}. -' _ _ �` i -•frt�"�,.. - - �l,i'i .ems ts� i''p_y „' � � • ' � air^ r � ._ .. - �~ Y-' � � ��� � J+6 r'.� 4� Ti •.tom �:. f` 7. a�4 � f... 'y' `", • 'Y -.� 4'^ ' ir , F,1 , 1 ` fix. . 7.4 Waiver: No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non -defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Contractor requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Contractor.` Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. rT:r a ram✓ . :.r . _ . 7.5 Riahts and Remedies are Cumulative• Eyx�c•ept with respect- to rights and .`'remedies expressly declared to be' exclusive in. this Agreement, tfie rights and. "~k -,1 4...,: .fir`'•:.-r.--._-ti' .. 'fi .,..-': �:• s-..{4.p.r�. .;;�3'�. .,: ... �- .'ya,L..Y�$':"R.. ,,fR''�?'� _�C.. •„s� .; .•c .:,s's'J ,,,..,,-'f.Ali'fi';%:..-_.-` ``"+�,.�r� :` - ' a r , f= remedies of the parties�a^re cumulative an the exv�eresey either arty of one - L.. oT' : ac•.. +a. • ... , ••T"i t11'F.jr r, *',;:,.? W1 _F . V t-or`mo�e of`such -rights or remedies shall not preclude the exerciser y i , at the ..-N.�' �I!•_e 'rfa••'.. • ,�.. ai:'�.J�.].,4e._ a-' •'"-- -4 n, �. same or different times,'of any otherYnghts or'remedies for the same default ' or any other default by theother party: ` t r; ;y `�I. ' A?f =' -xt�'� �#fin-r 4 t'j .�*#r�- _ #t . '. ,.f''7'e��1�ty}jat,,._.• . .�, �. �� . � � s•' �'�fib.. .,�, .7.6 'teSal+ction: n"ad dlt ion to any --other rig is brjq= f ithe pa51 rty T _� may ake iegat action t law or atequi o . e rorre t o eme y ny . ,. -it n:, i�' .h�noe Mr �Nafai � A _ nA _ nE3 _� �c � Cher nrrti'tAn n iwGil�i tisgreemen...to ontain inju a. wra�a��savt awnt� e f1I Irf' ;t A� Y ram': 'Y�`. ti _�-•� •i- ' 8 _ . Y` �s eci Girt a gov rn e ' �.�. •:�i.'�'. .,3},• y� ...:.,s:. - •.m.•._; .._ - may:_ [r-.,,. :.- ......�,,. :.,..., .:ey-'.Att+'i 1 • termination of this Agreement, except as"pec�fica rove a �n e o owing •" •i, K♦»,. •`':5t -- a•. . ..., ,p: .,.. ..�.. .... 1•r •:. .... ... .-:. -:'a ,i Y �,y�• � th ���4it�"';��ei�K-4diaL'•'ii�. .:.! Section 7.9 for termination for cause. a ity reserves a rig t to terminate r this reement at an time, with or without, cause, upon thin (30) days • ;� � .St9 .. Y '.. ,.ij•"� . �•�} �- - tip TOr, ' written notice-6:'Contractor. �lpon rec n ace �rmina on 4 - '- - ,....}....., •'a. �•V:,.. _.. r '. •:IiKk:.'' -`��„ 4j,Contractor shall immediately -cease all servea�sf, her.leuny er except` uchr as r.ay 11 � ���z be specifically approved by'the contract Q-fficer: OVA .: . - G.•� ewe ra or sha C s to compensation for, all services rendered prior �o recei� a t e notice of '~ f' 1,4 i nY.and for an� "services author ze � tfi"e ion ract O c'e the eafter. terror nat o Contractor may also terminate•'this Agreement upon, , �r w ) y written �M M •� s. nonceo City. In the event of termination by Contractor pnor�toWe�er event, y City shall be refunded any unexpended fund!•s advaAl nced�to 'Contra City ' • .-a. ,yj.aato r ,ya "1 7!p' ♦ .-:t . i 'x,,.?T''rf,5,7r•�n`r •. •r�.f,x r ` y.41.•�'A• W"�,r,�i. 1;Cs. , .r :T 'a' :<..ryt - _ r 9.0 . MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notice: Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in -writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section 9.1. C I' OF LA QUINTA To City 70 '14 ,Post Off ice Box 151 4. -495 C alle Tampicopl y 0. a 'A a Quinta, California 'Manag' ttention:1."* T Genovese ''City er om. A — 4, js ' Wd r lit N _0 RO UC IONS P 0 C tr or: B oMl 360 u -'CA 92253 t ....... ...... ttentio one ors P sien d t W M 'i- 9.2 �R x,,ni,Xintegratea into a e-"-de a any Mq -a 9.3 Ma'n'dm_a­n­t_* s Agreement 'may De time y e. d t ic writing signea by 0 mutualconsent of the `parties by an instrument in. Io140 um parties' rs *9A a * even ha n e o mre ohhe ofAe rases, sentences, cladi6t, paragraph sections c in6din this Agree 77 � - bedeclared invalid or unenforceable a va id 1pagment or decree ree o ac rt i'­ ofcompeten1prodicton,"suc nra Idit or unen orciability shall not effect anyi_ ions Is of'the remaining phrases, sentences, c auses., paragri0hs or sections o *;ffof - 'L . � �, �, ' .�f a re bte akl: shall be interpre e to -'b- 'declared as"'severa agreement which re he greemen intent o ,the f �parties hereunder. A carry out theC Wai 4, 7;:, :1!1-' a Ith rit, behalf o -the r. 9.5 A The executing this Agreement on persons parties hireto warrant that they- are duly authorized to execute this Agree '6nt 4E., tWr ,7, i'•'ti..Y _ �.:" - ry i�u1 r'Qy.�Iv tee .:-1 ,?R'„q4`e."may 'Jse.i.� }.i':.•'_.Z-J3c',"iPay.,�•7J. .i=:}.w,!�'•.r'V 9� t i• t_ Li Y= - `s - Ylya 4 N .'i n__:�m2 y.r�}. .4 s •'-'•*'] .:- (Y ;7...,"S �.t'-'f=';i yt , ,. _. .. :;+ .. :•''a. c '�"�,". 1;. 4 k..���x �- _ 7 b <'.` .: .Y`:- ,`i•. 's► - cY'Y•'` *r,'`"->ae , ' e. �'' �+:�. - fit•' y� �"��r>, �-: k • - - �.: _ 3 ..AI , '4• ::.,'i'`: ~ ��`[_ " _ '. •.,+ T..v�'. z1:.1< -: ,�;" aF, i ��' r Z;4' _ { '' *' .." ,..L 3.�.s k,�'ti,,,y ' .;x�. <•�'k` a� • `v79�; . ,^'_' .k•.'.`'. �n_ . .�?'a,,-� "3.: ., wf �_", to : '�° �j•'�• y .c. � `•.':S'i � t} •��, '. . 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'+_�,' tCj•i" +� �7' y,i-..w'=J�+ •s'y -..�•� J'y" ti'#: •3 zrs'a' Y� :� " r 7 '� '�..�� y Y f •,�.... - � y S .t�' ,y'r" �i _.+F � f ,�- f'"' 4'SK'sY`�"�" yl Y;t-t �+��. �ti�,r�'Y. #� �.`,• . 'Px f ,7� �,�4r~"�v'•�" _riry�Y�' y,�': 'r`�i' -�', *}, �-,r`�. `+�s'w; 4.'. �:.r-....�. - a C — �•` 'r.�� % L r�. f Y ^- � [ ..! -y V+ �'Tir-- '�-,yl'�5�::.i� if. `1 - 4�.��P � Yx- •t'YnT T'• � ,M1•b '- y �� f j4. p�s`4 `'�' �" > flt. Y > i • .d1 ..+�,' .rv. : a" _ , iy'`i. , Y r rt r 4i ' -s-'E ,. �� r .> ° i__ kr•.p.�i��4R �, fi, S= '' y7sy � ;� � fee � •'i.: z ="' a} ` � ' r '- ' �.+'�� -�,i2 �+ ix' " .+�;' " ... ' t� ic.0 � � r aw } - : •,� � s„�„•i,.� t.'� *75...� ;7 . Y'. __ x � . �'[.. 'a.Y=}�' 7 5 iC r 7 � ?Y�>,�I'.+= "�'- . N �; •�,:' ....r'!f .rli.:c.. Y -.i`', � .. :) T �.r .Y:�. '' J J� �-. l _ ) i t„^ r 4� � L iA u • a .W Ez . O O r. • �Op O ..r O a► •r � a 'o a :��N �- �. -. �. �� -„, Y . � t}}}'''• A� 5e`_. N. �" �.'�.� y y� • � YT ^. i VY� 4 -1� y �x �;� l cod y 40 �wtj s f � ���,.,<< ..8• � "r _ _` i. 'fir •t � - ,. Me got on ft dM too db aim Y Y .a �. •:. ,�` _ •N 1..- Iv �j .Ul V ..34 low Is amw F • - - _ � r - .s,,!' ..,,r:.y't`Jo �:Ss, i .. ,,�-{� r -i .` gift i7�i`. L h •?•�,,�rs' L 1,,' �..qs "'4L�u '.�'- -„fir"'.' -7.. ;t._o. _-��1F'f ATTACHMENT 2 . r. .............'.•..:..'.:............................... . .. ........ . ..... ............ ..... :.. •.v::..::.?i:'ii:'i:•i:'is4}ii:•:•?.�i:4:ti4:vi:•:}}}:-:{•:ti-}: :':ti:•}:•:':'. .:-:': .' :::: •i. :. ••:••.': •. r.r• •. ::f ••:•r%':•:•i:•:•:•:•:•:•::::•:':':•:•:•:•:•:•:•:'::•:•:•:•:•:•::•:•:•i I�INT.'i� O .S". .:.y: ............ ....... ....... ...r::: terry y:•}:•.:: .; ..xr::::: h•::::::: :::•: •:.•r. .•r.. Jy�yry�( Jf •: r:: :.f r.� the�Art�::;;:.:.. . nsu[ ant o ........... ar1 ` %............... rr:r •1:: •'::::: :••. ..'............: ..::: •::.:...:.:::.::::::::. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES - .. - ._:'.. - :•: �••_s.-r.<.. '*Yi'lc�G �.�� - r�. •.. `i''_ -,. � tW Y`The�objective of this proposal is to provide options or a La Quinta t: committee interested in a professional production or pageant to r celebrate the unique history of La Quinta through quality entertainment ` k involving the comm�sunity in planning and" roduction. "['_•--- rq 'r�'t�'1Tif4,�jy'w' y.�, ��,•,,.�2. s.�i?11X'i' y : The committee may use this proposal to seek funding and support from o>..the community�and the proposal may be added to or edited to fit the K_ evolvins institutional needs and tinancu7l resources of they tanntn� x. t.: �comButtee. :N .� 7 ' b•F rr i; �, PROPOSED AMETHODOLOGY r a� : ` treviaw individual commitments ancf.kej c macnttee needs regarduig-the ` T .r propose operation ain strategic piti' 's uld include assessing the communitY s• l frlF ' T r % # i > i�•w.•Nlh'� pit `;t - _ agir'. �.__ =x� ' 1^4 � r { 'S.Y ' ,fi,(,('!.E F .�,• . , w k�P.' , Comtnkment to the idea of a ssional ucuon celebrating profe - it , ,��• > , �" 'the hisiory of La Quinta; s: r M _ . inonitonm� F . 4 omantt�nt to creatin so gets: .. `A,'._'V,•- -, .