CAC 10 28 1996T 0 4hf 4 4 aui+crw CULTURAL COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 October 28, 1996 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda III. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of September 23 and October 2, 1996 B. Department Report 1. Attendance Report for the Month of September 1996 2. Upcoming Events V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Cultural Arts Master Plan B. Commission Meeting Time C. Revisions to Cultural Commission Work Plan D. DEPA VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for September 9, 1996 B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for September 19, 1996 C. Correspondence from Ramona Pageant D. Correspondence from NALAA VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS VIII. ADJOURNMENT IX. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION November 25, 1996 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 0 OZ • U OF TNT CULTURAL COM MSION MEETING DATE: October 28, 1996 ITEM TITI : Department Report The Parks & Recreation Department completes a monthly Department Report consisting of attendance figures for all programs, upcoming events and meetings attended. The Department Report is transmitted to City Council the second Council meeting of every month. Receive and file. �ew F� Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager CACMEMO.001 ATTACHMENTS TO: FROM: DATE: �4Q# &t!t w MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director October 15, 1996 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT: Transmittal of Parks and Recreation Department Report for the Month of September 1996 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1996: Nov 1 Temecula Wine Tour Nov 2 2 on 2 Grass Volleyball Tournament Nov 3 Flower Drum, Restaurant Tour Nov 6 Your Hit Parade, Sr. Center Nov 8 Disneyland Excursion Bowling Trip Camp at Palm Springs Lanes Nov 9 Middle School Madness, Sports Night Nov 10 Melvyn's, Restaurant Tour Nov 11 Wacky Mini Olympics Nov 13 Asset Protection Seminar Nov 14 The Investment Environment, Sr. Center Nov 17 Le St. Germain, Restaurant Tour Nov 20 Stan Miller's Big Band Dance, Sr. Center Long Term Care Seminar, Sr Center Nov 21 Thanksgiving Luncheon, Sr. Center Nov 24 Biga, Restaurant Tour Nov 29 Pharoah's Lost Kingdom MEETINGS ATTENDED IN SEPTEMBER 1996 Sept 9 CVAG - Childcare Council Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Sept 10 Agenda Review Meeting Senior Center Meeting Sept 11 Staff Meeting Sept 13 Rotary Club Presentation Sports Organizations Meeting Kidsline Coordinator Orientation Sept 17 Agenda Review Meeting Friends of the La Quinta Senior Center City Council Meeting Sept 18 Personnel Meeting Soap Box Derby Meeting Sept 19 CVAG Youth Summit Meeting Betty Ford Center Youth Meeting Sept 20 Sports Organization Meeting Sept 23 Cultural Commission Meeting Sept 24 Agenda Review Meeting Sept 26 Staff Meeting Sept 27 Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Kidsline Coordinator Sept 28 Employee Picnic ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1996 Total attendance for the month of September was 17, 027. T 0 f 4hf 464&4" PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1996 SUMMARY SHEET Meetings Per Month Participants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1996 1995 Programs Leisure Class Total 68 71 (3) 12 6 83 92 Afterschool Class Total 120 83 37 20 8 135 95 Special Event Total 90 50 40 3 1 90 50 Adult Sports Total 153 160 (7) 9 8 585 640 Senior Center Total 1,904 1,283 621 104 51 1,904 1,283 Kidsline Call Total 83 336 (318) 0 0 83 336 Boys & Girls Club of La Quinta 214 189 25 n/a n/a 214 189 Program Total: 2,632 2,172 395 148 74 3,094 2,685 Rental Attendance La Quinta Sports Complex Scorpions Soccer Club 28 0 28 5 0 140 0 AYSO Soccer 450 350 150 25 11,125 350 Palm Desert/La Quinta Footbal 160 160 0 12 1,920 160 La Quinta Wildcats 45 0 16 61 Senior Center 100 0 100 4 0 400 0 Rental Total: 783 510 278 62 0 13,646 510 PARTICIPATION GRAND TOTAL 1 3,4151 2,6821 693 214 78 17,0271 3,515 1996 1995 Variance Volunteer Hours Senior Center 946 878 68 Meals on Wheels 44 0 44 Kidsline 4 4 Parks & Recreation 12 12 Volunteer Total: 1,006 878 128 Revenue Sr. Center Revenue $4,348 $546 $3,802 Recreation Programs $6,907 $6,907 Revenue Total: $11,255 $546 $10,709 * Information Not Available Page 1 Youth and Adult Recreation Attendance Meetings Per Month Ffarticipants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1996 1995 Leisure Classes Beginning Guitar 4 18 -14 2 1 8 18 Dog Obedience 3 8 -5 1 1 3 8 Beginning West Coast Swing 5 0 5 1 0 5 0 Ballroom Dance 6 0 6 1 0 6 0 Gourmet Cooking Made Simpi 17 14 3 1 1 17 14 The Golf Swing 4 10 -6 1 1 4 10 Beginning Computers 10 0 10 1 0 10 0 Home Computers 5 0 5 1 0 5 0 Intermediate Karate 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 Youth Beginning Karate 11 21 -10 2 2 22 42 Leisure Class Subtotal 68 71 -3 12 6 83 92 After School Classes Acrobatics 12 12 0 1 1 12 12 Modeling & Fashion 6 0 6 1 0 6 0 Air Brush 1 8 0 8 1 0 8 0 Air Brush II 11 0 11 1 0 11 0 Basketball 5 12 -7 1 1 5 12 Cheerleading 12 12 0 1 1 12 12 Tiny Tap 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 Teeny Ballerina 9 0 9 1 0 9 0 Playground Hockey 6 0 6 1 0 6 0 Beginning Ballet 14 0 14 1 0 14 0 Kiddie Kung Fu 5 12 -7 2 1 10 12 .Jewelry & Crafts 8 10 -2 1 1 8 10 Golf for Fun 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 