CACMIN 11 20 1996
November 20, 1996
The regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at II :30 a.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room.
Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Honey Atkins
Commissioner Susan Benay
Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson)
Commissioner Archie Sharp (Vice Chairperson)
Commissioner Judy Vossler
Commissioner Susan Francis
One Vacancy
Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager
Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney
Cristal Spidell, Secretary
It was moved by Commissioner AtkinsN ossler to excuse Commissioner Francis from the meeting due to illness. Unanimous.
Due to availability of the City Attorney, it was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Sharp to move V. Business Items, C. Review 1996-97
Cultural Commission Work Plan forward for consideration. Unanimous.
A. Review 1996-97 Cultural Commission Work Plan
Staff suggested the Commission discuss the Work Plan at its regular place on the agenda after they have received clarification of
joint meetings with other Boards and Commissions from the City Attorney.
Ms. Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney addressed the Commission regarding scheduling of joint meetings and the Brown Act. Ms.
Honeywell indicated that there are a number of exceptions to meetings in large groups in regards to the Brown Act. One exception
is to call the meeting a valley-wide cultural conferénce and let it be known that it is a summit or exchange of ideas as opposed to
a fonnally noticed meeting. As long as no specific action is taken it is within the guidelines of the Brown Act. Another exception
would be to hold a regular Cultural Commission meeting and invite outside organizations to attend the meeting. The outside
organizations would not be in violation of attending this meeting because according to the Brown Act "the attendance of a majority
of the members of a legislative body at an open and publicized meeting organized to address a topic of local community concern
by a person or organization other than the local agency, provided that a majority do not discuss amongst themselves, other than as
part of the scheduled program, business of a specific nature that is within the subject matter of the jurisdiction of the legislative body
of the local agency".
Staff suggested if the Commission wished to pursue a joint meeting they should work up a specific task within the Work Plan,
include it as an amendment to the Work Plan, and forward it for approval by the Council as part of this agenda item.
Chairperson Hull stated that the joint meeting could be part of the Cultural Arts Master Plan, and therefore approval is not necessary
from the City Council, however as a courtesy they could be advised that the workshops are going to be more inclusive then originally
(Further discussion on this item continued in the order as it appears on the Agenda).
A. Approval of Cultural Commission Minutes for October 28, 1996.
The Commission made three clerical changes to the Minutes. It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Sharp to approve the
Minutes of October 28, 1996 as corrected. Unanimous.
B. Department Report
1. Attendance Report for the Month of October 1996
2. Upcoming Events
Staff reviewed the Attendance Report and Upcoming Events with the Commission and explained that the numbers on the Report
reflect total attendance numbers for the activity during the reporting period.
A. Cultural Arts Master Plan
The Staff Report was reviewed with the Conunission and they discussed the responses received for the Community Cultural Arts
Questionnaire that was printed in the November Chamber of Commerce Newsletter. Several of the responses received listed
the Arts Foundation and the Arts Festivals, and the lack of musical events in La Quinta. Staff also noted that the questionnaire
was not distributed at the Mayor's Luncheon because it had been canceled.
Chairperson Hull spoke with individuals about responding to the questionnaire and they said they did not know what to say,
and some did not feel what they had to say would make a difference. Chairperson Hull believes a workshop is needed to gather
Commissioner Benay feels that advance notice is needed to prepare people for what the Commission does next to generate
interest. .
Commissioner Vossler asked about distributing the questionnaire at the Mayor's Luncheon on December 5th.
Commissioner Sharp said that he walked around his neighborhood and asked if anyone had answered the questionnaire and
the responses he received were negative.
Commissioner Vossler stated that the responses from Commissioner Sharp on the questionnaire were insulting. She also feels
if he is out representing the Commission trying to get people to fill out a questionnaire and he comes across with a negative
attitude how else are they going to respond.
Commissioner Benay does not feel the responses/responders should be singled out because it was a survey asking opinions.
Commissioner Atkins feels that as a Commission it is their job to nurture, encourage and support the cultural organizations of
the City of La Quinta. She further stated it is her opinion that it is inappropriate for a Cultural Commissioner to make
derogatory remarks about cultural organizations in the City, and that if there is a Commissioner who holds the cultural
organizations in such contempt that person should resign from the Commission.
