CACMIN 07 15 1996
July 15, 1996
The regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center
Study Session Room. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Honey Atkins
Commissioner Susan Benay (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Susan Francis
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Archie Sharp
Commissioner Judy Vossler
One Vacancy
Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director
Staff informed the Commission that there will be changes to the layout of the Agenda beginning in September
that all Commissions, Committees, and Boards will be using.
After one minor change, it was moved by Commissioner Benay/Atkins to accept the Minutes of June 24, 1996
as corrected. Unanimous.
A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for June 1 A, 1996 - The Commission discussed Business Item
C. Obelisk Street Signs.
B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for May 16, 1996 - Received & filed.
Staff distributed NALAA information to the Commission which was received in the mail. Staff will begin forwarding
this information to the Chairperson as it is received.
A. City Council Action on Commissions, Committees & Boards
Staff discussed the ·City Council report on Commissions, Committees & Boards to the Commission. The City
Council approved extending all Commission· terms for one year. No action was taken on filling vacancies that
currently exist; Council Member Sniff made a motion to advertise to fill the vacancies that currently exist on the
Cultural and Human Services Commissions and, however the motion died to lack of a second. The City Council
will be determining Kidsline Advisory Board and Youth Advisory Committee structure at its next meet~ng.
The Commission discussed the need for a seventh member on the Commission for input and assistance with
projects currently in progress. It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to request the City Council fill the
vacancy on the Commission. Unanimous.
Staff has been directed to come back with a Commission Handbook for City Council review on August 6, 1996.
This should include policies, regular procedures, and the new agenda format.
A. Development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan
Staff reviewed a report dated July 15, 1996 updating the progress in the development of a Cultural Arts
Master Plan with the Commission. Staff also reviewed the City Council report dated July 22, 1996. After
discussion of the reports, the Commission asked staff to have the item pulled and postponed until August
6, 1996 because there are no Commissioners available to answer questions or attend the City Council
The Commission further reviewed and made changes to the City Council report, including the size of the
Steering Committee, and anticipated expenses of $300.00. Commissioner Vossler suggested adding
"City Council Approval" at the "next to last diamond", as well as changing Step 9 in the Plan Schedule to
read "Presentation and Approval of Cultural Arts Master Plan to City Council". Commissioners will attend
the August 6, 1996 City Council meeting if available, and be prepared to speak if necessary.
The subcommittee, which consists of Commissioners Sharp, Benay and Hull, will meet the first week in
September and forward information to staff for discussion at the next Cultural Commission meeting. The
Commission discussed holding a punch and cookies reception for the Steering Committee members at
the La Quinta Senior Center on a Thursday evening at approximately 5:30 p.m.. A subcommittee will work
on more details regarding the reception.
Commissioner Vossler asked staff to contact her regarding using the La Quinta Hotel for the Steering
Committee reception if the City Council does not allow wine to be served at the La Quinta Senior Center.
She further suggested inviting all Council Members to the reception and the Commission concurred.
B. Discussion of August Meeting
After a brief discussion regarding meeting in August, it was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to
cancel the August 26, 1996 Cultural Commission meeting. The next meeting will be held September 23,
1996. Unanimous.
VIII. WORK PLAN UPDATE - Committee Reports
A. La Quinta Pageant
Staff reviewed a report on the La Quinta Pageant. Commissioner Atkins explained that the Pageant
Committee is investigating incorporating as a not-for-profit organization under the name of La Quinta
Productions. Board of Directors include Honey Atkins, President; Susan Francis, Vice President; Judy
Vossler, Treasurer; and Kay Wolff, Secretary. Other Board members include Donna Martin, Sherry
Wollenberg, and Fred Rice. The Board is in the process of dealing with an attorney to get the
incorporation. Commissioner Vossler stated that KSL is doing all the legal work for the incorporation, and
the Controller and Accounting staff is doing the filing with the IRS and itwill not cost any money for them
to do this. It is this organization that will be receiving the $15,000 once it is approved.
Commissioner Vossler stated the reason for the formation of La Quinta Productions is because the VIVA
Foundation does not want to be the producer of the event. .. Therefore, the nucleus of the Steering
Committee formed a Board, and. are in the process of: 1) becoming incorporated, 2) adding people to the
group, 3) continuing the contract with the Consultant, 4) and are moving ahead with the project.
Chairperson Hull asked that 'the La Quinta Pageant be brought back to the Commission as an
Informational Report.
It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to recommend to the City Council to approve a contract
between the City of La Quinta and La Quinta Productions. Unanimous.
The Commission discussed future items for their Work Plan including contacting neighboring cities to share
information on their various commissions.
B. DEPA Program
Staff gave a report regarding the DEPA Program. Commissioner Sharp discussed contacts he plans to
make at various theaters in the valley,· and will report back in September.
Commissioner Vossler attended the Pageant of the Masters recently, and will be going to see Rent in New
York on Sunday afternoon.
Commissioner Sharp attended qarousel at the Alhmenson Theater in Los Angeles.
Commissioner Benay attended a meeting how to form Boards for non-profit arts organizations, and. will be
attending a NALAA meeting soon. Commissioner Benay said she has joined an organization called Arts Wire
which is on-line through the Internet and based out of New York. Commissioner Benay recommends the Arts
Wire as a tool for the commission.
Chairperson Hull submitted a story to a children's magazine in Singapore and it is going to be published.
Monday, September 23, 1996 7:00 P.M.
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Election of Officers
· Committee Reports
· Work Plan Update
It was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting to the next regularly
scheduled meeting on Monday, September 23, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:25