Pee Wee Soccer 4 0 4 1 0 4 0 Hawaiian Dance 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 Making Homework 5 12 -7 3 2 15 24 Pee Wee Chef 6 13 -7 1 1 6 13 Afterschool Class Subtotal 120 83 37 20 8 135 95 Special Events Ice Night 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 Punt, Pass & Kick 1 st Trials 58 0 58 1 0 58 0 Punt, Pass & Kick 2nd Trials 30 50 -20 1 1 30 50 Special Events Subtotal 90 50 40 3 1 90 50 Adult Sports Basketball 72 80 -8 4 4 288 320 Volleyball 72 80 -8 4 4 288 320 Adult Soccer Meeting 9 0 9 1 0 9 0 Sports Subtotal 153 160 -7 9 8 585 640 Page 2 Senior Center Recreation Attendance Meetings Per Month Participants Per Month 1996 1995 Variance 1996 1995 1996 1995 Sr. Activities Ambassador Attendance 95 91 4 n/a n/a 95 91 Billiards 17 10 7 n/a n/a 17 10 Blood Pressure Check 36 45 (9 4 4 36 45 Bridge Duplicate/Social 312 152 160 16 7 312 152 Creative Writing Club 50 31 19 4 4 50 31 FIND Food Distribution 159 241 (82) 4 4 159 241 Golden Tones 78 0 78 4 4 78 0 Ice Cream Social 27 0 27 4 0 27 0 Information Services 127 103 24 n/a n/a 127 103 Literacy Program 12 0 12 4 0 12 0 Monthly Birthday Party 36 25 11 1 1 36 25 Movie Time 26 19 7 4 4 26 19 Singles Club 32 0 32 4 0 32 0 Table Games 4 5 0 1 1 4 5 Television Viewing 22 13 9 n/a n/a 22 13 Sr. Activities Subtotal 1,033 735 298 50 29 11033 735 Sr. Classes AARP Mature Driving 29 12 17 1 1 29 12 Arts & Crafts 33 21 12 4 4 33 21 Bridge Lesson 18 0 18 4 0 18 0 Ceramics 17 16 1 4 4 17 16 Computer 61 0 61 14 0 61 0 Exercise 504 340 164 12 0 504 340 Line Dance 35 13 22 4 3 35 13 Painting 11 9 2 4 4 11 9 Sr. class Subtotal 708 411 297 47 16 708 411 Sr. Special Events Seminars 21 20 1 2 3 21 20 Share Meetings 8 7 1 2 1 8 7 Friends Meetings 6 7 (1) 1 1 6 7 Internet Lecture 52 0 52 1 0 52 0 Fiesta Luncheon 76 103 (27) 1 1 76 103 Sr. Events Subtotal 163 137 26 7 6 163 137 Senior Center Totals 1,904 1,283 621 104 51 11904 11283 rayv z W V _ � OF TNT CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 28, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Cultural Arts Master Plan Update BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the Cultural Commission meeting of September 23, 1996, staff provided an update on the Cultural Arts Master Plan. Commissioner Hull discussed the concept of the Master Plan, the work of the subcommittee, and the status of the survey being developed to determine the community's opinion of cultural needs for the City. The commissioners also discussed the concept of arranging a "roundtable" with other cities in the Coachella Valley and CVAG to understand what those cities' efforts are in relation to cultural events. Commissioner Hull has subsequently recommended to staff that the Arts in Public Places Commission be involved in this roundtable meeting. Commissioner Vossler was concerned that the Master Plan was too ambitious for La Quinta. She also suggested a community wide workshop, and developing an expanded mission statement for consideration by the City Council. The subcommittee was to develop a sample questionnaire, draft a cover letter, and develop a distribution plan and bring the matter back to the Cultural Commission at a special meeting on October 2, 1996. The Commission met for a special meeting on October 2, 1996 to discuss the subcommittee's report. Following some minor changes to the survey questions, the Commission approved the survey. Staff indicated at that time that the survey would be forwarded to the Chamber of Commerce for inclusion within the Chamber Newsletter. The survey would include a tear -out card with the City's address on it to facilitate return of the survey. The survey will go out with the November Chamber Newsletter which is scheduled to be mailed by November 1, 1996. Receive and file. �� Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager �.00 2•c9 v � Iy� � OF TNT CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 28, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of setting new meeting time for the Cultural Commission Meetings At the September 23, 1996 Cultural Commission meeting, Commissioner Vossler requested that this item be agendized for discussion. Currently, the Cultural Commission is scheduled to meet the 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. At least one advantage to holding the meeting in the evening is that it becomes more accessible to members of the public and other interested parties. Evening meetings however, necessitate more staff time (including overtime) thereby increasing costs to the City. Early -late afternoon meetings could keep staff costs down but may preclude interested parties from attending since they might be at work when the Cultural Commissions' meetings are held. Other commissions/boards of the City meet as follows: NAME Art in Public Places Commission Building & Construction Appeals Board Historic Preservation Commission Human Services Commission Investment Advisory Board Parks & Recreation Commission Planning Commission Traffic Committee MEETING DAY AND TIME 1st Monday each month at 3:00 p.m. Meets as needed 3rd Thursday each month at 3:00 p.m. 3rd Wednesday each month at 7:00 p.m 2nd Wednesday each month at 5:30 p.m. 2nd Monday each month at 7:00 p.m. 2nd & 4th Tuesday each month at 7:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m. for study sessions) Quarterly -times to be set As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Commission. t,�it,Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager 02 U � c4j OF CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 28, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Status Update on Cultural Commission Work Plan Pursuant to the enabling ordinance for the Cultural Commission, the City Council shall annually review the progress of the Cultural Commission. Accordingly, the City Council reviews the Cultural Commission Work Plan each year; the last review being in March 1996. The Cultural Commission considered an update of the Work Plan at their September 23, 1996 meeting. Discussion entailed leaving priorities one and two the same, changing the DEPA program, and deleting the La auinta Pageant. The Commission concurred on adding "developing a cultural calendar" to the Work Plan. At the time, staff indicated that this matter would be brought back to the Cultural Commission in October for consideration. Since the City Council "approves" the Work Plan, it would not be appropriate for the Cultural Commission to change the Work Plan without Council consideration. The Cultural Commission could begin making suggested revisions to their Work Plan and those changes could be presented to the City Council for the Council's consideration (either now or in 1997). An alternative would be to simply note the status of the Commission's efforts on the Plan to date and report same to the City Council. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The following are options available to the Cultural Commission: 1. Recommend changes to the Cultural Commission Work Plan for incorporation into the 1997-98 Work Plan to be presented to the City Council during March 1997; or, 2. Recommend changes to the Work Plan and ask that it be scheduled for consideration by the City Council at the earliest possible meeting; or, 3. Note and report the status of the Commission's efforts on the Work Plan to date; or 4. Defer action on changes to the Work Plan; or 5. Provide further direction to staff. As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Commission. "i &44-" ark Weiss, Assistant City Manager Attachments: 1. Cultural Commission Work Plan 1996-97 ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1 CULTURAL COMMISSION WORK PLAN 1996=97 000 ORPOMM F U S w5 cF'� of �9 Cultural Commission 1996m97 Work Plan Priority: 1 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Annual Work Plan Method(s) of Fulfillment: Review existing assignments, suggest assignments to fill any voids, review programs and programs being done by other cities. Suggested Resources: The work plan should be considered a living document, subject to revision during the course of routine maintenance. Expansion of Assignment: On going maintenance. Commissioner Availability: Review regularly. Commitment Required: 1 hour per month. CACWP 1 Priority: 2 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Cultural Arts Master Plan Method(s) of Fulfillment: To develop a Master Plan to encourage cultural arts in the City of La Quinta. Suggested Resources: Members of the community. Expansion of Assignment: Execute the Plan. Commissioner Availability: All Commissioners will work on the Plan. Commitment Required: 4-5 hours of Commission/Committee work per month. CACWP 2 Priority: 3 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: D.E.P.A. Program (Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts) Method(s) of Fulfillment: Provide tickets for students to attend diversified events. Suggested Resources: Each fall a subcommittee of Cultural Commissioners would spend 10-20 hours making calls to secure free or reduced rate tickets during the season. Expansion of Assignment: No growth in staff time, should be similar each year. Mostly work will be by PTA and/or school staff, if they agree to work the program. Commissioner Availability: Commissioner Sharp will chair the subcommittee. Commitment Required: 10-20 hours each fall soliciting. tickets. CACWP 3 Priority: 4 Category: On -Going Assignment Item: Arts Advocacy Method(s) of Fulfillment: Prepare guidelines and resources for parents, educators, organizations and citizens at large to advocate for arts education in La Quints schools grades K-3. Lobby for appointment of music and art coordinators/supervisors, encourage adoption of "National Standards for Arts Education." This program will be implemented in cooperation with Desert Sands Unified School District. Suggested Resources: MENC, MTNA, National Coalition .for Music Education, local art and music organizations. Staff time and funds are minimal. Utilize parent volunteers. Expansion of Assignment: The goal -is to eventually reach all students K-12 in the Desert Sands Unified School District. Commissioner Availability: All Commissioners are resources. Commitment Required: Once organized, this project will take approximately 2 hours per month. CACWP 4 Priority: 5 Category: Long Term Assignment Item: La Quinta Pageant Method(s) of Fulfillment: Creating steering committee consisting of Historical Society, Cultural Commission, Council Member, technical, theatrical, musical to lay ground work of conceptual plan and feasibility. Budget development study. Site procurement (seed civic center *ground, build temporary staging, rent seating). Suggested Resources: Request City funding, private funding, legal council, staff time, recruitment, publicity. Expansion of Assignment: g Annual event creating