CACMIN 10 28 1996 CUl rURAL COMMISSION MINUTES October 28, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Francis. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Archie Sharp (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Judy Vossler MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Susan Benay One Vacancy STAFF PRESENT: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Cristal Spidell, Secretary It was moved by Commissioner Francis/Atkins to excuse Commissioner Benay from this meeting. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - None III. PUBLIC COMMENT - None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Cultural Commission Minutes for September 23, 1996 Under item V. BUSINESS ITEMS D. Election of Officers the word "Unanimous" was added indicating the vote for Chairperson Hull as chairperson. Typographical changes were made inéluding the spelling of Commissioner Francis's name. The "letter of accommodation" was changed to "letter of commendation", and "Commissioner Vossler said developing a smaller scale plan and present the concept..." was changed to "Commissioner Vossler suggested developing a smaller scale plan and presenting the concept...". Chairperson Hull asked for clarification of her statement regarding a letter being sent to other cities' commissions to hear what they are doing. Approval of Cultural Commission Special Meeting Minutes for October 2, 1996 Item V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Ans Master Plan was corrected to read "...not receptive of this idea because it takes up a lot of space in the Newsletter." It was moved by Commissioner Francis/Sharp to accept the Minutes of September 23, 1996 and October 2, 1996 as corrected. Unanimous. CACMIN.028 1 B. Department Report 1. Attendance Report for the Month of September 1996 2. Upcoming Events At the request of Chairperson Hull, Mr. Weiss informed the Commissioners that Marty Nicholson was on Administrative Leave and that he will be the staff support for the Commission for the time being. Staff briefly reviewed the Attendance Report with the Commission. Chairperson Hull asked if the numbers in the Report are the total number of individuals attending an event each time or is it the number of different people who attend a program each time. Staff will clarify this question next month. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Arts Master Plan Chairperson Hull indicated that the subcommittee has not met since the last Commission meeting, and the questionnaire was submitted for the Chamber Newsletter. The Commission discussed the questionnaire and would like to have additional questionnaires available at the Civic Center and distributed at other functions (i.e. Mayor's Lunch, etc.). Mr. Weiss indicated that he would contact the Chamber for permission to distribute the questionnaire at the Mayor's Luncheon on November 7, 1996. Commissioner Vossler volunteered to retype the questionnaire for distribution at the Luncheon and for additional copies at the Civic Center. Staff will receive the responses and provide this information to the Commission at the next available meeting for review. The Commission concurred that they would like to see all the responses, as long as there is not an overwhelming amount of xeroxing. B. Commission Meeting Time Staff reviewed the report with the Commission and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of having Commission meetings during the day. After discussion amongst the Commissioners it was moved by Commissioner Vossler/Atkins to change the Cultural Commission meeting day and time to the fourth Thursday of the month, and it would be held from 12:00 noon until 1 :30 p.m.. If a meeting falls on a holiday, another meeting date would be selected. Unanimous. Due to Commission meetings falling on a holiday the next two months, the Cultural Commission agreed to meet Wednesday, November 20, 1996 at 11 :30 a.m., and Thursday, December 12, 1996 at 12:00 noon. C. Revisions to Cultural Commission Work Plan Chairperson Hull indicated that changes were not made to the Work Plan as discussed at the last Commission meeting (Le. deletion of the La Quinta Pageant, the addition of the Cultural Calendar, etc.). Commissioner Atkins asked if this is the time of year to make these changes. Staff indicated that since the Work Plan has already been approved by the City Council, any amendments would also have to be approved by the City Council. It is at the Commission's pleasure as to whether they request Council approval of amendments to the Work Plan now, or wait until the annual review which is due in March 1997. Commissioner Vossler asked whether or not the joint meeting with other valley Commissions should be considered as a Work Plan item or can the meeting be held without being on the Work Plan. Chairperson Hull indicated that a joint meeting was also discussed under the Cultural Master Plan, as