CAC 07 15 1996Ta 0 4� -11d4f 4 Qu&r CULTURAL COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 July 15, 1996 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Pledge of Allegiance II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes of June 24, 1996. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. V. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for June 10, 1996 B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for May 16, 1996 VI. STAFF REPORTS A. City Council Action on Commissions, Committees & Boards VII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan B. Discussion of August Meeting VIII. WORK PLAN UPDATE - Committee Reports A. La Quinta Pageant B. DEPA Program CACAGN.023 1 IX. COMMISSIONER COMMENT & ANNOUNCEMENTS X. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC August 26, 1996 QC September 23, 1996 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room • Election of Officers XI. ADJOURNMENT CACAGN.023 2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM June 10, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:05 p.m. who asked for the roll call. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, and Chairman Walling. Absent: Commissioner Rosita Shamis. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to excuse Commissioner Shamis. Unanimously approved. Staff. Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes - Commissioner Reynolds asked that the Minutes of April 29, 1996, be amended on Page 7, Item #d to delete the sentence that stated she displayed a picture of the artwork. The Minutes of May 29, 1996, amended on Page 2, Item A.1. to read "from $95 million to $95,000"; the starting time of the meeting should be changed to 11:15 a.m.; add Chairman Walling to roll call as being present; Page 3, Item B.3. be changed to read "She further stated that a resident should have either...". There being no further changes to the Minutes of April 295 1996, or May 29, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Cothran to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement - Commissioner Kennedy asked if the figure in brackets relating to the La Quinta Village Shopping Village indicated that the developer had not paid into the fund. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the statement. There being no further questions or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy/Klein to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. C. Commissioner Kennedy wanted to clarify that she had received payment from the City for attending the May meeting, but had not attended. She would not receive a June payment. APP6-10 Art in Public Places June 10, 1996 BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Proposed artwork for City Parks: 1. Staff informed the Commission that Mr. Fernandez would be unable to attend the meeting but had stated in a phone conversation that he would be willing to build two pinata stands for the parks for a total of $16,000 or basically at his cost, in order to have them installed in the City 2. Chairman Walling asked what the height of the art piece was. Commissioner Cothrun stated they were nine feet in height. Staff added Mr. Fernandez stated there were additional uses for the stands such as Tee -ball practice or fuzzball as well as a hanger for pinatas. 3. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Commission was opening itself up to criticism if they did not open the item up for competitive entries. Staff stated the Master Plan allows the Commission the option of opening up a site for competition or commissioning a project to a specific artist. Discussion followed regarding the process. 4. Commissioner Kennedy stated she thought the idea was attractive, but wondered if there would be any problem with children playing or climbing on the structure. Staff stated that in Mr. Fernandez' presentation, he had given a detailed ' report on the support system that is the framework for the piece. Discussion followed as to what the structure is made of and the surface material. 5. Commissioner Davis stated she also liked the idea and would like to see the artwork installed in the City parks. 6. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the structure met the safety requirements for playground equipment. Staff stated this was not equipment, but art. 7. Commissioner Cothrun stated she too liked the piece, but according to the Parks and Recreation meeting, Mr. Fernandez stated he had the same piece installed in another City. She would like to make sure that any piece commissioned, was not a duplicate of another piece. 8. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to continue the discussion to their next meeting and ask Mr. Fernandez to be present to answer questions. In addition, they would like him to submit a rendering of each of the two proposed animals to be used. Unanimously approved. APP6-10 Art in Public Places June 10, 1996 B. Proposed Artwork for the La Quinta Car Wash 1. Staff informed the Commission that the owners of the La Quinta Car Wash were offering the parapet of their building on the side facing Highway I I I for artwork. 