great visibility for La Quinta valley wide, county wide, state wide, etc. Develop into week long event including multi -discipline arts event. Commissioner Availability: Commissioner Atkins will chair the subcommittee. Commissioner Francis to assist. Commitment Required: This will require a tremendous commitment starting with the single step of forming a steering committee. CACWP 5 z U C4V AW ,dlr■�:� I : c +� OF CULTURAL COMMISSION MEETING DATE: October 28, 1996 ITEM TITLE: Status Update on Diversified Exposure to Performing Arts (DEPA) Program At the Cultural Commission meeting of September 23, 1996, staff provided an update on the DEPA program. Commissioner Sharp also gave additional background and reported that there has been no interest by any of the local performing arts theaters to provide free tickets for the DEPA program. Commissioner Sharp further reported that no parents have contacted him regarding the program. Because of these developments, Commissioner Sharp recommended that the DEPA program not be pursued at this time. Commissioner Vossler reported that she would be interested in pursuing other educational cultural events tied to youth that the Cultural Commission could consider instead of the theater ticket program. A comment was also made proposing that information regarding free performing arts events could be discussed at the proposed round table meeting of all cities. The Cultural Commission suggested that Commissioner Sharp proceed with sending out letters to see what the response is before canceling the program. This space is reserved on tonight's agenda to receive any additional information and consider appropriate action regarding the DEPA program. As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Commission. �� Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM September 9, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:16 p.m., who asked Commissioner Davis to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Johna Davis, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Absent: Commissioner Sharon Kennedy. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Cothran to excuse Commissioner Kennedy. Unanimously approved. Staff. Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes - There being no changes to the Minutes of August 12, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement - There being no questions or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Cothrun/Shamis to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Proposed artwork for City Parks: 1. Chairman Walling introduced Mr. Fernandez. Staff explained that Mr. Fernandez had met with the Engineering and Finance Departments to discuss structural and risk issues. Following that discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Fernandez contact an engineer to have the artwork structurally designed and plans signed by a registered structural engineer. Mr. Fernandez stated his purpose for being at this meeting was to confirm the art designs for the two pieces that would be submitted for Council review. APP9-9 1 Art in Public Places September 9, 1996 2. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the snake was still a consideration. Mr. Fernandez stated his problem was finding a design that was structurally sound. In reviewing the designs of other animals, except the giraffe, it was determined that whatever the design, the arch was causing structural problems. As most of his designs contained an arch it was recommended that he reduce the angle of the arch to reduce the structural problems. When the arch was reduced it change the art figure. In regards to the snake, most of the designs resembled a worm rather than a snake. 3. Commissioner Shamis asked if the metal would retain the heat and have the potential to burn someone. Mr. Fernandez stated it was the same type of metal used for public play structures or public benches. There would however, be a clear plastic coating sprayed on the metal. It has the potential of being hot due to the temperatures in the desert. 4. Commissioners discussed possibilities for the second design. Following the discussion, it was determined that Mr. Fernandez would continue to work with an engineer to achieve the structure calculations to support the two designs. 5. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Davis/Shamis to continue this item to the regular meeting in October and instruct Mr. Fernandez to obtain the engineering calculations- necessary to approve the two structures. The structures would be the giraffe figure for the Fritz Burns Park and a snake, or free form, for the Adams Avenue Park. Unanimously approved. B. Proposed Artwork for the La Ouinta Car Wash 1. Chairman Walling introduced Management Assistant Britt Wilson who presented .information on what grants would be available. He had contacted the Arts Endowment organization, and was informed that they had lost a lot of programs due to funding. Due to the loss of funds, they will not know their program guidelines until December and the funds would not be available until April -May, 1997. In reviewing State programs, he had not found any programs that would meet the requirements of this project. In regards to private foundation funding, he found that most of the companies placed a lot of restrictions on the grants which made it difficult to qualify. He then asked if the Commissioners had any suggestions or information that he would be able to investigate. 