- -Cotnmim�eent to a andmg the to 1 i the above needs r .• r aonal needs o the producttoa; _ . 1Rifk + �om ntment and ast experience inrrega:ds to_ a stinctunag, a ! - ' A • i ✓monitOrin O the budget and t iouglits On t�iC 01/C1'all �E"IGl fanC1ST r<1 Y :. _ . x integrity of the institution; x .may and'iiosiang iinaticial ';otioIIntment iA fundraising.• ; . . r -., '. '_. /.. .... ..• .. •. .. ;,. .,ems� a .� g~„ r � M''- � , � x�:. s:. "�s� _ ' �• y 'Sri �•contnhuaons, � . ��� s .!R ' �. � •itYi ' .•.y 71.. ? ,,,� f� �`•6 - ( •� - r `, AEA o!•.' ... • - '• • =li./r.. ' ti• _ � ' F '- `P'^1.,. i-. * ncerns with plan givstamen budgeting e r t , v�F C'4.:, e ""� '9. ? .•iTi 'r5.:-. t °i.' , .K _ . �`' �.'�•`4f.3 The end result of ft analysis would-be a' 'irOfrCOMUlllty inumas concerns and recommendations for committee level nt, communications, M_ ng. needs, and productivity. Ii"wouid' also itic recoarnmendatzons • y ivaWed'to the production's financial sa�ppor� and fund raisin . b, - r .. p �I, ti. ►.� L." .� ram'• r -y ,` �' N . �.r • vl.r- a - .� �� �� - � } r is .'_- - . ' r3 :•;�'_:'.. �, - � �r� �� f-_�� Syr -r�- _ •a, i3 ,... • _ . CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTS Proposal Page 3 Revised: March 10,1996 V. FUND RAISING WORKSHOPS In efforts to maximize the positive results of self-analysis and outside consultation, a fund raising workshop may be extremely effective. Individuals invited to the workshop would include any individuals who would benefit from a clear overview of La Quints s pageant plans and an overview of nationwide fund raising trends, tools, theories, procedures and r priorities. This "workshop" may be designed for two people, twenty people,' or two -hundred. Major topics would be drawn from the results of La Quints s `l fund raising analysis and could include (but not be limited to) sa ^ - "' - ., - i. ,.... .'r ..._ ,..r.9 $.k. ... .,,i:i dc':i .. .. -.. �. r,e..} - .. ... .. ...''..::i'�a� .. � s�:''1..i:'3•�F ua �.._-. ►�".. t~ ��a 1! � :.»..3... � .: �['�'?'�'.-, . . � 'Aua. ' a�� �.�t�.^ue�u��sira� an�.a rva% amea.��ara� a u.v rva...-■.�••..•.w rir * si L�AiWIIr� HE ROLE OF THE GOVERNING BOARD ILAN'INRD C THE Ph TRENDS j XV, udith i 3 FOR 1990'S ichois,. �,4 � f. �t,t j �` �, '+� r y a�: 'NCY•. �'�S.%;:. �'�.._ }���_„�.;• Y-•,,,q ., •� y, .�ti [', �'�''., � < '` 'Y- ., .ir� r�J le`'+. fir.,.#3,3�yilc:,jp�'-.�itt,.- .f '4 .{�E''x.�°•'�", ,.7`Y �-. i-� arc `i '�'. :'Y. .. �.�,?i�,, ••�`. ,. s..• y : � � � �Y 4..... �"' t:' •rib Yi•,.t L +,,•: 4 }'�j, <itir .'M, w,/',,,z&r. (� •: �� _ � 1 �;'r� _ ,i ' �.. � y,'`. icy c. :� y�� _ - ,.. _ +' k � � ir.�i f Y+ �� y.ia L ^. .• �,' 'yl �; 9r -y'� 4� :::` rt� * -_ • - 4 �" � w�r ' _ sk o '� - �: •:,W �S'' b: :. ¢�'T.y�i.N�r � `iS t.'��` J..INMt1+�k'•- R� _y: r. _ '. - T.: ,•'�"1 r; < �`2r .�s. a_r ..ia; F. .t'' aN'. . �..- ti f:• �... r ^ .. oil _ ~ X,•-Y`.�. L ... '.' ,r L ,.^�4 vs' � ''+.., t d.S,�� �'.,�x '' + +� _ t. . -� -• ; ;�,.+-y�i�i -*�/ •�•s�ili�� ��f`.Mr���.�9�°Fr`�- Jt t - - _ +- - ` � -+,. Y - . � ' r is +. ,� �" �• � -ta � �a ~�� ATTACHMENT 3 � �. , e},x ( •+.• t�'9P � . R ��Jf pit i� 11'�� 1 s.. '. sty' `�'^/ ••5+' y, LA QUINTA PRODUCTIONS, INC. S_ : ' - Board of Directors ' � - �. , s � � c wa � .... h 's? �• •,;$�+?..�+ , j,_iY` L `4 t �r : r � �r , Y .p � is �. x � ". •y,r,. �•St{� !-ryE,':. �. t+G° . ,�,. ;.� j.._ � �,:. _i Hone Atkins President • _ •�i r - 'r '. µ�,, inLlt�r 'f-♦. 3e ti� - f q�'�1� .kb Susan.Francis VicePresdent H Y t Fred Ricey:" f �� " d ,� �r �toi+• 'd,�taa fit: . ��j1F E 4r �+� "'6''�j' 'r:f�.ee�►rt y ,t.t{y���y:' a.�Sr 'KY:a • - +.. f� � 1 '•�?'��-� ?i h�bN�� r`�'7 .p.:.' e` "�' - � =��''il�tw a+'y��. �'it..p�'r�^JF.�. •�~-" ii„r�'L'1..' La he ollenberg '' ,. Y r''�"s+a+.' w#" 3'r�,- � yA�,�+i.�� • �rl� � �.4 - 'e,.v'y' : to . - hi. S �r- �a� ,., � ,�, •p�.: �. • � R � ';',��!�`'� * •� f.��r�;_ ,' -q� e ^ 41 _ �I i� 'aJ�,"��-' `,,_"" , � t�, � ..fie ��?{�°°'� � .,�- yay. � y�,�� "k` .�..a•. �- a ; ' .2rr'" iL - "aiq •� '�"T - _ s:. � t jt -:i+Q- x 3 R'`y+ ; �- fr 4�.. n. . i- '�� y�y � .$ �.cy- t11 -... �x �,. .�. ..;.C.. �'f �.'-. ?/.Afx. +,4 �'C;'i•�,.L +. `t, i�. E 1if L6S ih.�' ff -,t •1•'fi'.:. v+y.' ',".', :� 1. Y� � y�1. ',L-. y ;' .� r.c.,,.. j 9•f - I :T � j: K �,. "�i<i • C `ri r t _ - � ,.: .a •� , � - Y.�. �..� ��� _Z 'pi d �;y+.. �.i4 _u � ��. ,..re' '. � z .-� e � a4C'S'- f'LI"�. '.e •a �..:.y. •! ,.r}ri¢a �N ,. e «.`y117 � ° . ,.y,• ' ,j..'byS'i .-h r:.' c i- :1; . *h xhy,;.{i r•',,. . <•. t -.. r �..7 i.r:,'�- �.s.y r �. ;!�� ��a�i i•i, r+i{"A'•��. ':� •,��. .q} t� ..gym 9vfi. .'K .. Xi x- �-iµ ".S _1 r + .r+t� �1 C +'Y:�,t E.:-•QF"-Y.' f t�to . - - ^"Y :i' ' 4L t ' � - w .� Y' 'fir-• �'. •. % ATTACHMENT 4 TIMELINE DRAFT LA QUINTA PRODUCTIONS INC. September 5, 1996 IMPORTANT NOTE: This Timeline Draft is to be considered a discussion starting point for review by the La Quinta Productions Inc. Board, Consultant, Artistic, and Production Staff. It is not intended as a complete Production & Rehearsal Schedule as this will need to be worked out in coordination with the . A schedulesr of key staff, available artists, etc. Wk.. t -..` l� ­V nh NO 1996 Y y ire +� •,. rt Nt :. }� Compiete simple lastitutionai jsrocnure (C- *W $elect director%Choregrap er uctron Y „° Res�✓arc story Mate arrow to e y •T'� 4 'ilr •t... - '1- w'a i �> .Li a �.7+I,ivt'i:. � "".' � rK ii•. 3�it Y* I � ri + �: �y9' « .: y ,. t. ? x . .[. ' .' _tondiicfPtu id Raising Worksh �s an Devi - �"t�^T'1`aX���`�r' ..y�-:''S� •s '!• "tit.. Outline Education and Outreac Plans :r « S I•. Rfi 7r f { " V Fund Raise Projected 1997-99 Budget Nees 1 �.y {• •z y z � 1kAY to JUM ,FZ'.a ,f'1I t.Lt +*i L A� f •� ` t .y dp 40 'X 1 Rehearse Non -Equity Cast and Community Cast Individual Ticket Sales Begin Complete Ad Sales for Programstrckets .. - -� ��k'.'.,t .i. yryt'', �' zfi�. �F1X 'f?-�' D• {♦: �hs,�+¢:-� Y f •!� �f a di"f * � ` k Build Sets & Costumes y . '� ��' x• .'.g-+YF��ef'�}, A;--»�} Z.. a" i: f ��4. �'' �. �- •+tit 5"Y. Rehearse Fq r, Non-1 quity and Commuuuty Cast N✓ !♦ `� { Load -in Sett :{ Tech Week .riM�+S rX Rc yrr aDRESS REHEARSALSI7T`j .• , ....r •� *� F-.�� `bR i► - Y . �tl,-"ANAL R JANUARY, 099 BRUSHUPS THROUGH OPENING JANUARY,1999 JANUARY,1999 1 w Y 1999 ,V Vt. , ,t e a s .._ _ O-Deys bef w P'REVIBW,1999 Ai-- 40 Do 3 STREK /STORAG K YOI •1•Lxff . � �Yi t . ` �. � � T - '�. y -l� ► l� � 'tom yea X'� l� 3 .t• t Flo. k;fs•y r�.s�-nc:,►'+. M� %� ._ 'l e ..'� �it-t - _ _ _ #.. '•& yF: rry to _ ;; � .irA `t,�s *`�' *' " .b �� d♦r ice' 'i ��• r slr.` fib':" . �1JE � x. � „ � w �l� nb 0 ATTACHMENT 5 LA QUINTA PRODUCTIONS, INC. 1996/97 PROPOSED BUDGET First year expenses estimated to be $44,000 of which $13, 500 is being requested from the City of La Quinta DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NOTES PERSONNEL EXPENSES ' Producing Directing Team Retention ': $2,000 Director, Choreographer, Assistant Director Fee for 1996 . i `, (Also, Coordinate and help write the script) _41��; " YWriters ' 000 Script Song Wnting '-Sf^ onrv2(1 �; ,. � •i ,p$:,•'� .. .. _.1., t � .•. t'. t"!!"'9, Production Manager : r tp4rAs`E1d'".9YM+19 '. ". ':� :'° $2,000 .,i�iCHj.._-`-•�_T, wr 't.i �FC��aw '+,�.«;-�;iil* - Coordinator of Scenery, 19hts, 'Sound, 'Alt 'F� _.. Rentals: Production Elements Institutional Planning Consultant ' ;_. 4,000. ..:' it' . e ` e�•: ,L'1?i�t�+:Y /.�,1; i(. <.�riFyi'. 1996 assistance with Planning,Fund Raisi Fee --��• =� . �', r r Personnel,'Marketing and Coordination of t`'' Y '�r Director" Choreographer, writer Production ` 4 4Manager Search Process T Qe� Projected Personnel 00� 't96 erso nenses 81 wit C' Expenses' J ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Audience Development P bl�cattons I ona er Fuca Deve opmem o!•',tl.t., - Mile "�,. - ,4,. - d i+:t i,+a■�P.�or3's'xY'"=s..• .yr•.;-::.r_r,. Postage%11Aafl g%Telephone's 85 Po ta� a eteioEel- o flye s, o ecruitment, vertising, Administrative Travel . �{.4 +Syr 40 —:aa�+sy y,1..wi.` �'^�c�• 8 °.. Automobile travel related to recruitment a f*4 +w, a - planrnng meetings Office Supplies N env as su �`� ,, .. v41 " Pac�c6 tt silings; a.. . Fund Raising 'Publications Sup ort � 1t 5 •Y ���•,: Projected Administrative +•. ,•!cq"�'�, '.