2. Commissioner Davis stated she would like to see a picture of the art piece currently being installed by artist Louis DeMartino at the northeast corner of Wahsingotn Street and Highway 111, before proceeding. 3. Chairman Walling expressed his concern that the City not discourage the developer as this was an opportunity for art in the City and the City should do everything it can to encourage developers to contribute space for art. 4. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Cothrun/Klein to instruct staff to write a letter and notify the developer that the Commission is interested, they are studying the proposal, and will be in touch. 5. Discussion followed regarding possible mediums that could be used. C. Renovation and Placement of City Obelisk Street Signs 1. Commissioner Cothrun stated she concurred with the idea of supporting the project, but she was not sure it was appropriate for APP to get involved based on the Ordinance. The Ordinance prohibits the mass production of any art piece from a standard design. 2. Commissioner Davis stated the La Quinta Historical Society was looking for a way to fund the idea. 3. Chairman Walling stated that if the youth were involved, it would be a good use of APP funds 4. Commissioner Reynolds reported she had visited Sedona and took a tour of the area. Their art program had incorporated art into the City infrastructure by painting the light standards to match the color of the mountains. She had discussed this with Commissioner Shamis and they both thought if the obelisks were painted as the spray towers were to match the surrounding landscape, it would add an artistic feature to the landmarks. They would be able to utilize the artists Kim Emerson and Alber DeMatteis to work with the students. Each block could take care of their obelisks. Commissioner Reynolds had spoken with Council Member Henderson who had suggested placing a solar panel on top of the obelisks to allow light to shine on the obelisks at night. APP6-10 Art in Public Places June 10, 1996 5. Chairman Walling asked if the Arts Foundation would want to get involved. Commissioner Davis stated it would have to go to their Board, but if the youth were involved, they would be interested. 6. Chairman Walling stated that since the Foundation had the expertise to handle such a program, it could be a benefit to everyone. The APP and the Historic Preservation Commission along with the La Quinta Historical Society could act as back-up. Commissioner Davis asked if the street names would remain on the obelisks Commissioner Klein stated that as historic landmarks, they should retain the street names. 7. Commissioner Reynolds stated the Commission should look at the City the same way they would look at decorating their house. How would the obelisks best blend in with the City landscape. The colors to be used should blend with the natural colors in the surrounding areas. 8. Commissioner Kennedy stated she was impressed when reviewing the resumes of artist Kim Emerson and Alber DeMatteis as to the diverse expertise in their backgrounds. These may be the artists the Foundation would want to hire to work with the students. Some of the residents had already used some creative methods to design the obelisks on their streets. It was suggested that they not be emphasized as street signs, but more a historical landmark. 9. Chairman Walling asked the Commissioners, after discussing the options, if they felt this was a project for the APP. It was decided that if the Commission did accept to do the project, they should work in conjunction with the Historical Preservation Commission, the Historical Society, and the Arts Foundation to acquire community support. 10. Commissioner Cothrun stated she would be more comfortable with the APP involvement if the obelisks were finished in an artistic method and became an art project that involved the community. 11. It was suggested that Commissioner Davis speak with the Foundation regarding their participation in the project and report back to the Commission at their next meeting. 12. Chairman Walling asked staff to write a letter to the La Quinta Historical Society and inform them of the APP plans and ask the Society how they would like to be involved. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Kennedy to so direct staff. Unanimously approved. APP6-10 Art in Public Places June 10, 1996 13. Discussion followed as to what the project should consist of. It was recommended that Commissioners Davis/Kennedy, after meeting with the Arts Foundation Board, prepare a draft plan to present to the APP at their next meeting. It was felt that any corporate money raised should be used for the construction of the obelisks, and APP funds should be utilized for the creativity portion of the obelisks. D. Discussion of City -Entry Signs 1. Chairman Walling asked why the construction had not started on the City entry signs. Staff explained that the Council had directed staff to contact Caltrans regarding the necessary access to install the sign in the right-of-way. Staff was in the process of doing this and would be reporting back to the Council. Discussion followed as to the exact location of the west entry sign and the sign that had been approved by the Council. 