CACMIN 09 23 1996 CULTURAL COMMISSION MINUTES September 23, 1996 I. CAll TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Cultural Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room. Chairperson Hull presided over the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Honey Atkins Commissioner Susan Benay (Vice Chairperson) Commissioner Susan Francis Commissioner Kathryn Hull (Chairperson) Commissioner Archie Sharp Commissioner Judy Vossler MEMBERS ABSENT: One Vacancy STAFF PRESENT: Marty Nicholson, Parks & Recreation Director II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Staff requested that the Department Report be moved from the Consent Calendar and added to the Business Items as item F. Commissioner Atkins/Sharp moved to approve the agenda with the one change as requested. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENT - None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Benay requested a change to her comment regarding Commissioner Items to add that she recommended that the Art Internet would be a good tool for the Cultural Commission. Commissioner Vossler requested Alhmanson spelled correctly. Commissioner Francis/Atkins moved to accept minutes with corrections. Unanimous. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. La Quinta Pageant - Staff gave update on City Council action that resulted in a contractual agreement between La Quinta Productions and the City of La Quinta. The contract will require two progress reports by the La Quinta Productions, Inc.. A discussion followed on the role of the Cultural Commission in the La Quinta Pageant project at this point. Staff suggested that the progress reports should come before the Cultural Commission as informational items. Commissioners discussed the requirements for information of a cultural nature to be shared at the commission level. Commissioner Sharp/Benay moved to dissolve the subcommittee of the La Quinta Pageant project. Unanimous. B. Cultural Arts Master Plan - Staff gave update on the Cultural Arts Master Plan. City Council approved the Cultural Commission hosting workshops instead of formal meetings to help develop the Cultural Arts Master Plan. Chairperson Hull discussed the work of the subcommittee regarding the tasks needed to complete in order to put together a cultural master plan. Areas to survey include: music, visual arts, theater, dance, film, literary arts, architecture, artifacts and others. Chairperson Hull discussed the need to meet more than once a month in order to complete the task. Commissioners discussed elements of completing the required surveys and the process for completion. 1 Commissioner Vossler requested more information regarding the purpos& of a Cultural Arts Master Plan. Commissioners Hull and Benay explained the purpose of a Cultural Arts Master Plan. Chairperson Hull explained that an assessment of the community would be the first step by identifying the arts programs that are currently in the community and then recommend the direction for the future. Commissioner Vossler voiced a concern regarding funds to do a direct mail campaign. Discussion followed on how to conduct the workshops required in order to develop a cultural arts master plan. Commissioner Francis asked how many cities within Coachella Valley have developed a cultural arts master plan? Commissioner Benay discussed the status of other cities in regards to the development of cultural arts master plan. No cities in Coachella Valley have a plan in place but at least two cities are looking into the possibility. Commissioner Vossler suggested having a representative from other cities come and update the commission on their efforts in the promotion of arts. Commissioners discussed a round table meeting with other cities and CV AG to understand what is happening around Coachella Valley. Chairperson Hull suggested that the Cultural Commission would like to hear what the other cities Commissions are doing. Commissioner Atkins suggested the subcommittee develop a sample questionnaire, draft a cover letter, develop a distribution plan and develop a time line for the next meeting. The subcommittee should be developing the format for the first workshop and bring back the suggestions for the next meeting. Information can be distributed through the use of flyers, newspapers and chamber newsletter. Commissioner Vossler suggested a community wide workshop forum and information gathering. Commissioner Vossler discussed taking the information and developing an expanded mission statement and put some goals and objectives down for City Council consideration. Commissioner Vossler voiced a concern of having the cultural arts master plan project too big a project for a city the size of La Quinta. Commissioner Vossler suggested developing a smaller scale plan and presenting the concept to City Council for more support in the future for a larger master plan project. Commissioner Hull requested sending this item back to subcommittee for development and presented to the commission at the next meeting. The subcommittee will work on developing the items requested and come back before the Commission. C. D.E.P.A. - Staff gave an update on the program. Commissioner Sharp discussed the program in retrospect as informed by ex-commissioner Berlinger. Commissioner Sharp has c9ntacted the McCallum Theater, Palm Springs Follies and Annenberg Theater. Commissioner Sharp expressed concern regarding the reception of the program. The theaters were not interested in giving the free tickets due to difficult financial times and no parent has contacted Commissioner Sharp regarding the program. Commissioner Sharp recommends this program not be pursued at this time due to lack of participation. Commissioner Vossler is interested in looking at educational cultural events tied to youth that the commission could consider as future programs instead of the theater ticket program. It was suggested that information regarding free performing art events be discussed at the round table meeting of all cities regarding cultural events The Commission suggested Commissioner Sharp go ahead and send the letters and see what the response is before canceling the program. D. Election of Officers - Chairperson Hull opened the floor for nominations. Commissioner Benay/Sharp nominated Commissioner Hull as chairperson. Unanimous. Commissioner Francis nominated Commissioner Vossler, Commissioner Vossler declined. Commissioner Vossler/Benay nominated Commissioner Sharp as Vice Chairperson. Unanimous. 2 E. Work Plan Update - Staff gave report on the background of the Work Pial.. The Cultural Commission's Work Plan was last reviewed by City Council on March 5, 1996. Chairperson Hull went over the Work Plan page by page. Revisions were suggested to keep priority one and two the same, changes to the D.E. P.A. program,and arts advocacy will remain the same and eliminate the La Quinta Pageant from the Work Plan. Commissioner Sharp wanted to know if the Commission had the authority to send letters of commendation to events. Discussion followed regarding how to send support letters to art promoters in an effort to encourage art activity within La Quinta and Coachella Valley. Chairperson Hull suggested adding developing a cultural calendar for the City of La Quinta as a project in the Work Plan. Commissioner Vossler concurred that the commission should be developing a calendar. Staff will bring back the revisions to the Work Plan at the October meeting for commission consideration. Commissioner Benay will be the contact for the development of the calendar. F. Department Reports - Staff presented the information on programs within the parks and recreation department for Cultural Commission information. Staff explained the report format to the commission. The reports will be jncluded in the future so the Cultural Commission can see what types of dance, art and theater classes are being offered by the department. The Commission may want to give input on the nature and ~cope of future offerings for the public through the Parks and Recreation Program. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Commission Minutes for July 8 and August 12, 1996. B. Historical Preservation Commission Minutes for June 20 and July 18, 1996. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Benay announced October is National Arts and Humanities Month. Commissioner Benay thanked commissioners for the opportunity to serve as the Vice-chair of the Cultural Commission this past year. Commissioner Benay discussed her many involvements through a number of organizations which keeps her schedule very busy. Commissioner Benay announced she will wed on October 12, 1996, in Hawaii. B. Commissioner Vossler requested the time of the commission meeting be placed on the agenda for discussion. C. Commissioner Sharp reported that Commissioner Hull and Sharp attended several performances in Los Angeles. VIII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioner Atkins/Vossler to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly scheduled Cultural Commission meeting on October 28, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m. IX. NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPIC Monday, October 28, 1996 7:00 P.M. La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room · Commission Meeting Time · Work Plan Approval · Cultural Arts Master Plan · D.E.P.A. Update 3