*,'� �€Y�' .199 l dmin'istrat ve Ikgenses aid w C' EX erases: M...� TOTAL PROJECTED CITY • „d •,�r ' �15,000�"�' �;;�.. •Lt .�1t>7.K,;F � (•Y'C'�stt, ..����~n�'y �, ~� r -4'% ,ln,7Y"lRc �'fty, i, t _ ca \ .'xts,• `� 4 r � "'i. S , - FUNDS j � • F ' J,�: Minus 1995 fund balance: _ �1,500 ti� t:. Funds remaining from $5,000 grant for first .., 4. , {[ «•-avYf wa .w r_ ■} t �� . .. .'. -. _.. ...'. K. n, ..k.� t � VQ,��.�(v7 .•,ty .-i.yFNk�4?� .k. ldcn. .{�i*, -�, 41-ii:,A' �' ^K' TOTAL 1996/97 CONTRACT *'�� REQUEST: , • ; :' . ._ .::� .. - .. � .. - � �- � �. .. '^ r ,;e:�'a ? ..,r•ry+ 7'4L. .�,.,,,. .-�. _ y.'..i - ...S..v -7. Note: Total 3 year budget included in Study Report, Attachment Z. - , SUDGETWM R"S_1 A 71 IPAGE Z 7 2 10UDGM-. OVER Vil:w 1 7s T 4 i' CiCTtOV XXPF.I�S'!rS ; 7 S Scm $15.000 7 6 Couum= t 77 IL is 8 78 pwial Fffccu T ! Sound/blukc $8.000 8 0 Reaals (Props. Equipmam) stow 81 oyakim 3w 82 A tick ,otic: 5400 13 JTMCL $4 000 84 1 lowins $. 8 8 Misceilanoeut SZ.000 97 ISUBTOTAL PRODUMON sa - ,. 0• IADMI ISTRATIVZ�- fo Audianaa Dm-ebpmm Publioaiau - ' 51.000 Cott x u a bWo a mbib lmyai is. ; or 0 t s Z 1powas and MwIlo cotes noeexntenuw av i 10"Ma"Supplin st r r _. :1 and 11 $ ad Raising Pv namoM Sm=SM3._13.//.���/� as. l♦,alWL' Mail d y 97 ut11 m orres Supow %..i r Yam!' y Y".-,C t t•H �. i} x f� t '> 9{7, ; fi jt• t A f .. �,r t I-^- pSii .z aic. _ fif. _ yy.-'- y� j� ' v i r, �• . •-i a.1'.17 � � . ' � � � ^..• +"tr- mot" fr ,erf. �; ! � _' d! -g ' r��( YL 'r.' ,L� ' ?.T.'. S , a d} � i-•�F �:.•.. '.:t.� � � r �� � t �� �. 1 �-,yr, 1r' �- � �{'sr i .. (,.. _�: 'df ,tiy s,.r '•'`, �-1 }J+•,- p +ifs y"�{', gl Zp.,, y,�, t.. �Z—r,� s.��. • 1f Yy � •�� + .;,r- "X `�J�. 'x fi;5• .; . i.�.`( r•..�`' ..t,..,.. � � -. �u r i ' e:r X M,�ai'r :, sF *C1• >.. 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At the June 24, 1996, commission meetin%the commission reviewed the Cultural Arts Master Plan Schedule and Proposal to Develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan. Both documents were forwarded to City Council and reviewed at the August 6, 1996, City Council meeting. City Council approved the Cultural Commission's request to host workshops instead of formal meetings to help develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan for the City of La Quinta with regular updates on their progress provided to City Council. The Cultural Arts Master Plan subcommittee met and has developed a letter and report for commission consideration. Both documents are provided in Attachment A. Review and approve. N\��L Marty Nich son Parks and Recreation Director Attachments: A: Draft letter of invitation, report of subcommittee ATTACHMENT A D R A F T Date ( 9/ 12/ 9 6 ) Name/Address Dear (Team Member): The La Quinta City Council has authorized the Cultural Commission to develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan for the City. To that end, this letter encourages your participation. Because of your vital interest and involvement in the City of La Quinta and its future, the Cultural Commission is inviting you to participate as a team member and share in the development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan. Task forces will be formed to facilitate efforts to accomplish the Plans objectives which include gathering information to assess.the community's strengths and weaknesses, soliciting comments on current or perceived needs, analyzing programs and services which are in place, evaluating the economic impact of the arts on the community, and developing a plan which will meet short- and long-term goals of the City. We know you will be a valuable resource and we would be pleased to -have your participation. You are invited to attend an orientation meeting on (date) at (time) at (the La Quinta Senior Center, 78-450 Avenida La Fonda). At that time you will learn more of the process and commitment expected, and you can register your interest. Sincerely, Kathryn B. Hull, Chair Cultural Commission P.S. For more information, or to say you will attend, please call me at 771-1041, or call Marty Nicholson, Director of Parks and Recreation, 777-7090. Date: September 9, 1996 To: Cultural Commission From: Cultural Arts Master Plan Subcommittee RE: Report of meeting - Development of Step 1 One of the first tasks in the development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan is to assemble a cross section of the local community and identify volunteers to assist in the assessment of community resources and in developing of a profile of the community. These teams, under the guidance of the Commissioners, will gather pertinent information by means of a questionnaire. The areas to survey may include: 1. Music/recording/sound 2. Visual arts/commercial-graphic arts 3. Theater (community & professional) 4. Dance 5. Film/TV 6. Literary arts 7. Architecture/ Landscaping 8. Artifacts/historical 9. Other This survey will identify organizations, individuals, and producers as well as sites and venues. Questionnaires can be completed by: 1. Person to person interview 2. Phone (e.g., every 9th name in the phone directory) 3. Mail 4. Chamber of Commerce insert Examples of questionnaires are in the Community Cultural Planning Work Kit packet,,"Conducting A Community Cultural Assessment: A Work Kit" and can be adapted to our community once we determine what we need to know. z CV U rY y � C� tl�r ,y of CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: September 23, 1996 D.E. P.A. Program The Cultural Commission's Work Plan has several projects listed within its scope of work. The Diversified Exposure to Performing Acts (DEPA) project is one of the items within the Work Plan. Each fall a representative from the Cultural Commission secures free or reduced rate tickets for upcoming performances. The tickets are distributed to youth within La Quinta in order to expose them to theatrical performances. Commissioner Sharp has agreed to oversee this program for the Fall 1996. Contact has been made with performances and schools. Commissioner Sharp will be updating any other information at the commission meeting. Receive and File. Marty Nicho on Parks and Recreation Director � T c2 V S OF TNT CULTURAL COMMISSION COMMISSION MEETING DATE: September 23, 1996 Election of Cultural Commission 'Officers According to Ordinance No. 2.85.040,. the Cultural Commission is to select officers at its September meeting of each year. Currently, Commissioner Hull serves as Chairperson of the Cultural Commission and Commissioner Benay serves as Vice - Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Commission shall be elected by a majority vote of the Commission members. The Chairperson presides over all meetings and provides periodic reports to the City Council on all recommendations of the Commission. Select a Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson at the September 23, 1996, Cultural Commission meeting by a majority vote of the Commission. Marty Nicho9son Parks and Recreation Director z U S T4 ht 4 OF CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: September 23, 1996 Update of Cultural Commission Work Plan The Cultural Commission determines its work through the use of a City Council approved Work Plan. Within the Work Plan projects are outlined and priorities are established. Currently the Cultural Commission Work Plan was reviewed and approved by City Council on March 5, 1996. It is suggested within the Work Plan that the document itself be considered. a living document and subject to revisions during the course of routine maintenance . It is being requested that the Commission review the assignments within the existing Work Plan and delete or add projects as necessary. Once the, Work Plan has been updated it will be brought before the Commission at the October 28,- 1996 commission meeting for final approval. If approved, the Work Plan would be submitted to City Council at the November 19, 1996, City Council meeting for consideration. The Cultural Commission review the Work Plan and edit the document as necessary for final approval at the October 28, 1996, commission meeting. Ill Marty Nichols n Parks and Recreation Director Attachments: A. Work Plan 1996-97 ATTACHMENT A CULTURAL COMMISSION WORK PLAN 1996=97 Cultural Commission 1996=97 Work Plan Priority: 1 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Annual Work Plan Method(s) of Fulfillment: Review existing assignments, suggest assignments to fill any voids, review programs and programs being done by other cities. Suggested Resources: The work plan should be considered a living document, subject to revision during the course of routine maintenance. Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: On going maintenance. Review regularly. 1 hour per month. CACWP 11 Priority: 2 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Cultural Arts Master Plan Method(s) of Fulfillment: To develop a Master Plan to encourage cultural arts in the City of La Quinta. Suggested Resources: Members of the community. Expansion of Assignment: Execute the Plan. Commissioner Availability: All Commissioners will work on the Plan. Commitment Required: 4-5 hours of Commission/Committee work per month. CACWP a 2 Priority: Category: Assignment Item: Method(s) of Fulfillment: Suggested Resources: Expansion of Assignment: Commissioner Availability: Commitment Required: K On -Going D.E.P.A. Program (Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts) Provide tickets for students to attend diversified events. Each fall a subcommittee of Cultural Commissioners would spend 10-20 hours making calls to secure free or reduced rate tickets during the season. No growth in staff time, should be similar each year.. Mostly work will be by PTA and/or school staff, if they agree to work the program. Commissioner Sharp will chair the program. 10-20 hours each fall soliciting tickets. CACW P 3 Priority: 4 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Arts Advocacy Method(s) of Fulfillment: Prepare guidelines and resources for parents, educators, organizations and citizens at large to advocate for arts education in La Ouinta schools grades K-3. Lobby for appointment of music and art coordinators/supervisors, encourage adoption of "National Standards for Arts Education." This program will be implemented in cooperation with Desert Sands Unified School District. Suggested Resources: MENC, MTNA, National Coalition for Music Education, local art and music organizations. Staff time and funds are minimal. Utilize parent volunteers. Expansion of Assignment: The goal 'is to eventually reach all students K-12 in the Desert Sands Unified School District. Commissioner Availability: All Commissioners are resources. Commitment Required: Once organized, this project will take approximately 2 hours per month. CACWP 4 Priority: 5 Category: Long Term Assignment Item: La Quinta Pageant Method(s) of Fulfillment: Creating steering committee consisting of Historical Society, Cultural Commission, Council Member, technical, theatrical, musical to lay ground work .of conceptual plan and feasibility. Budget development study. Site procurement (seed civic center . ground, build temporary staging, rent seating). Suggested Resources: Request City funding, private funding, legal council, staff time, recruitment, publicity. Expansion of Assignment: Annual event creating great visibility for La Quints valley wide, county wide, state wide, etc. Develop into week long event including multi -discipline arts event. Commissioner Availability: Commissioner Atkins will chair the subcommittee. Commissioner Francis to assist. Commitment Required: This will require a tremendous commitment starting with the single step of forming.a steering committee. CACWP 5 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM July 8, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:08 p.m., who asked for the roll call. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Absent: Commissioner Johna Davis. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Kennedy to excuse Commissioner Davis. Unanimously approved. Staff. Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes - There being no changes to the Minutes of June 10, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement - There being no further questions. or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Klein/Cothrun to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Chairman Walling recapped the events of the previous meeting. Staff informed the Commission that the applicant was unable to attend. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to continue the item to the next meeting. Unanimously approved. 1. Chairman Walling reminded the Commissioners of the project. Commissioner Reynolds explained that she had seen the work of artist/teacher Marcia Gibbons at Jefferson School and was impressed. She then passed around pictures of her work. Chairman Walling asked if Ms. Gibbons would want to do a student project using La Quinta students. Commissioner Reynolds stated she would. Art in Public Places July 8, 1996 2. Commissioner Kennedy asked staff if all the money collected from the fees for the La Quinta Center had been allocated. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that he could not say with certainty that all the funds have been spent. Staff was in the process of doing an evaluation to determine how much money was available. 3. Chairman Walling stated the Commission would need to have an idea of what the cost would be to determine what was needed. It would be a good idea to have Ms. Gibbons present a proposal to the Commission. 4. Commissioner Kennedy stated she would like the project to use La Quinta students. Currently, the Arts Foundation had no art program with the La Quinta Middle School. Staff stated they would contact Ms Gibbons to see if she could attend the next APP meeting with a proposal. 4. Commissioner Kennedy stated she would like staff to research the Artist Bank to see if there were other local artists who could do tile work in conjunction with the local students. 5. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to invite Ms. Gibbons to present a proposal for the project. In addition, staff was to invite any other local artists, from the Artist Bank, that may do tile work. Unanimously approved. C. Renovation and Placement of City Obelisk Street Signs 1. Commissioner Kennedy informed the Commission that the La Quinta Arts Foundation had determined they would be willing to work with youth on the project, but they had no money to put into the project, as the proposal had not been budgeted 2. Commissioner Shamis stated she thought the project would be a good community effort. She was concerned however, that the APP Ordinance would not allow the Commission to allocate any funds as the Ordinance stated the artwork must be unique and not mass produced. She too would be willing to be involved in the project, but was hesitant to commit funds. She suggested the La Quinta Historical Society contact Ms. Terri Triviso, Education Director for the La Quinta Arts Foundation, as they had a procedure in place to involve the youth. The Commission would not have to duplicate work that had already been done. 3. Commissioner Kennedy explained that Ms. Triviso would need to be contacted to see what the Foundation's program consisted of. APP7-8 Art in Public Places July 8, 1996 4. Commissioner Shamis stated that she too had spoken with Ms. Triviso, and she was impressed with her ideas. She suggested that financial backers be found to do some of the obelisks. Discussion followed as to what extent the Commission should be involved. 5. Chairman Walling stated the Commission would need to recommend a program to the Historical Society on how this project could be done without taking on the responsibility of the project. He asked if the Foundation had anyone who would be willing to coordinate the project. Commissioner Kennedy explained that the project would have to follow the normal channels. She had spoken with a member from the Historical Society and they indicated they were looking for financial support only. The Society suggested the APP wait till the Society is able to get the funding before getting involved. 