2. Commissioners discussed the request of the Historical Society to place the obelisk at the entrance to the City at all major streets. Discussion followed as to whether the obelisk would be an appropriate City entry sign and how the City entry sign had been designed. 3. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the City could obtain the right-of-way and then place the program on hold till the Commission had the opportunity to make the request to Council. Commissioners discussed the number of projects the APP was currently involved with and wondered if the City Council would want to wait for an artist to be selected. 4. Chairman Walling suggested continuing the discussion until the next meeting. In the interim, staff could obtain more information from the Historical Society as to their ideas regarding the obelisks and entry signs. 5. Commissioners discussed using the same artist that is involved with the design of the obelisks for the entry sign. 6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to ask the City Council if they are firm with their design for the City entry sign. E. La Ouinta Art in Public Places Major Event Plan 1. Chairman Walling asked if there were any comments regarding the Plan. Members stated they had not seen the plan before and had several questions regarding what the Plan was for. Community Development Director Jerry Herman gave an explanation of how the Plan was formulated. The projects listed were potential areas for public art. The amounts listed were anticipated revenue. APP6-10 Art in Public Places June 10, 1996 2. Following discussion, staff was asked to rename the Plan to "Community Art Site Locations" and use it as an inventory of sites to select locations for public art. Staff would prepare a new list and bring it back to APP. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Report on Earth Day - Commissioners Kennedy and Reynolds stated they had never been contacted. Commissioner Reynolds stated she had contacted the representative from Indio and was told she had been in a very serious accident and the project would be on hold till next year. B. Report on the Fritz Burns Park Dedication - Commissioner Kennedy gave a report of the activities that took place at the dedication. Discussion followed regarding the public response to the artwork. C. Report on City Council report_on Boards and Commissions - Community Development Director Jerry Herman reported on what was discussed at the last City Council meeting regarding Boards/Commissions. D. Commissioner Klein asked for clarification on the City Council Minutes of May 21, 1996, regarding a statement made by artist Bill Ware. From his statements it appeared that the Commission had approved the project instead of the developer. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds to direct staff to prepare a letter to the City Council for Chairman Walling's signature stating that the developer had initiated the art piece not the APP. E. Commissioner Davis gave a report of the Awards Banquet and reported that June 30th would be the Childrens' All Work Programs installation. In addition, she announced that the new Director of the Foundation was Heidi Land Wilson. Items to be placed on the next Agenda: 1. Art proposal by Art Fernandez 2. Car Wash art project 3. Obelisks 4. City entry signs 5. Major Event Plan ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Cothrun to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on July 1, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This special meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:23 P.M. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 16, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER 3:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:06 P.M. by Chairman Millis. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners DeMersman, Puente, Woodard Wright, Advisor Lauren Weiss -Bricker, and Chairman Millis. B. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR - None V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Historic Survey Project Consultant Selection Committee Report 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commission that staff had received 12 proposals. The Selection Committee had met and reviewed all 12. Their criteria for selecting four to be interviewed was based on their qualifications and according to what they could offer for the contract price. Friday, June 7th, had been selected by the Committee to interview those selected. The four to be interviewed are: a. CRM Tech, Bruce Love, Archaeologist, Tom Tang, Architectural Historian b. Leslie Heumann and Associates, Architectural Historian, Archaeologist Helen Wells C. Knox Mellon and Associates, Architectural History HPC5-16 Historical Preservation Commission May 16, 1996 d. Brian F. Mooney & Associates, Richard Carrico Archaeologist, Susan Carrico Historian/Architectural Historian, Robert Case Archaeologist. 2. Commissioner Woodard asked how long the survey should take. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated approximately one year as the consultants would not be able to start the survey until October according to the guidelines of the Grant. The Grant allows eleven months to complete the survey. Staff continued to explain the process the consultant would be going through to conduct the survey as well as what the City expected to obtain from the survey. B. Discussion with Staff Relative to the Commission Reviewing New Buildings with Historic Architectural. 1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that the City had a Design Review Board approximately 3-4 years ago and due to the time it took to process a project through all the commissions/boards for approval, the City Council decided to combine the Planning Commission and Design Review Board. It is now the responsibility of the Planning Commission to review all aspects of new construction including the architecture. 2. Commissioner Woodard stated that the Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the City Council concerning the retention of any historical structures in the City and he felt the review of any new buildings to be located in a historical portion of the City, should also be reviewed by the Commission to ensure the proposed architectural style is compatible. 3. Staff stated that Council had reduced the number of boards a developer goes through for approval and may not want to add the Historical Preservation Commission review to that process. 4. Commissioner Woodard stated his concern that the City would allow the "cutsie" type buildings rather than the authentic architecture of La Quinta's history. If the City is to have a "Village" atmosphere and does not have people on the Planning Commission with the knowledge to distinguish between the "cutsie" and the authentic, and with no policy in place to require it, the City will not be able to maintain the Village atmosphere. 5. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the City does not have any such policy for design criteria. The only document that has any guidelines is the Village Specific Plan. The Planning Commission currently prefers to retain the look of the architecture used at the La Quinta Hotel and HPC5-16 Historical Preservation Commission May 16, 1996 tries to approve projects based on that style of architecture, but there is no policy to require it. Any new development that occurs in the "Village" area is reviewed according to the Village Specific Plan. The City Council currently during an economic development meeting, has decided the Village Specific Plan should be reviewed. C. City of La Ouinta Historic Context Statement - update 1. Staff explained they anticipated having the Context Statement completed by the Commission's June meeting. Staff would still appreciate any information the Commissioners could volunteer. 2. Commissioner Woodard thanked staff for the quality of work that had been - produced in the Context Statement. All Commissioners expressed the same opinion. 3. Commissioners discussed with staff the different items that would be included in the Statement. Staff felt their research had produced all the information that would be available to aid in the writing of the Survey. Once the Commission has approved the Statement, it will go to the City Council, probably late June or early July, for their approval. 4. Advisor Lauren Bricker stated the work completed by staff will greatly reduce the amount of time needed by the consultants to prepare the Survey. She further suggested staff consider grouping all the figures and pictures to be included in the Statement, at the end of the document rather than trying to integrate it into the text. It would serve the document better as an appendix. 5. Chairman Millis stated the Historical Society would be interested in seeing that this information is published in some form. The information is worth having for generations to come. Staff suggested the City may want to apply for another grant next year to fund such a project. 6. Advisor Bricker suggested that in addition to what staff has provided, it might be worth the Commissioner's time to designate what criteria should be used to determine what structures should be placed on the historical list for the National Registry. Taking into consideration the history of the art and architecture, what is reasonable to expect. 7. Chairman Millis asked if the City's natural waterways would be included, i.e., the All American Canal. Staff stated they would be included in the that portion concerned with Cultural Landscape as well as the trails, roads, wagon HPC5-16 Historical Preservation Commission May 16, 1996 roads, etc. that had been identified. These will be included along with the historical maps that shows the routes such as stage line routes, and Indian trails. Some of these trails have evolved into the City's major streets such as Highway 111. OTHER A. Commissioner Items 1. Chairman Millis informed the Commission that the La Quinta Historical Society had submitted a letter to the Commission asking for their review and approval of having the historical street markers, the "obelisks", repaired and replaced throughout the City. Staff stated it would be on the Commission's agenda for June. Commissioners discussed with staff possible locations for the obelisks. 