2. Commissioner Davis asked if the La Quinta Arts Foundation could apply as a nonprofit organization and do a partnership with the City. Management Assistant Britt Wilson stated this was a real possibility. 3. Commissioner Reynolds asked what the restrictions were for Consolidated Freightways. Mr. Wilson explained one of their restrictions was that the community be a freight community that housed their employees. Art in Public Places September 9, 1996 4. Chairman Walling asked if the La Quinta Arts Foundation had a bank of grant funders that could be researched. Commissioner Davis stated the Foundation had applied for and received some grants, but this was almost a full time staff position. 5. Commissioner Reynolds asked if there were any funding sources for the Obelisk Program. Management Assistant Britt Wilson asked if the project was for preservation of the existing ones or to purchase new ones as funding to replace the existing would be possible, but purchasing new ones would be more difficult. Most grant contributors prefer programs that involve children, are educational, or involve teaching, etc. Commissioners discussed with staff local companies that might be willing to give a grants, such as the Annenberg Foundation. 6. Chairman Walling stated that no matter who they pursued for the grant, it would still take four to six months to receive the grant and that was not soon enough. Staff agreed. 7. Chairman Walling thanked staff for their time and the information. 8. Commissioner Cothrun stated that until the project was defined, they would need to do more investigation. The Commission should involve the media from the beginning to make it effective. It is important to take advantage of the educational aspects of the program to involve the community. 9. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the Commission would like to table the project until more information was obtained. Commissioner Cothrun stated she would like to get the public involved from the onset of the project and she felt articles about the project would help make it favorable to the community. 10. Chairman Walling stated the Commission needed to determine what form the project would take to ensure the best results. The Commission needs to set the direction on the project. Commissioner Reynolds stated the Commission needed to select an artist, decide on an amount, and get the project stated. 11. Commissioner Reynolds asked Mr. Mike Teague if he had any suggestions. Mr. Teague, who was present to discuss the student art wall with the Commission, stated he was uncertain how much involvement the students could have in the project to make it effective. The site was a dynamic spot. He would prefer to do the project himself, but would incorporate the students if this was the directive from the Commission. 12. Commissioners discussed the proposals that had been submitted from Artists Marcia Gibbons and Paul Gilbert. APP9-9 3 Art in Public Places September 9, 1996 13. Commissioner Shamis suggested that Mr. Teague prepare a design and budget for the site that could be reviewed by the Commission at its next meeting. Mr. Teague stated he would prefer having two months to prepare the proposal. 14. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Davis to continue the project until the November meeting of the APP. Staff was directed to write a letter to Ms. Gibbons, Mr. Teague, and Mr. Gilbert, with the project parameters and price range and ask them to make a presentation at the November meeting. Discussions with staff and the Commissioners determined the budget to be less than $10,000. The project was to involve La Quinta students in everything accept the installation. The design would not be anything to benefit the commercial business. C. Student Art Wall 1. Staff informed the Commission that the City Council had approved the permanent installation of the Student Art wall. Therefore, following the Commission's direction at their last meeting, staff contacted Mr. Mike Teague for suggestions on how to enhance the appearance of the wall. 2. Mr. Mike Teague made a presentation of three different designs for the wall. The first would be a slide rack wherein the pictures would slide into the panels: The second design was to stretch steel cables across the wall tied to decorative knobs at each end of the cable. The third form would consist of using builder board covered with a textured wall paper with a painted molding outlining the pictures. Mr. Teague estimated the cost to be $700-800. 3. Following discussions, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Shamis to recommend that the third design of alternating painted frames of different sizes and shapes would be the most attractive. The budget was determined to be no more than $800.00. Unanimously approved. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: l . Budget Planning. Staff stated that Chairman Walling, at the last meeting, had stated the Commission needed to determine a budget to establish the art projects that would be pursued by the Commission. Following a discussion, staff was directed to provide the Commission with potential sites for the public art placement. In addition, other City Departments would be contacted for their suggestions. 