6. Chairman Walling suggested the APP inform the Historical Society of their support for the project and ask the Society to present a proposal to the APP. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Cothrun to direct staff to write a letter to the Historical Society stating the APP's support for the project, but would like to ask the Society to present a proposal to the APP as to what the project would consist of. In addition, any decision of the APP to become financially involved would require Council authorization. If the Commission approved of the project, a recommendation may be made for an expenditure of APP funds. Unanimously approved 7. Commissioner Klein stated she had seen a recently painted Obelisk near the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Durango and it was a poor job. 8. Commissioner Shamis stated that if the APP approved the project, they should invite a member of the Historical Society and a Historical Preservation Commission member along with Terri Triviso from Arts Foundation to discuss the project and make a joint proposal. Chairman Walling directed staff to address a letter to the Society informing them of the Commission's decision. 9. Commissioner Cothrun stated she agreed with the APP participation, but was concerned with the number of projects the Commission was currently involved with. 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the Plan was created to help the original APP Committee determine locations and budget amounts for proposed artwork. Staff had brought the Plan back to the APP as it was now outdated and the Commission would need to make a determination as to whether they should update the Plan or discontinue it. APP7-8 Art in Public Places July 8, 1996 2. Chairman Walling discussed the Plan with the Commissioners and reviewed each item for its validity. The following suggestions were made: Civic Center/Senior Center/Library - combined as the Civic Center Complex. Bear Creek Channel - in process, staff working on the forestry grant to purchase and plant trees. Artist Judy Boca is completing the drawings for the artwork and the Arts Foundation will implement the plan. Staff to report back on the status of the project. Fritz Burns Park - artwork completed, Commission evaluating Pinata artwork design. Sports Complex - no artwork currently proposed. North Park - located at Westward Ho Drive and Adams Avenue, no artwork proposed at present. Adams Park - to be added to the list. Community Park - no artwork proposed at present. Schools - Middle School, Adams and Truman Elementary, High School - no artwork proposed at present Child Care Facility - no artwork proposed at present. Boys and Girls Club - no artwork proposed at present. La Quinta Village Shopping Center - no artwork proposed at present One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center - two sculptures have been approved by artist Louis DeMartino. Commission evaluating children's artwork project for the La Quinta Car Wash. Plaza La Quinta - to be added to the list Post Office - no artwork proposed at present Landscape medians pads - designed and to be constructed with artwork pads for future installation. Country clubs - Rancho La Quinta only project with proposed artwork under construction. Perimeter walls - Commission to make suggestions on how to implement artwork into the walls, Downtown La Quinta - Commission to make suggestions on how to implement artwork. Painting of light standards and stop signs - add to � the list as a proposed project to have the light standards and stop signs match the mountains. Commission to evaluate validity of combining this project with the Obelisks program. Both projects will require a funding source. Staff to contact the City of Sedona and ask for information on their light painting program. Chairman Walling asked staff to prepare a list for the Commission of all the current projects that are proposed or planned for the City. APP7-8 Art in Public Places July 8, 1996 3. Commissioner Klein asked that the list show what artwork is currently installed and the costs. Further, the list should not be prioritized. 4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to request staff revise the Public Art Plan per the recommendations listed above. Unanimously approved. COMMISSIONER. ITEMS: None FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program B. Discussion on the proposed Workshop C. Presentation by artist Art Fernandez on his proposed Pinata artwork design D. Discussion on books accumulated for the Art Library E. Major Event Plan review F. Car Wash artwork presentation G. Update on the Bear Creek Channel project H. Discussion regarding the Obelisks (if any correspondence has been received from the Historical Society. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,. it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on August 5, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:04 P.M. APP7-8 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM August 12, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:07 p.m., who asked Commissioner Shamis to lead the flag. salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Johnna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Absent: Commissioner Elaine Reynolds. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy to excuse Commissioner Reynolds. Unanimously approved. Staff. Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. ELECTIONS: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy to nominate John Walling as Chairman. There being no further nominations, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy to close the nominations. John Walling was elected Chairman unanimously. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Walling to nominate Rosita Shamis for Vice Chair. There being no further nominations, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Davis/Klein to close the nominations. Rosita Shamis was elected as Vice Chair unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes - Commissioner Shamis asked that the Minutes of July 8, 1996, be amended on Page 2, Item C.2. to read: "She was concerned however, that the APP Ordinance would not allow the Commission to allocate any funds as the Ordinance stated the artwork must be unique and not mass produced." There being no further changes to the Minutes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement - There being no further questions or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kle n7Kennedy to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Proposed artwork for City Parks: 1. Chairman Walling introduced Mr. Fernandez who presented his design for a piece of artwork that would hold a Pinata (as well as other objects) for the City parks. He stated there had been some concern raised about children being injured on the design. Based on this concern he had developed the tongue of the giraffe which will ,hold the ring for the Pinata to have a breakaway release at 40 or 60-pounds. He stated he had talked with several companies that made Pinatas and they stated the average weight of a Pinata was 15-pounds. If the Commission felt the breakaway weight should be lighter, he could reduce it further. 2. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Fernandez how long would it take to construct the artwork. Mr. Fernandez stated it would take approximately three weeks. He had been working on a design for three weeks and it was almost complete. 3. Chairman Walling asked if the price of $17,000 included all aspects of constructing and installing the artwork. Mr. Fernandez stated it did and went on to discuss the construction of the footings for the artwork. 4. Commissioner Klein asked if the exterior metal work would be open. Mr. Fernandez stated it would be covered with an1 /8-inch steel covering forming a three dimensional object. 5. Commissioner Shamis asked how hot the metal would get. Mr. Fernandez explained the purpose of the Pinata holder and the other purposes it could be used for. He stated it was nine feet in height with a latch to hang the Pinata. To date, he has been unable to find a coating to protect the metal against heat. 6. Commissioner Davis asked if this was the same metal that was used to construct the benches for the City of Palm Desert. Mr. Fernandez stated it was and to his knowledge, there were no problems. 