2. Commissioner Puente asked staff when the Metropolitan theaters would be starting construction. Staff stated they were trying to obtain their funding and were working with the developer to get started. 3. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand stated she had received a letter from Representative Boxer showing her support for the funding for the Historic Survey project. 4. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that staff had been contacting different individuals to speak at the Commission meetings. This would enable the Commission to meet their State requirements rather than the Commission having to attend conferences. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on June 20, 1996. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 3:57 P.M. Unanimously approved. HPC5-16 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: AGENDA CATEGORY: STAFF REPORTS: X July 15, 1996' BUSINESS: OTHER: ITEM TITLE: Report on City Council Action on Commissions, Committees and Board Receive and File. None at this time. City Council has been reviewing the status of Commissions, Boards and Councils to determine size and scope of service. At the June 14, 1996, City Council meeting Council directed staff to agendize consideration of a one-year extension of all commission terms and consideration of combining the Youth Advisory Boards and Kidsline Board with the Parks & Recreation Commission. Staff was directed to look at streamlining the processing of requests of the commissions to the City Council and develop a commission handbook. On July 2, 1996, City Council approved a one-year extension of commission members' terms. Staff has been directed to advertise vacant positions on the Cultural and Human Services Commissions. Motion failed for lack of a second. Staff will be submitting a commission handbook for City Council review. This is an informational report only. Marty Nich son Parks and Recreation Director Attachment: 1. Report from July 2, 1996, City Council Meeting. T 0 0 61 ihf 4 Qu&rA AGENDA CATEGORY: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: July 2, 1996 1.) Consideration of One Year Extension of Members' Terms for the following Commissions: Art in Public Places, Cultural, Historic Preservation, Human Services, and Parks and Recreation and; 2.) Consideration of Advertising Vacant Positions on the Cultural Commission and/or Human Services Commission BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: 1.) Approve the one year extension of members' terms for the following Commissions: Art in Public Places, Cultural, Historic Preservation, Human Services, and Parks and Recreation and; 2.) Consider directing staff to advertise vacant positions on Cultural Commission and/or Human Services Commission. These actions are not anticipated to increase staffing costs. There would be a small charge for advertising should the City Council decide to fill the current vacant positions. At their June 18, 1996 City Council meeting, the City Council approved an ordinance which gives the Council the authority to extend the term for any Board, Commission or Committee. The Investment Advisory Board and the Planning Commission were generally not included within the term extension direction given by the City Council and they are not included within this proposal. Attachment 'No. 1 provides members' names and term expiration date as well as the proposed new expiration date for affected Commissions. In accordance with direction from the Council, the list does not include the Investment Advisory Board and the Planning Commission. .ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA BOARDS. COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES MEMBERS AND TERM EXPIRATION DATES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION Proposed new expiration date Rosita Shamis 6-30-97 6-30-98 Elaine Reynolds 6-30-97 6-30-98 Johna Davis 6-30-96 6-30-97 Judi Cothrun 6-30-96 6-30-97 Michelle Klein 6-30-97 6-30-98 John Walling 6-30-96 6-30-97 Sharon Kennedy 6-30-97 6-30-98 CULTURAL COMMISSION Proposed new expiration date Susan Benay 6-30-98 6-30-99 Honey J. Atkins 6-30-98 6-30-99 Vacant 6-30-98 6-30-99 Susan Francis 6-30-97 6-30-98 Kathryn Hull 6-30-96 6-30-97 Judy Vossler 6-30-97 6-30-98 Archie Sharp 6-30-96 6-30-97 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Proposed new expiration date Stewart Woodard 6-30-97 6-30-98 E.A. "Ned" Millllis 6-30-96 6-30-97 Jim DeMersman 6-30-97 6-30-98 Maria Puente 6-30-96 6-30-97 Robert S. Wright 6-30-97 6-30-98 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Proposed new expiration date Vacant 6-30-98 6-30-99 Jesse Ann Chestnut 6-30-97 6-30-98 Barbara Irwin 6-30-96 6-30-97 Kate Kelly 6-30-97 6-30-98 Victoria St. Johns 6-30-96 6-30-97 Joan Rebich 6-30-98 6-30-99 Kay Wo Iff 6-30-98 6-30-99 K T a 0 ity/ 4 41111114�1 QdArlb AGENDA CATEGORY: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 15, 1996 Update on Cultural Arts Master Plan Receive and File. None at this time. STAFF REPORTS: BUSINESS: X OTHER: The Cultural Commission, established June 7, 1994, by City Council to encourage the development of primarily literary, performing and visual art events and activities has been addressing the need for a Cultural Arts Master Plan for the City of La Quinta. One of the tasks outlined in the Cultural Commission's Work Plan is the development of a Cultural Arts Master Plan. At the June 24, 1996, commission meeting, the commission reviewed the "Cultural Arts Master Plan Schedule", (Attachment 1) and "Proposal to Develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan", (Attachment 2) documents and approved them to forward on to the City Council as informational items. Staff has forwarded the items on under Department Reports for the July 22, 1996, City Council meeting. This is an informational report only. Marty Nic olson Parks and Recreation Director Attachment: 1 . Cultural Arts Master Plan Schedule 2. Proposal to Develop a Cultural Arts Master Plan ATTACHMENT 1 CULTURAL COMMISSION WORK PLAN ITEM CULTURAL ARTS MASTER PLAN SCHEDULE MISSION: To develop a Master Plan to encourage the Arts in the City of La Quinta. Step One Step Two Step Three Step Four Step Five Step Six Step Seven Step Eight Step Nine Step Ten Presentation of Master Plan concept to City Council. Establish criteria for Steering Committee/Task Force Identify Steering Committee: Commission will propose areas of expertise needed for Steering Committee membership. Orientation of Steering. Committee, adopt mission statement Presentation of Master Plan Concept Identify focus and areas .of community concern. Strategic Planning Phase/Determine assessment strategy Begin Assessment strategies through use of surveys, community presentations and forums. Submit assessment update to City Council. Cultural Commission review of proposed master plan. Presentation of Cultural Arts Master Plan to City Council Implementation of Cultural Arts Master Plan. l �i ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP A CULTURAL ARTS MASTER PLAN Arts and culture are necessary components of an investment in the enrichment and well-being of our community. The development of.a strong cultural plan has a positive impact on the economy, community, and families. It is vital for the City to make a commitment to the arts and to implement a master plan which will unify the community. A community cultural plan may well become the blueprint for building "livability" into an area. It can mesh with all other community master plans to show how culture plays an integral role in shaping the community's look, feel, spirit, and design. Ideally, it can be used as a working tool to give form to ideas and to ensure action and results of lasting value. The process allows a community to define those aspects of cultural development that are most appropriate and essential to its own way of life and future growth. Planning for cultural development takes into account the visual and performing arts, the role of artists in the community, urban design, public celebration, cultural diversity, arts education, public art, community building, and more. Communities have long employed strategic planning as a method to determine an organized sequence of steps necessary to arrive at specific goals. Community planning addresses quality of life issues and community concerns by developing a long-term series of action steps. Cultural development is central to general community planning and acts as a catalyst that leads to a wide range of other planning activity. A cultural strategic plan was successfully implemented in such cities as Seattle, Santa Barbara, Carlsbad, Louisville, to name a few. Community cultural planning is also -a means of establishing a city's identity and strengthening existing cultural bonds and organizations. A strategic plan provides the focus and direction to increase opportunities for artists and to raise existing activities and organizations to a new level of development and service to the community. A Cultural Plan is a planning process in which the cultural potential needs are addressed. A plan will have a significant impact, stimuate the economy, encourage debates and discover resolutions. It is a "living" document which needs to be evaluated periodically. A cultural master plan analyzes the needs and opportunities for arts organizations and artists, cultural facilities, arts programs, public art, arts education and cultural tourism in a community. It can map out the proposed short- and long-term growth of arts and culture. Formulating a plan with community input focuses on future actions of the entire community as they affect cultural functions. In this way the arts are considered as a cultural resource similar to libraries, schools and parks. Most important, however, is a cultural plan which establishes a vision of a desired future and establishes roles, steps, time lines and methods for achieving that vision. Community cultural planning employs basic concepts of strategic planning as utilized in the business world. A good cultural planning process creates and mobilizes arts advocates. It requires the participation