2. W ro kshop - Staff was directed to continue gaining - information regarding the workshop. Commissioner Shamis volunteered to make phone calls to other cities with an art program, to gather an inventory of slides showing how art had impacted their cities. APP9-9 4 Art in Public Places September 9, 1996 3. Obelisks Project - Commissioner Reynolds asked that the Obelisks project be placed on the next agenda. She had spoken with a representative of the Historical Society regarding the project and they had stated they would not be able to contribute much as they were in the process of raising money to buy a building to house the Historical Society. They would like the APP to approve the project and ask Council to determine the funding source. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program B. Obelisks Project C. Brochure on the Civic Center Art purchases as well as the public art purchases. D. Continued discussion on the proposed Workshop E. Major Event Plan review ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on October 7, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:49 P.M. APP9-9 5 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA September 19, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER 3 :00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:07 P.M. by Chairman Millis, who led the flag salute. B. ROLL CALL 1. Chairman Millis requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners DeMersman, Puente, Woodard, Wright, and Chairman Millis. 2. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA: Confirmed III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of August 15, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Woodard/Wright to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Starlight Dunes 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. There being no questions, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Wright to approve the report as submitted. Unanimously approved. Historical Preservation Commission August 22, 1996 B. Lapiz Energy Archaeology Report 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Woodard asked staff how a site was determined. Staff explained that when an area is found with an accumlation of artifacts it is identified as a site. 3. Chairman Millis asked staff to define what full recovery meant. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio explained that it was when a monitor goes to a site and does a grid pattern of excavation until nothing is found. 4. There being no further discussion it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Puente to approve the report as submitted. Unanimously approved. C. Terracing, Apartments Archaeology Report 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Woodard asked what the duties of a monitor were. Staff explained that the educated opinion of the archaeologist determined what studies would be conducted on the site. Discussion followed regarding how the archaeologist makes his determinations. Staff explained that the archaeology reports are now being required at the time of submittal instead of when building permits are issued. 3. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Puente/DeMersman to accept the report as submitted. Unanimously approved. D. CLG Certificate Workshop Update 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Puente suggested staff send the brochure to some of the other agencies that might be interested in attending the workshop. Discussion followed regarding those who would benefit by attending the workshop. Historical Preservation Commission August 22, 1996 3. There being no further discussion, Chairman Millis directed staff to distribute the brochures as discussed. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Staff distributed and discussed the letters that had been sent to the consultant candidates. The Contracts for Mellon & Associates had been approved and signed by the Council and staff. VII COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Items: 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio gave a presentation on the seismic retrofit and interior remodeling of the Hacienda del Gato. a. Staff introduced Mr. Larry Spicer, representing the Sienna Corporation, new owners of the who spoke regarding the retrofit of the Hacienda del Gato. Mr. Spicer stated he would be willing to take each of the Commissioners on a tour. The plans he had with him were of the interior designof the Hacienda del Gata. At a later date they would be submitting plans for the exterior grounds and demolition that is proposed. Mr. Spicer went to to describe the proposed changes that were to be made to the site. It has been a residence and it will be converted to a sales and information center with office space. It will evolve from the one use to the other to be sensitive to the tradition of the place. The idea is to have the new construction adjacent to the old in a style that is compatible. The interior changes was to create a handicapped accessible are in the wing that use to be bedrooms. Then creating some entries between the three offices for communications. The oak floors in the library and main living area will be refinished. The ceiling tongue and groove beams will remain as they are. Over the fireplace a mantel will be installed. This area will generally be cleaned up and refurbished and address the ADA requirements at a later date. The challenge is to balance the historic character with the new Code requirements such as the ADA. The public events that are planned for later this year are generating the start of the construction. In regards to the retrofiting, during the inspection of the buildng they found that the framing extends down to the footings and therefore the roof carries the load making this building exempt from the retrofitting requirements. They have received a letter from the Builidng and and Safety Departmetn asking that they have the framing anchored to the stem wall. Due to the structural foundation of the building, they are investigating earthquake insurance to determine the structure integrity Historical Preservation Commission August 22, 1996 of the building. The stem wall is 12" wide with the footer below this. The builidng has been up 70 years and there is no evidence of any cracking. They have contracted with Knox Mellon and Associates to do a survey of the buildings and its environment. b. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented Building and Safety Director Tom Hartung who explained that the building would not require all the building modifications they originally thought it would need due to it meeting the historical requirements. Staff is currently looking at the handicapped requirements in light of the historical building. C. Commissioner Woodard asked who would make the detemrination on the ADA requirements. Staff stated the Building and Safety Department. d. Commissioner Woodard asked about updating the handicapped parking. Mr. Spicer explained where they would be located and given access to the building. Building and Safety Director Tom Hartung stated the restricitons would be lessened due to its historic nature and some concessions can be made so that the changes would not destroy the historic fabric of the building. e. Commissioner Woodard asked if the interior work could begin without the site plan being approved. Staff stated that as long as the HPC approved the project and no life or safety hazards were being created, staff would approve it. f. Commissioner DeMersman stated that in his work they had received several exemptions from the ADA due to the circumstances of historic buildings. g. Commissioner Woodard asked if the HPC reviewed the interior dsign of the buildings. Chairman Millis stated they did not. Staff stated they could have a clause added to the conditions that if the interior was of more valuable than the exterior, then neither the inside nor the outside could be modified. h. Mr. Spicer showed the design drawings of the site to the Commission. i. Commissioner Wright thanked Mr. Spicer and the Sienna organiztion for being so historically sensitive to the site. Mr. Spicer stated that the impact of the site on the community is very evident. j . Mr. Spicer thanked the Commission for their time. Historical Preservation Commission August 22, 1996 k. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to explain the procedure whereby the Commision would review a site at a historic location. What is the procedure when the Commission would do an extensive review of a project. 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio explained that under CEQA the HPC would review the entire site relative to where all the buildings are, the trees, etc. CEQA requires that no loss of integrity is being made to the buidling. It must be compatible with the historic structure. Any new buildings must be compatible with the existing. m. ' Commissioner Woodard explained that he would like to see what the addition would be constructed of and the details. Staff explained that the Commission would be reviewing the same package that would be submitted to the Planning Comission. This review was a preview to an official review. n. Commissioner DeMersman explained his experience with the compatibilty issues as they pertain to new consruction with historic sites. Commissioners discussed the different interpretations of how new construction is viewed. B. Commissioner DeMersman stated that the State Preservation Conference being held in the desert was becoming more of a reality. C. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio explained that there would be a workshop held by the California Preservation Foundation in January in Palm Springs. Commissioners were encouraged to attend any of the workshops that were being offered. D. Commissioner Puente asked if the meeting could start at 3:15 P.M. rather than 3:00 P.M. to allow her time to arrive from school. There being no objections, it was unanimously determined that the meeting would begin at 3:30 P.M. VIII.. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners DeMersman/Puente to adjourn this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to a regular meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission on October 17, 1996. This meeting of the Historical Preservation Commission was adjourned at 4:04 P.M. Unanimously approved. The Ramona Pageant The California State Outdoor Play October 1996 Dear Group Leader: RECEIVED CST16W6 CITY,FlAQUIN`1`A P T�"m f i'!C3N�dC_pT We would like to invite your group to attend the 1997 Ramona Pageant and enjoy the splendor of this beautiful play in the foothills of Mt. San Jacinto. Now in its 70th season, the Ramona Pageant has been honored as the California State Outdoor Play and has been seen by over 2 million people since 1923. No other show in the United States is presented on such a majestic outdoor stage as the natural Ramona Bowl. The story unfolds before you on an entire