well. CACMIN.028 2 Staff will research the process for holding joint meetings with other Commissions to ensure we are in compliance with the Brown Act. Mr. Weiss will report back to the Commission with his findings at a later date. Commissioner Vossler suggested contacting CV AG and having them host the meeting and invite Cultural Commissions valley wide to attend. The Commission wQuld like to hold the joint meeting in January/February. Chairperson Hull said she wanted to add the Cultural Calendar as a new item, and to put the Arts Advocacy project on hold until next year. Staff will review the tape of the September 23, 1996 Cultural Commission meeting and make changes to the Work Plan accordingly, and present it to the Commission at the next meeting for review and approval. D. DEPA Commissioner Sharp reported receiving a response from the McCallum Theater. The McCallum provided 6 tickets for the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, and Benita Diaz, representative from La Quinta High School, distributed the tickets to students. Commissioner Sharp will contact Community Concerts and Friends of the Philharmonic and report back next month. The Commission discussed a letter of commendation to organizations making exceptional cultural contributions to the valley. Commissioner Sharp would like to send a letter to Sherry Wollenberg, La Quinta High School Drama Department, who is putting on Shakespeare. Staff indicated that the chairperson or staff could draft the letter, however it would need to be approved by the Commission if it were to come from the Commission itself. Commissioner Vossler suggested Chairperson Hull pen the letter on behalf of the Commission. The Commission concurred to have Chairperson Hull prepare the letter and send it to selected individuals/organizations right away. Copies of each letter will be provided to the Commission in the next available meeting. At each meeting the Commission will determine who should receive the letter(s) of commendation. Commissioner Vossler suggested letters be sent to the La Quinta Arts Foundation for the Jazz Art Festival, to Round Table West and Community Concerts for their upcoming season, and Sherry Wollenberg, La Quinta High School Drama Department for Romeo & Juliet. The Commission concurred. Commissioner Vossler suggested contacting Sherry Wollenberg at La Quinta High School for tickets to Romeo & Juliet to distribute to Indio and Palm Desert High School students. Commissioner Sharp will contact her. On behalf of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, Commissioner Francis donated 8 complimentary tickets to Commissioner Sharp for the Jazz Art Festival, November 8-10, 1996 for the DEPA Program. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for September 9, 1996 - Received & filed. B. Historical preservation Commission Minutes for September 19, 1996 - Received & filed. C. Correspondence from Ramona Pageant - Received & filed. D. Correspondence from NALAA - Received & filed. CACMIN.028 3 VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS In response to Chairperson Hull, staff informed the Commission of a City Council Study Session Meeting on Wednesday, October 30, 1996 at 1 :00 PM. Staff distributed the City Council Agenda for their review. Chairperson Hull asked Council Member Sniff for background on the Study Session Meetings. Council Member Sniff stated that due to the number of items of concern the Council cannot address all of them at a regular Council meeting due to lack of time. Therefore, holding a two hour Study Session Meeting once a month to discuss certain items would allow the additional time needed to cover these areas of concern. The meeting also allows public comment, and it gives the Council the opportunity to provide direction to staff. Council Member Sniff indicated that the first meeting will cover park improvements, funding policies for the Special Projects Contingency Account, and access to the new elementary school. Chairperson Hull announced that Sculptureland is now the "Open Air Museum". It is a new nonprofit organization with an eight member Board of Directors which includes Bernardo Gouthier as President. New members are being recruited, and fundraising is planned in the future. VIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Francis/Sharp to adjourn the Cultural Commission meeting to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 1996 at 11 :30 a.m.. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.. IX. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION Wednesday, November 20, 1996 11 :30 AM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Responses to Cultural Commission Questionnaire in Chamber Newsletter · Review Letter(s) of Commendation · Consider Cultural Calendar as Component of Work Plan · Review 1996-97 Cultural Commission Work Plan · Joint Meeting with Other Commissions - Brown Act CACMIN.028 4