of all the cultural decision -makers in a community. The Process: - Create Steering Committee/Task Forces. - Define strategic planning. - Assessment. Identify strengths/weaknesses/problems/dreams in the community. - Hold public meetings/forums. - Compile and define result of assessment in written form. - Distill critical issues. - Initiate Task Forces to deal with issues. - Develop recommendations --goals and objectives. - Hold plenary meeting for all Steering Committee and Task Force members to review, correlate, adjust, discuss all draft points. - Draft plan; then review in plenary sessions with community leaders. - Revise the plan incorporating input from general meeting and meetings with community leaders. - Distribute and implement the document. It is a symbol -- not the end. - Celebrate! Adopted by La Quinta Cultural Commission, June 24, 1996 a 0 . 0 (V AGENDA CATEGORY: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of August Cultural Commission Meeting STAFF REPORTS: July 15, 1996 BUSINESS: �C _ OTHER: Approve canceling the August Cultural Commission meeting. Canceling the Cultural Commission meeting would reduce the cost of the commission meetings for Fiscal Year 96/97 by $350. The Cultural Commission normally does not hold a meeting during the month of August due to low attendance. The Commission may vote to cancel the August meeting. The Commission has not held an August meeting since 1994. It is being suggested that the Commission cancel the August meeting. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: 1 . Approve a motion to cancel the August meeting of the Cultural Commission; 2. Do not approve a motion canceling the August meeting of the Cultural Commission; or 3. Provide staff with further direction. M Marty Nicfiolson Parks and Recreation Director V AGENDA CATEGORY: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 15, 1996 Update on La Quinta Pageant STAFF REPORTS: BUSINESS: OTHER: Approve a motion to recommend a contractual agreement between the City of La Quinta and La Quinta Productions to produce the La Quinta Pageant. The contractual agreement will cost $15,000 for the first year with a proposal for an additional $15,000 the following year. In July 1995, the City Council allocated $5,000 at the request of the Cultural Commission to further investigate the possibilities of staging an annual outdoor drama the based on the history of La Quinta. The approved $5,000 was deposited with V!VA Foundation, a local, 501 c3, non-profit organization. A steering committee for the La Quinta Pageant project retained Dr. Jim Volz, consultant for the Arts, for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study on the pageant. A proposal was submitted to the Cultural Commission for review on March 8, 1996. On April 16, 1996, the Cultural Commission presented the findings to City Council uncl 9 for consideration. City Council directed the staff to bring the item before City Co C duringbudget discussions. Budget discussions were held on June 20, 1996, and y Council approved appropriations in the amount of $15,000 to be placed as part of the 1996/97 preliminary budget. City Council will meet on July 22, 1996, to take final action on the 1996/97 budget. The steering committee has been working on contents/scope of services for the contractual agreement to present to City Council. The steering committee is suggesting that La Quinta Productions, a proposed non-profit organization, be incorporated as the entity that will oversee the development and production oft e La Quinta Pageant. The Cultural Commission needs to approve a recommendation to City Council that a contractual agreement be developed to produce the La Quinta Pageant and the contractor be La Quinta Productions. The City Attorney is developing the language of the contract inconjunction with the steering committee. The contract is set to come before City Council for consideration on August 6, 1996. The alternatives available to the Cultural Commission are: 1. Approve a motion recommending a contract between City of La Quinta and La Quinta Productions to produce the La Quinta Pageant; 2. Do not approve a motion; I Provide staff with further direction. �n !'1 Marty Nich son Parks and Recreation Director N COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 15, 1996 Update on DEPA Receive and File. None at this time. AGENDA CATEGORY: STAFF REPORTS: BUSINESS: OTHER:_ The Cultural Commission's Work Plan has several projects listed within its scope of work. The Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts (DEPA) project is one of the items within the Work Plan. Each fall a representative from the Cultural Commission secures free or reduced rate tickets for upcoming performances. The tickets are distributed to youth within La Quinta in order to expose them to theatrical performances. The DEPA program does not become active until September each year. Commissioner Sharp has volunteered to oversee the program for the Fall 1996 year. At this time, there has been no additional information. This is an informational report only. Nh 1RA1(LQWV--1 - Marty Ni olson Parks and Recreation Director