mountainside with cast of over 400. Based upon Helen Hunt Jackson's classic novel Ramona, the Ramona Pageant tells a poignant love story set in early California and shows the clash of three cultures which came together in California in the 1800's. The show features live horses, traditional Mexican and Native American music and dancing. Sunset Magazine called the Ramona Pageant "a handsome moment of theater." The Daily Breeze called it "a quintessentially Southern California experience" and said "the realistic scale of the setting makes the visual impact go beyond anything traditional theater can offer," and the Riverside Press Enterprise said it was "colorful... dramatic..spectacular." We have enclosed a ticket brochure along with a group sales order form which will give you more information. We have discount prices for seniors and small groups of six or more listed in the brochure. If your group has special needs or requests, we would be happy to work with you in any way possible. We have information on local hotels and RV facilities, if needed. If you have any questions, please call our box office at (800) 645-4465. We look forward to seeing you at the 1997 Ramona Pageant. Group Sales Office Ramona Pageant Association, Inc. 27400 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet, CA 92544 ❑ Telephone 909 - 658-3111 0 FAX 909 - 658-BOWL 1997 Ramona Pageant GROUP REGISTRATION/ORDER FORM (For Groups of 25 or More) Regular Prices: $19. Lower Section $16. Upper Section Group Discount• $15. Lower Section $12. Upper Section Performance Date Desired (Circle One): Saturday April 19 April 26 May 3 Sunday April 20 April 27 May 4 NUMBER OF PAID RESERVATIONS....................................................... # TICKETPRICE................................................................................... $ SUBTOTAL........................................................................................ $ PLUS POSTAGE/HANDLING FEE........................................................... + 3.00 � PLUS PARKING FEE ($10 per Bus or Minibus, to be prepaid) ......................... + (Individual autos $5, to be paid at entrance to the Ramona Bowl) TOTAL PAYMENT DUE........................................................................ $ AMOUNTENCLOSED........................................................................... $ Payment of 50% of the total is due when placing this Order. BALANCEDUE............................................................................... $ The balance is due no later than 30 days prior to the performance date. Name of Group: Name of Representative: Address: City: State Zip Telephone: ( _) FAX: (-)-- Our group will arrive via: Bus MiniBus Cars Mail this form to: Ramona Group Sales, 27400 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet, CA 92544 Or FAX your order using your VISA or MASTERCARD to: 909/658-BOWL Credit Card Information: Visa Mastercard Account Number: Expiration Date: Signature: We will be happy to loan you a 60-minute video with highlights and history of the Ramona Pageant to assist in your promotion. (909) 658-3111 (800) 645-4465 FAX (909) 658-BOWL Resta *ACAP U LCO*'(Me5acan) 2599 S. San Jacinto San Jacinto (909) 929-3340 ._...> *ALEJANDRO'S (Mexican) 3909 W. Florida Hemet (909) 766-1192 nt List ,.:... .. .... *KIM'S PAGODA (Chinese) -- 2177 S. San Jacinto is# San Jacinto (909) 925-4814 •titi'i *LA CARRETA (Mexican) 718 S. San Jacinto San Jacinto (909) 654-3314 *ANCHOR, THE LA FOGATA (Mexican) 2524 E. Florida 2999 W. Florida Hemet (909) 925-0591 Hemet (909) 925-4147 *ARTURO'S (Mexican) *FALATICO'S (Italian) *MARIE CALLENDER'S 117 N. Harvard 124 S. Harvard 3969 W. Florida Hemet (909) 658-0165 Hemet (909) 652-6851 Hemet (909) 925-7727 *BUTTON'S *FURR'S CAFETERIA *MILLIE'S KITCHEN 43271 E. Florida 3000 W. Florida 2020 E. Florida Hemet (909) 917-1144 Hemet (909) 652-4485 Hemet (909) 658-9068 *CHINA PALACE (Chinese) *HAMBY'S CAFE II MI RANCHITO (Mexican) 475 W. Stetson 43430 E. Florida 1493 S. San Jacinto Hemet (909) 925-3739 Hemet (909) 927-8511 San Jacinto (909) 654-7274 *CHINA PALACE (Chinese) *HIDEAWAY, THE *MR. T'S FAMILY 25482 San Jacinto 2387 S. San Jacinto 2563 S. San Jacinto Hemet (909) 929-4343 San Jacinto (909) 652-0892 San Jacinto (909) 929-3443 *COCO'S *HONG KONG (Chinese) *PEKING (Chinese) 3246 W. Florida 3675 W. Florida 2110 E. Florida Hemet (909) 925-3040 Hemet (909) 658-9889 Hemet (909) 652-8098 *D. J. RESTAURANT *HOMETOWN BUFFET SHARI'S 25157 San Jacinto 3041 W. Florida 2100 W. Florida Hemet (909) 925-5713 Hemet (909) 652-0282 Hemet (909) 929-3553 *DATTILO'S (Italian) *I.H.O.P. SISTER'S SECRET GARDEN 40880 E. Florida 1380 E. Florida TEA ROOM & CAFE Hemet (909) 658-4248 Hemet (909) 929-2905 1312 W. Florida Hemet (909) 658-6461 *DENNY'S *JENNIFER'S 1770 W. Florida 1032 W. Florida *SIZZLER Hemet (909) 925-8616 Hemet (909) 925-3013 1023 E. Florida Hemet (909) 658-2428 *DENNY'S *JOSE (Mexican) 2675 W. Florida 1691 W. Florida STEER IN STEIN Hemet (909) 652-1346 Hemet (909) 765-3181 3104 W. Florida Hemet (909) 658-68M *EL SARAPE (Mexican) J.R.'S 253 E. Stetson 41833 E. Florida *SWEET ABAGAIL'S BBQ Hemet (909) 766-2959 Hemet (909) 658-7932 3695 W. Florida Hemet (909) 652-0371 *EMILIO'S (Mexican) KENNY ROGERS ROASTERS 2340 S. San Jacinto 2204 W. Florida *VENTURE INN San Jacinto (909) 925-3721 Hemet (909) 765-2711 1275 S. State Hemet (909) 929-7080 *Accomodates large groups See over for Other Listings