7. Commissioner Shamis stated that each piece of art would have to be different in color and design. Mr. Fernandez stated one would be a Giraffe and the second one could be a free -form. Both would have the same arch and use. 8. Commissioner Cothrun stated she thought the design was unique and asked if any other city had the same design. Mr. Fernandez stated he had contacted several cities as well as recreation/park departments to see if the design existed and he could find no one that had such a piece. To his knowledge this would be the only one in existence. APP8-12 Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 9. Chairman Walling asked what the price of both art pieces would be. Mr. Fernandez stated the Giraffe would be $12,000 and the second feature $5,000 for a total of $17,000 for both. He would like to receive a release from the City that would allow him to use a photograph of the art piece for publicity purposes. The art piece itself would not be duplicated. 10. Commissioner Kennedy asked what the design of the second art piece would be. Mr. Fernandez stated he did not have a design at present. He had considered a rainbow, and other free forms, but no decision had been made. He would work with the City to determine the form. 11. Commissioner Shamis asked if the design could be of one of the indigenous animals. Different animals were discussed. 12. Chairman Walling stated the Commission needed to determine whether or not the project fits within the parameters of public art; determine which park(s), if any it should be placed in; and determine the price. 13. Commissioner Shamis stated she preferred the giraffe as one design and an animal that is indigenous to the desert as the second form. 14. Commissioners discussed the value of the project, functional art, and how the project would fall within the parameters of public art in that it is a unique piece of artwork, designed and constructed by a local artist. 15. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Cothrun to request that Mr. Fernandez design an art piece specifically for the Fritz Burns and Adams Avenue Parks that the APP could recommend to the City Council for their approval. Mr. Fernandez would present the giraffe as one design along with two additional designs of indigenous animals. 16. Commissioners suggested that additional designs may include a snake, rabbit, quail, free form, and other indigenous animals. Commissioner Kennedy asked that the second model be of a snake as it is indigenous. One would be an animal and other a snake. Following discussion regarding the designs, Commissioners Klein/Cothrun withdrew their motion. 17. Commissioners Klein/Kennedy moved and seconded a motion that Mr. Fernandez present to the APP Commission at their next meeting, a design of a giraffe, snake or other free form figure for their review and potential recommendation to the City Council for the Fritz Burns and Adams Avenue Parks in an amount not to exceed $17,000. Unanimously approved. APP8-12 Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 B. Proposed Artwork for the La Quinta Car Wash 1. Chairman Walling briefly explained the project and introduced Paul Gilbert, President of ARTEACH who would be making a presentation of an art idea for the Car Wash located at the northwest corner of Highway 111 and Adams Street. a. Mr. Paul Gilbert, ARTEACH, addressed the Commission regarding local artists who were capable of doing the tile work. He stated that Mr. Michael Teague was presently doing a small painting for the interior of the Car Wash and displayed slides of his tile work. Regarding a design for the parapet, they were considering a desert theme. In order to have an estimate of the cost, he had asked a local tile setter to estimate the cost of laying plain white tile on the site and his cost estimate was $2,500. He then went on to describe the design they were proposing. As he was the president of ARTEACH, his plans were to incorporate local students to watch and see how the tile process evolved. b. Commissioner Kennedy suggested holding an art contest that would involve local students. C. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Gilbert what the price range was estimated to be.. Mr. Gilbert stated it would be approximately $10,000 to cover the entire area of the parapet or 800 square feet. d. Chairman Walling thanked Mr. Gilbert for his presentation. 2. Chairman Walling introduced Marcia Gibbons who would also make a presentation on an art idea for the Car Wash. a. Ms. Gibbons stated that four murals had been completed by her students during the last school year and this was the type of project she would love to be involved with. She went on to give her artwork background. She then asked the Commission what size they intended the artwork to be; would it cover the entire parapet? Did the Commission have a work space available for the students to do the work? As she is presently teaching in Indio she may be able to use her school and some of her students, but would this be acceptable to the Commission? She has. a team of students who are accustomed to working regularly with her. If she were to use La Quinta students she would only want students from the 8th grade and above. In regard to the cost of the project, it would depend a lot on the size. The installation, however, would not be included in the cost. APP8-12 Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 b. Commissioner Shamis stated the Commission did want the project to remain with La Quinta students. Local art teachers could be involved by selecting the students. Ms. Gibbons would, however, have control over the students. C. Commissioner Shamis asked Ms. Gibbons if she would prefer to create her own design for the project or involve the community. Ms. Gibbons stated she has worked on all types of projects. She has designed projects that included working with the entire age span. This project would depend on what the Commission would want, as she was not restricted on what type of format would be used. d. Ms. Gibbons asked about the liability of the students involved; who would be responsible? She also stated that if the students were to be involved, she would like to see them receive payment for their work. She then went on to show some designs of what she was currently working on. If she was to submit a design for this project, she would need the specifics of what the Commission wanted, including the exact dimensions. How much of her involvement would be teaching, or designing? She estimated the cost to be in the range of $20,000. She would enjoy doing a design of her own with the assistance of the students creating the tiles. e. Commissioner Kennedy asked Ms. Gibbons if she designed and fired the tiles herself. Ms. Gibbons stated she did as she has three kilns. However, she would subcontract the installation work. Commissioner Kennedy asked what her time involvement in the project would be. Ms. Gibbons stated she would need assistance from adult artists to aid in the construction. f. Commissioner Kennedy asked if it was a professional design, would she be able to use school time to design it. Ms. Gibbons stated she would need to coordinate the time with the other teachers. g. Mr. Paul Gilbert asked if the students would be allowed to work at the site, rather than at the school. His project anticipated the students being able to watch, but not be physically involved in the construction. h. Ms. Gibbons stated the materials would need to be centrally located rather than spread out. A limited number of students would be involved to produce the work. I. Commissioner Cothrun asked if the students had been paid before for their work. Ms. Gibbons stated they had not been paid for a school project, but if she involved them in one of her own artworks, yes they were paid. She APP8-12 Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 believes it is important for the students to have the experience of being paid for their work. She also understands the importance of community pride and involvement. Discussion followed regarding how students had been utilized in various projects. j . Commissioner Klein asked Ms. Gibbons approximately how many hours she thought the project would take and how many students would be needed. Ms. Gibbons stated she had no idea of the time involvement. She would need to know the design and the medium to be used first. She would prefer to submit a price with the design. This way she would be able to pay the students involved from the contract price. This would give the students the feeling of doing a professional job. k. Commissioner Davis asked Mr. Gilbert how much time would be involved with his project. Mr. Gilbert stated about two months. 