Commissioner Sharp reviewed his responses with the Commissioners. Commissioner Sharp said that some of his responses
were done with a sense of humor that some people found to be offensive. He apologized and stated that he would not change
any of his answers - his responses were that as a citizen not a Commissioner. Commissioner Atkins believes the Commissioners
should be supportive of the organization, and to make derogatory, snide, or amusing remarks is inappropriate.
Commissioner Benay does not feel that Commissioner Atkins' asking Commissioner Sharp to resign should be discussed at this
time because it is not part of the Cultural Arts Master Plan.
Chairperson Hull reminded the Commission that when you do a survey not all the responses are positive ones, and
Commissioner Sharp's responses were how he sees what is going on in the city.
Staff will contact the Chamber of Commerce for permission to distribute the questionnaire at the Mayor's Luncheon on
December 5th. Staff will change the questionnaire so that it is printed on a full s~eet of paper which will provide ample space
for responses. The questionnaires will be distributed and collected at the luncheon if permiss,ion is granted.
Commissioner Benay asked whether a person could go to the La Quinta Post Office to ask people questions, and she would
volunteer her time to do this. Staff suggested Commissioner Benay obtain permission from the Post Master first. Staff will
provide her with questionnaires.
The Commission discussed various ideas on the format, time, location (high school, Senior Center, Council Chambers), and
who to invite to the joint conference which could be held in January 1997. Chairperson Hull will meet with Mr . Weiss to work
on a draft outline of the meeting, and the invitation letter and present it to the Commission at the next meeting.
Commissioner Vossler would like to have a meeting of this sort annually, and add it to the Work Plan. She also suggested
having a community workshop in February or March. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
B. Consider Cultural Calendar as Component of Work Plan
Staff reminded the Commission that at the last meeting they expressed a desire to develop a cultural calendar and incorporate
it into the Work Plan. Staff did a rough draft of the task and asked the Commission to fill in the blanks. This information
would then be included in the discussion of the Work Plan. After discussion amongst the Commissioners about the Cultural
Calendar, it was moved by Commissioner VosslerlBenay to table this item until after meetings with the community and other
valley commissions are held. Unanimous.
C. Review 1996-97 Cultural Commission Work Plan (continued)
Commissioner Benay would like the workshops to be very specific, and to have an outline of the agenda so that those invited
will be well aware of the subject matter and she would like the Council to be informed of the workshops in advance. The
Commission had additional discussion whether to make the workshop part of the Master Plan or make it a separate Work Plan
task. It was decided to place it under the Master Plan task. Mr . Weiss will remove the Cultural Calendar from the Work Plan
since it has been tabled, and advise the Council of the concept of a valley-wide workshop when he presents the Work Plan for
approval by the City Council. It was moved by Commissioner Benay/Atkins to .approve the Work Plan as corrected.
D. Review Possible Letter(s) of Commendation
The Commission reviewed the letters of commendation sent laSt week to La Quinta High School Theater Arts Department,
Round Table West, La Quinta Arts Foundation, and Coachella Valley Community Concerts. No other suggestions were
submitted. Commissioner Vossler has received comments from recipients of the letters.
A. Desert Sun News Article Dated November 10, 1996 - Received & filed.
A. Chairperson Hull had received an invitation from La Quinta High School to attend "Romeo & Juliet" and she asked staff if
it was appropriate to accept the gift. Staff advised that they were not aware of a prohibition on accepting tickets, but reminded
the Commissioners they may need to report it on their Statement of Economic Interest Form. Chairperson Hull told the
Commission that a video has been ordered for arts education.
B. Coounissioner Vossler asked about the start time of the next meeting. After discussion the Commission decided to discuss this
further at the next meeting.
It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Benay to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting to the next scheduled meeting on Thursday,
December 12, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1: 15 p.m..
Thursday, December 12, 1996 12:00 Noon
La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room
· Community Workshop in February
.. Commissioner Handbook
· Cultural Arts Master Plan
· Discussion of Cultural Commission Meeting Time