3. Chairman Walling thanked Ms. Gibbons and Mr. Gilbert for their time and presentations and asked for Commission discussion. 4. Commissioner Kennedy stated there was a need to dress up the shopping center. 5. Commissioner Klein asked if funds were available for the project. She suggested the project could be structured so that the public and both artists were involved., 6. Chairman Walling stated he was in favor of the project as it would place art in a very noticeable area of the town as well as serving to educate the public. The negative side could be the use of the City's money to enhance a commercial site. The Commission needs to determine if this is a good use of APP funds. Does this project meet the philosophy of the art program. The Commission needs to determine if they want to use funds for the smaller projects as they come up, or let the account accumulate for a large project. The Commission needs to make this decision first. 7. Commissioner Klein asked if it was necessary to use tile? Would there be a problem having a painted mural instead. Chairman Walling stated the tile was a better medium and a mural would not be able to utilize the students. 8. Commissioner Cothrun stated she would like to pursue the project, but the Commission needs to establish a realistic budget. 9. Commissioner Davis stated she did not want the project to commercially benefit the Car Wash. There is a need to do something to the site with a limited amount of money. She agreed that it was a good idea to pay students for their work, as well as teach them the value of community involvement. Would it be possible to get an APP8-12 Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 educational grant to assist in the funding? some other local company, for a grant? back into the community. Could the Commission ask Wal-Mart or This would enable the City to put money 10. Staff would check into what grants are available, even for reimbursement purposes. In addition, they would check with the La Quinta teachers to see if space was available and if there was student talent to do the project. 11. Commissioner Shamis' stated she was uncomfortable with spending $20,000. Commissioner Kennedy stated Mr. Gilbert could do the whole parapet for $10,000. It was again suggested that the project be opened up to both artists to see what they collaborate on. 12. Commissioner Klein stated her concern about the amount of public involvement. 13. 'Commissioner Cothrun asked how a workshop could be set up to accomplish this. 14. Chairman Walling stated the Commission needed to establish a price. Following discussion, the Commission determined that a budget of $10,000 was sufficient for the purpose of discussing the project. This figure would include installation. The Commission could re-evaluate the cost after staff provided the additional information. 15. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Davis to continue this item to the next meeting. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: None 1. Temporary Art Program -'Staff informed the Commission that the City Attorney would have a report in October. 2. Student Art Wall - Commissioners directed staff to contact Mike Teague, who had displayed the artwork at the -La Quinta Arts Foundation building, to see if he could provide staff with an idea. 3. Workshop - Commissioner Shamis stated her concern that the Commission not drop the plans to hold a training workshop. She felt the Commission needed to be thinking of ways to educate the City Council, the community, as well as themselves and developers regarding public art. Commissioners discussed the need for the workshop, but stated it needed to be done with the preparation and publicity that would allow for a well planned workshop. Commissioners should to be thinking of planning ideas to create a comprehensive workshop. The Car Wash project may be a beginning. 4. Art Library - staff displayed the books that had been purchased to date. 5. Bear Creek Channel - staff reviewed the report from the Public Works Department and Commissioners discussed the development of the path. APP8-12 Art in Public Places August 12, 1996 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program B. Discussion on the proposed Workshop C. Presentation by artist Art Fernandez on his proposed Pinata artwork design D. Discussion on books accumulated for the Art Library E. Major Event Plan review F.7 ' Car Wash artwork presentation G. Update on the Bear Creek Channel project H. Discussion regarding the Obelisks (if any correspondence has been received from the Historical Society). ADJOURNMENT There being no ' further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Klein to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on August 5, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. APP8-12 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA June 20, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER 3 :00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was called to order at 3 :05 P.M. by Chairman Millis. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners DeMersman, Puente, Woodard, and Chairman Millis. B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Puente to excuse Commissioner Wright. Unanimously approved. C. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of April 18, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Woodard to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. There being no corrections to the Minutes of May 16, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Woodard/Puente to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated that the Selection Committee had met on June 7th to interview consultants to preform the Historic Survey Project. Following interviews, Brian F. Mooney was selected as the consultant to conduct the survey. If the commission concurs, this HPC6-20 1 Historical Preservation Commission June 20, 1996 recommendation will be taken to the City Council on July 2nd, and the consultant should begin work on the Survey in October, upon confirmation of the CLG Grant. a. Commissioner Woodard stated he was impressed with the report submitted by Mr. Mooney. Commissioner DeMersman commented on their presentation and how well they worked with staff. Discussion followed regarding the interviews. b. Commissioner Puente suggested staff contact the references submitted by Mr. Mooney for any recommendations or negative responses. C. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Woodard/DeMersman to approve and endorse the recommendation made by the Selection Committee to enter into a contract with Brian F. Mooney and Associates to conduct the Historic Survey subject to a check of references. The item would be brought back to the Commission if any concerns were raised during the reference check for further review and action. Unanimously approved. B. Street Obelisks l . Chairman Millis stated that the Commission had received a letter from the La Quinta Historical Society asking for the Commission's assistance. a. Commissioner Woodard asked how the Commission should be looking at this item. b. Commissioner Puente asked if the obelisks could be made more personal by adding the La Quinta logo. C. Staff informed the Commission that the Art in Public Places Commission was also asked for their assistance by the Society. d. Members stated they would like the obelisks to create an identity with the community. The project should include community groups, with the intent that the obelisks should not lose their original intent to be a street marker system. e. Commissioners discussed where on the street corners the obelisks would be placed. Chairman Millis informed the Commission that a stylized font had been used to make the marker distinct. HPC6-20 2 Historical Preservation Commission June 20, 1996 f. Commissioner DeMersman suggested one of the schools create a sculpture form and have the obelisk become a school project. _ g. Commissioners discussed whether the obelisks were to be distributed throughout the community to make La Quinta unique and whether a logo should be added to enhance their appearance. If they are to be an art object utilized in the Village, it would be better to leave it in its original form, a standard obelisk. This would be similar to the artists pallette on the streets of Laguna Beach. It could become a competition opened to artists to submit ideas. h. Following discussion, it was determined that the idea should move forward, but the obelisks should not replace the existing street signs or be a duplication of street sign funding. It should be a community project that involves members of the community and/or community groups, and should meet the standards of the Riverside County Police and Fire Departments. i. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Puente/DeMersman to approve the obelisks as a community project. The project should include civic groups such as the La Quinta Arts Foundation, Senior Center, La Quinta Historical Society, the Art in Public Places Commission, and other interested parties and groups. The only requirement would be that there be no duplication of costs from the City for street signs; that community groups be involved, and that the design be integrated into the fire safety requirements. Unanimously approved. C. Discussion Regarding the Re -appointment of Commissioners whose terms expire June 30, 1996. l . Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated the Council had been reviewing the role of each of the Commissions/Boards and therefore staff had not advertised for the two seats that would become vacant as two Commissioners' terms would be expiring on June 30th. The Commission was informed that the City Council would be making a determination on July 2nd about each. of the Boards/Commissions. Currently, the Council is contemplating extending the terms of all commissioners for one year and then review the Boards and Commission again. 2. Commissioner Woodward asked if the Commission was State mandated and would have to exist per those requirements. Staff stated that since there had been difficulty in finding qualified people to serve on the Commission, the HPC6-20 3 Historical Preservation Commission June 20, 1996 State Office had informed staff they would consider qualified staff serving as a Commissioner until the position(s) could be filled. Discussion followed as to why the Council was reviewing the Commissions and Board and what had been studied by Council thus far. OTHER A. Commissioner Items 1. Commissioner DeMersman stated he had attended the Annual State Historical Preservation Conference in San Jose. It was an excellent conference. The theme was Economic Development in the role of Historic Preservation. He had ordered a copy of a video tape that would be available to the Commissioners. When corporations were looking to invest in a community, they are not looking at the government incentives. The deciding factors come down to the quality of life and how historic preservation enhances it. The conference for next year is to be held in Pasadena and he would recommend everyone attend. Commissioner DeMersman stated he would like to see the State Conference in 1999 brought to the Desert. He would like to have mobile workshops and involve La Quinta for a site or two. Discussion followed regarding some of the workshops. that were attended. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Woodward to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on July 18, 1996. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:52 P.M. Unanimously approved. HPC6-20 4 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA July 18, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER 3:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:05 P.M. by Chairman Millis. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners DeMersman, Puente, Woodard, Wright, and Chairman Millis. B. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio and Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand. C. Election of Chair: Following nominations, Ned Millis was elected as Chairman on a unanimous vote. D. Election of Vice Chair: Following nominations, Steward Woodard was elected as Vice Chairman on a unanimous vote. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV.. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Commissioner Puente asked that the Minutes of June 20, 1996, be amended on Page 2.A. Lb. to read that "Commissioner Puente suggested that staff contact the references submitted by Mr. Mooney for recommendations...." There being no further corrections to the Minutes of June 20, 1996, it was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as Corrected. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS Commissioners asked that the Agenda be reorganized to place Item 2 as Item 4. Unanimously approved. • ' - • • s- • •• • - 1-..• IsTel PUTIMR HPC7-18 I Historical Preservation Commission July 18, 1996 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There were no concerns or issues of conflict, it was moved and seconded to approve the project as submitted. B. Consultant Selection 1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There were no concerns or issues of conflict, it was moved and seconded to approve the project as submitted. C. Discussion regardiniz having ugust meeting 1. Staff informed the Commission that the City Council and Planning Commission would not be meeting for their second meeting in August nor their first meeting in September. The Commission had the option of meeting in August or going dark. 2. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded to have an August meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission and that the meeting date would be August 22, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Fbi. A Cultural Resources Assessment for a proposed Medical Facility at 43-576 1. Commissioner Woodard left the room due to a possible conflict of interest. 2. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 3. There were no concerns or issues of conflict, it was moved and seconded to approve the project as submitted. OTHER Commissioner Woodard rejoined the Commission. A. Commissioner Items: None Historical Preservation Commission July 18, 1996 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Puente to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on August 22, 1996. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:10 P.M. Unanimously approved. 1 E X A M P L E O F Q U E S T I O N A I R E E X A M P L E CULTURAL FACILITIES: List existing: 1. McCallum Theater 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Comments: Needed or Potential Facilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. How often to you attend: Theater Dance Symphony Opera Pop Music Classical Music Art Exhibits/Museums Gallery Openings Art Festivals Cost $15 - $85 Annually Local Max. No. Served 1,100 Out of Town What would you like to have and/or participate in, in La Quinta? Performing Arts Center Professional Theater Concerts Professional Dance Downtown Village Center Coffee House Artisan Shops Book Store Art Gallery Music Store Etc. School for the Arts Children's Theater Community Theater Visual Arts Instruction Dance Classes Music Instruction Etc. Public Plaza for Cultural Events Movie Theater Library/Reading room (poetry readings, etc.) Comments: (What I envision in the future) Name: (optional) Address: Phone: